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01x16 - Capture the Moon

Posted: 10/03/23 08:08
by bunniefuu
Sprocket, stop howling,
you woke be up.

I knew it.
It's the full moon, Sprocket.

[ Sprocket howls ]

You can never get to sleep
on the night of the full moon.

Did you try counting puppies?

How about some more
warm milk?

I know you don't want to howl.

Dogs and the full moon,
it's always been the same.

Still, there must be something
to get you to go to sleep.

Full moon or no full moon.

That loose nail has been
driving me crazy.

Now, what can i do to help
poor old Sprockie get to sleep, eh?

I've got an idea.

When in doubt, research.

This is interesting.

Primitive man tried to capture
the full moon.

so that he could have light
every night. Imagine that?

[ Sprocket howls ]

Of course.
You can't capture the moon.

How to get your dog to fall asleep
on the night of the full moon.

First, turn the page.

[ Sprocket howls ]

Wake up, everybody.

Gobo, I hear music.

The ceremony of the moon
has begun.

I just had this incredible dream!

I don't know how
you can sleep at all.

If I were moon greeter
I'd be too excited to do anything.

I'm moon greeter,
that was part of my dream.

What are you gonna do
to greet the moon, Gobo?

I was gonna sing a song but
I just changed my mind.

Can't you give us
just a little hint?

No, it's a secret.

Last month Finnie Fraggle
wrote and recited 74 verses
of an ode to the moon.

It was rapturous.

Is "rapturous"
the same as "boring"?

-I don't think so.
-Then she's wrong.

My way of greeting the Fraggle moon
is more exiting than that.

And you can all help.

You're kidding.
I'd love to help.

He's gonna do
something stupid

like read a post card
from that goofy uncle of his.

Shh! The procession is coming.

♪ Moon, moon,
shine tonight

♪ hold us in your glowing light

♪ soon, soon,
silver bright

♪ fold us in your cloak of light

♪ And shine on us now

♪ Shine on us

♪ Shine on us now

♪ Shine on us

♪ Now

The world's oldest Fraggle
will now welcome you

to the monthly festival
of the Fraggle moon.

Welcome to the monthly festival
of the fraggle moon.


The world's oldest Fraggle
will now begin the ceremony.

The ceremony will now begin.

-Listen up.
-They are listening.

Don't sass me.

[ clonk ]

Now, each month
since time began,

the world's most beautiful object
has magically appeared in Fraggle rock.

The Fraggle moon!

Of course the Fraggle moon,

[ clonk ]

And each month,
a different Fraggle

is given the honor of celebrating
the arrival of the moon.

Some Fraggles sing.
some dance.

Weird Marvin made a statue
out of carved radishes.

[ Laughs ]

Now, who is this month's
moon greeter?

Step forward, moon greeter.

Excuse me.

Please, sir, here I am.

Bless my whiskers!
That's Traveling Matt!

No. Matt is my uncle, sir.
I'm Gobo.

Still the old master
of disguise, eh, Matt?

Honest, your agedness,
I'm Gobo.

I know it's Gobo!

All right.

Now, Gobo, as official
moon greeter—

Excuse me, your agedness.
The time is upon us.

We must call
the Fraggle moon.

I know it.

[ clonk ]

The time is upon us.
We must call the Fraggle moon!


♪ Moon, moon,
magic light

♪ Come and touch our lives tonight

♪ Soon, soon,
deep and bright

♪ Sleep a sleep of peace tonight

♪ Come to us now

♪ Come to us

♪ Come to us now

♪ Come to us

♪ Shine on us now

♪ Shine on us

♪ Shine on us now

♪ Shine on us

♪ Now

[ Crowd oohs ]

Look at that.
Isn't it wonderful?

It's the most beautiful thing
there is.

I think the Fraggle moon
is even more beautiful
than the gorg moon.

Yes. That's because
it swims in the water
like a Fraggle.

The old Gorg moon
just sort of hangs there in the sky.


[ Bats squeak ]

No! No! No!
Let me go!

Mommy, help me!

Wake up, light of my life.
Wake up, son.

Oh. Oh, mommy.

It was awful!
That same dream again.

There were Fraggles
all over me!

Hush, hush, my prince.

You always have nightmares
on the full of the moon.

All right, all right!
Now, quiet down!

Now, Gobo Fraggle,

just how will you celebrate
the arrival of the Fraggle moon?

Please, sir,
I got this idea from a dream.

You're gonna make
a fool of yourself.

No, he isn't!

I dreamt that I--

that we captured the moon!

Holy stalactite!

I mean, why couldn't we?

The moon comes to our Fraggle pond
just one night each month.

If we captured it,

we could have its beauty
to light our way every night.

What a concept!

Tonight, with the help of my friends,
I will attempt to capture the moon.

That is the dumbest idea
I ever heard!

Dumb is right!
Count me out.

It's not dumb!

What's wrong with the idea?

In my dream, it was wonderful.

Don't laugh!
Don't laugh!

Oh, gee... it was terrible.

There, there, son.
It's only a dream.

But it's so real.

There were
all these Fraggles.

Poor little lambie-pie.

Tell lambie-pie to quiet down!

Oh, dear. you've wakened
your father.

Husband, junior's been having nightmares.

Let him sleep in the garden!

He'll wake the dunderpated radishes!

But, pa, I don't want--

Do as your father bids, junior.

I'll go quiet him.

-And, Junior!

Fetch me a cup of water
before you go back to sleep.

I'm getting it, daddy.

Boy, I bet he doesn't have
bad dreams about Fraggles.

I'll get his lousy water.

Whoa! Hey, you clumsy cup!

-It's a magical phenomenon!
-Where did it come from?

That cup's got to be in there somewhere.

The moon is disappearing!


I can't see a thing.

Where are you, cup?
Where are you?

The moon is gone!


Daddy, help!

Aw, now I've done it.

It's a monster!
Run for your lives!

[ Crowd screams ]

Quick! Wembley, Mokey,

come on, quick.
This way.

The Gorg has stolen our moon!

What do we do?

That moon belongs to the Fraggles
and we shall capture it back.

Oh, help, help! Daddy! Mommy!

How will we take the moon back?

I don't know, Mokey,
but we will.

It wasn't very fair of him
to take the moon

when Gobo was gonna
capture it for us.

No. The Gorgs have their own moon.

The Fraggles are—


Oh, no! I must be asleep!
My nightmare is back!

We'll set you free
if you give us back our moon.

Set him free?
We can't do that!

Give you the moon?
I can't do that.

Can't or won't?

Uh... both?

He does have it.

Oh, I hate these dreams.
I wish I could wake up!

-He thinks he's asleep.
-I wish he were.

Then we could go up there
and find the moon.

We could!
We could?

Well, there's always
the moon lullaby.

-I love that song.

[ Yawn ]

It always works, too.

♪ cold moon

♪ lonely as can be

♪ sailing where the starlight
♪ fades to blue

♪ don't you

♪ sometimes feel like me?

♪ wish the friends you dream about
♪ were true?

♪ and they would sail away
♪ with you

♪ sail away with you

It's working.

♪ someday

♪ you may tumble down

♪ sad because your light
♪ is nearly through

♪ moon, stay

♪ I will search around

♪ climb until your light
♪ is bright as new

♪ and then I'll sail away
♪ with you

♪ sail away with you

♪ sail away with you

♪ sail away with you

I suppose a little snooze
couldn't hurt.

Junior, where's that water?


Junior, I've been waiting
for a cup of water for—

Why are your legs
up where your head belongs?

What? I'm awake?

Daddy, help!

Look at me when I talk to you.

Daddy, the cup fell in the well,
and I got my head stuck looking for it,

and there were Fraggles in the well.

You fell asleep and had another nightmare.

I guess I did.

Every full moon
you have nightmares about Fraggles.

Well, it's terrible.

I wish I could stay awake
all night so I wouldn't dream.

Try counting
the stars in the sky.

You count every one of them,
you'll be too busy to sleep.

Oh, thank you, daddy!

Oh, what a brilliant idea!

No wonder he's king!

The royal thirst goes unassuaged.

Ah, the tribulations of royalty.

There's 1.
Uh, 2.

And there's 3.
Uh...uh, 4.

This will keep me awake all night.

Ah... 5...

[ Yawn ]


[ Yawn ]


Uh, eleventeen...

[ Snoring ]

Where am I?

Oh, no. The Gorg has our moon.

And the Gorg is gone!

Wembley, Mokey,
wake up!

The Gorg has our moon!

If we don't get it back,
we'll never see it again--

Not even once a month!

Oh, no!
I hadn't thought of that.

Why, the moon is the most wonderful thing
in all Fraggledom.

We need our moon!

Yeah, exactly.

So we have to find the Gorg
and get our moon back.

Once we find it,
what will we carry it in?

We could carry it
in our hands.

No. I don't think
that would work.

It would slip
right through our fingers.

Hey, we'll carry it
in that.

We need a cover so
the moon won't slosh out.

Lucky we found this
round thing for the top.

-It's an invention, Wembley?
-I call it the wheel.

It doesn't work.
It keeps rolling away.

Too bad.

Gobo, it's noble to undertake
this quest for beauty.

I'm just following my tradition.

Uncle Matt would
capture that moon for us.

Remember what he did
last week?

You didn't read us
that card.

I got it right here.

Dear nephew Gobo,
if you look at this card,

you'll see a wondrous object.

While out walking,
I saw a sign.

It said, "rainbow farms".

I was so excited--

So this is where
they grow rainbows.

Soon I found
what I was looking for.

A rainbow egg!

I decided that at all costs
I was going to watch

the actual birth of a rainbow.

I waited and waited and waited,

but unfortunately, I fell asleep.

When I woke up,
it had already hatched.

I looked out the window.

And there, arching over the sky,
was the rainbow.

How quickly they grow up.

Your friend,
uncle Traveling Matt.

I'd like to see
one of those rainbows.

I'd be happy just to see
the Fraggle moon again.

Come on.

Watch it.

There he is.

What are we going to do, Gobo?

We'll go up there
and search him.

Yeah, ok.

[ Snoring ]

-Boy, this is scary.
-And frightening, too.

[ Snores ]

We've got to find the moon.

The moon's not in his pocket.

-[ Loudly ] It's not in his—

[ Whispering ]
It's not in his ear.

No, it's not in his mouth, either.
00:18:18,900 --> 00:18:20,700
Ah... ah... ah...

Look out, Gobo!


Gobo, are you okay?

What do we do now, Gobo?

Nothing. We've failed.

What? Gobo,
you don't mean

we'll never see
the Fraggle moon again?

It looks that way.
It's gone.

For all I know, Fraggle moon
can't live out of water
even for a little while.

But that would mean
the moon is dead.

-The moon's dead.

[Record:] Deep asleep.

You are now
deeply asleep.

A sleep so deep and peaceful
that nothing can bother you.

Nothing can pull you out
of this hypnotic trance.

00:19:23,300 --> 00:19:29,360
[ Sprocket howls ]

Sprockie, please don't howl.

[Record:] And whatever you do,
don't howl.

There's nothing left
for us to do.

There must be.

We have to go home,
tell the Fraggles

they'll never see
their moon again.

No, Gobo.
I just don't believe it.

You can't take the moon away
from the Fraggles.

That beauty is part of us.

It's inside you.
It's inside me.

It's inside the barrel!


It's our moon.

It escaped from the Gorg
by hiding in our barrel.

It knows we're friends.

Quick, put the lid on!

We've done it!
We've captured the moon!


Quiet! Quiet!
Shush! Cool it and silence!

The terrible monster who appeared to us
has left as suddenly as he came.

Unfortunately, he has taken with him
our beloved Fraggle moon.

Oh, no!

-My friends are missing, too.
-That's even worse!

[Gobo:] No, we are back.

And we've captured the moon!

I knew you could do it.


♪ Moon, moon,
Shine tonight

♪ Hold us in your glowing light

♪ Soon, soon,
silver bright

♪ Fold us in your cloak of light

-Did you really capture the moon?
-Of course!


♪ Shine on us now

♪ Shine on us

♪ Shine on us now

♪ Shine on us

♪ Now

-Congratulations, Matt.

I'm not Gobo.
I'm the world's oldest Fraggle.

-You're getting old, Matt.
-But it's Gobo.

I know it's Gobo.
I was teasing him.

[ clonk ]

Congratulations on capturing
the Fraggle moon.

Thank you, sir.

It was difficult work,
but my friends and I did it.

Here's the Fraggle moon.

You're talking silly talk.
There's no moon in there!

What? Oh!

Would you care to explain this?

But... but we did capture the moon!
In the garden.

We searched a Gorg
by the light of the Gorg moon.

While we were doing that,
the moon hid in our barrel.

When we found it there
we put the lid on it and trapped it.

Gobo, everyone, look!
The moon is back in the pond!


How can this be?

First the Gorg had it,
then it was in the cup,
now it's in the pond.

It kept moving
till it came home.

Up in the garden Mokey said
that the moon's beauty
was part of the Fraggles.

She was right.
I was wrong.

I can't capture the moon.

But then again,
I don't have to.

You picked a good way
to celebrate the moon, Matt.


Please, sir, it's late.

Then go to sleep.

[ clonk ]

[ crash ]

Time for Fraggles to be in bed.
The ceremony of the moon is over.

Aw... it sounds like
it was a great adventure.

-It was, Red.
-It sure was.

But don't you feel
it might have been a dream?

Yeah. Just a dream.

Good dog.
You're finally asleep.

Oh, I hope that I'm really asleep
and just dreaming that I'm wide awake.

[ Snores ]

[Sprocket howls]