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04x20 - Community Service

Posted: 10/07/23 19:52
by bunniefuu

Very nice.

You’re a very brave woman.

You know that?

Don’t be so upset,
Mrs. Kemper.

We all have to make
these little sacrifices.

I’m sure your husband
will understand that.

You’re a good girl.

You should be proud of yourself.

You did real good.

Don’t be so upset, Mrs. Kemper.

We all have to make
these little sacrifices.

Really, Mrs. Kemper.

This violates the spirit
of our agreement.

No, don’t.

Take the tape.

Please, I...
I didn’t mean anything.

I’m afraid our deal is off.

No, please, just take the tape.

I promise I won’t...

I won’t do it.

That’s right...

You won’t.

Naughty, naughty.

No, no, no, wait.


No, no!

Wait up.

Come on, lady.

I already got one this morning.

Have some mercy, please.

There’s no place to park.

I’ve gotten a ticket

on nearly every
street in this town.

So now you have
the complete set.

How can the wheels
of commerce turn

if you can’t deliver
to your customers?

Beats me.

Madam, please.

Allow me to appeal
to that softer

more gracious side
of your nature

which I’m sure lurks somewhere

beneath all that...


Be my guest.

My dear woman

are you aware of
the depth of kindness

that radiates from that
beautiful ample face?

Oh, yeah

I hear that a lot.

Oh, listen, you...

I’m a respected
businessman in this town.

I’m going to have
your ticket pad for this.

Does that mean you don’t think
I’m beautiful anymore?

Well, thank goodness.

The cavalry has arrived.

Stop, stop.

Oh, this is good.

I got to hear this.

Stop, stop, citizen in distress!

Citizen in distress.

You got here just in time

just in time.


Officer Groenenchik,
how you been?

Just fine, Sergeant Lorenzo.

Been keeping your nose clean?

Ah, you know.

So you two know each other--
even better.

Chris, old buddy...

Would you kindly confirm
to this lady who I am?

Yeah, gladly.

Officer Groenenchik

is this the guy
you’re ticketing?

That’s him.

There, confirmed.

I say, can’t we finesse this?

I’m on the verge
of a very lucrative venture--

fresh shrimp, delivered
right to your door--

and I need some assistance.

Now, I could give you
and this lady

who I’m sure loves to eat

a few pounds

and we could all go on

about our business.

You offering me
a bribe, Atticus?

No, no, never.

I would never do such a thing.

I wouldn’t dream of it.

I’m just offering you
a friendly little discount.

Um, ten pounds of shrimp
for say, $ .

You can’t beat that
anywhere in town.

These little guys fresh?

Some of these babies
are still kicking.

You got a deal.

Gillian loves shrimp.


Yeah, Lorenzo.

Hey, cap.


So Rita’s on her way?

So am I.

Got to go, Atticus.


Well, hey, hey,
what about the shrimp?

What about the ticket?

Why don’t you bring the shrimp
by the station

and pay the ticket?

Oh, man.

So, what do you think?

Late s, early s?

Yeah, probably.

So, let’s see.

Shot three times.

I’m guessing
small-caliber handgun.

The desk clerk said
she checked in alone

under the name Kelly.

He fell asleep

so he doesn’t know
if she had any visitors.

Look at that--

expensive jewelry,
designer clothes.

What do you think,
a high-class pro?

Maybe she had
an unhappy customer.

I don’t know, most
of the high-end girls

stick to their four-star hotels.

Hey, I was wrong.

Her name is Susan kemper,
she lived in Boca.

Pretty exclusive neighborhood.

She wasn’t making her living
on her back.

I wonder what
she was doing here?

Seeing how the other half loves.

Kemper... didn’t Donovan
get a conviction

on a guy named kemper?

Yeah, big land fraud case.

If Mr. Kemper was facing
a long sentence

maybe Mrs. Kemper was looking
for a place to land.

Women, they do that, you know?

They usually don’t bail on a guy

unless they got
another one in reserve.


Is that from
the Lorenzo book on women

or just an insight
out of the blue?

Hold on, I’m serious here.

I mean, look, guys,
we’ll do it on a whim.

We’ll up and bail on somebody

no safety net, no nothing.

But women, they plan.

They, they scheme.

They plan it way in advance.

Hey, I wonder what this is for?

Well, maybe she was
into instant replay.

Guys, anyone find
a video camera?


Hold on a second...

This is not your
everyday video camera.


Well, for one thing

it cost , bucks.

This is not something

you pick up at your
local electronics store.

Right here.

Oh, this is a sweet unit.

Top of the line
in covert surveillance.

The new digitized chip
gives pinpoint clarity

through a hole
the size of a lentil.

That’s nice, but actually...

Plus, the VCR gives you

eight hours of recording time.

Here, I’ll show you.

No, that’s okay.

I’m sure it slices
and dices, too.

Uh... no, it doesn’t.

What I’m really interested in

is the woman
who bought this unit.

Have you ever seen her?

Oh, yeah, that’s her.

It is?

Do you remember anything
about her?

Uh... yeah, lots.

I mean, I liked her
and everything, but...

Her skin wasn’t
as nice as yours.

Um, thanks.

Do you remember
anything in particular

about Mrs. Kemper?

She looked upset.

Her eyes were red and stuff

like she’d been crying.


Do you ever date younger men?

No... no.

Well, that’s cool.

Actually, I’m not
as young as I look.

Uh, did she buy anything else

when she was here?

Uh, no, but I told her to get

the Aurorachron
listening device

to supplement the video unit’s
short-range microphone.



Oh, um...

She’s really put together well.

I mean... built.

I mean...

She’s... really beautiful.

Yes, she certainly is.

Do you think
that we could maybe...

Just be friends?

I mean, I’d be willing to

just hang around.

And, and then maybe one day...

Who knows?

Do you know
why she didn’t buy this?

She said the camera was enough.

Did she say
what she wanted to film?


Okay, well,
thanks for your time.



Are you coming back?

Have you given my offer

any further consideration,
Mrs. Fuller?

I can’t believe you’re asking me
to do this.

First comes belief,
then acceptance.

It’s all part
of the healing process.

I’m offering you
a very attractive alternative.

My way, everybody wins.

It’s blackmail and you know it.

It won’t be so bad.

You might enjoy it
if you get into the spirit.

I doubt it.

Why? Some of them do...

A lot.

Why are you doing this to me?

I’ll tell you what.

We’ll do this one step
at a time--

let you ease into it,
nice and slow.

Do you have
a two-piece swimsuit?

Kemper didn’t do it.

Maid is his alibi.

No surprise.

He’s white-collar scum

not a m*rder*r.

If Mrs. Kemper
wasn’t trying to nail him

who was she taping?

Haven’t a clue.

You believe Kemper’s grief?

He was a wreck.

His attorney tried to
postpone sentencing

till after the funeral.

The judge said no.

How much time will he get?

Depends on Judge Moyne’s mood.

Could be a slap on the wrist

or years prison time.

You just never know
with "flip-a-coin Moyne."

Mr. Kemper, please rise.

Mr. Kemper,
due to the seriousness

of your crime

you are to serve years

in the Brevard
correctional institution.

Sentence to begin immediately.

George, I’ll catch you later.

Your attorney said

you were willing to talk to us
without him present.

Is that true, Mr. Kemper?


Yes, I want to help.

You and your wife had
a good relationship?

The best.

Susan is...

Was a wonderful woman.

Did she say where she was going?


All she said was that she
was going to fix things

so I’d get community service.

That we could rebuild our lives.

She kept saying that
over and over again.

How could your wife know

what your sentence
was going to be?

I have no idea.

Your lawyer said

nothing was discussed with him

or anybody in his office.

Was she saying that
just to give you hope?

No, she never lied to me.

Why didn’t she tell your lawyer?

She thought
he was a lousy attorney.

She thought he only cared
about his billable hours.

She said this was something

that only she he only cared
could do.

I can’t believe she’s gone.

I don’t think he’s our guy.

Me, either.

How did Susan kemper know

what kind of sentence
her husband would get?

I don’t know.

Did Donovan mention
anything to you about a deal?

Nope, and the D.A. Was going
for jail time on kemper.

So who else could promise
a lighter sentence?

Chris, Chris, wait up.

I have your shrimp.

I’m in a hurry.

You told me to bring them here.

I know, but I got to run,
I’m sorry.

Sorry won’t keep
these shrimp fresh

unless I get more ice

and I can’t afford more ice

without cutting
into my profit margin.

Okay, buy some ice, on me.

Thank you very much.

No, no, wait, wait...

Oh, that’s right, go ahead.

Suck the money right out
of my pocket.

I’m not going to pay it,
you understand?

I will not contribute
to a corrupt system.

Very nice, Mrs. Fuller.

Very nice.

So have you reconsidered
my offer?

I don’t think I can handle this.

Do you love your husband,
Mrs. Fuller?

You know I do.

Of course, otherwise
you wouldn’t be here.

But you must admit
that he’s the one

that put you
in this predicament.

Isn’t there a tiny part of you
that relishes this?


Well, sure there is.

His disrespect for the law

jeopardizes his freedom
and your happiness.

Now you erase the debt

by giving some pleasure
at his expense.

It works out nicely,
don’t you think?

You’re contemptible.

I’m just doing my job.

How can you say that
with a straight face?

Because I’m sincere.

You’re insane.

No, I’m just ahead of my time.

A visionary, if you will.

You see, normally your husband

would cause our already
overburdened system

tens of thousands.

My way, the state
saves a fortune

and justice is served.

It’s a win-win all around.

Be careful what you choose.

This could mean community
service for your husband

or ten years in jail.

Please don’t ask me to do this.

Your husband swindled
all those old people

out of their life savings.

Now, really, it’s a small price
to pay for such a serious crime

don’t you think?

No, no, I can’t!

I can’t!

Oh, you will.

You will.

We went after
the maximum sentence for kemper

and we got it.

Why would his wife say

he would get community service?

To make him feel better?

Maybe she didn’t tell him
where she was going

or who she was meeting

’cause she hadn’t
worked out the deal.

To kemper,
lying is a business tool.

Who knows what kind of angle
he’s working on you two.

He had nothing to gain.

He’d been convicted
and sentenced.

Maybe she thought

she’d throw herself
on the mercy of the judge.

You say they call the judge
"flip-a-coin Moyne."


Most judges are predictable
in their sentencing.

Moyne’s different.

Sometimes he comes down
hard on people

other times he lets people go
with a slap on the wrist.

Where are you going with this?

Maybe he has some action
going on the side.

Could that explain

his unpredictable sentencing?

George, he’s the only
other person

who could promise a lighter
sentence besides you.

Moyne is a very powerful man.

You can’t even think
of going near him

without some very solid proof.

Put your hand right there.

Oh, yeah, that’s it.

That’s nice, that’s very nice.

You’re so responsive.

I... I like that.

Are you ready for me?

You’re a very brave woman,
Mrs. Fuller.

You love your husband
very much, don’t you?

You know, it’s too bad
that more women don’t feel

the same commitment
to family values that you do.

Yes, indeedy, step right up.

Gifts from the sea,
gifts from the sea.

I’ll take one, please.

You’re going to love
these babies, mmm.

Ooh, thank you very much.

Boil these babies up

you’ll have the best meal
of your life.

Great, thanks a lot.

All right, who’s next?


Lord, now what?

Wait, stop!

You can’t take my beauty.

Wait, no, you can’t...


How about I get you a CD player
or a big screen TV?

Would you like that?

I can get you one for free.

I’d tread very carefully
if I were you, Mr. Donovan.

Your honor, I’m not
being disrespectful

I’m only trying to find out why.

You’re questioning my decision.

That hardly shows respect.

We busted our ass for six months

on Dennis Fuller.

Which is why you
got a conviction.

But community service?

He should have got
six to ten, minimum.


I wasn’t aware that you

were elected to the bench.

I didn’t say that I was.

I could swear
that you just told me

how I should sentence
a defendant.

No, I was only...

So, you didn’t say that?

So I was wrong again.

Damn, this just isn’t my day.

Please, your honor, I’m not...

That’s right, you’re a not.

You’re not a judge,
you’re not smarter than me

and you’re not to tell me
how to do my job.

Do you understand that?

Yes, your honor.


I’m glad
we had this conversation.

Sort of air the things out.

It’s much better than
letting things fester inside.

Don’t you think?

So, you talk to forensics yet?

Yup, they found two kinds
of hair in the motel room.

Susan Kemper’s and some
short gray hairs, male.

Great, you spit in this state

and you hit a man
with short gray hair.

Hey, George, have a seat.

How’s the kemper m*rder coming?

Uh, slow. Why?

I’ve been thinking
about that talk we had.

Why the renewed interest?

You heard of Dennis Fuller?

That S&L guy peddling
those worthless bonds.

Yeah, that’s the one.

He was up for sentencing today
in front of judge moyne.

Yeah? What did he get?

hours of community service.

That bastard
should have done hard time.

Was his wife at the sentencing?

Yeah, behind dark glasses,
very reserved.

She didn’t seem
half as surprised as Fuller

when he heard the sentence.

I caught moyne glancing at her
a couple of times

but she didn’t look at him.

It’s amazing what you see
once you start to look.

Maybe his kind of justice

happens outside
of the courtroom?

When I asked moyne
about it afterwards

he almost tore me a new orifice.

This is scary--
he could really hurt me.

But our theory’s starting
to sound more credible.

Going after moyne’s impossible.

He’s got more connections than
the switchboard at city hall.

Nobody’s going to believe you.

You’re starting to,
aren’t you, George?


If you’re press,
we have no comment.

No, I’m Sergeant Lance,
Palm Beach Police Department.

Can I talk to you, please?

My husband has been sentenced.

You can’t harass us anymore.

I’m not here about
your husband, ma’am.

I’m investigating a m*rder.

We’re wiped out, you know.

All of this goes
on the auction block.

My husband and I
still have each other.

Where is your husband?

He’s with the lawyers

trying to figure out

how to pay the bloodsuckers.

A lot of good they did.

Uh, no, thank you.

Suit yourself, more for me.

Mrs. Fuller, your husband
was recently convicted

in judge moyne’s courtroom.

Did you notice anything unusual
about those proceedings?

You said this didn’t have
anything to do with my husband.

I’m not investigating
your husband.

I just want to know
if you saw anything strange

or out of the ordinary
in judge moyne’s courtroom.

That was my first experience
with the judicial system.

Your husband committed
a very serious felony

and yet he was only sentenced
to community service.

You have any idea why

he got such a light sentence?

Maybe the judge was
in a forgiving mood.

You seem very uncomfortable.

Is it something I said?

No, it’s...
It’s just that...

Lately I’ve had
my fill of the law.

A woman named Susan kemper
was found dead in a motel

the day her husband was due
to be sentenced by judge moyne.

Her husband told us

she made an arrangement
with the court

but the D.A.’s office doesn’t
know anything about that deal.

Why are you asking me?

I didn’t know the woman.

Mrs. Kemper told her husband

he would only get a sentence
of community service.

But then she was m*rder*d
and her husband got years.

I was hoping you could shed
some light on that situation.

I can’t help you.

Did judge moyne approach you

about your husband’s sentencing?

Listen, I can’t tell you.

I love my husband.

I couldn’t live
life without him.

Mrs. Kemper loved
her husband

but she ended up dead

with him sentenced to years.

But why?

Because she tried to fight back.

She bought a miniature camera

just before she died

like she was trying
to catch someone.

You know who that was?

I can’t tell you.

I won’t!

I would lose everything.

I can live with what I did.

Whatever happened to you

is going to happen
to other women

again and again.

He’s getting worse, you know.

You’re lucky you got away
from him alive.

Okay, here’s the deal.

I will not go public

and I will not testify

and if you try to make me,
I will deny it all.

Look, Mrs. Fuller...

No! Take it or leave it.

Okay, why don’t you
just tell me what happened.

Williams, Payton S.,
come forward, please.

Uh, excuse me, sir.

I can see clearly
you are the person

who runs things around here.

How can I help you, sir?

My name is Atticus Dunn, esquire

and I like your attitude, sir.

Very commendable.

And that kind of courtesy--

extremely rare in
public servants nowadays.

Now, here’s the thing:

My car is currently
in the city impound

because of some
silly misunderstanding

over some parking tickets.

How silly, sir?

Well, somewhere
in the neighborhood

of, um... $ , .

Uh, and what is it
you want from me?

Well, seeing as you
are the master

of all this paper

it seems to me it
would be real easy

for you to, say...
Lose it

or bury it somewheres
in the system.

Yeah, in return
for which you would...

Gladly compensate you
for your trouble.

And how much are we talking?

Well, $ , worth of tickets...

I would have no trouble

with the standard
agent’s fee of %.

So, let’s say $

and a couple of pounds of shrimp

thrown in as a bonus.

Well, Mr. Dunn...

I think we’re going
to do some business.

So, judge moyne
calls these women

after their husbands
have been convicted

before they’ve been sentenced

and tells them they can
save their husbands...

If they meet with him.

Right, and the deal
with Lindsey Fuller

was that she give him sex.

In return, her husband

is only sentenced
to community service.

he goes to jail for years.

No way she’ll testify, huh?

No, she’s afraid
it would end her marriage.

After what she gave up,
she doesn’t want to risk it.

So this slime ball waits
till these women are desperate.

He moves in, gets what he wants.

He knows they’ll be
too terrified to testify.

That’s... that’s some scam.

Until Susan kemper.

She wasn’t going to let him

get away with it.

She obviously set a trap.

He must have found
the video camera

and then he k*lled her.

I want this guy bad, Chris.

Me, too, but we are outgunned.

This guy’s a judge
and we’ve got nothing to go on.

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Chris, my dear friend,
how are you?

Look, Atticus,
if this is about the shrimp...

No, no, nothing so trivial.

Actually, I’m calling
about another minor matter.

What matter might that be?

My impending death
in this lower circle of hell.

Oh, help me, please.

Lordy, I’m in dire need
of assistance.

Atticus, you’re going to have
to be a little more specific.

I’m in jail.

Excuse me?

The hoosegow, the slammer

the cooler, the pen,
the stir, the pokey.

Is that specific enough for you?

Your evil ways finally
caught up with you?

What’s the charge?

It’s just
a little misunderstanding.

Atticus is in jail.

He tried to bribe a bailiff.

You want some coffee?

Yes, I would.

Well, you know, Atticus

they’re pretty careful
about these things.

If they said you did it,
you must have done it.

Come on, old buddy,
stop playing.

You got to help me out here.



Are you still there?


This is crazy.

We’re talking career su1c1de.

Come on, we need your help.

Do you realize the risk?

If we mess this up

every judge in town
will be gunning for me.

Request judge moyne’s
recent decisions.

Establish a pattern
of rulings...

Which will prove
he’s inconsistent.

That’s not illegal.

He blackmailed Lindsey
into having sex.

Get her to testify.

It won’t happen.

Then we can’t move against him.

So... what do we do?


Short of a witness,
you’d have to

catch him in the act.

I was hoping you’d say that.


Why, what are you...?

Oh, no.


No, no, no.


Bad idea.

No, it is a great idea.

He’s never seen me
in his courtroom.

I’m the perfect bait.

He’ll scream entrapment.

The jury will look at you
and agree.

I’m flattered, George,
but he’ll make the first move.

Once the judge hits on Rita

we have probable cause.

The court can order DNA tests.

That’ll tie him
to the kemper m*rder.

You have no idea
what you’re asking.

Yeah, we do.

So do you.

What the hell, you’re right.

Moyne is a disgrace.

He doesn’t deserve to be
on the bench.

Fire up that outrage, George.

We’ll need
all the help we can get.

Okay, so, you’re the Mrs.
in this scenario.

Who’s the mister?

We can’t use Chris...

Moyne might recognize him.


Uh... don’t sweat it.

I think I got the perfect guy.

I’ve been here
for three hours now!

I haven’t had anything
to eat or drink all day.

This is very third world
of y’all.

I think he’s had
just about enough.

You really think
this is necessary?

Absolutely, he needs softening.

This way, he won’t think
to hit us up for cash.

He should just be glad
we got him out.

Most people would be,
but this is Atticus.

He’d sell hot coals
to the devil.

Well, it’s about time.

I’ve been in this pit so long,
I lost all track of time.

What day is this?

I’m sorry about this, buddy.

We just got so swamped

we kind of lost track of time.

They giving you
everything you need?

A soda? They give you
something to eat?

No, no, they did not.

And was this really necessary?

What were they thinking?

That’s terrible.

They shouldn’t have
left you cuffed.

Absolutely not.

Somebody is in trouble for this!

You hear that?!


Oh, thank you.

For a while there,
I gave up all hope.

I thought y’all...

Had abandoned me.

Now, we would never do
that to you, Atticus.


In light of my previous, uh...

with the justice system

they tell me that...

I might have to go away.

Well, well, that’s why
we’re here, Atticus.

We’re offering you
a way out, Atticus.



Oh, my guardian angels.


Oh, thank you, thank you.

You... you’re welcome, Atticus.

Let go of me, Atticus.

Atticus, let...
Don’t make me hurt you.

Thank you... thanks.

I had the bailiff slip
your case file

into today’s docket.

You know him, Mr. Dunn.

He’s the one you tried to bribe.

Really, now, I must protest.

Save it, Atticus.

It wasn’t hard to get his help.

He’s suspected moyne
for some time.

Think moyne will buy it?

I think so.

The story is, you were assigned

to Judge Davis’s court

but he had bypass surgery
two days ago.

Moyne will accept the case

as a transfer
from Davis’s court.

So who are we, George?

You’re Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson Witherspoon.

Mr. Witherspoon sold
bogus disaster insurance.

When the hurricanes hit

there wasn’t anything
to back up the policies.

Hundreds of people
were wiped out.

What am I supposed to do?

Just stand there

and look guilty and remorseful.

That shouldn’t be
too difficult for you.

Am I supposed to talk?


All you say is "guilty"

when he asks,
"how do you plead?"

Then what?

Then he sets a high bail

which you can’t possibly make

and you go back to the lockup.

No, no, this is supposed
to keep me out of jail!

Atticus, keep it down.

I don’t want to go back.

I hate it in there.

It’s just for pretend this time.

It’s going to feel
exactly the same.

We’ll get you out
as soon as this is all over.

We ready, George?

All set, Don, thanks.

I owe you one for this.

And I intend to collect
one day... Mr. Mayor.

Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon.

See you, George.

"Mr. Mayor."

All rise.

Case number - .

The state of Florida V.
Mr. Jackson Witherspoon.

Mr. Witherspoon,
how do you plead?

Guilty, your honor.

Your honor, we believe
the defendant has substantial

offshore assets and
constitutes a flight risk.

The state asks bail of $ , .

Your honor, my client
is not a flight risk.

He’s a respected businessman

with strong community ties.

We ask reasonable bail
so that Mr. Witherspoon

can spend the time before
sentencing with his family.

Your client has destroyed
hundreds of lives.

That’s hardly respectable,

Bail is set at $ , .

The defendant is remanded
into custody

until sentencing in this court
one week from today.

I have to say, Sergeant Lance

I never pictured us
quite like this.

If you don’t let go of me,

you’ll never getting out.

Oh... ah...

You’re sure my number
was in there?

I put it
in the case file myself.

I don’t understand.

He should have called by now.

Maybe my outfit
wasn’t alluring enough.

No way...

Moyne couldn’t
take his eyes off you.

I don’t know if I’m
flattered or nauseated.

You sure this
is hooked up right?

Touch it again,
I chop your arm off.

George, sit down.

Everybody quiet... shh!


Mrs. Witherspoon?

Hi, this is judge moyne.

Uh, do you have a moment?

Oh, judge moyne.

Um, why are you calling me?

Well, I’d like to speak to you
about your husband’s case.

Could we meet?

I don’t understand.

Shouldn’t you be
calling his attorney?

No, I need to speak to you.

Could you tell me
what this is about?

Not over the phone.

Tomorrow, : ,
at the tree grove in mills park.

I don’t...

See you then.

It’s not enough to nail him.

We need more.

Well, we all know
what that means.

Mrs. Witherspoon,
I’m so glad that you could come.

Well, I’m not sure
I should have.

I’ve never heard
of anything like this...

Is this normal?

It’s a pilot program.

What we in the legal community

call creative sentencing.

Why talk to me?
I’m not the one on trial.

She should have worn
the regular wire.

She doesn’t trust
department issue

after her last experience.

This seems pretty good.

Sounds like we’re right there.

Criminals are punished
in many different ways.

Besides prison, there’s fines,
seizures of their assets.

We don’t have anything left.

We couldn’t even afford
to go to trial.

Your beauty’s an asset.

He’s going for it--

Come on, Rita, reel this guy in.

I don’t understand
what my appearance

has to do with this.

I represent the state.

It’s up to me to determine

what your husband’s penalty is.

In this case, I say it’s you.

You can’t be serious.

But I am.

Very serious.

For one night, you give to me

what’s rightfully his.

You want me to have sex
with you?

In return,
I suspend his sentence

and give him community service.

Yeah! We got you, moyne.

All right, Rita,
get out of there.

You don’t need to make the bust.

Just get out of there.

Come on, be a good girl.

He’s getting frisky.

Damn it, George

she’s not going
to get out of there clean.

Congratulations, your honor.

You just assaulted
a police officer.

Guess what?
You’re under arrest.

I don’t think so.

Drop it, moyne.

Game up--

you got no place to go.

You deceitful bitch.

I said drop the g*n.

I’ll blow you to hell,
I swear I will.

Don’t bother.



It’s justice, huh?

Yeah... you okay?

Yeah, thanks.

Oh, freedom!

I will never take it
for granted again.

You said that the first
time you got out of jail.

You’re unkind to remind me

on the first day
of the rest of my life

especially in light of
the service I did for you.

Well, we’re very
grateful, Atticus.

So we worked out
a little surprise.

Oh, baby, you sprung my beauty!

We worked out a deal
so you can drive her...

While you pay off
your parking tickets.

Oh, of course, of course.

What’s that smell?

I don’t know, but that’s bad.

Oh, no.




They left the shrimp in there!

I’ll never get rid of
that stench, never.

And it’s all your fault!

Ain’t my fault!

If you’d helped me

with that parking situation...


Parking regulations
are the law, Atticus.

They make exceptions for no man.

Is that so?

Then you should have
no problem with the fact

that they’re towing your car
as we speak.




I tried to tell you.

Hey! Hey!

I’m a cop!