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02x08 - All Work and All Play

Posted: 10/03/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.


Mail call, Sprocket.

-Oh, ho.

Another letter from Duncan.

Oh, and a postcard to that Gobo Fraggle.

Gotta tell the postman

that Mr. Fraggle fella
must have moved out of here years ago.

Hmm. That was easy, for a change.

[Doc] And look, Sprocket.

Dog Days, your favorite magazine,

with an Airedale on the cover.

-You always liked Airedales.

-Sprocket, what's wrong?

Come here, Sprocket. Come on, boy.

[whining continues]

Oh, you don't look happy, boy.

In fact, you've been looking really bored
and wretched lately.

[Sprocket sighs]

You know, Sprocket,

if you're not happy with your life,

you should try and change it.


[laughs] Seriously, Sprocket,
don't just sit there.

Do something.

Figure it this way.

Anything is possible.

[whines questioningly]

So, what would you really want to be
in this world?

-Do you know?

Well, name it, Sprocket,

-and we'll see what we can do fo help.

What would you like to be?



A horse?

You... you want to be a horse?

-I have a dog who wants to be a horse.

Where have I failed?

[whining loudly]

Oh, okay, okay, okay. Don't beg.

-I said I'd help, and I will.
[whining excitedly]

I don't think I know
how to saddle-break a mongrel.

Well, I think
getting that postcard of yours is easy.

Outer Space didn't look dangerous to me.

Oh, that's all you know
about it, Red Fraggle.

Why, you don't know
any more about Outer Space

than you do about Doozers.

Well, Outer Space reminds me of Doozers

because they're both
really, really boring.

Work shift over, heading home.




Well, another day,
another Doozer bridge, huh?

-Uh, anyone for a game of Tedball?

Well, a quick one.

I promised the wife
I'd go home and do some gardening.

Our glass flowers need work.



No, music lessons.


Hey, Wingnut, you hungry?

1 got some of those
great new blue food pellets?

Oh, I'd love one,

but I've got to find
my daughter, Cotterpin.

She gets her helmet in two days.

I have to make sure
she's studying for the ceremony.


Poor Wingnut.

That daughter of hers is a trial.

Hi, Cotterpin.

Me and Staple are going out back
and playing Work Crew.

Wanna come?

Oh, give me a break, Wrench.

We're gonna be workers
in a couple of days.

Who wants to play at it?

Besides, I gotta study
this dumb instruction manual.

Haven't you finished memorizing that yet?

The Architect is gonna have a fit.

Don't remind me.

You... You better stop drawing
those silly pictures

and start studying.

A Doozer'd think
you didn't wanna become a worker.

That Doozer'd be right.

Cotterpin Doozer, you're nuts.

Why, getting your helmet
and becoming a worker

is the greatest thing in life.

Well, it's not the greatest thing
in my life.


Cotterpin, what are you doing out here?

Uh-oh, it's Mother.

I hope you've been studying
your instruction manual.


Cotterpin, what's wrong?

I've over-studied.

My brain is being squished
right down into my toes.

Have you really been studying
your instruction manual?

I've got the smartest toes in Doozerdom.


Well, look it here,

it appears to be a family,
and they appear to be mine.

Hi, Daddy.

Hello, Cotterpin.

Hi, Wingnut, my litle sugar hinge.
How was work?

Oh, Flange, darling,
what a tower we built.

Why, I bet the Fraggles
have already eaten it.

Yes, every day is a great day
on the work crew.


But your daughter here

has obviously
not been studying her instruction manual.

Why, look at this.

She's drawing weird pictures.

It's a bridge.

Bridges do not look like that.

Mine do.

-Now, Cotterpin,

remember the story
of the Doozer who didn't.

-He didn't work, and he didn't build.

And he grew long fur and a tail,

and he turned into a Fraggle.

Oh. I wish that dumb old kids' story
were true.

-I don't wanna be a Doozer.

I'd rather be a Fraggle.

[both gasp]

[stammers] Well, that does it,
Little Miss Doozer.

You go report to the Architect.

You deserve a talking to.

Oh, do I have to?

Yes. He's supervising construction

down near the Cave of the Rumble Bugs.

Now go.


[sighs] Where have we failed?

Oh, no, cantilever it out further.

Check drawing 12 for the dimensions.

Ah, workers.

They get to having so much fun
they forget to check the blueprints.

Uh, excuse me, Mr. Architect, sir.


My parents told me to report to you.


Oh, not again.

What am I going to do with you?


why don't you just
give up on me. [chuckles]

Now don't get sassy-smart with me.

In just two days,

I'm scheduled to conduct
your ceremony of the helmet.

Oh, I don't want a helmet.

I want other things.

Cotterpin, look around you.

-[whirring, squeaking]
Happy Doozers building.

The creative joy of work
is the finest thing there is.

But how do I know
there aren't finer things?

Like what?

Well, like,

right now,
we're near the Cave of the Rumble Bugs.

I have heard that listening to Rumble Hums
is a pretty fine thing.

[scoffs] What nonsense.

Now drive over to the comer and study.

I'l quiz you later.


Gee whiz, doesn't anybody like to listen
to Rumble Hums but me?

[soft music playing]

I don't care what they say

7 ‘Cause I know where to find my way ♪

I It won't be the way they said to go ♪


7 ‘Cause I'm not like they say

I just want to find my own way

I I'm going the way I've gotto go ♪

♪ So show me a way to go ♪

I And I'll go free ♪

I hope you'll see

I That I'm going the way I've gotto go ♪

[Gobo] Come on, Red. Let's go this way.


Fraggles. Ooh.

[Red] Okay, Fraggle face.

So we got your uncle's postcard.

Hey, what if we race
to the Whistling Tunnel?

Later. Right now, let's break
the Walking Backwards record.

Oh, love that.

-Yeah. Here we go, then.


Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute.

We're near the Cave of the Rumble Bugs.

-Let's go.

Yeah. [laughs]

[Architect] Cotterpin?

Cotterpin, where are you?


Come back here and study your lesson.

[Red] Come on, come on. This way.

It's gonna be fun.

[Architect] Get back here.

[Red] Come on.


It's true.

I really do wanna be a Fraggle.

It's the smallest saddle I could find.

[woofs excitedly]

Are you sure
you really wanna go through with this?

[grunts in agreement]
-Okay, get down on the floor.

[whines happily]

How's that?


-Okay, Sprockie. Giddyup.

That cellophane tape
holds those horseshoes on just fine.

I tell you, Sprocket,

this adds new meaning to the phrase

"Get along, little doggy."

-Hi, Wembley.

We got the postcard from my Uncle Matt.

Oh, boy.

And on the way home, we found Rumble Bugs.

-Yeah, I memorized one of their hums.

Oh, boy.

She did?

That's neat. [laughs]

Now we can read the postcard
from Uncle Matt.


Not neat. [sighs]

"Dear Nephew Gobo..."

[Matt] Today! discovered
a very strange place

where young silly creatures often go.

They seem quite happy to be going.

-Ivideo game sounds]
-They put round things into slots,

and then they push a lof of buttons.

But then...


The fun seems to be over.

I don't know why the creatures do it.

Just looking at them, you can tell
they aren't having a good time.

[coins jingling]

Why are they doing it if it's not fun?

They looked to be having less fun
than Doozers. [scoffs]

Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

Wow, can you imagine that?


No one could have less fun than Doozers.

You know it. [scoffs]

[Red] I mean, all they do is work.

No games, no fun.

No lunch.

Oh, Wembley. Now you're talking.

Lunch is just what we need.

-Yeah, and afterwards,

we'll make up some Fraggle words
to go with the Rumble Hum I memorized.

-I vote for that.


-[Red chuckles]

Cotterpin Doozer,
enough of this silliness.

Now, you get along home and study.

Right now.

And that's final.


[machines whirring]

Rule number one.

A Doozer's nature is to, uh...



Rule number two--

Well, I hope you're studying out here.

I'm studying, I'm studying.

You're not drawing
any of those silly pictures of yours?


I'l be out to quiz you in a minute.

Just remember the old story.

Do your work,
or you'll turn into a Fraggle.



What's wrong with being a Fraggle, anyhow?

The one called Red
even memorized a Rumble Hum.

Tsk. [sighs]

Oh, I want to thank you all

for coming to see my daughter
get her helmet today.

-Granny Cantilever?

Why don't you stand over there?
-Ah. There.

-Cotterpin will be here any minute.
-Mm-hmm. Hmm.

Oh, no.

I forgot to wax the dog!

Oh, look it.

[Flange sighs]
Here comes the big little girl now.

Come, everyone, to the square.

My daughter becomes a worker today.

[Doozers] Congratulations.

[upbeat music playing]

Are those who are about to receive
their helmets present?

I We are, we are, we are ♪

Are the witnesses present?

I We are, we are, we are ♪

I Do you love the Doozer days
Working all day long? ♪

I Will you follow Doozer ways
Building with a song? §

I Do you know the Doozer lore
"Love it as your own"? ♪

I Do you dream of Doozer chores
Sleeping in your home? I

I Yes, we do, yes, we do}

I Yes, we really, really do}

I Yes, we do, yes, we do}

I Yes, we really do?

7 Can you dig and fill a trench??

I Yes, I really can?

I Can you monkey with a wrench? I

I Yes, I really can?

I Can you dream a Doozer tower? }

[weakly] I Yes, I really can I

I Can you call on Doozer power? }

I Yes, we really can?

I Yes, we can, yes, we can}

I Yes, we really, really can?

I Yes, we can, yes, we can}

I Yes, we really can?

Listen carefully, now.

♪ Does a Doozer ever doze?

♪ Does a Doozer shirk?

1 Does a Doozer thumb his nose
At doing Doozer work? ♪

I No, we don't, no, we don't}

I No, we really, really don't §

I No, we don't, no, we don't}

I No, we really don't?

♪ Will a Doozer ever snooze? I

I Will a Doozer do 2

I Things like dodging Doozer dues
That Doozers never do?

I No, we won't, no, we won't}

I No, we really, really won't}

I No, we won't, no, we won't}

I No, we really won't?

Now, everybody, renew your Doozer vows.

I Will you make your promise new?

I Yes, we really will}

I Build your buildings
Straight and true?

I Yes, we really will}

I Are we joyful partners here?

I Yes, we really are

7 With a world that we revere? ♪

I Yes, we really are

I Yes, we are, yes, we are

I Yes, we really, really are

I Yes, we are, yes, we are

I Yes, we really are

I Yes, we do, yes, we do}

I Yes, we really, really do}

I Yes, we do, yes, we do}

I Yes, we really do?

I Yes, we really do?

[harmonizing] ♪ Yes, we really do

No, no, no, no.

I won't take the helmet.

[all gasping]

I won't build.

I'm going to be a Fraggle.



[gasps] Oh.

There she is.


My favorite Fraggle.

Mmm, she's asleep.

Well, I'm just gonna have to go in there
and introduce myself, that's a...


Big steps. Oh, well.

[grunts, groans]

Ow! [groans]


Maybe, uh, she'll even build
some, uh, smaller steps for me.


Um... [clearing throat]

Uh, hello.

Red Fraggle, ma'am.

Uh, my name is Cotterpin Doozer,

and I simply must talk to you.

[Red groaning]

Doozers don't talk to Fraggles.

Well... [screaming]


Uh, if... if you please, ma'am...

Uh, I have come to live with Fraggles.

Doozers don't live with Fraggles.

Yeah, but... [screaming]


[snoring continues]

Uh... Um...

I... I think

you are the most terrific Fraggle
in the whole world.

[gasping] What...


Really. [nervous chuckle]


Why are you talking to me?

Well, because I wanna be a Fraggle

just like you.

-Like me?

Because you do all the things
that Doozers don't.

You play and sing

and even listen
to the Hums of Rumble Bugs.

That's what I wanna do.

Well, I suppose I could teach you
a thing or two dozen.

[gasps] Then you'll let me stay?

Oh, thank you.

[stammers] Wait a minute. Huh?

Don't worry.

I don't eat much,

only a few food pellets now and again.

What are food pellets?

Never mind, Red.

Could we do something Fragglish, please?

Well, how could you do
something Fragglish?

You're so Doozery.

Come on.
I'l race you to the Whistling Tunnel.

[gasps] You know
about the Whistling Tunnel?

Well, I heard you say
it was quite a lot of fun.


Ready, set, go.

-Uh... Wait, wait, wait.

What? What?

I, uh, can't get down from here.
[nervous chuckle]

This is really, really weird.

Okay, short stuff,
we'll start the race in the Tunnel.

Okay. Ready.




[Cotterpin] Oh, rats.

You know, Cotterpin,

I've never understood
why Doozers build all the time.

I've never even spoken
to a Doozer until now,

and all of a sudden, here you are.

Uh... Here you are?

[gasps] Where are you?

[echoing] I'm back here.

Well, what are you doing back there?

I'am running my legs off,
trying to keep up with you.

-Oh, brother.

Listen, let's face facts.

You are six inches tall.

You really can't be a Fraggle.

But... but I really,
really can't be a Doozer.

Well, why not?

Because I told them
I wouldn't put on a helmet and build.

I told them
I was gonna live with the Fraggles.

-You did?

And if I go back now, well,

I'l have to admit I was wrong.


Oh, you don't wanna do that.

I hate doing that.

-Yeah. Me, too. [scoffs]


let's see what we can do for you.

Listen, we can work this out, Cotterpin.

We can make a Fraggle of you yet.

Oh, thank you.

[voices humming]


Rumble Bugs.

[gasps] Oh, Red,

will you sing me
that Rumble Hum you memorized?

Oh, I'd love to.

-It's a beauty.
[humming continues]

Well, the sum of a hum
In a Rumble Bug's tum{

Is a humpety rum tum tum

I And there are some that are glum

I When they come fo the drum
Of a Rumble-Bug's rum tum tum ♪

I But it's dumb to be glum
Rubbing um, rubbing um ♪

♪ In the pit of your cranium ♪

7 ‘Cause you strum on your thumb
Or your bum or your tum ♪

I To the drum of a Rumble Bug's Hum I

So the sum of a hum
In a Rumble Bug's tum

Is a bumpety rum tum tum

I And there are some that are glum

I When they come fo the drum
Of a Rumble-Bug's rum tum tum ♪

I But it's dumb to be glum
Rubbing um, rubbing um ♪

♪ In the pit of your cranium ♪

7 ‘Cause you strum on your thumb
Or your bum or your tum ♪

I To the drum of a Rumble Bug's Hum I


Wow, that was great.

Well, anyone who likes
the Hums of Rumble Bugs

is gonna make a great Fraggle.

Well, I'l do my best. [giggles]

Hey, I know what we'll do now.

-The most Fragglish thing there is to do.

Oh, boy. I love it already.

Whats it?

We're gonna take a swim.


Why not?

[stammers] A Doozer can't swim.

It's impossible.

But swimming is the best thing
there is in the world.

No. No, it isn't.

To a Doozer, it's the awfullest,

terriblest, most disgusting thing
in the whole world.

A Doozer'd rather die...



Oh, uh...


I'm really a Doozer.

I'l never be a Fraggle, will I?

No. But you can still come visit me.

No, Red.

Doozers don't visit Fraggles.

Well, we could.


I have to go back, admit I was wrong.

I'l have to take the helmet and...

build. Ugh!

Isn't there anything else you can do?

I don't think so.

Well, don't give up
fill you're sure, okay?


Thank you for singing
the Rumble Bug's Hum.

You're welcome, kid.


[vehicle approaching]

[inhales deeply, sighs]

Oh, what's that?

Uh, it's me, Cotterpin.



I've come back.

Well, well. Cotterpin Doozer.

I thought you had gone off
to be a Fraggle.

It didn't work.

Oh, what can I do?

You could always
take your helmet and build.


I don't know what I'm gonna do,

but I won't take the helmet.

Not ever.


Oh, we don't get many of your kind.

A Doozer like you comes along
only about once every generation.

You... you mean there are others?

But who? Where?

Oh, there was Old Man Pipewrench
back in the first days.

And then there was Disk Drive,
and Putty Knife.

-She was really contrary.

And then...

there was me.

[gasps] You?


Wait. I've never seen you wear a helmet.

Hmm. I refused.

All I really wanted to do was draw.

I love to draw.

So I recall.

You know,
it isn't necessary for all Doozers

to take the helmet.

A few of us take the drawing board.

The... the drawing board?

Cotterpin Doozer,

how would you like to be
Apprentice Architect?

You mean, and...

and draw instead of build?

Oh, yes.



Would I have to do everything you said?

Well, of course.

Oh. Well, I don't know, then.

Well, then again,
if I hadn't been contrary,

do you think Doozer constructions
would look as they do today?

Oh, the last architect liked circles.

Took me years to get some nice squares.

Oh, well, uh,

personally, I like hexagons. [giggles]

[laughs] There will be no hexagons
around here, young lady.

[Cotterpin] Mmm, we'll see.

[both laughing]


Well, I suppose you're tired
after your first day of being a horse.


Yeah, well,

I suppose you're in the mood for supper?


Right over here.

A nice bale of hay.

[neighing stops]

How's that?

[Sprocket whimpers, sniffs]

[barking, howling]


-you're sounding like a dog again.


Well, does that mean
you've changed your mind?

[whines softly]

You'd rather be a dog?


A wise choice, I think.

I've always thought
you made an excellent dog.


I've been worrying all day

-that the health inspector would show up.

It's illegal to keep horses in the house.


[music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪