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01x15 - A Madness Most Discreet

Posted: 10/04/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
(male narrator) Tonight on "Spenser, For Hire."

You're Spenser.

I'm in terrible trouble.

Ready? Go.


You're terrific.

- I must have Anna Maria Kolvo. - Why?

There is no justice in this country.

International justice at work.


Somebody's dead now, I want the truth, and I want it now.

Spenser's got trouble. Big trouble.

You think you knew everything about me?

[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[intense music]

Was that your message..

Let's go.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

Excuse me.

I didn't mean to startle you. I, uh, must have the wrong room.

Who are you? What are you doing here?

You're Anna Maria Kolvo.

How do you know me?

I recognized your voice from my answering machine.

[sighs] You're Spenser.

Thank you for coming.

Your message said stolen property.

Papers were stolen from my apartment.

They were my research notes.

Potentially very valuable.

- Do you live here? - No.

I live in Washington D.C.

I'm an exchange student attending graduate school.

Hmm. Why'd you come to Boston?

I came to Boston because I saw a car

with Massachusetts license plate

driving away from my apartment

just before I discovered the burglary.

I saw part of the license plate.

And I copied down

as much of the license numbers I could see.

You must have a remarkable eyesight.

The men getting into it were carrying folders

I'm sure, were my notes.

C minus.

I beg your pardon?

My grade for your story.

A lot of clients don't tell the truth at least not at first.

They're afraid, embarrassed, or they've been lying

so long they can't tell the difference anymore.

But how can you not believe me?

Well, you see I got this list on my refrigerator.

Sorta what it takes to be a good detective.

Gotta be brave, strong, smart

modestly self-effacing, lucky.

Is this an example of the fabled American sense of humor?

Do you know what the most important thing is?

You gotta have good instincts.

'Cause if you don't

eventually you're gonna wind up in an alley

with a b*llet in your head.

Does that mean that you won't help me?

No, I didn't say that. Not yet.

What I am saying is there are professionals

who can't say no, we call them police.

No. No police.

I called the police in Washington

after the burglary.

They took a report

and advised me to get a better lock.

Why not a better story?

I should've realized that there is no justice

in this country that no one would've helped me.

Okay. Hold it, hold it, hold it.

I didn't say I didn't believe that you had a problem

but you see, I've got a problem too.

I got this other list on my refrigerator

sort of a list of rules to live by.

Spenser's rule number one is you never take on a client

you know for sure is lying to you

which disqualifies you right away, you see.

Then there is rule B.

I don't want to listen to your craziness anymore.

Why don't you leave?

B is about damsels in distress

and dragons and maidens and..

'...well, things too embarrassing'

'even to talk about.'

So why don't we compromise?

I'll start looking for your valuable papers

if you start thinking about telling me the truth, okay?

Well, so where can I reach ya?

Well, give me a call in a couple of days.

In case you lost my number.

You dance great.

[dramatic music]

(Spenser) As I left her, I heard a lot of things in my head.

She smells like trouble, said Dashiell Hammett.

"Stay away from the dame," counseled Raymond Chandler.

Believe me, I tried to listen.

But I guess I got this character flaw.

Above all else, I'm curious.

So was that and the sound of Debussy, I listened to.

But even that wasn't so loud, that I didn't notice something.

The men who tailed me to Anna, hadn't moved.

[instrumental music]

It was possible they belonged to a Polar Bear Club

and enjoyed the cold, it was possible

they were overage college kids out to set

a record for sitting in a parked car in winter.

After fame and glory maybe.

After all, just because they were thugs

didn't automatically make them stupid.

Which was more than I could say for myself.

All I was likely to get for my trouble

was second degree frost bite and a charge of window peeping.

Let's go.





[instrumental music]


There he is.


Alright, when I give you the word

I want you to run to that green car over there and get in.


Come on!





[music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

(male #) 'What're you trying to do, man?'

(male #) 'Move it!'

Alright, you're safe.

We're alone, nobody's sh**ting at us anymore

now tell me what the hell is going on?


[sniffling] I lied to you.

Now, there is a revelation.

'Those papers are my life.'

I've got to get them back.

If I don't..

Hey, hey, it's alright.

Standard issue with American private investigators.


Does this mean you will still help me?

Three guys trying to k*ll me?

You might say the professional integrity

urges me to find out why?

Because of me.

But they followed me to you.

That means somebody knew..

...I asked you to come to see me.

I didn't tell anybody, did you?

Then either these guys got great instincts or another source.

How'd you get my number anyway?

A business associate, of a friend, Jason Tyler.

Jason Tyler?

I worked for him a couple of years ago.

'Your friend runs in fast company.'

Whom are you calling? Not the police.

I didn't think anybody's gonna mistake Hawk for the police.


Hired muscle and g*n, the best there is.

He will help you to find my papers?

He'll keep you safe while I check into a few things.

How well do you know Tyler anyway?

He claims to support the arts.

I find him simply obsessed with money.

Goes beyond obsession.

Jason Tyler owns the fifth largest

importing company in the world.

- Hawk! - Spenser.

Anna? Anna who?

Maria Kolvo.

She claims she got my name from you.

Sorry, have you ever heard of her, Michael?

No, sir.

You might check with my secretary.

Maybe she would.

I already tried that.

Teresa says you never talked to her.

Well, I wish I could help you out.

It seems to be a mystery.

But then, that's your business, isn't it?

[laughs] Well, I try.

Well, good luck about it.

I'm sorry, I couldn't help you.

Two years ago, Jason Tyler had been a client.

He had been honest with me then.

I wanted to believe he was telling me the truth now.

I mean just because a man owns his own

skyscraper and limo with a TV and a bar.

Doesn't necessarily make him a liar, does it?

[instrumental music]

Cambridge is the repository for

some of the brightest minds in America.

Dr. Carl Planets professor emeritus

Slavic languages was one of them.

Anna's partial license plate had turned up six possibilities

but only one was attached to a car

that matched her description.

Oh, come in, come in

the-the television is right through there.

I beg your pardon?

What? You-you have to speak up.

I awaken this morning and the battery starts

to going out on my hearing aid.

I see, uh.

Uh, I say I'm not here about your tele..

I'm not here about your television!

I'm here about your car!

- My car? - Yes!

My car is fine, it's the television that won't work.

Well, I'm from the insurance company

and we've had a report that your car was in an accident.

- What? - An accident!

Oh, ha ha, I never drive

this time of year, much too dangerous.

Carl Planets, no broken tail lights?

- No dented left rear fender? - No, no, no.

Nobody ran into you at a red light

in Washington D .C. last week?

Washington, young man

I have not been in Washington since .

- Ha ha ha. - Ah, I see.

We must have a problem with our computer.

- Yeah. - Sorry to trouble you!

Well, are you sure you couldn't-you couldn't

come in and just look at the, uh, television, hmm?

I'm not bonded for home repair.

I say, I'm not bonded for home repair!

[instrumental music]

It was almost noon

and I was - in the information department.

Spenser's law says

"When you don't have a clue watch the suspects."

It's not a bad law.

And it gets a whole lot more attractive

when you don't have a choice.

It was possible that the prospect of life

without television had driven Planets from his home.

It was possible that this same desperation

had compelled him to take to the open road.

Despite a phobia of driving in this time of year.

[instrumental music]

It was possible that Planets had bad luck with appliances

in general.

That his phone as well as his television

and his hearing aid was broken.

It was also possible that Planets

had gotten a busy signal

or maybe he was just a shy person.

[phone ringing]

Who had trouble reaching out.

[music continues]

All these things were possible.

But somehow, I didn't think so.

As Alice said in "Through The Looking-Glass"

"It's all curiouser and curiouser."

[engine revving]

Don't you ever speak?

Spenser hired me to guard you

not to make idle chatter.

- Where is he? - Spenser says he'll meet us.

He'll be there.

- Suppose he doesn't come? - Then he's dead.

Folk's been scrutinizing my lifestyle.

They've been following us ever since we left Spenser's place.

[indistinct chattering]

[engine revving]

[chattering continues]

[chattering continues]


Tourist boy should've warned you.


This is a dangerous neighborhood!

Let's dance.


[instrumental music]

This ought to give me about half hour meter.

He tries to move, you go into overtime.

Let's go.

[music continues]

Cool? Right.



[indistinct chatter]

(Hawk) 'What do you want me to say?'

'I told you as many times as I can tell you.'

'I can't tell you anymore than I've already told you.'

- 'Don't go away, Hawk.' - 'Urgh.'

Looks like you've got a problem.

We got a corpse in beautiful Quincy market

you gotta fix it with the good lieutenant.

How did it happen?

A friend showed up.

The deceased made two mistakes.

He fired at us and he missed.

- Alright, what's going on? - I don't know.

And don't even think about lying. Somebody's dead now!

Things are different! Look at me.

I'm not a graduate student.

I'm from Soviet Union.

Not good enough. What else?

I was with the Soviet Embassy.

Those men were KGB.


Why do they want you?

'Cause of why my husband was sent here.

What has that got to do with you?

They want to k*ll me.

They think I want to defect.

[instrumental music]

Boston takes pride in it's impressions collection.

One of the most magnificent in the world.

I thought maybe Anna might feel comfortable

amidst its artistic splendor.

She might even relax enough to finally telling me the truth.

One thing I did know for sure.

A French benefit of standing among priceless paintings

is that you get absolute protection for free.

Yesterday the Washington police

found the dead body of a Alexis Kerensky.

Yes, I read about it.

He was one of the first cosmonauts.

He was also a minister

without portfolio at the Russian Embassy.

Many people thought he was being groomed to become premier.

Yes, he was sh*t.

The papers said it was muggers.

What's that got to do with you?

Two weeks ago, in Moscow

Kerensky and I were married.

He was my husband.

What do you want me to do?

Help you defect?


What I want..

What you must help me to do is to go home.

- Home? - 'My whole family is there.'

My work as a ballerina..

...all my friends at the company.

How can I help you do that?

The government thinks I was Alexis' accomplice.

I'm innocent.

You must help me prove that I'm loyal.

'Then I can go home.'


Alexis had a secret tape.

he told me it proved that he was loyal to our government.

That he had refused to defect.

But...the tape has disappeared.

If I could find it..

... I can go home.

[instrumental music]


Come on.

Don't have to tell me a thing, babe.

I know exactly what this wall says.

I believe her.

I'm raising my raise with you, Spenser.

Only way I got a chance of discouraging your impetuosity.

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

What followed was a civics lesson in American life.

Anna and I visited police headquarters

so I could explain to Marty Quirk in Homicide

about the debris Hawk had left in Quincy Market.

It was a textbook example of how police in this country

served the people.

I was impressed by democracy in action.

Anna, unfortunately, was not.

Anna, the police in our country

are not the same as the police--

The police have records on everybody.

Especially in this country.

You have more crime, more v*olence

more k*lling in the streets.

We also have more freedom. Look at that. You see that?

That's freedom.

People saying what they want without censorship.

I worked for the Bolshoi. Two years.

We traveled all over the world.

Always surrounded by KGB secret agents.

Sometimes, they would complain about the Soviet Union.

I always suspected they were the KGB

trying to trap innocents.

That's not the way it works here.

It's not the way our political process works.


You don't understand.

I'm a Russian.

Not a Soviet.

I'm a dancer. Not a politician.

I don't care about stupid ideology.

But you're married to a top Soviet chief.

It was arranged.

All an arrangement for show.

Alexis was supposed to come her as this..

...smiling, brilliant, charming man.

This new Soviet.

But he needed a wife.

Somebody that you Americans would find glamorous.

And you were chosen.

He picked me up one night after the performance.

And took me out for dinner.

That was my courtship.

Two days later, I got married.

Washington was my honeymoon.

You didn't love him?


Is an American naivety.

I didn't even know him.

The only intimate thing he ever did with me

was to give me a g*n.

And show me how to use it.

You didn't love your husband?

You don't care about ideology.

What does matter to you?


[indistinct chattering]

I'll see you later.

Well, Hawk.


What are you doing here?

- It's Spenser, isn't it? - Spenser's fine.

He's worried about you.

Me? Why?

Some people are starting to play rough.

Thought you might go to the fire house.

Get caught in something

'Sent me here to make sure you didn't.'

It's serious isn't it?

That's right.

[instrumental music]

[engine revving]

[instrumental music]

(Anna) I'll never really believe that anyone at all

can stay in a place like this.

At home it would only be party officials?

(Spenser) Well, here it's ...anybody can afford it.

And some who can't.

The bathroom has a shower.

The bathroom is bigger than my entire apartment in Moscow.


Here you go. Thanks.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Who are you calling? - Uh, my own number.

I'm checking for messages on my answering machine.

(Robertson) 'Mr. Spenser, you have something I want.'

'I'm prepared to pay you $, for it.'

Be at the Harvard Stadium tonight at : p.m.

Bring the goods with you.

I know you won't believe this

but I have no intention of harming you.

Or the merchandise.

[instrumental music]

If I'm not back in minutes, you find Lieutenant Quirk.

You tell him everything that has happened.

If anybody comes near the car, you get outta here.

Thank you for coming, Mr. Spenser.

I don't do business with people I can't see.

I'm glad you decided to be reasonable, Mr. Spenser.

- Who are you? - 'It's not important.'

'But if you'll be more comfortable'

you may call me Robertson.

It's not what I mean.

Look behind that column.

'Has it ever occurred to you, Mr. Spenser'

'that I applaud the tactics'

'you've been dealing with all day?'

That I'm with another team entirely?

The home team as it were?

How do I know you're not with the other team?

'You don't.'

But I assure you..

...national security is at stake here.

National security?

I can see you're a dedicated freedom fighter.

Then don't be a patriot.

Do it for the ,.

But believe me..

...I must have Anna Maria Kolvo.


Come on. Humor me.

I'm a curios guy.


'Imagine the propaganda tool if she defects?'

'She's half of their Super Couple.'

'Perfect Kremlin golden girl.'

What if she renounced all that?

(Spenser) 'Is that what you were doing?'

'You were trying to get her husband to defect, weren't you?'

Planets was a double agent, wasn't he?

Wasn't he?


[dramatic music]


- 'Where's Lee?' - Never mind him. Get him!


[engine revving]


[tires screeching]

Get the money and get out.

[music continues]

[tires screeching]



Are you alright?

I'm okay.

I'm fine.

But you're terrific.


Where did you learn to drive like that?

Alexis sent me to Drivers Education in Washington.

Compared to the beltway this is nothing.

You are-you are so cool.

Did you think you knew everything about me?

Just because you're detective?

Did you think that there were no secrets left?

I better drive.

[instrumental music]

[engine revving]

[instrumental music]

Sports, they say, teach you about life.

Well, maybe about certain lives.

But I'm not so sure about life as a detective.

After all, where were the guys in funny striped suits

with red flags when a second team of bad guys

took the field at the stadium tonight?

And that was only one of the questions I had no answers for.

American intelligence is chasing you

because they want you to defect.

The Russian intelligence are trying to k*ll you

because they are afraid you will defect.

International justice at work.

[g*n cocks]

You know who all the players are.

Now all you have to do is find the tape.

[instrumental music]

[whispers] Anna..

I'm alone.

No, you're not alone.


I-I'm never going home.

[music continues]

Come on.

Come on.

[music continues]

Where are we going?

To take a little walk.

My favorite movie star of all time?

We're talking real-hero stuff now.

Cary Grant.

Not the Duke. Not even Bogie though. That is a tough call.

No, Mr. Smooth.

Man was an acrobat.

He never got embarrassed, there's something else

you should know about. He was one of these--

You brought me out here to talk about a movie star?

Now I know you're crazy.

Old Cary was always faithful to his women.

Except once with Irene Dunne.

But he didn't know that she was stranded on a deserted island

when he got married again. So I guess it doesn't count.

Crazy. Or they did hit you at the stadium.

I'm going home, to the hotel where it's warm.

Anna..'re very beautiful.

What happened just now at the hotel wasn't rejection.

You're very kind. But I don't need your pity.

[instrumental music]

There's someone I care about very much.

And you promised her to be faithful?

I promised myself.

But then why?

Why did you push me away?

And nobody would know.

Nobody would find out about it.

I would know.

Then I'd have to decide..

...whether or not to tell Susan the truth and hurt her or..

...lie to myself and hate the deception.

Did you learn that from Cary Grant?

No, but Cary Grant knew something about timing.

I always felt that romance was..


Being in the right place, at the right time.

Not just finding somebody wonderful to fall in love with.

I hope one thing is not a secret from Susan.

What a lucky woman she is.

No, you're lucky too.

'Cause I happen to know this great restaurant.

Well, actually, it's a bistro.

It's a diner.

But they've got the best French toast in Boston.


[music continues]

You've been here all night?

The night has a thousand eyes.

Marty Quirk called me.

There was a sh**t at the Harvard Stadium.

He thinks it might be Spenser.

That's not an unreasonable assumption.

But nobody knows for sure.

Those description of a car could be anybody's.

But it's not.

How can you be so sure? How can you know?

Primeval instinct.

Drum says Spenser's got trouble.

Big trouble.

Then you know what you have to do?

Find him and help him.

Spenser hired me to protect you.

I'm safe now.

Look, whoever they are, they're after Spenser.

Doesn't make any difference.

You've got to find him.

If you won't leave me

will you at least take me with you?

Anything happens to you

I think Old Spenser be mighty provoked.

If anything happens to Spenser

that won't make much difference now, will it?

[engine revving]

The last time I saw Spenser was yesterday morning when he came

to see me about this young woman.

I couldn't help you then, I can't help you now.

Spenser did a big favor for you couple of years ago.

Some people might think you owe him.

All my debts, I've measured in cash balances.

My account with Spenser is clear.

Anything happened to Spenser and I find out

that you could've helped to stop it

you got a brand new account with me.




Be a good fellow..

Be sensible.

Friend of yours?

Just somebody I was planning to pass the afternoon with.

Gentleman should always consider a lady's time.

You don't mind if I offer your regrets, do you?

[dramatic music]

Miss! Wait! Miss!

I've have a message from Spenser!

[tires screeching]

Robertson, this is Spenser.

I got your message. What do you want?

On the contrary.

It's what I have that you want we're discussing now.

Your message said renegotiation.

But you don't have anything I'm interested in.

You may want to reconsider that position, Mr. Spenser.

The table stakes have...gone up as it were.

This is not cool.

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

What had begun with a lie in a ballet studio

had become mendacity and m*rder in the limousine.

I was fighting a w*r on every front.

My only hope was a temporary truce

with the least pressing of my enemies.

If only I could be certain who that was.

So, Spenser may I compliment you on being a worthy opponent.. far.

Somehow I rather you didn't.

How abrupt.



Michael tells me that you have a business proposal for me.

Business proposal?

We're talking about a young girl's future, maybe her life

and you call it a business proposal.

It's very cold, isn't it?

Even for a man in your line of work.

- What kind of work do I do? - KGB.


Good heavens! No. I'm my own man entirely.

'Oh, yes. I hire out.'

Sometimes here, sometimes there.

But no permanent allegiance.


I offer my service for hire.

Very much like yourself.

No. Not like me.

Maybe like Tyler.

He was playing all sides, wasn't he?

Tyler called himself a citizen of the world.

He didn't have a side.

Maybe that works when you're talking about grain deals

for Russia, or oil from China.

But not intelligence.

Anna called Tyler, said she was in trouble.

He gave her my number.

Then he picked up the phone and called the secret police.

Said, "You wanna find this girl?

just follow this guy named Spencer."

I was there when he denied all of that.


Very convincingly.

I believed him too.

Because at that moment I didn't trust my client.

Perhaps that's an opinion you should cling to.

Tyler also tipped you about the meetings

at the stadium too, didn't he?

Oh, that was a big mistake.

A terminal blunder.

Because he and Robertson were in constant touch.

Unfortunately, Robertson thought his deal was exclusive.

When he figured out the only way you could've found us. know the rest.

And so we come to today and to our little meeting here.

I don't suppose a man with your propensity for morality

is here to sell me the girl.

Actually, I want you to give me something.

Twenty four hours.

I want you to back off and not try to take Anna.

A gift?

Now that is nobel. will you return my generosity?

The end of the hour period..

...I'll turn the girl over to you.

Or prove she's not a traitor.

And how will I know you'll deliver?

Oh, no, no, no, Mr. Spenser.

I don't shake hands on a deal.

It's an anachronism today.

Circumstances fluctuate far too quickly.

And the truth has so many meanings.

I agree.

But it suits my purpose.


Too bad about Tyler.

You two would've made a wonderful team.

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

My enemy had dictated the time, the place and the procedure.

He had firepower and tactics on his side.

I counted goodness and mercy on mine.

And I hoped Bismarck was wrong when he said

"God is on the side with the heavy battalions."

[music continues]

Anna Maria Kolvo.

'I am pleased to meet you.'

'We will do everything to make you comfortable'

and I hope even happy in this country.

Thought this was going to be a little more civilized.

For professionals.

Which isn't to say we aren't meticulous.

You told me the KGB k*lled Alexis because he was a traitor.

'Because he was gonna defect.'

She tells me her husband was a patriot.

No on was more loyal than Alexis.

What really happen in Washington.

I made a run for glory.

I tried to turn Alexis.

He was their next superstar.

'I was prepared to do anything to get him to defect.'

So you framed him.

You made him look like a traitor.

I gave him a choice.

Unfortunately, his superiors were

more efficient and much more ruthless than we thought.

Before we could get him to realize

just how desperate his situation really was.

They did.

Why would the KGB want to k*ll Alexis?

He had a tape that proved he wouldn't defect.

No matter what you offered.

Planets stole it.

It's quite destroyed I'm afraid.

Now. We three will walk to the other side..

When we get there, my men will release Hawk.

That's not the deal we made.

You have no choice.

I do wish you'd taken the ,.

In my profession, a man who won't be bought.. a bad president.

Come. Come, come.




[intense music]


She is gonna defect.

There is no way she goes home.

There's one way.

You're gonna tell your boss how to handle it?

That is not the way things go!

You're not authorized to operate in this country, are you?

That's why you went after Anna.

After the fiasco with her husband

you had to do something to save your career.

I was dealing with national security!

You're tryin' to save your own tail and you try

to kidnap a young innocent woman to do it.

You think the Russians will ever believe she's innocent?

They will when I prove to your people

that everything I've said is true.

There is always room for negotiation.

Talk to my negotiator.

You're not gonna like my terms at all.

Well, Robertson is going be indicted for m*rder one.

His own agency's gonna press charges against him

for operating in this country against Federal Laws.

Talked to Max today.

He says that your country is more than satisfied.

There're so many things I want to say to you.


...I think perhaps it's better that I write

when I get back home.

Just let me know everything worked out.

That you're safe.

Well, I'll write to tell you how happy I am

not being trapped in this America.


[instrumental music]


...this woman you love..

If it were to be another time..

...if it would..

[music continues]

Take this lady to the airport.

- One question. - Mm-hmm?

Who is Cary Grant?

The airport.

[engine revving]

[music continues]

Nobody wrote about it better than Shakespeare.

"Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs.

"Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers tears.

"What is it else?

"A madness most discreet.

"A choking gall

and a preserving sweet."

[instrumental music]

[theme music]