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02x19 - The Road Back

Posted: 10/06/23 16:46
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

Whoa, whoa.

(male #) 'Right, I see.

'Yeah, and how long has this building been your..'

Margaret, got it? Take that.

[indistinct chatter]

(Spenser) I can sum up in one word

why I don't like to do bodyguard work. Dull!

No action, no thinking.

Just stand around and watch.

So why did I agree to work for Dan Mahaffey?

For one thing, he's sort of a rarity

a politician I could trust.

(male #) 'Now, why would you voluntarily..'

[indistinct chatter]

Doesn't look like a friendly block party.

- You sure you wanna stay here? - Are you kidding?

Confrontation is mother's milk to a politician.

I don't got that kind of money in one chunk.

Hold on one second, please.

Mr. Mahaffey, you're running for the state senate

as a champion of the homeless.

Would you share your feelings with us

as to what's going on here today?

I said get your hands off it!

- Give it to me! - Gladly.

This is just the sort of action on the part of the landlords

in our targeted areas.

They can result in only one thing and that is

to put yet more homeless on the streets of Boston.

Give me that!

Go back in. They can't just throw us out.


Wanna bet?

Now, you and the old lady, pick up this junk

and take off.

Now, this is not some made-up media event.

This is not some publicity gimmick.

Tommy, no! You get away.

Come with me.

(female #) 'You leave him alone, you..'


[indistinct chatter]

Mind if I join the fun?

- Leave the lady alone, huh. - Who is that guy?

You want some of this, too, pal?

Well, just a taste.


[indistinct chatter]

- That's enough, Joe. - Not yet.

Why, you haven't had your butt kicked enough yet?

That why I guess the big bucks k*ll.

Will this type of incident cause you to reconsider

allowing these people to stay, Mr. Shore?

These people hold no leases.

They're all behind in the small rents they're charged.

As owner of this building, I've legal right to evict them.

Doesn't it matter to you at all, Shore

where these people go

where they spend tonight, tomorrow night?

If you've any further questions about my business

you can take it up with my lawyers. Excuse me.

Gentleman, you see, this is exactly what we're--

Just who are you?

Name is Spenser. I work for the good guy.

- I see. - No, you don't.

Guys like you never do.

This is an issue of humanism. This is..

(Rita) 'Now, this is your, uh, what meal?'

My Spenser four-course aphrodisiac special.

I serve it only to attractive assistant DAs

who are going away for a week to trial attorney's convention.

It makes for a wing-ding final night.

Well, if this is some love concoction

how come there aren't raw oysters and peeled grapes--

See, you're just like everybody else

who've seen Tom Jones too many times.

What we are going to have is exactly what's required.

We begin with the cool crisp sweetness of a Waldorf salad.

And then, the subtle yet stinging heat

of a caging corn chowder

and then the meat, veal

a very sexy meat, by the way.

[speaking in foreign language]

- Ooh! - God.

The name alone drive you nuts.

And then for dessert..

...chard roots. Can you stand it?

You know, you could win an Oscar for that reading.

But just what makes you think

that I need an aphrodisiac special, anyway?

Who's talking about you?

You know, I have my own special recipe

for this sort of thing, too.

- Well? - Yeah, well, that works, too.

Why don't we start eating and get this frenzy going?

- You telling me what to do? - Mm-hmm.


You know, this isn't exactly adding to the romance.

Yeah, well, turn it off.

Hey, what is this?

That is me throwing a great left hook.

Sit down.

Would you mind telling me

why you're punching someone

and in front of Dan Mahaffey?

- You know Mahaffey? - Yeah.

I've known him since he was a city councilman.

I'm working for him.

Now, why would a candidate for the state senate need a PI?

Oh, he got a few phone calls, a couple of anonymous letters.

Oh, no. Because of his campaign issue for the homeless shelters?

- You know about his program? - Yes. Very well.

Well, I think it's a great idea. It's long overdue.

I mean, I knew there'd be opposition to it

but I never dreamed it escalating

to threats of v*olence.

- Somebody's desperate. - The building owners.

Not all of them, but one or two are prime candidates.

You see, if they operate their rat traps as tenements

they make millions.

But if Mahaffey is elected and his bill passes

he can buy those buildings for next to nothing

which is exactly what they're worth.

So somebody is concerned enough to try to scare him.

I hope that's all it is.

[telephone ringing]

Mm, you know, it's really getting tough

to throw hot dinner parties these days.

- Yeah, just starting to work. - Spenser.

(man on phone) 'Dump Mahaffey or it's gonna get dangerous.'

Look, before I get too frightened to speak

'let me tell you how underwhelmed I am'

with your phone call. You wanna try something with me?

Just name the place.

Like I said, somebody's desperate.

[instrumental music]

(Dan) 'Thousands of them.'

'Some forced to the streets'

'from business or family collapses.'

'Some because they just couldn't cope any longer'

'and simply gave up.'

Saddest of all are those who aren't even aware.

The mentally ill who make up

such a huge percentage of the homeless.

I wonder if we see them at all.

They either become such fixtures

that we just kinda look right through 'em.

We need programs like yours.

Something to offer a way back to those who have drifted away.

You think it's good for your, uh, your image

as a tough hard-bitten PI

to show such signs of intelligence and sensitivity?

And it'll be better for business

I could build myself as the beast with a heart.


[instrumental music]

This place is perfect. It's already empty.

An old machine shop over , square feet.

[intense music]

- Take a look inside-- - Get down!

- My God! - Get out!

Go on, get outta here.


[tires screeching]

[speaking in foreign language]

[dramatic music]


[music continues]





[music continues]

[siren blaring]

Slow down, will you?

You wanna k*ll him on the way to the hospital?

What do you want, sarge, miles an hour

with a multiple-g*nsh*t case?

Well, just tell 'em to take it easy.

Slow down, he's getting edgy.

You'd be a good nurse, Frank.

Hey, Spenser, you're awake.

That's good. That's great. Listen, just..

Just lie still, don't move around.

Mm, don't worry about that.

[exhales sharply] What are you doing here?

I, I was about three blocks away.

I get the call on the police radio.

I found you in the street.

- How did I look? - Awful.

You still do. How is it?

Mm, you tell me.

You got one in the shoulder, one in the lower back.

Mm, yeah, that one's talking to me.

But the shoulder's alright.

Yeah, well, you-you just relax.

Have you with a doctor in a minute.

Will you tell Mario Andretti to try driving on four wheels

for cryin' out loud?

(male #) 'Hey, take it easy. He's getting nervous back there.'

[instrumental music]

[exhales sharply]

[knocking on door]

[tapping on door]

Recognize that cadence anywhere.

- Ah.. - Spenser!


Good gracious of me, man.

You look like a present all wrapped up that nobody wants.

Yeah, but you know me, I got a hide of steel.

- Ah. Yeah. - Well, would you?

b*ll*ts just bounced off, didn't it?

[both laughing]

They call me Mr. Rhino, you know?

Uh-huh, well, tell us, Mr. Rhino

where you barely got grazed.

Yeah, they shot me in the side. Blew off one of my love handles.

I've been trying to get rid of those for years anyway.

Then I took one in the shoulder, uh..

It's not doing as well, but I don't have any pain.

Doctor only kept me in the hospital four days

said I could even work out if I don't overdo it.

Well, how did a thing like this happen

to a slick, elusive young man like yourself?

I was chasing a sh**t, turned out to be two.

- Two? - Yeah. Ring a bell?

Mm. Don't know too many teams that work the sh**t route.

- Ain't a team no more. - I dig.

Maybe I'll toss a few questions and see

if anybody heard of this act that, uh, just broke up.

You care to join me?

I can't, I got an appointment

at the Phillips Clinic in two hours.

So? Well, you fine, right?

Yeah, I'm fine, but I gotta get ready, you know?

But I thought you said it was two hours.

It's gonna take me that long to get my shirt buttoned.


Well, uh, if I get anything

I'll get it back to you in a short shot.

- Alright. - Meanwhile..

You knock 'em dead at the clinic.

- Clinic. - Hm.

- Two hours. - Yeah.

[Hawk laughs]

You were shot in the brachial plexus, Mr. Spenser.

It's where the four nerves that control

the entire right arm are centered.

At the moment at least, you're without use

'of your hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder.'

- Doesn't leave much, does it? - No, it doesn't.

Here I thought I had to worry about the wound to the back.

Nah, it's very minor.

The b*llet passed through the subcutaneous tissue

and exited clean.

So what do we do about the arm?

Right, well, the diagnostic problem, Mr. Spenser

is to determine whether any or all of the nerves

have been transected, that is cut

or if you're suffering from a neuropraxia.

- Oh, God. No, not that. - Sorry.

That's-that's medical ease for a severe bruising.

You were shot with a . as*ault r*fle?

This is a w*apon of tremendous muzzle velocity.

Here's the b*llet I pulled out of you, right there.

The force of the impact caused a concussion great enough

to put the nerves in shock, to stop them functioning.

Doc, when are we gonna know?

Okay, I'm ordering a test called an EMG

to probe for nerve response.

But the test isn't conclusive for a while.

Until then, I'm gonna set you up in therapy.

I have to tell you that in either case

if the therapy is ineffective, you'll be facing surgery.

Well, in that case, why don't we just get on with the surgery?

Well, the nerves may regenerate on their own.

As to the operation, there are risks involved.

Primarily, that the axillary artery could be damaged.

The result could be amputation of the arm.


Like I said

therapy sounds like a good place to start.

Do you know what I think, doc?

Personally, I think it's gonna come back on its own.

I sincerely hope so, Mr. Spenser.

But it's important for what follows

that you begin to consider the facts.

There is a chance that you may never use your right arm again.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]


You still got the edge on this one, babe.

Bag ain't got no arms.

I'm gonna have

to register my left hand as a lethal w*apon.

This w*apon might be a good thing to have.

I've got some news about that twosome of yours.

Couple of Frenchies from Canada.

We ain't got enough pros in town, we gotta import 'em now?

- Dig that. - Well..

That's probably where the other one's gone.

Pro misses a hit, he usually clears outta town fast.

Unless it's personal like a family matter.

Those two were brothers.

Besides, the man who hired a brother act

might want a piece of you for messing up his hit.

Yeah, well, I stand warned.

I can take care of myself.

Well, time was you could good as anybody

but you are missing some equipment right on through here.

I'm gonna be fine, alright?

Mm-hmm, soon as you pass through vulnerable.

Isn't it time for you to take a shower or something, huh?

Suppose so.


You try it in a couple of weeks.

You a thinking man, Spenser, huh?

Think! Life you lead, two-handed game, babe!



[vehicles honking]

[door bells chiming]

[engine revving]

[car honks]


- 'Hey.' - Hey. Hi.

Why didn't you call me?

I mean, I had to hear it third-hand

from some lady at the office when I phoned in.

I wish she had told you I was alright.

You shouldn't have cut your trip short.

Oh, yeah, I hate to drag me home

over a little thing like getting shot.

I've been shot before.

Well, until I see that arm in action again

uh, I'm gonna help you.

- I don't need a nursemaid. - I said, "Help."

I didn't say I was gonna devote my life to you, Spenser, okay?

So you can save the macho act.

Now, uh, I gotta check-in in my office

but, um, I'll arrange something for dinner.

Tomorrow, huh?

Okay, um, how's seven o'clock here?

- Good. - Great.

And don't bother with the door, uh

I can get that myself.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) 'I've got a lead on the actual sh**t.'

We find out who the sh**t was, we'll find out who hired him.

Well, that, uh, won't be necessary.

- You hired somebody else? - No.

I've done what I should've done when the threats first began.

I only took them half-seriously and you suffered because of it.

I have dropped the homeless proposal from my campaign.

- You've what? - 'It's done.'

And it's not open for discussion.

I'm sure bravado and the disregard of fear

are assets in your line of work, Mr. Spenser

but not in mine.

(Dan) 'Now, I suggest you look after yourself'

'because I am out of this now.'

A guy can appreciate what you're going through.

One minute you're leading a perfectly normal life

the next thing, somebody's trying to blow your head off.

It's obscene, I agree.

But running and hiding is not the answer.

I have a wife and two children.

What about them?

Don't you think that the people

who're trying to k*ll you don't know that?

They're counting on it!

They're counting on that to add to the fear.

We've got to find a way to protect you and your family

so you can do what you believe in

'what you know is right.'

I'm sorry. I can't.

They sure know their business, don't they?

The use of fear. Look how well it works.

[door shuts]

Okay, now, let's take it easy. There you go.

Feels odd, doesn't it?

To have someone lift your arm?

Yeah, I'd say it feels a little odd.

I'm gonna manipulate your arm.

Hey, lady, I won't be manipulated.

It's called passive ranging.

I knew it had to be called something.

Well, for one thing, it guards against muscle atrophy.

And what I'm really looking for is any kind of nerve response.

Well, we'll look together, huh?

- Yeah, that's.. - 'It's easier than yesterday.'

Hi. You're new here.

Yeah, I just got here.

- My name is Todd. - Hi, Todd. My name is Spenser.

- How you doing? - Alright.

- Your arm, huh? - Yeah, my arm.

Did you have an accident?

Yeah, sort of. I got shot.

Wow! You a cop?

[chuckles] No.

As a matter of fact, I'm a private investigator.

You're kidding. Like on television?

No. Not like on television. More like in Charlestown.

- Man, that's neat. - Okay, Todd, run along now.

Mr. Spenser and I have work to do.

Okay. Guess I'll be seeing you around here, Spenser.

Yeah, I guess so.

Great. I wanna hear how you got shot.

And don't worry about the arm.

It's a problem now, but you'll learn to live with it.

You'll see.

(female #) 'It's great.'

Looks like you've made a friend.

I've got a feeling Todd doesn't have trouble making friends.

[chuckles] I've read your file.

Would you like to hear more about your injury?


Is it okay if I'm medically specific?

Use as many big words as you like.

Oh, good. I get to show off.


Well, the four nerves that are affected

are the ulnar, the radial and the medium.

'And then there's that one that's hard to spell'

'the musculocutaneous.'

'Together, they all control the movements of your arm.'

Great job.

[indistinct chatter]

You can watch in the mirror.

(female #) 'They're an amazing group of people, Mr. Spenser.'

'They're all here with different conditions'

but they're all after the same goal.

To cope with their disabilities.

- The human spirit. - 'Mm.'

You know, I've never seen a co-worker

or even a visitor that spent time here

leave without feeling somehow renewed from the experience.

Uh, are you finding anything?

No. Nothing.

I expected as much.

- 'Does that frighten you?' - Well, yeah, a little.

- 'Well, you're allowed.' - Oh, thanks.

[chuckles] One thing I found

that's important, especially, in new patients

is not to bury that fear, that urge to panic even.

- I'm a long way from panicking. - Oh, I see.

Well, I'm sorry, I usually say that at least

in the first meeting to cover all the times you feel the pain.


[sighs] Uh, how much longer?

A long time.

Your body's been damaged, Mr. Spenser.

Perhaps, irreparably, perhaps not.

'And it's new and it's scary.'

'And it might just be the most difficult battle'

'you'll ever fight'

because it means more than just your arm.

It affects the entire way you live your life.

[instrumental music]

[engine revving]

Try to keep some of the salad in the bowl, will you, Frank?

Hey, come on. When I toss, I toss, alright?

Hey, uh, you know what this needs? Some radishes.

- In a bag right here. - Yeah?

No. No. Now, you remember the deal.

- Look, I could get a bag-- - You sit down.

- We make the meal. - Let the lady get the radishes.

- Come on, guys. - Come on.

I mean, besides, we owe you.

After all, how many meals have you made

for other people over the years?

That's right, this ain't one of them frou-frou jobs

like you cook up, Spenser.

It's real food, the kind you need while you're healing.

Dinner's almost ready. Time to open that red wine we brought.

I'll get it.

I'll take care of it. You might have a little trouble with this.

It's alright.




Let's do it.

That's how you announce dinner? "Let's do it?"

That's about all my mother used to say.


Hey, get the flowers, will you, Spenser?

What'd your mother used to say, Frank?

(Rita) Oh, please, don't encourage him.

She used to say, "Get your butts down to the table. Now!"

You do have a way with words.

- Frank. - Thank you very much.

First time I've ever seen you without a tie at dinner.

- Yes. - He looks good.

- It's for you, Spenser. - Here, let me get that.

I-I've got it. Thank you. It's fine, I got it.


- Here you go, Rita. - And a little for you.

Sir. Thank you, Frank.

Hey, Martin, I'm gonna give you lots of radishes.

- 'I don't mind the radishes.' - Do you take butter?

Maybe you'd like to put a bib on me, too.

No, but that reminds me

if you get your things together after dinner

I'll take them by the cleaner's for you tomorrow.

Thanks very much, but I think

I can find the cleaner's by myself.

[clears throat] Ladies and gentlemen

I would like to propose a toast to Spenser.

A royal pain in the butt, but a pretty good guy, anyway.

He toasts just like he announces dinner, huh?

- Cheers. - Salut.

To us, huh?

(Martin) 'This is not bad wine, you know that?'

Oh, and, uh, since you're such

a pretty good guy, we got you that.

What's this?

Well, you know, me and Marty were talking.

Since you're not gonna be back at work for a while

we figured, uh..

'Well, you know, all the guys wanted to chip in.'

It's a couple of hundred bucks.

Marty, I can't take this, guys. What are you--

(Frank) 'You have to. We can't give it back.'

No! Absolutely not.

The piece de resistance.

- Piece de.. - What'd he say?

The piece de resistance is what I said.

Wait till you see this. You'll love it!

Ooh, that smells good, Frank.

- Yeah, that smell-- - Oh, yeah!

- Check this out! - Friend of the butcher, huh?

That might be a little well-done.

But you know what my mother used to say

'"It's got to be well done.'

You don't want your steak dancing around the plate."

- Served beautifully, Frank. - You do have a way with words.

(Frank) 'It's bigger than you are, Martin.'

- 'I'll take it anyway.' - 'And it's hot!'

(Frank) 'Watch it! Watch it! Watch it!'

(Martin) 'Rita, I want you to try this.'

[instrumental music]

Here. Come on, let me help you.

Hey, uh, Spenser, let me give you a hand with it.

Just what my father used to do..

Will you stop? Just stop it!

I mean, you cook my meal, you cut my food

you give me charity, the next thing you know

you'll be taking me to the bathroom.

For God's sakes, I'm a grown adult.

- 'We're trying to help.' - Well..

Maybe I don't need all this help.

[door slams]

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) You said you had some information.

I haven't heard a damn thing yet.

(Hawk) You sure are in a brilliant mood this morning.

- Frenchy is definitely in town. - You know where?

Negative, but he's on the move. What's that supposed to mean?

He's gonna find me before I find him.

- Then what are you gonna do? - I'm gonna k*ll him!

- How are you gonna do that? - Any way I can.

You're a sure enough case.

Known you as a tough man, Spenser.

'Known as a brave man, seen that many times'

'but I've never known you as a fool.'

'It takes a fool to walk into the streets alone'

half-able to fight.

Well, that's just the point now, isn't it?

That's my life, on the streets.

[indistinct] I gotta know if I can do it alone.

I'm through with it.

[instrumental music]

- Hi. - Hi.

I called, the message said you'd be back soon

so, uh, I came over to wait.

Come on in.

I wanna tell you how badly I feel

about what happened last night.

- Rita-- - No, please.

I need to say this.

I mean, I was patronizing.

- I was coddling you. - Yup.

I was treating you as if you were helpless.

- It was wrong of me. - It was awful.


And I was so good about it.

You could've been better.

You wanna consider giving me another try?


Spenser, I wanna stay here with you

for a while, until..

I wanna be close to you.

You are.

But now is not the time for you to stay here.


I want you..

...but I've never needed to be alone more in my whole life.

Because you're hurt?

This isn't coming from pity

or some misguided sense of mercy.

Damn it, Spenser, I don't know if I love you

'but I do know that you mean more to me--'

You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.

'I want you in my life.'

But right now, for the first time

I'm not sure what that is.

[instrumental music]


...whatever it is..

I know.

[instrumental music]

Okay. Last set, ready?


- Oh. - Hm..

It's Will Parker.

The professional skier.

He was gonna try out for the ' Olympics.

I read about his accident.

Spinal damage.

Well, he's a worker, isn't he?


You know what he said to me after I had to tell him

he'd never be able to ski again?

He said, "Well, why, sure as hell I'm gonna walk."

Will and I had long talks about what it meant to him

to know that something that he'd trained

his whole life for was over.




And we've been through enough sessions

to expect to see some response if the nerves weren't severed.

- That means surgery, right? - Looks that way.

I'll call Dr. Hambrecht today.

'He'll probably wanna schedule soon'

within the next day or so.

Could you tell me about the surgery?

Well, it's, uh, it's delicate.

I don't know the extent of the damage

but, uh, I do know

that suturing nerves is difficult and..

- Not always successful. - No.

What are my chances?

Well, that's really for the doctor to say.

But, um, you know

what I would like to see you do going in

is avoid some of the traps

that I've seen so many of the others fall into.

You know, I've gotten to know you pretty well recently

and, uh, I doubt that you need this advice

but if you permit an old therapist..

[chuckles] Advise away.

Don't go in with false hopes

thinking that everything's gonna be fine

because it may well not be.

But also don't go in convinced that the surgery is gonna fail

and you're bound to be disabled for the rest of your life.

Be ready.


Yeah. Exactly.

And spend some time thinking.

Know where you're headed.

Then you won't have any surprises.

Thank you. I mean that.

I'm gonna miss our little sessions.

Oh, no you won't.

- I won't? - Mm-mm.

Who do you think is gonna work on you after your surgery?

Yeah, I'll be in good hands, huh?

Ugh, that's one of the worst puns

I've heard in a while, Spenser.

(Spenser) "Know where you'll be headed."

It sounded so simple.

My life until now had been a good now.

Exceptional to me for its richness.

Full of delights and small honors

tempered as all lives are with moments of sorrow

fear and pain.

Above all, it has been an active life.

Soldier, police officer, private detective.

And now it could all alter dramatically

and forever.

If I could no longer function

in the role I had set for myself

a new path would have to be discovered.

And it seemed only right

before I could decide where I was going

to once more appreciate where I had come from.

My need was to reach out for a love that was freely given..



Dad. Hi, I didn't wake you, did I?

(man on phone) 'Not at all. Something's wrong?'

No, nothing's wrong, I was, uh..

I was just thinkin' about you and I wanted to hear your voice.

'Oh, good. How is everything?'

- Well, busy, you know, hectic. - 'Uh-huh?'

Listen, dad, I was thinkin' about, uh

maybe taking some time off and coming out that way.

Haven't seen you in a long time.

[indistinct chatter on phone]

Yeah, I know it's pretty out there this time of year.

Yeah, well, I won't take too much more of your time.

I'll call you next week to let you know about me coming.

[indistinct chatter on phone]


'Take care. Bye. I love you.'

Yeah, I love you, too.

[indistinct chatter on phone]

[intense music]

[door thuds]


[speaking in foreign language]


[dramatic music]


[glass shatters]






[intense music]








[breathing heavily]


[instrumental music]

It's no longer a suggestion, Spenser.

I'm talking to you now as a homicide cop.

There was an attempted m*rder here four or five hours ago

you were the intended victim.

Until I find out who hired this guy

I'm puttin' a man on you around the clock--

Well, go right ahead, I'll lose him in five minutes.

- What? You got a death wish? - No. I don't have a death wish.

On the contrary.

Well, there's somebody out there

that's very determined to take you out.

Now, why won't you just accept some help?

Because it's personal.

Became personal when they tried to sh**t my client

it became real personal when they shot me instead.

It became too damn personal when they came

into my own home and tried to k*ll me.

Yeah, they unloaded a shotgun at you

tried to throw you out a window.

It's a miracle you're still alive.

It's amazing how little miracles

can change things for you.


Are you gonna help me on with this coat or not?

Oh, you are one bull-headed Irishman, aren't ya?

- You should talk. - There you go.


- Hey, Spenser.. - What?


Let me help you on with the sling.

- Okay, anything else? - Easy..

Up your head. Attaboy.

Try not to hurt your.. Here.

- I don't know.. - There.

Where the hell are you goin', anyway?

[indistinct chatter]

Little lesson in democracy.

I'm gonna go talk to my candidate.

[instrumental music]


Spenser, you startled me.

How are you feeling?

Disappointed, cheated, fed up.

Take your pick.

So how's the arm?

It's a mess.

But since I got hurt on the job

maybe I could file for workman's comp

retire on a big settlement.

Then you could hide your bureaucratic head

bury the problem, not think about it anymore.

Is that why you came here, to exercise your sarcastic wit?

No, I could do that anywhere.

No, this is kind of a field trip or research project.

Trying to find out why all your promises to the public

have become nothing more than hollow rhetoric.

Now, wait a minute. What right have you got to come--

I got shot doing my job.

I wanted to mean something more

than an excuse for you not to do yours.

So what do you suggest?

Shall we open the homeless program again

and see who gets shot this time?

Why don't you open it up again and save a few lives?

There are thousands who would benefit from your program.

Thousands more who would support it.

You, you and your colleagues have the power.

Don't let a bunch of thugs take it away from you.

Doesn't it bother you

that a few fat cats are laughing

how easy it was to shut Dan Mahaffey up?

[traffic bustling]

Yay, so my invisible eyes gettin' rusted.

I picked you up on my way over from our place.

You know, I may have to get myself a darker car.

Yeah, it might help.

I wonder how were you when I was hangin'

from a building last night.

You know, I got wind of that.

I heard some Canadian gentleman

did a one-and-a-half in a pipe position.

Wonderful form, terrible landin'.

The old Frenchy's been droppin' around you

like flies lately, babe.

Hired help. I'm looking for the contractor.

Damn! Ain't this your lucky day!

You are walking with a man who himself

got a call not two hours ago

asking him to sh**t somebody.

Who do they want you to sh**t?

A one-armed white man.

Doesn't sound real challenging to me.

Hell, no, 'cause the money is short

and the target's all banged up.

He will probably keel over by himself anyway. So--

Can we just stop this nonsense?

Now we're talkin' about Shore, right?

Yeah, man. You spoilin' all my fun.

Babe, I come all the way over here

and you already know it's Mr. Shore.

Well, the injury's made me psychic.

- Yeah? - Alright, here.


Take that. Go have lunch.

It's where I want you to be when I go see Shore.

This one a solamente una, my friend.

- Alright? - Yeah.

Now, where am I gonna buy a decent lunch for a $?

[instrumental music]

I'll be damned.

Check who's walking up.

Go outside, down the back.

After he's inside, circle back up.

We'll take him out right here.


[exhales sharply]

You can't take a hint, Spenser.

You should be on your way out of town, not here.


You in a big hurry for a fat boy.

Who the hell are you?

The last man in the world you going to meet.




[intense music]


I'm not very good with my left hand.


Never really sure where the shot's gonna go.


Should I keep sh**ting or do you wanna listen?

What do you want?

I want you out of the picture.

I'm gonna do what I can to prove you tried to hit Mahaffey.

'And while we're at it, you're gonna call Mahaffey'

'and tell him what a big supporter you've become'

'of his program for the homeless people.'

And then you're gonna call all your other

property-owner friends and tell 'em the same thing.

You got that so far?

[music continues]


I can see the anger on your face.

It's no fun when somebody comes

and invades your place

start sh**t' it up, huh?

I know, someone did that with me last night.

Anger like that

can make a man think about revenge.

You took my arm.

You make a move at me or Mahaffey or anybody again

and I'll come back here

and I'll take your life.

[instrumental music]

[exhales sharply]

[instrumental music]

[knocking on door]

Come in.


Oh! Liberation day.

- Doctor says you can go home. - Hallelujah!

One more meal in this joint

and I'd have to stay for a stomach transplant.

Well, he says you've been such a good boy the past few weeks

it's time for you to get outta here.

- That's not all he says. - Oh?

Maybe a picture, uh

is worth more than a thousand words, huh?

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Spenser! Just the man I'm looking for.

Well, hey now.

(Hawk) Dig, I was, uh, looking through some old clothes

found this $ bill

that somebody gave me some months back.

What do you say we turn it into

some oysters, clams, some Bordeaux?

I can't tonight, I'm going to the opening

of Boston's newest homeless shelter.

- Tomorrow night, then. - You got it.

Only if you throw in a Celtics game.

Lakers' in town.

Shall we shake on it?

[instrumental music]


You got some bone-crushing grip goin' there, well..

- I'm working on it. - Yeah. Yeah, you are.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]