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01x01 - Le prisonnier du château d'If

Posted: 10/05/23 21:04
by bunniefuu
The Count of Monte Cristo

from the novel by Alexander Dumas



Looking for the captain?

We lost him when
we turned to Cape Corso.


He had a fever
that took him in days.

- Did they bring him ? - No,
I was afraid of disease transmission.

We sank him miles from
shore with two columns of kg.

And the cargo?

I think you will be satisfied.

Excuse me.

I hear you lost your
poor captain.

And the House of Morrel will not
quickly find

another as capable as him the next day.

and stand out.

There, your friend Dantès appears
to understand the job.

At his age he's
not afraid of anything.

Risks are taken.

The ship arrived good at the port.

Leclerc could not
have handled it better.

Yes I'm sure.

We would still have saved even more
than two days if Captain

Leclerc had not decided
to stop on the island of Elba,

definitely to see
Monsieur Bonaparte.

I mean Napoleon.

I am your book keeper and
that is my point.

And two days delayed
are expenses that count.


Tell me Dantès ...

... why did Leclerc
stopped on the island of Elba?

He carried mail for the
Grand Marshal Bertrand.

I think it was a package from
King Murat, with whom

the captain had communicated
when we stopped in Naples.

In exchange for the package, the great
Marshal handed the captain a letter.

What else?

Before he d*ed, he made me
swear to deliver it to Paris.

If the royal police catches you,
it can cost you dearly.
I gave my word
to a dying person.
A dying man
who was my captain.

Monsieur Morrel, I'm asking permission

for a two week leave of absence.

to marry?

The beautiful Mercédès
came three times

to ask me news about the Pharaoh.

That is, for yourself.

I need a few days too
for this trip to Paris.

be prudent.

The only thing I ask
is that you be here

when Pharaoh returns to the sea.

He can not leave
without its new captain.

New Captain?

I have already decided, it will be you Edmond.



Thank you, Monsieur Morrel

But tell me something.

Were you satisfied with Danglars
during your trip?

With Danglars as an book keeper yes.

But as a good colleague, no.

Once captain,
do you intend to keep him?

I will follow your
instructions Monsieur Morrel


Are you sick?

It's joy, my son.

God, I feel like I'm going to die.

It's not time for dying.
I'm back.

I have some great news for you.

The courageous Leclerc,

you know , he d*ed in Pharaoh.

Monsieur Morrel appointed me as captain.

You? captain?

I won't tell you more
if it will leave you in that state

I'm going to get some wine.
A glass of Provence rosé

It will do you good and me too.

Where do you keep it?

I don't have any.

Did you run out of money?

When I left,
I left you two hundred francs.

You owed a debt
to your neighbor, Caderousse,

for your walking suit.

He complained several times.
I got tired of his insisting.

So I paid him.

And what did you live on?

I need little for myself.


We will send for a
good table wine

and something to eat,
a good meal.

We must celebrate
my promotion.

Edmond! What brings you back.

I am at your service, dear neighbor.

But I don't need anything.

Others need me
sometimes .

Whatever it is, let it go .

Your father paid me the money.
We are even.

We are never even with
those who gave us.

Boy, it looks like you got rich.

I met my friend
Danglars at the port.

He told me they made you Captain
Is it true?

Congratulations! Your friends
will love the news
especially a friend in the
Acropolis of S. Nicolau.


Isn't it, Edmond?

Precisely for this reason,
let me visit you soon.

May God bless you, my son.

You do well to hurry.

Mercédès is a beautiful girl and
the Catalan have no shortage of suitors.

Even good matches.

Now with you captain,
it is obvious that she will chose you.

I think better of women.

Especially Mercédès.

Good for you my boy.

When we get married, only
our faith is always worth it

we believe that
they love us for who we are.

See you later.

This Caderousse ...

We have a wonderful friend there.

How's life?

You waited for me to drink, how nice.

Doing computations?

Will Monsieur Morell do
good business with this cargo?

I think so.

Have you seen Dantès?

The captain of
Pharaoh has already been chosen.

Are you happy, with him?

He is insolent.
That's already a great deal.

Once a captain,
he will be unrecognizable.

And his beautiful Catalan?

It remains a great love.

But either I am mistaken or

another disappointment awaits you
from that side.

Oh yes?

As you know?

I know that whenever she comes

to the city she brings company.

- Yes?
- It's like I told you.

A big Catalan boy
with black eyes burning.

She calls him cousin.

You know what I mean?

Easter is approaching, Mercédès.

It's time to decide.

We have to get married.

Answer me, I beg of you.

Fernand ...

What do you want me to tell you?

I like you very much, you know.

I like you like an older brother.

Do not ask me more than that or
you will lose our friendship.

Maybe because you are in
love with this sailor?

You know very well that Catalans
must marry each other.

It is a sacred law.

It's not a law, Fernand.
It is a custom.

Anytime now you will go to w*r.

If we are married,
what will become of me?

I have no money and
I am a poor orphan.


We're going to be rich,
I'm sure.

If you love me, Mercédès,
give me a chance.

The one you are waiting for,

Are you sure that he is
still thinking about you?

Everyone knows that sailors
have a woman in every port.

Fernand ...

I thought you were
good but i was wrong.

If Edmond disappears,
I will never accuse him of infidelity.

I will think he will
die loving me.

What if he forgets you?

I will die.


I didn't noticed
that there were three of us.

This is my cousin Fernand.

- You do not recognize him?
- Oh yes. Good morning.

Do you have an enemy at home?

Fernand is like a brother.


Don't think about it anymore.

The important thing is that
we are together.

- It's Catalan.
- That one?

You do not have time to talk
with friends if they are not Catalans?

you called me Monsieur Caderousse?

I called because the way you were running
I thought you were going to be thrown overboard

Sit down.

I hope this wine
is as good as the other.

This is better Monsieur Danglers.

Tell me the truth.

Did the beauty dismisses you away?

Mercédès is free
to marry whoever she wants.

I was told when
a Catalan is fired up

he is fiercer
than the mistral wind.

- And after?
- Anything...

Good luck to the new captain of Pharaoh

future spouse
of the beautiful Mercédès,

cousin of the brave
Fernand Mondego.


And come with the beautiful
Catalan, come here!

Are you so in love that
you don't even pay attention to your friends?

You are so proud
that you do not even speak to them?

Or are the Captain Stripes overshadowing you?

It is happiness that blinds me.

When is the wedding Mme. Dantès ?

It is bad luck to call me
by his last name before I get married.

Forgive Caderousse.
It was by mistake.

Is it soon?

Yes, we are celebrating the engagement here

You are all invited, Danglars.
And Caderousse as well.

I am very honored.
And is Fernand coming too?
If Mercédès considers him a
brother , so do I.

I'm sure that
Fernand agrees with you.

will you stay there dejected?
How magnificent for a Catalan!

And what do you want me to do
k*ll him?

Mercédès told me she is going to die

if anything happened to Edmond.

I know she is not lying.

she never lies.

We Catalans
do not lie.

Yes, but it's a shame.

You are a nice young man and I
would like to help.

I would also like to help
you , Fernand.

But do not k*ll Dantès.

Because itsn't necessary to k*ll
him to prevent the marriage.

Only death can separate them.

Absence can prevent
marriage as well as death.

Not for our people.

Suppose we build a wall
between Dantès and his beloved.

A wall?

Yes, a very thick wall.

A prison wall,
for example.

Madam, Our good
King does not

wants to be the
King of two France.

And, as always,

there was a gentleman who
complained that he still saw

eagles and the letter N
on the walls of the Tuileries ...

- Can not be.
- But yes!

Not to mention
bees pollinating the wall.

The King told him
Monsieur : "My friend"

"If you say another word, I will
put his bust over the fireplace ".

Let us trust his good sense.
And in your clairvoyance.

I consider the King
very lenient with the usurper

who refused, after
Brumaire, to leave the palace.

Notice how those
marshals abandoned him last year.

They understood how much

Napoleon was
dangerous for France.

Don't you agree, Monsieur de Villefort?


I remembered the Count de Salvier

How Napoleon's lackeys abandoned him

But the people, ma'am ...

the people have not forgotten it.

They still considers him the son of the

revolution , a model of
freedom and equality.

Of equality?

You know it smells like
revolution in the league?

But I forgive you

As the son of a Girondist
who became a Bonapartist

to retain some of
his tastes.

Mother, we should not talk about
these sad memories.

Especially today.

I would like to

humbly join my bride's request
I doubt that my father
is still a Bonapartist

As for me, I am a
monarchist , passionately.

Very well, my dear de Villefort.

I had the opportunity to
tell the Minister of the

Royal Family
last week .

Really, Monsieur Count?
Did you tell the King about me?

yes i did.

Imagine that the King is even aware of
your upcoming wedding

and this, always with desire
to gather all the French

in the same cloak
forgiveness and forgetfulness,

approves the alliance
of the son of a Girondin

with the daughter of an officer
of a Count army officer.

Let's forget the past.

But do not forget that Villefort
will always be watched.

I am a magistrate and I will do my

duty to the
monarchy without mercy.

I pray to
God to send you only

a few thieves and
few crooks.

If you want to see me
become a Royal Prosecutor

you must wish me
big criminals.

His secretary
Royal Prosecutor asks

to talk with
Monsieur de Villefort.

- Not today!
- Renee ...

With your permission.

My respects, Monsieur Substitute.

I'm sorry to
bother you on your engagement day.

What is it?

This here.

Monsieur Prosecutor
is absent until Monday.

I took the liberty to
open that letter that

was left under the door
this morning.

Now look at that.

If this letter is not the
work of a prankster, it is ...

Bonapartist coup.

That's it, Monsieur Substitute.

What a serious look on such
a happy day!

Doesn't everything goes according
with your wishes?

This is precisely what
scares me so much.

All this happiness seems too easy

and I deserve to be
the husband of Mercédès.

This is still just the engagement.

Try it as a husband
and see how you will be recieved!

A Catalan does not embark on this.

there is no point in contradicting me for
such a little thing, Caderousse.

Dear friends, in an hour and a half

Mercédès will be my wife .

As well

Thanks to Monsieur Morrel,
who pulled a few strings,

our Mayor awaits us
in City Hall.

He arrived on the th in the morning
and home on the th at :.

Do not come here and tell me

that sailors are not dispatched!

The engagement banquet
is a wedding banquet.

- You fooled us well.
- They won't be lost.

We take a leap in Paris and
in eight days we return.

And then, the real thing...
wedding banquet.

My friends...

My friends...

I would like...

I would like to say ...

My friends...

In the name of the King

Tell me which one of you
is Edmond Dantès.

I am.

In the name of the law, you are under arrest.

And may i know what the reason is?

I do not know.

Monsieur Commissioner,
it's definitely a mistake, for sure.

If it is wrong, Monsieur Morrel,
it will be promptly fixed .

In the meantime, I have an
arrest warrant here.

How can they arrest
my child for no reason?

- And right at the time of the wedding?
- I do not know.

perhaps you may not have completed
some customs formalities.

So why use force?

The fiancé is not a k*ller.

I obey orders, Mademoiselle.

The error will be cleared up
and I will not even go to jail.

Father, I trust you.

Friends, I will be back soon.

This is definitely just a misunderstanding
which will make us laugh a lot.

I will go with you gentlemen.

Monsieur Substitute...

Imagine that an incredible mistake
has just been made.

They arrested the first mate of my ship.

I know, dear Monsieur.

In the absence of the royal prosecutor
I will interrogate the prisoner.


Monsieur de Villefort, Dantès
is the most honest man and one

of the best officers
of the Merchant Navy in Marseille.

One can be honest,
to command a ship perfectly

and be a big scammer.

Celerado, or Dantès?

a politician , needless to say.

We have a legitimate
King for eleven months.

Who dreams of overthrowing
the legal power of the King

you must learn that this
type of crime is punishable by law.

It is also your opinion,
is not it, Monsieur Morrel ?

I beg you...

Be good Monsieur de Villefort, and give
us poor Dantès back.

If youe are innocent,
there is nothing to fear.

If found guilty, impunity
would be a fatal example

in this turbulent time
that France is beginning to heal.

I will do my duty, dear Monsieur.
Only that.

Here are all the
papers we found

with the prisoner
and in his cabin.

This man served
in the Imperial Navy?

I am referring to the previous regime.

No Monsieur.

Send him in.

Sit down.

What were you doing at the time
of your arrest?

I was at my engagement party with my
fiancé , Monsieur.


I do not know the reason
of my arrest.

I do not know anything that
might interest the police.

you have an extreme political
views to say the least

I do not have much to say about this.

I never had what
is called a political point of view.


My horizons were always limited
on the path of my future.

Except when I think of
my fiancée, of course.

- Do you have enemies?
- No.

I hold a very modest position.

How do you explain this letter that
addressed to the royal prosecutor?

They left it under
the door last night.

"Monsieur Royal Prosecutor is warned
by a friend of the throne and religion "

" this Edmond Dantès, the
first mate "

" arrived this morning after
a stopover on the island of Elba "

"He is a bearer of a letter
sent by the usurper "

" To the Bonapartist
committee Paris".

"You will find this letter
with him or in his cabin ".

Do you recognize the letter?

i do not.

But I would say they will have
disguised the letter.

Yes, as in most
anonymous letters.

Tell me honestly.

What is the truth
in this whole story?

Here is the purest truth
on my honor as a sailor.

We anchored at Portoferraio
and Captain Leclerc went to the island.

There, Marshal Bertrand
gave him a letter to take to Paris.

Then the captain fell ill
and d*ed at Cape Corso.

Before he dies, he entrusted to me that letter

and made me swear I would
deliver it for him. That's all .

And did you fulfill this oath?


I fulfilled the dying man's will , Monsieur.

For my captain.

You are guilty for
being reckless.

Be less of a
fool next time,

give me the letter
and return to your fiancée.

I am free?

Do not leave Marseille.
Do i have your word?

I do.

The letter, please.

Monsieur have it,
they took all my papers.

Addressed to a Monsieur Noirtier.


Yes, Noirtier.
Coq-Heron street in Paris.

Do you know this Noirtier?

Of course not.

I am a faithful servant of the King.

I do not know conspirators.


Does anyone else knows about
this letter from

the island of Elba, address
to Monsieur Noirtier?

No, except for the one who
gave it to me but he is dead.

And he says to ignore the content.

How could I know him?

My young friend, the accusations are

very serious .

The main thing is this ...

... and I destroy it.

After that, I hope that you
trust me.

Your kindness won me over.

Listen carefully to my advice.

To release you, I have to
to consult the investigating judge.

I will keep you here at the
palace until nightfall.

Whatever happens , do not say
anything to anyone about the letter.

It no longer exists.

If they tell you about
it , deny it!

Deny it and you will be saved.

I will deny it, Monsieur.
Do not worry.

Follow the Commissioner.

All these soldiers
just because of me?

Where are they taking me?

- You will find out soon enough.
- No.

I want to know now.

You are a sailor, you know
Château d'if?

Château d'if?

Are you going to imprison me
at Château d'if?


Come, bring him.


I'm the fiancée
of Edmond Dantès.

What did you do to him ? Answer me.

The man to whom the girl
talking about is a big criminal.

A criminal?


It is not possible.

where is he?

His whereabouts are no longer my concern
Come now, Mercédès.

"Sing to the Deaf"

Your Majesty may be
right in counting on the wisdom of France,

but I think I'm not mistaken
in fearing a desperate attempt.

On Horace's part?

"Pastor quum traheret"

- Sir ...
- I'm working, Blakas.

I have a very happy note
for the "Pastor quum traheret".

Monsieur Baron Dandre.

Baron, tell him
Duque de Blaka

what did you learn recently
about Bonaparte.

Imagine that
Island of Elba is one

volcano that will spew
Bonaparte here.

Monsieur Duque, Bonaparte does not
intend to get along with the locals.

For the time being he only takes care
of his pastures and mules.

and good food for
the silkworms.

I am not unawre that a kind of
fermentation is hanging over

the kingdom, but
that does not worry me.

France is not measured
by a thousand men.

the Monsieur Minister of Police will not be mistaken

I am the one who is wrong.

- However, Monsieur ...
- Yes?

Your Majesty could
interrogate the person I told you about.

I will hear it.

You have more recent
reports than this?

I will recieve another at any time.

I left this morning.
However, it must already have arrived.

You should go and see.

Just an instance, Monsieur. I will go
with one foot and will return on the other.

My messenger traveled
leagues by mail

in just three days, Monsieur.

And Monsieur de Salvieux strongly recommended
this young Villefort to me.

Villefort, the Substitute?


Why did not you tell me
immediately ? I know him very well.

High spirited, Serious ...

Ambitious, above all .

To get where he wants ,
He will sacrifice everything.
Even his own father.

Let him in, please.

"Justum et tenacem propositi virum"

Come on in, Monsieur de Villefort.

Excuse me.

Monsieur Duque de
Blaka insists that Monsieur

have something important to
tell us.

Sir, on the performance of my duties
it allowed me to realize a conspiracy

is threatening the throne
of Your Majesty.

The usurper has armed three ships.

By this time he would have already left
the island of Elba in the direction of France.

He ran away?

How did you find out about these details?

I personally interrogated one
sailor I keep under surveillance.

His mission was to announce it's
plan to the Bonapartists in Paris.


Sir, a terrible misfortune.

What is it?

The usurper disembarked
in the Gulf of Juan.

did he land?

It is an act of madness.

A few guards will be enough to
do justice.

It seems that no one
opposed his march.

He moves towards
Lyon via Gap and

Sisteron, where should
arrived today.

Here is the dispatch.

It was just delivered to me
now at the gates of the Tuileries.

Behold, Bonaparte
marches on to Paris.

We have to stop him.
Who forwarded you the order?

- The telegraph, Sire.
- Did it take three days?

From Marseilles, the
Marshal Masséna sent a

courier to Lyon, that is
as far as the telegraph goes.

And here Monsieur De Villefort
is faster on the road

than your mail
and your telegraph!

Sire, it's catastrophic.

It was imcompetence, Monsieur!
And ineptitude!

You're right.

This can also be called
a fatality.

But Monsieur, who is a simple
Magistrate of Marseille, without

agents , informants,
spies or covert funding,

knows more than
you and the entire police!

Sir, I just took advantage of the opportunity
as a dedicated server.

Are you sure you're settled
in your father's house?

No Monsieur.

I'm at the hotel Madrid.

But will you at least see him?

I do not intend to, Monsieur.

I forgot that they are not
on good terms.

I have to reward you

for this new sacrifice
for the monarchical case.

We will not forget you,
rest assured.

In the meantime, accept this
cross from the Legion of Honor.

What are your Majesty's orders?
Rest as much as you need

and return to Marseille,
where you will be very helpful.

Sire, in an hour I will
have left Paris.

Monsieur you got off on the right foot.

Your out of luck.

Number has been here
for a year and a half.

He tried to k*ll with the keys.

He is a real devil.

- Do you want to file a complaint?
- It is futile.

Trust me in my experience.

Another year and he will
have gone completely mad.

So much the better for him,
he will suffer much less.

I'll go in to see him.

I'm an inspector,
I have to inspect.

let's do it.

Who are you ?

Monsieur De Boville Inspector
General of Prisons.

So you are justice personified.

May he have pity on a wretched one that
plead in the name of Christ.

to this madness he has been given devotion.

What do you have to ask?

I beg you tell me what
crime i have commited, Monsieur.

I ask you to me give me a judge.

I ask for instructions of my process.

Let them sh**t me if I am guilty.

Is he well fed?

It does not matter.

The important thing for me,
is justice and for the

King, is that no innocent person die
buried alive

cursing their executioners.

My dear friend,

you tried to att*ck the guard ,
so they told me.

I was arrested for no reason!

I was mad with rage.

And you are not anymore?

Captivity k*lled me.

I am here for an eternity.

Only a year and a half has passed.

Just a year and a half?

It is only months.

You do not know what
months is in prison.

months for one
man accustomed to

sea air ,
in space, is an infinity.

I was going to marry my beloved,
to take command of a ship.

On that wonderful day
I was thrown into the most terrible darkness

without going to court!

Without judgment.

Without knowing if she still loves me.

Without knowing if my old
father is still alive.

I do not ask for mercy, Monsieur!

Only judges.

You can not deny them
judges to an accused.

I understand.

I will look at your file
I promise you.

So I'm saved.

Thank you Monsieur.

Poor devil ...

You will show me
his prison record.

Of course, Monsieur General Inspector.

Now we have a graphic sample
that should cheer your mood.

I mean, you don't care.
This is a real lunatic.

Absolutely authentic.

Number , known as

Abbé Faria, leader of an
Italian party.

He has been here since .

And what is his madness?

He thinks he has an immense treasure.

Offering millions to the
government for his freedom.

One million
more with each passing year.

If my computations are correct,
He should offer you six.

Here is the registration number .

Edmond Dantès.
convinced Bonapartist. "

"He took an active part in
return from the island of Elba ".

"Keep in the strictest confidence
and under the strictest supervision ".

This note was
added by the investigating judge.

Which judge?

Monsieur de Villefort.

That de Villefort already has
a good career behind him.

Despite just being only
years old, he was appointed prosecutor.

He seems to be held in high esteem
in Tuileries.

But tell me ...

Let's see, he already did ...

... months.

That means Edmond
Dantès was arrested on

eve of return
of the usurper, right?

Yes, it was
February .

Normally he should
had been released from prison

as soon as Napoleon
arrived in Paris.

I know that Monsieur de Villefort stayed
here for a hundred days, and if he decided

not to release Dantès,
he must have had a good reasons.


The accusation is very serious
and not safe to discuss.

there's nothing to do . [ /i]

-Any news for me?
- They brought nothing.

Six months have passed since
the inspector visited me.

It has to be a
very special case.

It's Sunday, Admiral!

I'm talking to you.

are you sick?
Do you want me to call a doctor?

If you do not want to say anything,
I can do nothing for you.

My God...

Who speaks about God?

Who ? [ /i]


Speak again

Who are you ?

And you ? [ /i]

I am prisoner number .

How long have you been here ? [ /i]

From February , .

And you?

I am number .

Where does your cell go?

To a covered corridor.

And there are galleries below
sea level.

So much work for nothing.
I was wrong.

I thought that this was the fortress wall

- Did you want to get to the sea?
- Yes.

To swim away.

I would not have the strength.

I would have.

I am stronger than I look.

So much wasted time lost.

It seems impossible to
escape from your cell.


- And then?
- Nice work.

It took me four years to dig

with the help
of these tools.

- Tools?
- Yes.

It took me two years to make them.

I have everything except a file.

I made a chisel with
the foot of a bed,

a pair of pliers

and a lever.

Help me out.

My treasure.

What is it?

My treatise
on the possibility

of a general and unique
monarchy in Italy.

I finished it eight days ago.

And the paper?

Two shirts were enough.

I invented a preparation
leaving the fabric smooth

and compact as parchment.

Monsieur is a chemist.

A little, maybe.

I corresponded with Lavoisier
and lived with Campanis.

I am the Abbé of Faria.

I was born in Rome.

I was secretary for twenty years
of Cardinal Rospigliosi.

I had a library at my disposal
with about five thousand volumes.

Reading them and
re -reading them, I realized

with well-selected works

the totality of knowledge is obtained .

I knew almost volumes
outside when I was arrested.

And wrote it in ink and quill?


with soot

mixed with wine they gave
us on Sundays.

the feathers.

I made them with cartilage
of horrible Hake

which they serve to us on Fridays.
And shape them ...

Here is the Kn*fe.
It is my masterpiece.

I made it with an old iron
candlestick I found there in a corner.

To light me

fat from the abominable
Sunday meals

only the chef of the Château d'if
knows the secret.

I kept it.

I spared my stomach
and made this candle

that I light with
these two stones

and with this reversal.

Very well.

What would you do if
were you free?

Nothing, maybe.

Misfortune is necessary
to grow

intelligence and give birth to ingenuity .

The prosecutor was very kind.
warm even.

I was returning that day
to my fiancée.

After dark, some
guards took me to the port

and they brought me here on a boat.

If you want to find the culprit,
as an axiom of the law says,

look for who will
benefit from the crime.

Who could
benefit from your disappearance?

No one.

Everyone liked me a lot on board the Pharaoh.

- Any quarrels on the ship?
- No.

Ah yes...

With whom?

With the book keeper, Danglars.
But he had already forgotten.

I was just promoted to captain

would you keep this
Danglars at his post?

I don't think so.

Could he have heard Captain Leclerc last words
about the letter
from the great Marshal Bertrand?

It's possible.

Danglars is indiscreet by nature

We are on the right track.
Second question ...

Was there anyone interested in

marrying Mercédès?


A young Catalan
named Fernand Mondego.

I think he could not be able
to write that letter.

Did he know Danglars?

- Yes.
- Now there it is!

On the eve of my wedding
I saw them in the tavern of old Pamfilos

with a neighbor of my father,
the tailor Caderousse.

How could I not remember that?

At the table they drank,
Danglars was doing figures, [ /i]

He had an inkwell and paper . [ /i]

"Monsieur Royal Prosecutor was notified. "

by a friend of the throne
and religion "

"That Edmond Dantès ..."

That's how it all happened. It was him ! [ /i]

Danglars wrote the letter ! [ /i]

Let's move on to something else.

- Who interrogated you?
- Substitute for the royal prosecutor.

But he treated me very kindly.

- Until the end of the interrogation?
- Yes.

When he saw what was at stake for me ...

... it looked darker.

But soon he showed me great
sympathy and burn the letter.


In the fireplace.

To whom was it addressed to?

To a Monsieur ... Noirtier.

- On Rue Coq-Héron, Paris.
- Noirtier?

I once knew one
Noirtier at Piombino.

He was an official of the empire
Girondino during the Revolution.

He was a loyal Bonapartist.

- What was the name of the Substitute?
- Monsieur de Villefort.

How old was he?

Between and years old.

The Noirtier I told you about, to whom

the letter from the great Marshall Bertrand was addressed to
was called not only Noirtier

but Noirtier de Villefort.

He is definitely the father
of this honest judge

that showed you so much ...

... sympathy .


What have you?

A terrible evil will att*ck me.

It has already att*cked me once.

Remove the bar from the
foot of my bed.

On the right foot.

Take the bottle inside.

Quickly pour the
content into my mouth.

you have been saved!

The third time, I will

be paralyzed or die.

If no one helps me ...

I swear I will never leave you!

You will be rewarded for your
generosity , my son.

From this day,

half of my treasure
belongs to you.

Yes, I know what's on your mind.

I'm in jail for
over fifteen years,

but I'm not crazy.
The treasure exist.

One day it will belong to you.

Do you know the island of Monte-Cristo?

In a cave on this island

hides the entire fortune of
one of the noblest

and the richest Romans
of the Borgian era,

Cardinal Spada. [ /i]

How did you know about
this treasure?

The last Count
of Spanda who d*ed

bequeathed to me
the cardinal's breviary,

the breviary he had in prison.

When I read it
I found this paper

written in

invisible ink that
accidentally popped out.

It is made with lemon juice.

The cardinal's will?

«On this rd of April »

"I buried it in the cave
on the small island of Monte-Cristo »

"Everything I had in gold ingots,
coins , jewelry and stones »

" And that will be about
two million Roman Bullion ".

In this corresponded to
or million francs in gold.

"To find this treasure it is
necessary to lift the twentieth rock "

' From the small cove on the
east side, in a straight line as the crow flies ".

"In these caves
two openings were made ".

"The treasure is in
farthest corner of the second '.

Edmond now you also needs
to know this text by heart.

Come on, tell me your lesson.

In these caves
two openings were made .

The treasure is located in
farthest corner of the second.

In this part of the island.

This is just a chimera.

The treasure will not be
more mine than yours.

One day you will have it.

Does it matter?

the real treasure

is to have you with me
as much as possible.

Hearing you made me a different man.

Well, I will repeat to you
and in fact I will predict ...

When I am gone, you will regain
your freedom.

If that day comes,

thanks to you, I will do
great things.

This time, my son, it's over.


I will save you as before.


Run, my son.

Go away, otherwise I will suffer.


Do not forget.



... your fortune.

We need to make sure
that he is dead.

I assure you, Monsieur.

But we must observed
the formalities prescribed by law.

- Complete the job.
- No Monsieur.

It 's still heavy for such
a thin old man.

It must be his weight of
treasure he had in his head.


Hey, you on the boat!

On the boat ! [ /i]

There is a man at sea!

Turn back !

Who are you ?

A sailor ...

... from Malta.

You look more like
a robber rather than a sailor

with that beard and that mark.

This is...

... a promise I made
at Notre Dame de Pie de la Grotta.

I'm a devotee.


Let's go to Ljorn.

Do you know the route?

It 's over there.

We avoid the Island of Rion.

You know the craft.

Something is happening
at the Château d'if.

It is an alarm cannon.

Some prisoner escaped.

To the fugitive's health.

In Monte-Cristo
there is a lot to hunt.

I will arrage you a nice dinner.

We raised anchor at six o'clock.

I'm going with you.


What happened?

I fell badly and I have broken something ...

- I'll take you to the boat. - No.

If I have to get up,
I prefer to die.


He does not want us to take him
to the boat.

So Maltese ?
we can not leave you here.

Let's get some food and drink.

We will leave in the evening.

Until then, get well.

You are a very good captain, but
I can not get in your way.

I was reckless
and I have to pay for it.

I can not delay you to
deliver a shipment worth piastres.

Leave me some cookies,
water and amm*nit*on ...

... and leave.

- I'll stay with you.
- No.

Jacopo, I do not need anyone.

I'll take care of it myself,
I know some herbs that can cure.

You can come pick me up from Corsica.

It will be at least eight days.

You will find me standing.

I told you so.

What did you say to him?

That you are not a man
who speaks lightly.

Faria ...