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04x18 - Who Comes Here?

Posted: 10/03/23 07:02
by bunniefuu
Nicky and Sheree are out
for all they can get.

No one believes you.
Pascalle, listen—

Loretta, don't call me. I don't
wanna speak to you ever again.

Pascalle's nice...

Why shouldn't I spend
my money on you?
...and sweet...

If you've got money to throw around,
you could put some of it my way.

Give it up, Ted.

I'll pay for your
wedding. All of it.

...and trusting.

You better not be lying to me.
I'm not.

You're meant to be dealing to Nicky.

If you f*ck her over,
I f*ck you over...

...big time.

Feeling better now?

I need you to get a hold of someone.

Shit, we've barely gotten started.

Are you getting dressed
any time soon?

Oh, do I have to?

Doesn't worry me if you go in your
dressing gown, I'll still jump you.

Bloody Ngaire Munro.

No, Ted can have the job
of jumping Ngaire Munro.


LAUGHS: Knock it off.

Bloody hell.

Are we late yet?
No, but we will be.

You actually invited?

Mum said I can come.

Ngaire was issuing the
invites last I heard.

Oh dear.


Oh, please, don't.

Don't what, Wayne?
Whatever you two are planning—

Not planning anything. Fun
day out's all I'm after.

What are you doing here?

Taking my daughter to a wedding.

Hayden's looking after Jane.

[ Get dressed.

Don't give me a hard time.
Van's not up yet. You go get him.

I'm not going in the pit.
I don't even live here.

All right, I'll go.

I need undies, anyway.

This wedding could go so wrong.

Yes, it could.

Van, Van, come on. Get up.
We've got a wedding to get to.

Uh, yeah, I kinda— I slept in, Mum.

Yeah, I can see that.


Don't you move at the
speed of f*cking light?

Mum, I've been meaning
to talk to you—

Yeah, I'll get to you.

Get up. Get dressed. We've got
Grandpa's wedding to go to.

Oh, shit.

It's OK, hon. She had
to find out sometime.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

Will it affect my performance?

You will fly through the ceremony.
Trust me. Been there.

Bugger the ceremony. I'm talking
about afterwards when it counts.

Hear me when I say,

it will only add to the sweetness.

Amen to that.

Come on, old fulla.

Oh, Munter.

Yeah, OK, might help.

♪ I am a cabbage tree,

♪ a custard pirate lost at sea,

♪ a rainbow in the cemetery.

♪ You'll turn to stone
if you look at me. ♪

Maybe they're giving moral support.

Yeah, but she hasn't got any, and
Van wouldn't know a moral if it bit
him on his d*ck.

OK, fun times ahead (!)

Oh my God.

I know you're marrying him, but I'll
k*ll Grandpa for being so late.

He'll be here.

The garden is lovely,
Pascalle. Thank you.

We widows know the importance of
marriage and doing it right the
second time.

You are a treasure.

What the f*ck is she doing here?
And what is she doing here with Mum?

Birds of a feather flock together.

I'm gonna sort her.
Leave her, Pascalle.

She fights dirty, but
I can kick her arse.

We don't want to ruin the
dignity of the occasion.

Dignity. Right.

Man, we are so late.

If you didn't drive like p*ssy...

Good one, Munter. That's what we
needed — getting pulled over.


Oh, good, I was getting worried
there for a second.

Come on. Fast game's a good game.

Let's get this show
on the road, love.

Grandpa, dignity.
It's all right, Pascalle.


♪ What greater love could
I find to stand beside me?

♪ Where do I go when I need...?

You look smashing.

Thank you, Ted.

♪ Who's always there
showing me...?

The union of a man and a woman is a
joyous occasion made stronger by the
taking of the marriage vows—

Holy shit!

♪ What greater love can a man
hope to find in this world? ♪

Oh, great. f*cking Dad and dickwad.

I thought Wolf had banished him?

Yeah, well, that's kinda changed.

Did you know about this?

Pick him to bloody upstage
us. Get a move on.

Marriage is a union between two
people made stronger by the taking
of the marriage vows

in the eyes of the community
who love and support them.

Do you, Ngaire, take Theodore to
be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

And do you, Theodore, take Ngaire
to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Oath, I do. Are we up to the snog?

Um, rings?

Yep, now we're getting there.

You are two persons, but there
is one life before you—

Can we get on with the kissing bit?


I now pronounce you husband and
wife. You may now kiss the bride.

I'll do a damn sight more than that.

You beauty!

I thought the plan was 'I do',
then whisk Mrs Ted away to do
the business.

For some reason I'm bloody famished.

Oh, help keep the strength up, eh?

I don't need any help keeping
anything up, let me tell you.

Ah, bless you for sharing, Ted.

Unlike many of the Wests, Jane's not
a party girl. We're saying goodbye.


Oh boy, are you in for a fun time
when you're old enough to want to
know all about your family.

Lucky she's got you (!)

Yeah, she has.

You know what? It's kinda fun,
Loretta, when you get used to it.


I'm just glad something good came
out of the train wreck that was you
and me.

Is that what we were? A train wreck?

How else would you describe it?

The angry musclemen with shrivelled
up penises are no longer angry at
you, then?

I'm sure they are.

Be thankful you didn't return from
Apia to find the business sold from
under you.

Get over it, Falani.

Well, well, well.

Hey, Mum.

Not sure whether I should thump you
or hug you. What should I choose,

Quality family time.

It's sorted.

Later, eh?

Is it safe, you being here?

Doesn't matter.

So I hear you're up the duff.


Yeah, go figure.

It is the first Best Bag Ever in
the hands of anyone who isn't me
or Kasey.

Well, aren't I privileged?

Yes, you are.



Congratulations, Ngaire.

Oh, that's rich coming from
someone who isn't even invited.

But you're very welcome to stay.

I need to borrow Nicky.

No, don't start that
shit again, not here.

No, it's OK, baby.

I'll leave you Wests to it.

If he's got something to say, he can
say it in front of me and not behind
my back.

Suit yourself.

Jethro's back.

Yeah, so I see.

He's back because I want him here,
and I assured him no shit would come
his way.

I wasn't planning anything.

Not what I'm saying.

I'm saying if anything does
happen, I'm blaming you.

It's all in the past as
far as I'm concerned, Wolf.


So we're all clear, then.

God, I hate his macho bullshit.

Seen my son?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah,
it's good to have him back, eh?

No, no, I mean my other son.

No. No, no idea. Uh,
he was around before.




Hey, munchies, bro.

Mmm, choice.

Can't hide out here forever, eh?

Nah, I'm not hiding.

I'm, uh, creating space.

How does that work?

Mum and Dad are in there,
and I'm out here. Space.

Yeah, well, you got that half right.

What the f*ck is going on, Van?

I'm— I'm getting lost in space—

Nah, nah, nah. I mean with Sheree.

Yeah, I meant to tell
you about that, Mum.

I'm sure. I want to know what's
going on inside that f*cking head.

Not a lot right now, Mrs West.

No, I'm thinking of the best answer.

Well, go on, take your time.




You really know how to
pick them, don't you?

Told your father?

Well, um,...

good luck.

Lovely ceremony, Ngaire.

Thank you, Cheryl.

You hurt him, you answer to me.

Having fun?

God, I could do with a drink.

Hey, sis.


Hey, um,... I need to have
a little chat with you.

Oh God, don't you start.

Too late. Listen...

You need to steer clear of Nicky.

Did you put him up to this?
He's the reason I had to leave town.

Wasn't Dad the reason?

Nicky and the people he deals
with are bad news. Get it?

Unlike our family, who
are f*cking saints.

Get your head out of your
arse, Pascalle.

You aren't even supposed to be here,
so why don't you just piss off?

I'm here for you, you dumb bitch,
just like he is.

Don't call me a bitch.

We're trying to save you.
I don't know what else to do.

I'm not gonna listen
to a mean psycho.

Well, at least I'm
not a stupid slut.

Hey, hey, hey. ]

f*ck off.



(SQUEALS) Get off me.

You stupid f*cking bitch.


Hey, stop it. Stop it.


I tolerated your presence.
Not any more. Leave now.

I'm done here.

Time to sh**t through, my sweet?

Hey, oh, hey. Don't forget the
bouquet. Oh, come on, Cheryl,
I'll fight you for it.

By afraid, Lloyd. Be very afraid.

Thank you.

Yeah, go enjoy, my man. Yeah!


Go get 'em, Ted.

♪ You are the one.

♪ You'd swallow the sun

♪ and fill up my lungs. ♪

Of course they're gonna
be there, you dill.

Yeah, well, that's great for me (!)

What are you worried about?

Well, it's easy for you to say.

Jeez, look at the two of you.

Hello, love.

Someone want to tell me
what the hell's going on?

Thought family unity might help
where a certain person's concerned.

Yeah, well, you're doing a
crash-hot job of it so far.

Early days.

We should get going.

What are you doing?

Giving Jethro a lift home.

Bye, love.
See you, Mum.

See you.

Hey, uh, Dad. I gotta
tell you something.

If this is about you and Sheree,
I do have eyes, Van. I can bloody
well see.

I'm gonna be there for her.

All the way.

If that's what you want.

Yeah, I'm taking, um,
responsibility, OK, cos the...

I'm the one responsible.

Come on, Van.

No, I've gotta tell Dad this thing.

No, you don't have
to tell him anything.

Yeah, I d—

You and I still have shit to sort
out, OK? About money and child

Any time.



You can ask me, you know.



I'll tell you anything
you wanna know.

I'm guessing you were getting
shit about me again.

OK. What did you have to do
with Jethro having to go away?

Quite a lot.

Some guys... Some patched-up guys,
they came to me with an offer. They
had an in to a supply of steroids.

Now, I don't touch the stuff, but
a lot of guys, they live off the
juice, so there's big demand.

Money to be made.

They needed me to front for a
container of gym gear to hide
their stuff in.

So Wolf and I, not exactly in a
position to say no, we were in.

Anyway, then Jethro stuck his nose
in where he shouldn't, and the stuff
went missing.

He says it got trashed.
I don't know.

But there were some pretty f*cking
angry people minus their stuff,
wanting to k*ll him.

So while I kept them at bay, Wolf
tells him to get out of town.

And is Jethro gonna be OK now?

It's ancient history as far as I'm
concerned. I have no problem with

Except when he gives
you shit about me.

So, in a way, you could say
that you saved his life.

You could say that.

Here. It'll help numb the pain.

Yeah, ha-f*cking-ha.

Oh, hey, um, what's up with Van
and Sheree? He was on the verge of
manning up to Dad about something.

Yeah, really. Something about, um,
taking responsibility for something?

Van's grown some stones
now he's gonna be a daddy.

He's got it in his head that he's
the father of bitch-face's twins.


Chances are they're Dad's, but
common sense isn't Van's strong




Jesus, Jethro, how could you?

She was gagging for it.

Freud would have a f*cking
field day with you.

Oh, whatever.

All set?
They know?

Oh yeah, they know, all right.

Come on. I got your back.

Yeah, it's the front of
me I'm worried about.

Yay, Jethro.


What the f*ck do you guys want?



What the f*ck was that?

Person that was pissed.

Oh, Van.

I'm going.

Oh shit.

Ah, f*ck.

Well, don't just
f*cking stand there.

Oh my God.

Come on.

Jesus, what the f*ck
happened to you?

To be honest, Mum,
I can't really remember.

They jumped him at his motel.

And you just happened to be there?

I happened to be keeping an eye on
my boy in case they tried this shit.

Luckily, I had a friend with me.

Yeah, yeah. (YELLS)

What's the matter? Don't
you like the Samoan style?

[ I will k*ll you! k*ll
your f*cking white arses.


Come on.

There's a good boy.

You could've got in a bit earlier.

Well, you did put me in prison.

I warned him this would
happen if he came back.

Why did you come back, Jethro?

To put Pascalle straight about
what a prick her boyfriend is.

Hang on a second.
You stay out of this!

He should be safe here, OK?

I'm gonna sort this little prick.

Don't you dare touch him.

Wolf, you're not smacking anyone.

There is no proof that Nicky
had anything to do with this.

Shut up.
He's a menace, and if he hurts my
f*cking sister, I'll k*ll him.

No, no, Jethro.

I will deal with this.

All right?

I will.


I had nothing to do with this.

Yet you know about it.

Sheree called, said you were coming.

Bless her (!) Pascalle.

She's asleep.

Cheryl, this had
nothing to do with me.

Excuse me if I don't believe
you right now. Pascalle.

The first I knew about this
was when Sheree called.

The first you knew about what?

Go on. Tell her.

Jethro got beaten up.

No, some people tried to k*ll him.

Maybe if he hadn't decided to steal
dr*gs from the scum of the Earth...

He didn't steal them.
So he says.

They were destroyed,
and only to help me.

And before you open your mouth,
I strongly believe that to be true.

I want you to come and see
what they did to your brother.

Which I had nothing to do with.

You can believe what you want,
but I want you to come and see
for yourself.


Oh my God.

Yeah, I wish I could say, 'You
should see the other fella.'

Did you see who did this to you?

Yeah, briefly. Big. Bad.

Why is everyone saying
that Nicky is involved?
Because he is.

No, but there must be heaps of
people who wanna give you the bash.

(CHUCKLES) Thanks, Pascalle (!)

No, well, you know what I mean.
Like old clients and stuff.

Pascalle, listen to me —

Nicky made this happen, OK?

Believe it or not, there's no one
else even remotely that pissed off
at me.

This is bullshit.
Nicky just would not—

You shut up...

until I say it's OK for you to talk.

Oh, sweetheart.

Sweetheart, I know you love
Nicky. I can see that.

But you've gotta open
your eyes now, honey.

But, Mum, I know what he is.

No. No, you don't.

Look at your brother.

Pascalle, Nicky said this would
happen, and here he is. Now, you
fill in the blanks.

It's not like we're much different.

No. No, we don't do this to people.

Yeah, Dad gives people
the bash all the time.

Giving someone a tap is not this.

Nicky Greegan is a bad bastard.
I know that. Before you open your
f*cking mouth,

you know that I know, so
you be very very careful.


If you knew this was gonna
happen, why did you come back?

To save you.


The next time you feel like doing
something f*cking radical like
thinking, you call me first.

They heard he was back in town, so
they thought they'd teach him a

Now Trent can think about it while
he's eating food through a straw.

Who did they happen to hear it from?

Word went round.
I'm sure.

Wolf just happened to be there to
save his boy getting too messed up.

But messed up enough to look good.

f*cking Wolf, eh?

So we tell her what Daddy did
to save her pretty little ass.

f*ck, Sheree. Spout that paranoid
bullshit, she's gone for good.

Except it's not paranoid
bullshit. It's the truth.

What's the truth got to do with it?

This is about who can spin the most
believable bullshit in the shortest
possible time.

f*cking Wolf.

What if he is just the same?

The same as what?

All the f*cked up men in our family?

I thought he was different. You
know, like, he's a proper man and he
makes me feel like an actual woman.

You know? And I love that. I love
being loved like that. You know
exactly what I mean, right?


Yeah, I do.

I feel safe with him.

Like he wouldn't let anyone harm me.

Yeah. You know the problem
with men like that?

They can turn out to be bastards.

When you realise that you're better
off without them, it's f*cking hard
to push them away because...

you remember how safe you
felt and how good it was.

When you know, when you truly know
what they are, you have to cut them

...even though it hurts,
before they drag you down.


Cos believe me, my love,
they will drag you down.


I know what people
want you to think.

There's only so many times I can say
I wasn't part of this before I sound
even guiltier,

which is what they want.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna
show you. Make you see the truth,
whatever it takes.

Because I love you.

Well, that was sufficiently

Shut up.



Jethro doesn't look to good, eh?

Reckons it was Nicky's boys.



Bet Sheree's singing a
different song, though, eh?

Uh... dunno. She's kinda not here.

Mum, it was my fault, eh?

How is it your fault?

Cos, uh... Cos I smashed
those dr*gs

when I thought those
guys were after you.

Van, this is not your fault.

You hear me? Only one person is
getting the blame, and it's not you.
Anyone says otherwise, don't listen.

You mean Sheree?
Yeah, she's got into your head.

No, no. She hasn't.

I know you think I don't know what
I'm doing, but I do, OK? I do.

Dad breaking up with her when
she's pregnant, man, it sucks.

It double sucks cos it's twins,
you know. It's just— It's mean.

Sweetheart, you don't have to look
after her because Wolf isn't.

Mum, I do actually like her.

Yeah, I know how all you guys feel
about her, all right. I know that.

But I've always got
on real good with her.

And to be honest, Mum, it's...

it's just kinda choice being
with someone again, you know.


as long as you know
what you're doing.

Yeah, I do.

Are you under the mistaken
impression you live here?

I'm just looking after my boy.

Florence f*cking Nightingale.

In case they come back.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

See who showed up?

A spare. This family's gonna k*ll
me. And here I am adding another
one to the mix.

Hey, hey, hey. That's my
bubby you're talking about.

How does that make a difference?

Oh, you know, you'll see.
He'll be cool and laid-back

and have a much better sense
of rhythm than any of your mob.

Yeah, and he'll be a he?

Or she. I don't mind.
I'm not biased.


f*ck the lot of you! ]


f*ck the f*cking lot of you.

I wish I had never met any of you.

What is your f*cking problem?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

He went to sort the shit he started.
They beat the shit out of him. They
broke his arm.

Who broke whose arm?


He went to talk to the guys that he
beat up last night, and they beat
him to a pulp.

And they broke his arm
just to teach him a lesson.

What, you want the X-rays?

They're Nicky's boys. They don't do
anything without Nicky's say-so.

That is crap and you know it.

Where is he?


Where is he now?



Well, I can really recommend
the painkillers I'm on.

What happened?

I learnt you can't talk
sense to some people.

Tell me what happened.

I, uh, went to see the guys
who went after Jethro.

They're even more pissed because
Wolf managed to break someone's
jaw in about three places.

I tried to do a deal to get them
the last of what they're owed.

They didn't exactly go for it.

Why did you do that?

Isn't it obvious?

Sort out Jethro's problems?

I don't give a shit about Jethro.

I went there for you.

To prove to you, like I told you on
the phone, I'll do whatever it takes
to make it right between you and e.



There's way too many people getting
beaten up around here these days,

Tell me about it.

And I'm just the luncheon
in the sandwich.

Yeah, well, you could change that.

Don't tell me to dump Sheree, bro.

You wanna spend the rest of
your life raising Dad's kids?

They're not Dad's.

They're mine.

Yeah, I don't think so.

Yeah, they are.

Uh, this is... because of the
one night that you and Sheree
had together?

Well, what do you know about it?

Uh, I know it wasn't you.

It was me.



Sheree thinks it was
you who rooted her.

It was me.

(LAUGHS) Bro, I know I was wasted,
but I wasn't that wasted.

If you'd been there, I think
I might've remembered it, man.

Van, you don't remember any of
it, because you weren't there.


Why are you even saying
that shit, man?

Because you need to know, bro.

Oh, crap. You're lying.
I'm not lying.

You are. You always lie.
Why would I lie about this?

You wanna break us up
cos of what Nicky did.

It's because she's no
f*cking good for you.

So you admit it?
Admit what?

That you're lying.

Van, I'm telling you the truth for
the same reason that you think that
I'm lying.

OK, Van.

I get that she's pregnant.

Right, just tell me why it
has to be you who steps up.

Well, someone has to.

I think Sheree is more than capable
of raising kids on her own, Van.

As long as she doesn't
eat them at birth.

That's just sick, man.

Van, don't get stuck with this woman
because of some misguided sense of
responsibility. Van!

We should go check Pascalle.
She'll come back.

Nah, I think we should go anyway.


Oh, sweetheart, I am so
pleased you're back.

I've sorted it.

It's all sorted, and you're OK now.

How do you mean 'sorted'?

Nicky told me everything,
and I've dealt to it.

Like I told you on the phone, I'll
do whatever it takes to make it
right between you and me.

How much?


To make them go away.

You gave him money?

To make them go away, and
they're not after you any more.

How much did you give him?

What happened to 'thank you'?

How much did you give to Nicky?



But it's not like I don't
have the money.

Well, you don't have it any more,
because you gave it all to f*cking

Nicky is not the bad guy here.

No, he's the guy who's
grand richer.

You're just pathetic. I did this
for you and this is what I get?

Screw you.

Great f*cking plan, Dad.

What plan? What plan?!

Not here.

She'll only tell me later, bro.

My family, not yours.

You let our son get
half-k*lled as bait?

Jethro owed this family.
He stood up and took it.

You stood by and let
my son get beaten to—

We had his back the whole way.
Sure looks like it (!)

It had to look like
that so it'd work.
Work? What would work?

So Pascalle would know what a
prick she's shacked up with.

Yeah, right, and look
at where she is now.

OK. All right, fine.

So where do we go from here?

What do you mean 'we'?

You and me.

Do you think I want you anywhere
near this family after this?

My family too.

No, not any more.

You don't mean that.

This is still you and me.

I'm pregnant, Wolf.
And it's not yours.

Does that give you any
f*cking clue where we're at?

I don't f*cking care.

Your kid will be the same as any of
the others as far as I'm concerned.

Are you off your f*cking rocker?

No, you are it. You are
f*cking everything to me.

And I will take you no matter what.

No, you won't, Wolf,
because I don't want you.

I don't want you.

I don't need you.

And I don't love you.

Not any more.

You wanna be alone?



Shit, no.

I just lost my daughter.

Two out of two. That's impressive.

So let's start getting
them back, eh?



I need your help.

That's a long way
from excommunication.

Needs must.
Stop it with the flattery.

There're not gonna beat us.

They're not gonna take
my family away from me.

So I need you.

To f*ck over the Greegans?

Have you talked to Dad about this?

He's had his shot.
He's out of the picture.

It cost me a lot to get him out.

Are you in or out?

I'm your girl.


Given you the job of
throwing me out, have they?

No. I just...

wanted to make sure you
were OK and everything.

After a fun day of people
taking sh*ts at me?

Well, I haven't. And I'm not gonna.



You know I'm me, right?

Yes, Van.

Cos being me is really
important to me.

Hey, there's enough weird shit going
on around here at the moment without
you adding to it.

Yes, there is. (CHUCKLES)

But I know a way we can change that.

♪ People gonna lie.

♪ People gonna lie. ♪

If it hurts too much,
we can just stop, OK?

Are you kidding?

I no longer feel pain.


See? There are upsides
to having me around.

God, you have no idea.


Made out to cash. grand.

grand to buy out the boys. Throw
Trent an extra five for the jaw.

And what do I get?
I'm the one up the duff.

I'll look after you.

/ on the rest.

f*ck off. I did the hard work.



Come on. You punch
like a girl. Come on.

Give me a break. I'm pregnant.

Now the arm.

Can't we get a cast and fake this?

The Wests wanna play this
game, we go one further, OK?

Break it.




Oh, f*ck.



I have something to say.

Yeah, now.

Hey, uh, I need to
tell you something.

What's that?

We're moving out.

No, you're not.
Yes, we are.

No. No, no.

Cos while she's carrying whoever
the hell's babies they are, she's

She's one of us and
we look after our own.

You can't stop us, Cheryl.

No, but I can offer you a job
and a free roof over your head.

OK, well, that does make sense.

You can move downstairs
to Van's room.

But I've already got a room.
It's taken.

Here's Johnny.

It's from The Shining.

Bro, stay still.
I am staying still. I'm
trying to get it on the end.

WHISPERS: Three times.

Ted, I don't wanna know.

Four, if you count the false
start in the taxi on the way.

It's wonderful that you're back (!)

It's wonderful you're still here (!)

I really think Theodore and
I will be good for each other.

It's good you're good for something.

Carve if you want.

No offence, Junior.

f*ck, food.

Feed time, babe.


Super choice.

Excellent roast.

You guys are all stoned, aren't you?

Yeah, but not in a bad way.


Hey, princess.

I'm not really speaking to you.

OK if you listen a bit?

You're not gonna talk
me out of anything.

No, I tried that. Didn't work.

Just wanna say one thing.


If you ever need me, you tell
Loretta. She'll know where to
find me.

Where are you going?

That's not important, but
if you need me, I will come.

I love you, princess.



She's all needy about it.

Maybe she'll give it
to you. (LAUGHS)

My God, this is couple central. You
are the only ones that are single.

OK, that thought stops right there.


Oh, gross.




Not likely.

Come on, Janie. Found
Pascalle outside.

Thought you might like to know
that I've decided something.


I have something to say.

Yeah, now.

I know a way we can
shut them up forever.

How's that?

Will you marry me?


Yes, I'm engaged. And for your
information, Nicky paid for it.

Oh, hey, that's amazing.


Congratulations, my dear.

That's so awesome.

OK, we're done here.




♪ And I don't know
where the road is.

♪ I said,...

♪ ..oh, oh no, yeah.

♪ I said,...

♪ ...oh, oh no, yeah.

♪ Well, the fireflies

♪ sing to me sometimes. ♪