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04x04 - Maid Service

Posted: 10/07/23 19:40
by bunniefuu
Gary, what are you doing here?

Tika, I had to come.

Someone might see.

Tika, you look beautiful.

I’m... I’m going
to a party.

But I thought we could
be together tonight.

I must go with señor Vargas.

No, no.

Tell him to go to hell!

You know I can’t.

Don’t go with him.

Bertika, ¡ahi viene Vargas!

You have to go.

You... please.


Si, señor Vargas.

Turn around.

It’ll have to do.

Come on.

I see you have something new.



You know Maria here.

She’s very special.




Hey, don’t give me
a hard time, okay?



We all have dreams and hopes.

Who doesn’t want to reach
for the brass ring?

Aim for the stars?

The tricky thing is
you have to take a chance.

To risk makes you vulnerable
but to stay stuck where you are

that’s unbearable.

So we fly off the cliff
and pray...

We pray for a soft landing.

Some of us are luckier
than others.

I’ll hook up with you later

and find everything
out... hey.

ME is on the way.

Oh, she looks young.

Too young.

What, , , Max?

Looks like she was
beaten to death.

Any I.D. on her?

Only this tattoo.

Looks like she got it
when she was young.

A Santeria tattoo.

they usually just sacrifice a few chickens.

Usually nothing like this.

I know a Santeria hangout
over on Cordell boulevard.

I’ll check it out.

You have a computer to romance.

Be still my heart.

See you.

All right, guys,
you can come take her.

How you doing?

Dude, what’s up?

May I help you, officer?

How’d you know I was a cop?

I’ve been hassled before.

No hassles.

Uh... I just want to ask you
a couple of questions.

Forgive me, sergeant.

One gets defensive.

I’m Father Hernando.

Father Hernando?

I was once a priest,
but the church expelled me

for conducting services
in Santeria.

I can see how that
might annoy them.

Yes, but for me
there was no conflict.

Santeria is an older faith
than Christianity.

But you didn’t come here
to discuss theology.

No, I didn’t.


You recognize that girl?

Ay, dios mio.

Her name was bertika Santos.

Bertika Santos.

These girls come to me
for comfort.

What kind of girls?


Poor girls from Cuba

who are brought in by brokers
to work as domestics.

Some of them
are terribly exploited.

Did bertika ever say anything
that might help us?

She told me how unhappy she was.

There was a young man she loved,
but there were problems.

What kind of problems?

She wouldn’t say.

She was too frightened.

What of?

Who did bertika work for?

For Ramon Vargas.

He’s a very powerful attorney

and a big deal
in the Cuban community.

All right.

I appreciate the help.

If you think of anything else,
call me.

Sergeant Lorenzo.


She was a sweet girl.

Still full of dreams.

I hope you find out
who did this.

Honey, be reasonable.

This is my sister’s
only daughter

we’re talking about.

I know that, but, Frannie...

An innocent young girl,
a college freshman

coming all the way
from New York.

There’s no problem.

She’ll be perfectly safe.

No problem, Harry?

How can you let her go alone
to a crazy spring-break party?

Don’t expect me
to order one of my men

to escort your niece to a party.

Who’s ordering?

Chris would be delighted.

Just ask.


All right, I’ll ask.

And don’t take no for an answer.

I hate you.

That’s too bad.

I have fond memories of you.

Eric, hi.


We in computer hell?

The lowest rung.

I think it just deleted

three months of files
I’ve been working on.

Nice thing about computers is

there’s always more
than meets the eye.

I always thought they
were literal and dumb.

Well, they are

but they don’t always tell you
what they know.

What’d you lose?

Homicide, uh...
Dot through .

So, are you telling me

that my computer
hides things from me?

Hmm, not out of malice.

Like any relationship

it needs a little
time and attention...

Before it reveals
all of its secrets.


But it has no hidden agenda.


What about you?

Do you have...
A hidden agenda?


I’m pretty literal and dumb.

Oop! There you go.

Files are back.


You’re a genius.

How did you do that?

Little feature
called "undelete."

Ah. Hmm.

You just have to know...


To find it.

It’s good

to see you again, Rita.

How’s your book coming?

It’s almost finished.

Just have one more interview.


I promised you
I would do that, didn’t I?

Yeah, you did.

You wouldn’t want
to deprive the public

of every gruesome detail
about the seaside strangler

would you?

Honestly? Yeah, I would.

It’ll be painless, I promise.

Restaurant at the Bayview

: tonight?

All right, : .

You know

that was, um, pretty smooth

what you just did.

What, that?

Ah, that’s nothing,
computers are easy.

No, I wasn’t talking
about the computer.



Can I see you for a minute?


Uh-uh. No way.

I’m not a baby sitter.

Baby? It’s a beautiful
young lady--

treat it like a date.

See, actually, that’s it, cap.

I’m involved with this person--

you met her, Gillian...

Lorenzo, I’m not asking you
to marry my niece

just to escort her
to a party, what?

I don’t know, cap.

I don’t think paid escorts
fall into police duties.

Why not hire somebody?

What? Bite your tongue!

She’s a nice girl, good family.


Come here.


Come here.

You do this for me

and I’ll assign somebody

to help clean up
all your paperwork.

You’re a month behind

you know.


I don’t know.

I’d feel like I was being paid.

Would Fran want her niece
out with a gigolo?

Gigolo? What are
you saying?

This is a college freshman,
a wonderful young lady.

This is a baby-sitting
job, Lorenzo

no more, no less.


Look, you owe me.

For what?

I don’t know,
but it was worth a shot.

I’m begging you, please.

Frannie is on my case.

All right, I’ll do it--

as a favor.

What can I say, kid?
You are a prince!

Right, why do I
feel like a frog?

Please, señora Gitano...

I can’t stand it anymore.

You’re well fed,
your room is large and clean

he gives you nice clothes
to wear.

Señor Vargas--

he does things to me...
I can’t even talk about.

Oh, you should be flattered

he shows interest
in a peasant girl.

He’s an important man.

He’s a pig!

An animal.

I spent a lot of money
to get you out of Cuba.

If you don’t work

how will you ever pay me back?

Señora Gitano

with what I’m paid

I’ll be a sl*ve forever.

You will do
whatever Vargas asks.

I won’t go back.

Do you want me
to turn you over to Juan?

You wouldn’t like that

but Juan would love it.

I can’t believe
you got talked into it.

What about Gillian?

I already told her.

Really? What’d she say?

She said she wanted
to take photographs.

She thought it was funny.

Are you going
to take her a corsage?

Don’t start with me, Sam.

See that guy behind me?

I busted him
for a B. And e.

When I was working robbery.

You want to talk to him?

Yeah, I’ll catch up
to you inside.

How you doing?!

You remember me?

Sure do, sergeant.

Larry, isn’t it?

It’s Gary, Gary Holden.

Gary, right.

So, Gary, how long
you been working here?

Look, I’m clean
and I’m straight.

Check it out
with my parole officer.

I’m not here to hassle you.

Fine, okay.

I thought maybe
you could help me out.

I need to know
about a maid, bertika Santos.

Why? You know
where she is?

She a friend of yours?

She’s okay, isn’t she?

I’m afraid not.

She was m*rder*d.

I begged her to
leave this place.

Did she want to leave?

She hated it here.

It’s just that
she was so afraid.

What was she afraid of?


You think Vargas k*lled her?

I don’t know

but it wouldn’t surprise me.

That son of a bitch!

I have no idea where
bertika was that night.

I didn’t pry into
her private life.

Maybe that was a mistake.

So, you didn’t notice
until the next day

when she didn’t
show up for work?

Naturally, we were concerned.

I called the agency

but they had no idea
where she was.

What agency do you use?

The Gitano domestic
employment service.

Do you have the address?

Yes, I’ll get it for you.

Teresa? Excuse us.

Thank you.

Hi, I’m Sergeant Lance.

You are?

Miel Cordoba.

Do you mind if I ask you
some questions, miel?

I don’t know anything.

I’m sorry, miss, I have to go.

Here you are.

Thank you.

I’ll show you out.




Tell me about it.


I saw you talking to the police.

What did you tell her?


I didn’t say anything.

You better not have.

Always remember
who you belong to.

Oh, good, good,
I like it this way.

Por favor, no.

What’s going on here?



¿Puedes creerlo, Juan?

Asesinaron a esa pobre niña.

Ay, ¡que barbaridad!

These girls are so naive.

They get blinded by the flashing
glitter of this place.

They forget that there is
danger in the streets.

Do you know where
she went that night?

No, I first heard
she was missing

when Mrs. Vargas called me.

And what about you?

You know any of her friends?

Juan has only been here
a short while.

He doesn’t speak any English.

Well, bienvenido.

to the U.S., Juan.


Oh, good evening, Chris.

My, don’t you look handsome.

No flowers?

Nah, never mind.

I’ll go get your date.

She’s my favorite niece

and I know you’ll take
good care of her.

Hi, captain.

I’ll never forget this.

I’ll never let you.

Here she is!

Chris, this is dawn.

Hi, Sergeant Lawrence.

Uh, Lorenzo.


It’s all right, call me Chris.

Do I look all right?

All right?!

Try adorable!

Isn’t she adorable?


Your carriage awaits, ma’am.

Have a nice time.

Not too nice.

Drive safe!

Home by midnight!

Good night,
aunt Fran, uncle Harry.

I’ll take good care of her.

Don’t wait up!



Don’t you need to stop for gas?

Uh... no, I got gas.

Oh, well,
what I really meant was...

I got to go to the ladies’ room.

Oh, uh, sure thing.

Let’s motor.

The meter’s running on my life.

Dawn... hey!

What’s with those clothes?

What’s with those earrings?

You like them?

Looks like you got

a curtain rod stuck in your ear.

Does your aunt Fran know

you got your
belly button pierced?

Of course not, Maynard.

Want to see what else
I got pierced?

No! No!

Okay, later.

Let’s go someplace private.

Come on.

I want to be your bunk monkey.

Thank you.

See, that wasn’t too painful.

Didn’t feel too trapped,
did you?

Not too.

Probably not near as trapped

as my partner feels tonight.

It’s a really long story.

You know, I owe you.

Without you, my book
wouldn’t have had an ending.

You’re the hero.

My publisher is certain

this is going
to be a best seller.

You’re going to be famous.

I’m not so sure I like that.

Well, it won’t last.

There’s always
a more vicious serial k*ller

just beyond the horizon.

And this is a good thing?

No, no, it’s not.

Well, actually, I’d be lying

if I said it hadn’t
been good for me.

No kidding.

Best-selling book,
fame, fortune.

That’s not what I meant.


So, I, uh, guess
you’re going to be

leaving again pretty soon.

Mm-hmm, but not for long.

I got an advance
for my new book.

It’s about crimes of passion.

This is as good a place
as any to write it.

Yeah, I guess it is.

So, did you find
a place to stay?

Mm-hmm, renting
the Palmer house.

That’s pretty expensive.

Have you always been
this extravagant?

Oh, always.

Sounds pretty risky to me.

You like risks.

Why else would you be a cop

or out on a date with me?

Come on, this isn’t a date.

Like hell.

What are you doing?

Want a foamy?

Beer makes me horny.

No, hey, give me that.

No, no! Oh!

Oh, this is just beautiful.


This is just terrific.

Hey, this is not funny!

Lucky thing you’re a cop.

I may not be after tonight.

Your license, please.

Good evening, officer...


Uh, I’m on the job.

Your license?

How about a little
professional courtesy?

Are you saying
I’m unprofessional?

Absolutely not.

Have I been anything
but courteous?

There you have it--
professional courtesy.

Your license, please.

Have you got

an open container in there

Sergeant Lorenzo?

No... I mean...

It’s not mine.


It’s mine.

How old are you, young lady?

I’m .


She’s kidding.

She’s a freshman in college.

Well, rah! Rah! Rah!

Hey, what’s your problem, lady?

You got a stone
caught in your hoof?


Will you two step out
of the car, please?

What happened to you?

Dawn happened to me.

I lost her.

After our run-in with the cop.

What cop was that?

Well, the one

that wanted to arrest me.

Not a pretty sight.

I had to beg.

What happened to dawn?

Well, I finally found her--

in the mosh pit
at this slam club.

Have you ever been
to a mosh pit?

Afraid not.

All these psychos

slam each other until
they’re bloody and senseless.

Please, sign me up, will you?

Anyway, I finally got her home
around sunrise.

Had to sneak her in a window.

Did you get caught?

No, Fran and the cap
never woke up.

Guess I lucked out.

Phew! Good luck with that, huh?

I have to talk my way
out of an IAD Investigation.

We’ll hook up around noon?

All right.


Sergeant Lance.

All right, yeah.

I’m on my way. Okay.

What happened?

I came here

to beat the truth
out of Jameson.

He pulled a g*n.

Who was he to you?

Vargas brought bertika here.

To one of his swap parties.

The night she was m*rder*d.

You know this for fact?

Oh, yeah.

These big sh*ts
bring in these...

Young girls from Cuba

and trade them

back and forth for sex

like they’re... livestock.

Why didn’t you tell this
to Sergeant Lorenzo?

Oh, yeah, right.

Who’s he going to believe?

Some big shot like Vargas...

Or an ex-con he busted
for armed robbery?

You’d be surprised.

You hang in there, all right?

We’ll take care of you.

Thanks, Robert.

Clifford Jameson?

I’ve already
explained everything.

Kid att*cked me,
I shot in self-defense.

He says he thinks

you had something to do
with bertika Santos’s m*rder.

That’s crazy.

Was she here

at your party the other day?

Beats me.

Wouldn’t know her if I saw her.

Why don’t you take
a look at these?

Hard to recognize someone

who’s been so badly beaten.

She looked a lot better...

Before your little orgy.

What do you mean by that?

Gary told me about
your parties, Mr. Jameson.

You take that punk’s word?

Yeah, as a matter of fact,
I think I would.

That’s outrageous.

You’re looking
at serious charges.

At least an ugly scandal.

I don’t think
that’s exposure you want

is it?

All right.

The girl was here.

Did Ramon Vargas bring her?

She was supposed to be...

My date.

And so what happened?


I made a pass...
I thought she liked me.

Obviously, I guessed wrong.

She ran off in a hurry.

What time was that?

Parking valet saw her
leave the grounds

around : .

A blow to your head and ego.

You must have been
pretty angry about that.

Don’t try and bully me.

You have no case.

I never left, I have witnesses.

What about Vargas,
what time did he leave?

He was here late.

Believe me, sergeant,
I’ve broken no laws.

You take great comfort
in that, don’t you?

I do.

And until you come up
with real proof

I don’t need you to harass me

about some lowlife
without a green card

who ran away from safety here
and got herself k*lled.

From what I’ve seen of you,
Mr. Jameson

I would’ve run, too.

I’ll be in touch.

I appreciate the help
with the open container

officer grodenchik.


My week’s pretty full, actually.


Tuesday night,
monster truck rally

I’ll be there.

Christopher Lorenzo.

I am so disappointed in you.

Listen, Fran...

How could you let this happen?

What’s... what’s
going on here?


Show your uncle.

I can’t.

Show him.

It’s a tattoo.

What is it?

I can’t make it out.

A policeman’s badge.

I had nothing to do
with this, captain.

I’ll never be able

to show my face
at my sister’s again.

I think it’s cute.

She has another--
a set of handcuffs.

I won’t even

tell you where.

Why not?

Chris saw it last night.



Thank you.


Pretty, huh?

Sure is.

Did you work everything
out with the captain?

I had to buy he and Fran dinner

and a romantic night
at a nice hotel.

For the favor you did
in the first place?

I’m still figuring that out.

I’ll see you next
time I need a favor.

Anyway, what did you find out?

Well, I found out most
people we’re dealing with

are greasier than that hot dog.

Greasier than Vargas?

He’s still

top of the list, but...

I think we’ve got a conspiracy.

They think because they have

money and connections,
they can import these girls

and do whatever they want
with them.

it’s modern-day sl*very.

If we could just
get one to talk.

They’re all scared--
afraid of being deported.

Domestic agency involved?

Yeah, Paula Gitano has this thug
with Cuban prison tattoos.

Acts like he can’t speak English
and just stepped off the boat.

I wonder if he’s
some dirty laundry

Castro dumped
in the Mariel boat lift.

Yeah, he’s an enforcer.

Keeps the girls in line.

What about Vargas’s
other maid, miel?

I tried to talk to her
the other day.

I think she wanted to open up

but with Vargas around,
she bolted.

Maybe we should give
it another shot.

Yeah, she’s the only
possibility we got left.

I am sorry miel is not here.

It’s her day off.

Then you probably don’t mind

if I take a look
around her room.

Yes, I would mind.

I can talk to her now

or come back with a warrant.

Good luck.

I know many judges

in this county by first name.

And their maids
even better, I’ll bet.

I don’t appreciate your tone.

Will you let me
talk to miel or not?

I told you she is not here.

Is there a particular reason

you don’t want me
to speak with her?

I don’t want you to interfere

with my household anymore.

You’re getting in
really deep here.

We know you lied about bertika.

I did no such thing.

We have witnesses that saw you

drop her off at the party.

They also saw me stay
long after she left.

They’re the only reason

you’re not under arrest

right now.

You know, impeding
a m*rder investigation

is a felony, counselor.

You know that.

I was only protecting

my friends’ good names.

All respected in the community.

So, until you have a warrant,
miss, there’s the door.

I’ll be in touch,
Mr. Vargas

you can count on it.

If you harass my employees
again, I will bring charges!

She’s gone.

She’ll be back.

Yes... but they
won’t find this one.

Come on.

Where are you taking me?

Shut up!

Get out of the way!

Move out of the way!

Go around.

Move it out!

It won’t start.

Well, push it!

That car... miel!

Father Hernando.

Miel, ¿que te pasa?

What’s wrong?

You have to help me, please.

They’re trying to k*ll me.

Vargas and
that Bruja Paula Gitano.

I’ll call the police.

No, please!

They’ll send me back to Cuba.

No, no, no, I won’t let them.

I promise.

But you must tell
them everything.

You can stop these people

from hurting anyone ever again.

I don’t know.

I have to think.

Oh, father, I have to think.

Okay... shh, shh.


Ven conmigo.

If she goes to the police,
I’ll be exposed.

I’ll lose everything.

Control yourself.

We’ll find her.

Where would she go?

She doesn’t know anyone.

The Santeria priest.

Go get her.

I believe my husband
told you to go away

and stop bothering us.

This time we have a warrant.

We’d like to see miel.

Well, she’s not here.

You don’t mind

if we take a look around.

I don’t suppose I can stop you.

No, don’t suppose you can.

No! No!

Hey, you better hope
nothing happened to her.

What happens to her
outside this house

is not my responsibility.

So your husband could force
the maids to have sex

if he didn’t do it
under your roof.

Accessory to m*rder applies

even if it didn’t happen
in your house.

Please, you’re going
to have to do

a lot better than that
to scare me.

My husband’s a lawyer.

That’s good

because you’re going
to need one real soon.

Sergeant Lorenzo.

How long ago?


A half hour.

I’m not sure.

You all right?

Yes, don’t worry about me.

Go find miel.

Describe this guy for me.

Big, and mean...

With tattoos.

Big with tattoos?

That’s Gitano’s goon, Juan.

Thanks, Hernando, you done good.

Okay... find miel.

I warned you what
would happen, didn’t I?

This time she must disappear
without a trace.

But first, we’ll make
an example of her

for the rest of the calandrias.

When we are done

none of these girls
will misbehave again.

I can’t be here for this.

You were supposed
to keep her in line.

You’ll stay and see it through.

Don’t struggle, little one.

Make it easy for Juan

and it will be over
before you know it.

Police-- open up!

I can’t be caught here.

Do something!

Help, I’m in here!

She’s in there.

Let’s do it.

Watch her.

Give it up!

¡Matalos, Juan!

Help! Help me!

Somebody please stop her!

Stop, it’s okay.

All right, roll over.

It’s my pleasure to inform you

that you have the right
to remain silent.

It’s okay.

He’s not going to
hurt you anymore.

It’s okay.

Not afraid of making
a statement, are you?

I like ostentatious.

I was deprived as a child.

Nothing lacking
about this place.


That’s funny,
it’s supposed to be locked.

We should check it out, huh?

There’s nothing in here
to steal.

Nobody’s lived here for a while.

Maybe it’s just
a transient, huh?

Beats a cardboard box.

Sure know how to
show a girl a good time.

I don’t hear anything.


Maybe the realtor
just got careless.

Forgot to turn off
all the lights.

I think there’s
someone in there.

You better stay back.

What are you, nuts?

I’m right behind you.

All right.



I almost k*lled
your C.D. Player.

Care to dance?

Mind if I put my g*n up first?

Oh, I insist.

Tough making a move
on a lady who’s packing.

You haven’t had
a problem so far.

What, this?

This is not a move.

This is a move.

Not bad.

I’m glad you’re staying.

I can’t think of a better reason

to stay anywhere.