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03x15 - Bow Stubborn Knees

Posted: 10/02/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
Watch it!

Fancy your chances, there, mate?

She's my ex. Wife, that is.

Pretty standard terms and
conditions. Have a look through it.

Nah, I'm sure it's fine.

With that, you'll be
the proud owner of K.

I need to talk to you about our
loan. I'm afraid I'll have to call
it in.

What, all of it?
'Fraid so.


Exciting. Very John le Carre.


Secret location,
clandestine meeting.

Not exactly out of the handbook, but
when it comes to mobile banking...

And I really appreciate it, Lloyd.

If you don't mind me asking,
why all the secrecy?

I just don't need a bunch of
questions from my nosy family
and workmates.

Fair enough.


Well, I had a good look at your
application for a loan for...


Quite. To the family residence.

Yeah, well, downstairs
needs a bit doing too.

As you know, we've had a number of
attempts to do business with your

And unfortunately, there's always
been some kind of speed bump.

So I'm sure you understand...

I'm over the moon
we can help you out.

You're kidding.

Shit, that's fantastic.

(CHUCKLES) Exciting. Very exciting.

Now, all we need
are your signatures.

Um, signatures?

The , will be secured against
your house, which is held in joint

so we need both signatures —
you and your husband.

Is that a problem, Mrs West?


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

And what's this for?

Have you, ah,
heard from Wolf lately?

What are you doing?
I need some money, so I need
your father's signature,

and I want to know what
kind of mood he's in.


Well, the first thing he'll ask is
what the f*ck you're doing this for.

That's not going to matter.

You're taking a loan over his house.

(SCOFFS) His house?

Mum, do you want my help or not?

I just want to do some renovations.

Oh, OK. Well, Dad won't buy that.

OK. Let's just say that
Queen's Counsels don't come cheap.

What? This is to cover
Wayne's legal bill?

It's to pay Gary.
Gary Savage?

Yeah, he recommended a good lawyer
and said if I needed help to pay—

Gary loaned you grand?

There's a contract, right?

Of course.

He has the right to recall
the loan at any time for any reason,
days' notice.

(CHUCKLES) You're kidding, right?

You signed that?
You didn't even look at it.

The point is,
he needs the money back.

I dunno. Something about being
put over the rack by his ex-wife.

Oh! grand! I can't believe it!


I finally got one over him.

Yeah, well, if you'd thought
to read the f*cking contract—

Can you spare me the lecture?

f*ck, Mum.

Let me look at this, see if
there's anything I can do.

Cheryl. Oh, God, thank Christ
you are here. I have been stressing—

What is this?

Um, fabric for undies.

How many undies?

It got delivered this morning.

From Mr Singh?

Not exactly.

Um, well, I had this great idea.
You know how Mr Singh always puts
on a % markup?

I thought, 'Why not go
to the manufacturers?'

So I got the number of the factory
in Gunandong — that's in China.

And I stayed up late to call them.

Casey, we wouldn't
use this in a year.

And these are all the same!
You bought a whole container load
of leopard-skin velour?!

You always say I need to get my head
around the business. Something went

Yeah, it was late at night.
There were language difficulties.

You weren't pissed?

No, Cheryl. Shit, no. How
could you think that of me?

You were pissed.

OK, maybe Munt and I had a brandy
with our burgers, or two or three.

Jesus, Casey!

They faxed me the contract,
and I signed it, and I didn't
check the numbers.

Shit, I am so sorry, Cheryl.

If you have a problem, take it up
with my ex. She's the one who turned

How is that my mum's fault?

Danielle ever say which cocksucker
lawyer did her dirty work?

I haven't seen her.


Look, my mother
doesn't deserve this.

She know you're here,
pleading her case?

Of course not.

Now, time for a drink, take a weight
off. It's driving me nuts, watching
you hobble around.

Is my father behind this?


When did he come
into the conversation?

I know you guys have a history.

I want to know if any
favours are being called in.

How would I help him?

By getting at Mum.

You're welcome to join me for
a beer, Jethro, but any business
we talk, that's business between us.

No, thanks.

I've got some other
business to attend to.

You're room's the other one —
the ugly one.

I need your help.

I don't believe you.

I wouldn't humiliate myself like
this unless it was necessary.

Did something really
bad happen? How bad?

I've been trying to find a shop,
to open a second Video Hut.

You don't own the first one.

It's a long story. You'd be bored.

OK, well, what's the disaster?

I've been looking for a place
to rent, and I've found it.

There's foot traffic, there's
parking, space for video shelves,
and no other video shop nearby.

It's perfect.

So go do it and stop boring me,
and shut the door on the way out.

There's a problem.

Can I help you?

Pointed toes, Loretta. If I wanted
you to dance like a sheep shearer,
you'd wear gumboots.

Hag-features Mrs Haggerty?

It's her shop? She still does it?

Still the Irish dragon.

Oh man. After what you did to her.

Like I said, there's a problem.

She hates you.

But, for some weird reason,
she always loved you.

No, it's actually not that weird.

I have the willowy physique and
creamy complexion of your classic
Irish Doreen.


Whatever. You're still f*cked.
She'll never rent you the shop.

But she might rent it to you.

I'll give you free DVDs for the rest
of your life. I will name the kid
after you.

OK, I'll do it.
Please, Pascalle. I really
need this, so whatever it...

What did you just say?
I'll do it.

Just like that?
No bribery or extortion?

No, just seeing you beg
is its own special reward.


So if you'd shown me this
piece of shit in the first pl—

Yeah, I already got I was screwed.

Yeah, he could foreclose on you.

Doubly screwed.

Can you pull any money
out of the business?


No. I mean, if he had a thing for
leopard skin, my problems would be

Buying in bulk.
You must be doing OK.

Casey shelled out on a great deal.
Turned out it was just a %


So it's the house or nothing.

Dad's not going to go for that.

How is he?

You're in each other's
pockets, aren't you?

Yeah, when he found out that Judd
got off the charges, he kind of went

How is that your fault?

Yeah, I mentioned that.

He went more ballistic.

Yeah, well.

Do you feel like a drive?

You going to go to Waikeria?

He's given me enough grief.
It's about time he got some back.

It's not going to work.

Why not?

Just won't.

Well, you got no answers, I've got
no choice. Let's see the bastard.


My heavens. Pascalle West.

Hello, Mrs Haggerty.

It must be, what, nine years?
Are you still dancing?
Me? No.

Thank God. You never had any sense
of rhythm. But it was lovely to see
your smiling face.

What can I do for you, then?

Well, actually, um—

Stand straight, You've grown quite
beautiful breasts. Why point them at
the ground?

Now, you were saying?

I saw the 'for rent' sign.

It's lease.

Oh. Well, yeah.

I'm interested in taking it.

Really? That's wonderful news.

Now, what do you want the shop for?

I'm opening a video store.

Does that mean you'll be
leaving the Janet Frame?

How did you know that?

I assume you're not a resident,
dear, so you must work there.

Well, yeah, I do.

But I'm moving into video retail.

Oh. Franchise or
stand-alone operation?

Um, well...

Perfectly simple question,
Pascalle. So which one is it?

One of them.

I need to know that whoever takes
the lease on my shop is reliable.

You don't seem to know the first
thing about your business.

I could check.

Pascalle, would you like to tell
me what's really going on here?

Wolfgang West.

Yeah, I just want to get
my name on the visitors list.

Cheryl West. I'm his wife.

Yeah, I'll hold.

I had a great idea for the material,
so I got some samples sewn up.

So, you've got the leopard-skin
bra-and-panties set, and that comes

a little leopard-skin purse.
And to go with it...

What the hell's that?

Dildo holders, and they
come in three sizes —

they Hayley Westenra petite;

the Lorraine Downs, for those with
mid-range needs; and the Beatrice

And to go with the Beatrice,
a leopard-skin handkerchief,

cos honey, you know your
eyes will be watering.


Case, get real. I mean, how many
people really need a dildo holder?
Some people.

And we could make leopard-skin
dildo holders for an entire f*cking
continent— Yes, I'm still here.

I'm trying, Cheryl.

No, no. Wolfgang West,
middle name Theodore.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd just
love to hold again. Sure (!)

Oh, hey.

What are you doing here?

I just had to see it for myself —
miles of fake leopard skin.

Is that important?
No. No, no, no.

So, eh? Casey's not
employee of the month.

Well, she was just trying
to save us some money.

That worked out a treat (!)

Well, everyone's entitled
to a mistake, eh?

Yeah. There's mistakes and there's
really f*cking stupid. How long does
it take to read a contract?



It's unlocked.

Hey. ]

How's the leg?

Oh, I haven't had to sh**t
myself in the head yet, so...

That's a relief.
Yeah. Well, not really.
I broke these.

Ah. Well, you can keep them.


Yeah, that's the rest of your stuff.

It is just plastic.

Yeah, well, you didn't return my
phone calls, so I thought maybe you
wanted to recycle.

Are these for recycling too?

Well, you could compost them,
I guess. Or put them in a vase.

They're lovely.

Hey, uh, do you want
to stay for a drink?

I can't.

What about, um, go out for a drink?

I can't.


To say thank you?

I can't. See you, Jethro.


[ Well?

I think it's a no.


Uh, because she knew.
Knew what?

Well, you know what she's like,
with the staring eyes. It's like
X-ray vision. She made me tell her.

Tell her what?

That you were the one who
wants to rent the place.


She got inside my brain.
It was like the time we were in
class and you did the fake farting.


Who did that?

Blowing off.

Breaking wind.

Do you think that's funny?

You were such a wimp.

You were trying to blame me.

I was trying to get thrown out.

But you were so good at Irish
dancing, which was so not fair,
cos I was the one with the looks—

It might be all right.

She might have forgotten. The
under- nationals were a long time

And you can tell your evil little
sister that maggots will be eating
my rotting flesh

before she takes
the lease on my shop.

No, I think she remembers.


Yes. Wolfgang Theodore.

What do you mean, 'No current
inmates'? There must be some

No. No, no, no. I'm sure your
computer system's reliable,
but can you tell me—?

Yeah, I've heard of the Privacy Act,
but I'm married to the bastard.

What are you doing, woman?

I know you know, so for once in your
life, give me a straight answer.

Van did that, and no way am
I cleaning up his skid marks.

It's about Wolf.
What about him?

He's out of prison,
but you knew that, didn't you?

It was a breach of parole,
not ag rob. They let him out.

Two weeks ago.

You didn't think I should know?

Wolf didn't want you to know.

He came to town for some business,
then he went off. Or so he said.

Went where?
I dunno, but a man might feel
annoyed, cuckolded in his own house.

Save the guilty bullshit,
Ted, and tell me where he went.

He never said. I never asked.

Hey, Cheryl. How are ya?

Do you know where my husband is?

Legal husband or Sergeant Wayne,
who could be considered—?

I mean Wolf, your boss.
He's not my boss, Cheryl.

Where the f*ck is he?

That's between me and my associate.

Do you want a punch, Falani?

Cheryl! That's not
how a nice lady talks.

I am one f*cking angry nice lady.

(CHUCKLES) You and Mrs Falani have
a lot in common. You should get tog—


Wolf came to me. He wanted some
money from the business. He got it,
he went.

He went where?

Uh, when an elephant loses his mate,
he walks through the forest, and he
walks and walks—

Are you trying to piss me off?

I'm only trying to say
that Wolf is a different man.

So where is he?

I don't know, Cheryl. Really.


We're all going to watch Loretta.


So. Loretta West.

Mrs Haggerty. It's been a long time.

Not long enough.

Pascalle said that you're
still upset about what happened.

But I was years old. I'm
a grown-up now, and I run my
own business.

And I'd really like to talk to you.

Good heavens.

A little Loretta West about to come
into the world? Well, God save us.

I'm not here to discuss
my personal life.

I don't see a ring. Where is he?

The one who scattered
his seed in your furrows.

Run a mile, has he?

Well, well. How the mighty have
fallen. Clever Loretta West,
a teenage solo mother.

I'm not a mother yet.

But you pretty soon will be.

Mrs Haggerty, I'm
here to talk business.

How will you run a business,
stuck on your own with your bastard

I won't be looking after it.

How can you ignore a crying infant?

My mum will do it.
She says that now.

You know my mother.

She dyes her hair and she smokes.

What has that got to do with it?

You think it's so easy
to forget your offspring?

Just to put them to one side?

You never had any children.

I had hundreds of children.

Some lumpy, some stupid, some with
only the merest crumb of talent.

How many had the skill, the talent
and the spirit to go all the way,
even to the All Irelands?

This really isn't—
See here, everyone.

This is Loretta West.
Let her be a lesson to you.

Mrs Haggerty—
Have you any idea what it feels like
to devote your life to your art,

only to find yourself standing
on the side of a draughty stage
in Hastings, ,

at the under- nationals, in front
of every teacher in the country,

only to find that the finest pupil
you have ever taught has run away?

So don't you come in here asking
me for any favours. Get out! Now!

OK. Fine.
OK, run, run, run, just like
you did before. Go on, run!

You can run, Loretta, but there's
no running from your future.


Jethro. Hello again.

Did you get the flowers?

Uh, yes, I got them.
It's not necessary.

Yeah. Well, I didn't send them
because they were necessary.

Look, um, I've got a list
of possible reasons here.

Maybe you could help
me tick them off.

Number one — is it the w*nk*r thing?



Is it about Gary?


Is it just me? Or you don't
want to be involved with anyone?

Uh, the last one.

All right, well, in that case,
there's this restaurant I've been
thinking about taking clients to.

It's, um, Euro-Asian fusion.


I need someone who knows their
fish sauce from their fish fingers
to give me an opinion.

That's your pitch?

Strictly professional.

I've made a booking for tonight.

I can't, sorry.

What? You've got
something else to do?

(SIGHS) Jethro, I've made a promise
to myself — no more games, no more
lying, no more bullshit.

But I'm not lying to—


Did you know Wolf was out?

What do you mean, 'out'?
Of jail.

As of last week. He called in to see
Ted and Falani and then took off,
or so they said.

Well, he never called me.

Join the club.
You can find him, can't you?

Not if he doesn't want to be found.

Yeah, he's a prick like that.

The worse thing is,
he's not even dead,

so I can't inherit
his part of the house.

OK. The thing I don't understand —
it's Judd's legal bill, right?

Why can't he use his perf money?

He wrote a cheque,
and Gary talked him out of it.

He said he thought he was better
off investing in the security firm.

It's going well?

Yeah. Well, that was before
his major client bailed on him.

Gary Savage?

So, what does Wayne think about
Gary calling in the loan now?

[ You haven't told him.

Got myself into this. I can get
myself out. Wayne's got his own shit
to deal with.

Look, Mum.

There's something you should know.

Gary's motives in all this —

it might not be purely business.

What do you mean?

Gary ties your house
up against the loan,

gets Judd to sink money that could
have bailed you out into another
business, then calls it in?

You think Gary set me up?
Why the hell would he do that?


Gary and Wolf go back, Mum.

There's a connection there.

What sort of f*cking connection?

Ah, I'm not sure, exactly,

but Gary owes Dad for something —
maybe some kind of job or something.


How long have you known about this?

I came—
No, how long have you f*cking known?

Hey, I didn't know you were going to
sign your f*cking life away, did I?

Have you seen Cheryl? I've tried
her cellphone, her workplace.

She was here a while ago, grumpy
as f*ck, then she buggered off.

Hmm. Must be the fabric.

What? ]

She's having problems at work.

No, it's cos she
found out about Wolf.


What about Wolf?

Oh, you haven't heard, piggy-wig?

How f*cking dare she? What
has a kid got to do with it?

Well, they are quite hard work.

But I won't be looking after it.

People change when they have kids.
The hormones — they totally kick in.


The breastfeeding hormones.

No way will I be doing that.

But you'll still get them. It's
like being hit over the head with
a cricket bat.

And you read this where —
the Harvard Medical Journal (?)
New Idea.

And Carena Balani was going to
get rid of hers, but the hormones
got her, even though they're ugly.

What is your point?

Just forget about the shop. Hag
Features is never going to let you
have it, and with a kid...

You really think I'm going
to change? Cos of this?

Everyone thinks so — Grandpa, Mum.
You won't be able to help it.

I will.

And I am not backing down just
because she's an evil old cow.
I'm getting that shop. I have to.

Cool. Are you going to slap her?

Hey. Everything OK?

Yeah, I'm just getting
changed. I've got a meeting.

A meeting, eh?

You seem a bit on edge?
Oh, well, you know — half a ton
of leopard skin will do that to you.

Any news?

Well, I sent a grovelling fax back
to the suppliers asking if they'd
take back % of what we got.

At least I now know the Cantonese
for 'stick it up your arse'.

If Casey gets any more wound up,
I'm going to have to get her
a prescription for Valium.

What's the meeting?

Oh, it's just a thing.

You know, showing some potential
clients around the workshop.
Gotta go.

[ Cheryl.

Thanks for agreeing to meet me.

My pleasure.
Now, drink?

This is meant to be business.

Something wrong?

You and Wolf. What the f*ck is
going on? What are you up to?

You heard about that?

From Wolf, was it?
Have you seen him?

He's not hiding
around here anywhere.

You haven't answered my question.
You haven't answered mine.

From Jethro.


Good on him. Loyal son and all that.

Now, a drink.

Then I'll talk about anything.

Including Wolf.
Does that work for you?


Hello again, Mrs Haggerty.

Hold it there, Heloise. (BANGS CANE)


I want to lease your shop. I'll
pay you over the odds to do it.

And if I was foolish enough
to give you the lease,

how do I know you won't run
away again, like you did at
the nationals?

I did not run away.

She's telling the truth. She was
there, stealing from cars in the car

Oh. The perfect recommendation (!)

I didn't dance in your stupid
competition because I was making
a stand.


Not good enough! Not for a champion.

Straight! Light! Zeal and vigour!
Now, do it again.

Properly! ]
You're a bully.

Of course I was bullying.
It's competitive dance.

I was sick of being told what to do!

Now we're getting somewhere.

Loretta West does what she likes.
No one tells her what to do, right,

I am not a child. I am a responsible
adult, and I want to lease your

I can show you accounts, bank
statements, and I can pay you in

(SCOFFS) You think I
care about any of that?

Well, what do you want, then?

Do you remember the dance you were
to perform at the under- nationals?

The treble jig.

You do remember.
Of course I do.

Do that dance for me now,
and the shop is yours.

That is crazy. And can that
little girl stop holding now?

It's what I want.
Take it or leave it.

I'll take it.

So, how do you know him?

We did a couple of jobs together,

but Wolf's approach to business
didn't really fit my corporate

Remember a certain job that
went down in a warehouse full of
cellphones? A parallel-import thing?

You were in on that?

No, no. Wolf did a number on me.

I brought in those phones.

Wolf heard about it,
decided to do the dirty.

But he got caught when your
boyfriend fitted him up.

(CHUCKLES) It's a funny old world.
But I never got my phones back.

So, what does this
have to do with me?

You're right.

I hooked you in. But not as a favour
for Wolf. The opposite, in fact.

He owes me, big time.

What can I say? I'm an opportunist.

Wolf f*cked you over,
and I'm the one in the shit?

That's about the size of it.
I am a pawn in some boys' game?

You play chess?
f*ck no.

Is there anyone else you're trying
to f*ck over I should know about?

No. That should do for now.

I'm glad you're f*cking amused (!)

Keep your hair on.

I'm not out to get your house.

Why the f*ck not?

Well, I'd feel like shit about that,
now that I've got to know you.

Nice, but it won't pay your debt.

Well, I was thinking —
a share of your business.

I owe you $ , . You could
have the whole operation for that.

I don't want to run a knickers
company. I wouldn't know the first
thing about it.

What do you expect
to get out of this?

You know how I started in business?

I feel sure you're gonna tell me.

You like this with your kids?

Like what?

No wonder they're scared of you.

They're not. They're shits.
Your business?

I had one digger, turned it
into two. Went from diggers into
property. Some parallel importing.

It's a long way from
diggers to knickers.

It's diversity.

And what do you get out of it,
apart from diversity?

I get a savvy business partner.

You get to keep your house.

What about your ex-wife —
all that cash?

She might just have to wait.

Unless she wants to sue.
There's always an upside.


OK, well, thank you for the drink.

And the, um, clarification.

So, what's your answer?

You started with one digger.
I started with one husband who
ran my life and still tries to.

I don't need another bloke messing
with my business and telling me what
to do.

It's a good offer.
You won't get better.

And I've got days to find
something better, and I'm going
to use every f*cking minute.


Hello, Jethro.

I need to know what it's going
to take for you to go out with me.

That's not going to happen.

OK, you want honesty, so here we go.

You kissed me, and it was
the best kiss I've ever had.

Was it so bad for you?

Not so bad.

OK, so, how about dinner?

What is this — some kind of
challenge for you because someone
said no to you?

Why do you assume I'm so bad?

I can see it.

What, have I got horns
growing out of my head?

No. You're handsome and charming and
clever, and the world's your oyster,

Well, I can be uglier, ruder and...
(LAUGHS) more stupid, if that works
for you.

Look, I've still got the booking
for . I could pick you up.

I can't go out.

You can't or won't?


This is stupid. We can
look for another shop.


I'll just tell her you changed your
mind. You don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.

But what if your waters
break all over the floor?

Yuck. Stop it.

Let's get this done.

Very well.

Everyone, Loretta West
is going to dance for us.



Do it again, properly.


Shoulders back. Do it again.


Hips forward. Do it again!


Toes pointed. Do it again.



Oh, Christ! What the f*ck now?!

Passion, Loretta. It's your job to
bring the joy of the dance to your


Enough. She's done
your stupid dance.

She's not done it until she's
done it to my satisfaction.

It is not good for her.

Well, Loretta? Are you going to run
way like you did the last time?

Play the f*cking music. Ah!


Back straight.


In time. In time.

[ Higher.


ECHOES: You can run, Loretta, but
there's no running from your future.

That's not high. Higher!




Take your lease and
stick it up your arse.

No. Pascalle!
We're going.

No. I can't.
This is bullshit. It's just
a stupid shop. Come on.

No. I won't. Let me go.

I have to do it or she's right.
It's over. It's all f*cking over.

Loretta, you are scaring me here.

PANTS: I have to do it.


Here to gloat, are you?

One last laugh at the useless
preggo loser with no future?

Fill in your details.

Fill in your details. I want three
months in advance. The name of the
leasing agent's at the bottom.

We'll have no contact.
It's better that way.


You don't want to come out.
I get that. So I brought it to you.

OK, look, I'm not a saint, but you
want to know who I think's lying

Gary f*cked you over, not me,
so there's no reason you can't
trust me.

I'll prove that to you, I promise.

(CHUCKLES) The chef was
a complete arse about it.

Just try it.

Let me know what you think.

Jethro. ]

Come in.

We're not eating in here?


You should keep your
weight off your leg.

So, what happened to all the
reasons why this is a bad idea?

You were right.

I was lying.

Especially about this.

Uh, leopard-skinned Armed
Offenders Squad uniforms.

Oh, scull!

Why does it have to
be about cops with you?

Oh, Pascalle!


Leopard skin is
just huss. I'm sorry.

Oh, scull!


I'm seeing an installation.

What's that?
Well, it's art, but bigger.

We cover the whole of Woodhill
Forest in leopard skin

as a statement about the colonial
takeover of Tane's domain.

Man, you must be wasted, bro.
f*ckin' eh, bro.


Cheer up. You won in the end.

Nah. She's right. I'm f*cked.

Can you hurry up and have your kid?
Cos you a way more fun when you can
smoke dr*gs.

Van. ]
OK, I've got it.

Little leopard-skin
coats for animals.

Ohh! ]

You know, cos they get cute little
jackets for their little paws.

MUNT: Oh, hey, Mrs West.
We've been waiting for you.

Wow. Wow. This looks, um, leopardy.


Whoa. Hey. Get back
on your chair, pussycat.

There's a plate in the oven for you.

Cheryl, now that you're here,
I have something to say.

(CLEARS THROAT) I think that it's
best for you and for Hoochie Mama,

and for me, as a person
with limitless potential —

but still burdened by the
inner flaws of a Sagittarian—

Case, shut the f*ck up.

You're not resigning. Don't be
a d*ck. It's all been sorted.


I see I got a bargain.

Yeah. Yeah, you did.

Mr Singh?!

I sold it to him. We lost on
the deal, but we don't go under.

Oh, shit. That's great.

But don't you ever, ever f*cking
call China again, not even when
you're sober.

And don't cry.

I can't help it.

Took a bloody long
time, that meeting.

Yeah. Yeah, then...

There was something else.
Just trying to sort it.

What about him?

Maybe you could tell me.

Did you think I was with Wolf?

Well, I heard he was out.
Ted helpfully passed on that

What an arsehole.

[ Yeah, he can't help it.

You've got nothing to worry
about. You know that? Nothing.

I realised something.
It's time for a clean start.

What does that mean?

Wolf's not here. God knows where he
is, but if... when he ever turns up,

I'm going to get a divorce.


Um, sweetie, you should be in bed.

What's wrong with his leg, Mum?

Um, Robbie, this is Jethro.
Jethro, this is my son Robbie.

Your son?


Robbie. Hello.

Come on. It's not wake-up time yet.


Hi. I'm hoping you can help me.

I haven't... ever really done
anything like this before.

I need some advice on
how you adopt a child.

No. No, no, no. I don't want a kid.
I want to get rid of one.

I mean...

I want to give my child
to the best possible home.