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05x02 - Bolum 123

Posted: 10/03/23 05:43
by bunniefuu
Sultan Alaeddin planned a secret organization
to stand up to Mongol invasion once.

Those brave men who are going to participate to this organization
and their secret meeting place were exposed by Mongols and
our spies' names are written on a paper.

It's hidden in a chest
in the palace.

In that chest, there are names and jobs of Beys, brothers
and officials who will keep the turk's goverment goal alive.

Unfortunately, Mongols found out where the
secret room and chest is.

And they k*lled the official who was
responsible for the room.

It's a disaster.
It must be prevented.

It's a betrayal.

It must be prevented

-Gunduz Alp, let go of my father !
-Don't speak to me Hatun.

I know how to make you pay your 'lies'
prices when the right time comes.

Gunduz Alp!

Your father didn't raise you as an Alp
who is loyal to his goverment, son.

You lost your way as you drew a sword
to goverment's Bey in charge.

What do you know about loyalty
to the goverment, old man ?

-You only lick Mongol's boots.


I won't let you levy neither from this tribe
nor another until our Ertugrul Bey comes!

Know your place young man.

Gunduz Alp, enough!

Didn't you understand why they came
to our tents yet ?

They'll aid and abet to Mongols and
pick on my father's tribe.

Know your place boy!

Or you'll make me commit a


Gunduz Alp!

Father, are you okay?

Gunduz Alp, drop your


Drop it!

Father. Father.


I'll make this boy pay the price of
drawing a sword against me.

Our spy informed us that a Mongol commander named Kara Boru
will come to palace to take the chest with papers in it.

I'll go to the palace to talk to
Emir Bahaddin about tax issue.

I'll take the chest before
Mongols have it.

Or else we'll
be late.

Now your valiants must have these
duties, not you Ertugrul Bey.

You are a precious member of
our council.

We don't want to put you
in danger.

Seljuq Empire is invaded,
and even defeated.

No matter what the conditions are,
Turk's empire is eternal and will stay like this.

A new world-wide turkish empire will
be founded sooner or later.

Now we can not put our valiants whose names
are written in that chest in danger.

In short, it's the chest which is
important, not my life.

Who is our spy in the

He was one of your biggest
enemies Ertugrul Bey.

Umur Bey, listen to me now.
Leave here.

And take a rest in a shelter.

I'll come tomorrow. then we'll
take what to do.

So that our goverment imposed a duty,
i'll do anything to ease your job.

But, if you don't know your place, you'll
pay for it.


Accompany to Umur Bey to
the shelter.

And to ilbilge Hatun.

Or whatever her name is.

So you are a liar.

Shame on you!

Gunduz Alp, to tents.


-My Bey.
-What did you do Oguz ?

We sent injured people to
tents with Alps.

Let's continue searching.

Brother, brother, they went
from this way.

This path goes to the Kor Vadi
(Blind Valley).

Brotherm what if they've done something
to our Bey?

Don't worry. Let's go there fast.
Come on Alps, to horses!

Come on, come on!

-Deh! Come on!
-Come on!

Come on!



-My daughter?
-there is no water.

Your sister went to the shaft to draw water
Go help her, come back quickly.

Okay father.

Are you okay my brother?

What do you want?

I'm a tradesman in town. they call me

I take goods to tents.

Priest Efendi wanted me to stop by

And he wanted me to give this
pack to you and your daughters.

Why the priest is taking care of me?

With Ertuğrul Bey's order, muslims and non-muslims
have been watching for themselves for years.

If a dilemma comes up,
they inform Ertugrul Bey.

And Priest Efendi wanted me to tell you that you can
want anything when you need somethnig with your daughters.

Don't you see? I'm under Ertugrul Bey's

Are you okay my brother?

-My medicine.
-Do you want your medicine?

Do you want this ?

Are you better?

tell Priest Efendi that i thank him.

Get well soon, of course i'll tell him. If you need
anything, our church is always at your service.

Artuk Bey! I may be so bold but
why did you change your tune ?

Why did you say you'll go to
the shelter to talk about this ?

Gunduz !

-You crossed the line, it's true.

Gunduz Alp, it's not importanv who is the right one,
who wins is important.

Our Bey is the frontiersman of
this goverment.

And our job is to preserve my
father's dignity while he is away.

Osman, I'm not going to ask you
what to do! Brother.

We will not destroy Sogut which my father protects with his
everything for ten years just because of your anger brother.

- Oman is right.

We are responsible of people who live
on this land, not just of us.

If this order falls over, they
all will be under the debris.

We can not carry the sin of it.

Swords will be in their scabbards
for now.

Artuk Bey will go to the shelter tomorrow and teach
Umur Bey and his daughter how these things work.

What if they don't listen
Artuk Bey?

What if they do
what they want ?

What we have to do now is make
them see reason with speaking .

If they don't, everything will
be unnecessary except swords.

Brother, can't you see how
Umur Bey is?

Ha? How can you expect him to
know his place?

Do you want us to be unjust while we
are right with becoming provoked?

That's what they want.

We have to do what is necessary.

You keep dreaming.

That liar woman and his father didn't come here to
levy, they came here to pick on our tents.

They will understand from our swords,
not your diplomacy.

-If you allow me grandmother.

Artuk Bey, we'll follow Umurgullari's
every step.

It's apparent that they can't
be trusted.

Come father, come.

I'm fine, don't cover me.

My ilness acted up again, it will

I'll put them in their place!
I'll put them in their place!

Okay father, now don't think of this,
take a rest.

We have no respect to Gunduz
or someone else.

We'll get every dirham of the taxes
EvelAllah (with Allah's help).

We'll do our duty deservedly.

We will make them kneel
if it's necessary.

Rest, rest now.

Come father, drink some water,


Ilbilge, my daughter,
this duty is yours.

Duty of the goverment
shouldn't be left half-finished.

Don't give a loose to this

Don't embarrass us to our Sultan and

Atach, support Ilbilge Hatun.

Yes my Bey.

Don't worry, we'll get through

We'll take the taxes by force.

And we'll speak the language who opposes
to us in his language.

Atach Bey, call Alps immediately.

-I'll impose duties.
-Yes Ilbilge Hatun.

There is nowhere we haven't looked.

There is no trace left
from our Bey.

We have to find him before
something happens.

Our Umur Bey is ill.

But there is nothing to worry

He'll recover in a few days


You know how much
our duties are important.

Until our Umur Bey recovers, the
task is given to Ilbilge Hatun.

No matter how much Kayi's
corssed the line, our task will be done.

No matter what.

Withous a shadow of doubt,

Yes Ilbilge Hatun.

Now, we understood that we can neither trust
Artuk Bey nor Ertugrul Bey's son Gunduz.

This shelter and this land is
Ertuğrul Bey's.

In brief, we'll be on the
safe side.

Either Artuk Bey comes tomorrow and make
way for our duty or we'll do it by force.

Is that so Ilbilge Hatun,
is that so?

We'll go to all tents, Greek villages,
tradesmen in bazaar one by one.

Their taxes will be

We'll levy and send it to Konya
just like our goverment demands.

We are not scared of anyone

If it becomes necessary, we won't
avoid shedding blood!

Atach Bey, increase the guards

Don't forget where we are.

Now, go rest.

Be on alert.

Don't forget there are people who thinks
we are their enemies against us.

-Come on.
-EyvAllah, eyvAllah.

You can't find me but i can
find you valiants.

My Bey came.

And nothing happened to him.
He is hale and hearty.

Hay mashAllah.

My Bey!

MashAllah to my valiants.

-thanks to Allah, you are fine.


My Bey, thanks to Allah you
are fine.

When you fell into Mongol's hand we
looked everywhere.

My Bey, my Bey, is that
the golden bow?

My Bey, tell it. Where did those
Mongols take you?

Where did that horse come from ?
What the bow is about my Bey?

You'll learn everything in due
time Bamsi.

But we have an important
job first.

What is the task my Bey?

Let's find a cave to stay tonight. then
i'll tell you everything there.

My Bey.

-My Bey.

Hey, mashAllah.

My Aktolgalı.



Come on valiants.

Thank you.


Be careful!

Or I'il make you lick the floor!

Is your power enough for thet

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

- Do you have any orders?
-Are you a ringer?

I serve to customers when i don't
ring the bell of church.

I clean the lodging.

If there is enough time, horses' barns.

And if there is still enough time.
i clean Efendi Mikis' house.

I sleep if Efendi Mikis tells me to.

Is Mikis the Greek man who Ertugrul Bey
desposited the bazaar?

Yes my Bey, yes.

It is sait that he never betrays
to the deposit.

Though they wouldn't let him live
if it was heard.


Ertugrul Bey?

His son Gunduz? Or Artuk Bey?

You just listen to that poor ringer's

Stay away from Gunduz Bey.

What are you hideing from us?

tell it.

Why did you say stay away from
Gündüz Bey?

He is the first child of
his father.

He kills and even dies
for him.

If you bring me more information,
you'll get more golds.

Thank you, thank you.

I told you that they're
not trusted.

Ertuğrul founded a sultanate
in Söğüt.

I said that he wouldn't care about
even Seljuq Empire.

You heard it with your own ears.

My Bey, why the chest in palace is
so important?

It's not only the chest we are going
to save, Bamsi.

It's our generation's future and assurance of our
eternal goverment which comes from Oguz Ata.

that's enough for now.

How are we gonna to get the chest,
my Bey ? Where it is in the palace?

There is a secret passage
which leads the way to the chest.

While i'm talking to Emir Bahaddin, you'll go through it
and reach the room in which chest is hidden.

There will be someone who is going
to meet you there.

He was our enemy before,
now he is one of us.

He was our enemy before.

Now he is one of us.

Who is he my Bey?

My Savci, put some of that

My dear is helping his grandmother.

Your grandmother would
give her life for you.

Grandmother, did you hear about
Umurogullari's tents before?

Yes my son, they are recognized.

Apparently they bowed down to Mongol's
oppression and try to keep the goverment alive.

And this is their biggest

Hatun sneaked in and observed
our tent's conditions.

Obviously they thought that we'd reveal
weakness as my father is in Konya.

Right away tomorrow, this Hatun will go to
other tents grandmother.

Are we going to watch what's happening
and let them crush my father?

Gunduz, enough!

It's the right thing to wait for your
father's return.

It's not easy to bow down to
their threats grandmother.

Gunduz, calm down.

I'm not saying the Hatun was

You don't think how will it end up when
you are protecting your tribe.

MaazAllah (Allah forbid) if there were a
fight, too much blood would be shed.

It's not like us to shed a blood of our
goverment's official unless he intends to k*ll.

Don't have it in for now.

Your father will think about the solutions
after he returns from Konya.

Where is Osman?

Doesn't he know it's dinner time?

Osman, what are you doing in
the lodging at this time?

I want to see Ilbilge Hatun.
Is she inside ?

She is, but they won't let you in.

I know how to get in.

Where are you going child?

I have things to say to Ilbilge

tell her that Ertugrul Bey's son
Osman came.

Get lost child,
don't waste our time.

And don't make us
hurt you!

What's happening here?

Did you draw a sword against
a child?

I have things to tell you Hatun.

Come, let's talk inside Osman.

Okay Osman, I'm listening.

Firstly, listen to your heart's voice.

What does that mean?

EyvAllah, you saved my life.

You were held in high esteem at
my father's tents.

What are these for?

Was it for creating trouble
with your father?

What are you saying Osman?
I see you as my brother.

Does a person lie to his/her brother's
beloved ones, Ilbilge Hatun?

Okay, your father is arrogant
but you? What about you ?

I won't let you say bad
words to my father, know that.

So that you came with the goverment's order and want to stay
in my father's lands, then accomodation would be provided for you
with my father's allowance.

But you crossed the line.

Your father Gunduz crossed
the line!

Your father attempted to
raid the tents!

And my brother couldn't resist
to his anger.

But you, you shook our confidence with

You deceived us.

You put me on your horse and took me to my father,
your life was important than my father's that time.

I'm mostly sad about that you'll
hurt my father.

I wish you left me there and
we had never seen your face.


(Door crash sound)

What is it Bamsi?

My head is messed up brother.

I can't stay calmed down.

tell it Bamsi.

My Bey, we brought Mongol dogs
to the line evelAllah.

We'd do it again even they were

But my Bey, if there is no hope for Seljuq,
what are we going to do?

Turk famishes, goes without water,
but doesn't stay without a goverment.

It's time for those who'll rule the
world with faith and justice, Bamsi.

We'll declare our own Beylic
in Sogut.

As the goverment is not taking care of them,
ravens gathered.

those were the dastards who served Anatolia
on a silver platter to Mongols.

My Bey, who else is left other than us to give
their life for jihad against Mongol infidels?

Not only Sogut but Anatolia
is our home too Bamsi.

We are the children of martyrs who
made Anatolia our home.

Firstly we'll think our martyrs,
then our children, then our future.

A person who doesn't give up his life
is not one of us.

-EvelAllah my Bey.

We'll lean against our minds, faith and law
as sharp as our swords.

We'll found our goverment for the sake
of our martyrs who rest under Anatolia's land.

Turk's destiny is only his own

My Bey, the shadow of the sycamore we'll plant with you will be
green from Altay Mountains to Uludag, from Kizilirmak to Dicle,
and become turk's home evelAllah.


A new world-wide turk goverment
will be founded Bamsi.

And those who'll found it will be the
ones who carry our flag on the threshold.

And those are Kayi's.

-EvelAllah my Bey.
-EvelAllah my Bey.



Where are you gonig?

I'am Suleiman Shah's son Ertugrul.

I came here to see Emir Bahaddin,
and these are my Alps.

You can't get in to the palace
whenever you want anymore.

Give me your swords.

You know where to wait
for me.

EvelAllah my Bey.

Mongol's patrol unity came
to your tents.

they did.

You cut the hand of commander who is
the head of unity.

I did!

And now you're saying that you
did strongheadedly ha?

You cut the commander's hand, but
where are the other members of the unity?

They were going to come to Konya,
but they still haven't.

What are you after Ertugrul Bey?

they came to my tent precipitately
and bestowed their hands to my guest.

And i did what was needed.

And talking about the unity, you'll
ask them where they were when they come back.

If you did something which will put our goverment
in danger, your life will be lost, Ertugrul Bey!

Brother, it's dead-end.
Where is the door?

Wait, we'll find it.

Brother, let's do whatever we are going to
do before soldiers come.

-We are corrnered here!
-Okay Bamsi, be patient.

We'll find it.

This torch is weird.


Come on brother.

Ya Allah!

Let's get you closed.

My Gunduz Bey.

My Hanim wanted me to
give this letter to you.


I saw Mara leaving.

She brought a letter from Irene.

She is going to meet me tomorrow

My brother.

Oke meat of sheeps who was born in spring
is determined to be sold for two Seljuqian dirhams.

May it be beneficial.

May Allah bless you.

What are we going to earn?

We are saying no to two dirhams

We can not accept this price.

Ertugrul Bey didn't let you be oppressed
under Mongol pressure, didn't make you suffer.

Calm down.

Know that he won't let you suffer
hereafter too.

May Allah bless him.

Everyone does their jobs here.

Ertuğrul Bey hasn't let us
suffer for ten years, true.


true. Right, he hasn't.

But he never went against Mongols.

true, right.

He never went against Mongols.


Mongols' taxes were not doubled.


Ertugrul Bey didn't cut the hand of Mongol
commander who came to his tent.

Calm down. Calm down.

Ertugrul Bey done what was needed
at that time.

This issue will not
affect you.

Ertugrul Bey went to Konya
to solve this issue.

there is no need to be scared.

We understood everything Artuk Bey.
but if prices won't get better we'll suffer.

Yes, it must be 3 dirhams.


Are you going to leave people
to hunger, ha?

How are poors going to eat

Meat's oke is two dirhams.

No, it cant' be.

May Allah bless you.

You'll complain to Ertugrul Bey
when he returns.

He'll do what is right.

No way.

No way, we reject it.

I hope our Bey finds a solution for
Mongol's increased taxes, Artuk Bey.

We saved today but we can't
do anything tomorrow.

We should just do our jobs Mikis, Ertugrul
Bey will take care of the rest when he returns.

May God hlep us,
my Bey.

Aha Mongols.

Apparently they are everywhere in

So you came to the secret room.
People who come here unauthorised can't get out alive.


tell me, who are you?

My name is Almila Hatun, I'm
the head of leathersman.



I did what my law wants me to.

I don't care about my life, know this.

Now, i want to talk to the Sultan
about this tax matter.

I've been building an order in Sogut
for years.

taxes being increased will
ruin this order.

Ertugrul Bey.

Hülagü Han is waiting for the
taxes. there is nothing to discuss.

I want to discuss it with Sultan
Rükneddin Kılıcarslan.

Now there are only Mongols.

When it comes to Sultan, the authority
of levying is given to Umurogullari Beylic.

What does that mean?

From now on, you won't levy,
Umur Bey will.

And he'll settle into Sogut with
his tribe.

That's what our Sultan

Now, Beys are waiting to talk
about the tax matter.

We'll talk about the details

You, how?

Now we don't have time to
talk these.

Good good. then let's go to that
secret room and get the chest.

Emir Bahaddin will take the chest and give
it to Mongol Commander Kara Boru.

What are you saying?

Are you sure? Are you sure?

I'm sure Bamsi. there is no
time to waste.

Go tell this to Ertugrul Bey immediately.

I'll take care of this,
you go there fast.

Come on brother.

Let's go and let our Ertuğrul Bey know.

Where is Umur Bey?

He is tired, he needs to rest.

From now on, I'll fulfil my father's duty.

Ilbilge Hatun, I want you to know that
i'm a doctor.

If you let me, I'll take care
of you father.

there is no need.

Our Bey will recover soon.

We can not let people who we don't trust
approach our Bey, Artuk Bey.

Atach Bey!

You came to our tent tactlessly.

And you still act tactlessly too.

Atach Bey!


We are listening, say what
you want to say.

tent's documents are ready.

We'll study on the bazaar's documents
and hand them in by tonight.

If everyone knows their place, our
job will be finished by tonight.

We'll take then.


We'il talk tonight.

Emir Bahaddin took the chest.

Bahaddin is going to give the chest
to a Mongol Commander named Kara Boru.

Now, we'll discuss this tax matter together
and make terms.

Don't worry, I won't let
any of you suffer.

Welcome Commander Kara Börü.

Hülagü Han charged me with
levying in Anatolia.

How dare you talk this tax matter
among you ?

The increase will provoke

We just came here to
talk that.

We know how to oppress those

We'll give the taxes ofcourse,

We just want it
to be lower.

It's what Hülagü Han said!

You'll give what is determined
for you!

If anyone comes up who dares to not give
the taxes will pay it's price!

All of us will give it.
But there is an issue.

It must be discussed and come to
an end.

that's how we solve the issues.

You'il give what we want.

that's what happens to people
who discuss our decision.

Tax issue is closed.

Now, hand in the deposit


Sure, Commander Kara Börü.


Hülagü Han was after this chest for

Good job.

I hope there will be
a reward for this.

Don't worry.

Hülagü Han responds to every

InshAllah my Bey succeeded.

InsAllah brotherm inshAllah.

How are the conditions my Bey?

I've never felt this helpless

that Mongol dog k*lled our three Beys

I was incapable.

He should pray for that chest.

I could've wreaked his

My Bey.

Brothers, we will trace.

Ya Allah!


Hülagü Han will be happy for this.

Let's take the chest my Bey.

Palace is under invasion Bamsi.

Besides, they shouldn't know we want
the chest.

Let's go.

I have to take this chest to
Hülagü Han fast.

take care of yourself Commander Kara Börü.

Give my regards to Hülagü Han.

take care of the palace when i'm away.

I want the taxes gathered when i return.


They are setting of Bamsi.

We wiil make them live the hell
on the road.

-Allah is lively!
-Allah is the eternal!

-Allah is lively!
-Allah is the eternal!

-Allah is lively!
-Allah is the eternal!

-Allah is lively!
-Allah is the eternal!

-Allah is lively!
-Allah is the eternal!

-Allah is lively!
-Allah is the eternal!

Allah is lively!

Allah is lively!

-Allah is the eternal!
-Allah is lively!

-Allah is the eternal!
-Allah is lively!

-Allah is the eternal!
-Allah is lively!

Allah is eternal!


Jewel showed itself.


there were no valiants like Ali,
no swords like Zulfikar.

Firstly, dhikr.

Then the holy w*r, and many

Your father is holding the west's door.

Inshallah you'll go through that
door Osman.

When your sword is done, it will
make the villains throw blood out.

But it will spread justice to
world, ha?

My daughter, where is the necklace
i gave to you?

Nea, where is your necklace?

Nea, what did you do to the necklace?

Dad, I lost that necklace.

I guess i dropped it when bad
men were taking us.

How could you lose it?

Okay father.


Ah Nea, ah Nea!

-Father, do you want me to go look for it?

You won't get out of the tents.

Father, never mind the necklace,
don't bother yourself.

Otherwise you'll become worse.

Your temperature is running.

Let's rest.

-Give me my medicine, my daughter.


Come on father.

(Music) (Horseshoe and personality sounds)

Ertugrul Bey.


Alps, Mergen is with us from now on.

He'il explain everything in
due time.

Now we have to go before we lose
the trace of Mongols.

Where are they headed Mergen?

They are going to Karakoyak,
Ertugrul Bey.

It will be dark son.

They'll rest there.


And we'll go and surround them.

Come on Alps!

Let's go there with looking around.

Come on.

Deh! Hah!


What is it Nea? Why are you sad ?

My father is not okay.
I'm sad about him.

And there was a necklace which my father
gave to me

He was so sad as i lost it and
got mad.

Why would your father get mad
just because you lost a necklace?

I don't know.

He always told me to keep it.

But when those men were taking us
i dropped it without realizing.

I told him that i could go look for
it but he didn't let me.

He said that outside is dangerous.

Your father is right.

Outside is not safe for you.

I know there like the back
of my hand.

I can bring that necklace to you.

Will you do that favour?

I will.

But what if my father
gets mad at me as i told you this?

Don't worry.

I won't tell anyone i go there
to find the necklace.


Where is Teokles?

He should've been here.

Our soldiers' seeking continues.

We'il find him soon.

You keep saying you'll find him soon.

You can't even imagine how important
Teokles is for us.

Go and find him.

I'll take care of this.

Either we will find Teokles or
a big was is waiting for us.

There is no third way.

I'll show you the third way
Tekfur Yannis.

My dear daughter Irene, how are you?

Are they doing everything you want?

They are, they are but...


Something missing?

No, no father, i'm always in the
castle, i don't go out.

I'm too bored.

It's understood.

You want to go out.

I want to ride for a long time my father.

And you promised me. Would it be okay
if i go out and ride tomorrow?

As you wish, I'll take to them,
they'll prepare your horse.

But don't go too far away, okay?

Okay, okay my father.
Don't worry.

How can you get your earning without
knowing if it's haram or halal?

Father, I ...

Don't call me Father.

You are worrying yourself to death Gunduz,
don't beat yourself up.

You are nearly going to
break that nagger.

My father won't forgive me even though i
repent for thousand times.

He wants me to pay the
price of my mistake.

Ertuğrul Bey wants you to take a
lesson from your mistake my brother.

You realized your mistake.

I've made a mistake.

I repented for a thousand times Cagri.

We made lost of mistakes,
my father has always been forgiving.

But this time he slapped .

He didn't even let me kiss
his hand.

It's too much for me.

Don't lose your hope.

Think of tomorrow. The day
you've been waiting for came.

You'll meet with Irene in person.

This is my only consolation
my brother.

But, i feel like i don't have the right of seeing
and even thinking of her when i made such a mistake.

Don't think like that my brother.

You are a human, you may have fallen
into carelessness.

the important thing is to not to
do it again.

You'll see, my Bey will realize your regret
and embrace you again.

I hope it happens like
that Cagri.

May we come in
Aktemur Usta?

Come my Osman, come.

Did you bring them?

Lay them.

Now listen to me carefully.


If this stone, or this iron, or this fire
weren't here, none of you would be here.


Fire is flared up.

Roared to stone.

Stone was burned, it's heart opened.

And a black iron came out of it's

Iron uniting with effort, became
a sword.

Aktemur Usta, we got it. You are talking about iron's
process but what does it has to do with our destiny?

My impatient Osman.

Stop, wait.
Conversation has just started.

I came here to learn science,
but there are swords again.

My Allah, why this is happening
to me?

Every object in nature carries
a world inside.

We have to know how to look.

Let's get to my Osman's question.

Ages ago, our laws were dominant from
sunrise to sunset.

Our mares were hoping on the
endless plains.

When our nine tails got up, world would come to an
order and villains would bow down to our swords.

While Turks were ruling everywhere, enemies envid turks'
domination and started to think how they could defeat us.

All of our enemies united against
our ancestors.

And they said " We can only defeat turks
with cheating. Let's fight and entrap them."

While the enemies were setting up a trap, devil was coming to us with
his cheatings, we forget the kalam of
" Water sleeps, but enemy never rests."

We were taken in by our strength and
stopped taking cautions.

We forgot the victory comes from
Hak (Allah) and became arrogant.

We let the neemies alone and
fought with eachother.

Then what happened?




All of our babies were put to the

All, all of our tents were ruined.

Our Hatun's were captured.

Our valiants were k*lled.

Oceans became blood bath.

All of them were defeated?

Only four of them survived.

Two men, two women.

One of them was the son of Kagan.

And his name was Kayi Han.

But Kayi Han was a genius and cautious
man despite his father.

These for people climbed over harsh and
rough mountains and walked for days.

And finally, they arrived a plain which
was surrounded by high mountains.

Such a plain that, imperial eagles
flied over that.



Deers were wandering around.

Pure streams were flowing.

Kayi Khan said " Let's settle here. Let's set our tents up
here and make here our home, our generation continue."

It happened like that.

While ages passed, their generation

Kayi Han's generation became emperous.

too many ages passed.

But a time came and they outgrew
in that plain.

Kayi Han was stick to his law, faithful
and ambitious person.

He said, " We can't fit into here, As we heard
from our ancestors, our own home is before that
mountains. Enemies defeated us with cheating.

It won't be like us to be in
captivity here.

Now it's time,
let's get out of here.

Let's get to our
own lands.

take our revenge from enemies and
rule the world again."

He ordered and he sent for armies to
four mountains.

He did but they couldn't find
a passage.

then they found a bilboard in a mountain
as big as the mountain.

Kagas said " the passage which will pave the way
for our own lands is before that iron.

We'll light such a fire that , we'll show
even iron mountains can't deal with us."

They put 70 arrays wood and 70
arrays coal.

they lighted a fire and flared it
up with 70 blowers.

Fire grew up, grew up more and
grew up more.

Grew up more.

It lighted for days.


Turks waited with an unshakable
faith and patience.

They didn't even sleep without
seeing the mountain melt.

After days, fire settled down.

And iron mountain melted.

They found the passage.

-Could they arrive to their own lands?
-they could .

They took their revenge from their enemies
and founded their big goverment again.

And they were spread
all around the world.

Now tell me, this saga gave us
a holy advise.

What is that advise?

What are they aiming with sending
Umurogullari to Sogut?

They will take our debt collecting job and
they will make them settle in Sogut.

It's not just a tax matter
my Bey.

There are other traps
their intensions are bad.

they want to use Umurogullari against us
and collapse us slowly.

they can even take the margrave
degree and destroy us at the end.

Why my Bey, why?

Our growing power scares them turgut.

That's why they don't want us.

And sending Umurogullari to destroy
us was their first move.

We are the last hope of Anatolia
which they want to keep in captivity.

Now the fire is upon us.

Either we'll burn and our ashes will spread,
or we'll stand up.

What's the advise of
this saga?

to overcome all the challenges.

Don't be so quick my Osman, think.

Standing up to everthing.

No my Aybars, no.

You think too.


This is the advise of the saga
Aktemur Usta.

Organs go where the head goes.

So if an emperor is weak, his generation
turns out to be weak too.

But if he is someone genius, cautious and cares about his laws, his generation
melts even iron mountains and be powerful enough to rule the world.

MashAllah to yo.

There is another advise saga tells us,

Every human dreams.

And finds power at the rate
of his dream.

Our ancestors wanted to spread
to world.

they dreamed.

they melted the iron and made

they increased their power.

they made enemies kneel.

May Allah give us the patient, intelligence
and reason to make our dream true.


May Allah protect us from dreaming
of useless things.

-Amin Aktemus Usta.

My Ertugrul Bey.

We surrounded. two people
who were not dressed as Mongols came.

they must be spies Ertugrul Bey.

Apparently, they'll take the
chest to Hulagu Han.

They are taking precautions in case
they are followed.

Thus they will deliver the chest from hand
to hand and cover their track.

They can escape in dark.

We'll wait in ambush and we'll
come up on down.

We must take those two Mongol
spies before they remove the chest.

Don't blink, Abdurrahman.

We'll dress with the clothes we

They mustn't recognize us.

Your word is my command my bey.

Is everything done Mikis?

Don't worry Artuk Bey.

Every information is written to
the books.

there is nothing missing. Everything
including what tradesmen buy and sell.


More power to your elbows.

EyvAllah. Welcome.

İlbilge Hatun Kayi tribe's documents
are in this notebook.

Including flocks and stores, tribe's
all goods are in this book in detail.

Bazaar records are in this book too.
Everything is done, nothing is missing.

What about Ertugrul Bey's personal

Ertuğrul Bey's personal properties are
his heirloom sword and his horse.

Are those the only properties
on magnificent Ertugrul Bey?

Right. And he has 3 children
like lions.

Ertugrul Bey doesn't gather goods,
collect golds or chase after wealth.

His only wealth is his reputation.

Do you expect us to believe this?

This is the truth Atach Bey.

We are not being deceivers.

tax issue is independent
from Ertugrul Bey's beylic and bravery.

We'll talk to him when he returns.

We'll start counting for taxes tomorrow.
Atach Bey, Alps and tax officials will set
off early in the morning.

I'll check the records.

InshAllah we won't face a
trouble this time.

İlbilge Hatun, it'll be better if you don't
count before the Ertugrul Bey's return.

Why is that?

that means trampling Ertuğrul Bey down.

And this will cause an
animosity between us.

Duty of the goverment doesn't wait.

We'll do what we have to do.

We'll face up to everthing in
this matter, know that.

I can bring you that necklace.

Will you do that favor to me?

I will.

But what if my father gets mad at
me as i told you.

Don't worry, i won't tell anyone that
i'll go for the necklace.

Don't go hunting alone.
It may not be safe.

It's my command.

What are you doing Osman?

I'm preparing for hunt,

What hunt, Osman?

I'll hit the big pheasant which i had
it in my sight, brother.

No Osman.

My father inhibited us to
go hunting alone.

We must take my father's advise,
my brother.

Stand up.

Lais, what's happening?

Tekfur waits for Teokles. He sent
his men to find him.

He mustn't learn that he is
in the tnets of Kayi's.

Or else he'll want Teokles from Ertuğrul.

If Teokles gives the secret to
Tekfur everything will be ruined.

That will never happen.

He'll die with the poison Teo
gave tomorrow at the latest.

Besides he will be thought to be dead
because of the hit from his head.

What about his daughters?

What if they know something?

They'll leave the tents as their father
will die.

-We'll k*ll them on the road.
-tent is being watched.

Don't worry Commander Dragos, we'll
k*ll them once they get out of the tents.

Good. Now listen to me.

Atach Bey and his debt collectors will
set off to other tribes tomorrow.

But they'll never reach there.

-I wonder if...
-Yes Karabela.

w*r is beginning.

Our men were tired of waiting.

What are you thinking of
Commander Dragos?

We know about Gunduz Alp's

They will see Ertugrul's angry and grumpy son
Gunduz Alp as responsible for this m*ssacre.

And this will pit Ertugrul against
his goverment.

The only thing which will ruin Ertugrul's
order is being against with his goverment.

Can we make them believe Kayi's
did it?

Ertuğrul is unwanted by the inner

They just can't touch as their
power is not enough.

However, when Umur Bey's Alps get k*lled,
it will serve their purpose to believe.

Furthermore, Umur Bey's tribe and his
daughter will believe it.

Just think of what will happen a few days later
Umur Bey get's k*lled in an unknown m*rder.

w*r until death!

w*r until death!
Long live Commander Dragos!

We'll take the chests to Hülagü Han.

Yes Commander Borchigin.

-Are the horses ready Udur?
-they are, Commander Borchigin.

What happened?

What is happening ?

We were trapped.

Idiots, you've been followed.

Take the chest to Hülagü Han!

This way Commander Borchigin.

Come on, deh!

Who are you?

How dare you attack us?


You, ha?

You'll pay the price for
everything you've done.

Did you thing i would let you live with
the bloods you shed?

I should've k*lled you in the palace.

But i'll make your generation pay for it.

If you do something to me, your people will
pay it's price harder than the Beys you k*lled Ertugrul.

My sword, sharpened by revenge, is
enough for all of you.

You will all see what happens to
the people who try to be the head of Turk.

Thanks to Allah, we saved the
chesv my Bey.

The key is not here.

they were too crowded.

They k*lled all of our soldiers.

Chest must be in their hands.
What are we going to do now?

Nothing will happen.

Chest's key is with me.

If they open it without this,
it will be useless.

They'll come after us to get this.

Then we'll find out who they are,
and entrap them.

Now Let's go to Emir Bahaddin's palace,

My Bey, isn't there another way
to open this chest?

Key is with the two spies
who escaped.

There are important papers
inside Bamsi.

If we try to open it without a key,
the bottle will be broken and all the papers
will be destroyed.

Even one letter is important.

Turgut, Mergen chase those two spies.

They will go to Emir Bahaddin's palace to
learn who took this chest from them.

Before this Umurogullari and tax issue
grows more, let's go to the tents quickly.

Don't come back without the key, Turgut.

We'll get the key evelAllah.

Key is not the only important thing

If we find out who is behind those
dogs, we'll win.

What are you thinking
of my Bey?

Now listen to me


Ah Osman, you went to hunting
independently again, right?

You said that my father
will recover.

Your father's situation
was not serious.

Now we'll understand
what's going on.

-Did he take his medicine regularly?
-He did, he never delayed.

Tell me my father is going
to live right?

I'll do what is needed.

Just calm down.

You are so beautiful my Hanim.

Wait for me here, okay?
Let me know if someone comes.



When you told me about your love for the
first time, i couldn't tell you my love was
only for you in my heart.

It was worth waiting news from you
all this time.

My beautiful Irene.

Irene, what is going on?
What happened all of a sudden?

I can't stop asking myself.

What if this thing we feel is a childish

Like a running temperature, like
an aching throat?

What if someday we recover

If this is a children's disease like you said,
then i won't grow up, ever, Irene.

I'll burn in flames, sweat blood and
i'll wander your name until i die.


My father's soldiers are coming,
they are going to take me to castle.

They are coming.

Come on.

I found it.

Osman! My brother!



Brother, why are you doing this?

Let's go back to tents.

I saw that big pheasant brother.
Look, i have arrows and the bow.

-Come with me.

Didn't you tell me that my
father inhibited this?

Why are you insisting now?

I want to be a brave Alp, brother.

How can i become an Alp without

I'll return to tents with that big
pheasant, and they'll see how an Alp i am.

Osman, brother, I came here without
telling anyone.

If my grandmother doesn't see us when she
wakes up, she'll get worried. Don't persist.

I'll hit that pheasant brother.

Osman! Osman stop!

Come on brother.

Ah Osman ah.

What is happening?

Alps, watch out for yourselves!

Attack Alps!

Show your face and fight like a man.

-What do you want?
-Your life.

We told you not to leave the tent,
you didn't listen to us.

there is no place for Umurogullari
who are being the dogs of Mongols!

Now it's understood whose dog you are.

What is this?

Brother, let's go back, let's
not worry our grandmother.

-It's apparent that there is a trouble.
-Voices are coming from this way.

Osman, where are you going?
You are going to get us in trouble.

If those are our Alps, we have
to help brother.

Come on.

These are Ilbilge Hatun's Alps.

Bandits blocked them, let's help.

Stop brother, we can't do anything.


Now it's time to watch the chaos in bazaar.

Lais, you go back to the castle.

Osman, let's go back to tents before
anything happens to us brother.

There are people!
Hurry, don't let them run!


Brother, run!

Come on Osman!

Are you okay?

What happened to you?
Where are the children?

They went from this way.


Can i come in Hayma Mother?

Come in my daughter.

InsAllah it's a good thing, you called us.

My daughter, Osman and Savci are
not here.

They didn't inform me.

Aslihan, Aybars, did they
tell you something?

Did you see them?

No grandmother, we didn't.

I didn't too Hayme grandmother.
they didn't tell something to me too.

Hay Allah!s

Where did they go?

Mother, I'll let Alps now.
they'll look for them.

-You come sit.
-Wait my daughter.

You go let Alps know. Don't wait.



Now i cought you.
You'll come with me.

Get off of my brother!

-I said let go!
-Drop the arrow.

Or your brother dies.

Drop the arrow child.

Quickly! I won't tell you again.

Ah, ah!


It's time. Let's get moveing before they go.

We'll get the key.

But important thing is to
sneak in and get information.

ah, ah!

We'll learn who these dogs are making
business with.

Ah, ah!

Are you ready, Alps?

We are.

Don't forget, your job is not k*lling

Don't harm them, and don't get
harmed, that's enough.

We'll take care of the rest.

Come on.

Let's buy a healing herb from
herbalist Mengu.

Right, my Hanim.

Who is coming?

Atach Bey.

Atach Bey!

Atach Bey!

Atach Bey! Atach Bey!

What happened? Who did this?
Where is the Alps?

We've been att*cked Ilbilge Hatun.

All of their faces were covered.

"there is no place for Mongol's dogs Umurogullari.
We told you not to go other tents." they said.

I won't let you levy from either this tribe,
or another until our Ertugrul Bey comes.

And i'll make you pay the price of
your lies in due time.

What happened here?

He was att*cked.

He is bleeding. We have to go in and
remove the arrow.

Hang on Atach Bey, hang on.




Hang on.

What happened Artuk Bey?

This arrow belongs to Turks.

Drop that arrow child!

I won't tell you one more time.

Brother, are you okay?

I'm okay my brother, let's go
before the others come.

Gunduz Alp!

What did you do?

-You did it!
-What are you saying Hatun?

What happened here?

And are you asking what happened?

You raided my Alps and k*lled them!

Know your plave Hatun! Why
would I k*ll your Alps?

What raid are you talking about?

When we first came here, you threatened us and
said " i won't let you go to other tribes."

One of the people who raided said
"there is no place for the Mongol's dogs, Umurogullarui."

And this arrow is
Turk's arrow!

Now tell me, where are you
coming from ?


How dare you question me?

Your horse's mouth is bubbling.

It's going to crack.

Either you tell me where are you coming from or
what will happen is not going to be my fault.

this raid has nothing to do with me
or Kayi's, Hatun.

Gündüz, İlbilge Hatun,
calm down.

Get out of my way so that we can
understand what's happening.

Apparently, someone set
a trap for us.

You are the one who set
a trap for us.

You didn't let us go to
other tribes.

I can k*ll you here and no one
can get you back from me!

Now be a man and confess
the treachery you did.



My Bey!