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02x01 - Wembley's Egg

Posted: 10/03/23 08:17
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.



-I found it, Sprocket.

I was downtown looking for some treats
for your birthday party and I found this.

It's Kronmeyer's The Art of Truly Seeing.
I've been looking all over for this.

This book is about really seeing
what's going on in the world, Sprocket.

I'm going to heighten my powers
of observation, fine-tune my mind,

50 I'll never miss a detail
of what's going on around me.

This stuff is brilliant, brilliant.

Oh, what a day
it's turned out to be, Sprocket.

What a fabulous, glorious day.


[whistle blows)

Hey, that's it, Sidney. Kick. Kick.

Get those legs moving. Right.

Oh, one of these days,
you'll be just as good as I am.

Uh, Freda, get your nose above the water.

[Gobo] Uh, going into Outer Space
is no big deal.

Why, any wildly adventurous, fantastically
brave young Fraggle could do what I do.

-It's my newest poem. I call it "Peace."

[clears throat] "The boat's in the sky,
the star's in the lake,

the cloud's in the soup,
but I prefer cake."

[sighs] What's wrong with me?

1feel so strange, so sad... so bored.

1 feel like... like crying.


I can't even cry.

Now I really feel bad.

Did I hear you say you feel bad?

Yeah. I don't really understand it.

Gosh, I'd like to talk
to you about it, Wembley,

but I'm giving a dinner
for the World's Oldest Fraggle,

and I haven't even started my soufflé yet.

See? That's part of my problem.

Everybody's got something important
to do except me.

Well, do you want to help me cook?


Well, why don't you take
Red's swimming class?

That won't help. I feel weird.

It's like being lonely,
but you don't want to talk to anybody.


And like being hungry,
except you don't want to eat.


Yeah, it's like being sleepy in your head
but your feet feel like playing.

Uh-huh. You feel weird.

Yeah, I need help.

Well, maybe I can help you.

I'l get my book of strange moods
and weird feelings

and see if I can find anything.


[sighing] I am so bored.

[sighs] Oh, for a princely deed
to perform.

Something worthy of a Gorg of my stature.

[clicks tongue and sighs]


[flapping and cawing]
-Oh, wait. Look at that.

-Our baby.
-Our baby.


That's it.

I'l get that egg for Daddy's dinner.

[laughing] Oh, boy. Oh, boy.


Oh, there's nothing like
doing a worthy deed.

Come on, egg. Come on down.
You're gonna be late for dinner.

[whistles] Okay, class,
let's stretch those swimming legs.

Touch your toes. One, two. One, two.

[groans] I guess I'l just sit here
and stare at the ceiling forever.

Wembley, Wembley, I found you in my book.

You have all the symptoms of someone
whose life has no meaning.

-Oh, yeah?

Well, well,
I'l just have to get some, then.

Are you kidding?

Finding meaning is one of the most
difficult things you can do.

-You have to search and suffer...

[stutters] "And struggle and strain."

Gee, does it really have to be that hard?

Wembley, yours is a hard,
torturous journey.

We're not talking about something
that's just gonna fall out of the sky.

[Fraggles scream]

[Red] Whoa! Whoa!
Where is that coming from?

What was that you said
about the sky, Boober?

[Fraggles clamoring]

Oh, well, maybe Pa would like a pumpkin.

-[chuckles] What? Oh, hey, birds. No.
[birds squawking]

-Oh, hey, hey, hey, birds.

Yoo-hoo. Mr. and Mrs. Bird.
[chuckles] Are you looking for your egg?

-[birds cawing]
-Oh, well, worry not. I know where it is.

[birds squawking]
-Yeah, you see, I dropped it in the well.

[laughs] I wanted this egg
for my Daddy's dinner...

-So I decided I would just-- [screams]
-[squawking angrily]

Ma. Mommy. [screams]

[Junior screaming]


Don't anybody touch it.
It could be dangerous.

-[Fraggles clamoring]
“Wembley, don't. We don't know what it is.

-I know what it is.
-You do?

It belongs to the tree creatures.

-[Fraggles gasp]
“What do they use it for?

Well, they sit on it.

[Red] What?
-You mean, it's a chair?

No, the big creature sits on it
for a long time,

and then a little creature comes out.

-Oh, come on, Wembley.

You expect us to believe
there is a creature in there?

Well, sure, it's a house for babies.

‘What, what, what?

It's a house that doesn't even have
any windows.

And it doesn't have any doors, either.

Ifit's in there, how would it get out?

Yeah, and how would it breathe?

“Where would it get its lunch?

I don't know. All I know
is that there's a baby in there.

-[Fraggles laughing]
-There is!

Wembley, I think
you might be imagining things.

-I'm not. It's a baby house.
[Fraggles laugh]

Whatever itis, let's get it out of there.

I've got a swimming class
to run, remember?

-[Fraggles clamoring]
-Yeah, okay, let's get it.

But, but don't hurt it.

-Help. Mommy. Daddy. [screams]

[Fraggles grunting]

[Fraggles panting]

Well, we got it out of the pond.
Now what do we do with it?

Well, it's still gonna be in the way
of my swimming class.

Maybe the Doozers can move it away.

No way. Nobody's moving this anywhere.

I tell you, there's a creature in there,
and if you move it, it might die.

But what do you want to do with it?

The only thing I can do... [grunts]

siton it.


[Fraggles chattering]

Well, well, I think he's being very noble.

Well, I think he's being ridiculous.

He says he doesn't want lunch.

Poor Wembley.

It really is terrible,
everybody laughing at him.

Yeah, yeah, we're his friends.
We should stick up for him.

Yeah, yeah, we really should, but--

Except, you have to admit
he does look pretty funny.

[laughing] He sure does.

[Fraggles laughing]

Oh, let 'em laugh. I don't care.

[sniffles] I really don't.


Oh, I guess I better get some sleep.

Uh, hey.

Uh, tree creature.

Hey, get some sleep in there.

You'll need all your strength
when you come out.

I Why should you cry?

7 While the soft light is shining on you I

1 Safe in your sleepy cocoon? I

I Hush, dry your eyes?

I While the shadows
Are twining round you I

7 Silver!

7 And softly

I And soon }

7 Sleep by the light of the moon I

I Sleep will be deep

I And your dreams will go wandering

I Like birds in a sleepy time tune ♪

I Hush?


I While the shadows lie pondering I

I And silver

7 And softly

I And soon }

7 Sleep by the light of the moon I


I Asleep by the light of the moon ♪

[muffled cheeping]

-[wheels squeaking]
[Wembley snoring]

-[egg hatching]
muffled cheeping]

[groggily] Whoa.

[Wembley grunting]







Finished. It took me all night,
but it's been worth it.

What an experience. I've leamed
how to see in a whole new way,

how to be truly tuned in
to the environment.

[gasps and whimpers]

Now, I must put what I've leamed
into practice.


Ah. My binoculars.
What a terrific idea, Sprocket.

I'l use this new technique
while observing the birds.


Now why do I feel like
I'm forgetting something?

Oh, well.

[mournfully sings Happy Birthday]

Come on, come on. That's it, that's it.
Come on.

-Now, this is my room.

Well, I share it with Gobo.
He's my best friend.

“Whoa, whoa. Are you okay?



“Mama. Mama.
Well, I guess you're okay.

Wait a minute. You're sleepy.

Well, listen. Why don't you use my bed?
It's up there.

whispers] Ah.

Uh, uh, oh, no.
Well, uh, well, that's okay.

Uh, use Goho's bed instead.

Yeah, just watch for the
[screams] guitar and the maps.

Oh, no. Uh, well, uh, that's okay.

-Hey, wait a minute.

I've got it. You're hungry.

“Well, come with me.

-Come on. Come on.
-[cheeps] Mama.

Now, try a radish.

-[cheeping in disgust]

Oh. Well, okay, come with me. Come on.

-Come on, come on. Try some mashed peas.
“Mama. Mama.


-[cheeps in disgust]

-Uh, well, okay, uh, I can handle this.
Ma. Mama.

Uh, now, you stay. Stay here. Stay.
I'l be right back.

“Mama. Mama.

-[stutters] Don't worry.

I'm going to take good care of you.
Don't worry about a thing.

-Now, stay, stay.
[imitates Wembley]

[grunting] Uh, uh, whoa.


[Wembley] Boober!
[exclaims and laughs]

Oh, what's the most delicious thing
you know how to cook?

Well, you're looking at it, Wembley.

It's my specialty, artichoke soufflé.

I've got to have it now!

Ah, it's so good to see you
taking an interest in good food, Wembley.

After all, there's not many Fra--

Hey, you forgot the garnish.


-Oh, whoa.

-Oh, you almost made me drop this.
“What's that?

It's an artichoke souffle.

No, no, that.

Oh, it's the baby tree creature.

Wow. You were right.

But what's it doing in my bed?

Well, it couldn't sleep on the floor.
-[chick] Mama.


Mama? [laughs]
-Mama. Mama.

It isn't funny.

[panting] I'm sorry, Wembley.
I'can't help it.

[grunting] This is my friend Gobo.

No, not Boo-Boo. Gobo.


-Eh- [grunts]

-Hey, he likes you.
[groans] Great.

Hey, I've got some
real good food over here.

-Over here.

Good foo- No, not goo. Food.
I hope you like it.


[cheeping in disgust]

[groans] He doesn't like
artichoke soufflé, either.

He'll starve.

[Mokey screams]

Oh, hi, Mokey.

You're just in time
to meet Wembley's new friend.

It's the baby tree creature,
and it's starving.

And it doesn't like soufflés.

Oh, the poor little...

big thing.

We don't know what to feed it.



Yeah, seeds.
That's what tree creatures eat.

I've seen them in the garden.

Well, then, let's go get some.

-Oh, okay.


-Uh, this is too much for me.

I'm going to collect my postcard
from my Uncle Traveling Matt, yeah.

Boo... Mama. [whines]

[exhales] Wow.
This place sure is beautiful.

Hmm, whoever all these decorations are for
sure is lucky.



Woo-hoo. I'm back.

Wait till you see what I got for you--

-He's gone. Oh, no.

-Oh, he has to be around here somewhere.
-Oh, yeah, but where?

What if something happened to him?

What's wrong?

What did you do with him?
What kind of a Fraggle are you?

-He's just a baby.
“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

Calm down, Wembley, I didn't do anything
with your, uh, baby.

-I just went out for a minute.

Well, it was one minute too many.

Do you think this is normal?

Oh, dear, I better go after him.


Wembley, if you don't get rid
of that monster, I will.

He's a menace. He knocked me into the pond

right in the middle of my lecture
on water safety.

-I could have drowned.
-Don't-- Don't call him a monster.

-Just tell me which way he went. Huh?
-[Boober] Wembley.

Your monster is wrecking my kitchen.

-Oh, no. He might get hurt.

-He might get hurt?

You should see what he did
to my cauliflower pie.


Wembley gasps]

Are you all right?

Oh, here, I brought you some food.


-Eat your goo, ah, food.

-[chomping] Goo.
-That's a good little tree creature. Good!

Ah, if that's a good one,
I'd hate to see a bad one.

-Good boy.
-[moaning] Oh.

-I don't know why you're so unhappy.

You're not still hungry, are you?


How about if I tell you a story?

Okay, uh...

Let me think of one, uh...


I'm sorry, I'm trying.
I just can't think of anything.

[Gobo] Hi, Wembley.

Well, you certainly look nice
and comfortable.

Oh, Gobo, I don't know what to do.
I promised to tell him a story,

and I can't think of one.

Oh, well, how about I read him a postcard
from my Uncle Traveling Matt?

Would you like that? Would you like
to hear a postcard from Gobo's uncle?

-That's right. Boo-Boo.

Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo.

"Dear nephew Gobo...

The silly creatures of this world..."

[Matt] ...ive- [grunts]

[clears throat and groans]

[Matt] with all kinds
of other fascinating creatures.

The most interesting ones
are the ones that can fly.

Some of the creatures can fly
by themselves with great ease.

But some of the smaller ones
take a little longer to get going.

But once these little guys
get the hang of it, they do just fine.

[clears throat] / wonder
if you could let me down now?

"Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

But that's it. That's it.
He's depressed because he wants to fly.

All tree creatures want to fly.

Fie! Fie, fie, fie!

That's right. Why don't you?


Of course, you need
your Mama to teach you how.

Fie. Fie. Fie. Fie.

Okay, Mama Wembley
will just have to teach you, then.

Fie! Fie!

Okay, now, here goes.

I Learn to fly, it's real fun §

♪ One, two, three, and it's all done ♪

I Do what I say, say what do }

7 ‘Cause I'm gonna teach it to you ♪

♪ Put the left one over there

7 And, and make it sort of sway ♪

I Now, wave the other in the air I

1 And soon you're on your way ♪

7 Now, take a step before you start?

I And don't be scared to try ♪

I Just take a breath
Straight from the heart

I Now, go ahead and fly

7 And you can fly to the sky

7 You can fly if you try }

And we'll help you teach him, Wembley.

Yeah, because we're your friends.

-Any baby of yours is a baby of ours.
-Oh, do you mean it? [chuckles]

7 If you can't go straight ahead

I Put that thing behind ♪

I And if it starts to drag instead

I Don't pay it any mind }

I All you really got fo do

♪ Is take off at the start?

♪ And after that, the other stuff ♪

I Will be the easy part!

7 You can fly to the sky ♪

7 You can fly if you try }

7 You can fly to the sky ♪

7 You can fly if you try }

I Now, one was great, and two was good

I But three was not so hot

7 Uh, just be a buddy, if you would?

I And do it like you're taught

7 And try to make a fancy thing ♪

I When you take off this time

See if you can fly a ring ♪

I As you begin to climb §

7 And you can fly to the sky

7 You can fly if you try }

7 You can fly to the sky ♪

♪ You can fly, you can fly §

Go forit. Go on. You can do it.


Gee, I... 1 guess
I'm not such a great Mama.

[Fraggles sigh]

[both sigh]

[sighs] I wish I knew what to do.

That baby needs to fly more than anything.

Well, maybe if I watch
those tree creatures fly,

[ll get the hang of it
and be able to teach him.

[birds cawing]

-So I dropped your egg down the well.

Whoa. Is that any reason
to try and k*ll me?

-[exclaims in fear]

[Junior] Okay, you dumb birds.

-You asked for it. This is w*r.
-[birds cawing]

-[male bird] Baby.

[female bird sobbing]



Oh, they really do love their baby.



You see, that's the problem.

Uh, I'm not your Ma.

[gasps and cheeps]

Oh, no, no. Don't cry.
It's not as bad as that, you see?

You have a real Ma and a Pa, too.


Look, look, you're just a baby

and you don't know
what's best for you, but I do.

And I've got to make a decision,
and I am not going to wemble.

[breathing heavily]


Oh, maybe a litle.

‘Cause-- "cause I'm taking good care
of you, aren't 1?

-And we love each other.


And you give my life meaning,
like in Boober's book.

Not gook. Book.

Oh, but wait. I can't do this.

You're a tree creature,
and you need to live in a nest

and eat seeds in a garden.

-And you need to fly.

-That's right. Yeah.

And I'm gonna see to it that you do.

‘Mama. Mama.

Well, I guess it's all right
for you to call me that...

For just a little longer, anyway.

But I've got to find a way to get you
back to the nest, where you belong.

Don't worry, Wembley,
we'll help you think of something.



I guess Wembley was too upset
to say good-bye.


This contraption
doesn't look very safe to me.

Well, I'm ready.
[Fraggles clamoring]

“What do you mean, you're ready?

You didn't think I was gonna let him
go up all by himself, did you?

You can't go up in that thing, Wembley.

Why not? He's my responsibility.

You could get hurt, maybe k*lled.

-'m not gonna let you do it.

Oh, that's fine for Wembley,
but what about me?

-Fie. Fie.

-To the garden, quick.
Fie. Fie.

Ma. Pa. It's a miracle.

Fie. Fie. Fie. Fie.


-Look. There they are.


[both] Huh?



[all cheering]

[stutters] Hey, up there.
Take good care of him.

Oh, don't worry, Wembley. They will.


Hey, wait. Wait.

‘Well, what, what?

[all gasp]


[Wembley] Look at that baby fly.

[chick] Fie. Fie. Fie. Fie. Fie.

[Red sighs]


I have never seen anything
like that sky, Sprocket.

What colors. What light.

I tell you, I'm beginning to see things
in a whole new way, why--

-"Happy Birthday, Sprocket"?

Of course, it was your birthday,
and I was so involved in this book,

I forgot all about it.

And you didn't even remind me.

[exhales] Why, you put my needs
ahead of your own.

What a truly good and loving dog you are.

Well, we're gonna start
your birthday party right now.

-[barking excitedly]
-[chuckles] Better late than never, eh?

Now, I know I have a gift
for you somewhere,

but I can't seem to see it.

[clears throaf]


-You read the book, too, eh? [laughs]

[upbeat music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪