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02x20 - A Cave of One's Own

Posted: 10/03/23 08:33
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Down at Fraggle Rock

Down at Fraggle Rock.



Ned Shimmelfinney won't sign my petition.

Shimmelfinney claims he likes the idea

of turning the old,
deserted Captain's house

into a bed-and-breakfast inn.

Oh, Sprocket, it's going to be
like having a hotel next door.

I mean, you and I and Ned Shimmelfinney
and his cat, Fluffinella,

have had this little street to ourselves
since, well, I don't remember when.

Now we're going to have crowds of people
on the way to the beach and the pier.

Sprocket, it's going to be like Funland.

And Shimmelfinney won't sign my petition
to the Town Council

asking them to stop the remodeling.

Well, I'm going to send in this petition
to the Council anyway.

Of course, I don't know how much good
a petition with only two signatures on it

is gonna do.

And one of them is a dog's.


[screaming] Hey, Mokey, look at this.


Gee. I call this
Red's dynamic double swing.


I'm meditating.

Please, please, please, Gobo.

Oh, sure, I'l tell you
how I scared the boys and--


Gobo, are you okay?

I'm sorry.

Don't you have someplace else to go, Red?

Well, sure. But we like
to hang out here. Right, Mokey?

Well, yeah, but it certainly
isn't very tranquil around here.

Well, Wembley and I would like
alittle peace and quiet sometime.

Yeah, who needs tranquil?
We want peace and quiet.

[laughing] You tell 'em, Wembley.

Why don't you go find a cave of your own?

What a dumb idea?

Red, Red...

-Get a cave of our own, huh?

A place that you and I could share.

[gasps] What a terrific idea.

It was a dumb idea a second ago.

-Yeah, and it still is.

Listen, Wembley was kidding.

-He didn't mean you should be roommates.

Why, you two are so different,

why, you couldn't even agree
which cave to live in.


-Gobo, what a cruel thing to say.

Red and I are not that different.
Why, we often agree, huh?

-That's not true. We always agree.

What would you do if you lived together?
Besides agree, that is.

Well, lots of things.
We would share space together.

-Share clothes.
We would read aloud to each other.

-Play games.
We would do everything together.

[both laughing]

-Find a cave we both love.
-Oh, yes.

Oh, wonderful.

Invite us to your cave-warming party.


You gotit. Ha.

We are going to find a cave

that expresses
the true essence of our friendship.


Some place that's, well, really organic
to our natures, you know.

Whoo. Someplace where we can play
thwack-a-ball and tug-o-tail.

Well, yes, that, too.

But first, we have to find it.

And it has to be just perfect.

I Imagine it §

I A snug retreat as cozy as a shell

I A painting here, some flowers there ♪

I Candlelight and perfumed air §

7 At night we'll curl up by the fire 3

I Assured that all is well

7 Safe within our snuggery ♪

I We'll live in true sorority }

I Somewhere there's a special place ©

I A perfect living space §

I Wherever it may be

I Who knows how ong it's waited there? ♪

I This dwelling place so rare I

7 Just meant for you and me I

I Picture this

I A towering loft with lots of efbowroom ♪

7 Somewhere lively, cheery, bright

I A place where we can play all night }

♪ Lots of color, lots of stuff ♪

I Nothing there of gloom

+ Somewhere we can call home base ♪

I A playground funhouse kind of place

+ Somewhere we will find a home I

1 An address aff our own

I And make our dream come true

I Who knows how ong it's waited there? ♪

I This dwelling place so rare I

7 Just meant for me and you I

I Me and you }

-Hey, Mokey?


[gasps] Wow. What is it?

Let's go find out.

Yeah, let's. Gee whiz.

[Mokey] There seems to be
some sort of an opening up there.

Wow. Ah.

Oh, Red.

This is just perfect.


[water flowing]

Look, you can see the pool from here.

And these vines around the window,
they're just right for swinging on.

This is the most perfect place
in all of Fraggle Rock.

Oh, Red, this cave
has been waiting for us.

Yeah. [laughs]

You know, you can just
feel it welcoming us.

Yeah. Hiya, cave, pleased to meet you.

And-and the early morning rays
are going to stream right in here.

Why, we can hold our
welcome-to-the-day ceremony right here.

Yeah, yeah.

-Oh, Red, Red, Red?

[clears throaf]

Oh, spirit of the cave,
we thank you for this cozy home.

Uh, whatever. Let's go get our stuff.


All moved in, uh,

except where should I put
today's one perfect object?

Okay, guys, move everything in.
Put it right over there in that comer.

That's my side of the room.
Right, right. Just drop it.

I mean, don't drop it.
Put it there, right. Okay.

There's a nick in the wall.
You can put that there.

Great. Where's my barbells?

Did somebody take it--
No, you've got 'em. Okay.

And the paper chains.
Oh, this is gonna look fantastic.

Yeah, just hang that-- Oh, beautiful.


Oh, hi, Mokey.

I didn't bring all my stuff, ‘cause
I didn't want to clutter up the place.

But I did bring my tug-o-tails
championship trophy.


Uh... Uh...

My-my side is a little messier
than your side.

Don't worry, I'l clean it up.

Yeah. Uh, this can go over here.

Red, Red, Red, no, no, no.

Um, clutter is the manifestation
of freedom,

and I want to learn that from you.

[both laugh]

But of course, if you'd like to learn
the essence of neatness, well, then--

Sure, I'd love fo.

-Oh, good, we do agree.

The main thing is we're gonna have
a wonderful time here.

Oh, yes.

We'll show Gobo.

Tomorrow we'll have the best
cave-warming party ever.


"Then did the bird,

the white, bright bird

fly up, fly on,

fly on to the--"

Mokey, Mokey. Isn't it my tum to read?

I wouldn't want your voice to get sore.

[Red] "Leaping from her frothing steed,
the fearless Princess Glenwyn

raised high the magic sword, Gethweldor.

With a mighty stroke,
she plunged the blade

into the flank of the rampaging dragon.

A green gush of blood did burst forth--"

Oh, Red, Red, Red.


I forgot Lanford. Oh.

But we were just getting
to the gushing blood part.

Who's Lanford?

[grunts] Red, I would like you
to be the first to meet Lanford.

[stammering] Mokey, what is that?

Well, Lanford is a night-blooming,
yellow-leafed deathwort. [laughs]

[Lanford growling]
-[Red clears throaf]

Hello, Lanford.


-Back, back. Stay, stay.
-[Mokey] Easy, easy.

-Oh, Red.
-[Red] Get away from me.

[Mokey] Isn't this heaven?

-Just me and my best friend together.
-[Lanford growling]

[Red] And Lanford. Don't forget Lanford.

[Mokey] Sharing space.
Sharing experiences.

[Red] And Lanford. Don't forget Lanford.

- don't believe it.
[Sprocket snoring]

The construction workers are here already.

They are beginning work
on the Captain's house.

Honestly, Sprocket, this is an outrage!

[Sprocket gasps]

We'll be sharing our little corner
of the world with hordes of intruders.

Well, I'm not giving up on this
without a fight.

I've made some picket signs.

[Sprocket whining]

Do you like it?

Simple, direct, and appropriate.

Oh, and I've made one for you, too.

Simple, direct, and appropriate.


Good morning, spirit of the cave.

[clears throaf]

Let the ceremony begin.


Oh, hail, ye bright and glorious day.



Welcome, welcome, welcome,
day of joy and light.

You have truly banished
all the cares of night.

Mokey, I didn't have
any cares during the night.

Now I have cares.


Oh, Red, that's the spirit.

Thank you for joining
in my welcome-to-the-day ceremony.

Isn'tit nice sharing as true friends
and cave-mates?

Yes, it was lovely sharing your ceremony
with you, Mokey.

Well, now we can plan our party, okay?

Oh, oh, wait, wait.

No, first, I have to pump granite.

You pump granite?

Oh, it's great exercise.

I do it every morning.

Ifyou do it, Il do it.

And two and one.

[Red] And two and one.

Uh, oh.

And two and one.

This is really great, Red.

-And two and one.




Oh, Mokey, you really shouldn't try
neck presses

fill you're more experienced.

Now, let's get dressed
and find stuff for the cave-warming party.

-[Mokey] Argh.
[Lanford growls]

What are we doing here?
We've got all the food we need.

We need some decoration, too.

But, Mokey,

the Murkmonster lives around here.
We don't need him.

Oh, Red, don't worry,
our positive energy will protect us.

[gasps] Oh, look. These are just perfect.

-But, Mokey--


Mokey, what's behind me?

What? Behind you?

[gasps] Oh, Red, you clever Fraggle, you.

Yes, we definitely need
some of these green leaf things.


Mokey, we've got to get out of here.

[Red screaming]

You know, I'm going to weave these
into an unbroken circle,

symbolizing our friendship
and the happy containment of our lives.



How can you sleep at a time like this?

[grunts] What a Fraggle.

You know what? I've been thinking.

We should make circles
the whole theme of our party.

I mean, circles express wholeness.

[Mokey] You know, these little round cakes
and little round cookies are just perfect.

Mokey, Fraggles do not eat
little round food.

Well, Red, circles are our symbol.

[sighs] Whatever.

Isn'tit getting a little crowded in here?

Well, yeah.

But, well, we always said it was cozy.


Hey, wait a minute. Where did you put
my tug-o-tails trophy?

Huh, your what?

Oh, that? Um, I put it over there
with the rest of your ju--

Hmm, collection of objects.

No fair, that's gotta be out
for Gobo to see.

He challenged me
to a tug-o-tails game today.

[Mokey] Yeah, but--

Where did you put it?
Where is it? Where is it?

Don't you think it's a little small
in here for games?

Where is it?

Red, our guests will be here any minute.

I found it.

Oh, Mokey, [laughs] you look so funny.

I do not see anything funny about this.

[Gobo] I do.

[laughs] You got a sock on your nose.


Red, will you be serious?

Stop laughing.

This is supposed to be a party.

Ah. Oh, I agree.

So, guys, we've got food and games.

Yes, yes, so welcome to our cave.


I When you're hungry as can be

♪ Or when you're starved for company ♪

t's nice to visit friends and see ♪

I The lights are on inside I

I If you're sick or if you're well

♪ Or burstin' with some news fo tell ♪

I All you have to do is yell

I The door is open wide ♪

I You know you are welcome in our home ♪

I'l, you, we know,
Share and you're not alone §

[Gobo] Wow.

[Wembley] Oops. Sorry.
-[Boober] That's okay. Nice place.

I When you're tired of where you're at I

Or you'd love to have a chat

It's nice to know the welcome mat I

I Will never be wom through ♪

♪ Sharing's dandy and it's grand

I Besides it sure can come in handy ♪

I When you know that understandings §

I Waiting there for you ♪

I You know you are welcome in our home ♪

I'l, you, we know,
Share and you're not alone §

I You know you are welcome in our home ♪

I'l, you, we know,
Share and you're not alone §


Oh, sorry.

Gee, Mokey, Red,

this is sure a great place.


It's really cozy.

-Yeah, it's cozy.

That's what we wanted.

I agree.

Mokey and I always agree, right?


Look at this adorable round food.

Why, thank you, Boober.

I worked really hard
getting everything just right.

You worked hard? What about me?

Hey, hey, you two.

I brought you a cave-warming present.

Oh, what is it?

Thank you, Gobo.

-That was really gracious of you.

Yeah. It's the latest postcard
from my Uncle Traveling Matt.

Oh, gracious, macious.

"Dear Nephew Gobo..."

The other day, I was exploring one of
the domestic caves of the silly creatures.

It was a large and unpredictable place

filled with all sorts
of mysterious objects.


[woman] Jenny? Joanna?
Go clean up your room right now.

Then, I found a perfect little
hiding place for a Fraggle,

warm, and quiet, and safe.


Of course, it was a little fonely.


But not for fong.

It's good to have a place of one's own,
but it's also nice to share.

Can I get you some honey?

"Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

That was very appropriate, Gobo.
Thank you.

Can we eat now?

This sure is fun.

It's not easy eating with a plate
in one hand and a cup in the other.

Well... [laughs]

My tail's not holding anything.

That's it.

We can have refreshments and play
tug-o-tails at the same time.

-Okay. Link tails.

-Ready. Set. Tug.
-Red? Red?

[Red grunting]

You hold that, I'l hold this.

Red, stop.
Please, you're going to break something.



Oh, Red, that was our symbol.

Symbol of what? This crowded little cave?

It wasn't that crowded until you brought
your pile of junk in here.

Ahhh. Well, at least, I didn't bring
in a dimwitted k*ller plant.

[gasps] Dimwitted?
This was supposed to be so perfect.

Well, it's perfectly awful.

Who wants to share a cave with you anyway?

I am so sick of this.

What happened to the good old days,
when all I did was laugh and swim?


You like to swim, Red?

Why, what a good idea.

Here, let me help you.

-Now, swim!
[Red screaming]


[Red panting]

[Red] Mokey Fraggle... [panting]

I never want to see you again.


That'll be too soon for me, Red Fraggle.


More tea, anyone?

I just knew you guys would never be able
to agree on anything.

You got to be kidding.

We agreed on everything.

I helped with her
welcome-the-day ceremony.

And she even pumped granite.

We agreed so much it nearly drove us nuts.

Maybe that's your problem.

Now, listen, Gobo,
what do you want from us?

Hey, Red, don't get angry at me,
get angry at each other.

Hey, well, we've already done that.

Now I've got to go back to that cave
and get the rest of my stuff.

Then that is that for me and Mokey.




Oh, what are you doing here?

I came to get my stuff.

Yes, well, 'm leaving
this awful little place myself.

Oh, 50 you're getting your dear little
ceremonial gong

and your oh-so-perfect feather, huh?

Well, at least they had a purpose,
unlike your tug-o-tails trophy.

Stay back.

[Lanford coughs]


Lanford, oh, you look awful.

Lanford, oh, no.

I forgot all about him.

Oh, Lanford. He needs water.

Well, maybe we should loosen his tie.
-Yes. There.

He'll be better now. Oh, Lanford.



Do you think the reason
we couldn't share a cave

was because we tried too hard
to agree with each other?

I don't know, maybe.

Well, I was always trying to do the things
that you liked to do.

I was always trying to say the things
Ithought you wanted to hear.

Oh, Red, if only we had been honest
with each other.

You know, really, really honest.

Instead of pretending.

Oh, yes.

Then, I honestly would've told you
how stupid, and dumb, and boring

your tug-of-tails game was.

I understand.

Oh, good.

Mokey, come over here and sit down.
Let's talk about it.

Gee, okay.

For instance, when you thwacked me
out of this hammock and into the pool...


Well, if I had been really, really honest

I would have done this.


Red Fraggle, now you did it to me.

Uh-oh, they're at it again.

Now, listen, Mokey, you have to remember
that after all

Gobo, you stay out of this.

This is between me... and her.

Uh-oh, this could get messy.


You want honesty? I'l give you honesty.

I hate the stupid game
you play with that ball.

But, Mokey, it's a circular thing.

A symbol, remember?

Now, you two...

In this life, you have to try
to get along.

Gobo! Will you please stop telling us
to get along?

-She just thwacked me out of her hammock.
-That's because you thwacked me out first.

Well, that's because I hate that stupid
tug-o-tails game you wanted me to play.

I don't care if you play the game.

All I know is I hated
your stupid circular flowers.

Well, your hammock squeaks.

Well, Lanford drove me crazy.


You didn't have to like my plant,

why did I have to like
that awful marble-pumping business?

It's pumping granite.

And you didn't have to like it.

I like it.

Oh, why did I have to agree
with everything you like?

You don't have to agree with me.

I don't want you to be like me.

Well, what do you want?

I want you to be like you.

You is what I like about you.

But you is what I like about you.



Well, hmm, if me is
what you like about me,

then me is what you'll get.


Same for me.

Well, see?

We do agree, Red.

Yeah. [both laugh]

Gobo, if they're fighting
why are they hugging?

Well, Wembley...

[Red and Mokey talking indistinctly]

I'l ask.

You two are being honest
with each other now, right?

Yes, Gobo.

We're agreeing to disagree.

Sometimes, anyway.


I think they'll be okay now, Wembley.

-By the way, Mokey.

You know, getting thwacked out
of that hammock made me angry...

But wasn't it fun?

-Yeah, it was great.

Something you'd like to share, huh?

-Yeah. Oh, uh.

Hey, everybody.

Come on up for a hammock-thwacking
cave-warming party.


Okay, Gobo, you first.

You're gonna love it, Gobo.


[Mokey] Lanford wants to try.

[Red] Don't worry,
I will personally thwack Lanford.




1 found out all about
the new bed-and-breakfast inn.

The owner told me all about it.

[Sprocket whimpering]

She has some interesting plans for it.


Yeah, as a matter of fact, the new owner
is a woman, Ms. Ardath.

Very attractive woman at that.

We talked about
how fascinating it would be

to meet people from different places,

we'll learn about their homes,
share our experiences.

Here, Sprocket, would you hold that?

She's invited me to tea.

Invited you to tea, too.

She has an Airedale named Marigold.


[laughs] You know, Sprocket,
I think it might be interesting

-to share our space with some new people.

I mean, it can't be all drawbacks.

There must be some advantages too.

[Sprocket barks]

Oh, sorry, after you.

[Sprocket barking]

[music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Down at Fraggle Rock