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01x18 - The Minstrels

Posted: 10/03/23 08:10
by bunniefuu
I'm sorry if I woke you up
but I had to get an early start

on this door bell.

A dog food can!

They always have the best
resonance, don't you agree?

I can't stand the racket people make
when they knock on doors.

Can you, Sprocket?

People should announce their presence
with dignity and style.

Don't you agree?

That's why this door bell
is going to sound wonderful.

There we are.

Let's conduct a little test.

Come on outside, Sprocket,
I need your help.

When I go back inside
you pull this.

And do it with dignity
and style.

OK, Sprocket, pull!

Yes, it's getting there.

If you do it with
a little more pace.

Where did I put my saw?

What's that?

I'm gonna be first today.

-What is it?
-Who's playing that?

It's the most beautiful thing
I've ever heard.

I did it! I was the first one
in the pool today.

What's everybody
doing up so early?

Don't you hear the pipe?

Music grows in the rose

Rock and rain
and the blowin' snowstorm

Everything seems to sing
Everywhere I go

I say, one, two,
play me do

Let me sound
as sweet as you

Play me wide
Play me long

Let me be your song

Play me down
on the ground

Song comes singing
from the midnight places

Raise me high
in the sky

Song comes
drifting through

I say, one, two,
play me do.

Let me sound
as sweet as you

Play me wide
Play me long

Let me be your song

Play me high
Play me low

Play me where
the wild winds blowing

Play me wide
Play me long

Play me for your song

I say, one, two,
play me do

Let me sound
as sweet as you

Play me wide
Play me long

Let me be your song

Who are you?

I'm Cantus
and we are the minstrels.

We wonder
this ponderous rock of ours

finding Fraggles
in distant caves.

When we are near
they sing a Fraggle medley.

We are near.
We are here.

It's your turn
to sing the medley.

You mean a race?

I bet I come in first.

And so you will.

One Fraggle must be
first to sing.

You are the medley leader.

-What is your name?
-Red Fraggle.

And I'm great at leading.
So what are the rules?

There are no rules,
those are the rules.

Got you.

Truly very simple.
Every Fraggle has a song.

All the songs sung together
make a medley.

Your medley will begin
with Red's song.

I know lots of songs.
You name it, I'll sing it.

No. You must sing your song.

My song? No problem.
How does it go?

If you don't know
I can't tell you.


Wait a minute.

Where did you get
that pipe?

My pipe is a magic pipe.

It was made specially for me
many days ago.

By a mysterious and invisible…

A mysterious and invisible…

A mysterious and invisible what?

I don't know.

It was all mysterious
and invisible.

But you've heard enough.
Now it is time for you to listen.

Go and find your songs.

We'll meet here tomorrow
at first light.

Everybody, get out there
and find your song.

I don't know if I can do this.

If you want me
I'll just be in my hall.

I'm gonna go find my song.


But I have one question:
where do we look?

You should know
how to pick your medley leaders.

I don't pick them.
They pick themselves.

But this one…
We could be here for days!

She'll find her song
in time.

In time for tomorrow's medley?

She has a long way to go.
Though the journey is short.

The medley will not start
without her.

Did he answer my question?

That's what I thought.

I'm the leader and
I'm gonna find my song.

But where do I look?

Down the dark tunnel?
In Gobo's bed?

I don't get it.

Hey, Red,
want to hear my song?

You found one?

Sure. Haven't you?

Sure, who hasn't?

I found my song.
Do you wanna hear it?

Where did you find it?

No place special.
I just stopped and listen.

My song is the one I hear
in my head before I go to sleep.

It goes like…

That's where I found mine too.

Songs in their heads?
What are these guys talking about?

Isn't the medley
a wonderful idea?

I've got to tell you though
I'm having a very hard time.

You are?

Don't worry about it, Mockey.
So am I.

It's very hard choosing the right song
when you found four.


Wait till you get to five.

I think I'd better be going.

Too dissonant?

It sounds like a mistake.

I can't hear the overtone.

That sounds like
someone's knocking at the door.

you were locked out?

Why didn't you ring
the doorbell?

Everywhere my magic pipe and I go,
we play a Fraggle medley.

Each one in different,
each one is the same.

This friend of mine
is having a problem.

She can't find her song.
Isn't that silly?

-Got any advice?
-She must look inside.

-Inside what?
-Inside the outside.

And she must listen.

-To what?
-To her song.


Who is this guy?

My magic pipe is
filled with songs.

Whatever music there is,
whatever music you want.

-Would you like to play it?

-What would you like it to play?
-Doozer music.

OK. Blow.

They are playing our song.

Does the pipe know my song?

Give it a try.

That's it.
It's playing Wembley's song.

That is some pipe.

Would you like to try it?

That's my song.
How does it know?

I told you.
The pipe is magical.

My turn.
Can I play it, please?

No, you may not.

A song must never be played
in order to be heard.

But everybody's song
must be in that pipe.

That's where you're right,
that's where you're wrong.

That's where my song is.
I've got to have that pipe.

I need to talk to you.

I can't wait
to go to sleep tonight.

The medley
is going to be wonderful.

It could be.

But it won't be if
I don't sing, right?

And I can't sing
if I don't have my song, right?

-Right, but I don't see—
-I knew you'd understand.

My song's in
the magic pipe.

So I need to borrow it
for tomorrow's medley, right?



I'll give it right back
after I get it to play my song.

But Red, that's stealing.

It's not stealing,
it's borrowing.

All the other Fraggles have found
their song without stealing pipes.

That song is not in the pipe.
It's in you.

The coast is clear.

Stay here and keep watch.

Got it.

It's the magic pipe.

Of course it's the magic pipe.

I told you I was gonna borrow it.

Now let's go get my song.

You stole the magic pipe.

For the last time, Mockey,
I borrowed it.

Now, if you keep watch
we can get this over with.

I'm only doing this because
you're my best friend.

I still think it's wrong.

Hello, pipe,
could you please play my song?

It's all there is?


It won't stop!

And it's pulling me!

Dum dee dum dum

Day has gone
and night has come.

Nighty night, garden.

What's that?


Red, a Gorg!

Come on, Fraggle,
I wanna see you dance!

Dance, little Fraggle!

Dance I say!

Be still, pipe.

It stopped.

Oh, my hand!

-What is it, Red?
-My hand.

I've turned this drab old workshop
into a symphony orchestra.

Good morning, Sprocket.

Please, don't move
or you'll set the whole doorbell off.

How do you expect me to tune
the ring section if you sneeze?

Do not move a muscle.

Sprocket, you moved!
Why is the doorbell ringing?

Oh, someone's at the door.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Shimmelfinney says

this was delivered
to his place by mistake.

Dear nephew Gobo.

today I stumbled upon a new form
of the ancient art of meditation.

I discovered certain
highly trained individuals

standing behind a sheet
of transparent material.

Their method is simple:
they never move a muscle.

Hi there. Having fun?

This works!

I was anxious to give
this interesting technique a try.

6 hours later I felt
a marvelous sense of acceleration.

I've never experienced anything
quite so inspiring.

You ought to try it sometime.

Love, your uncle
Traveling Matt.

This has got to be
some kind of sick joke.

Well, back to the doorbell.

The mysterious mark
of the magic pipe.

Mockey, we are in big trouble.


Red Fraggle, you took that pipe,
not we.

What are you still doing in here?
It's time for the medley.

Come on, Red.
You gotta come out there
and start it.

-I can't.
-Why not?


No, you sound fine.
Come on. Let's go.

Don't worry,
you'll be terrific.

I'm gonna be mortified.

What am I gonna do
about my hand?

Put it in my pocket.

Good idea.

Let's get this medley moving.

The medley cannot begin.

What's wrong, boss?

My magic pipe is missing.

Somebody took it.

Days. We'll be here for days.

Whoever took the pipe
will bear this mark.

This mark is the pipe's magic way
of saying…

Who would be dumb enough
to take that pipe?

What a stupid thing to do.

Does anybody know
anything about it?

What if the Fraggle
who took the pipe

really didn't mean
any harm in it,

it was all just
a big misunderstanding?

It could happen to anyone.

It could not happen to anyone.
There was no misunderstanding.

Mockey, do you know
who took that pipe?

Yes. I did.
Sort of.

Wait a minute,
it wasn't Mockey.

Listen to me.


It was you.

-You mean you knew?
-You were the one who didn't know.

I borrowed the pipe
so it would play me my song.

but then everything
went wrong

and the pipe dragged me out
to the Gorgs' garden

and that's where it is now.

You know you should never
have taken my pipe.

That pipe is magical.
And magic is very powerful.

Now we must find
my pipe.

I dropped it
over there.

You must go over there
and get it.

But the Gorg will k*ll me!

Says who?

I'll get you this time,
little Fraggle.

Pipe, play Gorg music.

It's the magic pipe.

They found it!

You should have seen
that pipe make that Gorg dance.

It played his song.

And now, Red Fraggle,
you'll sing for us your song.

But I don't have my song.
It's in the pipe.

Your song is inside you.
Without you, the pipe would be silent.

Now sing.

But I don't have a song.

I fear I'm losing
my implacable calm.

I've never had a song.

You've always had a song!
All Fraggles have songs!

Just listen.

Wait a minute.
I heard something.

Look at my hand!

Now sing.

That's it, Red.
Go on.


That's my song.

Alright, everyone,
let the medley begin.





Our melody,
come and sing it with me

It's the song
where you know you belong

Our melody,
come and sing it with me

'Cause you know
we belong to the song

Our melody,
come and sing it with me

It's the song
where you know you belong

Our melody,
come and sing it with me

'Cause you know
we belong to the song

Our melody,
come and sing it with me

'Cause you know
we belong to the song

That was a good honest knock
at the door.

I know it's not as nice as our doorbell
but at least it doesn't take up any room.

Sprocket, do that again.

That's a great sound.

You know, your dish would make
a wonderful alarm clock.

I'm only kidding, Sprocket.

I've already got an alarm clock.