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05x09 - Bolum 130

Posted: 10/03/23 06:27
by bunniefuu
Let him go, Beybolat Bey.

That's an order.

Get out of here, all of you.

I'll talk to him alone.

I'm staying!

I said everyone, Beybolat Bey.

It was my father they k*lled.

It was my sister they kidnapped!

If there is to be a discussion,

I must be part of it!

Don't overstep the line, Beybolat Bey.

You are the reason

İlbilge Hatun is now a prisoner.

I'm taking matters into my own hands.

Don't make me tell you

to get out twice, Beybolat Bey.

Ertuğrul Bey.

What you're doing now goes against

our laws and principles!

This is injustice, pure and simple!

A bey's authority prevails

only where there is justice.

But where there is no justice,

the bey's orders count for nothing!

I told you not to make me

say it twice.

I am the margrave here!

I am the law here, my honor is justice!

Take Beybolat Bey

and his soldiers to the dungeons!

I am the bey of Umuroğlu Tribe!

You cannot do this to me,

Ertuğrul Bey!

Take them away!

No one leaves the dungeons

until I say so!

As you command, Bey!

The rest of you, get out.


back to you.

Get off of me! Let me go!

Calm down, Beybolat Bey.

Don't exhaust us!

Come on!

That heathen, Dragos,

k*lled my father and my alps!

He kidnapped my sister!

What is Ertuğrul Bey trying to do?

Tell me, Bamsı, Head Alp!

Is this how the law works here?

It's what the bey ordered, Beybolat Bey.

It's what he ordered.

Get in there.

Do it, Brother.

The order of the bey prevails!

The order of the bey prevails,

Beybolat Bey!

I will burn the castle of that

dog Dragos to the ground!

And I will make you pay for this!

I will destroy all of you! All of you!

In Söğüt, you m*rder*d people...

committed evil acts...

and set many traps.

Now you hold İlbilge Hatun's

life in your hands.

Tell me. What do you want?

It's all because of Lais.

He didn't follow my orders.

He acted on his own.

I just got here.

I only found out what

had happened after I arrived.

But it does not matter.

If you accept my terms...

I'll return İlbilge to you.

What are your terms?

The gold coins we seized...

turned out to be fake.

You are a clever man...

but I want the real gold.

That's not all.

You won't tax those of our merchants

who come to Söğüt.

And every year...

you will give us

a proportion of the food you make.

And if I refuse?

If you don't accept these terms...

and if I don't return to the castle...

you will receive İlbilge's head.

What is your answer?

I will give you your answer

by the end of the day.

Think carefully.

Come to the castle tomorrow.

Now, excuse me.


The only reason you leave here alive

is because of İlbilge Hatun.

If you harm a single hair on her head...

I'll raze your castle to the ground...

and send your head to the Emperor

as a sign of our victory.

Oh, Brother.

I wish the order would come from inside

and we could k*ll them all right here.

Look at that heathen walking away!

Look at him just walking away!

I could have broken his head

like an egg, but...

today is clearly not the day.

Be patient, Brother.

That day will come.

I am Dragos.

Our lord is very generous.

See? He sent you some of his own meal.

Don't do anything like that again!

Or I'll have you put in chains!

As soon as I get out of here...

I'll make this castle your grave,

for every one of you!

At long last, you're awake.

Until you tell us the location

of the chest you took from the Mongols,

you'll have no escape from death.

I know you are a dog

by the way you bark...

but tell me, who holds your leash?

I have a broad neck, Artuk Bey!

No one could hold me by a leash.

You should think about your own life.

I'm not letting you go until you talk!

Do you really think

I care about my own life?

I'd never breathe a word to scum like you!

I would be shamed if I were cruel.

But I'll be a martyr if I die by cruelty.

So, you don't care

whether you live or die?

Then I'll take your life...

piece by piece, slowly.

First, I'll take your eyes.

Stoke up the fire!

Let's see if you're as brave

when I probe your eyes with hot steel.

The Umuroğlu alps

are in the dungeons, Bey.

We put Beybolat Bey in a separate cell.

What did that bastard, Dragos, say, Bey?

That man was not Dragos, Turgut.

What do you mean, Bey?

How do you know?

A man who came so far into Söğüt...

and m*rder*d so many people...

wouldn't reveal himself so easily

merely in order to corroborate.

They even put his name in the necklace.

Besides, while he is the Emperor's enemy,

he couldn't have occupied his castle

so obviously.

So who was that man then, Bey?

Dragos rules the castle through Lais.

He plays his games through him.

That man was just

another of his puppets...

He was impersonating Dragos,

just like Lais did.

But, Bey, why would be claim to be Dragos?

They're trying to throw us

off his scent, Bamsı.

While the actual Dragos

does whatever he pleases in Söğüt,

they want us occupied

with fighting that man.

What did the bastard want

in return for İlbilge Hatun?

The real gold,

tax privileges

and a slice of our yearly produce.

I told him I would think it over.

Tomorrow, I'll go to the castle

and tell him my decision.

But will we accept, Bey?

We will, Bamsı.

We will.

It seems like they want to fight this w*r

through deception and dirty tricks.

If so... we can play tricks, too.

From now on, our weapons

will be our minds.

Then, when the time comes,

our black steel will give them hell.

Turgut, send word to the alps

who took the gold to the Konya border.

Tell them to bring it back.

The gold taken from the tax convoy

turned out to be fake.

Did you know about that?

Tell me the truth!

This is the first I've heard about it!

I didn't know, I swear.

The gold was taken from the inn,

which means they replaced it

with the fake coins there.

If you didn't even know about that,

what good are you?

Commander Dragos is

running out of patience.

You still haven't done

anything to prove your worth to us.

Every minute, your wife and child

inch closer to death.

Tell me what I have to do.

What do you want?

Do whatever it takes

to find out where the real gold is.

Bring us some useful information.

Otherwise, your wife and child die.

This is Commander Dragos's

last warning to you.

Mergen, it's now obvious

that Niko and Teo work for Dragos.

We also know

that Tara is in contact with them.

That's why Tara is now also a suspect.

Follow him like a shadow, Mergen.

Ertuğrul Bey was right.

They're obviously up to something.

You are my sister's confidante, Mengü.

Now, tell me.

My sister didn't want to marry

to Emir Bahaddin. Why was that?

I don't know.

But İlbilge Hatun

didn't want to agree to it.

That's what I'm saying.

Did she ever mention someone else to you?

No, she never spoke of anyone.

I don't know anything.

Marriage leads to good things.

Besides, when she finds herself

surrounded by the wealth of Konya...

she will thank us.

-May I come in?


-What is it?

-I bring bad news, Sırma Hatun.

-What could be so bad?

-The tax convoy was att*cked.

İlbilge Hatun has been kidnapped.

-Who dared do this?


Where is Beybolat Bey?

Beybolat Bey went to the inn

to ask Ertuğrul Bey for support.

Dragos went there, too.

But Ertuğrul Bey...

arrested Beybolat Bey and his alps,

and threw them into the dungeons.

How could he?

What did my brother do to deserve that?

And with all his alps, no less.

Tell the alps in the camp

to get ready immediately.

We are going to the inn.

So, you're saying Tara and Mikis

have been meeting in secret?

Just say the word and I'll grab them

both and bring them here, Bey.

We'll make them talk.

You can't release a rope

in a well without seeing its bottom.

You have to know if the well is too deep,

or if the rope is too short.

In this instance we're going

to throw a stone in the well first.

Let's see what we're dealing with.

Bey, there's news from the camp!

Artuk Bey was ambushed.

Two alps returning to the camp

with him were martyred.

What about Artuk Bey?

Artuk Bey is missing, Bey.

So, that's why he didn't return.

-Is there any trace of him?

-No, Bey.

Gündüz Alp and Süleyman took the alps

and have gone to search for him.

Bey, who would kidnap Artuk Bey?

Artuk Bey knows all our secrets, Bamsı.

It was those who want to discover

our secrets who kidnapped him.

Artuk Bey would never say a word,

no matter how cruelly he is tortured.

But we need to find him quickly...

and bring the sky down upon

the heads of whoever did this to him.


-Yes, Bey.


Go and join Süleyman.

Look under every stone!

Search the seven hells if need be!

-Don't come back without finding them.

-As you command, Bey.

The fire...

should loosen your tongue.

Otherwise, first will come your eyes,

which you claim have been blind,

and then will come your ears,

which you claim have been deaf.

Last will come your tongue,

which you claim makes you mute.

Do you think our eyes, ears or tongue

are of any importance to us?

What keeps us alive...

is the faith in our hearts.

And our unwavering soul.

Don't worry.

I'll take that soul from you.

That soul...

is the soul of the many...

who have brought order

to the world for all eternity.

Whether I live...

or I die,

it will forever bring...

fear to the hearts of those who do evil.

Let's see if that soul

will save you now.

You know where the chest is!

Tell me where it is!

They slaughtered our alps, Mother!

You saw what happened

to Oğuz Alp, didn't you?

And Artuk Bey is missing.

Is there no end to Dragos' wickedness?

My dear, have a seat.

We must keep clear heads.

Ertuğrul won't give up

until he finds Artuk Bey.

He'll get his revenge on those bastards.

Now be patient.

I wish it was only Dragos, Mother.

Now the Mongols will torment us, too.

And that scoundrel, Albastı!

What if he turns on us, too?

My dear.

Why would you think that now?

Why would you make up such things?

What can you expect from a pig

but a grunt, Mother?

This is how they started

persecuting us, too. A few alps at first.

Then, one day...

they cut us down like weeds.

We should err on the side of caution.

Selcan, my beautiful daughter.

Calm yourself.

We are always vigilant, dear.

If they come here,

they'll only see trouble.

Mother, let me go to the inn.

I can't just sit here.

I could find out what's going on.

I can find out what the tribe needs.

All right, dear. Go with peace.



-Could you find the gold?

I spoke to Mikis.

He doesn't know anything either.

Ertuğrul did this secretly.

Mikis will find something out

and let us know.

Tara, I want to hear something

useful from Mikis right now.

If Ertuğrul doesn't

give the gold to Uranos,

we'll take it ourselves.

That gold is crucial.

If we're going to destroy Ertuğrul

and seize Söğüt,

we will need a bigger army.

And we can only get one with that gold!

Yes, sir. So, what should we do?

Tell Uranos to meet me in the crypt.

We'll discuss what to do then.

Lais. The man I thought so highly of,

was k*lled by Ertuğrul

right in front of me.

I will take a revenge so great

it will be remembered forever!

Are you going to the camp tomorrow?

I have to go, brother.

I have things to do.

Where is that gold?


-What are you doing here, Mikis?


-I'm going to the bazaar.

-You're going to the bazaar? Well.

What are you going to do there?

Are you meeting someone?


I was going to find out what things from

the tribe are still to get here.

And some merchants are restless.

I was planning on talking to them.

Really? Why are they restless?

I heard the tax gold was stolen.

They're worried

they'll have to pay taxes again.

I don’t know how to calm them down.

You know, Mikis,

I don't know much about money.

Talk to me about the w*r.

Is there an enemy to defeat...


a traitor to find, Mikis?

Talk to me about that.

I don't know much about that.

Anyway, I should go to the bazaar.

Yes, you should go to the bazaar.

You should go there.

You should go to the bazaar, Mikis!

Gündüz, two riders are approaching!

One of them is Turgut Bey!

Father must have sent them.

-Who's the other one?

-I can't tell yet.

-Turgut Bey.

-Have you found any trace, Gündüz?

We tracked them to the stream

which is the border with Byzantine.

But we lost the trail there.

We've spread the alps along the border.

They're all looking for Artuk Bey.

When we find out where they crossed

the stream, we will find Artuk Bey, too.

You won't be able to!

Who is this man, Bey?

They've led the alps to the wrong place.

They only wanted you to think that

they'd crossed the border.

That's not possible!

The tracks brought us here.

Turgut Bey, we don't have time for this.

We should go in the opposite direction.

Tell the alps to keep

searching along this line.

-You two, come with us.

-Who is this man, Bey?

Ertuğrul Bey sent him

to help us find Artuk Bey.

How well do you know how to track?

Well enough to find

a white hair in white milk.

Now, follow him slowly.

And don't ask any more questions.

Alps, keep searching this line!

-Is Beybolat Bey still in the dungeon?

-He is.

If one doesn't do what the Bey says,

they should be punished.

Where is Ertuğrul Bey?

Go and tell your bey

that Sırma Hatun is here!

Sırma Hatun, calm down.

My sister has been kidnapped

and my brother has been put

in a dungeon by the margrave.

How can I calm down, Selcan Hatun?

A fine goat seems to be full of fat.

But nothing is what it seems.

He's thrown my brother in a dungeon.

What is not what it seems?

Dragos, your father's k*ller,

is playing games with us.

Ertuğrul Bey is playing him in return.

Dragos is playing a trick!

If Ertuğrul Bey hadn't put my brother

in a dungeon,

he would have destroyed that heathen's

castle and rescued my sister!

Perhaps Ertuğrul Bey put my brother in

a dungeon because he's afraid of Dragos.

Ertuğrul Bey and his alps are falcons,

Sırma Hatun.

They aren't afraid of crows!

This is all a great trick.

Those who don't dare

sh**t us in our chests...

attempt to sh**t us

through our bonds of brotherhood.

They seek to break our union.

Now go back to your camp.

Stay with your alps.

But be aware that this trouble may find

its way to your camp, too.

Control your beys,

because fire is all around us.

My beys and alps are waiting for my word.

What should I tell them?

You will prove you are a bey's daughter

in these dark days.

You will shut evil eyes

and evil-talking mouths.

I can assure you, Ertuğrul Bey

never leaves a task unfinished.

Your sister will be rescued

from that castle,

and your brother will be let out,

when the time is right.

So be it, Selcan Hatun.

But I want you to know something.

I want you to know that...

if Ertuğrul Bey fails to save my sister...

he will feel the fury of Emir Bahattin.

Emir Bahattin

will make Ertuğrul Bey pay the price...

of his future wife's abduction!

-Beybolat Bey.

-Tell me that...

you have either brought me my sister,

or the severed head of that dog.

What did you do with that dog?


He went back to his castle.

You put me in a dungeon

so you could talk to him.

And yet you've neither k*lled him

nor saved my sister!

Why have you come here?

Had you gone to the castle,

you'd have been ambushed!

You ruined everything

with your recklessness!

But I've taken matters

into my own hands now.

I won't let any more trouble

arise because of you!

As long as you exist,

this problem will never be solved!

You will die

for İlbilge Hatun to live!

A horse without a rider.

It came here to graze.

But it has a saddle.

What does that mean? And how can you tell

from its tracks that it has a saddle?

A horse without a rider

tells us a lot about its rider.

The horse is near.

Turgut Bey.

They can't possibly have come here.

This way.

Artuk Bey's horse.

How is this possible?

The cave is near.

Our men are there already.

From here on, we go on foot,

to throw them off our scent.

Get him off his horse.

When they reached the end of the road,

they must have had him dismount.

He must have used the opportunity

to make the horse run

so that we might find his tracks.

Run, my brave boy, run!

There are caves in the hills,

where the goat path ends.

I saw them when I was hunting.

They must be there.

The tracks will take us to Artuk Bey.

-This way.

-Come on.


I k*lled Beybolat.

He paid the price for his anger

and recklessness.

You know the secret ways of Söğüt.

You and Abdurrahman

will get him out of Söğüt.

Abdurrahman will take care of the rest.

As you command, Bey.

As soon as you're done,

come back to the inn.

Do you understand me, Mikis?

Yes, Bey.


The wife and son of Gündoğdu the rebel

have sought shelter with Ertuğrul.

Is Ertuğrul so ignorant of Hülagü Han's

fury that he takes rebels into his camp?

Our nökers who went to k*ll

Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi

were att*cked in the caravansary.

Was Ertuğrul behind that, too?

Ertuğrul, Ertuğrul, Ertuğrul.

He is like an unwelcome weed.

We see him everywhere we look.

What good are you, Emir Bahattin?

You couldn't bring me the chest.

You can't defeat a margrave.

The Kayıs have bothered us for too long.

Enough with this clumsiness.

I want their heads. All of them!

Of course. Of course.

-It is easy to cut off their heads, but--

-No buts!

I want to kick their dead bodies.

Of course. However...

a dead Ertuğrul can't tell us

where the chest is.

If Ertuğrul does have the chest...

we need him alive if we are to get it.

Stop this endless jabbering

and do your job!

Find that chest and bring it to me.

Or I'll put your head in a chest

and send it to Hülagü Han.

Soon, soon.

I've put my best men on the job.

They should find the chest at any moment.

If you fail me on this,

I'll go to Söğüt myself with

my blood-thirsty nökers

and I will destroy

everything and everyone!

You have one eye left.

Your fate is in my hands.

A life in the light or in the dark.

You'll either stay in the dark forever...

or I'll grant you light.

Which would you prefer?

Do whatever you want.

You know where the chest is!

Tell me where it is!

Do whatever you want.




We're under att*ck! It's Ertuğrul's alps!

-They've found us.

-How could they find this place?

k*ll them! Quickly!

We are not done here!

Alps! Get after that dog!

Mergen, go and let Ertuğrul Bey know.

Go on.

Artuk Bey.

What have these villains done

to your eyes, Artuk Bey?

My eyes are not important, Turgut.

We have kept our secret.

With God's help,

we'll save your sight, Artuk Bey.

Let's get Artuk Bey to the camp. Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Now, children. Which name

of Allah did we learn last?

Yesterday, we learned

the holy name of Al-Hakim, sir.

Which means there is wisdom

in everything God does.

Today, we will learn the holy name

of Al-Adl, sir.


It means that He is the one...

who seeks justice in everything He does,

who wields absolute justice,

and who does everything perfectly.

When God created the earth...

as high as He made the mountains...

so He made the seas just as deep.

He created the day

as He created the night.

He brought the cold into existence,

as He brought heat into existence.

As the name Adl suggests,

when God built this balance...

it taught us many lessons.

For example...

if cats could fly, there wouldn't

be any birds left in the sky.

If birds could swim, there wouldn't

be any fish left in the sea.

Our dear God wants to see

this fair balance...

in the people that He created.

How can we build such an order, sir?

Only by being fair, Osman.

As the Qur'an says...

"God loves those who act by justice."

Sir, how can one be fair?

By taking the side of the righteous,

not the powerful.

Let me use one of the companions

of Mohammed as an example.

Omar ibn Khattab,

who was famous for being fair,

wanted to enlarge Al Masjid an Nabawi

as more and more people were visiting.

For this, he needed the land

around the grave of our holy prophet.

He offered an appropriate price

to the landowners.

Part of the land belonged to

Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib,

the uncle of our holy prophet.

But Abbas wouldn't agree to sell his land.

The ruler of the Muslims

went to Abbas and said,

"If we haven't offered enough,

we can pay more.

Sell us your land and

let us enlarge this masjid."

Abbas said,

"I am the owner of the land.

No matter how much you offer,

I won't sell it."

Omar took the matter to trial.

The judge was the famous kadi,

Ubay ibn Ka'b.

Omar stood on one side of the courtroom

as the representative

of the State of Islam.

On the other side stood Abbas,

the owner of the land.

Ubay ibn Ka'b listened to Omar,

and then he turned to Abbas.

Abbas told him his side of the story.

"I own this land.

I have the right to decide its fate.

It doesn't matter how much they offer,

I don't want to sell my land," he said.

How did the court rule, sir?

Was Omar found to be in the right?

Be patient, Aybars. Listen now.

After Ubay ibn Ka'b listened to both sides

and had a grasp of the case...

he announced a decision which would

go on to set an example for all mankind.

He announced that,

according to the Law of Islam,

no one could seize someone else's

property without their consent,

no matter who he was

or what he aimed to do with it.

And he found in favor of Abbas.

My example isn't finished yet.

When the clerks in the courtroom

were recording the decision,

a voice was heard.

The voice belonged to Abbas.

"As of now, I donate my land in order that

it can be added to Al Masjid an Nabawi,

without payment,

and of my own free will," he said.

"All rights belong to Omar ibn Khattab,

the ruler of the Muslim world."

Ubay ibn Ka'b was surprised.

"You didn't sell your land

when they offered to pay more.

Why are you giving it away now?"

Abbas smiled.

"I wanted this case to be recorded

in order to show all mankind

the importance Islam places

on justice," he said.

So, children, Omar,

who lived by this justice,

joined Jerusalem and many

other lands to the Islamic lands.

Tariq ibn Ziyad battled the seas,

and conquered Andalusia by this justice.

Our glorious forefather, Sultan Alparslan,

thanks to this sense of justice,

opened the gates of Anatolia,

our magnificent land.

If you live by this justice, too...

who knows, you too may

get to open many gates.

-God willing, sir.

-God willing.

We've driven Ertuğrul into a corner, sir.

Let's see if he accepts our terms.

Don't underestimate Ertuğrul, Uranos.

Yes, we may have driven him into a corner,

but we have to be discreet.

Bear in mind that blowing the horns

of victory too soon might lead to defeat.

What are your orders for me?

Should we give İlbilge to Ertuğrul

if he gives us what we want?

No! İlbilge's life is not that cheap.

Besides, Ertuğrul won't get away

from us so soon.


Sir, I have very good news for you.

Ertuğrul k*lled Beybolat.

Tara, are you sure?

How did you get this information?

Mikis told me.

Ertuğrul charged Mikis and another alp

with the task of taking the body

out of Söğüt.

-Did he see the body himself?

-He did, sir.

Good. Mikis has finally

proved himself useful.

There is no turning back now.

If Beybolat is dead,

his siblings must know about it.

Ertuğrul has given us the perfect

opportunity to get the tribes fighting.


Take this news to the Umuroğlu tribe.

With pleasure, sir.

You'll be all right, Artuk Bey.

I'll find the herbs to heal you,

even if I have to search every mountain.

It's our duty to make

whoever did this to you pay.

Go back to the camp.

-Artuk Bey.


Lie down.

Lie down.

I can't bear to see you like this,

Artuk Bey.

Your eyes...

and my heart are b*rned.


I don't care about my eyes.

They didn't succeed

in learning our secret.

My loyalty to you and to our cause

is still intact, Bey.

Eyes don't matter.

I knew it, Artuk Bey.

I knew it.

I knew you wouldn't reveal our secret.

And as for your eyes...

I'll do whatever it takes.

Those who did this to you...

will experience hell on this earth!


Those responsible

kept their faces covered.

They revealed themselves

to be Dragos' men.

They asked me about the chest, Bey.


there's no way Dragos' men

could've known about the chest.

It's as I thought, Artuk Bey.

The Mongols are behind this.

And they are using someone else.

Who, Bey?

Emir Bahattin.

But I have something else on my mind.

What, Bey?

Selcan Hatun has spoken about

someone named Albastı.

He's a Turkish man who slaughters Oğuz

tribes in the name of the Mongols.

He may have something to do with this.

He must have a connection

with Emir Bahattin, too.

What are you thinking, Bey?

I think Albastı is involved

in this, Artuk Bey.

Whoever it is...

no one will see peace

in this world until I find them.

I hope their hands were broken.

May their family fall apart.

How can they be so cruel

towards a man like Artuk Bey, Mother?

Those who did this...

must not have a drop of humanity in them.

Revenge for this...

will surely be taken on them.


Son, how is Artuk Bey?

How do you think he is, Mother?

How can he be?

He stands tall as if nothing happened.

Is there a chance he'll open his eyes?

I'll send word to all the renowned

physicians between Konya and Alayi.

I'll do whatever I can.


I've heard that you're going

to the castle tomorrow.

Even if they made a mistake,

you wouldn't let them down as a bey.

You are our only support.

But you should be careful.

No mountain without smoke...

no brave man without thunders, Mother.

With God's help,

we'll get through these hard days.

Rest assured.

Ertuğrul Bey.

I hope you'll save that woman

from those heretics.

Or we'll have a bigger problem.

Why is that?

What bigger problem?

Emir Bahattin.

It turns out İlbilge Hatun was being taken

to Konya to marry him.

Sırma Hatun said so.

İlbilge Hatun didn't say a word that day.

When the subject came up,

Beybolat was quick to change it.

So, this was why.

Sırma Hatun.

Ertuğrul Bey is openly challenging us.

He speaks softly, but wields a stick

against the Umuroğlu Tribe.

Ertuğrul Bey is a frontiersman

of our state.

If he had anything against the Umuroğlus,

we would all be in jail.

But, Sırma Hatun, both our bey

and our alps are in dungeons.

We can't just wait here.

-Yes, he's right.

-How can this be?

My experienced beys!

Wait a minute.

In this time of disorder,

we shouldn't feed the fire.

You know I went to the inn.

I have been assured.

We will wait for our bey

peacefully in our camp.

My brother will be here soon.

Sırma Hatun!

Sırma Hatun!

Beybolat Bey was k*lled.


Do you hear what you're saying?

I'd rather lose my home

than hear this news.

He can't go unavenged.

Nothing is what it seems.

Dragos, the m*rder*r of your father,

is playing a trick on us.

Ertuğrul Bey is trying to help us.

This is all a massive trick.

Those who don't dare

to sh**t us directly in our chests

attempt to defeat us

through our brotherhood.

This trouble may find its way

to your camp, too.

Control your beys.

Fire is all around us.


Did you see my brother's dead body

with your own eyes?

Why would I need to, Sırma Hatun?

I heard it from a merchant in Söğüt.

I went to the inn to confirm it,

but they wouldn't let me in.

They must have k*lled him

if they didn't let him in.

Beys! Beys!

As Sırma Hatun,

daughter of Umur Bey, I say...

in this time of disorder,

we should act with caution

about what we hear or see.

If this sinister news is true...

then that means the Kayis have forgotten

who the Umuroğlus are.

In that case, you know we will

have to remind them who we are.


first, we must find out

what is true and what is not.

Now, if we, at this late hour,

take our swords...

and go to the Kayi camp,

we'll come close to w*r over news

that is not confirmed.

Tomorrow I will go to the Kayi camp.

I will personally talk to Ertuğrul Bey.

After all this,

we can't let you go alone.

I am not going to w*r, only to inquire.

But the alps will wait for my word.

If my brother is harmed in any way,

I'll be like a wolf that sniffed blood...

and smash that camp to oblivion.

But if this is just an evil rumor,

then we'll have to get rid

of those who spread it first.

We will load all the chests at dawn, Bey.

Send the chests first, Turgut.

We will meet near the castle.

Bamsı, you will stay in the camp.

Here? Why is that, Bey?

If Mikis told Dragos the news...

then they will let the Umuroğlus

know about it.

To make us fight each other.

Therefore, we should ensure security

around the camp and Söğüt.

While we are at the castle,

you take care of security here.

As you wish, Bey.

These gold coins keep getting carried

between here and there, Bey.

They must not wish

to go to the Mongols, either.

Now we will give them

to those bloody heathens.

Our people's efforts will go to them, Bey.


Let's say the enemy

is all around the castle.

And you can't defeat them by fighting.

What would you do then?

I'd defend the castle

until my last breath, Bey.

What about you, Bamsı?

Bey, I would leave the castle

as a last resort and att*ck them.

What about you, Abdurrahman?

I'd rather die than leave the fight, Bey.

Bey, what would you do?

I would open the gates of the castle

and abandon it, Bamsı.

Why is that, Bey?

Sometime, leaving the castle

is a good thing.

When you abandon the castle,

the enemy will rush in, Turgut.

While they rejoice in seizing the castle,

you can surround the castle,

and lock them in.

The castle you leave for them

is in fact their grave.

You can wipe them out,

and they won't take your castle.

That is how it is, brothers.

The mind prefers ten things

to come tomorrow...

than for one thing to be lost today.

Once we've saved İlbilge Hatun,

we won't only take the gold

from that castle...

but also many heads.

But Bey, when you give them

what they want,

will they give İlbilge Hatun back?

They will not, Bamsı.

They will not.

They don't only want İlbilge Hatun.

They also want my life.

Then, what will we do, Bey?

Let me tell you, brothers.

Let me tell you.

I heard you didn't eat.

I prepared this feast in case you lost

your appetite being locked in your room.

Have a seat.

The food of hyenas like you

must be impure.

I am hungry for revenge.

I will be satisfied

only when I stand upon your carcass.

So wild.

But eating and conversation

would tame you a bit.

Sit down.

Sit down.

That was not good.

I don't want to spill your blood

over this feast I prepared for you.

It's been a long time since I last

dined with such a pretty woman.


Such pretty faces work up my appetite.

Do you think you'll get away with this?

You put your hand in the fire.

You will be made to pay for this.

I offered Ertuğrul some terms

for your release.

He will come to the castle tomorrow

to announce his decision.

He has to agree to them.

You wish.

But Ertuğrul Bey wouldn't give his answer

in words.

If Ertuğrul were to give his answer

in any other way,

he'd have done so at the inn.


he gave his answer

to your ill-tempered brother...

with his sword.

What are you talking about?

But of course, how could you know

about it when you're here?

Ertuğrul Bey k*lled

your brother, Beybolat, today.

-You can fill in the blanks.

-You're lying.

You two-faced snake.

Ertuğrul Bey wouldn't do that.

He put him in the dungeon at the inn.

Then I heard he k*lled him.

It was obvious he was going to do that.

He wouldn't.

You are trying to make us fight.

He wouldn't do that!

If you don't believe me,

you can ask him tomorrow.

Take her away.

I don't believe you! I don't!

Ertuğrul Bey wouldn't do that!

I hate hearing an angry woman shout.

May I come in?


Who are you?

Who are you?

I hate to bother you, Artuk Bey.

I heard about what happened to you.

I wanted to say that I'm sorry.

I am just a lonely passenger

passing through this inn called the world.

They know us as poor

and they call us philosophers.

You aren't bothering me.

Thank you for coming.

I was meaning to welcome you.

But after what happened to me,

you had to come and visit me.

Look at the state I am in.

I am unable to see your face.

-That's my only regret.


It is the will of God.

We cannot know His purpose.

We are too small to know its meaning.

But what God gives is always

welcome to us.

I can accept anything He gives.

God bless you.

What a beautiful submission.

But whether you are met with a blessing

or a curse...

can only be known by God.

I don't complain.

If I had as many eyes as I have hair,

I would sacrifice all of them

to the holy cause.


I know and accept one truth.

The fact that I am now blind.

From now on, I will have a hard life.

Only God knows that, Artuk Bey.

Perhaps, not seeing anything

as it appears

will help you see better

through your heart.

Because the shortest way

to find the divine love

is through closed eyes.

An eye that is not busy

with trivial, worldly things

will lock itself in the heart.

And the heart goes back to its roots

and turns to God.

I am not good enough

to find the divine love.

I know my limits.

We don't find the divine love,

it finds us, Artuk Bey.

Love suppresses our hunger,

and quenches our thirst.

Love feeds us.

But it also cuts off everything in us

that isn't a part of it,

with a sharp sword

that it carries on its wings.

The face of love is dazzling.

But those who are blind to truth

cannot see it.

The smell of love is like a fine musk.

But those without luck cannot smell it.

And the taste of love is

like a honey sherbet.

Those without fortune cannot taste it.

Because love cannot be seen with the eyes,

cannot be heard with careless ears,

cannot be tasted with an evil tongue.

The language of love is the heart.

Love can be seen with the heart,

can be heard with the heart,

can be tasted with the heart.

May God grant me the honor of...

attaining the divine love...

entering the world of meaning

and abandoning my mind to His love.

May the road I walk on,

the place I stay...

and the place I will arrive at...

only lead me to God.

Amen, Artuk Bey.


The alps are ready, Sırma Hatun.

Our alps will not come

to the Kayi Camp with us.

You will come.

When we are dealing

with such a matter,

is it wise to go to the Kayi Camp

with only a few alps, Sırma Hatun?

I will only say this.

Our Alps are going to wait

for my word near the Kayi Camp.

Welcome, Ertuğrul Bey.

Thank you, Commander.

We took the things that

Ertuğrul Bey brought

upon Dragos's request

to the cellar, sir.


Take them away.

Your swords.

We came here as guests

of Commander Dragos.

I will not give up my weapons.

We do not have that authority,

Ertuğrul Bey.

Then tell Commander Dragos I am here,

and that I won't give up my weapons.

You will give up that sword, Ertuğrul Bey.

I came here to make an agreement

with you, Dragos.

Now tell your soldiers to obey.

If you fear two men who trusted you

enough to come to your castle alone...

then I must have come

to talk to the wrong man.

I have a coward before me.

Either you will trust and talk to me,

or one of us will not

leave the castle alive.

Why would I trust you?

I came here and delivered you

the taxes of the Mongols.

From now on, you need me

as much as I need you, Dragos.

I don't know if you've noticed, but...

we are both on the verge of rebelling

against the states that we are liable to.

-Did the gold coins arrive, Commander?

-Yes, sir.

We took the food and the equipment

that Ertuğrul Bey brought to the cellar.


I knew you were brave, Ertuğrul.

And I knew about your strength.

Now, I also see that you are smart enough

to come here to talk business with me.

To be honest, you are the only man

that I'd want to trust in the world.

I will listen to you.

Good, good. Well done, Uranos.

I listen to you as if I listen to myself.

Leave me and Ertuğrul alone.

He can keep his sword in its sheath.

Abdurrahman, wait for me outside.

As you wish, Bey.

The Turks know how to do this.

We'll have a feast tonight.

Let's go.

If a commander like you...

rebelled against his emperor,

I wouldn't think you'd done it...

to stay in this shabby castle

and sit on this old throne.

You think correctly.

I have my eye on Söğüt.

You know that well.

And you know well

that I will scratch that eye out, Dragos.

But I didn't know

you had such narrow horizons.

Neither Söğüt...

nor this shabby castle will satisfy you.

If you don't growl and roar

in these lands,

don't you know that

it will turn into a calm lake?

When you stand...

between the Byzantine on one side,

and the Seljuk on the other side,

don't you know these generous lands

will eventually dry up?

But of course,

if we hold the commercial power

of Söğüt in our hands...

and if we do this

without shedding each other's blood,

if we stand behind each other

and stand tall against our enemies...

Moreover, if you cut Byzantine

trade routes,

and I cut the Seljuk's,

and we maximize our loot...

Then we can raise our armies

with more loot.

Or, you can k*ll me here if you wish.

You can go and take Söğüt, too.


neither the Turkish tribes nor the Seljuk

will let you have these lands.

You'll lose most of the soldiers that you

gathered with the ransom you got from me.


if you listen to me...

and collaborate with me, then...

we'll both win.

-What are you thinking, Ertuğrul?



Only loot, Dragos.

Not only the emperor's...

but also the sultan's loot can be ours.

You must have noticed that I'm not

talking about a few chests of taxes.

But will the Seljuks and the Mongols

leave us alone?

They couldn't color these well.

They're are faded, Mother.

It must have slipped the women's notice,

dear. It's all right. They can fix it.

How can this slip, Mother?

They couldn't boil the madder properly.

How can we put these on the market?

-May I come in, Mother Hayme?

-Come in, Son.

Sırma Hatun and the beys of Umuroğlu

are here, Mother Hayme.

Let them in.

I hope nothing's wrong.

-Welcome, dear Sırma.

-Where is Ertuğrul Bey?

What is wrong, dear?

Why are you so furious?

Don't start with the questions,

Mother Hayme. Where is Ertuğrul Bey?

Don't you ever listen to reason?

Didn't I assure you?

Didn't I tell you that

he'd go to save your sister?

Now he has gone to the castle

to rescue İlbilge.

Is Ertuğrul Bey saving my sister

by k*lling Beybolat Bey?

We heard that Ertuğrul Bey

k*lled my brother.

Tell me, is this true?

They are playing a trick on us again.

They are trying to make us fight again.

Ertuğrul Bey wouldn't do that.

He wouldn't k*ll my brother.

What if he did?

Why would they tell me such a lie?

Oh, God, help me.

Dear God, help me see the truth.


What are you talking about, dear?

Who did you hear this from?

One of our beys delivered

the news last night.

He heard it from the merchants

at the Söğüt Bazaar.

In spite of all the advice

and assurance I gave you...

you still believe this news, is that so?

After Ertuğrul Bey saved Beybolat Bey

from ambush when he defied him,

and is trying his best to rescue

İlbilge Hatun despite all his troubles,

Sırma Hatun comes to the bey's tent

holding us responsible for mere rumors.

Then tell me where my brother is.

If I had believed that news,

do you think I would come here alone?

All right.

If you don't believe it

then why are you so angry, dear?

Don't you know that Ertuğrul Bey

would never do such a thing?

She doesn't, Mother.

When one lacks wisdom,

it leads to being pedantic.

I came here to find out how my brother is,

not to bicker with you.

The alps and the beys

are waiting to hear from me.

If I don't see my brother,

a great w*r will break out.

Now tell me. Where is my brother?

May I come in?

Yes, Bamsı.

Mother Hayme.

I know why Sırma Hatun is here.

Sırma Hatun,

you can address your questions to me.

Then tell me, Bamsı, Head of the Alps.

Where is my brother?

Ertuğrul Bey played a trick

to counter the trick of the heathens.

Sırma Hatun. Beybolat Bey is alive.

He is as fine as a wolf.

He went to the castle with Ertuğrul Bey

to rescue İlbilge Hatun.

Sırma Hatun.

They are going to a fierce w*r.

We shouldn't start smashing things now.

Let's eat some of that cheese

and molasses.

Tell me, bastard. Where is İlbilge Hatun?

The key!

Yinal, gather the carcasses of these dogs.



Are you all right?

I am. Thank God, I'm fine.

We have to hurry.

Turgut Bey.

These dogs told me that Ertuğrul Bey

had k*lled you, Beybolat.

In order to reveal

the traitors among us...

to save the life of İlbilge Hatun...

and to put an end

to the traps of the heathens...

I will pretend to have k*lled you.

To make up for your mistake...

and to save İlbilge Hatun's life,

you must agree to this.

You don't have a choice.

If my sister's life depends on this...

all right, I will.


we have to make everyone believe

that you are dead.

It's only death, Ertuğrul Bey.

Ertuğrul Bey did what he had to do

to save you, İlbilge.

May God bless you and Ertuğrul Bey.

Thank you, İlbilge Hatun.

You risked your life for me.

We should leave this accursed place

at once, İlbilge.

You will wear these.

I will incorporate all the Turkmen tribes

that have run away

from the Mongolian cruelty

in Aleppo and the Taurus Mountains.

It means tens of tribes,

and thousands of alps.

And I will form an army

of brave young men

and the men that survived

the crusades in the Byzantine, is that so?

With the Mongol's taxes, no less.

Those taxes will make us stronger, Dragos.

The loot of our ever-growing lands

will give us a new state.

There is one more thing

I am curious about, Ertuğrul.


Why is she so important to you?

Emir Bahattin's has a soft spot

for İlbilge.

Are you saying...

She was being taken to Konya to marry him.

And that's why you want to use İlbilge.

What about Ertuğrul Bey?

How is he going to leave the castle?

What will they do to him

when they realize that I escaped?

If you go into a snake's nest...

you have to have a w*apon more poisonous

than the snake, İlbilge Hatun.

Ertuğrul Bey's poison against his enemy...

is his wit and his weapons.

He will defeat those bastards

with God's help.

I hope so.

Let's go to the inn now.

The necessary precautions have been taken.

Ertuğrul Bey will come back to us

safe and sound with God's help.

Come on, alps!

Get on your horses!

You talk a good game,

but you've played

many tricks on us before.

How can we trust

that you are not lying to us?

What about your tricks?

Now, tell me...

didn't you tell the Umuroğulları...

that I had k*lled Beybolat Bey

to get us fighting with them?

How can I trust you?

If we keep doing this...

we'll continue infighting

until the states we rebel against...

come here to destroy us.

Sir! İlbilge is not in her room.

What do you mean?

She escaped her room, sir.


You did this.


You came here to make an agreement.

But you broke it from the start.

You will pay for this.