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03x11 - k*ller Cop

Posted: 10/07/23 19:22
by bunniefuu
Oh, not tonight,

Last night was great.

Maybe for you.


Long time no see.

You missed me.

I missed you, too.

Why don’t you come

back to my place, huh?

Well, I’m on duty.



Wait, I’ll meet you there.

Make love to me, Tom, now.

( Moaning )

Tom, huh?

Who the hell is Tom?

I’m sorry, honey.

Just a slip
of the tongue.

Too much champagne.

It won’t slip again.

I promise.

This was a mistake.

( Panting )

Where are you going?

Away from here, away from you.



What do you want?

( Screams )

Ambition is the motor
that drives us to do our best.

The flip side of ambition
is envy.

Those with ambition
want to achieve.

Those with envy simply want.

You look just
sensational today.

Just a second,
got to run over here.

Chris, Rita.

George, hi.

How did you
like my speech?

I’ve heard it
a hundred times, but...

Come on,
you know politics.

It’s important
not to offend anyone.

So, you think
I sounded dynamic?

I heard a dynamic
moment or two.

I don’t think
I’ve gotten the hang

of this campaigning stuff.

Go say hello to Chuck Davis.

The president
of Stationwide aerospace.

His wife, Sheila;
They love baseball.

Got to run.

Thank you, guys,
for coming.

The purpose of this breakfast
is to introduce George

to some
business leaders.

Sounds like
campaign contributions.

You have good ears.

We’re here
to support George.

And for free food.

( Both laugh )

It is wonderful to have
friends like you two.

( Beeping )

Oh, darn.

Excuse me.

Excuse you.

Thank you.

What do you think
George’s chances are?

He’s doing well in the polls.

Chris, I’m really
glad you’re here.

It gives us
a chance to talk.

George has mentioned

he’d like you to be more
involved in his campaign.

I’ll do
everything I can.

Great, let’s get
together and talk.

I’m only available
during dinner

so how about Wednesday?

Uh, Wednesday...

a bit iffy for me.

We can aim
for Wednesday

and reschedule.


Excuse me.

Talk about pushy.

We have a homicide
on north beach road.

I will
meet you there.

In minutes.

From the bruising
on her neck

the cause of death
is suffocation,
crushed trachea.

Not a pretty way
to go.

She died in a panic.

She r*ped?

Have to let you know.

Give me a time of death.

It didn’t get
below last night

and now she’s
about degrees.

:, maybe :
in the morning.

Was she found
inside the car?

No, behind it.

She had everything
going for her.

Everything but luck.

Cindy Blaine, age .

All her credit cards
are here

about $ in cash.

So, it wasn’t a robbery.

Why was she in her wallet

out in the middle
of nowhere?

Hey, Dee.

Your people open this glove box?

No, it was open.

Got a parking card...

Breath freshener...



Check this out.

Pulled over
to the side

nice and neat.

No sign
of body damage.

She wasn’t
run off the road.

What’s a traffic cop say?

and registration?

and registration.

Give me a sec.


We got signs of a struggle here.

What the hell are these?

That a button?

For cop uniforms.


Hey, I’m sorry, man.

What are you
doing here?

We got to talk to you.

Let’s go outside.

I knew something like this
was going to happen.

She just wanted
to have a good time.

She was too trusting.

What are you doing here?

I had an argument
with her last night.

Cindy-- was she your girlfriend?

Yeah, off and on.

Where did you
meet Cindy?

A buddy introduced us
at society.

that’s the cop bar?


She liked cops.

The uniform turned her on.

Something about the buttons?

Oh, you found that?

When we made love
the first time

she snipped off one
of my uniform buttons.

She cut a button off
every time?

No, just the first time.

Just the first time.

you found

other buttons in there, right?

Yeah, we did.

I know I wasn’t the first cop

she’d been with.

I just thought
we would have a chance.

Parker, were you
on duty last night?

I was just finishing
my shift when I ran into her.

And we
came back here

which wasn’t a good idea

’cause we had
an argument

so I went back to the station

clocked out and went home.

What time was that?

Around :,
: in the morning.

Well, here she is.

Ooh, all right.

Jump in, pop the hood,
crank her up.

We’ll see
what’s happening

it’s no good.

She won’t even
turn over.

This morning when I started her

she started jiggling,
smoking, knocking.

It wasn’t really a knock.

It was a ping with a knock.

And then she
just crapped out.

Could be you
dropped a valve

maybe a busted piston.

Just locked up, huh?

So, what am I
looking at, ray?

Couldn’t really say.

Gonna have
to pull the head.

As soon
as I’m off the clock.

Why don’t you just
give me a rough estimate?

I would say more
than it’s worth.

Don’t worry, man.

A little nitrous oxide

you won’t feel a thing.

Hey, hogan!

I want
to talk to you!

What’s wrong with him?

Nothing an attitude
adjustment wouldn’t fix.

What kind of mechanic
are you, hogan?

I try a high-speed pursuit
and the transmission sticks.

Made me look
like an ass.

Doesn’t take a bum transmission

to make you
look like
an ass, Daniels.

Stay out of this.

See you
after work, ray.

Your work order didn’t say

about the transmission.

No, what it said was

"runs rough."

Sounds like engine to me.

I’m putting in a complaint
on you, hogan.

And I know
for a fact

you got more than one
in your jacket already.

Better start reading
the want ads, wiseguy.

I’ll do that.

I just got handed
the Cindy Blaine m*rder

by Roy Conroy himself.

I think this has to do

with me running
for his job.

There is a chance
it may involve the department.

Department? This department?

She was a cop groupie.

Hung out at a cop bar.

And she might have slept
with quite a few officers.

How many is quite a few?

A couple dozen
or so.

Oh, boy, I can
hear it already.

"George Donovan, persecutor

instead of prosecutor."

It will turn into
a character issue

and get muddied up by the media.

There was evidence that maybe

she was pulled over
before she was m*rder*d

by a cop.

Don’t hand me a case

that’s going to sink

and take me with it.

The girl’s body is barely cold.

Give us time.

Oh, I love it.

Take all the time
you want.

Take till
after the election.

If I win,
I can assign it away

and you can ruin
somebody else’s career.

Excuse me.

That dirt bag.

He pulled her over
and gave her a choice--

ticket or a date.

I hope that phone number
she gave him

to a large boyfriend.

Lorenzo, your mother
could do a better job

of dressing you.

You shouldn’t be
rousting the citizens

for your
own enjoyment, sergeant.

It makes us all
look bad.

Nobody ever put you
in your place.

So why don’t you do it, Daniels?

Then you can put
that uniform

and pension
in mothballs.

You were supposed
to be patrolling

north beach
this morning.

Pulled a double shift.

Dispatch couldn’t get

ahold of you.

My radio was dead.

Your radio checked out fine.

I took a couple of hours.

It was important.

Tell us about it.

It was personal.

Tell it
to internal affairs.

I was with Susan,
my ex-wife

from around :
till after :.

Word gets out
I’m chasing her again

my friends
will give me hell.

All two of them, huh?

the big deal?

That area’s
a graveyard at night.

Young girl was k*lled there.

If you
had been there

you might have seen
what happened.


that’s a -square-mile sector.

The chances
would have been slim.

Who was the girl?

Cindy Blaine. You ever meet her?

No, no, I never heard of her.

Gary said he was with me?

From : until :
this morning.

I wouldn’t
let him near me.

Doesn’t sound
like an amicable divorce.

He was cheating on me
right under my nose.

Met her in here.

Boy, did I look stupid.

You wouldn’t remember
her name, would you?

Never forget it.

Cindy Blaine.

Cindy Blaine.

She’s trying to get even
because I left her.

She said you were
sleeping with Cindy Blaine.

So what?

So I made it with the tramp.

Doesn’t mean I k*lled her.

You said you didn’t know Cindy.

Who’s telling
the lies here, Daniels?

You’re the only one

who can help your case.

What do you want?

We want the truth, Daniels.

Why’d you lie to us
about Cindy Blaine?

It’s history, man.

I’m trying to get back
with Susan.

I was hoping this thing
with Cindy would go away.

I don’t buy it.

It’s the truth!

I’m going to send this

right down
to internal affairs.

You get a good lawyer

’cause you are going
to need one.

I know what you’re trying to do.

You’ve got to close
the books on this

and you’re trying

to hang it on me.

But it’s not
going to work.

I didn’t k*ll anybody.

Get out
of my sight.

A cop like you makes me sick.

Get out of here.

He could be our guy.

He knew her, he slept with her.

We can’t prove he k*lled her.

I can’t even
suspend him

until you turn up
some hard evidence.

Believe me, we know, cap.

We’re trying.

Okay, send in the other one.

Come on in, Parker.

Sit down.

We’ll trace
your whereabouts

for every minute
of the night before last.

If I get any hint you’re lying
or holding back

ooh, god help you.

You understand me?

I thought that was
really interesting.

Hey, you two,
wait up.

You know, Dee, you look good
this morning.

Down, boy.

I bet the guys

at the morgue
sit up and take notice

when you walk
into the coolers.

When they do, I’m gone.

Should I excuse myself?

You’re not
leaving me

alone with him.

Cindy Blaine?

The girl was r*ped
before she was k*lled.

There was
something odd

about the contusion.

Minuscule tears
on the epidermis.

Was she strangled
with a cord?

No, a very strong hand

but maybe wearing a glove.

Maybe the kind
of gloves a cop wears?

Could be.

Some kind of glove
almost for sure.

I got to go.

You’re bad.

Well, you are good.

Know something, Rita?


When I got to work
this morning

the shift was changing.

Cops coming and going.

Waving and saying hello,
I was saying hey.

But I was thinking,
did Daniels k*ll that girl

or was it one of you?

You’re not
the lone ranger.

We’re all feeling
the same way.

I know, but... it stinks.

Yeah, it does.

I mean, I don’t want to be
nosing around

like those I.A. Guys.

I trusted my life
to a lot of these guys.

It’s a rotten situation,
you know?




Either of you see
this interview

with county attorney Conroy?

No, I missed
the comics today.

Whatever it says

it should be
on the opinion page.

He’s talking about

the Cindy Blaine case.

"The police department’s failure
to make an arrest worries me.

"So much so, that I may relieve

"assistant county attorney

"and supervise the investigation

"I refuse to allow

any possibility
of a police cover-up."

They don’t call him
"wrong-way Conroy" for nothing.

They’re doing this
to embarrass Donovan.

I’m insulted.

This guy is wiping his feet
on the reputation

of this department.

And I resent it.


( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

You want
to come in here?

Yeah, we can do that, sure.

All right, thanks.

Susan Daniels.

She wants to talk to us.

"See you at :.

"Bring a big appetite,

What do you think
she’s talking about?

That one’s for me.

Uh, you know,
it’s about the campaign.

Yours or hers?


She wants to get me involved.

Yeah, I’m sure she does.

No, really.

She, uh, she expects
big things from me.

I bet she does.

It’s just a matter

of where to fit me in.

I’m sure she’ll find a place.

Gary was with me the night
of the m*rder.

I lied before.

It’s hard
to explain.

Why don’t you
give it a shot?

I don’t think you’d understand.

Maybe I would

Maybe you would.

I’ve got to go call in.


Well, you know
what Gary’s like.

He turned up at my house
around midnight

and wanted to tell me
his usual tales of woe.

Did you let him?


Like a dope,
I did what he wanted.

I’ll never learn.

It must have been rough
being married to Gary.

Was it ever.

Though I didn’t have a clue
at the beginning.

You know
the story.

Homecoming queen
marries the football hero

and lives
happily ever after.

I didn’t know whether
to expect a kiss or a black eye.

That was
if he came home.

It was a terrible five years.

Why did you stick it out
so long?

I didn’t know any better.

My dad knocked my mom around
so what Gary did seemed normal.

Finally, I woke up.

I said, "I don’t
need this anymore"

and I left him.

Well, we all make mistakes.

Gary sure was one of mine.

I don’t like him

but I don’t want to see him
accused of a m*rder

he didn’t commit.

I never would have lied

if I’d known
he was in serious trouble.

He showed up
at midnight.

When did he leave?

I didn’t get rid of him
until around : a.m.

And that’s the truth?

So help me, that’s the truth.

Okay, Susan, um, I may need

to get in touch
with you again, okay?


Did she buy it?


I hope you’re happy, Gary.

Come on, it’s the truth.

( Car rattling )

What’s the word, ray?

Well, man,
if it were me,

the word would be

This is going
to run you

close to $
for parts alone

that is with every deal
I can pull.


You want me
to lie to you?

No, I don’t.

How much is labor?

It’s nothing, man.

It’s on me.

I want to pay
for labor.

Hey, look, I’m new
in town, right?

You’re the first person

that gave me
the time of day.

You took me around

introduced me
to some people.

You’re one of the
good guys around here.

If you want to sometime

do me a favor.

All right.

I appreciate the ride.

My car is not going
to be ready

until the earliest,
tomorrow night.

My pleasure.

So, where we headed to?

We are headed to
the block of worth street.

I’d say Paige
does all right.

Damn, I’d say she does.

Hadn’t thought
about that.

Think you’ll need
a ride in the morning?

Yeah, I would
love a ride.

You want me to pick you up
at your place or hers?

What? At my place.

I will be home
in bed by midnight.

Call for a bed check
if you’d like.

That won’t
be necessary.

Just fill me in
in the morning.

Fill you in?


Yeah, what it’s like
to swim with a shark.

( Satisfied groan )

Only my aunt Rosa
makes veal piccata this good.

I congratulate yous.

Congratulate Sergio
down at Signorelli’s.

I don’t cook.

This is take-out?

Only the best
for my friends.

Well, here’s to Sergio.

And to your microwave.

You know, I’m a
pretty good cook myself.

Yeah, I’ll have
to have you over sometime.

I’d love that.

You know, is this
what you call

getting involved
in George’s campaign?

No, this is getting involved
in my campaign.

But George still wants
you on board.

What can I do
for George’s campaign?

I’m just a cop.

I’ll think of something.

You know, I can be
very creative.


( Police radio chatter )

I’m sorry, officer.

I know I was speeding.

But there’s hardly anyone
on the road.

Would you mind not shining
that light in my face?

What are you doing?

( Screaming )

( Tires screeching )

I never saw his face.

He was shining a light
in my eyes.

What about before
he turned the light on?

Something, anything?

Do you remember
his build?

( Choking up: )
I don’t know... sorry.

It’s okay.

You remember how tall he was?

Um, I guess, from the angle
I was looking up...

About as tall as you?



I wish I could
help you, but...

I was so scared.

I can’t remember anything...

Except those leather gloves
around my neck.

It’s okay.

Listen, we’re glad it turned out

the way it did, Miss Nelson.

This could have been
a lot worse.


Thanks for coming down.

Thank you.

All she can identify

is leather gloves. Wonderful.

Daniels wears leather gloves
all the time.

So do a lot of guys.


We got nothing.

And the worst part of it is

if Daniels isn’t the k*ller

some other cop is.

( Grunts )

Oh! Thanks, man.

So, she ready?

Yeah, I got her
up and running.

But I got to
ask you something.


Tell me how many miles
this thing had on it

before you bought it.

The odometer was broken
when I got it. Why?

Well, because...

I looked under the hood

and all I see
in your future

are thousands of dollars
in repairs.

This horse has been rode hard
and put up wet too many times.

Let me tell you
something, ray.

I love this car.

I’ve wanted one

since the first day
they came out.

Which was what,
about years ago?

No, listen to this plan.

If I buy a brand-new part
every time it breaks down

I gonna have
an almost brand-new car.

But by then
you could have bought

two brand-new cars.

But two brand-new cars
would not be...

This car.

That might be
a good thing.

That would be
a bad thing.

So... how much do I owe you?

Uh, parts came to $.

What about labor?

I don’t feel right
not paying for labor.

I can’t take your money.

Look, you want to pay me back?

Um... I’d like to go on a ride

along with you

Oh, man, you would be bored
out of your mind.

Know what we do?

We stand.
We ask questions.

We take notes, dit-dit-dit...

I’ll hook you up with vice.

That would be all right.

I’ll make that happen.

That would be great.

All right.

Hey, Miss Hamilton,
how goes the campaign?

Things couldn’t
look better.

You still want
to be involved?

Yeah. What can I do?

Do you know Phil Kaufman
at the police union?

We need the endorsement.

Phil’s a friend of mine.

I’ll talk to him.

something else.

You know
the county attorney’s office

has a special liaison

with the police.

Yeah, Dawson.

That would be
a great job for you.

Look, Paige, I’m not looking
for a payoff here.

That’s not
what I’m talking about.

Dawson is one of Conroy’s men.

If George wins

he’s back to
regular assignment.

We’ll need to replace him
with someone we can work with.

Wait a second.

Dawson-- he’s a lieutenant.

Exactly. And that’s
what his replacement would be.

Is there something wrong

with the sound of
"lieutenant Lorenzo"?

No, no, it’s got
a nice ring to it.

And you make the jump
without all the usual red tape.

It’s a*t*matic.

"Lieutenant Lorenzo."

Paige, I don’t know.

I’m just a homicide cop.

You don’t have to decide
right now.

Just think about it.

Maybe I can
think of a way

to spark
your ambition.

You’ve got enough
ambition for the both of us.

It’s part of my charm.

Listen, I got to go, but, um...
Think about it.

Hmm..."lieutenant Lorenzo."

( Knocking on door )

Yeah, what, what?

We just impounded
Daniels’ car.

Custer and ling
drive the same car

so Daniels was not
the only one with access.

Yeah, so, what?

A rough ride, bad mileage?

No, we had forensics
go over it, cap.

Listen to this.

They found indications

of sexual activity
in the back seat.

Some were very recent

and might not
have been consensual.

Cindy Blaine was r*ped, yeah?

Yes, she was.

We can tag the evidence

with DNA?

We can make an I.D.,
but it will take weeks.

At this point,
everything we have

is circumstantial.


Let’s go over what we got, huh?


His alibi is shaky, right?

He’s got a sexual history
with the victim.

He’s got excessive force beefs
in his jacket

and signs he used a squad car
for a romper room.

Maybe even r*ped
a victim there.

Also a history
of rousting females

and exchanging sex for
not writing a ticket.

Why am I just now hearing this?

What the hell
kind of cop is he?

Why hasn’t he been
brought up on charges?

It takes a complaint.

Most women were
afraid to file one.

I want a warrant for his arrest
in the m*rder of Cindy Blaine.

We don’t have enough
to make a case.

I know you don’t.

But I’ll have
grounds to suspend him.

I want him out of uniform
and off the streets

today. Now.


Donovan’s gonna
throw a fit.

I heard that.

He does, you send him to me.

I’ll give him a Lipschitz fit.

What are you doing here?

The department
issued a warrant for me.

For Cindy.

Soon as I show my face

they’re gonna
arrest me for m*rder.

So you try to disappear
in a cop hangout?

Smart, Gary.

I didn’t know

what to do!

I’m afraid.

You know what?

You brought this on yourself.

It’s not my fault.
I’m not the guy.

Is anything
ever your fault?

You want to be right?

Fine, you’re right.

I screwed up
our marriage.

I screwed up my job.

I screwed up everything
that ever mattered to me.



There I go again.

I’m sorry.

I am.

I didn’t come here to fight.

I can’t hide you, Gary.

You know that.

If they’re
looking for you

I’m the first person
they’ll come to.

I’m not looking

for you to hide me.

If I come through this, um...

Is there a chance

that we can
get together again?

I’m sorry, Gary.

It’s over--
you’ve got to accept that.

Then I got nothing left.

I lost it all.

You want my advice, Gary?

Find yourself a good lawyer
and have him walk you in.

Oh, thanks, Susan...

For the advice.

( g*nsh*t )

Get him out of here.

Hey, captain.

I didn’t figure Daniels
for a su1c1de.

We didn’t either.

I wouldn’t do
anything different.

He was a bad cop.

He disgraced
the uniform.

I wouldn’t do
anything different.

Just doesn’t fly for me.

Something about this
does not feel right.

He was shot
in the left temple?

So he’s left-handed--
that checks out.

And the powder burns say

it’s at
point-blank range.

I’m Daniels, I take
my service revolver--

what’s wrong
with this picture?

Most cops would eat
their own g*n.


Usually when a cop
commits su1c1de he...

Check this out.


I got my p*stol, okay?

It’s awkward as hell.

Much easier like this.


A shot to the temple
is more consistent

with someone walking up
to a car and doing this.

But you know what?

So, the k*ller
sh**t Daniels-- boom.

Then Daniels ends up
with his piece?

Doesn’t make any sense.

After the m*rder

the k*ller takes Daniels’ g*n
and leaves his own.

Most service pistols
look alike.

Very good, detective.

So we run
the serial numbers.

If it’s not Daniels’ piece,
we’ll know.

( Phone rings )

Sergeant Lance.

Uh, sure, let’s have it.

It’s records,
this is it.


Okay, thanks.

So we’ve got a homicide.

It wasn’t Daniels’ g*n.

That’s the
good news.

Whose is it?

That’s the bad news.

It’s on the missing list.

It disappeared from armory
about six months ago.

Hmm. Okay, all right.

We think that a cop
k*lled Cindy Blaine, right?

A cop made an attempt
on the second woman.

Let’s assume the same cop
k*lled Daniels.

So what do we do--

check out last night’s

with every cop
in the department?

Only uniformed cops.

That narrows it down a lot.

Well, not really.

Anybody can buy
a uniform or a g*n.

The uniform doesn’t
have to be authentic.

But the car does.

The woman
in the corvette

was sure it was a cop car.

We’re back to uniformed cops.

What about Parker Jones?

He hated Daniels.

I checked him out
while I was waiting for records.

He’s got an alibi.

Let’s go over the combination
of possibilities.

Which is?

Which is, uh...

A fake cop in a real cop car.

A civilian who worked here.

It would still be tough
to get a car

even for somebody
who knew the ropes.

There is one kind of civilian

who can get a squad car
any time he wants

no questions asked.

A mechanic.

And Daniels’ car was
in the shop.

We have to find out
who worked on it.

No need.

I already know--
it was ray hogan.

Well, from what you said

there’s no love lost
between the two of them.

I just find it hard to believe.

It says here they’ve got
five cars in for service.


I only see four.


, right here.

, right there.


’s not here.

That’s it.

Check this out.

Ray’s been pink-slipped.

Oh, man.


Two-week notice.

We got to find
that car.

He’ll hear an all-points
on his radio.

We’ll put it over the TAC
frequency to the chopper.

He won’t be listening
for that.


Air one, this is .

What’s your , over?

Ocean drive and main.

No sign of the car, over.

Chris, look.



, this is air one.

We got him.

He’s on lake Avenue
and west palm.

Crossing union, headed south.

All right, we’re on our way.

What if he’s just
road-testing the unit?

We say, "what a coincidence

running into you like this."

Air one,
we’re at lake and union.

What’s the subject’s , over?

Lake and Westside drive.

Near the parking lot.

We’re two blocks away.

Hang on.

( Siren wailing )

Voice on loudspeaker:
Please pull off the street.

Excuse me, ma’am.

I’m going to need to see

your driver’s license
and vehicle registration.

I don’t even know
what I did.

Thank you.

Hey, stop it.


Get out!


Let her go, ray!


Oh, no, look...

You got to get out of here
right now, okay?

Nobody’s got to get hurt, ray.

You got to let her go.

Please help me!

Shut up!

Look, just get out
of here, man

or I’m going to k*ll her,
I swear to god.

What happened, ray?

Let’s just talk about it.

Nothing happened.

There’s nothing
to talk about!

Just put it down.

I can’t do that, ray.

Put it down.

I’ll put my g*n down.

You put your g*n down.

Put your g*n down, ray.

Come on, ray, this is no good.

( Grunts )

( Car starting )

( Tires squealing )

Look, are you okay?

A cop’s on the way,
just stay here.

Oh, my god!

( Tires squealing,
siren wailing )

We need backup.

Air one, still with us?

Affirmative .

Two units are intersecting
your suspect.

( Sirens wailing )

( Sirens stop )

Come out of the car, ray!

Put your hands
where we can see them!

Get your hands up!

( Groans )

( Panting )

( Groans )

( Phone ringing )

Ooh, there you go.


What do you think turned
a guy like ray into a wacko?

He seemed like such
a nice, easy-going guy.

Doctors spend entire careers

trying to figure
that one out.

Nobody ever has yet.

I bet you one thing.

When we hear
from places G
he lived before

there will be unsolved crimes
against women like those

he committed here.




( Whistling )

Hello, George.


Here’s the stuff.

What stuff?

The campaign stuff.

Straw hats, pamphlets,
campaign buttons...

Everything you
asked for.

Uh, everything
that I asked for?

Yeah! Oh, and...


Here, try it on.

When Paige told me
you volunteered

to stand on the corner
and hand this stuff out

I was really touched.

Thank you.

Well, uh, no problem.

I guess that’s what
she figures

suits my level
of political ambition.

Hey, not bad.

Not bad.

I really appreciate your help
on this, Lorenzo.

I don’t know if this is
going to work, George.

I don’t think
it’s going to hurt.

It’s great, it’s great!

( George laughs )