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A Haunting on Potter Street: The Potter Street Station (2012)

Posted: 10/07/23 05:33
by bunniefuu
- This is the second largest
depot left in Michigan.

Built in 1881, and it's the largest

of this particular design
left in the United States.

We have heard information
that military bodies

were brought home to this station.

The most notable ones of course

would have been World w*r I, World w*r II.

We have had two or three
people that have told us

about experiences of seeing
a woman in a white dress.

It was an arsonist that started the fire.

But no one was ever caught
or prosecuted for it.

Welcome to the Potter Street Station.

We're standing in the ladies waiting room.

Back when the depot
was built, it was built

with segregated rooms.

They had one waiting room for the women,

and one waiting room for the men.

Reports of activity in
this room have included

several items, several events.

One of the volunteers while working here

took picture of the seating in the back,

and it showed, kind of, a
figure sitting there waiting.

Also there's been several
reports of various people

that we've had work here that
have seen a woman in white.

We're now in the men's waiting room,

gentleman's waiting room,
the activity that has been

seen here has been a gentleman figure

walking around, sometimes
passing by the doorways.

There's been chatter heard
in this area and footsteps.

We are now in the baggage room.

The activity that has
been sensed here has been

through this door that people have sensed

or seen a figure pass by
the door on the outside.

They've caught it sometimes
in the corner of their eye.

Or they've seen it.

And also they've sensed that
there's somebody, maybe,

peeking around the door,
checking on them, watching them.

we're now in the storage and parts room

that the railroad used to store.

Be careful, though,
loose wire right there.

They used to store their parts
and sometimes tools here.

Some of the events that have happened here

have been that some of the
parts on the shelves have moved.

Also, we have had people
say that their tools

have been moved from various locations

though they've been using them
on other locations on site,

and so they've had to go looking for them.

And they think it's a
practical joke, or whatever,

but they have found that
they have been moved.

We're standing in the room

that is referred to as a locker room.

They have lockers in here
that the railroad workers

might have used on their
day to day work chores.

We have some remnants here
of the grand staircase

that we have saved to replicate
them when the staircase

is restored back in the original shape.

The activity that has
been experienced here

has been some squeaking,
perhaps the doors opening.

Some people think they have seen that.

And also there has been
talking been heard in here.

This is a back office in the
depot on the first floor.

And more than likely it'd
have been where somebody

took work orders and processed them.

There's an opening in the doorway

where they could have slid
them through the shelf on that.

And then this is a bay window area here

whereas anyone working back here could see

the trains coming from either direction,

so you have clear visibility.

Out in the hallway here there has been

footsteps heard and there
has been a figure seen

crossing the openings up there.

The room that we're
entering now was part of

the original restaurant that was here

when the depot was built.

In more recent years, it
was used by Richard Froeber,

an undertaker, he stored caskets here.

As you can see these are casket stands.

There's three of them here.

During World w*r II,
it was more than likely

that the bodies of our
men k*lled in action

were brought back to this depot.

Perhaps they arrived here before
being taken somewhere else.

This is the room at the other
end that is the freight room.

We have secured it totally.

There was some original
damage back some years ago,

and so we've sealed it off, and we have,

most of the people won't go near it.

They're afraid to go in there,
not because of any damage

but because of things that they've heard.

And we'll let you make your own decision

on whether you wanna go in
there in the future or not.

- Okay, I'm just about set to go here.

All the gear's ready, the
cameras have been charged up

as well as the infrareds, the
walkie talkies, everything.

The hard drive's been
wiped clean off the cameras

and the audio recorders,
so everything's set to go

for the long haul this evening.

We've got a bunch of flashlights.

Everyone should keep one
with them at all times.

Because there's a lot of soft spots

throughout the whole
building in the floors.

So, something to be careful of.

Another concern that I
have is running power

down to the other areas of the building,

so we need to run some extension cords.

Gotta be careful about
tripping over those outside.

There's a lot of debris and it's dark.

I'm excited, though, I think it's

going to be a good investigation,
to say the very least

after hearing the stories
about the building

I'm really excited to see if
it lives up to everything here.

- Base temperature of the floor
is 54.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Yeah, we're doing the
investigation here tonight,

at the Potter Street Station.

It's a building I've known
about for most of my life.

The location is pretty much legendary.

It's like a compound here.

It's gonna be a little bit
intimidating being locked in.

They've got barbed wire
fence all over the place.

I don't even know what
the square footage is,

I'm gonna have to say 30,000 square feet.

Can't wait to see what
kind of stuff we find.

I'm looking forward to it.

- So, we've got nearly 30,000 square feet.

About a dozen rooms, collapsing
floors, loose brick walls,

it's gonna be a very dangerous
investigation tonight.

But from what we understand,

a very productive investigation.

The people here at the
preservation society

have claimed to see a woman in white.

Some of their tools, while
trying to restore the building,

come up missing and end up on
other ends of the building.

The list goes on.

Even an apparition was
photographed was photographed

in the women's waiting room.

So, right now, safety
inspections are done.

Everyone's in place, let's
get this thing going.

Potter Street Station.

- Good luck, gentlemen,
you're gonna need it.

- Due to the station's
massive size, I decided

to split up the team to investigate alone.

Although this violates
our safety protocol,

I felt it would be the only way

to investigate the entire
location before dawn.

This is Prozak entering the baggage room

of the Potter Street Station.

So, right now we're about
to start investigating

the baggage room here, and back in the day

about 50 trains, Keith said, would travel

to and from this location,
hundreds of passengers.

One of the recent.

One of the beliefs out there is that

the spirits can be attached
to worldly possessions,

due to the fact that there's
still luggage remaining here,

and different antiques
and things of that nature.

This could be one of the
reasons for paranormal activity.

Let's go give this theory a try.

Would anybody like to communicate with me?

Me and my friends are
gonna spend the evening

here with you guys, we'd
love to talk to you.

Maybe you could tell us
about the old train station,

what it was like?

There's some old cabinets here.

Check this out up here, looks
like an old beer bottle.

Aw, that sucks, some vandals
must have thrown a rock

through that window and broke it.

They had to board all the windows up.

That glass has gotta be
about a half inch thick.

They don't make that no more.

Did you travel from the station?

Maybe you were here for your baggage?

Maybe you left something behind?

Look at this ladder.

This room's gotta be about
damn near 30 feet high.

It's impossible to try to figure out

if you're hearing something or not

because the winds are so crazy out there.

I keep thinking I'm hearing something,

but then you hear the
wind howling like that.

If you are in here with me,
could you move something?

Maybe one of the items on the table here?

- Adam entering the locker room.

This is the room where employees

of the Potter Street Station would have

been able to store their belongings

while working their shifts.

Up here you've got the
old communications room

where the main mode of
communication would have been

by Morse code, again, really an indicator

of the time period.

Not quite as grandiose of a room

as some of the customer
areas, but definitely still

a pretty magnificent piece of
architecture to say the least.

Setting the recorder down.

I'm looking to make contact with anything

that's in this room with me.

Are you here?

- All right, check this out, come here.

I don't know if you can pick this up

with the infrared or
not, but it says 1881.

Of course, that's when
the station was built.

So you know that's original.

As a matter of fact look at this,

you can see these broken pieces here.

This was probably crested right up

on the side of the building.

It's a shame that it's like this.

Could you please.

Did you see that?

Could you please?

Did you see that?

Over there, watch your step.

Is that you in there,
are you in this corner?

I know it moved, did you see it move?

I know you had to have got that.

That thing moved about six, seven inches.

And nobody could possibly fit in that.

That's got a little give on it.

Not that much, though.

I can feel a lot of wind coming,
there's a hole right here.

This hole in the wall goes
into the ladies waiting room.

There is definitely some
wind action going on in here.

So, that could have very well done that.

Okay, I definitely heard some shuffling

or something right here.

Are you playing games with me?

I heard that's what you like to do.

That's all right.

You've got all night.

I'm not gonna lie, this
place is kinda creepy.

- Is somebody back here?

I definitely heard breathing.

I can't see anything.

You don't have to be afraid.

Come out towards the center.

No need to hide in the corner.

Can you tell me your name,
something about yourself?

Why you're here?

Come right towards the center,

right towards where the remains here

of the master staircase are.

I know it's not probably where you're used

to seeing these pieces.

The staircase itself used
to be through this archway.

Over the years this was closed off.

Did you used to walk up
and down these stairs?

Hey, check this out, look at this.

It's definitely a bone.

- Did you work here at one point?

Are you a former employee?

What's your name?

What the hell?

What's the reason that you're still here?

Wow, really be careful through here.

I'm catching my feet on everything.


Did you open this?

- What the hell used to be in this?

Is this like the main water
supply for the whole place?

I guess it has to be.

Is this like the sewage area?

No, looks like all the
rainwater from outside

is getting sucked in here.

What was that?

- All of us have been warned

not to investigate certain
areas of the building.

We were doing so at our own risk.

This type of investigating
is extremely dangerous

and not recommended.

- What the hell fell in the water?

I hit my f*cking head.

I'm losing my balance here.

This is gonna suck.

What the f*ck is going on here?


You all heard that, right?

- This was sticking, so
I had to push this open.

I walked right here.

Are you in here with us right now?

If you are make another sign.

Can you open this cabinet?

What was that?

- You see all this roof
that's all caving in?

These are ready to drop on
the floor, all this shit.




- During every investigation

we set up several stationary cameras

to document paranormal activity
or abnormal occurrences.

The following clip was
recorded in the baggage room.

- I'm Brent Shay, Executive Producer

of the Potter Street Station documentary.

Earlier this evening we
were touring the building

and I had a chance to
wander off on my own,

and I encountered something
that I've never seen

in my life before, I just, am not gonna go

back in that building.

I hope they're gonna be okay.

Not only because of the
structural problems,

but because of other things.

- Potter Street Station
has a long standing

definition of being haunted.

I believe probably that's because it has

so much history, there's
been so many happenings

so many physical experiences that a lot

of that residue is still here.

Energy doesn't always dissipate,

and I think we see that at Potter Street.

A lot of people have had experiences.

Because I think that energy
doesn't always dissipate

all the time, especially if
it's sad it gets kinda stuck,

and do I believe that it's haunted?

I definitely do, I definitely believe

that there is unrest here.

- Prozak, Richard Frobler
room, the casket maker.

Wow, look at these columns.

This room is massive.

They used to put the caskets
on these back in the day.

See the old pads?

It's kinda morbid.

Make sure you watch your step.

There's all kinds of boards here.

Would anybody like to communicate with me?

Man, these things are
just laying everywhere.

I guess back in the day
they had the casket maker

right here in the train station,

because of all the bodies
that would come back

from the w*r, so it was very handy

to have a casket maker right here.

That way the family didn't
have to look very far

to shop for one.

There's a lot of history in this building.

We're told that a spirit haunts
this area of the building.

Did you return here to the
Potter Street Station from w*r?

- Whoa, this a really big hole here.

Watch your step, this floor is actually,

looks like it's all rotted out.

You might wanna just stand right there

and just sh**t from there,

so we don't both go through.

Setting the recorder down.

Also, setting the K2 meter down.

- Digital recorders
are used in the field

to catch disembodied voices
and other phenomenon.

K2 meters use flashing
lights to signal fluctuation

in electromagnetic
energy, which often occurs

when a spirit is near.

- Is there anybody back here with me?

I'm not here to trespass.

I'm not here to vandalize anything.

Just here looking for
proof that you're here.

A lot of members of the board,

including our friend Keith,

say they feel an upset energy back here.

Something that seems to make them afraid

or uncomfortable in this area.

Is that you that's causing that energy?

Why are you angry?

- Can you tell us how old you are?

Wow, look at this.

See all that charred wood from the fire?

That's a massive piece
of wood right there.

I really would like to
communicate with you.

Got an old bathroom over here.

Could you tell us what year it is?

Wow, check this out.

We've got an old helmet back here.

I swear I thought that chair
just moved right there.

Is that you over there in the corner?

- Were you here at the station in angst?

Going somewhere maybe
not such a happy trip?

Maybe it's just my flashlight
beam, but I swear that

that stall door was moving.

- I really would love to talk to you?

Jesus, wow, look at this.

In memory of.

It's a bunch of old funeral invitations.

Now, that's creepy.

Just pages and pages.

I wonder how old these are?

This is probably the creepiest place

I've ever investigated in my life.

Not to mention the most dangerous.

Whoa, watch out, we've
got a loose board there.

I really would love to
communicate with you.

Were you part of the armed forces?

Did you help protect the United States?

Look at this, funeral
goods, do not crush.

I thought I saw this chair move.

I'm gonna go ahead and set this device

right here on the chair.

Maybe you could come
sit down and talk to me.

What w*r were you in?

Where did they send you?

Could you say that one more time, please?

That's more of those pads
right there for the casket.

It's kind of ominous.

I'm not that positive, something
just moved right there.

Did you guys get that?

Is that you in there?

Could you please try
to communicate with me

just talk right into this light.

How did you die?

- Give me some kind of sign right now.

Are you still here?

You don't seem that scary to me.

You can tell me why you're angry.

You can tell me why you're angry.

- Unseen by the
investigator at the time

the infrared camera picked
up a traveling orb of light.

Many paranormal researchers believe orbs

to be spirits in motion.

- Maybe we can help.


I'm gonna leave these two here.

Let's go grab a stationary
camera and set it up

just to make sure if anything
else goes on in here,

I wanna make sure we catch it.

- The following clip is recorded

several moments after setting up

the stationary camera.

It turns out Adam wasn't alone after all.

What's most profound about the evidence

are the multiple confirmations
of a paranormal event.

The K2 meter indicates
a dramatic fluctuation

in electromagnetic energy,
a mist begins manifesting

just seconds after, and
lastly, the stall door

moved on its own.

- I've been outside for a
while and I haven't heard

any communication over the radio.

I hope they're okay inside.

This place really gives me the chills.

- I think that they're going to find

that there's a lot of
friendly spirits in there

that are gonna come out, but I think

there's gonna be some
that are a little afraid

to come out and see you, and talk to you,

because they're not sure
if you're a friend or not.

Even though if you say
you are, they're still

not positive about it, but I think

it's gonna be a very good experience.

You know, I really do, they're gonna see

and hear a lot of
different things in there,

from way, way, way back.

- Jesus.


Is there anybody here?

This place is beat to hell.

Anybody here who would
like to speak with me?

Would like to communicate tonight?

This place is f*cking creepy.

Hello, are you here
can you give me a sign?

- This is Prozak entering
the ticket booth room.

Check this out.

Certificate of merit
presented to the employees,

Saginaw, Michigan, no accidents 1959.


Look at the detail in all the woodwork.

The craftsmanship from back in the day.

This place is amazing.

So, over here, this is the
old ticket booth counter.

So, this is where everybody would come up

and buy their tickets
right at this very spot.

It's kind of amazing when
you think about the history.

They said this was the second main hub

in the entire state,
Detroit being number one.

So, thousands of people would have left

from this very place to visit
family, or to go off to w*r.

Some of them not coming back alive.

- It just got cold in here.

It's right here.

Like I said, it feels like
it's coming from right here.

This all boarded up.

Looking up there it's all boarded up, too.

My face is freezing, dude.

Feel kinda weird sometimes
when that happens,

'cause it's like you're
walking through them.

Feel kinda weird sometimes
when that happens,

'cause it's like you're
walking through them.

Feel kinda weird sometimes
when that happens,

'cause it's like you're
walking through them.

- What the hell?

Come here.

Look at this.

Whatever it was was strong,
I mean, to knock these off.

These are solid wood.


What would have just caused all this?

I don't feel it, I don't
feel a train going by.

Usually you can feel it under your feet.

Would somebody like to
communicate with me?

Are you angry that we're here?

It's got dates on here, 1972, 1973.

Does it upset you that we're
inside the building tonight?

That door just move?

- Hear it?

That's coming from inside the building.

What the f*ck is that?

Watch out, dude, I don't want you

to get caught up in this stuff.

It seems that it's coming
from inside the building.

- Come here.

I swear I just saw something right here.

Only it was quick, it was a dark figure.

It is believed that when a spirit

or entity tries to
manifest it draws energy

from it's surroundings,
reducing the ambient temperature

of a room, this becomes visible
in that you can actually

see my breath due to
the dramatic and sudden

drop in temperature.

Come here.

I swear that I just saw
something right here.

Only it was quick.

It was a dark figure.

It was right on this corner.


There's no reason to hide.

There's no reason to hide.

There's no reason to hide.

- Can you make that noise again for us?

Wow, this got f*cked up.

Look at that.

That's crispy right there.

That's like, this is where the fire was.

Damn, this is so, wood's
not supposed to do that.

This thing got burnt to a crisp.

Look at it, though.

It's weird how it just, it's
there, it comes down here,

and stops right there,
just in that window.

It came down, it spread
here, and it stopped.

- The following clips display two

very prominent pieces of evidence.

Nobody was either in, or near the rooms

at this exact time of recording.

The evidence in this next
clip almost went undetected.

A shadow man is seen running
through the men's waiting room,

then vanishes on camera.

- I think there are several spirits

that haunt the Potter Street Station.

And I think that they're more
or less watching over it.

They're guarding it.

- In my estimation, I would
say for sure it is haunted.

And I would say it's
haunted by many spirits.

And not just one.

- We've asked the spirits what
is it that you want from us.

- We've seen a lot and heard a lot.

Had many, many different experiences.

- And they have said, or acknowledged,

time and time again that
they want us to help save it.

Because it's their home and they don't

wanna lose their home.

- There's a lot of energy in here.

A lot of good energy, a little bit of bad,

a lot of sadness in here, I've felt it all

ever since the first step into it.

- Right now we're about to
go down into the boiler room

of the Potter Street Station.

Let's go.

Wow, look at the floor in here.

Make sure you're careful.


Yo, we're gonna have to
go down one at a time.

So, let me go down first.

The staircase doesn't look very sturdy.

Wow, this place is pretty intense.

Gotta make sure you watch
your step in this place.

Got a nice hole right there in the ground.

What is this?

That's crazy, looks like a diagram

of how the boiler room
used to heat the building.

Got another room in here.

That looks a little suspect.

You wanna go in?

Let's do it.


We've got a doorway.

What was that?



Dude these are f*cking bricks,

falling out of the wall down here.

Let's get the f*ck out of here.

This isn't necessarily worth that.

We've got more going, go, go, go, go!

The following clip was
recorded in the hallway

leading to the back office.

Not only did the IR
camera pick up the sounds

of disembodied footsteps,
but also the debris

on the floor moving in
conjunction with them.

The next clip displays
shocking paranormal interaction

with tangible objects, observe.

You can actually see two
spirit orbs enter the room,

open the lockers, then exit
the same way they entered.

- During the safety inspection
this hallway was flagged

as a hazardous area where we should keep

investigators out of.

The reason for that is because
it's beginning to collapse.

You can actually see
bricks that are tearing

through the wall, so, it's
definitely dangerous back here,

but after talking it over with Prozak,

we really decided that we can't leave

any stone unturned, so right now,

we're gonna head back into
this portion of the building,

and look for any kind of activity.

I've got a thermometer with me
to gather some base readings,

and also a digital recorder.

Just trying to capture
anything that's here, really.

We really need to watch out.

There's a lot of debris on the floor here.

And again this hallways
is starting to collapse.

I'm really not sure how stable it is,

but just make sure you step lightly.

It feels pretty solid so far.

You're good, you're good.

Man, look at this.

You're good, you're good.

Man, look at this.

You're good, you're good.

Man, look at this.

The floor feels pretty solid here.

Let's see what's back in this room?

Looks like there's some bars
on this window back here

that's kind of interesting.

See all those?

Wonder what they used this area for?

Looks like we've got
an average base reading

of 54 degrees Fahrenheit

- Is anybody here?

Trying to communicate with
anybody that might be here.

I've got a device that
allows me to talk to you.

Or at least hear you.

If you have anything to say just talk

into this little red light.

My name's Tim.

My name's Tim.

My name's Tim.

What's your name?

- After reviewing
the surveillance footage,

we were able to rule
out human interference

in the men's waiting room.

No one other than Tim and the cameraman

had entered or left the location,

leaving the dark figure to
be classified as paranormal.

- You know, the wind's
blowing pretty hard outside,

but this room that we're in

is secure from the outside
walls, so I don't think

that anything would be
blowing through the exterior

and into here as well.

But, man that is cold.

How long have you been here?

Is there anything you can tell
me to do that can help you?

Is there anything you can tell
me to do that can help you?

Is there anything you can tell
me to do that can help you?

- There was a lot of crazy emotions

that went through this room.

They hear stories about how
the men going off to w*r,

all the uncertain futures.

You know, a lot of them
didn't make it home.

Is anybody here?

Did you hear that?

Was that you?

I'm totally hearing something.

Say something again.

Just make noise.

Do you smell that?

I swear to God, I'm
smelling like, cigar smoke,

or pipe or something.

What's your name?

Are you from Saginaw?

- The following activity occurred

in the back office.

If you listen closely,
you can hear the sound

of the light bulb being
unscrewed before it falls

from the fixture.

This supports the theory
of poltergeist activity

at the station.

After reviewing this next
clip, we were finally able

to validate the eyewitness claims

of a notorious woman in white.

- All right, we just caught on the IR,

we just saw something move by here.

I don't know where the hell it was going,

because there's no room to move.

It came in like this.

You don't see it in this
windows, so, it started here.

And it just walks by like this.

But it doesn't go anywhere,
there's nowhere to go.

I wonder if this is like
an office or something.

Some dude's doing his work.

Watch out for that.

Damn, you fall through there
it's gonna be a bad day.

A visit to the ER right there.

Anybody here?

Anybody here?

Anybody here?

- This is Prozak in the
women's waiting room.

Of course notice I said
women's waiting room.

Back then it used to be
segregated in public,

as Keith was telling us.

This is really interesting here.

This luggage was actually found

during the restoration of the building.

So they've got it on display here.

Some of these old trunks, these things

actually survived the fire.

Whoa, okay, it's a little
mouse took off there.

So, we were trying to conduct an interview

with Keith Wizner and
we had him sitting here

in front of the old Victorian fireplace.

And we heard a woman
scream two different times.

So, we're gonna see if we can
try and make some contact.

The scream came from this area,

which really coincides with
something that Lee told us,

that one of the people had a
photograph in this exact chair

looked like an apparition
is sitting there in white.

And that really kind of goes
with the woman in white theory.

So, we're gonna see if we
can get some communication.


We're here to establish contact
with the woman in white.

We're here to establish contact
with the woman in white.

- Dude, all the hair on the
back of my neck just stood up.

Hello, I'm right here if you
wanna come out and say hi.

It's right after we
saw this thing walk by.

I'm saying hi, I'd like to meet ya.

Why don't you show yourself?

Where did that come from?

Right over here, right?

Something just whooped my face.

Touched my face.

Something just touched my face.

Is there anything leaning down here?

Something just brushed my
face, on the side of my face.

That was weird.

There's no mark there
or anything, is there?

See a mark or anything?

Something just went like
that, it brushed my face.

- I apologize for being in
the wrong waiting room here.

Perhaps it's a little
improper, but I would really

like to make your acquaintance.

Is this the spot that
you used to sit in here?

Is that why you keep coming back?

If you could come sit down
in your favorite spot here,

you can make a meter light up.

I would know that you're here with me.

- Hey, sorry to interrupt

but just letting you know the camera's

getting a low battery.

- Can you tell us why you're screaming?

Is somebody trying to hurt you?

Did somebody hurt you?

Hey, that light's moving, dude.

That f*cking light is swinging.

Do you see this, are you getting it?

- I could have sworn there
was somebody on the stairs.

I turned around and all I saw was a shadow

right in the middle of the stairwell,

then it just vanished.

I don't know if it was just
my eyes playing tricks on me.

Where is the f*cking light?

There it is.

I think I got it.

I can never find this damn thing.

There we go.

Come here.

What the f*ck is that?

Dude, that was not there.

That's really freaky,
like seriously freaky,

like it's trying to tell us something.

- I just saw it spike to red one time.

Did you come to join me?

Can you please say something?

It came from over this way, right here.

Is that you that moved the lights?

Are you angry that we're in here?

Can you please tell us anything?

Why were you screaming?

What happened to you?

Did somebody hurt you here at the station?

Is that why you still linger?

Wow, they're still moving, dude.

Still moving.

Did you touch me?

Did you just touch my shoulder?

Are you sure?

Are you positive?

Something just tapped me
right on the shoulder, dude.

There's nothing hanging.

You're sure the camera didn't bump me?

- I'm positive
the camera did not touch you.

It just got really cold.

- Where are you?

Are you standing here next to me?

Could you please say anything at all?

This is creepy.

- The battery
light's flashing red

the camera's about to.

- Are you serious?

You got anymore batteries on you?

- No, I don't.

I could go get one, though.

I don't understand, this
was a fresh battery.

- Shit.

- Sh, sh, what was that?

- What the hell was that?

- I heard it, too.

- That, in the
corner, did you see that?

- I see it.

- Is that you?

- my God.

- The woman in white?