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05x11 - Maternal Instincts

Posted: 10/07/23 16:53
by bunniefuu
Is this gonna be your attitude
the whole day? It is irritating.

I'm not talking to you
until I get my iPod and phone back.

That's not happening until you apologize.

I apologized to Uncle Fritz,
and he accepted my apology.

You didn't apologize to me yet,
which shouldn't be that hard to do...

...considering I told you exactly
what I wanna hear.

I'm sorry for drugging you
with the pot brownies I made...

...and for putting Uncle Fritz
in a terrible position.

- I'm not feeling it.
- Oh, my God. Forget it. I don't care.

You better care. If I don't start
believing that you've developed a thought...

...for anyone other than yourself,
when Grandpa comes to pick you up... and I will have a...
- Watch out.

- Why are all these people running?
- Charlie, don't open your window.

Somebody's sh**ting in the parking lot.

- You're in the red zone.
- The red zone is for police.

I am the red zone. Keep your head down.
And stay in the ca... Down.

And stay in the car.

Help me, please. Please help.

- I'm a police officer. What's your name?
- Jake.

Oh, God. I think I'm shot.

- I'm bleeding.
- Okay, Jake, don't move.

I want you to take this sweater
and press it against your belly. Like that.

- Okay.
- Good.

- Do you know who shot you?
- Uh, no. No.

Was it a boy or a girl?

- I think it was a boy.
- Okay.

Oh, God. Please, please don't leave me.
Don't. Please, please.

- I'm not going anywhere.
- Stay with me.

I wanna make sure the ambulance knows
where you are, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Charlie. I told you to wait in the car.

I didn't hear anything, so I thought I'd...
Here, I brought your bag and phone.

Hey, someone needs to call my mom.

Don't worry.
Someone is gonna call your mom.

- Freeze.
- Don't you worry.

Deputy Chief Johnson. I've got two down:
One dead and one under the car.

I want a four-block perimeter
and field interview cards...

...on every person that you stop.
And get that ambulance back here.

- Got it.
- Lieutenant.

His mother's name is Patricia Burrell.

She's a flight attendant
for Royal Asian Airlines.

Thank you. Officer, come with me.

I'm riding with Jake.
I want you to take this young lady...

...and follow the ambulance to the hospital
in my car.

You wait for me in the ER.
Don't let her out of your sight.

- Do you understand?
- Yes, ma'am.

Okay, I'm right here, Jake.
I'm with you the whole way.

- Is my mom coming?
- Yes, she is, just as soon as possible.

- Sorry about the sweater.
- Don't you worry about that.

I promise I'll be here
the minute you wake up.


- Here's your keys, chief.
- Thank you.

- Is he gonna make it?
- It's hard to know.

Sit there and don't move.

did you locate Jake's mother?

We know that
she's on the way to Hanoi.

We haven't been able
to, uh, get in touch with her yet.

Did Jake say anything
before the doctors took him?


Gentlemen, can we?

- Did you ID the victim yet?
- Uh, yes, uh...

His name is Tomas DeLeon. Age 17.

Died with a backpack full of pot.

- So he's a drug dealer.
- Looks like it.

So that might make that boy in surgery
one of his customers.

- Were they victims of a robbery?
- If it was, it didn't go very well.

Tomas had a big roll of cash on him,
mostly small bills.

Any other witnesses?

Um, well, yeah, a couple of people said
they saw someone with a g*n.

Really? Who?

A woman in a brown dress
with blond curly hair.

- That's horrible.
- Well, not completely.

One of the witnesses described you
as being in your early 30s.

Excuse me, gentlemen.
Did you see where?

She was right here.

- Do you have change for a soda?
- Ah, I told you not to move.

- I had to go to the bathroom.
- I don't care.

When I say, "Stay in the car,"
I mean stay in the car. I could've shot you.

- I was trying to help. How am I suppose...?
- I didn't ask for help. Don't interrupt me.

I have to get to work.

Since you seem to be so interested
in how this boy is doing... can stay here with him
when he gets out of surgery.

- Call me the second he wakes up.
- Why me?

I'm giving you the chance... show that you can care about someone
other than yourself for a few minutes.

So sit here...

...and think about how lucky you are
that you're out here and not in there.


Our dead boy is Tomas DeLeon,
and our eyewitness, Jake Burrell... in emergency surgery
and might not make it.

Be ready to do this without him.

- What was going on in that parking lot?
- dr*gs.

Obviously. All this pot was from our victim
Tomas DeLeon's backpack.

Chief, if this is the start of a turf w*r,
you need Narcotics involved.

- They know the players.
- You're right, commander.

If that's what this is,
we need to be prepared.

- Was the dead boy in a g*ng?
- No. His older brother, Oscar DeLeon, was.

Served three years for distribution.
Out for two months.

Well, maybe big brother was using
little brother to keep his own nose clean.

Or to keep it from getting blown off
by another g*ng.

- How many sh*ts were fired?
- We found five 9 mm casings...

...spaced about one to two feet apart.

Looks like the k*ller
was sh**ting on the move.

And the car our witness Jake was hiding
under, turns out it's registered to Tomas.

We're towing it to the print shed.

Okay. Let's do the notification
for the DeLeon family here.

See if we can have his brother,
Oscar, present.

- Sure.
- Maybe he can tell us...

...who would want his little brother dead.

That's not Tomas' backpack.
I never saw it before.

- You see it before?
- No.

Is this your little brother's backpack?

- Oscar?
- Tomas is a good boy.

Never in any trouble.

I see.

When was the last time
you saw your son?

This morning around 9.

He had breakfast, and he was worried
about being late for his job.

Really? And where is his job?

It's in a coffee place
somewhere in Hollywood. I'm not sure.

I'm sorry, you arrested the wrong boy.

Tell me, how does a boy
working in a coffee shop...

...make $800 in tips before noon?

Uh, we told you that this is not, um...
It's not his backpack.

Can you identify his car?

Yes, that's his.

Hmm, well, when Tomas
bought his new car last month...

...somehow he paid for it in cash.

- No. He said he got a loan.
- No.

He was selling dr*gs.
And I wanna know who he was working for.

- Any ideas, Oscar?
- I got no ideas.

All right, then.

Mr. And Mrs. DeLeon, Oscar... is my sad duty to inform you
that your son Tomas was shot and k*lled... a parking lot
where he was selling dr*gs.

You should've been the one
who was dead!

- You got him k*lled!
- I wasn't even there!

- You k*lled him!
- Okay. All right. Whoa! Easy.

- You should've never gotten out of jail!
- Easy. Hey.

I wish they'd never let you go!

Hey. Where do you think you're going?

Let him go, detective.
We have nothing to hold him on.

At the moment.

I had to leave her at the hospital.

I thought we agreed
Charlie needs constant supervision.

Look, I promised my witness
he wouldn't be alone.

Charlie seemed to show interest in him.

So I thought, why not give her
the responsibility of looking in on the boy?

- It might help her to grow up a little.
- She doesn't deal with death all the time.

She just saw two kids
bleeding on the pavement.

Did you stop and think that leaving her
in an emergency room by herself...

...might not be the best idea?

No. I thought she'd get to see what
happens when a drug deal goes wrong.

So this is your own
little scared-straight program?

Why not lock her in county for the night?

I should've heard from her by now.
I'm gonna call her...

...tell her to meet us downstairs.


Oh, no.

You left her at the hospital
without her phone.

We agreed after she apologized to me,
you'd give it back.

Well, she didn't apologize to me.

Properly. I mean, she started to,
but then she was, I don't know, pouting.

Well, he's through surgery
and already out of anesthesia...

...and talking to his sister,
so that's good.

- His sister?
- Yeah. She's been glued to him.

Oh, um...

- Okay, uh, let me see my face.
- Okay.

- Oh, God, my hair.
- Don't worry. You look great.

- Really?
- Okay, that's enough for now.

He needs to rest.

Uh, be right there.

I have to go.

I have, um, other, uh, patients to see.
So nice to meet you.

Yeah. Will you come back?

Of course. As soon as I can.
I just have to check the schedule.



It's good to see you up and, um...

Uh, excuse me just a second.
Just one moment.

- "I have to check the schedule"?
- He thinks I'm a volunteer.

- The nurses think you're his sister?
- They only allow family members in the ICU.

Thank God I heard you use
his mom's name.

Obviously, Jake knows I'm not his sister,
so I told him I was a youth volunteer.

It was easier than explaining
you're my aunt.

You two are so related.

I told you to call me
the second he woke up.

You wouldn't give me back my phone.

Did he say anything
about what happened?

No. I was trying to make him feel better.
I'm not a narc.

Charlie here has fulfilled her responsibilities
pretty well, wouldn't you say?

Yes, I would. Thank you.
Thank you very much, Charlie.

- I promised him a playlist.
- If that's designed to get your iPod back...'s not working.
- You really wanna punish her...

...what do you say I take this volunteer
down to the cafeteria? The pizza's horrible.

Thank you, Uncle Fritz.

There was this, uh, flash.

And his head just went...

- I hit the ground.
- So he was shot first.

Did you see the person sh**ting?

No. He was behind the other guy
that got shot.

All I did was get under the car.

Did you know Tomas DeLeon,
the guy who was k*lled?

Or what he was doing
in that parking lot?

Jake, we didn't find any dr*gs on you...

...and I have no evidence
that you were buying.

You've got enough trouble.
I'm only interested... the person who was sh**ting.
Can you describe him for me?

I never saw his face.

The sh**ting started,
and I went under the car...

...and then the sh**ting stopped.

And when I looked, I just...
I saw someone walking away.

And the next person I saw was you.

Please don't tell my mom
why I was there.

Her only worry is that you get better,
believe me.

You talked to her?

- Yes, I did.
- Is she coming?

She is coming
just as fast as that plane can fly.

I'm sure she told the captain
to step on it.

You're gonna be okay. Okay?

We've got him pumped full of antibiotics.
Large intestine was perforated.

So infection is a big concern.

If he makes it through tomorrow night,
he's got a chance.

- How many b*ll*ts did you recover?
- No complete b*ll*ts, only fragments.

- Fragments?
- Shrapnel, basically.

He had multiple entrance wounds.

The b*ll*ts hit something and shattered
before entering his body.

Surgically speaking,
that's a little more challenging.

Yes, I understand.
Thank you. Thank you.

Lieutenant Tao?

I think we can explain the shrapnel.

These chalk lines represent the parking
space where Jake Burrell was shot.

We went back and did lead wipes
on some chips in the pavement...

...and found three b*llet impact points.

That's three b*ll*ts.
I remember five casings.

- Let's do a count.
- Lord.

All right. Uh, the coroner found one b*llet
in the dead boy.

Jake dives under the SUV,
and the sh**t fires b*ll*ts two and three...

Pow, pow!

...which hit here and here.

- And b*llet four...
- Pow.

...which hits here, further up.

All strike the pavement,
creating shrapnel... Jake is backing up,
striking him in the abdomen.

To here, where his blood pools.

At which point, the sh**t lowers himself
for a better angle...

...aiming for a headshot.

However, the b*llet
does not hit the pavement...

...does not strike Jake.
It hits the gas t*nk.

Oh, I sense a big finish coming up.

It lands in a brick of weed...

...packed inside this half
of this fake gas t*nk.

Well, if this was all about dr*gs,
and his SUV was loaded with marijuana...

...why didn't they just drive away with it?

Right. And what decent gangster
leaves $800 behind?

You know, you could've spared me
this dog-and-pony show...

...and just told me out-front
that the sh**t fired once at DeLeon...

...and four times at Jake Burrell.

- Chief.
- I wanted to give you the full picture.

Uh, chief, we need to go back
to the hospital.

No, no, no.
We think Jake was the target all along.

Buzz, do you think you could place
a camera and a microphone... an ICU room without being noticed?

Sure. I've got some new wireless units
that are small...

...and I could probably put them
on an IV stand without anyone notic...

Pack up your away kit, and be ready to go
in five minutes. Thank you.

Sergeant, I want clearance from the hospital
to put a video feed in Jake Burrell's room.

They won't like that.

- Tell them we're afraid for his safety.
- Chief.

- You gonna interview the boy again?
- I don't think so, lieutenant.

You said you promised Jake some music?

- Yeah.
- He's all alone.

I think it would be good for him.

What about my phone?

Hey, wait, wait, wait.

- That's, uh... That's cool.
- Really?

Well, it's kind of girly.

Yeah, you can't
really dance to it, I guess.

- Hey, how long can you stay today?
- A while. Why?

Oh, um...

My mom doesn't get in till tomorrow,
so I'm a little on my own.

- I'll try and stay, then.
- Thanks.

- Oh, my God.
- I've made up my mind.

I'm gonna ask Lauren to marry me.

They gave her the phone in the airport...

I'm going to ask her.


...I think that she...

...might be mad at me.

She'll get over it when
she sees you. You'll be better tomorrow.

I hope she doesn't find out
I was buying pot.

What is it with parents and pot?
It's like none of them ever tried it.

I don't think pot's that big of a deal.

Are you okay?

Yeah, um...

It just kind of hurts a little bit.

- Hey, look, if you have other patients...
- I don't.

I mean, it's slow today, so...

Well, what about, um?

Do you, like,
do this volunteer thing, uh, alone...

...or does your boyfriend
do it with you sometimes?

I don't have a boyfriend anymore.
We broke up a few months ago.

Okay, yeah, same here.

- Actually, you know, I got dumped.
- Why?


It was intense, you know?

Like, at first...

...we weren't, you know,
uh, hooking up a lot.

- Then once we did, it was like...
- It was like you had to do it all the time?


With my boyfriend,
it was, like, every day, everywhere.

"What about your parents' bedroom?"


- Your parents' bedroom? Why?
- I don't know.

I guess it just sort of became
more about him than us...

...and then it's hard to go back.


I guess with the right person... could be different.
- Oh, totally. Totally.

Yeah, I don't know.


I may, uh, never even find out.

Uh, Vanessa is my girlfriend's name, uh...

- She got, uh, pregnant.
- Oh, my God.

Yeah, so I'm going to be a father.

My God. She dumped you?

I told her, like, we could get married,
um, or, you know, I'd help her.

That we could find a way
to take care of the kid... it wouldn't grow up
without a father... I did.

But Vanessa, she told me
she never wanted to see me again.


She didn't know what to say to her dad.

She kept wanting to, like,
hide everything that was going on.

But she started to show, I guess...

...because a couple weeks ago,
I got a phone call from her father...

...saying that if he ever saw me
hanging around his daughter again...

...that he'd k*ll me.

So I guess I did something wrong.

Yeah, I messed up a lot this year.

Stop there, Buzz.

All right, ahem.

Narcotics has given you a list
of Oscar DeLeon's enemies.

- The victim was dealing dr*gs.
- Yeah. What happened to the dr*gs?

And she wants to throw all that out...

...for teen pregnancy.
- Why?

The sh**t only hit Tomas once.
He shot at Jake four times.

This pregnant girlfriend could be
a much stronger motive than the pot.

Hmm, that's too bad, then,
because even if Jake was the target... had no permission
to make this recording.

This girl is my niece,
and she's a witness.

I had every right to record her
for her own protection.

Are you her legal guardian?

- Well, no, but...
- Then you cannot act on her behalf.

Anything you use from this interview
would be fruit of the poisonous tree.

Okay, fine. If I can't use this DVD,
I'll use what's on it.

But you'll have to get the information
from some other source.

I have a great one. Pardon me.

- You couldn't have liked that.
- I didn't. But the pizza...

- It was too mushy.
- It was mushy, exactly.

- This is fantastic. Oh, my God.
- Hello.

Oh, hey, honey. There you are.

Hey, listen, we were gonna wait for you,
but it's completely my fault.

Look. Swiss steak.

Oh! That's so nice.

- Charlie made dinner again.
- Oh, well, thank you, Charlie.

Here. You gotta taste some.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

You gotta have some of these potatoes.
They're amazing.

I think it was good for Jake to spend
all that time with you today, don't you?

I guess.

I'm sure he enjoyed the music.

And I imagine he told you
more about his life and things like that.

Because I'm worried about him.

- Jake.
- Why?

Uh, I have reason to believe
that his life is in danger.

Seemed like he was getting better.

I'm not talking about the injuries.
I'm saying I no longer believe...

...that Jake was just a witness.

- I think he was the principal target.
- Really? Why are we talking about that?

Because of the physical evidence.
Which is why, Charlie...

...if Jake said anything about his life...

...that might be a reason
for someone to want to hurt him...

He didn't.


- Nothing at all?
- Nope.

What about his girlfriend, Vanessa?

How did you know about...?

- You spied on me, didn't you?
- No. I taped you.

Brenda, you can't put Charlie
in the middle of this.

She's been in the middle
from the very beginning.

Look, if you don't want to repeat
your conversation with Jake...

...this is a prepared statement
where you confirm...

...that Jake told you about
getting his girlfriend, Vanessa, pregnant.

- And you are going to sign it.
- No. I'm not signing anything.

Okay. This is a DVD recording of everything
you said in that hospital room:

About the pot, about what you did in
your parents' bedroom with your boyfriend.

- Oh, my God.
- It's all going directly to your address.

- You wouldn't do that.
- I'm trying to protect this boy's life.

She's trying to protect his secrets.
Which is more important?

You are the most horrible person
I have ever met.

Tell the world that.

Sign the paper, get your cell phone back.

Then you can call everyone
and tell them what a monster I am...

...for trying to stop someone
from k*lling Jake.

Or I gift-wrap this DVD
and send it to your parents. Your choice.

Recording me.

I'm only doing this to protect Jake.

No one believes that, including you.

Including me.

- I had to do this to legally close my case.
- And this was the only way to do that?

I didn't lie to her.

Aunt Brenda, quick,
I have to go to the hospital right now.

- Charlie. Wait, wait. Are you okay?
- Yeah.

I called Jake, and I told him everything
about who I am and how you spied on us.

- Slow down. Slow down.
- What did you do? Hush, hush, hush.

- What did you do?
- I called Jake, and he sounded awful.

I... He had this really bad fever,
and the nurses made him get off the phone.

- Okay.
- I'm going to get my clothes on.

- No, Charlie.
- It'll only take a second.

- Charlie. Wait. You're gonna stay here.
- I told him I was coming.

- You shouldn't have done that.
- I told him everything that you did.

- You shouldn't have done that.
- You have to let me see him.

- Look, Charlie... Where is my purse?
- Calm down.

I'll find your purse. I'll find your purse.
Stay here.

You said yourself
that I'm in the middle of this.

Charlie, I promise you,
I will do everything I can to help this boy.

She's telling you the truth.

- What's gonna happen to him?
- As soon as I find out, I will call you.

Thank you.

Drive carefully, all right?

What now?

Now I wait up with you.

Doctor, um, I'm sorry.
I just need to know if Jake can handle...

...being interviewed at the moment.
- We got him maxed out on morphine.

So he'll be in and out.

- Do you know if he spoke to his mother yet?
- Half an hour ago.

She's on a plane coming in from Honolulu,
but she's still about three hours away.

He's never gonna last that long.

Chief, chief.

Ahem, um...

We don't technically need it...

...but considering that, uh, we taped him
without his permission yesterday...

All right. I'll ask.



Mom. Mom. Mom, you made it.

No, no, Jake.
It's me, Brenda, from the police.

But your mom's coming.
She'll be here any minute.


Is Charlie here?

Uh, no. No.

But she told me to tell you
that she's thinking about you.

Now, Jake, I'm sorry,
but I have to record our conversation.

- All right, then?
- You're asking me this time?

- Yes, I am. I'm sorry about that.
- That's okay.

Now, I'm gonna keep this short...

...but I wanna ask you again... you remember anything else
about the sh**ting?

No. No.

You said that you saw someone leaving
and that it was a boy and not a girl.

How did you know that?

I, um...

I saw his feet... he was running away.

- His, uh, hiking boots.
- Mm-hm.


Tan hiking boots. That's good.
That's very, very good.

Did you talk to my mom?

I did. I did.

And she told me to tell you
that she loves you very, very much.

She knows more than you realize.

She knows all about the problem
that you had with your...

...girlfriend. What's her name?
Uh, Vanessa? Vanessa?

- Almassian.
- Vanessa Almassian, right.

Well, she knows all about that,
and she doesn't care at all.

She loves you just the same.

So there is nothing to worry about.

That's... That's good.

Yeah, good morning, sergeant.

Well, it's 4:14 a.m., to be exact.


I, uh, want you to look up a name.
Vanessa Almassian.

I don't know.

Probably A-L-M-A-S-l-A-N.
Maybe two S's.

Yes, sergeant, now.


- Mom. Mommy. Mama. Mom.
- No...

Yes, Jake, what is it?

- You made it.
- Yes, I made it.

I knew you would make it.


...I'm so sorry.


Don't be sorry.

I love you no matter what.

So much... So much trouble, though.

No, no, no.

No trouble at all.

- You sure?
- I'm positive. Positive.

No, no, no.

- Sorry.
- Thanks.

I spoke with Sergeant Gabriel.

He called back with a hit
on the name Almassian.

Really? From where?

From an interview card
from the crime scene.

There was actually somebody there
with that last name.

We've got an address,
and they're getting a search warrant.

- Why don't you sit down and take it easy?
- No, no, no. I have to go downstairs...

...and wait for Jake's mother.
- I can do that.

I can do that.

So sit. Catch your breath.

Flynn's gonna pick you up
as soon as they get the warrant.


- Oh, I'm fine, really.
- Take it.

You never know.

Do we know if the Almassians are home?

Well, the father's due at work
in about, uh, an hour.

Best guess
is the son and daughter are still inside.

Here's the, uh, interview card
from the crime scene.

Okay. Thank you. Make sure that
all the exits are covered while I'm inside.

We got it, chief.

Would you please
stay out of sight for the moment?

Let's see how many answers I can get
before I invite y'all inside.

Mr. Almassian?

- Yes?
- I'm Brenda Leigh Johnson...

...of the L.A.P.D.
I need to ask you some questions.

- I'm on my way to work.
- Do you know a Jake Burrell?

You need to talk to my daughter.

- Vanessa, this is... I'm sorry?
- Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson...

...the L.A.P.D.
- She wants to know about Jake.

- So, what happened? He r*pe another girl?
- Dad.

I told you we should call the cops.
Now look, he's done it again.

Now, this is a serious matter, Vanessa.
I expect a serious answer.

Did Jake r*pe you?

Don't look at him. Look at me.
Did he r*pe you?

Tell her what you told me
and your brother.

I see you're pregnant.

- Yeah.
- Is Jake Burrell the father?

- Yeah.
- Tell her what happened.

Go ahead, Vanessa.
Tell me what happened.


She would rather bring shame
to her whole family.

- Mr. Almassian, do you own a g*n?
- Yeah. What's that got to do with anything?

Where is it? Where is it?

It's in the top drawer
of that table by the front door.

I think you should tell me
what's going on.


We have a warrant to search your house.

- You have a warrant?
- Here's what you do. You cooperate.

Understand? You cooperate.
You think you're ashamed now?

Wait till I take you and your daughter to jail
in front of the neighbors.

- Just give me a reason.
- Chief.

Is there anyone else in the house
besides the two of you?

My son, Alex. He's sleeping.

Sir, I think you and your daughter
should grab a chair and stay seated.

Mr. Almassian, where were you
at 9:00 yesterday morning?

- I was at work. Call my boss.
- And your daughter?

- She was here.
- What about your son?

- He was here too.
- Not according to this field interview card.

An officer stopped your son yesterday
two blocks...

...from where a young man was k*lled,
and Jake Burrell was fatally wounded.

- What?
- Jake died this morning...

...from g*nsh*t wounds.
- Chief.

Look what I found
in one of the bedrooms.

Mr. Almassian, where is your son?
Where is he?

Hey! Hey! Out front! He's running away!

Hey! Get on the ground!

Get on the ground!

- Leave him alone. What's he done?
- Stay back.

- What's happening to Alex?
- We're arresting Alex for m*rder.

What? This is all your fault.

- What do you mean? What did I do?
- You're the one who got him so mad.

- But Jake r*ped you.
- No, he didn't!

He didn't.

You called me a whore.

- What was I supposed to say?
- How about the truth?

If you told the truth from the beginning,
Jake would be alive.

It's over, chief. It's over.

No, it isn't.
I still have a notification to do.

Come on. Get up.

- Is that her?
- I think it is.

You told me you were gonna call.
Why didn't you call?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Things got very busy,
and, um, I ended up making an arrest.

- Oh, so you found the guy who shot Jake?
- I did. I did. Thanks to Charlie.

I wanna tell you that because of your help
and the way that you took care of Jake...

...we arrested the k*ller today.




What happened to Jake?

In g*nsh*t wounds, there's always...

There's always a serious chance
of infection.

Are you saying he died?

Yes, he did.

Charlie, I'm so sorry
that I put you in such a terrible position.

- I am so...
- I should've been there.

- There was nothing you could've done.
- I could've said goodbye.

- Why didn't you let me say goodbye?
- Oh, Charlie.

- You kept me here when he was dying.
- You have every right to be angry.

- You didn't even give me a chance.
- I have not treated you properly.

Well, let me... Let me answer you.
Let me answer you.

Look, Jake, he was in very bad shape...

...and he had a very limited
amount of time to talk.

So I had to make a decision
between finding out who k*lled him...

...and letting you say goodbye.
And I chose to find out who k*lled him.

Did I make the right choice?


He asked about you.

Charlie, he knew you were his friend.
He knew that. He did ask about you.

Hey, hey, hey.