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01x22 - Mokey's Funeral

Posted: 10/03/23 08:12
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

♪ Dance your cares away

♪ Worry's for another day ♪

♪ Let the music play ♪

♪ Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away ♪

♪ Dancing's for another day ♪

♪ Let the Fraggles play ♪

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



♪ Dance your cares away

♪ Worry's for another day ♪

♪ Let the music play ♪

♪ Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

♪ Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.


-[telephone rings]

Yes, what is it?

Oh, hello, Ned. I...

I'm sorry I'm in such a bad mood.

I've had the hiccups
[hiccups] all morning.

Yes, yes, I've tried holding my breath
and running in place. [hiccups]

Yeah, of course I've tried drinking water.

[Sprocket whining]
-Oh, come on, stop that, Sprocket!

You know what I hate most
about the hiccups?

It's all this dumb advice
that people give you.

Nothing. Nothing makes me
as grumpy as the hiccups.

[Sprocket barking]

Oh, stop that barking, Sprocket,
and stop laughing.

You better not push your luck today
because I have the hiccups. [hiccups]

Yes, of course I've tried water.

Even Shimmelfinney suggested that.

And I've tried a bag on my head. [hiccups]

A dog dish?

A dog dish? Now, how can a dog dish
possibly cure the [hiccups] hiccups?

-Oh, you wanna be fed.

All I ever do is feed the dog.

And at these prices,

it would be cheaper
to keep a moose. [hiccups]

-Oh, eat it off the floor, Sprocket.

Sometimes I wonder
why I keep a dog here at all!

[Sprocket whines]



-Oh, hey. Hi, Mokey.
-Hi, Mokey.

Oh, hi, Red. Hi, Gobo.

Hey, where are you going?

Oh, we're still building our boat
down in Sweetwater Grotto.

Yeah, I'm in charge of construction.

-He's in charge of mistakes.
-[both laugh]

Yeah, my first mistake
was asking her to help.

Well, I'm going up to the garden
to get radishes.

Oh, good. We'll be hungry as Gorgs
when we are through.

-Okay. And when I'm finished,

I'll come help you with your building.

-Uh, well, uh...

Oh, hey, that's okay, Mokey.
You don't have to bother.

You probably have a poem to write
or a picture to paint.

-Oh, but I like to build beds.

-Boats, Mokey, boats.

I... I always figure
that you do the artistic stuff,

and we do the practical stuff, eh?


-See you around, Mokey.


Just because I write poems and stuff

doesn't mean I can't build belts...
Uh, beds.

Oh, what's the difference?


What's that?

[gasps] Oh, no.

I can't get into the garden.



What's that terrible smell?



Junior, what's that lovely fragrance?

Oh, it's a new invention, Ma.

This trap is really tricky.
I'm using bait.

[chuckles] How could a Fraggle
resist the aroma of garlic gumdrops?

Yuck. That won't be hard.

[Ma Gorg] Oh, I don't understand
these things, my wonder child.

You know that.

Oh, it's easy, Ma.

The Fraggle goes into the trap
for the gumdrop. Whap.

The cage door closes.

And whump. The red flag goes up.

And the bell goes...
[imitates bell dinging]

Oh, come help me
arrange these flowers, Junior.

Why do you want to catch Fraggles, anyway?

Oh, I don't know, Ma.

It's hard to explain.

Because they're there.

Ooh, I can't get into the garden.

Well, I better go get Red and Gobo.

Now, wait a minute.

Surely I can do
something about this myself.

I can write more than poetry in this book.

Um... let's see.

"Problem, trap at door.

Result, starvation for Fraggles."


"Solution, get Gorg to remove trap."


Why would the Gorg do that?

Because he's caught a Fraggle.

Oh, yes.

Yes, what a great idea.

I could throw myself into the trap,
sacrifice myself for Fragglekind.


What a splendid dream.

I shall step bravely forth
and selflessly give my all.

I shall be sacrificial princess.

[door slams]


The princess part is fun,
but... the sacrifice could be painful.


Wait a minute.

I have a better idea.

The doorway to the garden is blocked, huh?

[Mokey] Yes. A huge trap

-baited with a garlic gumdrop.

But if we can't get the radishes
in the garden, we'll die.

And if we can't get to the Trash Heap,
we won't have her wisdom.

-We'll die without ever knowing why.
-[all exclaim]

Never fear. Here's what we'll do.

We've got to do something.

Right. And this is when we'll--

Okay, Wembley, Boober,

you check the pantry
and count the radishes.

[Mokey banging gavel]

All of you seem to forget

that it is my job to gather radishes
in the Gorgs' garden.

-Well, yeah.
-Yeah, sure. So what?

So, itis my job
to get rid of the silly trap.

And I have a wonderful idea.

It can't possibly work.

You tell her, Boober.

You haven't even heard it yet.

[Red] Well, let's face it, Mokey.

Your plans are worse than garlic gumdrops.

[Mokey] You guys
never like my plans, do you?

[sighs] Oh, well.

You probably wouldn't
like this one, either.

It doesn't matter. It's all right.

Uh, let me take care of this.



Oh, don't worry about my plan, Gobo.

It's perfectly all right, really.

Well, hey, come on. You're my pal.

I wanna know what it is you wanna do.

Well... Oh, no, no. It doesn't matter.

I... I can carry out my plan by myself.

Well, yeah, but can I at least help?

Um, no, thank you.

Excuse me. I have things to take care of.

Uh, Mokey.

Will you come for us, then?
We're almost finished building the boat.

We'll wait for you in the Grotto.

Oh, all right.

-Oh, Gobo, I think you'll be proud of me.
-Oh, yeah. Sure.

Sure, Mokey.

Gobo will be proud, won't he?

Oh. You don't mind
being sacrificial princess?

Oh, good.

By the way, I don't know your name. Hmm?

Oh, not going to tell me, are you?

Well, then, I'll just call you... Rags.

Uh, what was that?

Oh. Why, thank you.

I did do a rather elegant job
of sewing you.


You know, Rags, you're so pretty.
I'm going to miss you when you're gone.

♪ You're made of rags
And scraps and tags ♪

♪ And no one thinks you're real ♪

I And when you go they'll never know ♪

♪ The loneliness I feel ♪

♪ Dance with me, my ragtime queen I

♪ Before I set you free ♪

♪ On lonely days, you'll know the ways ♪

♪ That you ♪

♪ Are just like me ♪

♪ To make your face I found some lace ♪

♪ And sewed you every part ♪

♪ To make you feel that you were real ♪

♪ I gave away my heart ♪

♪ Dance with me, my ragtime queen I

♪ Before I set you free ♪

♪ On lonely days, you'll know the ways ♪

♪ That you ♪

♪ Are just like me ♪




Sprocket. [hiccups]

Hey, Sprockie, I want to apologize.

Hey, where are you hiding, Sprocket?

[thunder rumbling]

He can't be outside.
He's afraid of thunder.

Well, I don't believe it.

[Sprocket whines]

Sprocket, I want to apologize

for all the terrible things
I said about you,

but you know how I am
[hiccups] when I have the hiccups.

-[thunder rumbling]
-[Sprocket whining]

Come on in, Sprocket. It's going to rain.

[telephone rings]

[Doc grunts]

Hello. What?

Oh, Ned Shimmelfinney,
don't shout "boo" at me.

It will not cure my hiccups.

Well, I got to go now.
My dog is mad at me.

Sprocket, I'll leave the door
unlocked for you.

[Sprocket scoffs]

Oh, Sprocket, come home.


[all sighing]

I am so bored.

We've been waiting for Mokey for hours.

This is my kind of boredom.

Why can't we sail on the boat?

Because we're waiting for Mokey.

-I wanna do something. Anything.

Hey, let's read the postcard
from my Uncle Traveling Matt.

Almost anything.

"Dear nephew Gobo,

today is very sad for me.

I found a great treasure,
but I lost it again."

[Matt] / was strolling about in a place

where many of the silly creatures
of this world congregate.

When all of a sudden,
I saw one of the creatures drop something.

I rushed to see what it was
and made the most amazing discovery.

Inside of a brightly colored container
was a cold stone.

I mean, it was very, very cold.

Furthermore, it sparkled like a diamond.

Obviously, this was a stone
of great magic.

I quickly put the cold stone in my pocket
and went in search of its true owner.

But it was no use.

The wizard who had dropped it
was nowhere to be found.

Eventually, I had to give up.

Then I went to a quiet corner
to examine the wondrous stone again,

and I learned the awful truth.

Somebody had stolen the magic cold stone.

All that was left in my pocket
was a lot of water.

And so it was that I learned
that in this world

there are magic cold stones
which cry if they are stolen.

"Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

[all sighing]

I am still bored.

And I'm still hungry.

They say when a Fraggle starts
to starve to death, his nose itches.

How come we're waiting
for Mokey and her plan anyway?

We should be doing something
about that trap.

Mokey's dumb plan will never work.

Well, come on, now. You can't call it
a dumb plan till you've heard it.

Now to introduce you to my friends.

[Wembley] Yeah, Red,
Mokey might have a great plan.

Sure. And the rocks might
turn to Doozer dust.

Yeah, I guess it's not very likely.

Mokey's poems are better than her plans.

Yeah, and her poems aren't much.

[all chuckling]

Remember the one she recited yesterday,
about white birds and death?

You know what I thought it was about?

-Four hours long.

[all laughing]

[Gobo] Yeah, it was pretty boring,
all right.

[all] Yeah.

-[Red gasps]
-[Gobo] Mokey.

-[Mokey gasps]
-[all] Mokey.

We were just kidding!


[Red] Oh, no. Mokey!



They don't even like my poetry.

Even Gobo.

Oh, how dare they call
my White Birds and Death poem boring?

Well, it has to be long
to give the birds time to migrate.

Oh, well.

Time for my plan.

Goodbye, my raggedy friend.


[bell rings]

-[Gobo] Mokey!
-[Red] Mokey!

Oh, here comes Gobo and Red.

I don't want to talk to them.

Oi, what's that noise?



Look, it's the red flag
up on the Fraggle trap!

[laughs] I've caught a Fraggle!

Oh, boy, oh, boy!

Look! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's a Fraggle, all right.

[Junior] You got in my Fraggle trap,
little Fraggle.

-[Junior] Hello, little Fraggle. Hello!
-Oh, no. He's got Mokey.

Hello. Hello, little Fraggle.

It's not moving.

Oh, no.

I've k*lled a Fraggle.



[both] Oh.

They think it's me.

[giggles] Maybe I'll just let them.

Oh, oh, please, little Fraggle.

Please don't be dead.

Please be alive.

Surprise! It's only a trick.


Red? [gasps]

Oh, no!


The Fraggle is dead.

[gasps] Our...

Our Mokey is dead.

Oh! This isn't what I planned.

Junior. Oh, Junior,
my hope and shining glory.

Time for the daily chores.

I can't, Mommy.

Uh, but why ever not?

I just caught a Fraggle.
It's... it's terrible.

No, no, Junior.

I think catching Fraggles is terrible.

You think catching Fraggles is wonderful.

Go look in the mirror.

You've forgotten
which one of us you are again.

No, I haven't, Mommy.

I'm the one that k*lled a Fraggle.


Did you really, son?

It's a sad, sad thing to k*ll a creature.

What will I do?

I think you'd better bury it, dear.

I wanna give it a funeral.

Oh, that's very sweet of you, dear.

I'm not sweet. I k*lled it.

Poor Junior. You must feel terrible.

I only wanted to keep it in a cage
just to play with it.

Junior, you're breaking my heart.

Come. I'll give you a nice box
to put the Fraggle in.

Oh, okay, Mommy.

Mokey's dead.

But she couldn't be dead.

She... She's off somewhere
working on her plan.

It was Mokey. I'm sure it was Mokey.

No, no, it wasn't her.

She's my best friend.

Her plan must have gone wrong,
an accident.

But... she's my best friend!

You don't understand.

She's my best friend!


Gobo! Red!

I'm okay!

Oh, they can't hear me.

I can't hear them.

Oh, what have I done to my friends?

[somber music playing]

Poor little Fraggle.

♪ You got trapped ♪

♪ You got broke I

♪ It was only meant to be a sort of joke ♪

♪ But the joke I

♪ Isn't funny ♪

I Anymore ♪


♪ ‘Cause I thought ♪

Cute little Fraggle.

I When you were caught ♪

Poor little Fraggle.

I We'd be friends ♪

Dear little Fraggle.

♪ Till the end ♪

Dead little Fraggle.

♪ But the end ♪

♪ Isn't friendly ♪

I Anymore ♪


♪ And the joke ♪

♪ Isn't funny ♪

I Anymore ♪

[blows nose]


I'l dig the grave here
and then I'll salute it.

Oh, I'll need my bugle. Oh.

I never did tell her
how much I really did like her poetry.

I never got to tell her so many things.

I wonder, do I need a tombstone?

No, no, no. Tombstones are for names.

Fraggles don't have names.

Her name was Mokey.

And she had friends that loved her.

That's something you'll never have.

Gobo! Red!

Oh, please, look this way.

Oh, I've got to get their attention.
What... [gasps]

The bell.

That's it.

But how to ring the bell
without getting trapped, um...

Oh, a long stick.

Um... oh, nothing here.

I've got to find something.

I'm so sorry, little Fraggle.

But I'll say farewell
with the Gorgs' finest salute,

the official and serene
holy Gorg toot to the dead.


[bugle playing]

We can't let a Gorg
bury her in the garden.

You're right.

-She belongs with us in The Rock.

Oh, where are Doozer sticks
when you need them?

Of course!


[bell ringing]

What? Another Fraggle?

What's that?

I don't know,
but now's our chance to get to Mokey.


Oh, there are no Fraggles in there,
thank goodness.

I'm going to put this old trap away.

These funerals are emotionally exhausting.

Oh, Gobo.

I can't. I can't look inside.

But we have to.

-[both] Oh.
-It's a dummy.

-It's a dummy.
-It's a dummy.

[both] Huh? It's a dummy!

[both] Mokey!

[Gobo] Hey, dummy Gorg!

You captured a dummy Fraggle!

[Fraggles laughing]

Why, you Fraggles!



Hey! Hey, Ma!

Good news. I captured a dummy!

[laughing] I captured a dummy!


Hey. Hey, Mommy!

Ma! Hey, Ma!

The idea with Rags the doll
was a great one, Mokey.

-I'll say.

I'm sorry we made fun of your plan.

Well, as a plan, it was okay,
as a trick, it was terrible.

-[all laughing]
-Hey, I've got an idea.

Why don't we let Mokey name our new boat?

-[all agreeing]
-And then we can go exploring in it.

Now, wait a minute, wait a minute.
I have something to say.

Mokey, I'm sorry
we made fun of your poems.

They're so beautifully tragic.

Would you do the one again
about white birds and death?

Well, of course, little Boober.

-Oh, no.
-I'll take the part of the gravedigger.

-[Wembley groans]
-And that's what we'll name the boat.

-The Gravedigger?

The White Bird.

[all agreeing]

"Lo, as the fiery sun

doth wend its way towards westward rest,

then do the birds, the white, white birds,

fly to the sky, fly up, fly on,



Does that mean you've forgiven me?

Oh, I'm glad.

You'll be happy to know
my hiccups are gone,

so I won't be grumpy anymore.

[chuckles] Oh, the storm is over.

Isn't that pretty?

A flock of white birds
flying in the sunset.


Oh, oh, oh. Staying on that wet porch
has given you a cold.


You know how grumpy you get
when you have a cold.

[laughing] I'm only teasing, only teasing.

[music playing]


♪ Dance your cares away

♪ Worry's for another day ♪

♪ Let the music play ♪

♪ Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

♪ Dance your cares away

♪ Worry's for another day ♪

♪ Let the music play ♪

♪ Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

♪ Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

♪ Down in Fraggle Rock ♪