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03x22 - Dark Heart

Posted: 10/07/23 19:29
by bunniefuu
Stay close,
I won’t be long.

Yes, sir.

( Doorbell rings )

Where have you been?

Am I late?

come on in.

I ordered champagne.

I have plenty
in the car.

Come on, hon.

You won’t need the piece.

That’s my wife
you’re talking about.

I’m kidding.

No, I’m always packed,
business or pleasure.

Surprised you don’t carry one.

I don’t... like them.

I won’t ask you

to leave it, but...

Good, we’re doing
some business tonight?

I’m tired
of dancing.

Time is money.

We’ll be late, darling.

My, you look
wonderful tonight.

Thank you,
so do you.

Thank you.

( Clears his throat )

Your husband’s a very lucky man.

That’s sweet of you,

So, do you feel
lucky tonight?

We connect to keys
of blow tonight

I’ll feel like
a lottery winner.

Don’t forget
your jacket, okay?

All right.

You’re the
magic man, Lawrence.

I’ll bet you can make

all of our dreams
come true, hmm?

You make all mine
come true.

You first.


You coming on

to my wife?

I’m just kidding.

Loosen up.

He saw my g*n,
they make him nervous.

Well, happiness is
a warm g*n.

Haven’t you
heard that?

Gentlemen, let’s go
make some magic, huh?

( Sighs )


Hey, cap.

Your shift’s ended.

Why are you still here?

Rita’s out past her curfew
and you’re waiting up for her.

No, cap.

I’m going over
my Mallory case files.

I start trial prep tomorrow.

I would rather
be out with Rita

on her
undercover gig.

You would be

if it wasn’t
for Lawrence Denton.

I know Denton’s partner
offed Archie Crawford.

Probably pulled
the trigger herself.

I was this close
to nailing her.

Be glad we got
a second chance

with this narco sting.

I wish it was me

instead of Derek McNeil.

It must be weird for Rita
working with a new partner

after three years.

I haven’t seen
this much foliage

in years.

Spilling off her desk
onto yours.

This is some new romance?

Let’s take a look.

The guy spends a fortune,
doesn’t sign his name?

Her name, they’re for me.

Lorenzo, you animal.

Who’s the lucky woman?

I don’t know, cap.

This is driving
me crazy.

I been trying
to figure it out.

I’ll buy you a beer
and we’ll list the suspects.

It’s a long list?

Let’s say it will take
more than one beer.

Whoa! Come on.

( Groans )

( Phone rings )

Get it.

Homicide, Lorenzo.

Did you get the flowers, lover?

Who is this?

You know who I am.

Want to know what I’m wearing?

What I’m doing right now?

I’m touching myself.

Pretending my hands
are your hands.

Uh, is that right?

Caressing me... stroking me.

Oh, you’re getting me so hot.

That’s great,
it sounds like fun.

Maybe some other time.

( Whispering ):
Psst! Who is it?


( Heavy breathing on phone )

I got to run.

Uh, thanks for calling.

So... what?

You look like a kid

with his hand caught
in the candy jar.

Some candy jar.

Let’s get that beer.

( Grunts )

This clown’s all smoke
and mirrors.

Keeps jerking us around.

The only way to her
is through him.

If we blow him off

we may hurt his feelings

and the whole deal
will go south.

No, it won’t.

There’s too much
money involved.

Let’s walk and let them
chase us.

There’s more at stake
than a dope deal.

We want her
for the Crawford m*rder.

We blow this

we may not be able
to get back in.

The honeymoon
isn’t over

and already
we’re fighting.

I want to go,
you don’t.

Let’s play it
that way, okay?


She knows where I am,
she’s late.


I ordered
another bottle.

Alise will be here.

We won’t.

You look bad,

Like some little
errand boy.

Don’t be rude,
it’s not his fault.

Just a few
more minutes.

I apologize, but alise is
very unpredictable.

This game is boring
and I’m done now.

We’re leaving,
let’s go.

You’re giving me
orders now?

I don’t want
to blow the deal.

What we’re looking for
isn’t hard to find.


Sorry I’m late.

I’m opening a new boutique
in town.

There are so many details
to handle.

I’m Devon Russell.

This is my wife,

Dance with me.



Thank you.

I think the magic is
already happening.

When I want your hand
up my dress

I’ll put it there
myself, Lawrence.

Don’t rush things,
all right?

I can see
the four of us

having lots
of fun together.


What kind of cop
is Derek McNeil?

Derek’s an "a" player
with good instincts.

If you want somebody
watching your back

he’s the man

but he is also attitudinal,
cocky, impulsive

with a big mouth.

I wasn’t asking for
a description of you.

I’ll take your word
for it.

Rita is in
good hands.

He better keep them
to himself.

Uh, cap...

Who was your pick

for the mystery lady?

I got that all
figured out.

Mindy from Lauderdale.

Wait, no, Mindy?

from Lauderdale.


And I think you got
enough probable cause

for a warrant.

I got to get out of here.

Frannie will be home soon
from bingo.

Bingo, huh?

Yeah, big gambler.

All right, cap,
good night.

See you

All right.


Been a long day?


Yeah, it hasn’t been that long.

Won’t you have a seat?

No, I have some work
to do.

Consider this work.

You pulled the Mallory case,
I’m the primary officer.

We’ll be working


Still a sweet Manhattan,
straight up?

Yeah, yeah,
I’m impressed.

We did it a few times
more than a year ago

and you remember.

So, you want to discuss
the Mallory case?

Do we have to?

The defense will try
to suppress that evidence.

We’ll have to convince
the judge

it was legally

Shouldn’t be
a problem.

Otherwise, it’s shaky.

My office, :?

I’ll be there.

It’s nice seeing
you again.



Idle curiosity, okay?

When you stopped
calling me

was it her?


You don’t have
to spare my feelings.

You were in love
with someone

when we were
dating, right?

I thought you went
back to her.

Uh... no.

There was never
anybody else.

I thought you wanted
to get serious and I didn’t.

Oh, well, I guess
we were both wrong.

See you tomorrow, okay?



Were those two a couple
of sexual piranha fish

or what?

She kept
feeling me up

on the dance floor.

Lawrence let his fingers
do the walking

on private property.

We scored major points.

A little touchy-feely
is worth it.

The next meet ought
to be the score.

And we take them
down hard.

Right, want some coffee?

No, I’ll take a rain check.

I’m kind of beat.

I just, I hate dancing.

Really? Could have fooled me.

You were terrific
tonight, Derek.

Yeah? So were you.

You’re the best wife
I ever had.

Chris didn’t say
you were so stubborn.


You would have left

and we wouldn’t
have met alise.

Chris was like you--

that caveman mentality.

You said "was."

I’ve mellowed him
since we’ve been together.

Oh, great.

It’s no wonder you two
couldn’t stay partners.

Trying to "out-macho"
each other.

Things happen the way
they’re supposed to, I guess.

But you guys...
You make a hell of a team.


If you learn
to do everything my way

we’ll get along, too.

Yes, master.

You sure about that coffee?

I think you talked me into it.


Yeah, I came
to Lauderdale

for spring break
my senior year

and had to force myself

to go back to Michigan
to graduate.

Came back
and I stayed.

With a degree
in philosophy

I guess you
didn’t always

want to be a cop.

I never planned
to make it my career.

I figured I’d stay
about a year

and decide what to do
with my life.

Imagine my surprise

when I realized
this was it.

What I was meant
to do, I guess.

Yeah, your life’s work
finds you if you’re lucky.

And if you’re ready.

There are easier ways
to make a living.

You really got
to love it.

You do love it

don’t you, Rita?

Yeah, I do.

I wish sometimes
they had a cure for it.

( Sighing )


Be Devon.

I want you to be Devon-- now.

You’ve been Trish
for the last minutes.

( Gasps )

Let’s do it.

Let’s do the deal.

Think of the fun
we’ll have celebrating.


Not until
I’m sure of them.

It’s dangerous to think
with your zipper down, Lawrence.

Yeah, yeah, this
was a nice idea.

The walls
were starting

to close in on me.

You still working
those -hour days?

Yeah. You, too?


What we do
takes commitment.

You can’t tread
water and win.

You sound
like my partner.

She says I can’t
maintain a relationship

because I have no commitment.

Yeah, same here.

Guys just don’t seem
to understand.

My job has
to come first.

Yes, it does.

You’re lucky.

You’ve got a partner
that understands you.

You must be close.

I’ll tell you something.

It goes
way beyond the job.

Rita is the best friend
I’ve ever had in my life.

You know, I’ve heard

that best friends
can be the best lovers.

Well, we, we haven’t
crossed that line.

Who would want to ruin
a perfectly good friendship?


I got to get back.

Yeah, me, too.

So in all the time

you and Rita
have been partners

you’ve never
slept together?


But you’ve thought
about it.

Uh... maybe.


Gracie, no more calls.

I’m serious.

I’m sorry, honey.

Now, where were we?

We were talking
about how the romance

is going
out of our marriage.

( Sighs )

It was somewhere between
the third and fourth call.

Now I’m just something
you’re in the middle of.

Not even someone,
some... thing.

Frannie, I’m sorry
we couldn’t have lunch.

No, no, no...
No, not we, you.

You couldn’t
have lunch, Heschie.

I came down here
to take you to lunch.

I was available.

Frannie, honey, now, come on,
you know the job.

You’re acting crazy.

Now, this is
not about lunch.

Why would you remember?

It happened over years ago.

I’m being just silly.

Just because
it was important to me

why would it be
important to you?

But it is impor...

( Phone ringing )


So, um, I’ll see you
tomorrow, okay?



You remember
Debra Bouchard?

Yes, hi.

Uh, I’ll be
deposing you

as soon as Chris
and I are done.

Adjust your calendar

See you tomorrow?

I’ll be there.

Good luck.

Little chilly in here,
or is it my imagination?

Uh, a little chilly.


Oh, man.

that cute?

Let me see.

Uh, can I read
that first?




"Her name is cozy.

She’ll keep your bed warm
until I’m in your arms."

will you wait--



it was the mayor.

How can you say
I’m not romantic?

I’m the king of romance.

Well, of course
you are, honey.

I was with you
for a half hour

and you must have
spoken to me

for at least

Tell you what,

why not go to that
mayor’s house for dinner?

Yeah... Lorenzo!

Yeah, cap.

I said you could
look at it

not fondle it!

Oh, of course, cap,
sorry about that.

I bought this for you.

No, you didn’t.

I was going to have it
wrapped special.

Oh, honey, oh.

You did remember,
oh, look at this.

You’re the most romantic man
in the world.


Is this
a special occasion?

Yes, well, I’m
going to let Frannie...

You tell them,
I’ll let you.

Okay, I’ll tell.

years ago today

Hesch and I met
on the Staten island ferry.



Well, I know
you’re a busy man...


Very important gentleman
like yourself

so, I’ll see you

And I will, uh

cook something
very special for dinner.

And, uh, don’t plan
on getting too much sleep.

( Whistles )

Smart kid.

See you later, guys.

Bye, Frannie. I love you.

Ditto, captain.

The secret of a long

and happy marriage

is meeting
your spouse’s emotional needs.

What do I owe you
for the bear, Lorenzo?

Nothing, cap,
it was worth the lesson.


Man... all right.

how’s the boy?

Hi, partner.


This boy’s fine.

She is this boy’s partner.

Her gig with you
is strictly temp, son.

You never could read
between the lines.

Is that right?

Tell him, Rita, go ahead.

Tell him what?

I mean, which of you
testosterone overloads

do I
belong to, huh?

Why don’t you try

I broke up
a match made in hell.

I heard from Lawrence Denton.


He wants to meet us
this afternoon.

The big score?

It will be a snap
cuffing those two

because we know
where their hands will be.

Speak for yourself.

Denton won’t maul me again.

Hold on,
what are you talking about?

Derek, you putting my partner
in physical danger?

I won’t let her
out of my sight.

And this is supposed
to make me feel secure.

Let’s just get wired up
and get ready.

( Knocking at door )


Hey, cap.

Aha, what do I see?

More "I love you"s
from Miss X?

You could take these
to the missus.

Get yourself some
extra points.

I should take the missus
a sedative.

Cap, I want to go
with you in the Van.

Denton knows you’re a cop.

He gets a whiff of blue,
there’s no bust.

I’ll stay out of the way
until the gig goes down.

I just want
to ride shotgun
in the backup.

I’m all ready to go.

I can’t wait
while you suit up.

If you’re waiting
on me

you’re backing up.

Let’s go.


We don’t want
another round.

Are you trying
to rip us off, Lawrence?

Maybe you don’t
have the merchandise?

I can’t make the deal
without alise.

She said
she’d be here.

I’m with Devon
on this.

Your act won’t play anymore,
I don’t believe you.

You’ve met alise,
you know what she’s like.

Be patient,
we’ve got a deal here.

I don’t see a deal.

Do you see a deal, Devon?

Oh, Rita, don’t
push it too far.

Something’s wrong
here, cap.

This guy’s stalling.

This was supposed
to be a fat-free deal

lean, tight and safe.

That’s why
we came to you.

At best, your partner’s
a flake, Lawrence.

Just let me find out
what happened.

I’ve got some

of the merchandise here.

Alise will
bring the rest.

You’ve got
four hours, :.

Want our business

you do it
by then.

( Moans )

Oh, yes, oh, a little higher.

Oh, yeah, sugar, mmm.

Alise, could you
help me out here?

Don’t stop, sugar.

Sugar, could you
give us a minute, please?

I wish you wouldn’t
do that with her.

You mean,
you wish

we wouldn’t do that
without you.

What is it you
want my help with, Lawrence?

The Russell deal?

The keys?

You want
my help with that?

You really want to play
drop the laundry with Trish.

Look, that has nothing to do

the deal.

First we make the money

and then
we make the other stuff.

We have a perfect
little business.

Cash and carry

low risk, as long as
we’re careful.

My exclusive fashion boutique
is a perfect laundry.

And we’re not going
to have a business

unless we take care
of business.

Where were you
this afternoon?

Meeting a photographer.

No, really,
this was important.

Pictures came out really nice.

They’re cops?!

You are becoming
a real liability, Lawrence.

Hey, boo.


Keep it warm
for me.

I got
other business

but I won’t
take long, hmm?

You never do.

You sure you want
to go through with this?


That’ll get you
into the garage.

A cop.

You didn’t say a cop.

Just do it.

You’re certain
about this?

They’ve got the cocaine,
George, I’m sure.

Then why sit on it?

All I can figure is,
they need us.

We gave denton
a cut-off today

and he didn’t bite.

Okay, the sting
didn’t work.

We can still connect
alise to Crawford’s m*rder.

How else can we
get to her?

I don’t know.

Listen, can we talk
in the morning?

Your office, early?

Yeah, I’ll
be in early.

Rita, we have
to get her.


( Tires screeching )

Go on home,

I’ll be here.

I’ll call you
if there’s any change.

At home, I’d do the same thing
I’m doing here.

I’ll wait.

Chris, Rita is...

What the hell
were you doing?!

I asked you to watch
my partner’s back!

Hey, lay off!

Knock it off,
the both of you!

at fault!

Rita’s okay,
she wasn’t hit.

I want to see her.

She’s in with Donovan.


How is he?

for the surgeon.

on the sh**t?


He was using
a shotgun


Rita was
lucky, man.


Nurse Michaels,
please call operator three-four.

Nurse Michaels,
please call operator three-four.

They just took him
to the operating room.

You okay?

George is
hurt bad, Chris.

Yeah, I know.

sit you down.

How are you?

I got
a slight concussion.

They gave me something
for my headache.

Is there any water
around here?

down the hall.

I got it.


George shoved me
when the sh**ting started.

I hit my head.

It was
really stupid.

( Sighs )

Thanks, cap.

Rita, did a doctor
check you out?

A real doctor
really checked you out?

Yes, I am fine.

You remember what happened?

We were, uh, walking

and, uh,
a Van was driving by

and then
it got closer and...

George yelled
and he shoved me.

I remember falling down.

It sounded
like bombs going off.

Was there
a shotgun?

Yeah, the nasty kind.

What about the Van?

Um, I think
it was red.

It was
really bright.

I couldn’t see...

Did you get a plate?

No, I was out cold
as soon as I hit the ground.

Next thing I remember

uniforms were telling me
paramedics were on the way.


That’s enough
for now.

Go home,
get some rest.

No, let me stay.

I will stay here.

I’ll call you
if there’s a problem.

I sent a car for Donovan’s wife.

We’ll hang out here

until he’s
out of the woods.

Come on.

I’ll walk you out.

I’m going
to take her home.

The woman’s injured

and you put her
in that heap?

Don’t worry, captain,
probably won’t start.

Why do I take
this abuse?

if you need anything

you call me, okay?


I think this was

Lawrence Denton’s
work, captain.

Him and his
praying mantis partner.

How so?

Rita and I think they made us.

It was a sweet deal
they should’ve gone for.

And you want
to take him down?

Well, technically this is still
a narco investigation

but I can fudge that line.

Not a problem.

You consider me
on loan to homicide.

We’ll need
a pretty broad warrant

to use what we get on him.

Do we have probable cause?

Leave that to me.

Just be ready to move
right away.

You got it.

All right.

This sh**ting happened
around :, correct?

Mm-hmm, this is
the security camera

from the garage.

All right,
so at : hours--


Right there.


That look
like the Van?

Uh, it could be, yeah.

All right.

Carl, this is Lorenzo,
please run a plate for me?

It’s j-e-b.

Juliet, echo,


Two-three tango.

Red Van.

Stone... I knew you were
going to say that.

Put an APB Out
on that Van.

We think it was involved
in the sh**ting

at the garage
last night.

I appreciate it,
I owe you one.

Listen, I’m going
to go to bed.

Turn off the lights
when you leave?

Uh, you know,
I think I’m going

to park
on the couch tonight.

Come on,
you never know.

Sleep well.

You sleep well, too.

Take care of that
big head.


Good night.

Good night.

What do we got?

Well, I wish
I could have tied

your partner into this, too,

Alise will have me out

before you even
get charges filed.

Maybe for a misdemeanor,
but not this.

No, this amount
of blow is considered

proof of intent
to distribute and sell.

And I’ll bargain it down
to probation.

No, you’re looking
at a mandatory, pal.

You are going away
a long time

with some bad people.

Or you could help us
with a little something.

That’ll be a cold day in hell.

Suit yourself.

Hey, um...

What little something?


Do you remember the name
Archie Crawford?

Hey, Derek.

Whoa, you look
pretty terrific.

No thanks to you.

come on.

Any word on Donovan?

The doctors are hedging
like crazy

but they’re


We heard you collared
Lawrence denton.

Think he’ll roll?

He’d trade
his family jewels for a pass.

But will he roll over
on his girlfriend

for Crawford’s m*rder?

If we let him walk
on the cocaine.

But will the D.A.
Go for it?

Did you sweat him
about last night?

We need something
to sweat him with.

not right here.

They tried
to k*ll a cop

and he’s going
to roll over

on his girlfriend
for some coke?

Maybe Donovan’s
the target.

The D.A.’s prosecutor
makes enemies

just like cops do.

The Van was abandoned
in west palm.

Forensics is going over it now.



Try and get some rest,
Mr. Donovan.

We’ll save your bath
until later.

about bath time I love.

But don’t let her wash
your rubber ducky.

You’re a married man.

Please, it hurts to laugh.

It also hurts to cry
and to cough and to talk.

So could we be done now?

What do you know
about boo Maxwell?

His prints were
all over that Van.

Yeah, boo Maxwell.

I sent him up twice.

First time, he drew
a nickel jolt for a.D.W.

Did less than three.

Second time for
cooking methamphetamines.

Did four and change.

He’s bailed out on manslaughter

waiting for a court date.

This time,
somebody else drew his case.

He talked tough

but I never took him seriously.

Maybe you should have, George.


I got to go

but take care
of yourself, okay?




Watch your back, huh?

Maxwell chews speed
like jelly beans.

Put your warning shot
through his chest.


You want me
to send the nurse in?

( Laughs )

Let me get
my strength first, huh?

See you, George.

See you.

Look, I’m on in five minutes.

I haven’t seen boo.

I don’t have
the bruises to prove it.

He knocked you around?

Only when he was cracked

which left me
three hours a day to hide?

Eddie said you’d know
where to find him.

Yeah, Eddie would say that.

Check every low-life pool hall

beer joint, massage parlor.

Anywhere stagnant water pools.

We got rocks
to turn over.

He’ll come sliming out
sooner or later.

( Beeper beeping )

I was supposed
to meet Debra Bouchard.

( Dialing )

She still there?

All right, uh...

Give me that address.

All right,

Yeah, I appreciate it, thanks.

Do we need
three guesses, Rita?

He’s crapping out
on us.

You never liked
the shovel work.

Shovel fits your hand better.

I got to take
care of this.

We don’t want bad blood
with the D.A.’s office.

Giving up slogging

the sewers with us

for a beautiful
Deputy D.A.

In her apartment.

It’s very noble of you.

If she cooks me dinner,
I’ll call.

You come across boo,
let me know.

We’ll see you.

( Knock at door )

I wasn’t expecting you
quite so soon.

I can go get some coffee.

I’m not going
to lose you again.

I’m not going
to leap

back into
my clothes.

It’s been a long day.

But we’re still
on the clock, right?

Yeah, we’re
almost finished.

Make yourself

I’ll do that.

You got a nice place.

Yeah, that’s terrific, captain.

Yeah, I guess it paid off.

Uh, yeah, I’ll tell him.

No, no luck
with Maxwell.

Okay, I’ll keep in touch.

Okay, bye.


D.A.’s office will let
Lawrence denton skate

for his testimony
against alise.

The dragon lady goes down

for the m*rder
of Archie Crawford.

Good work, partner.

Thanks, you, too.

And Captain Lipschitz said
we make a great team.

The man knows
what he’s talking about.

How you doing?

You seen
this guy before?


Take a good look.

Is that him
over there?

Hey, Maxwell.

( Yells )

( Yelling )

( Groans )

I hit him hard enough
to drop a mule.

To get
a man’s attention

the last place
you start is his head.

Well, finished.

Yeah, business
is finished.

But we’re more than
just business, aren’t we, Chris?

Not sure what you mean.

Of course you are.

I’ve got a surprise for you.

Let me get it ready.

I want it to be perfect.


Why did you go
after George Donovan?

I wouldn’t waste my time.

The deal was you, lady.

That fool
just got in the way.

Got you listening
to boo now.

You were hired
to k*ll me?

Did I say that?

I heard you say "deal."

That’s what
boo needs-- a deal.

You tell us everything

and I don’t put your head
through the windshield.

Ooh, I’m terrified.

Let me take him.

No, you keep her away!

Okay, okay, all right.

It was the Deputy D.A.
Handling my case.

Said I’d walk
if I took you out.

What’s his name?

It’s a woman, lady.

She wants
you dead real bad.

Said you stole the only
man she ever loved.

Give me a name!

Debra Bouchard.

Debra Bouchard?

I hardly even know her.

Your partner
knew her real good.

He just went
to her apartment.

Take this trash in.

Debra, I got to get going.

Just one more
minute, darling.

Okay, Chris.

Your surprise
is ready.

You are surprised,
aren’t you, darling?

I wanted it to be
perfect for us.

It is... it is perfect.

Just as I’d always imagined.

Just as I’d
always dreamed.

Debra, I got to go.

Don’t, don’t.

Let’s talk about this.

Just tell me that you love me.

Tell me that you’ve
always loved me.

Look at me dressed
in my whore suit for you

and you don’t
even want me.

It’s her, isn’t it?

It’s Rita.

Debra, you need some help.

No, I need you.

And you need me, too.

You’ve always
loved me.

We’re together now.

Give me the g*n, Debra.

Make love to me, Chris.

Give me the g*n.

Love me.

( g*nsh*t )

Police officers, open up!


Oh, lover.

I knew it would
be like this.

So sweet

and so tender.

Just get out of here.

You leave us alone.

We’re together now.


( Muffled g*nsh*t )

Oh, god.

Oh, he’s not breathing.

Come on, Chris.

Operator, this is
a police emergency.

We need an ambulance.

Okay, hang on, hang on.

( Siren wailing )

What the hell happened?

Chris was shot, captain.

It’s bad.

Oh, no, god, no!

Christopher, don’t you leave me.

( Siren wailing )