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05x12 - Unpack My Heart

Posted: 10/04/23 05:30
by bunniefuu
I know some of you don't think much
of Hoochie, which is why I've handed
it over to Jethro.

Cheers, Mum.
We've got idiots after Van
because he's a nark.

You there, you fucker?! (WHACKS)

I don't want to go.

It's for the best, love.
You'll be safe.

'We've got a robbery gone tits up.'

Get down on the floor,
and drop your w*apon now!

And Sheree is missing.

Sheree is gone?

You're probably gonna hate me, but
have you checked your bank account


How much?
All of it.

I love you, and I'll
get your money back.

Don't come near me ever again.





Cheryl. You're back.


H-How about the Sheree stuff?
God, it's just all so terrible.

Yeah, I know. Where is everyone?

You should talk to
Jethro about that.

Where are the girls
and the machines?

You should talk to
Jethro about that.

f*ck! Have we been burgled?!

You should talk to Jethro.

Rochelle, you need to stop
sounding like a robot. Tell me.

It's not as bad as it seems, Cher.

How can we make undies without
sewing machines and machinists?

Well, no, we're still making
them. Just in... Fiji.

It's cheaper, even with shipping
costs. Mr Rashid is lovely.

How do you know?
Well, I met him when I
went there to set it up.

You went there?

Me and Lloyd and the kids.
We had a wee break as well.


How nice for you.

Cheryl, I am general manager, and
the designs for the new label are
looking great—

New label? What new label?


Look, Cheryl. You should
talk to Jethro about this.

Yeah, I will. And then
I will k*ll him.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

You seen your brother?

Uh, the one in hiding or
the number-one suck-up?

No, Jethro, the bastard.

OK. Not so popular any more.

He has fired my machinists. He
sent everything to f*cking Fiji,

and he is launching some— some label
in my name. Look. Hoochie Babe.

Oh. Sad.

[ No, it is disgusting.

Jethro's never been known for taste.

Now, did you know about this?

Why would I know?

Because it says right here that
Hoochie Babe is being launched in
association with your bloody pills.

I will f*cking k*ll him.


Hi, Aaron.

For you, because I heard you had
troubles, and you got rid of
Nicky G.

It doesn't mean that I'm ever
gonna go out with you. Ever. OK?

I totally get that, but anything
you need during this crap time,
you just say the word.


Hi, everyone.

Hi. Um, what are you doing here?

We can't afford our new financial
controller, so I'll have to do it.


Dot, hello? The phone?


Well, that's not such a great idea.

Ringing phones, orders,
busy Best Bag. Yay.

Hi, this is Best Bag Ever. You're
speaking with Pascalle West.

Would you like to order a bag?
Oh, you've already got one. OK.

Chilli? No, that's not
in our colour range.

OK. I'm a little bit confused, you
see, because, um, we don't sell
trips to Chile. We sell bags.

On your credit card? That's got
to be some kind of mistake.

Why don't you give me your details,
and we'll look right into it.

And we will refund your money.

OK. Bye.

That was strange.
That's the third one this morning.

Someone has used customer credit
card numbers for other things.
What things?

Well, so far, you know, cash
withdrawals, you know, clothing
and make-up. Oh, and a boat.

Ocean-going yacht, actually.

That bitch!

Well, Sheree's been a busy girl.

I know, Sergeant, and
that's why I'm here.

I really wish I could help. (SIGHS)

But you're a cop. You're meant
to know her and hate her.

From what you tell me, this
is with the fraud squad guys.

But I can't get a hold of the fraud
squad guys, and this is a clue that
she's gone to, like, Chile.

Oh. She's not likely to be flying
when she's nine months pregnant.

She could get on a boat.

Well, Miss West—

She's having fun and games
to throw us off the scent.

What scent? You haven't found her.

Yeah, I know, but
this is not my case.

What about her brother?
What about him?

He might know something.

I'm not speaking to him again. Look,
I cannot have my customers being
ripped off.

Pascalle, I know this
is distressing, but, uh,
we're doing what we can.

You should know that my family
don't put much faith in the police.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I have people depending on me, and
what I need is to get my money back.

Well, that's not really a matter
we can help with until we find her.

OK. Thanks.

Uh, do you want y-your...?



It's my f*cking car. OK?

I cannot believe that Rochelle
didn't tell me. And then swanning
off to Fiji? Jesus!

Heya, Mum.

Where the hell have you been?

Seeing Grandpa. He's got his bail
hearing tomorrow, in case you'd

I hadn't. When were you
gonna tell me about Fiji?

When you got back to work.
Well, I'm back.

And I never left.

Is this the right time or place
to be talking about this?

Can you find another?

You wanted me to take care of
Hoochie, get it back into profit.
I'm doing it.

By turning it into a ghost town?

By trashing my business? What is
this new label bullshit, Jethro?

What is going on?
He's an arsehole.

Actually, I'm working hard for this
family, doing what I said I would
do, and what thanks do I get?

Don't go behind my back!

Hey, watch your blood pressure.

Don't patronise me.

You know what? I'll come back
when you're a little bit calmer.

Jethro, you get back here.


Jesus Christ, Mum!


Pascalle here?

Yes, Nicky. She is. Come on in.

You took my car?

It's my car. I need it to pay the
debts that I wouldn't have if I
hadn't met you or your sister.

Look. Just listen to me—
Piss off!

Pascalle, I'm trying—
I said piss off!


No. Give me those back.

Go away because I hate you, and
you're not getting your car back.

Well, I don't want it back.

You're not getting it back.
I said I don't want it.

Stop being nice.
I don't believe you.


Calm down.
You throw. I can't?

I want to help. Make things right.
f*ck off!

Oi, love. Calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down. I hope
you and your family rot in hell.


Come on, love. Enough. ]

What's going on?

Welcome home, Wayne.

CHERYL: So Van's all right, then?

Yep, safely stowed.
All good around here, then?

I can't believe you stole that car.

It's not stealing if you bought it
in the first place, which I did.

I want to hire you.

Yeah, I'm not that hot at sewing.

No, to find Sheree, dummy.

Leave it to the cops, eh.

They're too slow. You are good at
finding people. You found Sparky.

He wasn't really trying to hide.

What? So you don't want to help?

I'll do what I can.

You probably won't get
the money back, though.

It's no time to be negative.

It's called being realistic.

So you can say, 'I told you'?

Go on. Say it.

I don't wanna say it.
Can we get back to Jethro?

What about Jethro?
No way is he buggering my business.

Hello. Didn't you
ask him to take over?
I know—

You could have had a caring business
person, but instead, you chose

At least he's doing stuff
and not ripping you off.

With everything the way it is right
now, you should just be grateful
that you still have a business.



Are you all right, love?

I just think that people should not
be fighting at a time like this.

Ooh, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

Well... (SIGHS) It was just a shock.
All right? Going back in there.

Lots of people have shocks, and they
still find the beautiful positive.
That's why I'm selling Nicky's car

What for?
To raise money so I
can keep things going.


I have to do what I can. Otherwise,
I'll believe in the hussy old

and I won't let them do that to me.

Good on you, love.

Mum, I know that Jethro was
annoying, but you cannot fight
with him. Not now.

Cos it's bad for the baby,
and it's bad for everybody.

If this entire family is ripped
apart, then I may end up with
nothing at all.


Come on, love.

It's not that bad.

Promise me there's no more fighting.
I'll try.

No, you have to promise.


All right. OK.

That is so great.

Maybe she's got a point.

Maybe she has.
I mean, I did ask him.

You did ask him.

You're not being very helpful.

It's not my job to tell you what to
do. Because if I did, I'd only get
shit for it.

That's true.

You think Van's all right?

Yeah. Pig in mud as far as I can
tell. Let's hope it works out.

I... I can't stop thinking
about those twins.

Yeah. Poor little bastards.

Maybe you could try and find her?

I already made some enquiries.
Nothing's come of them so far.

I love you.

Back at you, missus.


I was just checking out the new face
of Excellence. Or should I say arse?

Yeah, it's for Hoochie Babe.

In conjunction with Excellence.

Be quick. I've got a babysitter.

I know someone else who needs one.

Oh, get over yourself. She's .

All the models are over .

Right. So you personally
vetted them, have you?


I don't get what your problem is.

I thought our product was intended
for people years and over.

She's not taking Excellence. She's
advertising it with Hoochie Babe.

Oh, well, isn't that just great (?)

Not seeing the problem.

As a marketing ploy, it is tragic,
and when was someone gonna talk to

Well, you're not marketing.
You're distribution.

I'm co-owner of this company.

And now you've got your say, and
I've got court in the morning.

No. That is not how this works.

Let's take a vote. Um, all those in
favour of Excellence selling more

Oh, that's bullshit.

What do you know? Two
to one. Vote's carried.

Hi. Did you find her?

Like I said, not my case.

I just wanted to say
sorry about your grandpa.

Oh no. Did something happen in jail?

Oh, no, no. He's fine.

Well, why did you say sorry, then?

Because the police
are opposing bail.

You mean you are.

No, no. This isn't personal, and
I am sorry about your grandad. He
just hooked up with the wrong guy.

You mean Nicky Greegan.

So you knew about the robbery.

No, not really.
Actually, not at all.

Well, I just don't want you to
hate me cos I'm doing my job.

I don't, Sergeant.


Oh, and that was crap about
that thing in the paper.

What thing?

It's just so unfair.

Well, it is a wee bit true.

No, they make it sound like we
ripped off those people's credit
cards, not her.

Yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just hang on one second.

We got Justice Walters.
He's pretty fair.

Thank you, Jethro.
That's all right.

Why aren't you at work?

Well, respect. Got to be here for
Grandpa West. And you, too. Always.

Thank you, Aaron.

Anyone smell bacon?

Shut up, Aaron.

Hey, shall we get in
there for the old fella?


Given this man's previous record,
accounts of abuse in the police

and the fact brute force was used
in the burglary in the China Dollar


The Crown suggests he is a
flight risk who will reoffend.

Mr West.

We request the court remand him
in custody until his trial.

Don't look now.

Mr West. Long time no see.

Thank you, Your Honour.

If it pleases the court, my
client is an elderly citizen—

Who are you calling old?

His age must be a mitigating factor,
along with his medical history—

I've still got it, sunshine.

Shut up, old man.

Mr West, although I share the police
concerns that we're dealing with a
career criminal,

given the accused's age
and medical history—

Oh, bugger this for
a game of soldiers.

You get back to playing stickie
bickie with your Masonic mates.


The court orders the accused remain
in custody until the set trial date.

Dismissed! ]




What do you want?

Got this for you.
You stay away from her.

I don't want anything from you.
You arsehole. You did this.

You heard the lady. (SMACKS)

Hey, that's my job.
Order in the court.

I want you dead. You hear me?

Order. ]

Just take it easy. OK?

Get your hands off.

Threats to k*ll in a courtroom don't
go down too well. Now, come on. Be
good to yourself. All right?

Come on, love.

It's hard to think we may
never share a bed again.

Don't say that.

His time of life.

No, don't say that. We have to stay
positive. I've got to go to work.

Are you still open?

Yes, because that's the
meaning of being positive.

I say we take him out.


Nicky G. It's what she wants.

What? You want to off Nicky?

He messed with a goddess, an
angel... of goodness and hotness.

He deserves to suffer
the pains of hell.

Shut up, and drink your beer.
So you don't want to help me?

Aaron, shh.


You deserved that. Showing up
was a really dumb move.


But I feel bad about Ted.

I wanted to give her this. I put the
ownership in her name. She can't
sell the car otherwise.


I'm doing everything
I can to find Sheree.

Could you let Pascalle know?
I want to clean up this mess.

It's a little bit late, Nicky.

Even if it's just to
know her kids are OK.

You think Sheree would
do something to the kids?

She's not that sick.

I guess maybe she is
a wee bit on the edge.

What? She'd top herself?

No way. Not after the trouble
she went to to f*ck us all over.


OK. So sooner or later, she's gonna
turn up at some hospital, drop those

No. No, she won't use a hospital.

Then how?
She's got connections.


You said you wanted to help,
so give me some names.

Look, I'm following it up. OK?

You're covering her arse.

Look, she has crossed so many lines
here, she is all but dead to me.

But I worry about the
babies... and Pascalle.

I love her. I know Pascalle doesn't
believe that, so I have to show her.


If I find anything,
I'll let you know.

Yeah, I need a witness. Someone
who's not about to punch me.


I do want to make this better.



Busy, busy.
Yep. How's the hearing?

Oh, with my family at its finest.
Jethro being a pompous arse as

Grandpa still went down, though.

Yeah. Then there was yelling,
screaming, bit of a punch-up.

You're full of sympathy, yet you
can't tear your eyes away from the
vision of skankiness before you.

It's a spreadsheet, Loretta.
Yeah, I bet it is.

Numbers, as in figures
which don't quite add up.

Mm. Do you mean like a
-year-old in a f*ck-me thong?

Oh, get over it, Loretta.

Oh, I am over it completely.

(SCOFFS) Why don't I believe that?

No, I completely get that you and
Jethro are slimy, deceitful bum

and there's nothing
I can do about that.

Thankfully, there's someone in my
family who's even more unreasonable
than I am.


(SIGHS) Think again.

Just way too much choice.

Try blonder, stroppier, with the
capacity to go off like a rogue

Yeah. And right about now,

she should be tearing strips off a
certain mummy's boy for what he's
done to her company.

Oh, to be a fly on
that particular wall.


Oh my God. She's here. She's coming.

It'll be fine, Rochelle.

Hi, Cheryl.


You did you best with the old fella.
It's not your fault he went down.

Thanks. Can I have
my folder back now?



Mum, it's about diversification.
Spreading the business.

I know what it means.

We're still selling most of the old
range through selected outlets.

How's it going?

Good. Really good.

And this is, uh,... well,
it's just our new range.

Made to fit a... a younger woman
and expand the Hoochie demographic.

Yeah, I've seen it.


And, uh,... (CHUCKLES) you really
know how to put the brief in brief,
don't you?


Who came up with it?
Design students.

Yeah, they're young, keen,
got the right sensibilities.

And cheap.
Yep. That too.

So, what can I do?
GST needs looking at.

Great. I'll look into it.

Uh, can I help you?
Girls. Uh, thanks for coming in.

Fittings. Busy, busy.

You all right?
Yeah, I'm great.


Goodnight, love.

Goodnight. Have a great night.

Goodnight, love.

The wages didn't go through.

I know. And I'm just trying to work
out a way to fix that. But, um, we
didn't sell enough bags.

Look, they don't mind
not being paid.

But that's just wrong.

They know it's quiet.

No, I'm sure things will pick up.

Bound to.

Night, gorgeous.


Oh, not more bad news, I hope.

No. And I'm really sorry
about what happened in court.

Oh, don't apologise. Nicky Greegan
turning up there was shameful.

I know, and I've been thinking
about what you said.
About what?

That Nicky was the one to blame, and
he should be in jail, not Grandpa.

Couldn't agree more.

So could you help him?

If your grandfather had information
that led to the arrest of Nicky,
then yes, we could do something.

But, uh, he hasn't been all
that keen to help me so far.

Well, maybe he could
change his mind.

So did you deal to him?


Jethro. Did you get him in a
headlock and whip his skinny arse?


You did hit round the head, though?


You're kidding?

No. No, Rochelle and Jethro
seem to have it all in hand.

Mum, has someone removed your brain?

No, I'm fine. Aren't I, monkey?

Mum, Jethro is trashing your brand.
The one that you've put your heart
and soul into.

You can't just let that go.

Since when did you care
about Hoochie Mama?

Since it started turning
into sad teen porn.

It's called... diversification.

Associated with dr*gs.
You hate dr*gs.

Excellence is legal.

Sort of. But that's not the point.

No, no, no. The point is—

The point is that it's, um, it's
dinnertime, so can you get Jane
into bed for me, please.

Seeing as my mother looks like she's
been replaced by an alien, that's a
good idea.

Thanks, honey.

How are you, my love?

Staying as positive as I possibly
can, considering the circumstances.

Good girl.

What is this?

Ownership papers
for the car from Nicky.

Sit down, love. Have some dinner.


I'm not really hungry, Mum.

Go on.

Wayne Judd.

It's Nicky. I think I might have
something if you want to check it

Sure. When?


Is it teatime?

You should stay.
We're having roast pork.

How appropriate.


Meet me in the dunny.

Why would I do that?

Uh, I got important biz to discuss.

With me?
Yeah, yeah, and I can't do it here.

Falani, you and me in the bogs now.

If you're intending to do to me
what I think you want to do to me,

I advise you these toilets
are not those kind of toilets.

No, don't be stupid. I'm not gay.
If I was, I wouldn't be gay with
a coconut.

I'm after some serious merchandise.

I'm not selling you anything
until you wash your hands.

Sorry, bro.
Yeah. Also, I'm not your bro.

OK. Fine. But I'm in
the market for a heater.

Go to The Warehouse. There's
no market for stolen heaters.

No, a heater. A— A g*n.

You going hunting?

You don't need to know.

Well, how do I know what
sort of g*n you'd want?

A g*n, man. I just need a g*n.
It's a bit like hunting.

What are you hunting?

Yeah, it's a bad animal.
All right? Starts with a G.

It's a... a goat? A g-gorilla?

No, Greegan. I'm putting a hit
out on Nicky Greegan for Pascalle.

She say to do this?

Yeah, she did.


Is this, then, a crime of passion,
huh? To impress a pretty lady?

Yeah. Yeah, you could say that.

Well, k*lling someone is
passionate. But is it romantic?

You know, it's been my experience
that women tend to respond better
to chocolates or flowers.

Buying the KFC -piece pack — now,
that works wonders with Mrs Falani.

Falani, I-I just need a g*n.

But I'm not an arms dealer.

You could have just said so.

Well, find your own g*n. Uh, oh, ah,
Valentines all-you-can-eat buffet.
Now, that can be a winner, too.

Poor Pascalle. I keep waiting
for her to fall apart.


Nicky thinks he's
got a lead on Sheree.

You speak to him?
[ After court.

You should have wrung
his bloody neck.

I think he's sincere about
his feelings for Pascalle.

Oh, please.

If he's not, he's the
best liar I've ever met.

He is a Greegan. What do you expect?

What if he's seen
the error of his ways?

As if.

If he can find Sheree, Pascalle
might get her cash back, and we
might find the kids.

Are they feeding you OK?

I've had worse.

You don't have to be here. You just
have to talk to Detective Gerard.

That piece of gobshite? I don't
trust him as far as I could spit.

He's actually really nice.
How would you know?

And he cares about you. He said so.
He spoke to you?

Yeah. He wants you out of
here as much as we all do.

How did he speak to you?

Um, with his voice?

Don't piss about. How did he
come to talk to you about me?

Oh, he came to see me. And if you
tell him all about Nicky and the
robbery, he'll go easy on you.

Wests never dob.

This would be more like telling the
truth because Nicky did bad stuff,
and he should pay for it.

Tell Gerard I want to see him.

You'll do it?
Deaf, are you?

Delia Stanton. Who's she?

She and Sheree were drinking
buddies. Responsible for some
big sessions back in the Bay.

This is not the way to Whakatane.

No, Waiuku.

I called Delia, asked her
if she'd heard from Sheree.

Oh, and she had?
She said no, but she
was always a crap liar.

I'm sure Sheree's had
many drinking buddies.

Yeah, plenty. But none of
the others were midwives.


So, what do you think?

They look very young.

They're quite a lot older
than they actually look.

And they look quite old compared to
a lot of the younger girls today.


God, you hate this, don't you?


Yes, you do. I can tell.

Cheryl, we were struggling until
Jethro came in, and now we've still
got jobs.

And the people in
Fiji have got jobs.

Great. Right. Hi, love.


Um, I've got to go and get Jane. So,
um, I'll look at the rest of this
later. OK?

Good idea.
[ OK.

See you.

I don't get it. It's weird, like
she's been body-snatched or

Yeah. Maybe.

Where is everyone?

I sent them home, love. It was so
quiet. There didn't seem much point.

Is it cos they're not getting paid?

No, no, no. They all understand.

I will pay. I've promised.

They're happy to have an unpaid
break until things come right.

Yeah,... (CHUCKLES) me too.

You don't have to do that, Kase.

No, it'll be great. You know,
it'll be like a holiday,

and there'll be loads and loads
of time for me to get pregnant.

Oh shit. I'm sorry. I was gonna try
and stay positive for you. You know?

Yeah, I know, and you
guys have been great.




Hi, love.

Just, uh, put Jane into bed. Should
be good for a couple of hours.

Oh, good.

Hey, you all right?
'Course I am.

OK. Well, just let me know what
you've done with my mother.

(CHUCKLES) I'm still here.

Cup of tea?

Look. Mum, if you don't like
the changes, you can say so.

OK. Well, it's not what
I would have done.

Cos Hoochie Mama was about sexy
knickers for real women. Right?

Teenagers are real.
Yeah, I know that, love. Um...

I'm not arguing.

You don't want to talk about Fiji?

Well, people in Fiji,
they— they need work, too.

I didn't want to let the girls
go. But it was economical.

Yeah, I know, and I'm not giving you
a hard time about it. I made you
boss. I got to suck it up.

Well, yeah. But I don't want
you to hate me for it.

I don't. Truly.

We've got to pull together
for Pascalle, don't we?


How is she?
She's fine. It won't last.

Well, anything I can do to
help, I'll do it. All right?

You're a good boy, Jethro.

. .


sh**t sh**t. Argh!

(KNOCKS) Hi. Is this a good time?

Yeah. It's as good a time as any.

I went to see your grandfather.

Oh, that is so great.

Yeah, you could say that.

You remember what
happened that night?

I do.
Do you want to tell me about it?

I do.

I was robbing a thieving
Chinaman's safe

when a thieving piece of pork poked
his snout and then cocked it all up.
Signed 'Up Your Arse, Piggy'.

Oh God. Really?

Mm. There was more.

The next time you put the hard word
on anyone in my family, I will bring
down hell on you.

No one put the hard word on anyone.

Picking on the vulnerable?
You low-life piece of pig swill.

Argh! You piece of shit!

Oh my God. He is
such an old bastard.


Well, uh, I guess
he has his standards.

But Nicky did organise
it. I know he did.

You know? Well, you said you didn't.

Well, that's just our family.
Because when a cop asks you
something, you never say you know.

But I was living with Nicky at
the time. So why wouldn't I know?

OK. If what you're saying is what I
think you are saying, you'd have to
tell the truth, Pascalle.

Yeah, I know that.

So what kind of details would I have
to do to make the truth stick?

Various details.

Well, you could remind me.

You'd have to swear an affidavit.

That'd be great.

I want to talk to you.

I want to swear and have a David.

Uh, you— you want
to swear an affidavit?

Yep, that's what I said,
dummy. I want to do one.

Pertaining to what?

I know Nicky organised
the Tony Wu robbery.

You know this? How?

Because he told me, and
I want to tell the truth.

But you didn't know.

I just didn't say so at the
time. And Grandpa is in prison.

Nicky needs to take his place.
Are you gonna help me or not?

[ You can't.
Why the hell not?

Because it's bullshit.

You could get done for perjury.

As long as something
bad happens to Nicky.

Oh, love.
I have tried to find the
beautiful positive, but I can't

because it's all gone hussy, and I
can't pay my bills, and I'm gonna go

And Kasey and Bilkey are trying to
be so brave, but it's not fair.

Oh, love. It's awful.

He just needs to suffer for
this. He needs to really suffer.

Oh, sweetheart.

(SOBS) It's so unfair.

Say your prayers, Greegan.
Who the f*ck are you?

None of your business.

Shit. Mr J?

No. No, it's not.

What are you doing?
Who's Aaron?

You are, you egg.
How would you know?

Your voice, your Tool Guys T-shirt
or the ginga hair on your face.

Look. Don't mess with me, Mr J.
This is between me and Nicky G.

Put the nail g*n down, Aaron.

Greegan has to die.
It's Pascalle's will.

Jesus Christ.
You wanna beg? Fine.
But it won't help.

Pascalle really asked you?

In a manner of asking.

Settle down.
Come on, then, arse wipe.

Say your prayers, muscle head.



Aaron, you idiot. Come on.

Whoa. Shit.

(WHIMPERS) f*cking hell. Oh, Jesus.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Come on, you. Stop it.

You come with me, you clown.

Ugh, I'm dying.

Nothing A & E can't fix.

Oh, I think I'm gonna hurl.

How'd you get on?

It was interesting.

Did you find her?
Not exactly.

Found a friend of hers, though.

Delia Stanton — ex-midwife who got
struck off for having way too much
fun with the Pethidine.

Sheree knew her from the Bay.
She'd been in contact with her.

Hey, Delia.

It seems the day she did a runner,
she had everything planned out
except for one curve ball.

Oh, Christ.

God. So are those babies OK?

She made her way to Delia's,
had them that night.

They're fine?

Yeah, a girl and a boy. Both
healthy... when they were last seen.

Next morning, a car arrives.

Delia says they were well-to-do
types. She thought they were going
to a good home.

She didn't know? Where are they?

Delia didn't know.
Sheree wouldn't say.

Where the hell is that bitch?

When the kids left, she
took a cab to the airport.

The cops will be able to track her?

I've passed on that information,
but... she's long gone, Cher.

Nicky thought she'd be
on a false passport.

Oh, for God's sake.

Do you believe those
babies are safe?

Yeah. Better off than with her.

Do you think we can find them?

It's hard to know where to look,
Cher. Or even if they're still

If Sheree Greegan walked
through that door right now,

I would rip her f*cking throat
out for what she's done.

Oh, don't be sad.

I'm really trying not to be, you
know, but every time I think about
not crying,

it just makes me feel more sad.

Yeah. Chin-chin.

Yeah. Here is to both of
you. Yay for both of you.

Oh, go away. She doesn't
want to talk to you.

Take a hike, buster.

I just wanted to return this.
Not mine.

I took it off Aaron when he tried
to put a nail through me,

and he reckons he
was doing your bidding.

Because you want
me dead, apparently.

Oh, here. OK. You guys go
and get some more drinks.

Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah. Go.

Let me, darling.

OK. I wanted to hurt
you unimaginably,

but I did not ask Aaron Spiller
to do anything with a nail g*n.


Look. You can scream at me, hit me.
Do what you want. But just hear me

Look. I know you hate me.

Oh, you have no idea.

I can understand that, but I never
wanted this shit to happen.

A bit late for that. I lost
everything because of you and
your sick sister.

I know, and I should have seen it
and stopped her. But I didn't, and
I'm kicking myself for that.

Oh, boohoo.
Because I've lost the best
thing to ever happen to me.

And I know you don't believe that.
But one day, I hope I can make you
see that it's true.

Because I love you more
than anything in this world.

So, I see aliens have
still got my mother.

Yeah, what about now?

You still work for the grease ball.

Look, love. Your sister is right.

Pascalle is never
right about anything.

We can't afford to be fighting.
Not at a time like this.

It's what we've always done.

After Sheree, we should
look after each other.

You're now a wimp cos Pascalle
was too stupid to see through the

God, you're hard.

It's the truth.

All I'm after is a bit of unity.
Is that too much to ask?

(SIGHS) Fine.

But you know what? Life isn't
all about the beautiful positive.

And, sometimes, when things
are shit, you have to say so.

And if you let Jethro walk all over
you, you'll live to f*cking regret

Hi, Cheryl.

Oh, Cheryl. (CHUCKLES) Oh my God.

What are you doing here?

Jethro rang me, and
he asked me back.
He did?

Yeah. He's so much nicer
than everyone says.

I told you.

Oh my God. This is so great. You,
me and Chelle, you know, all here

God, it's like getting
the band back together.

Yeah, sure.


Hey, Mum.
Hey, love.

How's it going?
Great. Well, it will be.

It looked fine in the drawings,
but a little bit high on the hip.

A bit wide on the
thigh. But less is more.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No,
working for me. (CHUCKLES) Mum?




Who would have thought the most evil
bitch could be your biggest ally?

I guess there is poetic justice,
given that you're both completely

What the f*ck are you talking about?
If it wasn't for Sheree, Mum
would have ripped your balls off.

Mum is fine. Hoochie is fine. OK?
It's business as usual, except

Hoochie's always been known for
selling to underage anorexics (!)

Have you turned into
a hairy feminist?

I just happen to think that this
tacky bonding of party pills and
schoolgirls totally sucks.

Uh-huh. Is this you or
the tree hugger talking?

This has got nothing to do
with Graeme. This has no taste.

OK. Well, if you don't like it,
you know what you can do.
Excuse me?

If you don't like the way the
business is going, don't be a
part of it.

Are you firing me?

Loretta, I don't have time for your
bullshit. OK? It's your call. Either
cheer up or f*ck off.


Hi. Pascalle West speaking.

Pascalle, you left a message.

Oh yeah. Um, it was to say that
I won't be doing that have-a-David
thing cos I can't.

Is there something wrong?

It just doesn't feel right,
and my mum would get pissed off.

Fair enough. It was a long shot.

Don't be. And, uh, if I can
help you in any way—

Thank you. But I've really
got to go now. OK. Bye.

There. My piece de resistance.

That is so beautiful.

I'll deal with all this;
see if I can find a buyer.
Thank you.

No, thank you. I haven't
had so much fun in years.


Chin up, darling.
Tomorrow is another day.



♪ Every day,

♪ I'm watching you.

♪ You have no idea
how beautiful you are.

♪ La, la, la, la.

♪ La, la, la, la.

♪ La, la, la, la. ♪

Aaron. How's the hand?

Oh, no worries.
I'm pretty tough, eh.

Hey, Pascalle. Um, I heard
you might have my nail g*n.

You shouldn't have done that.
I wanted to help.

Well, it didn't work.

Hi. I'm Pascalle West.

Oh, this is my favourite ad.

I got it recorded so
I can watch it whenever.

OK. And you can go now, Aaron.

Yeah. Sure. See you, Pascalle.

And now, the incredible idea that
has changed my life as it will
soon change yours.

The Best Bag Ever.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'