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05x15 - 136. Ertugrul

Posted: 10/03/23 06:31
by bunniefuu
My dearest Osman! Open your eyes!

Osman! Osman!

Osman! Please!

Please, son, open your eyes!

Bey, they made him inhale

incense of poison hemlock.

He's lost consciousness.

He won't die, but it's worse than death.

He won't recognize us again.

Abdurrahman, find poison parsley, fast!

Go! Go! Go!

Bey, the Mongols are dead.

But we need to take Osman somewhere

safe in case more of them appear.

-It'll be easier somewhere else, Bey.

-No, Bamsı!

We'll treat him here first.

If more of them come, we'll take

them down from here, one by one.

Alıncak must not discover

that we've raided this site.

I want him to hear it from me.

Very good, Bey, very good.

I'll make you regret

raising your hand to me.

I swear I'll make you pay for it.

You hurt me, but I'm going

to rip your heart out.

Your son won't get out

of that dungeon alive.


I'm going to infiltrate your ranks.

And when you return...

who will be able to save

you from my revenge?

His fever is getting worse.

Is it boiling yet, Abdurrahman?

Any moment, Bey.

Bey, are you sure

this weed is going to help?

Poison parsley is the only cure

for poison hemlock.

It should work once he drinks it.

God willing, he wakes up

before he loses his mind.

God willing.

-It's ready, Bey.

-Bring it here.

In the name of Allah.

What's happened here?

Who k*lled them?

Keep it down.

Silence. Come on, follow me.

In the name of Allah.

Great healer, great healer!

Great healer.

They k*lled our brethren! k*ll them!

Allah is great!

Allah is just!


Get out of my way, İlbilge Hatun,

or I'll k*ll you, too.

Move! We need to check here, too.

Get in, before the soldiers get here.

Come on!

Why would you help me?

Is this another one of your games?

Bey, how is Osman? How is he?

He drank the antidote.

Now we wait for signs that it has worked.

The rest depends on Allah.

Thank God! God willing, Bey.

Are we to remain here, Bey?

It looks like it's going to

be a cold night tonight.

You men wait here.

Pick off any Mongolian soldiers,

one by one.

-I'll take Osman somewhere safe.

-As you command, Bey.

-Return in the morning.

-Very good, Bey.

Come on, Abdurrahman.

In the name of Allah.

Bring our weapons, Abdurrahman.

I'm not playing any games.

I have nothing to do with all this.

Is that right? Is that what your

bastard brother told you to say?

My brother has made mistakes.

But he's not a traitor. He'll see his

mistakes for what they are eventually.


abandon this plan to run away

and surrender yourself, Süleyman Alp.

Otherwise, not even I will be able

to save you from my brother.

I'm not running away, İlbilge Hatun.

Do you think I escaped that

dungeon only to run away?

Are you insane? What are you going to do?

Did you not see what Alıncak did to us?

He made us shed tears.

I'll make him cry tears of blood.

I'll show him what Süleyman, son of

Gündoğdu Bey, is capable of.

Do you think that will be the end of it?

If k*lling Alıncak is the solution,

don't you think Ertuğrul Bey

would have k*lled him already?

If you go ahead with this,

you could well destroy

all of Ertuğrul Bey's plans.

And say you managed to k*ll Alıncak,

do you think the Mongols would retreat?

All hell would rain down upon us.

Keep acting out of anger and you'll

cause many innocent people to die.

I've escaped. I can't surrender.

I won't let you walk to your death.

If you won't surrender,

at least let me take you to Ertuğrul Bey.

How do you know where Ertuğrul Bey is?

There isn't time

for me to explain, Süleyman Alp.

You need to trust me.

You'll know everything

when you see Ertuğrul Bey.

If you are playing me for a fool...

I'll never forgive you, not in this world

and certainly not in the next world.

-Now, listen to me. Climb into this chest.

-I'll get out of here myself.

They're looking for you everywhere. Do you

think they won't recognize you in that?

Trust me and get in the chest.

May I enter?

Come in, Sister.


I shouldn't have done that

in your presence.

But that fork-tongued witch

Sırma drove me to it.

You heard her.

Please don't be angry with me.

Our forefathers said it best, dear.

"When you spoil a wicked girl,

you had better brace yourself,

for no one knows her next trick,

least of all herself."

Sırma Hatun was growing insolent.

She got what she deserved.

She said...

I should show respect to the man

who took my husband and tribe from me.

She did deserve it.

She only has herself to blame,

we warned her.

It was inevitable.

Don't think any more about it.

If you weren't right to do it,

I wouldn't have let you do it.

I've been looking for you everywhere.

The guards told me you were here.

Are you all right, Sister?

Selcan Hatun att*cked your sister

and you just stood there.

Why didn't you stop them?

How could you leave me to

fend for myself like that?

-Whose side are you on?

-What are you saying, Sırma?

I followed you, but you stormed off,

saying you wanted to be left alone.

Should I have demanded

you stayed where you were?

Anyway, I couldn't disobey Mother Hayme.

Keep a level head.

We'll make sure Selcan Hatun

pays for what she did.

I myself will make her pay for it.

I want to hear her scream in pain.

She'll never again be able to raise a hand

to a woman of the Umuroğulları tribe.

I'm on your side, Sister.

If something needs to be done,

we should do it together.

Don't worry.

An insult to you is an insult to us all.

She'll be brought to account.

She dared to raise her hand to me and

for that I'll take what she holds dearest.

I'm going to destroy her son, Süleyman.

We'll have our revenge.

They'll pay for it a thousand times over.

Keep calm for now.

Where are your manners?

How dare you enter

without first asking permission?

We've no time for this.

Where have you hidden him?

What are you talking about?

We haven't hidden anyone.

It's Süleyman.

He's escaped. Tell me where he is.


What do you mean, he escaped?

Stop playing games, Selcan Hatun.

Beybolat Bey won't let this one go!

Now, for the last time. Where is Süleyman?

If he has escaped, I'm glad.

Weren't you supposed to be watching him?

You let him escape then come here

and try to hold us accountable.

Get out! Out!

So, the arrow has been

released by the bow.

Süleyman, and everyone who helped him,

is going to pay dearly for this.

What are you up to, İlbilge Hatun?

You say one thing to me,

but something else to your sister.

Whose side are you actually on?

I'm on the side of Allah.

Now, do as I say. Our priority

is getting you out of here alive.

You'll learn the truth

when the time is right.

-May I enter?

-Come on.

Take this chest and that rug

to Beybolat Bey's room.

I don't want anything

which belongs to Ertuğrul Bey.

The chest is very heavy, İlbilge Hatun.

What's in it?

Can we take out whatever's inside?

How dare you suggest opening it.

There are personal items inside.

Now, do as I say. Come on.

-We're in big trouble.

-We'll have to pay taxes now.

-It's not our way of life.

-We must talk to them.

-You're right.

-We need Ertuğrul Bey back.

-They're messing with how we do things.

-We can't do business anyway.

We're in trouble.

What is wrong, merchants?

Why are you loitering here?

Don't you have work to do?

We've been waiting for you, Bey.

And why is that?

You've brought in a new tax of

ten coins for every shop, Bey.

And? What if I did?

You have a full belly and a happy heart.

Of course, you should pay.

Ertuğrul Bey used to levy taxes

based on the amount of goods we sold.

He wouldn't collect otherwise.

But you are asking for ten coins

from everyone whether we sell or not, Bey.

Ertuğrul Bey's way

of doing things is in the past.

You will pay what I order you to pay.

I'm not collecting taxes

to fill my own coffers.

I intend to use the money

to establish order in this territory.

Do you see how

the wheel of the mill turns?

Bey, that kind of tax would be

disastrous for us merchants.

Most of us can't even buy fresh stock.

We're all waiting for the peddlers

who'll sell to us on credit.

My orders are absolute.

The old order is behind us now.

But worry not.

The future is bright for us all.

With the help of Commander Alıncak

we're building a new world.

Söğüt's bazaars are about to

become much richer, very soon.

And all of you will revel in those riches.


were there any other complaints?

How can he be gone? Huh?

How could you not find him?

Search every room in the inn.

Check every house and shop in Söğüt.

Find Süleyman, do you understand?

Don't come back here without finding him!

Get moving!

Why is this chest here?

My brother is trying to establish

a new order, don't you remember?

I'm rearranging his room.

I want his room to look magnificent,

to reflect his reputation.

What's wrong with you?

Why do you look so agitated?

Süleyman escaped.

How is that possible?

Wasn't there a guard watching him?

Yes, there were two guards.

-But he knocked them both out.

-Get rid of those guards, immediately.

Now, find Süleyman before

my brother gets wind of it.

Go on.

What's this?

Why are you all gathered here?

What's this chest doing here?

I'm rearranging your room, Brother.

I had them remove everything

that once belonged to Ertuğrul Bey.

This chest is to go in your room.

Everything within it must symbolize

the Umuroğulları tribe's rule.

Good thinking, Sister.

I'd expect no less from the sister

of the margrave.

What's wrong, Yınal?

Why weren't you with me?

What are you doing standing here?

Brother, excuse us.

We must take these to your room.

-Fine, go.

-Come on, everyone.


-There has been an incident.

-What happened?


What about Süleyman?

He's escaped, Brother.

He escaped?

Is this some sort of game to you?

How did he escape?

We've no idea, Bey. But we'll find him,

we're searching for him now.

You can't even watch over

a man in a dungeon.

And you say you're searching?

Did I put you here for nothing?

Stop, Brother!

Someone must have helped him escape.

We must find them first.

Look what they did to me.

You dared raise a hand to my sister?

She got what she deserved.

Remember yourself!

You helped your son

escape from the dungeons.

You couldn't bear to see him there.

First you help a criminal escape,

then you commit an even worse crime?

Rein in your language, Beybolat Bey.

We would never deny our actions,

even as we walk to the gallows.

But... we had no hand in this.

Stop this now,

before your heart is consumed by hate!

You should know I believe my son

did the right thing by escaping.

I wish it had been me

who helped him escape.

He would never have

submitted to such cruelty.

So, don't think you can hold us

responsible for your own incompetence.

I will not forgive anyone who is found

to have had a hand in this.

Then I suggest you start with yourself.

You couldn't even keep

a man in a cell.

And you are supposed to be our margrave.

Those who lack ability often

play with the devil's tail, after all.

I cannot wait to see what evil befalls us

because of your ineptitude.

Your son was punished for his

disobedience, but he didn't learn from it.

Now, he'll face a much worse

punishment for escaping.

I'll execute him in the center of Söğüt.

As soon as you assumed power,

you scattered your poison

across our lands and people.

But remember this:

there comes a sword ready

to crush the head of that snake.


Tell our men to leave no stone

unturned in the search.

Don't come back unless you've found him!


As for you, back to your work!

Commander Alıncak has ordered carpets

and rugs to offer to Hülagü Han as a gift.

You'll weave those rugs by hand,

so that they are worthy

of his tread upon them.

Have İlbilge with you

to supervise the women.

Work day and night if need be.

-Have those rugs ready.

-As you wish, Bey.

I know how to push them to their limits.

I now believe you are sincere,

İlbilge Hatun.

You are an honorable woman.

Get away from here

before my brother returns.

Wait for me at Karahöyük Cave.

Don't let anyone know your whereabouts.

Where is Ertuğrul Bey?

-Tell me so I can go by myself.

-It is a secret, Süleyman.

Now go! Wait for me there.

I'll never forget what

you've done for me, İlbilge Hatun.

Bastards have this covered too.


My dearest son.

The pearl of my tent.

When you were hurt, I felt it.

When you grew cold,

I grew cold, son.

If I don't take revenge on

those who did this to you,

may I never know peace again.

Bring it here.

These mountains,

this forest, these animals to hunt,

are bestowed upon us by Gök Tengri.

After we've k*lled Ertuğrul,

let's hunt all along

the road to Tabriz, Subutay.

You won't hunt more valuable prey

than Ertuğrul, Commander Alıncak.

I like to hunt birds of prey.

They hide in the day

and come out at night.

Those feathers make for

excellent camouflage.

Its eyes can see what is behind it.

They know when to hunt,

they see everywhere and everything.

They attack out of a clear sky.

Just like us.

Any news from the shaman?

How is Ertuğrul's son?

Did he get his soul?

The shaman knows his stuff.

He has already done what was necessary.

Our men have gone to fetch him.

Have them bring him tomorrow.

Ertuğrul will get his son.

But his son will not recognize his father.

What happened here?

Who k*lled them?

What will we tell Alıncak?

For Allah!

For Allah!


You know, brother,

I'm tired of hitting them, but...

they never get tired of dying.

In a swamp like this,

they multiply like flies.

We'll stay until morning.

-Come on.

-We'll stay until morning.

-Look, Hayme Hatun.

-What are they going to do?

Entry is forbidden, Hayme Hatun.

What do you mean, forbidden?

I don't have time for this. Out of my way.

Beybolat Bey has left strict orders,

Hayme Hatun.

The Kayıs are not to enter the tent.

We don't need to get your permission

to enter our own tent!

Stand aside!

You have no bey and no land.

As for the tent,

It no longer belongs to the Kayıs,

but to the tribe of the margrave,

the Umuroğulları.

Know your place!

My Süleyman Shah left this place to us.

Stand aside.

Stop wasting our time!

The rugs that Commander Alıncak

wants for Hulagu Khan are not ready,

yet still you stand here and talk.

Get back to work right now.

To hell with Alıncak and Hulagu.

To hell with them!



She's only speaking this way to tempt

you into anger, don't rise to it.

Our day will come.

Come on, dear.

The Holy Allah,

who hides great oaks in tiny acorns.

You see and know everything.

My heart aches for my son.

O Allah.

You protected Isaac from the knife,

Abraham from the fire,

Yusuf inside bottomless wells.

You are mighty.


you will not overburden

a servant of yours.

Don't test me through my son, O Allah.

It seems cooperation

between us has begun early.

Does you commander want something?

He does. Commander Alıncak

wants to see you tomorrow.

He must have liked our wine.

He may come.

Not here, at the inn.

At the inn? Why there?

Commander Alıncak said it is very

important and that you must come.

I hope there isn't a problem.

My only duty is to deliver

his invitation to you.

That is all I know.

All right, I'll be there.

It's good that Süleyman was able

to escape but where has he gone, Mother?


Did he say anything to you?

Did he tell you something we don't know?

He said he wanted to get

away from here and join his father.

But how he escaped the dungeon and where

exactly he's gone, I do not know.

He'd said the same thing to me.

I only just managed to stop him.

Mother, what if he really

has gone to find his father?

What will we do then?

Nowhere is safe,

the Mongols are everywhere.

Artuk Bey.

Tell our alps, but make sure they

know to keep it secret.

Our men may be able to find him

before the Umur do.

Very good, Hayme Hatun.

We'll do what's necessary, but there

is a more important issue to deal with.


The deadline expires tomorrow.

Even if Ertuğrul Bey gives Alıncak

what he wants,

there's every likelihood Alıncak

will go back on his word.

What do you think he'll do, Artuk Bey?

Alıncak will want to k*ll

Ertuğrul Bey, Gündüz.

Then we make preparations in Söğüt.

We'll be ready to attack

if he tries anything.

That's not a solution.

Making a move in the open like that

won't work to our advantage.

We'll walk on the snow

without leaving any tracks.

How do we do that?

When Ertuğrul Bey arrives,

he will not be there alone.

Our alps will already be there,

deployed in covert positions.

We'll be as close to him as his shadow.

We'll see everything, every breath

they take, every step they take.

I will be there too.

You all should stay here.

My Osman!




Here, son.

Drink it, my brave son.

Drink it.

My bey.


Look, I'm here Osman.

Look, your father is here. Osman?

Say something, my son.

Osman, look. I'm Chief Alp Bamsı.

Say something, Osman. Say something.

Come on, son.


-Yes, my bey!


Welcome, Commander Alıncak.

Spending time in the mountains

was good for me, Beybolat.

I purified my body in the soil and

my soul in the sky.

But now I'm among

these cursed stones again.

If Ertuğrul doesn't give us what we want,

we'll destroy this place

and erect out tents instead.

Let's see if Ertuğrul honors his word.

Everyone will see what

I am capable of if he does not.

You were quick to create a new order here.

Your rule is beginning

to be felt everywhere.

I have no intention of wasting

the trust you have placed in me.

The people were fearful.

But as time passes,

they'll grow accustomed to your might.

The people here are productive,

just like the soil.

But might alone won't be enough

to secure their loyalty.

If that were true,

they'd side with whoever held power.

We need to conquer their souls.

How will we do that?

We'll convert them.

They must believe in Gök Tengri.

Our conquest of them must be total

and for that to be true they must

have the same faith as us.

They will think of themselves

as part of us.

What do you say? Will that be difficult?

Not difficult.


You have fought Muslims for years,

but you have never

understood them, Commander.

What don't I know?

How will you convert those

who would rather give up their lives

than allow themselves to be captured?

How could you introduce a new religion

to a people who would fight until

the last of their blood was spilled

for the Qur'an and the call to prayer?

This people's faith is strong,

Commander Alıncak.

How will you pierce that shield?

You speak as if you're our enemy,


Don't forget that you are allied to us.

Since you know them so well,

tell me what we should do.

True. I am your ally.

But thank Allah I am also a Muslim!

I would deny my own father

if my duty demanded it.

But my religion comes before all,

even my duty.

And I will never serve anyone

who seeks to damage it, never!

Son. Osman.

Come on, say something for me.

I'm Osman, son of Ertuğrul Bey.

I'll never be swayed by Mongol games.

I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of you.

How does our tribe fare, Father?

How is my grandmother and my brothers?

They're fine, my son.

Don't you worry.

You'll be with them again soon.

Come here, hunchback!

Yes, Bey.

I'm starving.

Tell them to prepare me some meat.

Make sure your cursed fingers

don't touch my food.

Or I'll feed you to my dogs.

Right away, Bey.

You've made your presence felt everywhere.

How did you do it so quickly?

It seems you were ready

and waiting for your new title.

I hope to show those who considered me

worthy that they were right to think so.

Keep it up.

You saw what happened

to those who didn't impress us.

All that was bestowed upon

them was blood and death.

Who is this?

Why doesn't he get to his feet?

He's the imam of Söğüt.

He's the imam of Söğüt, is he?


Do you know who I am?

I do.

k*ller of innocents,

destroyer of cities. Alıncak.

So, you know my glorious reputation!

So why are you just sitting there?

Our religion dictates that...

we maintain our honor before

infidels and tyrants.

A believer obeys no one

other than the Holy Allah.

We show respect to one

another only for Allah.

We do not move so much as a muscle...

for an infidel.

You have nothing but scorn for our

might, authority and reputation?

Are you not afraid of our wrath?

The might and authority I know...

is the might of Allah

and the authority of the Prophet.

As for your wrath,

we are only afraid of the wrath

of Allah, creator of the world.

My sword is at your throat.

Now, tell me. Who is going to save you?

Allah, who is even closer to me than

the blood which flows through my veins.

This world is home to you.

But for us, it's nothing more than

a place to visit before the afterlife.

As much as you are fond of debauchery,

so we esteem martyrdom.

Today, with your army and your weapons,

you may pillage any land you choose,

and take any head you want.


we will be venerated

in this world and the next,

as a people who obeyed no one...

but the Holy Allah.

What kind of submissiveness...

and devotion...

is this?

Our guide is the verse that says...

"God will be enough for

those who put their trust in Him."

Who can do something that

Allah doesn't want?

You are not fighting a w*r

against the innocent.

You have set yourselves against

the wrath of the Holy Allah.

You'll soon realize who you're fighting

against and what kind of w*r it is.

You don't even realize what

you're doing now.

You opened the gates of hell...

when you att*cked Muslims.

Do you understand now what I meant,

Commander Alıncak?

Unless we can shake

their devotion to their religion,

we cannot rule this land.

I'll tell Hulagu Khan this myself.

That demon Alıncak is waiting,

my bey.

Should we go?

You won't be coming with me, Bamsı.

You will stay here.

I'm going alone.

My bey, you will be walking into a trap.

Let us come with you.

We can't let you go there by yourself.

Take care of Osman here

until my work there is done.

Don't leave him alone.

Why are you so worried about me?

Did you ever know me go anywhere

without already knowing

exactly how I would leave it?

All right.

Bey, what are we going to do

when this is over?

We still need to save Söğüt from

the Mongols and get our land back, Bey.

The sky is our tent,

the sun our banner.

Our objectives are not limited to Söğüt.

When the rebellion in Anatolia begins,

we'll drive the Mongols beyond Tabriz.

Once we have secured our eastern border,

our target becomes...

the west.

We'll launch raids

between the two seas...

and keep the Byzantines out of Anatolia.

Our next move will be

to capture Constantinople.

That is when we will crush

the heart of the infidel.

Bey, it is a worthy plan,

but it won't be easy to pursue while we

are beset by our current troubles.

Yes, Bey, the Mongol infidels

are all over us like sand.

How can we do it

without first defeating them?

-What is victory?

-Tell us, Father.

Once, a mighty khagan

stood high on a hill.

He was watching an enemy army advance.

The enemy army was so big that...

the khagan's army looked

as insignificant as ants next to them.

The khagan's vizier was standing

behind him, worrying.

He thought they should retreat

and asked the khagan,

"What are you thinking about, my khagan?"

Khagan watched the enemy

army for a long time.

Eventually he said, "I'm wondering where

we are going to bury so many enemies."

Wars are not won by wondering how

you will defeat your enemy,

but by wondering

where you'll bury them.

Only those with big dreams

can achieve victory.

The bigger your dream,

the greater your achievements will be.

If you dream only of Söğüt,

that is where you'll remain.

If you dream of the world,

even if the whole world comes at you,

they cannot make you

give up on your dream.

And even if you don't

achieve your dreams,

you'll leave them

to your children to chase.

And so, in turn,

they'll leave them to their children...

generation after generation,

until the banner of victory is raised.

Why has Alıncak invited me here?

I don't know. They're waiting for

Ertuğrul to bring the chest.

Do you think he'll bring it, sir?

Ertuğrul will come.

It's going to be chaotic. Be careful.

Don't do anything to thr*aten

our alliance with him.

Understood, sir.

Bey, their men are everywhere.

They are going to k*ll you.

Fate protects a man from his death.

Ertuğrul Bey.

Give me your sword.

Study it well.

You won't get a chance

when it's next unsheathed.

You kept your word.

You finally brought us

what we wanted, Ertuğrul.

Open it and make sure

what you want is within.

If you were always going to hand it over,

why did you have to put us

through so much trouble?

And now you want your son

in exchange, isn't that right?


Who are they? Who are you?

I have my son, Alıncak.

You k*lled my shaman.

You took your son with blood.

You'll pay for this, Ertuğrul.

You made me a promise.

But you intended to k*ll me here.

Who do you think will pay the price now?

Do you call that a knot?

Tie it properly!

These rugs are for Hulagu Khan,

Khan of Khans.

-Not to the tent of some shepherd.

-What else can we do?

Are we meant to work our fingers

to the bone for that wretch Alıncak?

Do you think anyone cares,

Selcan Hatun? Just do your job.


Are you not ashamed of what you've become,

just for the sake of power?

What have we become, Selcan Hatun?

What have we become?

The Mongol tyrants have plundered

our lands like hungry vultures.

But it's not enough that

they've ravaged our country,

now they're making us make gifts

for that devil Hulagu!

And you serve willingly

in the face of this persecution.

Tell me.

Do you think Allah will not one day

hold you accountable for this treachery?


you'll answer for this in the afterlife.

That's no concern for a woman.

Do your job.

Everyone, back to work. Come on!

Do you really think you're going

to make it out of here alive, Ertuğrul?

If I don't survive this, neither will you.

You'll be a seen as a feeble commander

who was too inept to fulfil his duty

and I doubt Hulagu Khan would

feed your corpse to his dogs.

I have the chest, don't I?

What else was I supposed to do?

Do you really believe I think

you're only here for the chest?

What about all that Anatolian gold?

What of it?

Didn't Hulagu Khan

tell you to get that too?

I told you, no one can take from me

that which I do not want to give.

I rescued my son by force

so that you would fully understand that.

Now, if you decide to be smart about this,

I'll find you the gold

just like I found the chest.

If not, you won't get

your hands on the gold

because you won't leave here alive.

Men, drop your swords.

That's why I invited Dragos here as well.

Now, tell me. Who has the gold?

Dragos doesn't have the gold,

and neither do I.

But I know where it is.

Then tell me, where is it?

You told me Ertuğrul Bey had the gold.

Ertuğrul was our enemy and we

believed he had stolen it.

That's why I blamed him.

I wanted to direct you to him.

Tell me then, how will you find the gold?

Secrets are precious, Alıncak.

They lose value when shared.

And that secret is mine.

Don't get involved.

I'll bring the gold to you

just as I brought you the chest.

But I have a condition.

What is it?

I want Söğüt and my beylik returned to me.

You don't want to be the margrave?

I want no such title from you.

If I choose to take it back,

I won't take it with plots...

but with the might of my sword,

just as I took my son back.

A wise enemy is better than

a foolish ally.

You have your tent.

When you bring me the gold,

you'll have Söğüt as well.

Artuk Bey.


Come with me.

Oğuz, go to the secret place at once.

-Have them bring Osman somewhere closer.

-As you command, Bey.

Bey, I know you will have taken every

precaution before coming here.

But we also took steps to ensure

you'd have support here.

He had no choice but to let me live

after hearing about the gold, Artuk Bey.

But good work, anyway.

They should be reminded we're never

more than a few steps away.

Very good, Bey.

But... there's something

I still don't understand, Bey.

Why did you give them the chest?

Don't worry, Artuk Bey.

We held onto the important

information it contained.

The information I gave them is useless.

Mengü Hatun told me to

give this letter to you.

My brother threw Süleyman

into the dungeons.

He managed to escape

but he has been sentenced to death.

Süleyman is safe now.

He's at Karahöyük Cave.

Since the problem has been taken care of,

I can return to my castle.

Commander Alıncak.

How can you trust him?

And you're returning Söğüt to him.

Are you really going to let him walk free?

If you're unhappy about him

walking out of here,

you should have taken steps to stop him.

It's obvious why you couldn't find

the chest or the gold.

Your incompetence will see many

more things slip through your fingers.

Can't you see it?

It's zigzagging all over the place

like a lame mule.

That's how this pattern is worked,

it goes across.

You have an answer

for everything, everything!

I only wished you showed

as much skill in your work.

Hear that?

Unless we talk back to you,

you'll have no one to point out

your mistakes, Sırma Hatun!

-What is that meant to mean?

-Don't you see, İlbilge Hatun?

We've worked like slaves since dawn.

You know we are skilled,

you know we work hard.

What do you two sisters do?

These rugs aren't made with harsh words.

They're made through hard work.

Since you have nothing useful to say,

why don't you keep silent

and let us work in peace?

You're the last person

who can preach such a lesson!

As I have responsibility for the women

of the tribe, then I can command you.

I don't like these rugs.

Start again from scratch!

We will not start all over again.

I am ordering you and you will do it!


Fine. If you want them remade

from scratch,

you can get your sister,

you can sit down side by side,

and you can remake them yourselves.

If that doesn't work,

you can make them again.

Because we're not going

to lift a finger to do it!

You will weave them!

Are you refusing to work?

Yes, I'm doing just that.

Then go and find your son.

Find your lazy husband

hiding in the mountains.

-You witch--

-Selcan Hatun!

That only happens once.

I won't allow it to happen again.

May it be good news.

-Welcome back, Ertuğrul Bey!

-Welcome back, Ertuğrul Bey!

-Welcome back!

-Can you see?

-Ertuğrul Bey, welcome.

-Welcome back, Ertuğrul Bey.

-Welcome back! Welcome back!

-Welcome, my bey.



My Osman!

Ertuğrul Bey has returned!

Osman is with him.

-Praise Allah! At last!

-At last!

At last!

My Osman! My brave child! Praise Allah!

Welcome home, Osman.

Thank you, Allah.

My Bey, welcome back!

Come on! Come on!

Be thankful for Ertuğrul Bey.

-Welcome home, my bey.

-Welcome back!

Oh, my brave son!

My brave son! Praise Allah!

At last, at last!

-Welcome home, my bey.

-Thank you, Artuk Bey.

My boy!

-Welcome, my bey.

-Welcome back!

-Welcome home, my bey.

-Welcome home, my bey.

Thank you.

How are you, son?

They didn't do anything to you, did they?

My father's sword destroyed their trap,




-Thank you, Mother.

Welcome back, all my children.

May your sword forever strike terror

in the hearts of tyrants, son.

Thank you, Mother.

Why are they standing

in front of the tent, Mother?

Beybolat has forbidden us

from entering the tent, my bey.

Since he became margrave,

they have tormented us every way they can.

Both them and their women.

You can't go in, Ertuğrul Bey.

The margrave, Beybolat Bey,

has forbidden it.

You know the rules.

Don't resist and make it

harder for everyone.

It seems I broke your unjust rule.

I don't care what you forbid.

If you push me any further,

I'll take your head as well,

be sure of it!

We do what we're ordered, Ertuğrul Bey.

Whatever the task given us, we do it.

Never again try to torment us...

using the power the Mongols

have given you.

Not even Alıncak himself

could take my tent from me.

Now, get your alps and leave this place.

And tell your margrave,

little stones such as yourself,

will be no obstacle as the gathering flood

of our fury breaks over this land.


Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

My Bey, I'm so glad you found

my nephew Osman.

You saved him with your sword.

But how did you escape the clutches

of that scoundrel Alıncak?

When I undid a knot with my sword,

I tied another elsewhere.

They know only I can

undo that knot, Selcan Hatun.

My Bey, I am so thankful Osman is here.

And you, too.

But Süleyman is nowhere to be found.

Do you know where he is?

Rest assured.

I have not abandoned

my nephew to the jackals.

Süleyman is safe.

-Thank Allah.

-Thank Allah.

Where is he, my bey?

I've said enough for now,

any more may jeopardize his safety.

If a people's bards are silenced,

the call to prayer is also silenced.

Pick up your instruments and play for us

so that the world knows

we will never be stopped or silenced.

Of course, my bey.

The very lands bless your banner

Cover these mountains like smoke

The seas salute you

Walk like the clouds in the sky

March on, alps, march on

March on, alps, march on

Cover these mountains like smoke

Walk like the clouds in the sky

They bent the knee

To the sound of your arrows

The thunder and the lightning

The K*llers' wrists dry up like deserts

As soon as they see you

March on, alps, march on

March on, alps, march on

Cover these mountains like smoke

Walk like the clouds in the sky

That chimney which gives out smoke

Screams used to come out of it

Before you arrived

If you had been late

The screams of the innocents

Would have been heard everywhere

March on, alps, march on

March on, alps, march on

Cover these mountains like smoke

Walk like the clouds in the sky

March on, alps, march on

March on, alps, march on

We will march on!

We are the sons of brave men...

whose tents and banners

were the sky and the sun.

We have a thousand years

of honorable history behind us.

This history, together with our faith,

will steer us through

the next thousand years!

We will march on!

And with every step we will

crush the heads of the oppressors!

What we disregard today

will return to haunt us tomorrow.

We will never surrender!

We'll never surrender!

We won't give up!

We won't despair!

We won't retreat!

We won't retreat!

If we ever show fatigue or weakness...

may we be cut down by our own swords,

and find ourselves

buried in the cold, black earth.

May our swords go in clean

and come out red!

Go in clean and come out red!

Go in clean and come out red!

Go in clean and come out red!

I'm so proud of you, brothers.

Peace be upon you.

-And upon you.

-And upon you.

He resists our authority

just because he got his tent, huh?

He insulted us publicly, my bey.

He said that little stones like us

couldn't stop the flood of their fury.

And where was your sword

while he said all that?

When I destroy them...

they'll see who the stone is

and who the flood is.

You still haven't found Süleyman?

We will, my bey.

We're looking everywhere.

I don't want to hear of your hopes,

I want him found, Yınal!

When I have him,

I'm going to make an example out of him.

Leave us. Go!

Alıncak had Ertuğrul in his hands

and he walked away unharmed.

The Kayıs will be unbearably smug.

We respected them,

offered friendship and kinship!

If not for me, Alıncak would

have taken their heads!

I have no choice now.

You're right, brother.

We can no longer be soft like dough,

we must become as hard as steel.

They lost their frontier beylik,

yet they're still so proud.

You saw how Hayme Hatun

and Selcan Hatun behaved.

They're impossible,

even in the weaving tent.

And they celebrated the fact

their boy escaped.

Could they be any more

disrespectful to the margrave?

I'll come down on the Kayı Tribe

like a nightmare in the night.

I'll show them who has

the power, the might and the title.

They don't know me yet.

Blood it is!

If blood must flow, so be it!

Don't leave the women alone.

You're the sisters of the margrave.

Commander Alıncak gave you a task.

Show no mercy to any of them.

Those rugs will be made.

Hulagu Khan's orders, my bey.

The Mongols have made a deal

with the Byzantines.

The Byzantines will give

İzzeddin Keykavus to the Mongols.

He had sought refuge with them.

Hulagu Khan commanded Alıncak

to find Keykavus and deliver him to him.

İzzeddin Keykavus used to rule

with his brother Rükneddin Kılıçarslan.

When Kılıçarslan became sympathetic

to the Mongols he was overthrown, Bey.

Keykavus was betrayed because he

refused to sell his soul to the Mongols.

But his rage caused him to make mistakes.

While the Turkish tribes respected him

and would have welcomed him,

he instead sought

the protection of the Byzantines.

At one side we have a rightful Sultan

who obeys the Mongols,

and who can't even

make his own vizier obey him...

and on the other side, Keykavus,

who chose to run to the Byzantines.

How did our state fall so far, my bey?

Because our statesmen don't act out

of principle or for a cause,

but are motivated only by what

might fatten their purses, Turgut.

If they had rallied

around a righteous cause...

would it have come to this?

Why does Hulagu want Keykavus, Bey?

Keykavus is well liked by the Turkish

tribes because he didn't obey the Mongols.

That's why Hulagu Khan

wants to execute him;

to intimidate those Turkish tribes

which are considering rebellion.

So, should we alter the orders

again and stop them taking him, Bey?

On the contrary.

We'll make sure he

gets the orders, Turgut.

Why would we let

Alıncak get the orders, Bey?

If we know exactly what

Alıncak is going to do,

it will make it easier

to get their before him.

Our swords will never be enough

if we are to destroy Alıncak and drive

the Mongols out of this land.

However hard we hit them,

they'll only come back with more men.

That is why we're going

to destroy Alıncak's reputation instead.

We'll disrupt every

mission entrusted to him.

He'll fall out of favor because of us.

We'll make sure that every task

he's given is doomed to fail.

When Alıncak lets someone as important

as Keykavus get away...

his reputation will be in ruins.

If Keykavus...

was ex*cuted by the Mongols the effect on

the Turkish tribes would be profound.

We must prevent it else their interest

in rebellion will fall away completely.

Alıncak will go to get Keykavus.

But... we'll be there before him

and save Keykavus from their evil intent.

And when Alıncak sees he is too late,

he'll be beside himself with rage, my bey.

We'll destroy his reputation

piece by piece.

Alıncak, who came here with an ego

as big as a mountain...

will be swept away like dust.

Mergen, Alıncak will get

his orders at dawn tomorrow.

As you command, Bey.

Tell the bell-ringer I want him to meet

me on the road to Alacatepe.

I have something to say to him.

As long as there's a Turk in Anatolia...

this w*r will be fought

until it is won.

-Very good, my bey.

-Very good, my bey.

What is it?

If you've disturbed me while

I was eating for nothing,

I'll tear off your ears and eat them too.

Hülagü Khan's orders.

What does our Khan order?

Today is a glorious day.

The sky spirits must

have ordered the earth spirits

to bring us good fortune.

-Is it something important?

-Very important.

The Byzantines have agreed

to hand over Keykavus.

The Khan of Khans, Hülagü Khan,

has decided that I

am to be responsible for this sacred duty.

And we have the chest.

Hülagü Khan entrusts you with

the most critical of missions.

Once this task has been completed,

you'll be as precious in his eyes

as his own son, Abaka.

Even if this man we are to find

is not the current sultan,

our great ruler will surely reward us

for delivering a Seljuk sultan to him.

I dream about my return to Tabriz

having completed my missions...

and sitting to the right hand

of Hülagü Khan.

First, I'll bring him

the chest and Keykavus.

Ertuğrul will have found the gold

by the time I get back.

Take your men and collect Keykavus.

I want no mistakes.

I'll join you later after giving

the necessary orders to Beybolat.

Then, we go to Tabriz.

I came here in secret, my Bey.

You called for me. I'm at your service.

Can you get to Dragos

in Castle Lefke, bell ringer?

The priest sent me there several times.

But I don't know if I'll be

allowed to see Dragos himself.

I told Dragos that we would

keep in contact through you.

I told him what's necessary.

Go to Dragos at once.

Tell him that I need ten of his best men,

in disguise,

on the road to Constantinople.

What if he asks why, my Bey?

Tell him we're about to make

our first move against Alıncak.

He doesn't need to know anything else.

As you command, my Bey. As you command.

They must not be late.

Let's go.

What does Alıncak have to do

with the road to Constantinople?

What are you planning, Ertuğrul?

What are you planning?

You asked for me, Commander Alıncak.

Hülagü Khan sent orders.

I have an important task to attend to.

I'll take care of it and then

take the chest to Tabriz.

But I will be back.

Maintain order here until I return.

I don't want any problems.

Ertuğrul will have brought

the gold by the time I return.

I'll do my duty, as is expected of me.

Rest assured.

But the Kayıs don't look like

they're going to stay quiet.

Your duty is to keep them at heel.

Otherwise, I might as well have made

a scarecrow the margrave.

I'll keep them under control

all right, Commander.

But if there's an uprising, know that

I'll have to suppress it by force.

May you rule powerfully.

If they rebel, show no mercy!

What could the Mongols be doing

on the road to Constantinople?

No intelligence has come this way.

It must be something important.

Did you prepare the soldiers

Ertuğrul asked for?

They're ready, sir.

It may be that Ertuğrul intends

to take down a small Mongol unit.

It could be his preliminary action

against Alıncak.

There are many Mongol units in Söğüt.

Why would Ertuğrul go towards

Constantinople to k*ll them?

Something significant is about to happen.

We must find out what it is.

I'll go with the soldiers then.

No. I'll go myself, in secret.

I want to be there to see this for myself.

If we're able to get hold of this secret,

it may well improve

our fortunes in this land.

Yes, Artuk Bey?

Alıncak might attack the village again,

Hayme Hatun.

Where did all this come from?

Do you know something?

Ertuğrul Bey has embarked

on an important mission.

And we are expected to play our part too.

We'll get ready for battle, just in case.

Everyone must be on alert.

The alps will recover the weapons we hid

and stand ready inside the tents.

You're right, Artuk Bey.

If it comes to w*r,

we'll fight them tooth and nail.

Never again will we be oppressed.

Indeed, Artuk Bey. Indeed.

Dragos' men should come before

the Mongols get a chance to escape.

Abdurrahman is hiding at the spot

where Keykavus is due to be handed over.

He'll let us know if something happens.

These are Dragos' men.

We are the elite of Commander Dragos' men.

We are at your service

in this battle, Ertuğrul Bey.

Don't let a single Mongol escape.

Don't harm the prisoner.

One of you scout out the road.

Let us know if anyone approaches.

My Bey, the Byzantines

are bringing the prisoner.

The Mongols are here to take him.

They're led by Subutay.

Let's go then.

Since they came as swift as the wind,

our swords will descend

upon them with the speed of lightning.

Come on, come on!

You can't escape us...

even if you run to

the other side of the world.

You will all meet your end

beneath our boots.

Let's get this over with quickly.

You can sort out your own problems

Sign to show that you have taken him.

Our job here is done. The rest is your

responsibility. Do what you like.

You've been sold like

a piece of meat, Keykavus.

Now, you walk to Tabriz on foot.

All of Anatolia will see how we broke you.

Just like we broke your state.

If those traitors hadn't stabbed

me in the back,

you vultures wouldn't have

been able to do anything.

But I'm no traitor.

I won't bend my knee to you.

Your tyrant of a khan will only

ever know my corpse,

never my submission.

Get him!

Take him away!

We have a long road ahead of us.

Who is that man? Who? Who?

Where did that come from?

Come on!

It's a trap!

Who is that man, who?

Let me go! Let go!

Let go!

Who are you?

Speak! Who are you?

Tell your master...

his every crime will be avenged.

The dogs may have power,

but the wolves have rules.

Someone's coming. They'll get here soon.

Take the man, quickly.

Go back to the castle.


-How is it?

-Good, well done.

Stop talking and get to work. Work!

You've gotten away with this

for too long!

No slacking!

We don't want any sloppy work.

Pay attention to what you're doing!

What kind of a pattern is that?

Weave properly!

Do we have to beat you

to make you understand?

Selcan Hatun!

She's bluffing. Don't let her provoke you.

What can I say, Hafsa Hatun? I obviously

didn't hit her hard enough the first time.

Selcan Hatun!


Stop talking. Work faster and neater.

If you don't like our work,

why don't you do it yourself?

Send Umuroğlu your own rugs.

Or are you afraid Hülagü would refuse

to even step foot upon them?

We are the margrave's sisters.

Why would we need to work

when you're here?

You've got your orders. Now do the work.

Everyone must know their place.

Thank God, we all know

our place perfectly well.

But you're still learning yours.

-Selcan Hatun!

-My lady, don't stoop to her level.

Mengü, don't get involved.

Go ahead, tell me what you mean.

It's obvious what I meant.

You noticed Ertuğrul Bey's power

and so approached him.

This one thought Alıncak's strength was

quite something, and so became his lackey.

Did your margrave order that too?

Congratulations, congratulations!

You can get anywhere you want

with these kinds of skills!

What exactly are you calling us?

I'll cut out your dirty tongue!


Sırma, sister!


-Sırma Hatun!

Sırma, listen to me! Sırma!


Sırma! Sister!

Selcan Hatun.




What happened here?

Men, spread out!


Commander Alıncak!


Subutay! What happened here?

Who did this?

I don't know.

Didn't you see their faces?

Were they Turks, Byzantines?

They were masked.

Were they demons, then?

The dark spirits of Erlik Khan?

Keykavus! Where is Keykavus?

They took him.

How could this happen? How?

What will I say to our Khan?

The sky will fall on our heads.

What did they say?

Did you not hear anything, Subutay?

-They said something.


"The dogs may have power,

but the wolves have rules."

Only one man would dare to do this.


Who are you?

Why have you kidnapped me?

Are you Mongols or Byzantines?

We are neither Mongol nor Byzantine.

We are Oghuz Turks.

So, I've been the prisoner

of infidels all this time.

At least I'll die by your hand.

Tell me, what is your name?

Ertuğrul, son of Süleyman Shah.

Ertuğrul Bey.

I've heard a lot about you, Ertuğrul Bey.