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04x14 - Pas de Deux

Posted: 10/07/23 19:48
by bunniefuu
I love your workouts.



I always get
such a deep stretch.

Beats a ballet bar
any day, doesn't it?


Let's get back to rehearsal.

Wouldn't want our spouses
getting all in a panic.

The hell with them.

Don't go.

I need another stretch.

Come on, Priscilla, I'm serious.

We start rehearsal for
the new ballet in half an hour.

I know.

I'll be there.

I just need a quick pick-me-up

at the bar downstairs.

Well, get some gum or something

because if gene smells scotch
on your breath again

he'll explode.

I'm not up for
another scene between you two.

Well, then wash your hands
and clean your teeth

because you smell of
the big "P" all over.

Oh, really?

"P" for...


I'll see you at rehearsal.

You don't be late.

Oh, why, we live on alcohol
and cigarettes, darlings.

That's how we stay so thin.

Oh, thank you very much,
you sweet man.

You're both just so gorgeous,
it's difficult deciding...

You sodding bitch!

Help, she's trying to k*ll me!

I told you to keep away
from my husband, you slut!

Hey, check this out.

If I'd have known

ballet was like wrestling

I'd have gotten season
tickets long ago.

"Ballerinas Camilla Kincaid
and Priscilla meadows

"were definitely not rehearsing
swan lake

in the Fritz hotel bar


What would make two sisters
fight like that?

You know?

What else?

One of the girls
accuses the other

of dancing too close
to her husband.

I love this stuff.

Of course...

You know, when people fight,
it's not always hilarious.

Sometimes it can be devastating

downright heartbreaking...




Oh, this is scary.

Usually, when you
avoid eye contact

it means things are really good

or that they're really bad.

Do you have to be so observant?

Sorry, it goes with the job.

You and Eric have a fight?

No. It's just...

He hasn't worked
since he came to palm beach.


That's not all.

He's... spending a lot of money.

He's gone through
his entire advance

and he hasn't written
a single word.

Are you sure that's all
that's bothering you?

Well, yeah, I mean, yeah

what else would be bugging me?

I figured
for you to be this concerned

it'd have to be
something deeper.

You're right, I'm overreacting.

Yeah, maybe-- Eric's a big guy.

He can make his own decisions.

And your excessive worrying
won't help him.

I am not worrying...

Then why are we discussing

that doesn't concern you?

You're right.

It's his life, his money...

And it is none of my business.

Now let this contraction
come from your groin... yes!

Mmm, heat.

Mmm, feel the heat.

Head, let the head...

Don't forget the head,
that's it.

Gene, this is crazy,
six months rehearsing.

How much longer will this take?

Sorry, Catherine, but...

The creative process doesn't
always work on a schedule.

A dog in heat would go
into a coma watching you two!

You're married.

Give it to me.

Sex, I want sex.

We should
have had a ballet by now.

It won't be much longer.

This dance is coming along
nicely, actually.

But we need to pay
the set designer

to see some drawings.

Gene, I am not pouring
more money in

until you set a date
for the premiere.

Steven said
the New York City ballet...

Steven has never run a company--

only danced pretty
and admired himself.

And when he's not,
he's chasing girls

so they can admire him, as well.

But he will sell tickets

if he ever has
anything to perform.

Balance, Camilla.

Pull up, for heaven's sake.

That's another thing.

This latest scene with the girls

doesn't enhance our reputation.

Sorry, that's out of my hands.

Priscilla is your wife, gene!

Can't you control her?

I wouldn't dream of it.

Fighting makes them
dance better.

The twins need the competition.

And I need a date
for the premiere.


She's a ballerina

not a sack of potatoes!

You put her down lightly.

Lift her up, not out!

I am trying.

I'm just not used

to heaving around
tonnage like this.

Excuse me?

I haven't gained a pound
in three months.

It doesn't feel like it.

If you don't head off
the ice cream

I'll end up in a truss.

All right, that's enough.

Camilla, change your shoes.

We'll do the trio.

Toss the little tart really hard

on the first lift.

Oh, you didn't.

You said she was...
Getting heavy.

I thought I'd help you out.


What the hell is wrong
with you today?

I twisted my ankle.

Quick, Steven,
get me an ice pack... ow.

Haven't gained a pound?

even your feet are fatter.

That's why you're popping
out of your shoes.

I don't believe you!

I could have broken my ankle.

Gene, protect me.

You bitch! She's
going to hit me again.

Calm down.
You're crazy!

Go ice your ankle.

That was a very silly
stunt, Priscilla.

She might have really been hurt.

Yeah, well, sod her.

She hit me first.

Camilla, are you all right?

Oh, my god.

Oh, I'm sorry...

Camilla, it's okay.

Oh, darling, it's all right.

The maid will clean up.

Shh, don't you worry
about anything, dear.

It's all right.

Everything is going
to be all right.

I finally figured out

how to start the book.

I could kick myself--

writing about crimes of passion

your field of expertise

and not using you as a resource.

Mmm, sounds like fun.

So I sat up all night

thought up some questions.

Good, fire away.

Oh, no, not now.

We'll do it this weekend.

I booked us a flight
to St. Thomas.

St. Thomas? Eric, we don't
need to go away to work.

Your place is fine.

No, no, we need to get away--

someplace with no distractions.

St. Thomas is
a distraction, Eric.

I promise we'll work
the whole weekend.


Hey, get away from my car!

What are you doing with my car?!

Get away from my car!

Police officer!

Hold it!

Okay, okay.

Take it easy.

It's not what you think.

Right. What, you with
the salvation army?

No, Sal's towing.

This is a legal repossession.

I got the papers.


There hasn't been a payment made

on this lease
for over four months.

What is this?

My accountant paid all my bills

when I was in New York.

Guess I'm out of practice.

No problem.

Chris will be here any minute

to give us a ride.

Yeah, no big deal, really.

I'll straighten it out tomorrow.

I was getting sick
of that car, anyway.

Way too flashy.

Eric, why didn't you tell me

that you were having
money problems?

I'm not.

This is not a problem,
I'm still flush.

The car's just a mix-up.

Is that what you think?

You think I can't
pay my bills, Rita?

Give me more credit
than that, huh?

You cheating bastard!

How could you do this to me?

Priscilla, relax,
it was only a meeting.

Catherine and I
are just friends.

Don't bother.

Sleeping with your wife
is bad enough

but having it off
with that old cow?

Shh, keep it down.

I would never cheat on you.

That's bollocks!

Hey, come to daddy.

Come on, come to daddy.

It's okay, come on.

Nobody does this to me.

I'll k*ll you for this, I swear.

Oh, no, you won't.

On stage and in bed

I'm the best partner
you've ever had

and you know it.


You just go to hell.

Oh, no, no, no.

Definitely not kosher.

You can go ahead
and take her on out.

This guy was
one hell of an athlete.

This is Steven Kincaid.

I know, I got his name.

I mean the Steven Kincaid.

He's a major star.

Yeah? What universe?

He's one of the top
ballet dancers in America.

Oh, you mean

he's one of those guys
that runs around in tights?

Go figure.

Well, judging
from the wound in his back

I'm going to say
it was a large knife.

One of these, perhaps?

Yeah, I nominate
the one that is missing.

Got the uniforms
searching for it right now.

All right, I'll go
talk to Mrs. Waldron.


Final curtain.

Sweet dreams, buddy.

Please be careful
with those buds.

They're very delicate.

I'm sorry.

This is a terrible loss.

Steven Kincaid was
the most beautiful dancer

I'd ever seen.

Yes, I'm very sorry,
miss waldron.

And six months of work
just went down the drain.

The whole company
lived and worked here

for the last six months.

Is that a bit unusual?

I love the ballet,
Sergeant Lance.

I have since I was a child.

I have no talent for it.

My funding and
housing this company

allows me to live in that world.

It's my greatest joy.

Did you ever have security
on the exterior wall?

No, I never felt
the need before now.

They're about
to butcher my roses.

Please, stop,
you can't dig there.

Which one of the twins
was Steven married to?


I'm married to Priscilla.

Didn't know
you guys got married.

Oh, yes, sergeant.

Sometimes, we even marry women.

Yeah, touché.

Sorry about that, I just...


I'm used to it.

Where were you when
the alarm went off?

I was sleeping.

I worked in the studio
until about :

the Butler brought me a sandwich

and then I crashed.

I just can't believe
this happened.

I was working
on a piece for Steven

and, oh, it was
going to be amazing.

I know this is a difficult time

but do you know what the twins

were fighting about
at the Fritz hotel?

Was that about Steven?

I don't know, I wasn't there.

From my understanding,
Camilla was upset with your wife

for having an affair
with Steven.

That upset you
just a little bit?

I don't care who she sleeps with
as long as she dances well.


I know what you're thinking.

No, I don't think you do.

I know he loved me, too.

Even though he was unfaithful?

Steven said sex
came with the job.

So, he was having
an affair with her.

No, I wouldn't call it that.

My sister sleeps
with all her dance partners.

All of them, huh?

All of the straight ones.

Even some of the Nancy boys.

She claims she's converted them.

She's a pig.

When was the last time
you saw Steven?

Last night, around : .

He sneaked out of bed.

He always thought I was sleeping

but I never was.

So he went to go see Priscilla?

I don't know.


She is voracious.

It didn't bother you

to sleep with your
sister's husband?

I'm a dancer.

Sex is just
another form of dance.

Too bad
she didn't feel that way.

Oh, rubbish! She didn't care.

So she was just
using your forehead

to crack peanuts in the bar?

Camilla's always been prone
to fits of v*olence.

She's the unstable one.

When's the last time
you saw Steven?

Ow! I'm getting a cramp.

Could you help me, please?

What do you want me to do?

I can't get my leg off the bar.

If you lift it, perhaps?

Oh, yes, that's much better.

Yeah, come on.

You're a real dish, aren't you?

Look, let... let go.

Seriously, I got work to do.

So have I.

Would you just relax?

Why don't you
let auntie Priscilla

show you how to do
the pas de deux?

What's going on here?



Glad to see you.

That was as*ault
on a police officer.

You could have arrested her.

And be the butt of every joke?

What'd you find out
other than the fact

that Priscilla can crush a
soda can between her legs?

She was at home alone all night.

Camilla told me she loved
her husband very much

and she wanted to make
the marriage work.

She actually seemed very normal

compared to her sister.

What passes
for normal in that house

would get you a padded cell
anywhere else on earth.

Oh, it was amazing, cap.

She had these skinny little legs

but they were strong enough
to squish me like a bug.

Sometimes I miss
being out in the field.

You bring the captain

up to date?

I'm just filling him in.


Did he tell you

about Priscilla the python?

I mentioned it.



So, what do you got, Rita?

The girls seem to blame
each other for the m*rder

but neither one has come out

and accused the other.

Either one of them
could have done it.

Let's not be so quick to judge.

These girls lost their parents
when they were .

They've lived
on their own ever since.

You said they were from England?

The girls moved to the states

to join
the New York City ballet.

Catherine waldron
brought them to palm beach.

Nobody at the estate
heard anything.

It looks like a break-in

but it doesn't add up.

You know
the interesting thing, cap?

The victim was raiding
the fridge when he was m*rder*d.

He was still holding
onto his food.

So he breaks
into the kitchen, right?

This guy didn't hear
the alarm or the breaking glass?

You mean this guy
kept chowing down

with his nose in the fridge

until he was stabbed
from behind?


There's also flower beds
with soft dirt

on the outside of the wall.

There are no signs,
no footprints or anything

that the intruder
tried to get back out.

You're right--
this feels like an inside job.

What about the m*rder w*apon?

We got a team
over at the mansion now.

It'll take
a couple of days, at least.

I was a singing
telegram girl for a whole week.

Most people were nice about it

but some people cringed
and covered their ears.

What was your worst undercover?

Male stripper, hands down.

Come on, guys,
you're falling behind.


Nobody can keep up
with you tonight.

You better start drinking then.

Actually, I think I'm done.

It might loosen up
that tight spot of yours.

I'm driving, remember?

Come on, guys, relax.

I'll take you both home.

Don't you think
you ought to slow down?

No-- thanks for asking, mom.

Let's go.

Eddie, can we have the check

when you get a chance?

Look, you want to go home?

Here's how you do it.

Just walk out on those
pretty legs of yours.

You just put one foot
in front of the other

and before you know it,
you'll be gone.

That's what I'm going to do.

Sounds like a good idea.

That's just the booze talking.

He's drunk,
you know that, right?

I've never seen him
like this before.

You go ahead,
and I'll make sure he gets home safe.

Eric, buddy, what's going on?

She's your partner.

I don't have to tell you
how rigid she is.

Enough of that.

You're right,
that's enough talking.

Hey, we'll have another one.

How about I get you a cab?

Not unless you got
a drink called "a cab"

in which case, I'll try it.

Hey, Eric, let him go!

That's it, I'm taking you home.

Eddie, put that on my tab.

You got it.

Get your hands off me.

Take it easy, Eric.

This is a bar full of cops--

not a good place
to pick a fight.

I'm going to take you home now.

You're right, you're right.

I'm just going
to let you take me...



What happened to you?

Eric happened to me

last night after you left.

You all right?

Yeah, it was nothing

a trip to the emergency room

and a beautiful nurse
couldn't cure.

He's, um...

He's been drinking a lot lately.

I've never seen him that bad.

You know I'd do
anything for you.

I fixed things
with the bartender.

He won't press charges.

I'll call this
a stupid mistake...

Give him a chance to
straighten things out.

That's all this guy
gets from me.

I understand.

I... I'm really sorry.

Rita, Chris, in my office.

All right, you two

I want to know what's going on.

Nothing, cap.

Save it, Lorenzo.

Did you honestly think
I wasn't going to find out?

You had your brawl in a cop bar.

It wasn't Chris's fault.

I know that.

Eric owes you big time

'cause if it was me,
he'd be in jail.

Cap, it was no big deal.

Big enough for me
to take an interest.

You tell Mr. Russell
to clean up his act...


I'll do it.

Uh... Rita?


I got to tell you,
I'm worried about you.

There's no need to be, cap.

When your personal life
sends Chris to the hospital...

I appreciate your concern

but it's my problem, not yours.

I can handle it.

Turn your hips out, Camilla.

Watch your sister,
she knows how.

Done it for everyone,
haven't you, dear?

Shove it, gene.

Your butt is hanging
like an old cow's teat.

Squeeze it tight!

I'm trying.

Well, try harder.

Oh! This is
a sensual duet

not an athletic competition!

I can't do this today.

It's too soon.

All right, take five.

Oh, this is rubbish!

She does a little
whining and crying

and you start kissing her bum.

I didn't think you cared

whose bum I kissed anymore.

I should have the solo.

I'm a better dancer.

Shut up, Priscilla.

I'm not a robot like you.

I lost my husband.

You just lost an amusement.

That's not
what we're talking about.

We're talking about
who is the better dancer.

Oh, really?

Steven said dancing with you

was like holding a wet fish!

But, oh, how he loved to play

hide the barracuda.

Oh, you...

You thought you could
take him away...

Camilla, stop this, stop it!

But you couldn't, you bitch!

She's homicidal.

I can't work with her anymore.

I can't feel safe.

Go to your room and stay there

until I come and get you.


Are you all right?

It's all right, it's all right.

You can't be serious!

I can't keep spending money

when there's nothing
to show for it.

We can't have a premiere
without a name.

If you don't give me the money
for another star

this company's finished.

Fine! Set a date
for the premiere.

I will sign the check
for a new dancer.

Would you be careful?

These are very rare plants.

I'll be so glad
when this is over.

They promised
to be done tomorrow.

Forget the damn garden!

This is important.

I can't set a date
until I hire a new dancer

and I can't do that

until you give me the money.

Don't you dare
take that tone with me.

Without me, you'd still be

dance workshops in SOHO.

You're right.

I'm sorry, Catherine.

We've both worked too hard

to let this company evaporate.

Please, give me
a cashier's check

and I will get you
Edward Lafoche.

He's very unhappy at A.B.T.

And he's willing
to meet with me.

Lafoche will never
leave New York.

For $ , , he would.


I'm announcing the premiere

six weeks from the day

lafoche arrives in palm beach.

You're jamming me

but all right, all right.

I can do that.

How's your eye?

My eye is fine.

How you doing?


All right.

Eric has been calling nonstop.

He's filled up my answering
machine tape with messages.

You haven't talked to him yet?

No, I'm still mad.

Are you going to?

No... I don't know...

Coming from the guy
that he popped

I think you should talk to him.

Yeah, I guess.

I just...
I never expected this from him.

Well, you know what?

Sometimes guys get scared,
get drunk, act like jerks

but then they come groveling

to their women.

Let this go full cycle.


Because you don't want
to miss out

on the groveling.

That is the fun part.

Ah, I see.

Cheer up, okay?


Look, I followed your advice.

I ran a check

on Steven Kincaid's
credit cards.

He had three charges
at the wave ridge motel.

The last one

was the day before
he was m*rder*d.

We should check it out.

I already did.


If he always took Priscilla

to the Fritz hotel

why take her to a dive?

It wasn't Priscilla.

How do you know?

I got a description
from the desk clerk.

This person was
a little bit older

and one hell of a lot richer.

Catherine waldron.

Surprise, surprise.

I'm running late.

Can't this wait?

It shouldn't take long, ma'am.

It's about your visits
to the wave ridge motel.

Well... well, I don't know
what to say.

Why didn't you tell us

about your relationship
with Steven Kincaid?

Because it was private.

And I couldn't.

Why is that?

Because I was embarrassed

and I didn't need
any more trouble.

A new conflict would have
delayed the premiere even more.

Especially if Camilla knew
you'd slept with her husband.

I suppose that could have
been a problem.

That didn't concern you?

Not really.

Camilla was used to
Steven's infidelities.

I was more concerned about gene.

Why would he care?

I've been very unhappy
with his lack of progress.

Steven was pushing me
to make a change

and gene was threatened
by Steven as it was.

Would gene have done
something about it?

You mean hurt Steven?

Oh, no, no, not at all.

I was afraid that if he
found out, he would quit.

I know I ride gene hard

but the truth is,
he's very talented.

He could get a job
with any number of companies.

Where is gene now?

It's his day off.

He's out today.

When you see him

tell him we would
like to talk to him.

Appreciate your time, ma'am.

My pleasure.

So would you k*ll
to keep your job?

Not my job-- doesn't pay enough.

I think gene is paying himself

some fringe benefits
Catherine doesn't know about.

You smell good today.

Well, thank you.

Shall we?



I know it's early

but you didn't return my calls.

Look, this is not a good time.

Oh, no, wait, wait.

I know you're angry.

Just hear me out, all right?

Just let me say
what I want to say

and then I'll go.

I know these can't really begin

to make up for my behavior

but... I didn't know
what else to do, so I...


I appreciate the effort.

I'm so sorry

for what I did, I...

There's no excuse for it.

No, there wasn't.

You humiliated me
in front of my friends.

I know I hurt you.

It's just this
writer's block thing.

It's really kicked my behind.

But I know I've got it licked.

I already apologized to Chris.

I think I squared
everything with him.


So can we be all right again?

I don't know.


You're the most important
person in the world to me.

I love you, I...

How can I be sure
this won't happen again?

It won't, I promise.

Let me make things all right.

You got drunk

you physically assaulted
my partner.

I can't have that, Eric.

I need more than your word

you're not going
to let this happen again.

You think I'm lying?

I just said it wouldn't.

No. I hear you, but I...

I think you're making promises

that you can't keep.

What do you mean?

I've been thinking a lot
about this.

I'm not willing
to try this again

unless you get help.

I want you to go
to an a.A. Meeting.

It's over now.

I don't have a drinking problem.

I've been struggling

through my worst patch
of doubt and fear ever

and you think I need a program?


This isn't easy
for me either, Eric.

I love you.

But I cannot be
in a relationship

with somebody I have
to make excuses for.

Come on, Rita.

You think Chris never got loaded

and picked a fight?

It's not just about drinking.

It's about
the compulsive spending

and the anger, Eric.

Oh, I don't believe this.

I came here apologizing,
begging for forgiveness

and you say, no,
that's not good enough.

I've got to put my life on
display in a roomful of drunks!

Well, I don't need that!

Well, then I can't do this.


All right.

All right, you...

You win.

My work, money

none of it means
anything if I don't have you.

Oh, what the hell.

It's only a few hours
out of my life.

Won't k*ll me.

Rita, they found
the kitchen knife.

Really, where?

Compost heap.

Glad I wasn't on
the research team.

What about forensics?

They found blood
matching the victim's

and a fresh set of prints.




I know.

She wasn't my guess, either.

A woman angry enough
is capable of anything.

Come on, Priscilla,
I've been waiting

for over half an hour.

We need to rehearse?

You don't need me.

You're the bloody star

aren't you?

You know, Pris,
I'm really tired of fighting.

And, well, gene leaves tonight.

We do need to work.

Oh, all right, if we must.

Camilla Kincaid.

You're under arrest for the
m*rder of Steven Kincaid.

What? I, I...

I didn't.

You're daft.

She didn't do it.

She's not capable of doing it.

Catherine! Do something!

What is going on here?

We found the m*rder w*apon.

Had Camilla's prints
all over it.

Let's go.

Catherine, I didn't do it.

I swear.

I'd never hurt Steven.

You know me!

Do something, please!

I don't believe this.

I thought you hated her.

I do not.

I love her.

She's my sister.

She's my twin sister.


How did your fingerprints
get on the knife?

I've told you

it must have happened

when I cut myself
a piece of cake, that's all.

I didn't do it.

Why should I?

Camilla, he treated you
like dirt.

He was sleeping
with your sister.

You had no reason to k*ll him?

No, I didn't.

I mean, sure,
he was cruel at times

but I loved him.

He was beautiful.

He was the best dance partner
I'd ever had.

You just don't k*ll
someone like that.

How much money
did Steven leave you?

I don't know.

Um, he was to be paid
a large sum

once he'd performed

but otherwise,
we all were getting $ a week.

That's all?

Plus room and board.

That's quite good.

Normally, we'd pay our own rent.

Did Ms. Waldron control
the company's finances?

No, she just wrote the checks.

Gene handles all the money.

Ah, Sergeant Lance

talk to you outside
for a minute?

My stomach is talking
up a storm. Yours?

Is it saying that girl
was set up?

What was your clue?


The money.



Why are you packing all that?

You're only in New York a day.

You never know what clothes
you need this time of year.

I guess.

Gene, will Camilla
be coming home soon?

Yes, it'll all be
cleared up soon.

I hope so.

I really miss her.

Gene, I have the check.

Come to the study.


Don't mess with that, dear.

I've got a plane to catch.

Mmm, here you go.

A check for $ , , and...

I hope he's worth it.

Oh, trust me, Catherine.

It's the best investment
you've ever made.

Hey, hey, hey, listen to this.

I just got this
from gene's bank.

In the last six months,
he deposited about $ ,

of waldron foundation checks
right into his account

and then transferred them
to an offshore bank.

Look, he took out
ten grand yesterday

and then he closed the account.

I just ran a check
on his credit card.

He booked a flight to
the Cayman Islands today.

You bastard.

I'll be back tomorrow evening...

I want a bloody divorce!

Oh, what now?

Priscilla, what's wrong, honey?

Priscilla, this isn't the time

for another one
of your tantrums.

Oh, well,
you'll make time for this!

Sweetie, why don't you
just put that down

and we'll talk, okay?

What, you want me
to put this down?

No problem.

I didn't binge and purge
for six months

so you could rip off the money

and piss off to some
tropical paradise.

Gene, how could you?

Get real, Catherine.

Do you think I could make

this cash doing ballet

in this backwater for you?

Get down there.


My husband.

And to think at one time

I actually used
to sleep with you.

It wasn't easy for me, either.

I shut my eyes and imagined
you were a real woman.



Not now, dear,
I have a plane to catch.

Let's go, move it!

Drop the g*n!

Do it now!

It's over, pal.

Come on, gene, want to dance?

My first ballet.

I think it's called
the nutcracker.

You're under arrest.

Priscilla! I was so
worried about you.

I missed you so much.

I missed you, too.

Sorry I was such a cow.

No, I'm the cow, not you.

So, what's next?

You going to continue?


Edward lafoche
is on his way down today.

Six months from now,
you are all invited

to the premiere of the ballet
ensemble of palm beach.

Well, I look forward to that.

Thank you.

Let's go home.

Come on.

Rita, could I talk
to you a second?

Yeah, yeah.

I don't know how to tell
you this, but, uh...


I just talked
to the desk sergeant.

Eric totaled his rental car.

He crashed it into a tree.

Is he...

He's fine.

He walked away from it

but he was, uh...


He was D.U.I.

He blew twice the limit.

They got him in the
drunk t*nk right now.

I said I was done with this guy

but if you want me
to get him out...

No, no.

What are you going to do?
