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06x17 - Blood and Judgment

Posted: 10/05/23 20:56
by bunniefuu
Will you marry me?


Piss off, man.

I am calling the cops.

Roy spent about grand
in, like, airfares and shit.

And if Elena gives all of that back
to him, then she doesn't have to
marry him.

She wants K?
'But then she'll marry me.'

If you really need it,
I'll give it to you.

What? You serious?


There ain't no easy way to say this.

Who is she?

It's Pascalle.

I can't be here.


There was fighting
all over the place.

But I could see Detective Gerard
dragging Pascalle out of the house.

There was something that wasn't
right about it. There was something

[ In what way?

Well, it was like the whole reason
for the raid — for him being there —

was to get Pascalle away
from the house alone.

So I went after them.

Of course, I should have let him
take the bitch and do whatever the
f*ck he wanted.

Cheryl, take this seriously.

I take my boyfriend f*cking
my daughter very seriously.

I get that, Cheryl. I really do,
but give it a rest, OK?

In a week at your trial,
when I put you on the stand,

you are a mother fearing
for the life of her daughter.

Your only thought is that Detective
Gerard was an obsessed stalker who
is gonna r*pe and/or k*ll Pascalle.

Both of which would have been
bad things, by the way.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪



I was enjoying that ride.

I could tell.

Once more round the block,
and I'd have shot my load.

Get out of the car, Grandpa.

Like MacArthur, you have returned.

That better, my sweet?

Much better, my love.

You're such a drama queen.
The house does not smell of Wayne.

I detected a whiff of
pork when I walked in.

We had bacon for breakfast.

I knew you'd be on his side.

I'm not on his side. I'm on the side
of stop behaving like an ass.

Here she is, the slut.

Off to drop your knickers
for him again, are you?

It's great to have
you home, Grandpa (!)

Mother and daughter, eh?

(CHUCKLES) Many men have
dreamed of such a feat.

I'm sure you have, Eric.

Hey, don't get me wrong. You crossed
a line into no-go territory.

But if you did have
to compare the two,...

You shouldn't be here, Eric.

Me? What about him? I got more
right to be here than he has.

Around the twins, dipshit. You know
they cry when they smell you.

That is not my fault.

Yes, it is, actually.

Now, Wayne, uh, I know you said not
to hassle you about the money or
anything, but I was thinking—

I'll get it to you when I got it.

No hassling.

Just checking.

Yeah, great (!)
Cos if you did—

Uh, hey, Steve.

Gidday, mate.

Hey, Steve. How's it going?

I'm fine, thanks. Yourself?

Yeah, so-so.

Thought we might go to the park; you
know, take them for a bit of a walk.

Sweet. All right. See you, Wayne.

[ Later, man.

Uh, Wayne, I just, uh— I just wanted
to say how sorry I was about the
missus and everything.

Next week, isn't it?


The trial.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I hope she's
got a good lawyer.

Yeah, I hope so too.

Mind you, it'd be a shame if that
Bailey got her off for m*rder

just for her to go back inside for
k*lling somebody else. Just an idle

You know this whole thing
that you're going through?

I don't wanna talk about it.

It fucks me off to talk about it
and be able to do anything about it.

I had this great-great-uncle
back in Dubrovnik who stabbed
a business partner

because he cheated him over some
donkeys. On the guy's deathbed,

my uncle heard he was dying, went
around to his house and stabbed him

instead of letting him die
without taking revenge.

Wow. That's pretty dedicated.

Then the guy's family shot my uncle,
and it turned to shit, but do you
see my point?

When it comes to revenge,
my family rule.

So if you want,
you just say the word.

Your family would do that for me?

Mm. You're an old family friend.


And they really appreciate that
you've stuck by me in here.

I'll think about it.

You showed up.

Well, you said it was an emergency.
No, thanks, a bit early.

Don't be a pantywaister all your
life. This is men's talk, and you
sneak in by a whisker.

Cheers, Ted.


It's time to roast us a piggy.

What do you want, Ted?

You know. You've been on the
receiving end of the West family


You wanna give Judd the bash?

Can I just say again I'm
not entirely convinced.

Oh, so you're in favour of incest?

It's not actually incest, Aaron.

It's step-incest. That's worse.
And he deserves to suffer.

And while part of me admires any
man that can back the quinella,

another part wants to see him suffer
for taking so much when some of us
have so little.

Are you in, ponce, or are you a
hairdresser on the inside as well?

I suppose it was inevitable.

What did you tell them?

In terms of what?

In terms of joining the lynch mob.

Are you in or not?

Lines have been crossed, so, yeah,
yeah. Lessons must be taught.

You wuss.

Hey, I was on the business end of
the last West lynch mob. No way was
I risking that again.

And I just figure I can do more
to calm things down working on the

Oh, good luck with that particular
delusion. I'll deal with it.

I said calm things down, Loretta.

He was sworn to secrecy. Never trust
a weasel who dyes his hair.

The point is, Grandpa, you cannot
beat the shit out of Judd.

Why not?

Because it's wrong, that's why.

It's honour — the way of the Wests.

Oh, don't give me that
'way of the Wests' crap.

This is about you getting your own
back cos he kicked you out of the

It is not.
It is childish and stupid,
and someone could get k*lled.

Why are you sticking up for the
turd? After what he did to your

What he did to Pascalle?

Grandpa, what if they fell in love?

Have you considered
that possibility?

Arse biscuits. He brought shame on
this family. He has to suffer.

So, did you ask her?

Forget about that now. I need you to
focus, Pascalle, on your testimony.

No, I know what to say. We've been
over it heaps. So did you ask her?

Yes, I asked her.


Why would I see her? So she
can feel better about herself?

I would rather stick razor blades up
my arse than have to talk to that—

She didn't rule out the possibility
of a meet sometime in the future.

I do need to ask— I mean, do you
really need to see her right now?

Yes, of course. Except for
the times when I really don't.

But mainly I don't want her to sit
in that courtroom and hate me.

Well, you know what will make it go
a lot better when you do sit down
with your mum?

A shitload of dr*gs.
If you are the star witness
whose testimony frees her.

Yeah, except the whole time I'll be
on that stand, she'll look at me

and hate me and just wish that
she'd k*lled me instead of him.

Between your mother and your sister,
it is only luck that I am not the
one inside for m*rder.

Well, I admire your self control.

I have this rock-solid case.
I mean, I cannot miss here.

I will get your mother off.

That's good to hear.

Except it relies on the evidence
of not one, not two, but three
complete spinners.

And to think I took a beating for
that lying, sicko, wackjob slut.

What an idiot I am!

I need you to focus less on the
self-pity and more on the actual

I took a shot in the arse for
that woman. What a moron.

Can you run defence without them?

I'll be fine if I can get them
all singing the right tune.

Are you sure?

I am going to walk out of that
courtroom with a not-guilty verdict
in my pocket.

Hey, man. Twins are awesome, eh?

And there was this chick with a real
short skirt. Eddie was totally
checking her out, bro. Mean.

And then we played catch.

You and Eddie?
No, me and Steve, man.

He's got a mean arm, eh?

But the twins, bro, they were
watching the ball the whole time.
It was awesome.

Yeah, I think he likes you.

Steve or Eddie?

Well, Steve, of course. I think
it's like a cop thing or something.

Great — someone who doesn't think
I'm a bastard for abusing his

Things are looking up for me (!)

Well, we didn't talk about that.
I don't think Steve knows, but—

As promised.


Where did you get it?

I liquidated some stuff.
It doesn't matter.

But if this stupid idea of yours
doesn't work, I want my money back.

If you think the idea's stupid,
why are you giving me the money?

Because it might work.

Would it hurt you to at least talk
to Pascalle before she has to

It would hurt like hell.

So you want her spinning
out in court?

I don't care what she does.

It makes me feel sick to my stomach,
thinking about having to stand up in
that courtroom

and tell everyone how much I love my
daughter when I want her to go to

Mum, it's Pascalle. She's a flake.
Yes, she hurt you, but you need to
put your feelings aside—

Don't you tell me what to feel.

You're angry, and that's

but how about putting some of that
anger where it belongs? With Judd.

No one cares what happens
to him. He can rot in hell.

But you need to make things right
with Pascalle to get out of prison.

Judd's the bad guy here, Mum,

not Pascalle.

[ Remember that.

I can't let it go.

Let what go?

I want him to know
how much he hurt me.

That offer still good?

Oh, yeah.

OK, OK. OK, listen. You're dealing
with a man's feelings, OK, so just
tread carefully.

That's all I'm saying.
I'm all over it.


Wayne Judd.
Wayne, Steve Brownlow here.

Hey, Steve.

You got a minute?

Uh, I'm a bit busy at the moment.

Any chance of a meet later on?

Oh, how about the Rusty Nail
in about an hour, OK?

Yeah, sounds great.

OK, see you there.

You all right?

I don't really know what to say.

Just give her the money
and say what you come to say.

What if I get it wrong?
Or Roy pulls out his sword again?


...that's why I'm here. Come on.

Wayne, it's Loretta. You probably
need to know that a bunch of morons,
led by my idiot grandfather,

are out to avenge the family name by
getting all old school on your arse,

so probably best you avoid
them for a while.

There's nobody home.

How do you know?

They'd have come to see who's been
knocking for the past five minutes.

Well, shall we break in?

To see if anyone's home.

I'm gonna talk to the neighbours.

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll Grandpa.

Once upon a time when a West said
something like that, we'd go,
'Yeah, whatever, ha ha.'

These days — not quite so sure.

Shut up, Loretta. Warn him.

I left a message on his phone.

That's it?
Well, what else was I meant to do?

Oh, I don't know —
find him, tell him.

Well, you're seeing him.
You tell him.

I haven't actually seen
Wayne in quite a while.

Why not?

You OK?

Yep. Actually, no.

Oh, I don't know.

Come on, there must be
something I can do.

No, there's not.

Well, shall we meet up?

No, I can't.

Well, I'll call you later.

No, just don't, OK?

Sorry, I made the assumption that
you love him and he loves you, and
that's the reason for all this shit.

No, it is way too f*cked up at
the moment, OK? It's impossible.

Well, that's not very
Romeo and Juliet, is it?

f*ck up, Loretta!

OK, so having created
said shit, is that it?

Then what?

I've decided I'm gonna leave.


As in bugger off?

With Wayne?


By myself, on my own.

Well, what else am I meant to do?

OK, I'm not a big believer in love,
particularly not the drama-queen
style that you specialise in,

but it occurs to me that if you and
Wayne are truly in love, then it's
there for the taking.

But that's just my humble opinion.

No, it is not that easy.

If you say so. After all, you
are the love expert, not me.


Call yourself a West.

No, call myself a Peters.

You're still a West by marriage.

Dobbing us in to your missus.
You'd never catch Falani spilling
the beans to Mrs Falani.

No, I told her. She likes vengeance—

Look, before you tell me to f*ck
off, can I just say one thing?

f*ck off.

This is f*cking madness.
How's it meant to help?

It's the way of the Wests.

Did we miss anything?

Ladies, help me out here. Beating
up Wayne Judd won't solve anything,

If you had been hurt the way
Cheryl's been hurt,...'d wanna pass
that hurt on big time.
Where's Hemi?

Oh, I thought he was bit young for
his first beating, love, so I
dropped him off at Rochelle's.

There's a sweet man
who'd never cheat.

Because he knows a world of hurt
would open up if he did.
f*ckin' A.

Forget the dickless nancy boy.
How do we do this?

We need to lure him somewhere.

OK. Where?

A field.

For f*ck's sake.

How are we gonna lure
Mr Judd to a field?


LORETTA: ' probably best
you avoid them for a while.'

Or we could do it now.

Let's get that beer, eh?

Let's do this.
What? Now?

Well, we're here. He's here.
Let's get ready to rumble.

What if they ban us from the
pub for starting a fight?
Well, there's other pubs.

Yeah, but for some of us this
is also a place of business.

Yeah, if I can't be here, I'll
have to spend more time at home.

We need to think about this.

What if she's never coming back?

Van, the neighbours said they
would be back in a few days.

Yeah, but they could be lying.

They've got no reason to lie.

What if he's taken her
back to Nees— Neu. Nees—

No, Nizhny Novgor...od.

Whatever, Wayne. What if he's taken
her back there to marry him?

Maybe he has. Maybe he hasn't.

Well, how's that meant to help?

When they come back,
we'll deal with it.

And maybe I should look
after my money.

My money.


And you'll give it back
when she comes back?

Yes, I will.

Let's do it.
Just stop. Stop.

Can't we just tell him how we feel?
Oh, what?

Well, it's not such a bad idea,
especially if we're real firm about

Babe, are you wussing out?

I'm a lover, not a fighter.
Who'll look after Hemi if we—?

OK, don't worry, honey.
I'll look after you. Come on!

Oh, shit, Constable Steve.

Porkie's got himself
a pig bodyguard.

Cunning bastard.

You know what? I love being a cop,
eh? It's the best job in the world,
as far as I'm concerned.

We do the shit jobs that need doing,
and we do 'em with honour.

But every now and then some bastard
comes along, gives the rest of us a
bad name.

Makes me sick to my stomach when
that bastard gets turned into a

and good people get screwed
over cos of political bullshit.

Yeah, I remember how it is.

Anyway, good luck and all that, eh?

Ta, Steve.

Hey. See ya. Steve, you
forgot your folder, bro!

Van, shut up.

But he—


Hi. It's me. I've been looking for
you to, you know, see if you're OK,

what with my weird family
and everything.

I hope you're safe.

That's cop shit.

Yup. When a cop is involved in
a case, the police do their own

This is the internal police
investigation into Gerard.

You mean, Mum didn't
do it? They framed her?

Jesus Christ!

No, no. This is about Gerard and all
the things he got up to before his

Let's do it.

Shit! Doslics!


Shit. Wayne.


Oi, that's our job!


You wanna fight, you bastard?

Get in there! Get back
in there, you nancy boy.

You f*cking get in there!


You deserve this, Mr J,
for what you've done.




f*ck, Falani!

Yeah, lesson learnt.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

My money, my money!

No, no, no, no, no!

So, where are you gonna go?

I'm still figuring that out.

Does Wayne know that you're leaving?

How could he when I haven't talked
to him and he's probably bleeding in
a gutter?

I figured he could take Eric
and Grandpa no problem.

But Falani might be a bit tricky,
and Aaron is a ginga scorned.

Drinks all round, I feel.

No argument here.

Let the celebrations go on.

What the f*ck have you done?

Justice has been served.
If you've hurt him, I'm—

Sergeant Judd was taught a lesson
he won't soon forget.

Where is he?
Ran off like the cur he
is to lick his wounds.

Mind you, we showed those
dallies what's what, eh?

What dallies?

The ones with heads
like concrete. Look.
Doslic scum.

What have the Doslics
got to do with it?

They were also keen on
dealing to Wayne Judd,

and— Oh, Jeez, where's Janie's
Pamol? My head is hurting like
a bastard.

Why would they—?

NGAIRE: Well done.
Mission accomplished! ]

Oh, you stupid woman.

Do you wanna tell me why when
I'm doing you a favour,

my brother and my cousins end up
getting the shit kicked out of them?

Wayne beat them all up?

Yeah, him and every other West
scumbag that was waiting for them.
If you f*cking—

They were defending him?

What else? And if
I find out, Cheryl—

Who? Who?

I don't know. Van, apparently.

That big boonga friend of yours —
the whole f*cking heap of them.
If I find out that you set this up—

I didn't set it up.

The next person we
do over will be you.

Well, excuse me if I don't find
that so f*cking scary right now.

f*ck you, Cheryl West!

lousy bucks.

This morning I had grand.

We ain't got it.
Someone has.

You should put up a notice at the
Rusty asking for the return of the

You. You were lying right
where the money was.

Hand it over.
I was bleeding and unconscious.

Hand it over.
OK, OK. These were stuck
to me when I woke up.

Shame on you, Aaron. Shame.
[ Yeah, shame.

I was concussed and confused.


Only another , to go.

Is he here?

A bit busy right now, Pascalle.
Where is he?

That depends on who you mean.

She means Mr Wayne Pervert Judd.

Is he all right?

Yeah, he left the pub
with a handful of papers.

The police file about Mum.

Apparently that's more important
than picking up my money.


Gerard was a bad cop,
and they knew it.

Go back and there's a string of
complaints against him from women

about the same shit
he pulled with Pascalle.

And the wonder of it is
how they kept a lid on it;

how he kept getting away with it.
The shit is dynamite.

If you are writing the tell-all book
on bad cops in West Auckland.

Gerard and his boys were running
around like they owned the place.
Never mind about due process.

The raid that day — no warrant,
nothing sanctioned, and the misuse
of dr*gs was all bullshit.

This is great for Cheryl.

Pity none of it's admissible.

But you haven't read it.

You have read it.

Of course I've read it.
A while ago, actually.

How'd you get it?

Prosecution gave it to me.

They gave it to you?

Well, I was always gonna discover
it, so they coughed it up.

And you're not using it?

The bit about the raid, as it
pertains to Gerard's motives.

The rest of it? No judge is ever
gonna admit this stuff. Gerard's
not the one on trial.

It seems fairly pertinent to me.

It's not your call.

Whether you wanna use it or not,
it'll come out. I'll make f*ckin'

I'll defend you on contempt charges.

That don't mean shit
to me right now.

It's my call.


I'm glad we're clear.

If that's how you're
gonna play it...


So, wait. How can you not use that?

To do what, Jethro —
bargain it to manslaughter?

They know it stinks. That's why
they gave you the f*cking report.

I will win this in court,
in public, on the evidence.

Complete acquittal —
we can go for nothing less.

Right, and then you'll be all over
the TV and in the papers as the
little hotshot

that cleared the cop k*ller, right?

Your mother will walk free.

Isn't that what you want?


I'm sorry.

For what?

My f*cked up family, again.

Are you all right?

Yeah, no worries.

Is this the police thingy on Mum?

On Gerard.

Will it get her off?

Can't hurt.

That's good.

Yeah, it is.

But then she'll be out, and you know
there's gonna be even more shit

Yeah, possibly.

I know how to make them stop.

Oh, yeah?

I'm gonna leave.

I'll take off, and then pretty soon
everyone will forget, and you can
just carry on with your life.

Well, that's not gonna work.
Why not?

Cos I'm the one who's gonna go.

You can't go.

Look, I get it. You got
a family and a home.

Yeah, a family who hate me.

Well, they'll forgive
and forget eventually.

No, you can't leave.
I bloody can.

I have a shit job cleaning up after
hookers, and you have a business.

Not any more. Sold it
to one of the big guys.


So I could leave.

No, that is wrong. I should be the
one to leave, not you. It's not

All right. I'll toss you for it.
That's a dumb idea.

You wanna go. I wanna go. It's
a big complicated f*ckin' mess.

This is fate. It's simple.

Heads— No, no. Tails.

So you tails?

It's heads.

So I'm outta here.

Which is right and proper.

After the trial.

f*cking trial.

It'll be over soon.




This is our room now.



Grandpa and Ngaire have taken over
the master bedroom for their foul

Do they have any other purposes?

Here he is. Eggs.

Eggs like you find alongside bacon.

Your porker mate at the pub.

Hello, Eggs.
Shut up.

I want my money back.

What money is this?

The money that was all over the
f*cking floor at the pub. I saw
you picking it up.

No idea what you're talking about.

There was money?

Come on, you guys.
I need that money.
What money's this?

The money that Wayne
gave me for Elena.

You took money from the pig? ]

He's not a pig, Grandpa. He hasn't
been a f*ckin' pig in years. I know
you've got it. Give it back.

Trying to buy his way back in,
is he, giving you money for your
Russian bint?

She's not a bint.
Whatever a bint is.

Don't be dicks. Give it back.

Yeah. My future's in
that money. Come on.

Tough tittie. Take your
whining elsewhere.

You would steal from
your own grandson?

You can shut your gob. We
know whose side you're on.

This isn't about Wayne. It's about
you turning into a nasty old prick.
Give him his money.

I know nothing about any money, and
you don't tell me what to do, missy!

Fine. If that's the
way you wanna play it.


I thought you'd bring Janie.

What I need to say is not
suitable for children.
Oh, yes?

Pull your f*cking head in, Mum.

Getting Draska's moronic family to
do your dirty work isn't exactly
classy. It's also stupid.

It's nothing to do with you.

I beg to differ, because I'm the one
in the middle of the madness, trying
to keep a lid on things,

and you're not exactly
making my job any easier.

Oh, well, pardon me (!)

What I don't get, what I truly don't
get is what happened to the Cheryl
West rules. Do you remember them?

The ones that said we're all meant
to be good, upstanding citizens, and
here you are organising hit squads

Well, things changed.

Yeah. Clearly, so did you.

And I would have thought you of
all people would be loving this.

Oh, Mum.

The point is you wanna deal with the
shit that is going on in your head.
That's fair enough.

But deal with it yourself
in your own way.

It is mental enough out there
without you adding to the mix.

Do that, and maybe
next time I'll bring Jane.


[ Can I help you, Jethro?

(SIGHS) I wanna look at that report.

Bailey's got a copy.

I need to see yours.

If it's OK with you.

You want a coffee?

Nah. Thanks.

Jesus Christ.

It's a racy read all right.

Did you mean what you said?
About making this public?

Yep. If it comes to it.

You campaigning for Mum.

That's f*cking ironic.

Whatever shit has happened, she
doesn't deserve to be inside.

Is she safer if she is?

Yep. But I gotta do the right thing.

Not a West, are ya?
Hey, can I take this copy?

If you can use it, sure.



Oh God, I'm hungry.

For food.
I can always supply
the rest, my lovely.


Gosh, didn't you sleep in.

We weren't sleeping.

Anyway, it's good
you're finally awake,

because I just wanna say that I'm
really really sorry about what
happened to your caravan.

It's lucky you're not sleeping
in it any more, isn't it?

What have you done?

I like today so far.




Mum. Hi.

♪ It's rough when you're feeling
like your head could explode at

♪ But I'll tell you what to do

♪ is just think about
it not exploding.

♪ It's hard when you
know at night... ♪

You little bitch.

Lay one finger on me, and you'll
never see your stuff again.

What stuff?
I took no joy in this.

That caravan has been in our family
for as long as I can remember.
But it was my only option.

But this is like his home.

And you are, like,
Van's best friend.

Yeah, but it ain't really fair.

It's not about what's fair;

it's about what's right.
We do this for Van.

For Van.

Go, Aaron.

♪ And it got dark.

♪ Too dark to see.

♪ Too dark to see.


♪ Boy, it's quite like a feeling
like your head's not getting

♪ quite the exposure that it needs

♪ to be understood by anybody.

♪ It's quite like a feeling
like your head could explode
at night.

Oh, f*ck.


♪ ...might explode any more.


You had jewellery?

♪ Boy, it's quite like a feeling
like your head's not getting
quite... ♪


Got it.

Good work.


Here's how it goes. You
give Van the cash that he—

I got piss all of that money. Every
other bugger in the Rusty Nail.

I don't care, Grandpa. It was your
'way of the West' bullshit that
caused the money to be lost.

So, you give Van his money,
and you get your stuff back.

Including the jewellery.

Or you will never see
any of your shit again.


f*cking kidding me.

Use the police report, or I tell
Mum to get another lawyer.

Fine. Do it. She'll love being
inside another six months while a
new lawyer gets up to speed (!)

Not as much as she'll like staying
for years cos you wanted to
grandstand, and it blew up for you.

I know what I'm doing.

Your three star-witness
are nutcases.

I will get them across the line.

This document is gonna come out.

Judd's making sure of that, and if
you don't use it now, I'll make sure
it's known you're a negligent lawyr

who cares more about her public
profile than she does about her

It'll be tough getting flash clients
with that kind of reputation.

We have made a lot of money

off my flash clients.

Yes, we have. And I want that to
continue. And I want us to continue.

But this is my mother, and you don't
f*ck around when it comes to her.

What am I meant to do?

Bargain it down to manslaughter?
You won't have Mummy back for
three to five years.

Come on, Bailey. You can do better
than that, and you know it.




I guess you wanna hit me.


No, it's OK. I'm OK.



I know what I did was probably the
worst thing anyone in this family's
ever done to anyone in this family,

but I never meant to hurt you.

I never meant to fall in love—

Stop. Just stop.

I hope the two of you are
really really happy together.

Well, actually,

there is no 'us'
or 'we' to be happy.

Wayne's leaving.

You put me through all this for
nothing? Thanks a f*cking bunch (!)

It is not nothing.

Oh, yeah, right. That's right,
cos you fell in love, didn't you?
Well, bravo for you.

So, while I'm in here because of
you, you're out there falling in

Well, isn't that just shit-hot (?)
I bet you wouldn't have the guts to
fall in love if I was out there.

I didn't choose for this to happen.

And I sure as hell didn't
choose when it happened.

And as for you being in here because
of me, you know that that's not
totally true.

You were having a shit time with
Tama and everything, and you lost
it. You totally lost it,

so don't you dare blame me for that.

I'm sick of being blamed for every
shitty thing that's happened to this

Why did you ask me to come?

You wanted to come.


Well, there it is.

Fun day at the office, honey?

It's done.

The actions of Sergeant Gerard on
that day were not only unlawful,

they were part of a pattern of
behaviour stretching back years,

and I will call on every
woman named in this report

to prove that my client had every
right to fear for the safety of her

as Sergeant Gerard illegally
removed her from her home.

The police traditionally respond
well to being threatened (!)

This is not a threat;
it's a reality.

There are a lot of people who feel
very strongly that Cheryl West is
the victim here.

So this report will find its way
into the public sector whether you
like it or not.

This is a nightmare for the image of
the NZ police force, and you know

They offered me manslaughter
there and then.

To which you said?

That is not acceptable. What I'm
proposing is that under Section
of the Crimes Act,

the police offer no evidence
against Mrs West.

Bet that went down well.

Sergeant Gerard was k*lled in the
line of duty as the result of a
tragic accident,

and the good name of the police
force is maintained. I have a case
I know I will win in court.

What I'm giving you here is a
dignified way to save a lot of
people a lot of grief.

I strongly suggest you take it.

And did they?

Said they needed to discuss it.


They'll call me with their decision.

Thanks for trying.

f*ck me.

Yeah, seems fair.


Bailey Wilson.


I warn you, I'm not
really in the mood—

Save it. We're going to court.

Yeah, I know that.

No. We're going to court now.

I put the word around about whose
money it was. It was all returned.

The respect me down the
Rusty. My word is law.

No, it isn't.

Listen, you little pissant.
Do you want the money or not?


Here you go, then.

Ooh. Russian girl, you say?

I knew a Russian girl who could
cross her ankles behind her neck.

Well, I wouldn't know about that.

Very flexible, the Russians.

Grandpa's house of love.

Hey, love.

I don't know quite how to say this,
but I think I might be coming home.


See? You get it now, m*therf*cker?

Shut up, Van. Take me home.

That looked like John Campbell.
Oh my God, I love John Campbell!

Jesus Christ.

How did they find out
about this, Bailey?

Go on, then. Go have your moment.

Bailey Wilson, Mrs West's lawyer.

My client won't be taking questions
from the media, but I'm more than
happy to answer a few questions.

♪ Heaven is here.

♪ Right here,

♪ right now.

♪ Heaven is here.

♪ Right here,

♪ right now.

♪ There's no waiting for tomorrow,

♪ and yesterday is gone.

♪ As usual, our timing
is impeccably wrong.

♪ So, if you'll take
the high road,

♪ and I'll take the low road,

♪ and maybe, maybe one day,

♪ we might meet in-between.

♪ Heaven is here.

OK, everyone ready? I wanna make a
toast. To Cheryl. Welcome home,


♪ Heaven is here.

♪ Right here,

♪ right now.

♪ Right here,

♪ right now.

♪ Right here,

♪ right now.

♪ Oh-ooh.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.' ♪