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A Haunting on Brockway Street (2019)

Posted: 10/07/23 05:07
by bunniefuu
(ominous instrumental music)

- This house was vacant.

It had trees and weeds that
just covered the house,

and you couldn't, you could barely see it.

And I just saw it and went in my head,

that's a beautiful, beautiful home.

Why did they let it go like that?

So, I had a friend who was a realtor

look into who owned
it, if it was for sale.

And a couple weeks after that,
she got back to me and said,

"It's vacant.

"The bank owns it.

"It's gonna go up for auction.

"I'll let you know."

And we put the offer in that day.

- [Steve] From what I understand,

the condition of the
home was pretty rough.

You guys.

- [Stephanie] It was.

It was very bad.

Yeah, when we bought the house, gosh,

we had to replace probably
90% of the windows.

We had to put a new roof on.

There was three feet of water

in the basement when we bought it.

- [Steve] Wow.

- There was no plumbing.

There were no light fixtures.

A couple bath tubs missing.

They were the cast iron.

- Yeah, clawfoot.

- Clawfoot tubs.

They were missing.

It was just discarded, kind
of, it was kind of sad.

- It was my wife's idea,
Stephanie, to acquire the house.

I was more inclined, at the time

with where the economy
was and opportunities

in the township to acquire beautiful homes

for basically half price
because of what was happening

in the real estate market.

But I was overruled 'cause she had this

ambition of taking on
a project of this type

and spearheading a renovation.

And with the help of some
family members and such,

turning it into a home that
she thought we'd enjoy.

So, we decided to buy the
property, and the rest is history.

- [Steve] So, you guys get into the house,

and you start to rehab and start

to gut it and all that stuff.

When did you realize, for the first time,

that something wasn't quite right?

- We heard somebody
walking around upstairs

and walking down the stairs,
and it wasn't just me.

- I was about 13 or 14
when we finally moved in

'cause it took a long
time to redo this house.

And I did hear a lot of things like,

and I saw things in the corner of my eye.

And I would see shadows.

Like, they were always like
by the windows and stuff,

and that happened a lot.

Like, you always felt like there's

something or someone with you.

- I can feel people like
watching me sometimes,

just randomly when I'm
doing something, anything.

Sometimes I hear keys playin' on the piano

like in the higher section

and when I'm just in my
room doing something.

And I can sometimes hear
footsteps around the house.

- I've experienced that myself,

where I'd be sitting in the family room,

which is the room below my office here,

and the dog, Hector, would
start barking at a wall.

There have been instances where the cats

would park themselves in
front of the stairwell

leading up to my office and
just stare up the stairwell

and maybe start to hiss a little bit.

So, those are the types of
things I've experienced.

- It was weird from the start, you know.

It always just felt weird in here.

Even though my brother
and I had different rooms,

we'd share, end up
sharin' a bed every night

'cause it, we'd get freaked out.

I did get banging on
this door all the time.

I go out this door over here.

Around like 75% of the
time, every night I'd,

you know, most of the nights I'd hear just

(door rattling)

goin' like this, and
I kinda got used to it

'cause, you know, it didn't really.

Nothing really bad was like happening.

But it still like freaked
me out every night,

and I'd wake up to it,
and it'd freak me out.

- Now, when you say 75% of the time,

I mean, you're saying almost every night

that you slept in here something
would rattle that door.

- Yeah, all the time.

I moved out to my own house when I was 17

because I didn't like living here.

- So, it literally drove
you out of the house.

- Yeah.

- 2 a.m., I'd be the only person up

coming downstairs goin' to
the kitchen to make some food,

and I'd start hearing
the piano start to play.

And it wasn't like they
were playing actual

songs or anything.

It was just note after note,
not in any specific order.

And I don't know how that
exactly was happening,

but I could clearly see none
of the keys were moving.

- The first thing we really
noticed that was significant

when we moved in was when my daughter,

who was three, four at the time,

got hysterical because there
was some little boy in my room

that was looking out the window,

and he didn't have any
feet, is what she said.

- [Steve] Do you recall the first

paranormal experience that
you had in this house?

- Um, the first paranormal experience

was when my sister was babysitting me,

and I was upstairs in my parents' room.

And I walked in there,
and I saw a little boy.

He was looking out the window,

and then he turned towards me.

And then, he just disappeared.

- And he definitely looked at you?

He was making it clear
that he could see you?

- [Sabina] Yes.

- [Steve] How did you respond to that?

- Um, I screamed and just started running.

- I would've too.
(Sabina laughing)

Why do you think the activity seems

to really center around your daughter?

That whatever's in this
house gravitates to her,

and I guess children in general?

- I believe there's a child here.

They both have seen a child.

I think it's attracted to,
they're children, they're fun.

And they're innocent,
and they can see him.

- That's when we decided, we probably,

it probably wasn't a very good idea,

but we actually printed
off the ouiji board

just on a piece of paper.

And we used, I had a
ring that I used to wear,

and we just put a string on it.

And then, we asked a couple of questions.

We're like, "Is there anybody there?"

And, "Can you talk to us?"

And they said, we got a "yes."

We got, "yes," after a couple minutes.

And then, I asked them
to spell their name.

Asked, "What, who, what's your name?"

And it spelled out V-I-C.

My mom looked it up.

And she actually found
out that a little boy

named Victor died in this
house at six years old.

And so, then everything sort
of, kind of makes sense.

- Um, so, you know the
Charlie, Charlie thing

where, like, you ask Charlie questions,

and it'd say yes or no?

- You know, actually, your brother

was tellin' me about that.

I've never heard of that.

So, tell me what that is.

- Um, okay, so you get a piece of paper,

and then you draw, like,
basically like an X on it.

And on the X you write two
no's, and you write two yes's.

Then, you stack two pencils
on top of each other,

like laying down so it makes an X.

And then, you would ask yes
or no questions to Charlie,

and it'd either respond with yes or no

by moving the pencils back and forth.

- And this actually worked?

- Well, we said, "Victor,
Victor, are you here?"

and then, we would ask it a question,

and, yeah, it actually worked.

- It was literally moving
whenever we asked it a question.

And then, we asked if
there was more than one

ghost in here, and it moved to yes.

And then, it said, my mom asked it,

"Are you here to hurt us?"

And it kinda like went to no for a second,

and then, boom, and it was on yes.

My mom told me to go outside and burn it.

- There's something here
that's not mean-spirited,

and I feel like there's
something here that is.

One night, almost two
o'clock in the morning,

our alarm system goes
off, and my eldest son,

you know, has a friend over.

We have a refrigerator that
has snacks in it in the garage,

and I'm going, I'm assuming that, okay,

he's going to the garage to get snacks.

And he didn't think to turn the alarm off

before he went out there.
(suspenseful music)

- I got out here to see what's goin' on.

I grab a crutch.

Me and my friend Ricky each grab a crutch

'cause we don't know what's goin' on.

The alarm system's goin' off.

My mom meets me right here at the door.

She's like, "What are you guys doin'?

"Why do you guys have
crutches in your hand?"

And we're like, "Well, we
heard crying a little bit ago,

"and now there's a big bang.

"The alarm system's goin' off."

- So, you guys grabbed the
crutches as like weapons?

- Yes, 'cause we didn't know if somebody

had broken into the house or anything.

So, we come out here, and I'm like,

"Where's Sabina at?"

- He's confused.

His friend comes out behind him.

They're confused, and then all of a sudden

he looks at me, and he
said, "Where's Sabina?"

And, you know, the alarm's
going off, and it's loud.

She should be awake, and
she should be there with us.

And so I go, and I run across to her room.

And I pull the bed curtains
back, and she is not there.

It's like I'm living
in a horror movie now.

- And she screams.

She lets out this blood-curdling scream.

So, I'm, I'm thinkin' the worst.

I'm thinkin' Sabina's like dead in there,

or like she's kidnapped or somethin'.

So, I go into the room.

I'm lookin' for Sabina.

We go up into the room.

And, you know, we're lookin' for Sabina,

and I look out this
window that's right here.

- And then, I hear her scream

like blood-curdling
scream, and she's outside.

I don't know how I got
from her room to the door.

Actually, I broke the
screen tryin' to open it.

It's mid-July, and she is
maybe 10 feet from the road.

- So, she got outside without

even being traced by the alarm.

And when my mom came in here and screamed,

it still gives me goose bumps,

like thinkin' about her scream.

I never heard my mom scream like that.

I ran outside as fast as I could.

I was doin' laps around
the house with a crutch

tryin' to see if there was somebody here.

And, you know, we didn't,
Sabina wasn't really like.

She didn't really know what was goin' on.

- I scream out her name, and like that

she like turns around
and then is just bawling.

And comes up onto the
deck, and I pick her up.

And she is like ice.

I mean, her skin, she is so cold.

And this is mid-July.

I mean, we don't have air
conditioning in this place.

And for her to feel like ice scared me.

I mean, I was, not only she's
outside two in the morning,

she's nine years old.

What the heck is she doin' out there?

And had my son not even
said, "Where is she?"

how long would I have noticed?

10, 20, 30 seconds before
I would have checked.

She would've been in the road.

- [Sabina] That's weird that like I

knew perfectly what to do,

how to go do everything, unlock doors.

I, like, felt somebody
was like there with me

guiding me through the whole thing.

I was like being possessed kind of.

- What do you do?

I mean, we're sleeping in
the middle of the night,

and she's not safe.

You think you're safe.

We have an alarm to keep you safe.

And you're not safe from
what's in the house,

and that's terrifying.

(intense ominous music)

I've only caught video of anything

in this house just the once.

I was upstairs making the
bed, doin' the normal routines

that I always do, and I heard
some really strange noises.

I couldn't figure out
what the heck it was,

and so I decided to just start recording

what I was hearing and
what I was picking up.

The first one, this was probably

five, six minutes after I
started hearing something.

I decided to start recording.

(banging sound)

- [Steve] You can see the chandelier

flickering right there
with that sound too.

(banging sound)

- And you can hear there's
some really loud banging sound,

and like a door's opening.
(door creaking)

- [Steve] Wow.

- That's the door that opened.

(banging sound)

And the banging is actually on that door

that you're hearing now.

(banging sound)

And you can kinda tell
when it's in the hall,

and then when it's on the door.

This went on for at least two hours.

(knocking sound)

(door slamming)

And then, the door finally closes.

- [Steve] Wow.

That just completely shuts on its own.

- Yeah, and then the light
goes on in this room,

and it kinda looks like someone's walking

in front of the door.

So, that was, at some point I'm going,

is there actually somebody in my house

that I'm not aware of?

- [Steve] Right there, you can totally see

that something blocks out the light.

And now, you can see the light again.

- [Stephanie] Right.

- [Steve] I mean, yeah,
you can totally see that.

I mean, something is
moving under the door.

It's interfering with the light.

(banging sound)

- Then, it started banging on that door.

So, it went from the door that opened

and closed to the bathroom.

- [Steve] That's incredible.

(banging sound)

(banging sound)

- So, I can't explain that one.

And this was the last one.

After I came out, I decided
to turn on the light

to see if I could see anything.

And I just figured I'd continue recording.

(banging sound)

And this one is where I
finally decided I had enough

because you can hear somebody
walking across the floor.

(floorboards creaking)

(door creaking open)

(knocking sound)

And so, after that I decided I had enough,

and I needed to go somewhere else

for the rest of the day

until I picked my kids up from school.

(eerie music)

- Man, that was an incredible
amount of information.

I feel so bad for that little girl Sabina,

for the whole family, for that matter.

It's amazing that Stephanie actually

caught cell phone video
evidence to show us.

I mean, we all know what a rarity that is

where the homeowner actually captures

something on video to show us.

And that video was amazing.

I mean, you could hear those footsteps

going right in front
of her down the hallway

approaching Sabina's
room, opening the door.

I just can't believe
Stephanie actually went

into the room after it and the bathroom.

She's definitely got a
lot of guts, you know?

Being home alone like that, and kinda

chasin' the thing around the house.

This case is definitely
a lot more imminent

than I had originally thought.

(cell phone ringing)

It's actually Stephanie right now.

Hey, Stephanie.

Good, good, everything okay?

Ah, yeah, yeah.

Do you mind if I put this on speaker?

We're actually documenting
in the car right now,

and I, is it okay if I
put you on speakerphone?


Stephanie, you there?

- [Stephanie] Yeah.

- Okay.
- Can you hear me?

- Yeah, I can hear you.

- [Stephanie] Oh, okay, yeah.

Yeah, the reason I was calling

because I know that when
we were talking earlier,

there was something I was kind
of hesitant to talk about.

I'm not sure how relevant it would be,

but I guess I was thinkin' about it

and sayin' it's probably something

that you might need to know.

So, if you had a minute yet, I'd like

to just tell you about
another, I guess, issue we had

when we were renovating
the outside of the house.

When we were trying to level our land here

slowly because there were a
lot of holes and low spots,

and we were getting a lot of water.

So, we brought someone in with a Bobcat,

and we were, you know,
taking the high spots

and pushing them into the low spots.

Only when we're doing that, we uncovered

a large stone slab that was
buried under the ground.

- Okay.

- [Stephanie] And, um, you know,
we didn't think much of it,

and we broke the stone
slab up and moved it.

And underneath that, we

found a few bones that seemed
to be of the human nature.

And a partial insole of a shoe

and a couple things that just didn't seem

like they were animal
bones, you know what I mean?

- Yeah, yeah, I definitely.

What'd you guys do with the,

with the remains, with the bones?

- [Stephanie] You know, at the time,

we just kind of, you know what,

this looks like it maybe should be

a spot we just don't touch.

We put it back in the ground
and buried everything back up.

The biggest bone that we found

that was more of an indicator of human,

we found like a finger bone.

And, you know, it, animals are
shaped, I know, differently

because they walk on all fours.

This was clearly not an animal bone.

- And you said there was like
a large cement slab that.

- [Stephanie] It was not cement.

It was stone.

- Stone, okay, yeah.

So, definitely again another indicator

of how old that, that grave would be.

Makes you wonder if it was an old

family cemetery on the property or?

- [Stephanie] Yeah, I know.

Given the age of the house, you know,

we thought about, at
the time did they just

bury grandma and grandpa in the backyard?

- Kinda makes you wonder if that's,

I mean, did you notice
any change in activity

after you guys found those bones?

- [Stephanie] (sighing) You know, I can't

say that we did or didn't
because when we found that

we had, we weren't quite
living in the house yet.

- Okay.

- [Stephanie] We were still renovating.

It was before we moved in.

- Alright, so, it may or may
not have contributed to that.


- [Stephanie] Right.

But, yeah, I don't know how
significant that really is,

but I just thought that
you probably should know.

- Did you guys call the authorities

when you located the bones?

- [Stephanie] We did not
because we just said,

okay, we found 'em.

We'll bury 'em.

We'll just pretend like it didn't happen.

- Wow, that really makes me wonder

if that could be the contribution

of this other thing that's in your house

obviously besides the
child spirit, Victor.

- [Stephanie] Right.

I mean, they could be.

I'm just not sure.

But, yeah, it's definitely something I,

after thinking about it, I
thought you should probably know.

- Okay, definitely.

We'll, we'll have to, you know,

we'll factor that in to the research,

and we'll get over there
as soon as we possibly can.

- [Stephanie] Alright.

- Okay.

All right, well, thanks
for lettin' me know.

And, again, if you can think
of anything else at all

or any more details about
the bones in the yard,

feel free to call me or text me, okay?

- [Stephanie] Alright, absolutely.

- Okay.

- [Stephanie] You have a good night.

- Alright, you too.

- [Stephanie] Bye bye.

- Bye.

(cell phone beeping)

Wow, I mean, literally we're right

in the middle of talking about how chaotic

and crazy this case is, and
then she calls and says that.

I mean, to me, there's no question

that finding those bones,
a body in the yard,

and then, for all we know
there could be multiple bodies.

You know, maybe that's an
old cemetery, who knows?

Tomorrow's gonna be the first day.

Bring in T.D. McRoy.

Start to get that footage
for the Iroquois technology,

and let's just jump right
into this investigation.

(eerie music)

- [T.D.] So, we definitely have

joined forces with our research.

Us CPI's as doin' the scientific side

with the Iroquois technology
and the dynamic filtration,

and Haunted Saginaw
doin' the research side.

And we're bringin' this
information together.

This is the first step tonight

of movin' to that next level.

(suspenseful music)

- So, of course, this is the
second floor of the home.

This is Sabina's room, which
is the youngest daughter.

And what is in this house seems to be

very centered around her.

- Well, just at a glance,
clearly I haven't been in there.

But a young teenage girl's
room is very cluttered often.

These entities seem to love clutter.

It gives them a place to
hide, you know what I mean?

Because they're all about camouflage.

I mean, they're the masters of it.

You know, we have things in nature

that are able to camouflage themself.

Clearly, animals do it all the time.

But in this next dimension,
let's just call it,

people are able to camouflage.

- Have you ever been with a paranormal

investigation team to actually acquire

specific footage for Iroquois technology?

I mean, we did that
Finn Road, but remotely.

You know, you told us what you wanted.

We filmed it.

We sent it to you.

This time you're here,
actually, physically here.

- [T.D.] Right.

- We could use that to our advantage.

Adam's gonna be the one to film this.

Is there any specific way
that you want to film this

to get the most result you possibly can?

'Cause we're really, really desperate

to find out what's in this house

and what's affecting this family,

especially this little girl.

- Well, to answer your
first part of your question,

have we ever been out to an investigation?

The answer is no.

I'm not really comfortable
with bein' here.

I was scared that I would
actually see somethin'.

And, honestly, I don't wanna see anything.

- I can sense you're very nervous.

- Oh, I'm completely nervous.

- Do you have any specific instruction

with how you want him to film?

And then, we're just gonna go
ahead and do a walk through.

- Yeah, I mean, if you can
just kind of follow me,

and, you know, and I can kinda
tell you how it would work.

Basically, we always start on the

right side of a room when you come in.

So, and even though you're heading

to the right side of the room,

you wanna work your way around.

But you always want to
have the camera pointed

to the center of the room.

So, you come in, and you pan around.

And once you start comin'
to the center of the room.

Right, you pan back to the center,

and then you will walk your way around.

And always pause when you get to an area

that is blocked off, like a corner,

some place that has three side to it.

You always wanna pan that area, hit that,

and then continue on.

One, two, three sides, pause, hit that,

and continue on over.

You do the same thing here.

You always count one,
two, three, pause, pan.

So, you continue around the room,

and when you get back towards the doorway,

you wanna work your way back
towards the center again.

And then, when you come out,
back your way out of that room.

Because what happens is,
when we come up the steps,

they all wanna see what's goin' on.

And what's interesting is they don't,

they look with a different
set of eyes than we do.

They no longer have a visual cortex

that's in the back of our heads.

With this vision, they don't have

to use their eyes to look around corners.

They do it because it's
human nature to do that.

- And this is from all
your years of experience.

You've seen this.

You know how it is they
try to avoid detection.

- Yeah, this room, I'm almost positive

that we'll get somethin' out of this room,

just because, once again,
you see, not a messy room.

We just, had just, it
just has a lot of clutter.

- There's so many places to hide here.

- Absolutely, and, listen, they don't.

We're not gonna run them out of here.

- [Steve] Right.

- So, they'll just hide.

And camouflage.

Let me go this way.

So, when I came up here
to look around earlier,

I didn't wanna look at much

because I'm not a ghost hunter.

You know, I'm a researcher,

and as a researcher, I like my job.

I like that task.

As a kid, I mean, Scooby Doo scared me.

So, you can imagine to
come to a real ghost house.

So, a hallway like this is good
to catch 'em in because why?

It's long, and it's a good place
for them to travel between.

For some reason, they like hallways.

And sometimes a hallway will be just that,

a place to get away.

So, but thank you.

- [Steve] Ah, for sure, for sure.

We'll get that footage to you right away.

- Yep, let me know how it happens.

(eerie music)

(ominous music)

- I thought of something
that I don't believe

I told you originally,
something that we found

about a year after we bought the house.

We were going to be putting
some new GFIs in our bathroom,

and when trying to
locate the power source,

we weren't able to originally find it

looking in the basement.

There was no way to
access under the bathroom.

So, we found this closet.

There was some linoleum on the floor here.

And we pulled it up, and we
found this access right here.

And when we pulled it up,

we found just this big hole.

We think maybe it was used as a cistern

for the original house.

My two sons, when they were
probably eight or nine,

they climbed down in here
and came across a man's shoe.

We thought that was odd.

It shouldn't be down there.

And a couple minutes later,
they pull up a woman's shoe,

and that was when we decided,

you know what, maybe you should just

get out of there and stop diggin'.

We don't want you to be findin'

anything else that may be down there.

- And this can't be accessed
through the basement

or any other part of the house?

- You can't, no, nope.

You can't access it from outside, inside.

The only way you can access some plumbing

and some of the electrical
is through this panel,

and to completely cover
it up, it's kind of odd.

- And after the bizarre
discoveries from your children,

you pretty much told them no more.

- Yeah, no more, and,
yeah, we closed it up.

And nobody's been down there since.

And that was like 10 years ago.

How or why all of this would be down here.

- [Steve] Yeah, that doesn't
quite add up, does it?

- [Stephanie] No, it doesn't.

- [Steve] I think that
needs to be explored.

(mellow rock music)

- So, I'm gettin' ready
to go underneath the house

in what the family describes as a cistern

that they found while trying to upgrade

the electrical in the
first floor bathroom.

When they lifted the floor,
lifted this flooring up,

they found an access hole.

The kids went down into the space.

Evidently, at some point,
they found some shoes,

and having found the bones
in the yard prior to that,

they were leery about lettin'
the kids go back down there.

Stephanie told them
not to do that anymore.

So, we're gonna go check it out.

We think it's very odd to the
case and might have something,

it might yield some evidence for us.

So, I'm gettin' ready to
go down and check it out.

(ominous music)

- See?

As soon as we got to
this hallway, he stopped.

I could not get his attention
off of these stairs.

I was here for a few
minutes, and then I notice

the temperature just completely dropped.

I could probably almost see my breath.

- [Steve] And his focus was
right down these stairs?

- [Jamie] Yes.

- Was there any other type of sounds?

Or was there anything that went
in conjunction with this or?

- It kinda sounded like
someone was down on the landing

area down there, like shuffling
type of scratching sound,

but other than that, not really.

- My name is Steve.

This is my friend Jamie.

We have a special guest
here tonight, Archer.

Were you gonna come up
and maybe pay him a visit?

Maybe pet the dog?

Is that what you were tryin' to do?

It's okay.

(suspenseful music)

Can you come up the stairs
here and communicate with us?

(Adam sighing)

- Wow, look at all the old
paint cans and broken glass.

This is insane.

I'm gonna set my camera down.

Check this out some.

Some old paper, let's check that out.

"Fire on Brockway Street, accident."

No date on it.

This here.

"Carbon tetrachloride.

"Poison, danger."

- We are friends of the family
that currently own the house,

Tom and Stephanie Braley.

We're gonna be spending
a lot of hours here,

many, many days.

So, if you're curious about who
we are and what we're doing,

you could simply communicate
with us, try to contact us.

Can you tell me your name please?

We introduced ourselves.

Who are we trying to contact?

Who are we speaking with?

- Look at this, pruning shears.

These are newer.

Stephanie said it'd been over 10 years

since somebody's been down here.


Just a lot of old, broken glass.

This is crazy.

I think I found the old shoe.

It's old leather.

It has to be 70, 80 years old.

Oh, look at that.

Scratches all over the wall.

- You know, it's not very nice

to rattle this door and
do this kind of thing

because the people that are
in there are trying to sleep.

And it scares them.

Are you trying to cause turmoil?

- These scratches all run up and down.

They're all vertical.

I wonder if these pruning shears.

Oh, they've been there a while too.

Pruning shears don't make that.

They're about two and a half
feet off the, off the floor.

Two feet.

They're not consistent
with an animal though.

They're not.

There's no pattern to it.

You know, there's no three or four.

There's no paw or claw that's makin' that.

I wonder if it's glass.


(scraping sound)

(glass clattering)

Oh, my God.

I wonder if somebody was locked down here.

These soup cans, is that how somebody ate?

Why are all these soup cans down here?

I wonder if this is
why this was sealed up.

If the previous owners
here had sealed this up

because they found it.

Because maybe they were
experiencing some of the same things

in this house, and if
they thought that this was

a source of some of it,
if they sealed it up,

it'd go away, right?

- Who are you?

You need to identify yourself right now.

What do you want with this family?

With this house?

Are you Victor?

Are you the little boy that Sabina's seen?

(door clattering)

Holy shit.

- [Jamie] Dude.

- I hate to think what we're gonna find,

but I think we owe it to the investigation

to uncover what we can.

As much as I don't want to,
it's time to start diggin'.

I'm gonna reposition this camera here.

(suspenseful music)

(shovel scraping)

What is that?

(shovel scraping)

What is that?

What do you suppose this is?

- You know, I was pretty apprehensive

about bringing Archer here tonight,

but I've lived in haunted places before.

And unfortunately for him,
seeing spirits is nothing new.

I figured I would just start
by walking around the house

and seeing if he hit
on any specific areas.

He went crazy when we
got to the servant stairs

in the back of the house.

As soon as we got back there,

he would not take his eyes off the bottom

of those stairs and the landing around it.

Animals in general have a sixth sense

when it comes to these types of things.

And even if you and I
can't see it, they can.

And it's there, and it's real.

And now that we're out of the area,

Archer is definitely
relieved to say the least.

(shovel scraping)

- I'm finding a lot of the
same thing in this spot here.

It's all this slag and stuff,

and I think we've found
what we're gonna find there.

I think, I think what we need to do is

take what we found up and show Steve,

and see where we go from here.

(gentle piano music)

So, Steve, what we found down there,

it was really, really bizarre.

There's no pattern to it to suggest

that it's an animal paw or claw.

It's really quite random,
but all at the same height

all the way across the wall.

- So, that's fairly low.

- It is very low.

And it's hard to think of, but I think

there was a kid locked in there.

- You think there was a
child locked down there?

- I, I really think that there

was a child locked down in there.

- So, what supports that exactly?

That's extremely
interesting and very creepy.

- Being a full grown adult, to
get to that level to do that,

I took a piece of glass
that was on the floor,

and I made a scratch in the wall.

It resembled that, but
it was very uncomfortable

for me to get to that level.

It'd be more consistent to me

that somebody smaller would
have been making that mark.

And it almost made me wonder, you know,

with all the soup cans and cans

with different kinds of food.

- I see where you're goin' with that.

- Is (sighing).

- That's disturbing.

- It, you know, makes my skin crawl.

- We need to enhance these pictures,

get 'em blown up, really kinda study them.

Tom and Stephanie
definitely need to see this.

(gentle piano music)

(ominous music)

So, after you had showed us
the hole located in the closet,

we decided to send Adam down there.

There was a lot of very
interesting things.

I want you to take a look at these

photographs of the walls of the hole.

And tell me what you see.

- Oh, my God.

There are scratches
everywhere, like gashes.

Are they both the same?

- Yes.

- There are scratches all over the place.

- So, you know, the
first thought, I guess,

one would have is could it have been

a rodent, a raccoon, possum, whatever,

some type of animal that
could somehow get in there?

- Oh, well, yeah, when
you look at some of these,

it looks like that could have been.

- Right.

- But when you see these ones, I mean,

these are clearly not a rodent

because they're, some are sideways.

Some are up and down.

- And there's no consistency.

- There's zero consistency.

- A paw or claw.
- Like this, it's just,

looks like somebody just.

- Right, especially this area here.

- Yeah, this one looks like what you'd

see a little kid drawing with crayons.

- It's funny you would say that.

Beyond these items here, there was dozens

and dozens and dozens of food cans.

Was somebody kept there?

- That would be, that would
be horrifying to think

that somebody was put down in that

as a punishment or anything.

- Right.

- 'Cause I can only imagine.

I mean, there is no way to get in or out

other than that hole so it
would be like complete darkness.

- [Steve] Pitch black.

- [Stephanie] And with
all the broken glass and,

that would just be horrifying.

(suspenseful music)

(ominous music)

(eerie piano music)

- [Steve Gonsalves] So, you had

said this is the son's bedroom.

- Yep, this was the oldest son's bedroom.

Actually, I believe both sons at one point

had stayed up here in this house,

and what's super interesting
is this here is an addition.

It's right over the garage actually.

And this door here, they
would say that 70 to 75%

of every night that they
slept in here, this door.

They would have it closed.

And they would hear this.

(door rattling)

Just something shaking it, shaking it.

And then, sometimes they would say

it sounded like something would
run up and slam against it.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

And they were terrified of this.

- [Steve Gonsalves] Now,
is this a violent shaking?

Or is it, and did they
see any of this action?

- Yes, they would say that
they would hear the doorknob,

and sometimes when this
light was on out here,

they would see what looked like
feet moving back and forth.

For the longest time, they would

run out there and try to catch it.

The eldest son, when we interviewed him,

he said he actually moved
out because of this.

And over here, him and his younger brother

were playing video games here one night.

TV right here.

And they kept hearing crying outside.

So, they would pause the game,
kinda listen for a minute.

Wouldn't here it, go back to playing.

They heard it again.

Well, about five minutes
later, there's this huge bang

that kinda shakes the house,

and then the alarm system goes off.

So, they grab what they could
find as makeshift weapons.

They come back here,

open up the door, and
as they're getting ready

to go out here, the mom comes running in.

And she thinks they set off the alarm.

And after a few minutes, they realize

that the youngest daughter,
Sabina, hadn't come out.

They wanna go check on her.

And they run into the bedroom,

open the curtains to
her bed, and she's gone.

They get outside, and she's walking

right out into the street.

So, the mom screams her name,
and she kinda freezes up.

They get out to the
road, and they stop her.

And even though it's mid-July,

the weather's super hot.

That's why the windows were open

that they could hear the scream.

They grab onto her, and she's ice cold.

They believe that in this house

there are two specific entities.

One of them is the child spirit

of a little boy named Victor.

After they tried to use spirit boards

and things of that nature
to try and contact Victor,

something else changed in the house.

All of a sudden, you know,
the doors are slamming.

More aggression,
completely different vibe.

But at the same time, Victor remains.

So, they believe possibly
they opened up something

by trying to communicate.

You know, maybe there's
something that wasn't good,

or malicious, was taking her out,

and perhaps something else in the house

was trying to alert the family.

- You know what would be pretty awesome?

We should put the REM pod on
the other side of the door.

So, imagine if that started shaking.

At the same time, the REM
pod started going off.

That would be quite a
nice piece of evidence

to let us know that there was something

related to energy on the
other side of the door.

- Yeah, we can try that.

Did you feel somethin'?

- I did, yeah.

I did actually.

It was kinda bizarre actually.

(object rolling on floor)

- [Steve] Where would that even come from?

- I don't know what that
was or where that came from.

- It looks like a little marble.

- Well, where did this come from?

I didn't see this anywhere.

- I didn't either, and what's weird is

it didn't sound like it fell and bounced.

It kinda sounded like it
just kinda came rolling.

- All of a sudden, all
of the sudden, exactly.

It just started rolling.

How'd that even happen?

(ominous music)

I was investigating the
son's room with Mr. Shippy,

and we decided to try to see what could

possibly explain the fact that the door

is shaking and slamming and what not.

And not much can really explain that

because the amount of force
they're claiming to see.

So, as we're messing with that door

and trying to figure it out, I felt,

to me what felt like some
string behind my neck,

maybe hitting it or a piece
of cotton or something.

I don't really know how to explain it.

So, I just started to lean back

to see if I could feel the
sensation that I was feeling.

And just then, a small marble started

rolling straight forward,
which was strange

because if it had fallen to the floor,

I most certainly would have heard that.

And we all would have
heard that distinct sound

of it hitting the floor and maybe even

bouncing a little bit, but it
was literally just the roll.

(REM pod alert sounding)

(ominous music)

So, this would be, I guess,
where Victor would walk up.

Are they just thinking
that's what happened,

or is she recalling that's what happened?

- [Steve] No, she recalls
that's what happened.

- [Steve Gonsalves] She
recalls that's what happened.

- Absolutely.

She became very terrified
of her own bedroom

and would see the little
boy come into the room

and stand basically right beside the bed.

And she would just roll over or pull

the covers over her face,
you know, very afraid.

And this went on several times.

Again, once they started
to use the spirit board,

and things changed, they would hear

really heavy footsteps
coming up the hallway.

And then, she would cover her
face, you know, very fearful.

So, she knew by, of course, the sound

and just the whole demeanor of it,

that it was something different.

And then, the family
basically out of desperation

ask the bishop from the local
Catholic church to come here.

So, he comes up here,
performs an entire blessing

on the room, all the different corners,

the dresser, and does what he does.

And then puts, you know, the
family at ease essentially.

Then, when he leaves,
the family walks him out,

and they come up here.

They go to put her to bed,
and everything you see here,

all of her dolls, all these pictures,

mirrors, everything is all knocked down.

So, they think everything's
fine, everything's peaceful.

Let's put Sabina to bed.

Come up here, and then
they have to see this.

- [Steve Gonsalves] Everything is down.

- So, needless to say, the
peace of mind left very quickly.

- There's so many layers.

It's like an onion, you know.

You really have to peel them all back

and really get to the
essence of what is going on

'cause there's so many variables.

You know, maybe Victor was
getting her out of here

so that she wasn't dealing
with what he interprets

as the other, you know, spirits

who are after him or whatever.

Who knows?

- [Steve] Yeah, trying to warn the girl,

trying to warn the family.

That's the thing is there's.
- You never know.

- So much to this case.

There's a body in the yard.

There is several confirmed
deaths in the house.

It all.
(pounding sound)

- What was that?

(floorboards creaking)


(ominous music)

We're investigating in Sabina's room

and just talking about
how they communicated

with Victor or supposedly
communicated with Victor

through a spirit board or
a ouija board of some sort.

And as we're discussing that and what

Victor's intentions may have been,

we started to hear some
loud banging sounds.

And, you know, what could that be?

Could it have been footsteps?

Could it have been just
some sort of, you know,

banging to get our attention?

I'm not too sure, but it was loud.

It was distinct.

It was reverberating within the wood

of this structure here in the house.

And so, Steve and I, of course,

went immediately towards these sounds,

and once we got to the crest of the stairs

there looking down the staircase,

we heard what sounded like some shuffling

or movement or as if
something was, you know,

approaching and sort of stopped.

It was pretty interesting.

We didn't get much more after that,

but just that in and of itself.

You know, what could that be?

Something was alerting us.

Something was trying to get our attention,

and we need to figure out what that is.

- [Steve] What is it?


(ominous music)

- So, while we were up
here in the second floor

doing my interview for the
investigation we'd just done,

we heard some crying or
sobbing or moaning of some sort

coming from downstairs.

It was pretty awesome.

It was pretty loud.

And so, we decided to split up.

Have one investigator go
downstairs, that's Steve Shippy.

You know, that puts somebody
closer to the source,

but also keeps somebody
up here where we were

just in case that's what
triggered the sound.

Then, having somebody down there

that can be closer to it and hear it

and analyze it will be valuable as well.

- Why does it seem that every time we are

in Sabina's room
something seems to happen?

Why do we hear footsteps?

We've heard voices.

We've heard crying.

Is going into her room,
is it, does it bother you?

Does it bother you that
Steve is in there right now?

- Is there something about
Sabina that draws you to her?

Or is it this room?

Do you not like people in this room,

or do you not like people around Sabina?


- There's been a lot of
intrigue to your lure to Sabina.

Is it protection?

Or is there another reason?

- [Steve Gonsalves] EMF is going

a little, a little bonkers up here.

- [Steve] I got a K-II meter here.

I can turn this one on.

- [Steve Gonsalves] It's still
all under a 1.0, but it's

still going from .2 to .7.

This is a bit out of the ordinary.

- Are you here with us tonight?

Are you watching what we're doing?

Wondering where Sabina went?

- [Steve Gonsalves] Do you like it

better when Sabina's here?

- Maybe you're not even
worried about Sabina.

Is it Victor that you're
more concerned with?

We'd like to know what you're crying.

I feel like you were definitely

trying to get our attention with that.

Are you sad that Sabina's
gone, that the family's gone?

Or does it have nothing to
do with this family at all?

(floorboards creaking)

- Are you coming up to see me?

I'm in Sabina's room.

That's the upstairs bedroom.

EMF just started fluctuating,

.2 to 1.1.

(floorboards creaking)

- [Steve] Steve, you're not movin' around

right now up there, are you?

- No, but just as you say that,

I just heard movement behind me.

- Are you up there right now?

Can you make somethin' move?

(floorboards creaking)

- Literally, I started hearing shuffling

or some sort of movement behind me,

and I turned my head to
look in that direction.

And then, you literally
asked at that second,

am I moving around up here?

- [Steve] Yeah, down here
it sounded like somebody

was kinda quietly
walking, and I didn't know

if you'd gotten up to maybe see something.

- No.

- [Steve] I waited just a moment,

but it didn't sound like you.

I didn't hear your chair
creak or anything else.

(ominous music)

(eerie piano music)

- [Steve Gonsalves] After
just being here for one night,

you know, it's hard to
draw any conclusions

or really say anything other than,

you know, we did have some experiences.

I did hear footsteps walking
right in front of me.

So, if I had another, say,
three or four days here

or a week here, who knows
what we would uncover?

- Jamie, are you ready?


Let's go.

Victor, we have two very, very important

messages to deliver to you tonight.

Please come toward the sound of my voice

and join us here in this room.

(paper crinkling)

"Victor, first of all, I would like

"to thank you for sharing
your home with us.

"It must be very hard
to have different people

"coming and going from
your home all the time.

"Being so young when you passed away,

"that is something I cannot imagine.

"The extreme emotions that
both you and your family

"went through must have been
overwhelming and horrific.

"Did you not want to leave your family?

"Is that why you still remain here?

"Or do you have some unfinished business?

"Whatever the reason, you are here.

"Whether it's out of fear or confusion,

"my heart breaks for you.

"You have stayed and watched
your loved ones move on,

"grow old, and ultimately pass on.

"So, in closing, I just want you to know

"that no one here hates you or
wishes that you would leave.

"We just wish that you would find peace.

"Love, Stephanie."

This letter, Victor, is from Sabina.

(paper crinkling)

"Victor, hi, this is me, Sabina.

"I know you're just young

"and just a little boy in this house,

"but I think you should
try to find your parents.

"I think they miss you, and
you probably miss them too.

"I hope you can find your family

"and be happy, happier than you are now.

"Good luck, Sabina."

Victor, as you can see and hear,

the family that lives here now,

they care about you, very much.

They don't know why you still remain,

but the fact is you do.

Stephanie and Sabina said that
they tried to contact you,

and they feel that you tried
to communicate with them.

And perhaps something stopped you.

Charlie, no.

Victor, Victor, are you
here with us tonight?

Is somebody else, someone
like you in this house?

Come on, Victor, you
can communicate with us.

All you have to do is move these pencils.

Move the pencil to yes or no.

We really, really wanna help you,

to get you with your family
and the people that love you

and the people that you love.

When Sabina and her mother were

playing this game with you,
they had asked the question,

are there others here besides you?

They said that the pencils
started going to yes

and then struggled back
down and go back and forth.

Was somebody trying to
stop you from answering?

Did you hear that?

That was like rumbling.

Victor, please, whoever's
trying to stop you

from answering the question,
don't listen to them.

Do not be afraid of them.

Victor, are you here?

(piano chord playing)


That's it.

You can communicate
with us just like this.

Can you hit it again?

Hit it for yes.

Victor, are you alone, or is there

somebody else here with you?

(noise from above)


(beeping sound)

(alarm clock beeping)

(ominous music)

- I'm very aware of something that's more,

a little bit darker, and the
energy that I keep feeling

is that they're not real happy

that there's this childlike
loving energy that's here.

- So, this is obviously Sabina's room.

Tell me what, what you're feeling.

- My hair is totally standing on end,

like anxiety, and I can't breathe in here.

When I walked in here, not
only is the anxiety high,

but it's almost like it's dead energy.

It's dead air.

- When we were comin'
up the servant stairs,

I noticed you kind of faltered

for a minute and didn't say anything.

What was going on there?

- I hit that top step,
and I was leaning forward.

And suddenly, it was almost like something

pushed me backwards, and I
literally started losing my.

Like, I almost fell all
the way down the stairs.

That wasn't an accident.

That wasn't me being clumsy.

That wasn't an accident.

Something was trying to stop
me at the top of those stairs.

- What do you think it is?

I mean, we know there's a
child spirit in this house.

I mean, at this point,
(banging sound)

what was that?

- Did you just hear that?

- Yes, that came from that way.

- That was a loud thump.

It sounds like somebody just walked

through the door and let it slam.

- You might wanna stand over here

and be able to keep your
line of sight that way.

- Ah, yeah, because this is gettin'

even crazier by the minute here.

So, I'm gonna tell you.

We've got the, we've got the child spirit,

and it's a loving spirit.

What I ran into, or what tried
to push me down the stairs,

and what I feel in here,
(thumping sound)

which is.

- That shoe came off the rack.

Are you guys getting that?

That just came right off
there right next to T.

- He's here.

He's standing in the doorway,

and he stopped right in his tracks.

(floorboards creaking)

He's trying not to be noticed,
and he stopped in his tracks.

- Are you getting any kind of idea

of what we're dealing
with, what kind of spirit?

Male, female?
- He's a.

He's definitely male.

Tall, lanky, angry.

He doesn't like the kids playing.

He doesn't like the happiness.

He doesn't like that
the daughter interacting

with the young child.

He's innocent.

This, he's not happy.

He doesn't like it.

He reminds me of an old, disgruntled man

that, you know, shut up, you little kids.

Be quiet, don't talk so loud.

Don't play.

He's just, he's not nice whatsoever.

- Do you think he's
dangerous at this point?

- I would say that he borders 50/50.

His patience wears thin real easy.

And the energy, it's, it can be like

kind of a brutal energy,
a harsh, brutal energy

of just anger.

You know, somebody that
is bitter, by themselves,

doesn't have a.

The light just went.

- You okay?

(Adam sighing)

Are you alright?

- [Kelly] Adam, I swear you were

just now gettin' ready to pass out.

- And this light just
burned out at the same time.

- [Kelly] And it totally just burned out.

- Right here, get this.
(Adam exhaling)

What did you feel?

- [Josh] You need to sit down?

- Yeah, sit, here, sit
down for a quick second.

- Holy mackerel.

- [Steve] Here, we got this.

Can you hold that for me?

- [Kelly] Yep.

- [Steve] What happened?

- I was watching in the screen.

And somethin', somethin'
came through the screen.

Something black came right
across the front of my,

between me and the screen.

- We're getting a little
too close to the truth.

This is what exactly
what he's letting me feel

is that we're getting a
little too close to the truth,

and he doesn't want it.

He doesn't want it explained.

- I asked you a moment ago
if this thing was dangerous,

and you were kind of on the fence.

- He's building energy.

- [Steve] What did you see exactly?

- It was, excuse me.

Right between where
I'm holding the camera,

right between me and the
camera, it almost like.

(noise like a moan)

- What the hell was that?

- [Adam] What is that?

- That was a disembodied voice.

That was a groan.

Ah, you know what,

from the closet.

- [Steve] It was like a wailing.

- I'm gonna tell ya,
it's gaining momentum.

- I mean, you were almost
pushed down the stairs,

and then this happens to
Adam just moments later.

- You need to be very cautious

because I really feel like he's going to

start hitting on each person individually,

little by little by little,

almost like plucking off the prey.

You need to really, really
be careful with this one.

So, immediately when coming up the stairs,

not only was I, I feel like
I was totally att*cked.

Something was trying to prevent me,

if not trying to push me
backwards down the stairs.

So, with that, I
automatically became rattled,

and then we walk into this room.

This room, the energy is heavy,

almost as if you can't breathe.

Totally overwhelmed,
and just a high anxiety.

So, as we're standing
there, next thing you know,

the shoe drops out of nowhere.

There was no way that that shoe

would have just automatically have

fallen off the shelf by itself.

Why not before?

Why not after?

No, there was something going on

that was trying to get our attention.

So, we've got several
things going on here.

Then, next thing you know, the camera man,

like something almost knocked him down.

He gets, you know,
completely, ghostly white

and thinks he's gonna pass out.

What the hell was that?

We hear this loud bang downstairs.

Something is clearly trying to alert us.

Not only is it there, but
it's gaining momentum.

- [Adam] It's pulling on my arm.

- You guys, this is crazy.

This is crazy.

- [Steve] It's, there's, his
hand is like freezing cold.

- He, he doesn't want
the truth to be told.

This is crazy.

- What are you?

So, what happened
upstairs in Sabina's room,

I've never felt like that before.

I've never felt like, it felt

like something passed through me.

There were moments leading up to that

for about a minute and a
half that I don't recall.

I lost all track of what was going on.

So, we continued from the
bedroom out into the hallway

to talk to Kelly some more
about what happened in the room.

I could feel a hand on my wrist pulling.

It didn't just pull my hand away.

It pulled my hand behind me.

And it was such a strong pull

that I actually lost my balance

and fell backwards onto the step.

I was being pulled by something

that was a stronger force than myself.

It's a scary thing,
and I really am fearful

for what's gonna happen goin' forward.

(ominous music)

- The master bedroom here
is extremely important

as this was the specific location

where the very first
sighting of an apparition,

a ghost, was witnessed by
a member of the family.

Here on the floor in front of us.

All of these toys that
we have brought here

are our attempt to try to
get Victor to come out here

and possibly interact with some of these,

as these items go back to
a specific time period,

which would have been during his life.

Victor, are you here with us this evening?

We have a gift, or several gifts, for you.

Would you like to come in here and play?

Can you tell me, perhaps, why you

were looking out this window?

Was there something out there

that maybe caught your attention?

Maybe you were just
watching the cars go by.

Perhaps, watching the
people on the sidewalk

go up and down Brockway.

When you turned to look at Sabina,

I kinda think that maybe you did that

to let her know that,
indeed, you could see her.

Maybe you felt a connection

because the two of you were closer in age.

Maybe you just wanted
to, to get her attention.

It's amazing when I think about it though.

Like, for a girl that was
four or five years old

to describe something that was translucent

and no feet floating,
which was classic, classic

apparition sightings, it gives me chills.

It really does, especially standing

right here where he was at.

I mean, at the end of the day,

for anybody, child, adult,
that would be terrifying.

(door slamming)


That was open.

That was the door.


(Steve sighing)

Victor, are you here?

Please don't be afraid.

Did you slam the door?

Were my questions upsetting you?

Please don't stop communicating with us.

Oh, my heart's goin'
right through my chest.

That was a pretty loud slam
for being a child spirit.

(dramatic music)
(shoes squeaking)

What's goin' on?

What's wrong?

- [Jamie] (breathing
hard) It felt like some.

Check my hair back here.

Is there a scratch or anything?

It felt like something.
- It's red.

- [Jamie] Pulled my hair, or, it hurts.

- [Steve] Here, take this, take this.

Give me the flashlight.

Turn around.

- [Jamie] Do I have a mark or anything?

- [Steve] Just turn around.

Let me see.

Move your hair please.

- [Jamie] It's like right here somewhere.

- [Steve] Hold on.

It's not focusing.

Um, yeah, there's some,
there's somethin' there.

- [Jamie] What?

- [Steve] It's, it's not, it's, ah, here.

- [Jamie] What is it?

Is it bleeding?

- [Steve] I don't know that it's bleeding,

but there's definitely a spot there.

Oh, my God.

What did you feel?

- I was just recording you, and it felt

like something rushed up behind me

and then pulled my hair.

And next thing I knew, my
neck felt like it was on fire.

- [Steve] This is not a child spirit.

- [Jamie] No.

- Look at the height.

I mean, you're almost what, six feet tall,

and it scratched the back of your neck

or whatever or burned it.

Who is up here with us?

Who are you?

(gentle eerie music)

Are you alright?

- (breathing hard) I'm just a
little freaked out right now.

- [Steve] Let me see it under the light.

Let me see it under the light.

Aw, man, that's bad.

That looks more like a,
a burn than a scratch.

Jamie, you don't have to
finish this investigation

right now if you don't want to.

Do you wanna go downstairs,
or do you wanna?

(suspenseful music)

- No.

(REM pod alert sounding)

- Master bedroom.

- [Jamie] Oh, my God.

- Victor?

(ominous music)

Victor, we'd like to play
a game with you tonight.

I'm pretty sure you're
familiar with me by now.

My name is Steve, as I've said before.

This is my good friend
Jamie, Josh, and Tim.

We're gonna play hide and seek.

All of us are gonna split up and chose

a different room to go
sit and wait for you.

Please do not be afraid of us.

We know you've shown yourself

to several members of the
family, specifically Sabina.

Tonight we're simply here
just to play with you,

interact with you, and perhaps
find out why you're here.

So, tonight, this is all about you.

Now, let's play.

All of you guys, be careful.

Let's split up, and let's go.

As soon as something happens, if it does,

get on that radio and
call for backup, okay?

Let's do it.

(recorder beeping)

- This is Jamie in the back
hallway of the Brockway mansion.

Hide and seek investigation.

Hey, Victor?

I don't think I need to introduce myself.

We've been here many nights

and have investigated many hours.

You probably know more about
us than we think you do.

I really hope you don't mind
us being here every night.

I know you're probably
not used to this routine

and the fact that the family's
been gone, especially Sabina.

I know that you are very attached to her.

- I had the honor of
meeting the new owners,

Tom and Stephanie.

He told me that you have a fondness

for their youngest daughter, Sabina.

He said that she was the
first one to see you.

I'd like to see you.

They really put a lot of money and care

into renovating this place.

I hope that pleases you.

I hope that doesn't upset you by making it

different from what you're used to

'cause they genuinely love this place.

- Victor, if you're out there, come over

towards where my light
is in the hallway here.

Got this device here.

It's like a toy.

You could come over.

You could touch it, and it'll light up.

It makes all kinda cool noises.

And it'll let me know if
you're standin' out there.

I think I hear you
creepin' around out there.

Come in here.

Come find me.

You do, you win the game of hide and seek.

- This is Steve, second floor,

hide and seek investigation
of the Brockway mansion.


this is a huge, huge house.

So many different rooms,
corridors, multiple staircases.

I thought it would only be fitting

that we'd play a game of
hide and seek with you.

I'm sure you played hide and seek

many times in this huge,
beautiful, old house.

What's you favorite place to hide?

- You know, Victor, I was here with Steve

when he was talkin' to
the family about you,

hearing all their stories.

And when he asked them what
they hoped we'd accomplish

by being here, they just
wanted us to help you.

They don't wanna hear you crying.

They don't want you to
be lonely or scared.

Stephanie told us a story that happened

before they even moved in.

They were just doing renovations,

and one of the very first things

that ever happened was
they heard you crying

all throughout the house.

And Stephanie, being a mother,

it really breaks her heart to know

that that's going on here.

She just really wants to
help you, and so do we.

- I flew here all the way
from a place called Denver.

It's 1200 miles away.

But I'm originally from
Saginaw, just like you.

I'm only here for tonight.

And it would be nice to meet you.

I hope it's me that you come visit.

(floorboards creaking)


Is that you?

God, I really hope that's Victor.

- Victor, if you are
here, and you can hear me,

I need to know if it was indeed you

that was communicating
with Stephanie and Shelby

when they were using the spirit board

trying to communicate
with you specifically.

Was it you spelling out V-I-C?

- You know, Victor, I'm really sorry

that I'm sitting here talking
about all this sad stuff

because I know we're
here tonight to have fun.

We're here to play a game.

In fact,

I brought you something.

Easter's coming up.

So, I brought you an Easter basket.

I made the Easter basket myself.

I tried to pick out things
that I thought you might like.

There's toys, chocolate,

even a stuffed rabbit.

I've never made an Easter
basket for anyone before.

Pretty soon I'll get to
make one for my niece Lana.

It's her first Easter this year.

But this Easter basket,

this is the first one I have ever made.

Just do me a favor, Victor,

don't tell the other guys I did this

'cause technically this is cheating.

- Victor?

I really hope it's me you come to find.

I traveled a real long
way just to meet you.

I sure would love to tell
my friends back in Colorado

that it was me you came to see.

- [Josh] Hey, Tim?

- [Tim] What?

- [Josh] Got a phone charger?

- No.

You scared the shit out of me.

- [Josh] Sorry.

- Victor, if there's
anything you can tell us

about the man or the monster

that is in this house

that's scaring you, leading
Sabina out into the street

in the middle of the
night, that could help us

remove him, identify him.

So, please, if there's
anything you can say,

if you can give us a verbal
response, we can help you.

- You know, Victor, I really thought

this Easter basket was gonna work.

I thought it was me you
were gonna come and find.

I've got candy, little green army men.

I've even got a toy fire truck.

You can roll it around on the floor.

Push it back and forth.

You just gotta come in here.

(Jamie sighing)
(dog barking)

(REM pod alert sounding)

(banging sound)

- Victor, we really, really
wanna communicate with you.

- [Jamie] Guys, I've
got activity down here.

He just walked right past me, through me.

(walkie talkie beeping)

- Where is it now?

- [Jamie] He went through
the door behind me.

He's in the living room.

- Do you have visual confirmation?

(walkie talkie beeping)

- [Jamie] The stairs
leading up to Tom's office.

(walkie talking beeping)

(soft crying)

(door opening)

(Steve exhaling)

- Jamie, it was just the cat.

Oh, my God.

(REM pod alert sounding)

(door slamming)

Everybody up to the office now.

Hurry up.

(walkie talkie beeping)

What is your name?

Because I know you are not Victor.

Victor didn't slam that door
with that kind of force.

Whoever you are, you're
not intimidating me.

Leave this family alone.

- [Josh] What's goin' on?

- Josh, listen, when
Jamie got on the radio

and said that she heard.
(footsteps pounding)

When you said that you heard something

coming up the stairwell here,
that was only the cat, okay?

- [Jamie] No, no, that was not the cat.

That's, what I heard sounded like

heavy boot steps coming up the stairs.

- Okay, well, the cat
came popping out of there.

It ran right down the hallway, okay,

but a few moments later when I went

to sit back down to
continue the EVP session,

the K-II meter in the doorway goes off.

I turn my attention to it.

The door right there
behind you slams shut.

That was not Victor, not
with that kind of force.

I'm telling you right now.
(quiet eerie music)

No more splitting up.

From now on, we gotta stick in pairs

or stick together, however.

This is starting to get dangerous.

Do you understand?

- I agree.

- Where the hell is Tim?

- [Jamie] He's back down
in the command center

grabbing another camera.

- Alright, well, let's
not leave him alone.

Just pop out this SD cards real quick.

Everybody meet in the
command center, okay?

Be careful.

(quiet eerie music)

(ominous music)

So, the reason I wanted to
talk to you guys in my office

before we get to the
location tonight is we know

that whatever's in that
house is always listening.

It's always watching.

And obviously I'm not
talking about Victor.

What we encountered last night,

which you encountered in that hallway,

what came up the stairs,
what slammed the door on me,

was not Victor.

Now, Josh, I believe when you were

in the room that you were in,

and you were hearing the little footsteps.

And you thought you were
seeing a little shadow,

I think you were about
to encounter Victor.

Or should I say you did encounter Victor?

Now, what you dealt with in the hallway,

do you believe that was Victor?

- Not at all.

- And what did it feel like?

- It was a very heavy, heavy feeling

that was very angry when
it passed through me.

- I mean, whatever's there is angry.

It is negative, and we're
running out of time.

We need to find out what this thing is,

and I don't know that
we can get rid of it.

I think it's at least our job

to try to find out what it is, who it is,

what attachment there is to the house,

and how the hell to get
rid of the damn thing.

Anyway, the reason I wanted
to talk to you guys here

is because tonight I'm
gonna try something, okay?

When we try to contact
Victor, it always comes out.

So, we're gonna go there tonight

under the guise that we're
trying to contact Victor,

knowing that Victor's not the
one that's going to come out.

But I need to tell you
guys this right now.

What's gonna happen tonight,
you have to trust me.

I don't wanna talk about it right now,

and I definitely don't wanna
talk about it in the house.

I've got a plan we're gonna put in motion.

We need to draw this thing out

and try to get some kind of conclusion

to what we're dealing with.

Alright, let's get goin'.

(suspenseful music)

(ominous music)

Jamie, are you rolling?

- [Jamie] Yes.

- Victor, last night we played a game,

a game of hide and seek.

But then it dawned on
me today when I got up,

we never finished.

It is your turn to hide,
and the three of us

will be the seekers.

We know that you know this home

way better than we could ever imagine.

So, it's gonna be a challenge.

So, right now, run off to your
favorite spot in the house.

Pick your best hidin' place,

and perhaps one of us will find you.

Alright, guys, I want you
to head out right here.

Go and search the property.

Check the out buildings.

See if maybe you can find Victor.

- [Jamie] Outside?

- Yeah, I'm gonna take the house.

You guys go right out here, come on.

Just go ahead and head out the front door.

- But?

- I got it.

Everything's fine.

(Josh sighing)

Let me know if you find him.

(lock snapping)

(ominous music)

(pounding on front door)

(pounding on front door)

All right, Victor,

ready or not.



Here I come.


You'd better be hiding.


And I bet you I know exactly
where to start first.

(door creaking)

- Damn it.

I don't get it.

Yesterday he's telling us,
everybody needs to stay together.

Always be partnered up.

Nobody's allowed to go off on their own

with all the investigating going
the way it's been recently.

And here he goes all by himself,

locks the door (sighing).

It's just a bad idea.

I'm callin' him.

(floorboards creaking)

- [Steve] Are you in here, Victor?

I know this is one of your favorite rooms.

(curtain swishing)

- [Steve's Voicemail] You've reached Steve

with Haunted Saginaw.
- Really?

- [Steve's Voicemail]
Paranormal Investigation.

Please leave a detailed
message after the beep,

and I'll get back with you
at my earliest convenience.

Thank you.

- [Josh] I'm gonna try a different door.

- [Steve] Ah, creepy ass house.

I thought for sure you
would've been up here.

All the reports of sightings
and activity in this room.

I know how fond you are of Sabina, Victor.

Why don't you come on out?


one by one, every room in this house,

I'm gonna come and find you.

I know it seemed kind of
rude locking my friends out,

but I just want it to
be you and I tonight.

It's fun, isn't it?

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

(doorknob rattling)

(doorknob rattling)

- Aw, f*ck.

There's a door on the other side.

- [Steve] Victor?

Are you in here?

(door creaking)

(door creaking)

(Steve sighing)

If I were a kid, where would I hide?

Man, you sure picked a
good hiding spot, Victor.


(curtain swishing)

(Steve sighing)

(dog whining)

(dog whining)

What the hell is that?

(dog whining)

The dog.

You're shaking.

Are you down here?

It's okay, Hector.

It's okay, dog.

It's okay.

What do you guys see?

Come on out and show yourself.

What do you see?


(floorbaord creaking)

(dog barking)

What is your name?

Who are you?

The family was not trying to contact you

using the spirit board.

I don't care if they
didn't properly close out.

They want to end
communication with you now.

They want to close now.

Leave this house.

Leave this property.

Do you understand?

Go, go away.

You're not welcome here, not wanted here.

This it it.

Leave this house.

Quit tormenting
(dog barking)

that little child, Victor.

Quit terrifying Sabina.


(pounding on door)

(suspenseful music)

- Okay, Steve, you know what happened.

You end up sendin' me,

I think you sent us like
four different clips.

So, we started in the basement.

So, we'll go right here and start.

We call this one the basement mist.

And what happens is, let me set it up.

You end up walkin' around a corner,

and Iroquois gets a hit.

So, we go back, run it through again.

You go around a corner.

We don't see anything.

We run it through again.

We get another hit in the same location.

So, we'll go ahead and play it.

So, right there we see this mist, okay?

Doesn't look like much to us.

So, we use our dynamic filtration on it.

And when you look, you can actually see,

very faintly, see what looks like

maybe a female that has,
stickin' her head out.

It's hard to see.

We thought this was
important to put in there

because the Iroquois
technology has the ability

to show some of the most incredible images

that the world's ever seen.

But it also has the ability to show

images that are a little faint.

We just want you to know,
and everybody to know,

everything that Iroquois
technology hits on

is not gonna be this, you know,

smoking g*n of an apparition.

So, we just wanna make
sure people understand.

This is scientific
research, but we'll always,

we'll try to bring you
the best that we have.

The playmate (sighing).

This one's pretty interesting.

This is the upstairs bedroom.

So, let's go ahead and play it.


So, we just go through the first time.

And then, we'll go
back, and we'll hit the,

hit it with the Iroquois technology.

So, we hit in that area.
(ominous music)

So, immediately it doesn't
look that bad to us,

but you'll see for a second
that it's dark there.

Now, we apply the dynamic filtration,

and right there you can see
that the face comes out.

You got the left eye, the right eye,

the nose kind of pointing right here.

Our final conclusion
is that is a little boy

we think mixed in with some other people.

Alright, um, (sighing) this guy

that we're gettin'
ready to show you, he is

with a little boy, and he's
standin' behind the little boy.

Entities that stand in front of children

are someone who is
protective of those children,

but human nature always remains the same.

Parents, adults stand
in front of children.

They don't stand behind 'em.

The only, we only see that if we think

the adult is somehow
manipulating or using the child.

This gentleman that we're gonna show you

is behind the little boy that
we just showed you before.

And in 14 years of
research, that is a problem.

Can you see him okay?

- [Steve] Oh, yeah.

- I didn't tell you
this, but when I was here

last time, I was sitting right
over there in that chair.

You guys were in the kitchen,

and I was in this room by myself.

And I looked over at the corner over here

where the bookshelves
and the fireplace is,

and I saw a head and shoulders

directly in front of me.

I had only seen these
images on my computer,

but here I was face to
face with his shadow.

And I'm lookin', I'm
like, is that a shadow?

This is the problem.

When I was staring at it, that
shadow is a veiling glare.

These entities look just like you and me.

Whenever you see a shadow,
they are creating that

because they don't want
you to know who they are.

But this is what I saw.

I saw the face, and I saw
the white coming through.

He wanted me to see him.

He did that on purpose.

- You couldn't be more correct

when you say that it's
certainly not protecting

the child spirit in this house.

It's definitely oppressing that spirit,

and it's also a danger to the family.

- [T.D.] Do you know about this guy?

- Oh, yeah.

We definitely know about this guy.

The family when they first
moved into the house,

they started renovations,
and almost immediately

they were hearing crying and weeping.

It sounded like a child.

The mother of the home, Stephanie,

would travel around trying to find

where the sound was coming from.

It was completely omni-directional.

She would go one way.

She'd go another.

It would still be the same volume

regardless of where she went.

Not long after that, this little spirit

started to appear to
the youngest daughter,

to other people in the family.

Hand prints on the mirror
like a small child.

This continued and continued.

And then, when the youngest daughter

had physically seen the boy,

then they were adamant to
find out who is this kid

that is haunting the
home, what's happening?

So, they started doing
research on the home.

They get some death
records, other materials,

but then unfortunately at some point,

they had the idea to use a spirit board

and try and contact the spirit

to find out who it was.

So, it started to spell out V-I-C

and continued to spell out V-I-C.

Well, for a moment they
were thinking perhaps

it was trying to spell out Victoria.

And then, they thought
there was another spirit

in the home until the death
records finally came in

and a Victor,
- Holy.

- Yeah, a Victor passed
away here in the home.

So, that's what V-I-C was.

- A young boy?

- A young boy.

- Like what we just saw?

What I just showed you?

- Yes, and where you found it is

where it's been seen multiple times.

In Sabina's room.

She has sensed him standing by
the bed near her many times.

It's very attached to her, and I think

it's because when she moved in here,

they were similar in age.

But then once they used the spirit board,

something else was introduced in the home.

The activity started to change.

You know, slamming doors,
more aggressive behavior.

They believe that this
individual, this thing,

led Sabina out in the middle of the night

and was leading her to the road.

And you see how busy this road is here.

- Right.

- She wasn't sleepwalking.

She was aware the whole time.

(loud thump)

Did that come from up here?

Was that on this floor?

Give me it.

Give me the camera.

(suspenseful music)

- What the was that?

Holy freak.

(ominous music)

- I saw something a couple days ago,

you know, when you guys were here.

You had just left.

That I thought that you
guys might find interesting.

If you wanna come this way, I'll show you.

You know how you guys left.

It was pretty late.

And about five minutes after you left,

I was in here sitting on the chair.

I was gonna text my mom and
tell her I was on my way.

I was just sitting here.

And I kept hearing something upstairs.

My daughter was asleep on the couch.

And so, after hearing
it for about a minute,

I got up and went over there to see

if I could hear it
better, and I was actually

able to record the very
end of what I heard

since I had already had my
hand, my phone in my hand.

So, I can actually show
you what I got on tape

if you guys would like to see that.

- That'd be great.

- This is actually what I heard.

At first, I thought I was
hearing maybe the printer

or something trying to
go, but when I got closer.

(creaking sound)

You could hear the very end.

Of that, and for me.

- [Steve] So, is that the staircase, or?

- Well, at first I thought, oh, my gosh,

that's the door opening.

So, that really freaked me out.

It took me a few minutes to get up

enough courage to actually go up there.

And then, when I went to, I found out

the door was closed, so I went to open it.

And then, I thought it was the floor

because the top step is really creaky.

The next day my daughter and I were here,

and I let her listen to it.

And she said, "Ah, no, that's
dad's chair in his office."

So, we went up, and I sat in his chair

and moved around a little bit.

And it is actually his chair that you hear

and not the door or the floor.

- [Steve] And you're sure of that?

- Yeah, I mean, I can actually go ahead

and just show you what it sounds like.

- [Steve] Yeah, that'd be great.

- And you guys can hear if
it sounds like that to you.

- [Steve] You wanna
head up there with her?

And I'll stay down here and hear

if it sounds the same to me.

- [Jamie] Sure.

- [Steve] And you were
recording right here

at the bottom of these stairs?

- Yeah, I was at the
bottom of these stairs.

This would be the chair,
and if you sit in it,

and you lean back, it's not too bad.

But when you go to get out,

(chair creaking)

I mean, you can hear, it's pretty much.

(chair creaking)

- [Steve] That's the same sound.

- The same sound.

- [Steve] It's exactly the same.

- So, that's what I actually
heard the other night,

and it was literally not even

five minutes after you guys left.

It's kind of, it was like,

it felt like it was trying to taunt me,

scare me intentionally,
right after you guys left.

(suspenseful music)

- [Steve] So, why do you think it would

choose that location in the
house, I mean, Tom's office?

- You know, at the time I
really didn't think much of it.

It wasn't until actually a couple days

after I saw the image that we saw of.

- [Steve] Okay, from
the Iroquois technology?

- Yes.

After seeing that, a
couple days after that,

I kept thinking, gosh,
it looks like somebody.

Why does, who is that?

2:30 in the morning I sit
up, and I go, oh, my gosh.

I know who this is.

And when I just thought about the timing

from when everything started

and all the things that led up to that.

We had a friend in the family

that we kinda had a falling out,

and we never really got to reconcile

before they passed away.

That's who I think it is.

- So, the image looked
that much like this person?

- Yes, to me, it did.

And, yeah, like I said,
we never got to reconcile.

There was some, you know, bad feelings

at the time they passed.

And that was right about the same time

shortly before things started
to get really weird here.

- The activity that's been taking place,

does that, I mean, does that also

have any hallmarks of this person?

I mean, now that you're
putting it together?

- Well, yeah, yeah, I mean.

The people that it seems to be going after

are the people that
they had a problem with.

And, you know, you know, really

focusing on our daughter kind of says,

we're gonna mess with the one
thing that's important to you.

It sounds like that's
something that they would do.

- Wow.

I mean, I'm kinda speechless right now.

That pretty much changes the direction

of everything we've been looking into.

We thought perhaps
through the spirit board,

through the grave dug up outside.

- That was actually what we had thought,

or I had thought for a while,

but after seeing the, the Iroquois image,

then going back through the timing

of when everything started, it actually

makes the most sense to me

because the timing is almost perfect.

- Well, we had, we had
something planned tonight

that I was gonna do alone, but I'm almost

wondering with this revelation

if maybe you would join me with it.

It's kinda hard to explain, but would you?

- (chuckling) Okay, it depends what it is.

- [Steve] Why don't we show her actually?

- [Jamie] Yeah.

- [Steve] Yeah, here, come with me.

- [Stephanie] Okay.

(eerie music)

- Stephanie, first of all, thanks

for agreeing to sit here
and do this with me.

I had already planned on doing this,

but when you revealed the information

that you revealed to us tonight,

I think you're gonna be the key here.

Obviously, we don't know the person

which you're speaking about or exactly

what the circumstances are.

But if you are that sure
after seeing that image

that it is that person,
and perhaps the grievances,

or the vendetta, there match

some of the actions in the house,

I feel like you're key.

So, I guess we can go ahead
and start with that one there.

Victor, while we were setting up in here,

Stephanie had thought she saw

somebody around your height
peeking in the hallway

around a semi-open door.

And moments ago, I thought
I had seen something

over here peeking behind this other easel.

So, if you're here with us, that's great

because we have a message
from Stephanie here

who would like to speak with you

and really tell you her feelings
and her family's feelings

about you being here in this house.

- Well, first, you know, nobody here

hates you or anything like that.

I mean, obviously, we
have, you've done things

that have startled Sabina especially.

We prefer you to be with your family.

I just know that, you
know, if he were my son,

I would definitely want him
to come to wherever I was.

I would love for him to just
go to be with his family.

I would think that would
make him so much happier

than being here with us since, you know,

we don't really know him.

- We really feel it's time for you to go

and be with others that are like you

because I promise you there'll be

way more people there than there are here.

Family, friends, there's a lot more

than the 6000 plus
square feet in this home.

All that being said,
when it comes to Victor,

you don't feel the same about
what else is in this house.

- No, no, not at all.
(gentle piano music)

- So, if you would like to.

(somber instrumental music)

- [Steve] It's disturbing to even look at.

- Yes, yes, it is.


- You know, to me, the image is,

it is disturbing.

It's scary, but I can't
imagine what you go through

because you know who
that looks like to you.

And you've basically matched it, you know,

identically with photos of said individual

with the composite of this.

So, how does this make you feel?

- It's disappointing.

I don't know.

You would think in death you
would want to be at peace.

Instead you would go
somewhere and create unrest

for other people and not let
yourself find that peace.

And it's, it's disappointing
that it would choose

to use Sabina as the main tool.

Sabina is young.

She doesn't understand.

As a parent, I'm sure,
as a parent you know

that it wouldn't matter
what anybody did to you.

You could deal with it.

But when they start
messin' with your kids,

why would you choose to come and disturb

and just be so angry still

instead of going and crossing
over and finding peace.

Everything is in the past now.

We don't hold any grudges, any vengeance.

I'm not angry about
anything that transpired.

Sometimes people say things and do things

that they regret later.

Sometimes, you know, you don't get

the chance to say, I'm sorry.

And you hope that they in
their last moments forgave you,

and it doesn't feel like that happened.

You know, to think that
something would take my child

and possibly harm them like that.

I can't imagine somebody being that angry.

- I think we both know that whatever else

is in this house is always watching.

It always is aware.

Would you care to try to maybe
address the room if you will

and really let it know how
you feel and where you stand?

- Okay, well, I guess the first thing

that you need to know is we don't,

we don't harbor any ill will.

Things happen.

People say things.

People do things.

We don't have any animosity, any ill will,

or anything, even for the things

that have happened since then.

You're angry, I get it.

And you need, you need to go.

You need to go, cross over.

You need to go find peace.

You need to leave the family alone.

You can't stay here.

Sabina deserves better.

We deserve better, and you deserve better.

So, you just need to go.

- Listening to what you just said,

it seems that you're very adamant

about this, which you should be.

And I know that there is some anger there,

but I also hear that
there's forgiveness there.

- Well, it's not so much,
it's anger, but not really.

It's not anger.

It's, it's scares the heck
out of Sabina, you know?

I just want her to able
to go to sleep in her room

and not have to be scared about where

she's gonna end up by morning.

I mean, that's not fair to her.

And so, it's not so much anger.

It's just fear for my child.

- For anybody watching this out there

that is skeptical of the paranormal,

of ghosts being real, what
would you say to them?

- That was me.

I was the skeptic.

When you experience it,
it's a whole different,

it's a whole different ball game.

- So, where do we go from here?

We're gonna be out of this house tonight.

We've been here for weeks, you know,

with the preliminary investigation

and all the nights of investigating.

How do you feel knowing
that we're gonna leave,

and you guys are gonna, you
know, come back to the house?

- You know, it's a little apprehensive.

I know Sabina's not super excited.

You know, after seeing that, you know,

just the image alone for her
was enough to, to terrify her.

But, you know, hopefully,

they reflected and said, you know,

maybe it is my time to go.

That's what our hope is.

- Well, we're always one phone call away.

I guess in closing, for anybody out there

that is dealing with
something like you guys

are dealing with, what word
of advice would you give

to an individual or a family
living with a haunting?

- When you get something like this,

my best advice is try to
find somebody to help you

get it, get rid of it because
it doesn't get better.

Ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

Pretending it's not there
doesn't make it go away.

Find somebody that will
help you make it go away.

(ominous music)

(eerie music)

(intense dramatic music)