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01x21 - At the River's Edge

Posted: 10/04/23 16:25
by bunniefuu
(male narrator) Tonight, on "Spenser For Hire"..



He just m*rder*d a -year-old girl.

She was the only family I had.

She was so open and kind.

You were with her, won't you?

So maybe she is gorgeous and dazzling.

(Spenser) 'But that's not everything, you know.'

Praise God.

- Praise God! - Amen.

You owe me so much money I can't afford to let you die.

He's been on a collision course with a complete breakdown.

You're not telling me the truth

with the whole truth and nothing about the truth.


[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

Well, did I complain when we went to the Patriots game

and sat for hours in degree weather?

Well, at least you could drink beer at the Patriots game.

Even though neither teams scored a single touch-down?

You witnessed the greatest defensive struggle

in the history of the NFL.

- Well, there you have it. - Have what?

Well, going shopping and not buying anything--

Stop, that's the part I don't understand.

Going shopping and not buying anything.

In sort of my going to football game

when nobody scores.

It's not the buying that counts it's a struggle.

I don't get that.

Can you that to me? Huh? I really do..

I don't get that.

It's very simple.

That's the difference between men and women.

It makes perfect sense to me.


[woman screaming]


Sus, get some help.

[instrumental music]

[tires screeching] Watch it!





There's no way out!

There is one way.



(Spenser) Solving mysteries is part of my profession.

Sometimes I even get paid for it. But I'd never been

an eyewitness to one like this before.

[instrumental music]

I wasn't going to get paid for this.

But I had to have some answers

or I wasn't going to get much sleep for awhile even.

- How're you doin', Mike? - Spenser, you're double-parked.

Keys are in it if you need to move it.

I move it, I tow it.

It's nice to have friends in the department.

Yeah, how would you know?

See ya.

- Hi, guys. - Hi.

Look, it's Spenser, the secret w*apon.

Turn him loose, they take themselves out.

Such a sweet smile must be the powdered sugar on your face.

What have you got on him?

Carl Osborne age lived here for months.

Apparently lead a very active life lately.

How much?

(Martin) '.'

'Had it stashed in that magazine by the bed.'

- Mind if I look around? - Not at all.

Now be our guest, Spenser.

I've always wanted to see how a real private eye works.

Ah, the tidy type.

Not as tidy as his last room, I'll bet.


You see that, Marty? You see how quick

these PI's are to pick up the clues?

What was he in for?

Grand theft. Second stretch.

Attempted robbery and m*rder one this time

I mean he knows he's going away for a long time

so he takes the fast exit.

Of course the..

Could have been your personality, Spenser

maybe he just k*lled himself rather than surrender to you.

Attempted robbery.

(Martin) 'Yeah, sure bucks on it.'

Which he didn't take.

Now you say grand theft..

Anything in his jacket about

armed robbery, as*ault or battery?

I see where you're going Spenser but I don't--

Where he is going? Is where the other guys going that counts.

She screams, he panics, he plants the blade

he takes off and he sees Spenser

''cause he don't want to go back to the joint.'

Now, wait a minute.

There's no record of any v*olence.

But he kills a woman anyway..

...after she screams.

But he doesn't take the purse.

(Martin) 'Yeah, that could be possible.'

(Frank) 'What's possible?'

He's only suggesting maybe it wasn't a robbery.

She had a bucks on her.

And he had stashed in a magazine.

(Frank) 'All that proves is that she wasn't his first action'

'he was putting a nice little roll together. All 's'

'nice and tidy like his room.'

Maybe a little too tidy.

'You think it was a hit?'

Well, is a nice, round number.

(Frank) 'What's that?'

Just a bookmark.

"Be one of God's soldiers."

Will you look at the trash it's stuck into?

That oughta give you some idea about the mentality

we're dealin' with here.

Hey, guys get a Bobby Freemont bookmark

and he-and he's reading garbage like this.

I'll tell you that there's a chapter in here.

(Frank) 'That-that-that-that makes me blush. There's a..'

'There's a bit where this guy's got this girl tied up in a..'


What? What?

Revelations, just an idea to think about, huh.

Come on, Marty.

A hit on a -year-old kid from a highbrow family?

Give me a break.

Doesn't hurt to think about it, Frank.

You can just stay yourself away from that heavy reading.




Here's a puzzle, man.

What's that?

Why bother with all this compulsive working out

when you can just subdue a man with your steely gaze, huh?

But even sometimes I need a little help.

This guy pulled the trigger himself.

His name was Carl Osborne, you know him?

- Excuse me. - Yeah.

Man's too small can't leave to hear about.

Uh, I'm looking for Spenser, the detective.

Are you he?


No. He is he.


Uh, what can I do for you?

- You found my sister. - Your sister?

Brooke Harrington

at the parking garage.


I'm Marcella Harrington.

I want to hire you.

You wanna hire me?

Uh.. To do what?

Last year Boston had , cases of armed robbery

and detectives to solve them.

'That works out to . cases per detective.'

And these are men

who also have to worry about burglary, m*rder, r*pe

arson among other things.

Now, faced with an easy explanation

that closes the file

or a tough one which keeps it open..

...which would the police prefer?

Is worth bucks if you ask her.


How did you find all that out?

Simple research, Mr. Spenser.

My tested IQ is .

Now, something else to consider--

Hold it there, just a second, before we're going any further.

How old are you?


Do your parents know you're here?

No. And If I were ' " and license to carry a g*n

I wouldn't need to be here.


Uh, and you wanna hire me?

I mean, yourself?

I can pay.

I have $,.

- Ah! - A hund..?

From my grandmother's trust.

That's just the annual interest.

Annual interest.

Yeah, maybe you oughta give her some of your business cards

have her pass 'em out to acquaintances. Know what I mean?

Please, Mr. Spenser.

I'm too sophisticated to resort to emotionalism

but you've got to find out about Brooke for me.

She meant everything to me.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Back Bay was originally under water.

In the days when Boston was almost an island.

In the 's with New England enterprise

Bostonians filled it in and began a erecting brown-stones.

You didn't have to be a millionaire to live here.

But it didn't hurt.

How are your parents taking all this?

Just awful, of course.

Where are they?

Uh, they are in Bermuda.

They're in Bermuda?

They live there.

But they didn't come home?

Daddy is almost .

Bermuda is good for his health.

'Mom's lots younger.'

But she has to take care of him.

They send an extraordinary flowers, though.

Thank you.

Looks like Brooke was quite the rider.

Her coach said that she could make the Olympic team

if she tried hard enough.

How old was she?


She looked lots older though.

She boasted she could get served in

any cocktail lounge in the city.

Brooke, was very sophisticated.


Did Brooke have a diary or any personal papers?

She made me swear not to tell anybody but..

Brooke wanted to be a writer.

So she what?

- Had a journal? - Yeah.

You know where it is?

It's not here.

She always kept it with her.


She was paranoid that anyone would see it.

Did she ever share it with you?


Was Brooke religious?

Not until lately.

Things bothered her a lot lately.

What kind of things?

Well, she never talked about them.

Not to me, in any case.

What did she talk to you about?

We used to share everything until lately.

But we were best..



Who takes care of you?

I don't mean who..

...makes sure your eggs are perfectly poached

or your uniform's pressed.

Who takes care of you?

Maybe we weren't as close as I wanted us to be.

But she was all I had.

She was the only family I had.



[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Sometimes there's a trail to follow

sometime there isn't.

When there isn't.

you follow whatever there is.

[instrumental music]

Both the m*rder*d girl and her k*ller

thought enough of Reverend Bobby Freemont

to keep his picture around.

I thought I'd try to find out why.

[indistinct chatter]

[music continues]

(male #) 'Okay.'

'Uh, testing mike one, testing mike one.'

Lanore, we want to call people to the Lord.

I don't think we can if they're deaf before we start.

I know it's loud, Bobby

but Gabriel's horn on Judgment Day will be too.

It's absolutely the latest thing, Bobby

And you'll still have your choir from all over New England.

I don't know. It's-it's all so big.

Oh, let's try it for the first few nights.

Anything that brings the youth closer to God

cannot be all bad.

Is there anything like the devil quoting scripture?

I'm sorry.

Hi, excuse me, Reverend Freemont

My name is Spenser. I'm private investigator.

Can I talk to you, please?

Fine. This is my wife, Lanore.

- Hello. - This is Jim Smith, security.

Mr. Smith.

What can we do for you?

Divine revelation maybe..

I'm trying to solve a m*rder

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

- Sure. - Philip?

Lanore, that'd be fine.

Jim, if you'll excuse us.

Thank you. Go right ahead.

Well, you see the k*ller had an autographed, bookmark.

Urging him to become a soldier in your Crusade.

Yes, unfortunately we hand out.

How many of those each year, Lanore?

Ah, millions.

You see, it's the price of an international gospel.

I miss the personal contact.

Well, this particular bookmark...had his name on

with a personal inscription signed by you.

His name was Carl Osborne.

He was an ex-con.

I don't recall the name.

But you see, part of our mission is visiting prisons.

We counsel the men prior to their release.

As long as the courts allow criminals back on the streets

it's our duty to convert them.

Well, you missed on this one.

He committed su1c1de rather than be taken by the police.

Oh, how tragic.

He'd just m*rder*d a -year-old girl.

'That was even more tragic.'

Dear, God!

We'll certainly pray for them both.

- Yes. - Oh, you already worked.

The girl had your poster in her bedroom.

Her name was Brooke Harrington.

'Does that name mean anything to you?'

Mr. Spenser, we wish we could be more helpful but

so many thousands are drawn to Bobby and some.. this poor man that committed su1c1de

'it's just too late.'

Of course.

Mr. Spenser, I'm sure Lanore can answer

any more questions you have. If you'll excuse me?

Surely. Thank you for your time.


Do come to one of our meetings.

And if you'd give me a card

I'd like to send you something might be of comfort to you.

A man of your profession. one of Bobby's Bibles

that's personally inscribed.

Well, thank you very much but I..

...have a bible with a few miles still left on it.

- Thanks. - Oh.

Bobby? Bobby, what is that?

Tell me what's wrong.

The girl he asked about, Brooke Harrington

I did know her.

- You did? - Yes.

Someone introduced us.

She-she needed counseling and..

...I prayed with her.

I-I met with her and I prayed with her.

'She was so young she was..'

...already on the wrong path and she knew it.

She wanted to start over.

But-but she didn't know where to start.

She was like you were.

She was so open and kind.

You were with her, weren't you?

You were with her in a way

that you're only supposed to be with me.

- No, I never touched her. - Don't lie to me, Bobby.

- I never touched her. - You're a man of the flesh.

- I wanted to but I.. - And if God can understand.

I-I can understand.

You still don't believe me, do you?

It's over.

The poor girl is dead and that's terrible but..

...maybe this was God's way of keeping her from destroying you.

What are you saying? That she.. That she died because of me?

I'm saying that you're one step

away from your destiny, Bobby.

Walter Billingham has a contract just waiting for you.

Television can take you into every home in America.

You wouldn't have to go from city to city anymore.

You can stand in one pulpit.

And with one sermon you can reach more people

than you can with a now.

Lanore, you're not listening. That is not my calling.

There's lots of good men doing good work on television

I know that.

I don't want to do that.

- I can't do it. - It is not your decision.

No, listen..

You can't question His design, Bobby.

How many times have I heard you saying--

- Lanore, you listen to me. - You wanted to be.

Listen to me!

I'm tired.

I'm so very very tired.

It-it's all it's all so big.

It's too big now and I don't want to get any bigger.

I wanna go back.

I wanna start again.

I wanna go back to Nebraska.

To the little church.

I want to go back to the simple life to a simple church.

I remember that life.

- Do you? - Mm-hmm.

I remember the first night

I walked into the little tent

and I saw you standing there you were so..

...sure and so strong and so full of power.

Do you remember that talk we had?

And do you remember the walk?

And all that stars that came out.

Bobby, pray with me.

I can't pray with you.

You prayed with that girl.

- No, there is nothing.. - Pray with me.

I cannot pray with you, Lanore.

He doesn't hear me.

And you don't hear me!

I need help.

- Dear God, I need help. - It's okay.

I'm here.

It's okay.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Philip Marlowe understood hunches.

Philo Vance could tell you about

trusting your instincts.

And Sam Spade was a certified expert

on chills that run up and down your spine.

I had a gut feeling.

about the Reverend Bobby Freemont.

(Bobby) 'Dark forces thr*aten America.'

'Join me in a Crusade.'

'A Crusade to save our beloved country.'

(crowd) 'Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!'

'Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!'

Freemont's history from the magical transformation

of a country boy from Nebraska

who preached the gospel in tent meetings

to a superstar who filled arenas

and spoke on political events.

I wonder where it was Freemont was heading.

What crown he was about to wear next?

And then before me in living black and white..

...was a certified clue.

Walter Billingham partner in Harrington and Billingham

shaking hands with Reverend Bobby Freemont.

Now let me see this if I understand this.

You're actually taking money from a child?

Could I have a draught beer, please?

And some of them fancy beer nuts?

It's not going to work, Mr. Spenser.

You're looking for a pay-off to get off this case.

Lemme tell you what's gonna happen

just as soon as I phone Marcella's father.

Gee, I hope it's not too scary.

I sometimes have trouble with my lower lip trembling.

You're leaving here, Spenser.

Look, why don't we talk about something else?

Right now.

Do you think Bobby Freemont is gonna be the next President

of The United States.


Well, I know you picked the last three Presidents.

I just wondered if the reverend look like a winner to you.

Bobby Freemont is a man of great integrity

who has a message this country wants to hear.

Did he have a message for Brooke Harrington too?

I don't know what you're talking about.

'You're Bobby Freemont's political advisor.'

You're also the partner of Brooke Harrington's father

I just wondered if there was a connection.

I do know Bobby Freemont.

I'm not without certain influence in his camp.

I also know that Brooke Harrington

was going through a tough period.

Wasn't easy for any of them after Mr. Harrington got sick

and he and his wife moved to Bermuda.

I arranged for Brooke to meet Freemont for counseling.

I hoped that it might help her.

'I think it did.'

You know what I think?

I think Bobby Freemont was lying

when he told me he never heard about Brooke Harrington.

And then you're not telling me the truth the whole truth

and nothing about the truth.

Which we're eventually gonna get to.

One way another before I'm through.

Mr. Spenser?

Before lunch is over

there'll be an investigation of your license

if you really have one.

There will be a telegram from Charles Harrington

ordering you to stay away from Marcella

and my own lawyers will be drawing up the papers

for slander. Is that clear?

Now, two things are very clear.

You're covering for Bobby Freemont

and I'm paying for my own beer.

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

[instrumental music]


Walter, what're you doing here?

We have to talk.

There's a few other people I have to talk to for their--

Nobody's gonna give a damn what you say

unless you listen to what I have to say.

We're almost ready for you, Bobby.

That's fine, Gene. Thank you.

♪ Now, give me that old time religion ♪

♪ Give me that old time religion ♪

♪ Give me that old time religion ♪

♪ It's good enough for me.. ♪

Talk to Lanore if you can't wait speak to--

I talked to Lanore last week.

When she found out about you and Brooke.

She told me she didn't care.

But I, sure as hell, care.

Lanore knew about Brooke?

She isn't the problem, Bobby.

It's a detective named Spenser.

When you told me how you felt about that girl.

I told you to be smart.

Now your dirty laundry is spread all over town.

♪ It's good enough for me.. ♪

If this guy Spenser puts you and Brooke together.

Your chance for a syndicated television show

go right out the window.

And there wont be any political campaign

without a show like that for a base.

♪ And it's good enough for me ♪

♪ It was good for the Hebrew children ♪

♪ It was good for the Hebrew children ♪

♪ It was good for the Hebrew children ♪

♪ And it's good enough for me.. ♪

He's going to crack.


Don't tell me you can't see it.

The small town boy who's in over his head.

[song continues]

Either he pulls himself together or I'm pulling out.

- Walter.. - You heard me.

I want him at my house as soon as he sets foot off that stage.

If there is anything to connect him

with the death with that girl.

I want to hear about it tonight.

[crowd chanting]

[chanting continues]

Praise God.

(crowd) Praise God.

(Crowd) 'Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!'

Bobby, you don't understand.

You lied to me.

Walter told you about Brooke.

He told you why he brought her to me.

And he told what he saw happening between us.

And yet you made me confess the whole thing to you.

Because, you need to.

You put me through hell!

We make our own hell, Bobby.

You didn't want me to know about it, did you?

I don't remember you asking my forgiveness before she died.

What were you thinking?

It wasn't about me and it wasn't about

all those people out there who look to you lead them

to a better way of life, a better world.


She was someone I could talk to.

She was someone who heard me.

Lanore, I need that.

You were gonna leave me, Bobby.


You were gonna leave me and everything that we've built.

- God, stopped it. - No.

He took temptation out of your path but it's alright.

Because, we have everything.

- We still have each other. - No, no, you don't want me.

- Bobby. - You want the crowds.

- You want the trappings. - No!

Yes, you want the power.

Bobby, I love you.

I love you.

I know that you and I belong together.

The Lord brought us together.

And, Bobby..

...together we can move the mountains of the Earth.

This reads like a novel. Is it any good?

Adolescent sex fantasies.

Pretty embarrassing.

Where did you find it?

It was in her car when she got k*lled.

The police returned it with rest if her personal things.

Marcella, while I'm here

can you introduce me any of Brooke's friends?

Okay. But it's not going to do any good.

Why not?

They are all so stuck up.

They'd never speak to a private investigator.

Are you kidding?

With my line of pattern, and my all American smile?

You wanna bet a week's allowance?

Wait till you find out what my allowance is.

Hi, Chrissie.

- You looked great in the ring. - Thanks.

Hi. Uh, my name is Spenser and I'm a private cop

and I'm investigating Brooke's death.

Oh, really, I didn't realize her parents were that concerned.

Well, actually, I'm working for Marcella.

Then I do believe.

(Spenser) 'I was hoping that you might know'

something that could help us find out

what really happened to your friend.

Look, anything that went wrong with Brooke

happened long before she was k*lled in that garage.

And if I had anything that could help that

my father's lawyer would tell the police.

Excuse me.

That was Brooke's very closest friend.

'You still wanna bet?'

She probably missed the smile.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) 'I know it's hard to believe it.'

'Being a private cop isn't always'

'glamorous and exciting or or even dangerous.'

You mean like when it's frustrating?

- Ahem. - I know, I hate it.

When you're frustrated you always cook Italian

and my hips are going to be wider Cincinnati.

Me, frustrated?

Why would I be frustrated?

Just because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt

that Freemont had something to do with Brooke's death

And I can't prove it? Why would I be frustrated?

I don't think you're gonna get much help here.

Looks like a novel. Pretty steamy too.

'Even with the dangling participle.'

It's a romance about a princess abandoned by an old king

off on a quest for the Fountain of Youth.

Then guess what happens?

I'm not sure I'm old enough to read this.

She falls in love with the commander

of a spaceship to the heavens.

Well, that explains the docking in space.

She's obviously writing about her own life.

Doesn't doing research like that give you ideas?

Sort of like reading a cook book makes you hungry.


Now come to think of it, I am a little hungry.

[telephone ringing]


[ringing continues]

You better answer that.

[Spenser sighing]

This better be important.

It's Walter Billingham.

Get out to my house in Marblehead.

- What? - It's Old Orchard Road.

I can tell you who k*lled Brooke Harrington.

[g*nsh*t] 'Uhh!'

[dramatic music]

[music continues]


[dramatic music]

Hold it!




[Spenser exhales deeply]

(Spenser) I watched the sun come up explaining to the police

what had happened at Billingham's.

The only problem was I had almost

as many questions as they did.

If I wanted to stick around long enough to get the answers

it seemed prudent to buy some insurance.

The kind that comes with a custom made linen jacket.

Kinda take your breath away, doesn't it?

All this dashing splendor. The jacket ain't bad, either.

Does it come with two pairs of pants?

Uh-huh, Spenser. Glad to see you among the living.

You sound surprised.

Well, word is, people want to k*ll you real bad.

Not afraid to die themselves, either.

Uh-huh. Can we talk a moment please?

Excuse us, Bernardo.

- Free 'em out. - Yeah.

The girl sees him and get's k*lled.

Then the man who brought her to him, get's k*lled.

And you're investigating that girl's m*rder.

- Mm-hmm. - Now they put you on the list.

And you looking for a man with a big eraser.

If you got nothing better to do.

Uh-huh. I got one personal question to ask you.

- Of course. What? - Money.

Are we talking cash or are you willing to up my line of credit?

Line of credit?

Next thing I know, you gonna be talking

to me about tax-free municipal bonds.

- It's not a bad idea actually. - Uh-huh.

Well, you know there's only one reason that I would be willing

to keep an eye on certain undesirable elements

while you go about detecting.

Uh-huh. Yes and what's that?

Well, now, you owe me so much money

I can't afford to let you die. Ha ha.

Hmm. Well, that's better than no reason at all.

Merci. Merci.

Merci. Ha ha ha ha.

[engine sputtering]

[continues sputtering]

Can you imagine a car costing $,

and not starting without this one little piece?

- Put it back on. - After we have a little talk.

- About what? - About your career as a hooker.

- Who told you that? - I read it in Brooke's journal.

Oh, her book, there's nothing in there about me.

I recognized you. So where are your parents?

What kind of cheap detective are you anyway--?

Not cheap, but very reasonable.

Try me.

Well, I only did it for the money once.

- And Brooke? - Yeah.

We were at a restaurant last Spring

and this business partner of father's came up to us.

- Walter Billingham. - No, another man.

He was a little drunk and he

and he started hitting on her.

She said she'd do it for the money.

But she was just kidding.

He put a $ bill down and, and then another.

And then he told me he could have the same arrangement

made for me for his friend.

And we only really did it to just do it, you know?

- And I never did it again. - What about Brooke?

She was doing it all the time.

She said she was saving money so that she can get away

from her parents and be on her own.

And she wanted to take Marcella with her too

but she didn't want her to find out.

She went to see a man named Bobby Freemont.

Did she talk about that?

Yeah. Mr. Billingham took her to see him.


Well, he found out what she was doing.

Most of the men she saw were guys that worked for her father.

Anyway, Mr. Billingham talked to her about it

and said he wanted her to go talk to Reverend Freemont.

And she was scared that he'd tell her father

she didn't do it.

Somebody else was afraid enough to k*ll Brooke.

How do you know that?

[car revving]

- Look out! - Ahh!


[dramatic music]


Uhh. Huh-aah!

Praise God!

(Reverend Freemont) 'Praise God.'

(crowd) 'Praise God!'

One God, world without end.

(crowd) 'Amen!'

My friends, at this time every night, I conclude by asking God

to share His goodness and His mercy

with each and every one of you.

But tonight, I have something I would like to share with you.

When I was years old, in a field

I heard the voice of God.

He called me

'Bobby Freemont, preach my word.'

And I've spent my life preaching His word.

The telephone people that talk about reaching out

to touch someone they didn't invent that, no.

I spent every waking hour reaching out.

Every waking minute trying to touch someone.

Touch anyone who hadn't heard the word of the living God.

Who hadn't known the power of His eternal love.

But I became discouraged, I couldn't preach fast enough.

I couldn't reach far enough and I wanted so much..

So very much for people to hear God's word.

That I took advice from people I shouldn't have.

I was preaching about the voice of God.

Believing that God's voice..

That God was speaking through me.

But there was another voice speaking to me.

The voice of vanity and pride.

A voice that comes in whispers.

Whisper so soft, that I didn't think to be afraid.

Bobby, I've heard that voice, yes you have.

That is the voice that has touched

every man and woman on this earth.

It is a voice that is too ashamed

to be heard by more than one person at a time.

It is a whisper. That's all.

Give me this.

This is Lanore Freemont.

k*ll the spotlight and the sound on Bobby now.

It is not the voice that called to a young boy, in a corn field.

I said, now.

(crowd) Oh!

[indistinct chatter]

Bring up the music.

[instrumental music]

(crowd) 'Bobby! Bobby!'

Help 'em. Help 'em beckon..

(crowd) 'Bobby! Bobby!'

That'd be easy.

Before you praise God

how about a little praise for Bobby Freemont?

What you tried to do out there was very difficult.

I failed.

You heard the voice of God.

You saw God's face.

Bobby, you're not God.

You're human.

And we fail.

That's the secret of your ministry, isn't it?

It's okay to fail, because we get a second chance.

Give me the g*n.

Those people who came to see you tonight

who listened to you, they believe in that second chance.

They need that second chance.

Don't take that away from them.


Give me the g*n.


It's okay.

- Bobby, what is it? - It's called courage.

- I want you out of here. - Oh, I'm sure you do.

Oh, it took me a while, but I put all the pieces together.

Billingham, Brooke, your contact with the ex-convicts

'through Bobby's work at the prison.'

The help your husband needs, the power you want.

You hired an ex-con to k*ll Brooke to keep that power.

Then you had to keep on k*lling.

Are you saying that you have evidence that connects

me to some act of v*olence?

Oh-h-h, yeah.

♪ Gimme that old time religion ♪ Ha ha!

Is he good enough for you?

What this man has to say

is going to be good enough for the DA.


If you reach out to Him, Lanore, He'll be there for you.

- But I can't. - No, Bobby.

[Lanore weeping]

I'm so sorry.


(Spenser) We shall gather at the river.

A warm thought, even in the dead of winter.

(Susan) 'Hey there.'

You wouldn't happen to know of a place where two starving people

might pull their boots up and put their feet

up next to a nice warm fire, would you?

Oh yeah, sure if you'd let me cut the kindling

and carrying the logs.

How you doin'?

- You were right. - What?

Did she beat you up, and tell you

that you don't know anything, just because you're a kid?

Hey, this is life, buster.

You got be tough to get through.

(Marcella) 'I didn't mean to be so mad at you.'

I just didn't want to hear what you told me.

I know.

Hey! I bet you didn't know Susan and I have the same birthday.

What? You mean you're going to grow up just like her?

- I hope so. - Oh no!

We gotta talk about this. You know it's not too late.

Wait, no, no, no, look at this woman, look at her.

She's stubborn, she's bull-headed, she's cold-hearted

Hey, what about that fireplace?

You have to worry about it yourself.

I've got a problem here with my client.

We gotta solve this problem.

Okay, so maybe she is gorgeous and dazzling and intelligent

but-but that's not everything, you know?

I could just wait for you.

What do you think? Ha ha ha ha..

[theme music]

[music continues]