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05x04 - Drive His Purpose

Posted: 10/04/23 05:25
by bunniefuu
You're leaving us?

Well, you did say, you know,
work out what was right for me.

I didn't say bloody leave us.

She knows how much I need Kasey,
and then she goes and bloody shafts
me. My own daughter.

I've had this realisation, which is
I don't need her approval any more.

You need to find someone that's good
at narking, cos I am shit at it.

I quit, and there's
nothing you can do.

PASCALLE: Kasey and Munter...
busted with a truckload of weed.

That assh*le cop who
nicked your sister.

He said all he had to do was follow
me and he'd see something.

It's up to me when and if you
walk away, so quit f*cking around
and get me something.

You'll get Munter off, right?

Well, I can't help anyone,
Van, until you help me.

What you doing, sweet cheeks?


And driving.

Looks painful, darling.

Uh, I need an idea.

A big one.

Always liked a big one myself.
What's this in aid of?

It's for my mate Munter.

Here you are.

I made it all myself, except the
stuff that I bought, but I just
didn't want you to worry

or even think about lawyers or
paying for lawyers or court or jail.

I wasn't thinking about it till now.

Oh, sh— shit.

Lawyers? God, they charge for it.
Straight through here and then to
the right.

All right.
I do know one that gives
a discount for blow jobs.

Yeah, well, I'm not
gonna do that, am I?

I could.

Nah, nah, nah, I need something big.

Ask Tricky Nicky. He always
has something up his sleeve.

I already did that.

I could get him in
on driving the girls.

No, I was kinda thinking of
something quite big, quite major.

I don't have anything like that
right now. If you come up with
anything, let me know.

You want me to think of something?

So I need this great big f*ck-off
idea, you know? Something everyone
wants and will pay heaps for.

Just in here.

Well, you keep thinking.
I'd better hustle.

Here's my Dougie now.
Like clockwork. Every Thursday.

I can't see him.

That's his big rig there, doll.
Well, one of them. Toodles.

See ya.




♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

Oh, piss.

How was the Ponsonby party?

It sucked.

I thought Julia was
your new best mate.

Actually, she's a cow,
and so are all her friends.

What about the three grands'
worth of pre-orders?

Yeah, about that...

What? Didn't they want them?

They took them. Walked out the door
and left Julia to settle the bill.

Then she couldn't find her
chequebook, and we got into a row.

So, they ran off with the stuff?

Like we were dumb westies,
and they were so clever.

Then her handbag of
a dog tried to bite me.


I'm so so sorry, Cheryl.

Why is there a hairy mosquito
in our bathroom?

I did get a hostage.


(CHUCKLES) Did you nick their dog?

Well, it followed me
to the car, so... yeah.

(GIGGLES) You sneaky cow.

Sometimes it is a pleasure
to be a bitch.

It's expensive, and everyone needs
it, so even if we cut it by half,
we'll still make shitloads.


I haven't got time to go siphoning
in the car park at LynnMall.

No, no, no. It's in a tanker.

You just happen to know where
there's a tanker lying around,
do ya?

As a matter of fact, Nicky, I do.

♪ Have you see my bag of money? ♪

You see, Dougie stops off on his
way from Whangarei to Hamilton every
Thursday night, right?

Now, Angel reckons he always goes
the full hour, and his tanker is
just sitting there, man.

Full. Of petrol.

Huh? It's just sitting there,
man, asking to be nicked.

No, I like it.

You do?
I do.

(LAUGHS) Yeah, it's a cool plan.

You know how much he's carrying?

A-Approximately heaps.

, litres.
It certainly could be.

That's how much you get
in a milk tanker.

You think we should steal milk?

I drove them for a bit in the Bay.

I'd love to do that. It'd be
choice, man. I've driven diggers.

Even knocking a dollar off the price
gives us almost a K score.

All we gotta do is find a place
to transfer it and a way to flick
the juice.


No, Van. It's genius.
Pure f*cking genius.


He wants to steal a petrol tanker?

Is he stupid?

Well, say he manages to pull it off,
then what? Siphon it into cans and
sell it out the back of the pub?

It's the dumbest idea
I've ever heard.

Nicky said it was genius, actually.
Anyway, it's not important whose
idea it was.

The point is — you can bust him,
which means I've done my bit,
and you can get Munter off.

You're not out of this till that
bastard's caught and charged.

Which you can do with this.

I mean, uh, it's f*cking genius.

I need details — date, time, place.

Can I get back to you on that?


And hey, this can't
come back on me, right?


Sure, Van (!)


And it is genius, eh?


Gidday, this is Cheryl West
for Julia.

Yeah, hey, can you tell
her it's about her dog?

What is that?

It's a butt ugly.

How'd it get here?
Dog-napper. There's a ransom.

Yeah, hey, Julia.

There has been a misunderstanding.

We have your dog. Jumped in Sheree's
car, and she didn't notice,

cos she was so upset about the
non-payment for all those goods
you'd ordered.

Right, fine. But we'll need payment
this morning. Cash would be good.

Cos, you know, we'd hate to lose
little Trixie-Pixie-whatever

or have to take it to the pound with
all those big horny mongrels around.
(CHUCKLES) Yeah, OK. Cool.

Thanks. Bye.


Total slag.

So, it's all on.
Any crap, we slap her.

Hate to be on the wrong
side of you two women.

Nice one, Cher.


There is some...

...very weird shit going on here.

Yeah, and getting dressed.

Sheree and Mum just
went the high five.

Quite apart from the fact that there
is never ever any excuse for a high
five — ever —

what is up with that?

I dunno. Maybe they
got stuff in common.

Um, pregnancy must be
rotting Mum's brain.

Well, she seems fine to me. Normal.

You call buddying up
with Sheree normal?

She's hardly buddying up.

Wayne, it's not right.
It has to be stopped.

Relax. It won't last long.

Do you think so?
Yeah, 'course.

Yeah. I mean, Sheree is
the slapper from hell.

And your mum fights with everyone.
They'll be scrapping soon.

Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
Of course you're right.

So can you piss off?

Can you shut the door?!

Yo, Nicky.


Uh, I thought we should,
you know, talk through the plan.

Not here.

Yeah, but I do kinda need to know,
man, cos I did help come up with it.

I'll take care of logistics.

All you need to do — drive a
tanker to the agreed rendezvous.


Yeah, I thought you wanted to?

That won't work.

Be— Because.

Well,... because if I nick the
tanker, then Doug will know it
was me,

cos he'll come out, and it'll
be gone, and so will I.

Hm. So I've gotta stay.

Pretend to sleep, and wake up, like,
'Dougie. Ooh, f*ck. What the f*ck,
man? Your tanker's all gone.'


We do need someone we can trust, eh.

You could do it.

I mean, you've done it before.


Ooh. Oh, nice. So, this Thursday —
where we gonna take it?

Like I said, leave it to me.

OK. I do know this warehouse down
the end of Don Binney Dr. Been
empty for ages.

Yeah. You can check it out
if you don't believe me.

Why wouldn't I believe you?

I dunno. No reason.

You know what, Van?


You've really proved
yourself on this one.


Oh, f*ck that was satisfying.
The look on her face.

I loved it when the dog
crapped on the carpet.

I think the kick helped.

Here is to bitch power.

Yeah. That's the last pre-order
without an upfront payment, right?

The mobile EFTPOS was buggered.

Shit, I must get on to that.

Let me do it.

God, this is good.
I'm always so bloody hungry.

Mm. Me too, but God — the heartburn.

Yeah, well, that eases up,
you know, once they drop.

I wish they would
hurry up and do it.

Shit, it's Mum.

Wanna go?



Hi, Sheree.



So, how are things?


I'm sorry about Munter.

We're trying not to mention that.

I'm just saying, OK?

Well, we're not saying,
because it's upsetting to Kasey.

Hey, what are you doing
for your birthday?

Well, you always do something.

It's your birthday?

Next week, but I don't want anyone
to make a big deal about it, even
though everyone forgot last year.

I never forget your birthday.

I'm too busy to think. I'm not
expecting a present from you,

even make-up or jewellery,
but nothing huss! Cos we're
not really speaking.



She always gets so wound up on her
birthday. You know, on her sixth

she got— she got so excited that
she weed all over the magician.


It was just Eric doing card tricks,
but still. No point in getting
sentimental about it, I guess.

She's still your kid.

Yeah, maybe.

Tell me if you think
this is a stupid idea.

Ooh, no. Not stupid.
It's fine with me.

I'm thinking of promoting Sheree.


Oh, general manager or something.
Give her more involvement in the

Are you for real?

I know I haven't been
her number one fan—

Any kind of fan.

Yeah, but she's been our
top salesperson for ages.

She's motivated, shows initiative,..

...steals dogs.

Good on her for that.

Isn't she leaving
to have twins soon?

Yeah, well, she's had this thought
about setting up a childcare
facility in the next-door unit.

And with Jane and the twins and
Michelle's two, and not to mention
our little friend here.


It's not a bad idea.
She's sharp.

She's got the record to prove that.

Well, if I hold that against her,
it would rule out half the people
I know.

She's a thief.

She just did some shoplifting.

A house-lot of appliances.

She was hormonal.

So are you, obviously.

I was just thinking about it.

If people are good to me,...
(KISSES) I can return the favour.


Do you mind? Some of us
are trying to eat here.

So we don't need a porn
display at breakfast.

Speak for yourself.

It's to stop stretch marks.

Terrible things, stretch marks.
You carry on, love.

Jesus Christ.

Oi. What do you think you're doing?
'Scuse me?

They won't walk to
the kitchen, will they?

No, but if you're not careful,
they might throw themselves at you.

Clear your dishes, Loretta.
You're not a child.

Who the hell do you think you are?

Not your sl*ve. Neither is your
mother. When was the last time
you cooked a meal here?

What's going on?

Girl fight. I'd put five bucks
on the pregnant one.

Just having a word with Loretta
about not leaving dishes on the

Fair enough.

'Bout time you pulled your weight.

So you can sort this lot out
before you head out the door.

Good idea.

Go on. Not gonna sort themselves.

So much for your falling-out theory.
They are turning into this
two-headed, double-bellied monster.

Yeah, maybe.

Do you agree? Are you on my side?

Your mum's giving Sheree
more power in the business.

Is she insane? The Greegans are
evil and conniving and grasping—

Yeah, that's not how she sees it.

Yeah, well, you have
to make her see.
What, me?

Yeah, she listens to you. Sometimes.

If dishonesty offences don't
bother her, what do I say?

Tell her that she is preggy-brained
and totally mental.

Oh yeah, that'll really work (!)

Wayne, are you giving up?

If you nail someone for a crime, it
just means they got away with five

Like what?
I dunno.

You mean that she's been done for
fraud, but she's an axe m*rder*r?

That's not supported by the facts.

Well, find some facts.
You're a detective. Get detecting.

I'm a wee bit busy.

Wayne, how can you say that? The
mother of your child is at risk,

And this is all about Cheryl (?)

Anything that gets rid of that
skanky ho-bag works for me.

I'll dig around, but no promises.

Hey, so what have you organised
for your birthday?

Oh, nothing.

Why not?

I just don't think it would be very
appropriate when I'm so happy and my
life is amazing

but other people are suffering.


We'll just head out
for a quiet dinner.


OK, bye.
See ya.

Bye, babe.

A quiet dinner?
What's wrong with that?

Throw the girl a party, Nicky.

Because she loves them, and because
it's the sort of thing that brings
families together.

Except her mother hates me.

Me and Cheryl have been getting on
OK-ish. I think that's something we
should work on, don't you?

More togetherness.

I'm not big on parties.

I'll set it up. All you need
to do is get her there.

If you say so.

I do.

So, we have it here, then she comes
along and... Oh, come on. You know
you want to.

What are you talking about?

Surprise party for Pascalle.

You're not serious?

You can't stay mad forever, Cheryl,
and we're doing fine without Kasey.

Yeah, I guess.

No, you don't.

What is this to you?

She's my sister, and she's also
a traitor, Mum, with her creepy
brother, so stay mad.

Did you enjoy being excommunicated?
Although you did deserve it.

This isn't about me, Sheree.

No, exactly. So, we on?

Mum, surprise parties
are really lame.

Well, Pascalle loves surprises.

Only because she's also really lame,
and she probably wouldn't even come.

I'll get her there. No problem.



You won't regret this, Cheryl.

Oh, maybe.

So, how's it going?


WHISPERS: I meant, uh,... the plan.

You don't have to whisper.

All right. Did you check
out the warehouse?


Cos the tanker's big. If we're gonna
put all the petrol into cans...

Not doing that.


How are we gonna get rid of it?

Let me tell you something, Van.

The more people who know about
a plan, the more there's trouble.
Is there?

People talk, Van. They can't help
themselves. So... need-to-know is
how I operate.



The warehouse... It was a good idea.
Should be an easy run down from
Ihimaera to Don Binney Dr.

Well, I wouldn't go that way.

Why not?

Cos there's roadworks on Ihimaera.
Me and Munts, we always go down
Kevin Ireland.

Thanks, Van.
No worries. Anything else?

No. Go home. Stop fretting.



Do you have to call me here?

You were gonna get back to me.

I'm in the bog, man.

Time, date, details.

I don't know how he's getting rid
of the juice. He won't tell me.

I don't care, Van.

Yeah, but you're a cop.

If I can pick him up before that,
it won't matter, will it?

Is he still driving
the truck from the motel?


. - . .

Uh, warehouse down
the end of Don Binney.

He'll take Ihimaera.

Uh, no. I told him to go down
Kevin Ireland, cos of the roadworks.

Ihimaera's faster.

Nah, you're talking outta
your bum hole, mate.

That's how I'd go.

Hello? Who's lived here longer?
And anyway, he's not going that
way, so...

Fine. I can work with that.

So... S-So,... we're doing this?

Yeah, of course we are.

We're on?

I just said that.

Cheers, bro.

Good beer, eh?
Every beer's a good beer
when it's not in jail.

You're not going to jail, man.
Yeah, right (!)

You're not.

No offence, bro, but you don't know
shit. There's no way I'm getting off
this charge.

Your court case isn't for ages,
right? Yeah, well, maybe the cops
will, like, change their minds.

Yeah, or they could change the
charges to, like, personal use.

A pound of Sensi?

You can smoke a lot
of weed, brother.

True that.


But it ain't gonna happen.

Listen to me, bro.

I got a really good feeling
about this, OK? Real good.

So, do me a favour. Just drink your
beer and chill out. For me, man.

Cheers, bro.

You OK?

(SIGHS) Yeah, yep, yep.

Just... too many beers, maybe.

Hey, what shall we get
for Pascalle's birthday?


Oh... I dunno. Chick stuff?

Can you grab a slab for Thursday?


Yeah, it's a party. You'll need
beer. And bubbles and spirits.

On Thursday?

But i-i-is Nicky gonna be there?

Yeah, what do you think?

Thursday's a shit night for a party.

People have got work the next day,
you know, so they don't go hard.

Change it to, like,
Friday or Saturday, eh?

It's already set up.

But... I got work on Thursday.

Van, it's just one night.
You can sort it.

This screws everything, man.

Why did f*cking Pascalle have
to be born on a Thursday, huh?

No dramas. We change the day.

It's her birthday, Nicky!
You can't just—!

Of the job!

Doug comes every Thursday, right?
You can't just make that Wednesday—

Every Thursday, Van!

Exactly, Nicky!

So, instead of doing it this
Thursday, we do it next.

Yes, that could work.


No dramas.

So, we're good.
We're good.

Yeah, it's next week.

You said this week.

It's gotta be next week,
cos my sister's birthday.

Jesus, Van!

The job's still happening.
It's just a week later.


And hey...

It's not gonna be too obvious, eh?

We'll set up random breath-testing
on Kevin Ireland Rd, then we get
a report of a missing tanker...

That's quite clever.

Gee, thank you, Van (!)
Well, you know.

No steak and cheese, bro.
Just mince and cheese.

Gotta go.

Oh, yum. Mince and cheese.
Yum, yum, yum. (LAUGHS)

Who was that?

On the phone?

Ah, it's no one.

OK, so, how we going with
Operation Skanky Ho-Bag?

I've got a meeting.
But I'm your client.

To be my client, you have to pay me.

Wayne, sometimes I seriously
question your commitment.

READS: 'Garth Loder, .'
Why should I care?

Cos that's the guy
Sheree married in ' .

Sheree's married?

Yeah. It's not a crime, you know?

Sheree married a guy called Garth?

It's not a crime. ]

Well, it should be.
So, did they get divorced?

There's no record.

So, he might be seriously pissed off
she hooked up with Dad, then Van,
and is now knocked up with twins.

They might've split up,
and he don't give a shit.

We should contact him and let him
know, in case he's worried or wants
her back.

Jeez, you're all heart,
aren't you (?)

Have you found him?

No, not yet.

OK. Well, get on to it.
Keep me posted.

What do you think?

Um... Cool.

(SCOFFS) I nearly creamed myself
when I saw them in the shop.
I'm saving these for Thursday.


Dougie's a shoe man.

Ooh, and I've invited one
of my girlfriends — Desiree.

Mm. She like shoes too?

I wanted to make it special.

Well, it is his last night.

I know. Sucks. Quite fond of Dougie.

Wait. Wait, wait.
Why is it his last night?

He's been changed to the Northland
run, so he won't be passing through
any more.

Some lucky bitch in
Kerikeri's in for some fun.

I know how you feel, doll.

Rum and coke, thanks, sweetie.

There's, uh, a problem
with Thursday.

It's next week. You already told me.

Nah, job's not happening any more.

Why the hell not?

It's the petrol tanker guy's
last visit and Pascalle's party.

She's my sister.

Back this up. So Nicky would call
the whole thing off for your
sister's birthday?

Yeah, well,... she's my sister, see,
but she's also Nicky's girlfriend.
Sheree has done—

You think I give a shit about this?

You don't know my sister, man. She's
big on birthdays, and Sheree, man...

Great. You enjoy the party, Van (!)

Yeah, go for your life (!) Get
hammered (!) Do what you want (!)

But it's not much help to
your mate Munter, is it?

OK. There's no need to be
all f*ckin' mean about it.

Do you expect sympathy?

What else am I meant
to do here, man?

We should sit on our arses and wait
for Nicky to have another idea (!)

Yeah, but this idea was genius.

Enjoy the party, Van.

So, we have to cancel
Pascalle's party.
I don't see why.

I told you, Nicky! Why? It's his
last night, and we can't be in
two places at once, man.

Job's not gonna take all night.
An hour, and we're back for cake.

But it's Pascalle.

I can handle her.

And Sheree?

She's just happy you're finally on
your way to a deposit for a house.

Come on, man—

Look, Van. It's all under control.


So, this is what I got her.

Saucy or what?

Looking forward to it. Every
party not in prison is great.

You're not going to prison.
That's what I said. ]

Pascalle's having a party?
But she doesn't know it.
It's a surprise.

With balloons? And a cake?
And going 'surprise'?

Hey, uh,... I won't be
there till later.


I gotta work.

You'd be late to the party of the
sexiest woman in the entire world?

I don't think about her like that.

She's the bitchingest
babe-goddess ever.

Who's my sister, Aaron. So I don't
think about her like that.

You can't be late to her party.

Jesus Christ. Look, I want to be
there, OK, but I got crap up to

I been organising heaps
of shit, and the party,

and also Angel, and I'm trying to
get money for my f*cking babies.
I can't do everything for everyone.

Ooh. Stress city.

I reckon.

Morning, gorgeous.

Do you know what day it is?


No, it's Thursday.

Shit. I said I'd meet that guy.

Oh, you didn't forget.

How could I? Happy birthday.

Oh my God. It's the one that
I showed you in the shop and
I thought you didn't notice.

I picked up on it somehow.

It is so beautiful.

So are you.

So, where are we going for dinner?

I'm not sure.

You haven't booked anywhere?

Let's just play it by ear, eh?

What if we don't get
in where we want?

Then we go somewhere else. It's
not a big deal, is it? (KISSES)

Hey. Just on the table, hun.


You know I'll be late, eh?
Yeah, I know.

And Nicky might have
to pop out for a bit.

I know.




Vannie, what's going on?

You know your friend
with the silly name?


It's not silly.
Well, if I was naming him,
he'd be a Rock or a Tyrone.

What the f*ck has this
got to do with it?

He called my number, darling.
I got quite excited at first.

But turns out he just wanted to
organise someone else to cover
for you tonight.

Why'd you say you'd drive Angel?
I didn't.

You called her.

So you could go to the party, cos
you've been, like, real cool about
this jail crap,

and buying beers, paying for pies.

Listen to me —
I'm Angel's driver, got it?

You can't have her.


No, no, it's not all gay, like it
sounds. OK? It's about the money.

I'm not driving her.
It's me.

I'd hate for Pascalle to be
sad her brother wasn't there.

OK, well, you can't drive her, then.

I'm happy to, man.

No, you miss the point. She's
a very sensitive and fragile woman.

Vannie, what's the f*cking story?

That's her?

She's quite some lady.

And you can't have her, OK? Because
you— you've gotta go to Pascalle's


Yes, you. It's what
Pascalle would want.

She would? She— She said that?

She didn't say that; it's a
surprise. But I know that's
what she'd want.

You don't know how much this means
to me. (GRUNTS) I'm just so elated.

Aaron, get off! Get off!

Sorry to break this up, but which
one of you is driving Miss Angel?

Me, of course. Always me.

Ooh, honey. If I didn't know better,
I'd say you're a bit keen to keep me
all to yourself.

You look beautiful.

It's just dinner. Nothing special.

I thought that's what you wanted?

Yeah, I do. But it better
not be The Great Western.

It's not.

OK, uh, is there anything I can do?
Nothin'. We're sweet.

Uh, sausage rolls?
Are in the oven.

You've been so great.

We'll talk about that
work stuff tomorrow, OK?

Shit, is she here yet?

You guys parked down the road?

Ah, they're on their way.
She's here! She's here!

(SIGHS) I just have to
drop this into Sheree.

I just don't see why
you have to do it now.

Well, it won't take long,
and you could come in.

In there?

It's where she lives.

How could you even suggest that?

Hey, hey.
Hey, hey.

This is the stinkiest birthday I've
ever had. Not one of my friends,

not my family, not even my mother
gave me a present. Not even a huss

Well, they will.


What, like, tomorrow when it's
not my birthday any more?

f*ck it. They're all in there,

waiting for you, OK?

No, they're not.
There's not enough cars.

(SCOFFS) That's cos they're parked
down the street. Because it's meant
to be a...

BOTH: ...surprise.

A surprise party?

It's not much of
a surprise any more.

Did you do this?

Sheree and your mum, actually.

Oh my God.

Act surprised!
OK, I will.

Hello?! Sheree, um, we're
just dropping this thing off.


ALL: Surprise!


Oh my God. This is, like, so
surprising. I had no idea, and there
were, like, no cars to give it away.

Happy birthday, baby.

Happy birthday, love.
Oh, Mum.


Hmm, big night.

I'm feeling quite overcome about
it. I'm gonna miss my Dougie.

Heart of gold and a cock
like the Eiffel Tower.

Where is he?

True. Not like my Dougie to be late.

What if he doesn't show?

(SCOFFS) He wouldn't
miss this for the world.

But what if something's come up?

Something always comes up.
He only has to look at me.

I mean what if something's
happened, like an accident?

Sweetheart, have you seen
the size of his rig?

Angel! Could you get your brain off
dicks and cocks and ass for one


Excuse me!



Checking in.
Do you have to?

I need to know there
won't be hitches.
There won't be.




Thank you.

Hey, I need to go.


Just for an hour. I'll be back.



This is cosy.
No thanks to you.

Hey, tell me — do you ever
hear from Garth these days?

Where did you get that name from?

Oh, sorry (!) Is that a touchy
subject or something? Your husband?

How do you know about him?

I have my contacts.

Where do you get off trawling
through my personal business?!


Sheree, why would you hide
the fact that you're married?

You're married?

Mm-hm. To Garth. Garth Loder? How do
you think Van would feel about that?
Have you told him?

You little cow.
What is going on?

I never hid it; I just didn't
mention it. And the reason...
is because he's dead.

What is going on here?
Did you know he was dead?

No, I didn't.

What the hell are you doing?

Background check.

And who asked you to?
I did.

Honestly, this is ridiculous.

Did you not hear that? How do you
think he died? Natural causes?

I don't wanna know, and that's
the last I'll hear of it.

I was worried. You're giving her
more responsibility at Hoochie.

OK, well, I've just made
her general manager.

(SOBS) Bitch, mole.

(SOBS) She is such a stirrer.

Hey, we're OK. We're fine.
We'll just... just ride it out.



Hey, I need to go.


Are you OK?

Yeah, I'll be fine.

Hey, um, I need to go.

You would leave now
when Sheree's crying?

She'll be fine.

Well, it's my birthday, and it's the
first time you've been here with my
whole family,

and Sheree did all this for us.

Come on, Nicky.



What are you doing here?

No, you're not.
Yeah, I am.


Oh, hey.

How would you like to make an easy
five grand to help with those legal

Hey, primo plan, by the way.
Yeah, maybe.

How come you didn't tell me?

Because Nicky's meant to be driving.

Yeah, but he asked me to drive.
No, but— but you can't.

You know I can. It's been my dream
to since we were, like, , man.
Not that you asked me.

I didn't ask you, because
you can't do this, man.
Piss off!

No, I'm serious. You can't do this,
all right? Because the cops,... they
might know.

Eh? It hasn't even been stolen yet.

But they know, OK?

They just... do.
How do they know?

Because they know stuff, all right?!

You told them?

Shit, man. I didn't want to, but—
You're a f*ckin' nark.

No. No.
You said you was.

No, I was stuck between a devil
and a bad place. Gerard wants Nicky,
and he's not going to give up.

And you were gonna do that to
your own sister's boyfriend?

I have to. I'm trying to help you.

(SCOFFS) Oh, yeah. And I've gotta
do this, man. I need the five grand.

You can't.

And what am I gonna say to Nicky
when he asks why I didn't?

I don't know.

Shit. If you do it,
don't go down Kevin Ireland.

It's faster. There's
roadworks on Ihimaera.

That's where the cops are.
There's a roadblock.

You better not be sh1tting me, man.

I'm not. Munts, maybe you
shouldn't do this, man.

I need the money, man.


I'm doing it.




Hi, um,... sorry to
interrupt. Hi, Dougie.

Listen, um, I was just having a nap,
and, um, I just woke up, and, um...

Dougie, mate. You're not gonna like
this, bro. It's about your truck.


f*ckin' hell.


♪ Nowhere to be found

♪ once they get you on the loose.

♪ You just go, go, go, go.

Hey, babe.

♪ Go, go, go, go, go.

♪ You just go, go, go, go, go.

♪ Go, go, go.

♪ Go, go, go, go, go.

Hey, uh, just gonna go get a drink.

Yeah, OK.



Van, my man.

Have a drink.

How'd you go with the Angel?

Uh... She was pretty slutted.

And Dougie to.

Oh well. Needs must.


♪ And there's nothing I can do.

So, uh,... went OK?

Yeah, man. It was awesome.

Yeah? Got through OK?

Let's just say there's one g*ng out
there who won't be visiting a gas
station for quite a while.


Here's to us, then.
Shit yeah.


♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go.

♪ Go, go, go, go, go! ♪


There better be a bloody good reason
why we sat at that roadblock waiting
for a petrol tanker that never cme.

Yeah, it wasn't Nicky that showed
up, bro. It was some other guy.

How the f*ck that happen?

I dunno.

What'd he look like?

Uh,... tall, um,...
blonde. Maybe Russian?

Russian? Yeah?

Yeah, cos he had this weird accent.

I told him to go down Kevin Ireland,
though, but, you know, maybe he got
confused, because he was Russian.

Is that right?

It wasn't my fault, man.
I tried my best.

You f*cked it up, is what you did.

And your mate Munter
is still going to jail.

Thanks again for dropping
me in it last night (!)

It was a fact.

The 'private' in private
investigating is important.

Please don't tell me
that you trust Sheree.

Your mum doesn't wanna know.

So, that's it? Case closed?

Well, he's definitely dead.

Sheree k*lled him.

No, Garth Loder drowned in
a boating incident in ' .

Sheree pushed him.

I don't see how, since she wasn't on
the boat at the time. Somebody else

His brother-in-law, Nicky Greegan.



You didn't pick me up.


Did you get your cut from Nicky?

Meeting him later.

You're in the wrong shirt.

This is my shirt.

Nah, I'm 'Tool'; you're 'Guys'.

I'm partnering up with the Gooch.
You can have Aaron.


Because the Gooch is a qualified
builder and also not a f*ckin' nark!

I told you why.

What, for me?

•I was wondering last night, Van —

why that prick Gerard would be
interested in me in the first place.

Maybe the reason was you, and that's
why I got busted. Not cos of the Raj
or anything.

Nah, man.
Nah, do you think I'm thick, man?!

I'm sorting it, all right?

By putting Nicky away? f*ck that.
What happened to 'Wests don't dob'?

I love Sheree, OK, and—

You loved Aurora too! Look what
happens when you do this shit!

Don't f*cking talk about her.

I just gotta keep my distance from
you for a while, and I got some
stuff going on with Nicky.

What kind of stuff?
What? You think I'm gonna tell you?

Come on, man. Shit.

Don't worry. I won't say nothing
to Nicky, cos, unlike you, I ain't
a nark.





♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'