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01x12 - A Room with a Moose

Posted: 10/03/23 10:41
by bunniefuu

[all laughing]





What's your home
planet's name, Zim?

Dib: Come on, Zim, tell me.

I'll find out everything
about you sooner or later.

I'll find out everything.

No, I don't think you will, Dib.

I don't think you will.

Ms. Bitters: So,
right around there,

a negative stigma was attached

to the idea of surviving
on human flesh.

Still, there were
isolated groups

of zombies that-- Yes, Dib?

Ms. Bitters,

Zim's trip to the rest room
has lasted a real long time.

I recall you spending
quite a long time

in there recently, as well.

That was corn and
mayonnaise day!

Ah, that's no excuse.

He's up to something.
I just know it.



My business...

is done!

Who takes hours
to go to the bathroom

before lunch, Zim?

Nonsense! I had much to do!

So much!

GIR on P.A.: Greetings,
children of Earth.

This is your new
school announcer.

A special surprise mandatory
field trip is happening

for the following
lucky children:

Morla, Flan, Red Rocky,

everyone in Ms. Bitters' class

except for Zim,

and especially Dib.

All these children get
to go to a special place

made entirely of food.

I like food.

Now, check it out! [static]

[static cuts out]

Ms. Bitters:
Go. All of you, go!

[children cheering]

What about Zim?
Why isn't he going?

I guess I'm just
not smart enough.

Chunk: Yeah, heh, yeah.



It hurts me to see
all you dirty monsters

go off to have so much fun.

I guess I'll just have to
stay and study harder.

Watch him closely, Ms. Bitters.


Chunk: Duh!

[talking all at once]

Hmm? Huh? Huh?

Dib: When did they start
putting the driver behind a door?

[bus pulling away]

Oh, man! He's sitting near us!

OK, I know what
you're going to say,

but I think there's
something seriously wrong

about this whole
surprise field trip thing.

You are so weird.

Ms. Bitters: Now,
open up your textbook

and begin memorizing
the copyright information.

You will be quizzed on this.

Ms. Bitters, I
have a mighty need

to use the rest room once again.

OK, but that's your
last rest room break

for the rest of the school year.

I shut it off, GIR. It worked.

[GIR beat-boxing]

Let's go home! Phase
two is underway.

That's my favorite phase.

Zim: Leave no evidence!

What is this?

We've been passing the
same stuff over and over again.

Look at that dog. That dog's
gone by , maybe times already.

What's wrong with the dog?

Chunk: Yeah, I like the dog.





Excuse me--

[mechanical voice] Go
back to your seat, young man,

and keep your arms
and legs inside the bus.

Um, I couldn't help but notice--

Hello, Dib!

This wouldn't have
been as much fun

without you sticking
your smelly nose in here.

As you may have already
guessed, this is a trap.

You're really one of the only
people who can appreciate

the amazingness of this plan,

so I'll let you
in on what it is.

Actually, I'll let you see.

Look out the window, would you?

Dib: No! No!


[Zim laughing maniacally]

Dib: Yow!

Sara: Listen to him.

The weirdo.

Zim: My mission
might not be as exciting

without you around to annoy me,

but it will be more... pleasant.

Your fellow busmates
all smelled their fates

the moment they stood in
the way of my mission of doom,

but you -- destroying you
will be the greatest victory.

You won't get
away with this, Zim!

GIR: Where are my walnuts?

I already got away with it.

See? Look out the window.

I would say I've gotten
away with it pretty nicely.

You're launching your
enemies into space?

That's your plan?

This is crazy!

Launching you into space is
just the first part of my plan.

Now is where the
really starts.

A wormhole?

Is that a wormhole?

Impressed yet?

Well, it's better than just
launching us into space.


[Dib retching]

Oh, it's getting bumpy.

That's a great dog.

The wormhole is only
phase two of my scheme.

There's more?

So much more.

I researched many different
wormholes with many possible outcomes.

It was very difficult deciding

which would be the
most horrible for you.

One wormhole would
have spat you out

into a dimension
of pure itching.

There, see?

You can't really tell, but
that stuff's really itchy.

Another would have
sent you to a dimension

of pure dooky!

But I chose this
particular wormhole

especially for the occasion.

You see, at the end
of this wormhole lies

a room...

with a moose!

No-- Wait a minute.

Did you say a room with a moose?


Your fear is overwhelming, no?

Um, no.

What's so scary about a
room with a stupid moose in it?

I mean, yeah, that's a
big moose, but really--

Oh, I will show you!

Prepare your bladder
for imminent release!

Dib: Nuh-uh!

Are those walnuts?

- Yes.
- GIR: My walnuts!

Now, watch the monitor, Dib.

Watch it carefully.

Dib: Oh, no.

[Dib groaning]

No! No!

No! No!


Now, Dib, I leave you to your--

GIR: Moosey fate!
Say "moosey fate!"

Your moosey fate.

[GIR giggling]

[laughing maniacally]


Everyone! We're in a wormhole!

Zim has launched
us into a wormhole,

and we're flying toward
something horrible!

Something just horrible!



[dog barking]

Wait! There might be hope!

I can use my computer to plot
out the course of the wormhole.

I'm going to punch
you in your wormhole.

[all laughing]

There! Just ahead --

a fork in the wormhole!

The left leads directly to
the room with the moose.

To the right...



[others laughing]


OK, Dib, before you really
try to think of a way out of this,

think about what
that would mean.

On one hand, you'd
be saving yourself.

On the other hand,

you'd also be saving them.

Look! He's talking
to himself again!

You guys are just
begging to face the moose!

[all laughing]

Zim: My mission might not be as
exciting without you around to annoy me,

but it will be more... pleasant.

No! Without me,
the Earth is doomed!

I can't let Zim run free!

Not while there's still hope!

Everybody! I think
I've got a plan!

If we all move over to
the right side of the bus,

we just might be able to steer
this thing clear of the moose room!

Come on!

We can go home!

If we go over there,
then we'd be near you.

That doesn't sound cool.

Do you see our dilemma?

Hurry! There isn't much time!

The moose! The moooose!

Now he's talking about a moose.

[juvenile music playing]


[sighs] Oh...

[children griping indistinctly]

Children: Oh...

What a stupid field trip.

Almost as stupid as Dib.

Yeah, almost.

I'm going to miss that dog.

[inhales deeply]



[mimicking] No! No!

The moose has failed me!

[stops grunting]

[juvenile music playing]