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05x10 - Glory Days

Posted: 10/08/23 05:42
by bunniefuu
( People whooping )

( Music playing )

♪ dance, while I put you
in a trance ♪

♪ let's party... ♪

♪ sensation,
feel the vibration... ♪

Dion, leave me alone!

Hold it, girl,
we're not done yet!

Dion, leave me alone,
I mean it!

You're not doing this
to me, Shondra.

Whatever it takes, I'm gonna
make you change your mind!


Karen, help me!


Somebody help me!

grab her legs!

Help! No!

Don't you hurt her!

Help me! Somebody help me!

Dion, stop!

Dion, please, this is crazy!



♪ ...searching for love... ♪

In the glory days of Rome

none was more
exalted and revered

than the great gladiator.

his every wish a command,
his every need attended to

until it came time
to render unto Caesar

what was Caesar's:

His body, his soul,
his very life

sacrificed in the name of honor

to satisfy the bloodlust
of the multitudes.

Thousands of years
after the fall

the game goes on.

some will live
and some will die

till all that remains is...

The deafening roar
of the crowd.

( Phone ringing )

Isn't your machine on?

No, and... we're off duty.

( Phone ringing )

( Sighs )

( Phone ringing )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

What? Who is this?


Yeah, uh... hello?

Who is it?

Well, uh...
Somebody who said

that my kids down at the
league are having a fight.

You haven't coached
at your league in three years.

Yeah, I know,
but I should go...

And check it out...

Just in case
it's not a prank.

And you, you...

You hold on
to the thought.

Uh, to these

Mm-hmm... you hurry.

I will.

( Sighing )

Hey, coach.

Long time.

Sorry about tripping
you up like that...

Turn around, Dion.

Put your hands on the bench.

Come on, man.
spread 'em.

All I sh**t is hoops...

Or don't you
read the newspapers?

Oh, yeah, I read
the newspapers every day.

Dion Wilkes,
all-city, top prospect.

I'm sure
it's done a lot

to chill you out.

A lot more for me
than you did.

Mmm... talk fast, Dion.

Why'd you set me up?

It's my girl, Shondra.

She was supposed
to pick me up

from class this morning

but nobody's seen her
since last night.

So? Call missing persons

Hey, you think I like this, man?

I need a cop.
You're the only one I know.

No, I am a homicide cop, Dion.

No body, I don't work.

I can't just go to any cop!

I can't help you out.
It's not what I do.

Come on, coach.

Cut me some rope.

I tried that once, Dion.

I got blisters, remember?

That was in the past, man.

I'm really worried about her.

Help me out... please.

Yeah, Robins, Shondra,
late teens, black?

All right, I'll send you
everything I got on her.

Yeah, thank you.

I checked the hospitals,
the morgues, nothing.

You file a missing persons?

Yeah, yeah.

Maybe she just left.

I mean, Dion is definitely
not Mr. Right.

Yeah, but it took a lot
for him to come to you.

that girl...

She may really need help.

Dion always had such potential,
but he was trouble.

Nothing I saw yesterday
made me think he's changed.

He's still the same
smart-ass g*ng-banger

that beat kids,
pushed dope...

I checked him out while
you were on the phone.

No problems all
through high school

even though his mother's
doing life

for k*lling his dad.

Mmm... well, maybe
he turned around

for a couple of years

but it doesn't change
who he is.

Mmm... not always.

I want to talk to you
about something--




All right.

So, what's up?

I, uh...

I saw your partner

out in the parking lot
a while ago...


yeah, she was
wearing the same outfit

she had on yesterday.


I'm going to get right to it.

Is there something going on
between you two?

Between me and Rita?

Come on, cap, get serious.

I am. Deadly serious.

Yeah, no, we, uh...
no, Rita and I...

We're together, you know.
we-we-we... uh,

we're going hot and heavy.

So, I'm wrong.

Hey, good, good,
it's okay.

Because you know
the rule here.

No married couples.

No anything physical
between partners.

It's a good rule.

Yeah, you got it.

( Phone rings )

yeah, homicide,
Captain Lipschitz.

He's right here--
I'll tell him.

( Sighs )

That girl you were
looking for?


They just found her.

( Police radio chatter )


Well, airport security found her
about an hour ago.

Responding officers
opened the door

but I don't think
they touched anything.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I guess

it's just the fumes in here.

Fumes aren't that bad, Sam.

You sure you're all right?

I'm fine-- let's just get this

over with,
all right?

So, no sign of a su1c1de note.

No, which is strange
for a pipe job, huh?

yeah, especially
a kid this young.

She's been here a while;
she's ice-cold.

This is interesting.

it's enough to knock her out,
but it's not enough to k*ll her.

So if carbon monoxide
is the cause of death

it certainly
wasn't her idea.

Looks like we've got a homicide.

Maybe even a suspect.

Dion Wilkes.

I don't believe this!

First you tell me
Shondra's dead

now you accuse me
of k*lling her!

I just asked you where you were
the night she was m*rder*d.

But it sounds like
you suspect him, sergeant.

You have some reason
to think that?

Since when did he
need a reason

to shake me down?

I'm doing my job.

I came to you, remember?

How do I know you're not
setting me up, Dion?

you done it before,
it'd be just like you.

It's not the same me,
man, I changed!

at me!  changed.

Get back here
and finish your workout, Dion.

if you're gonna
grind an ax on my time

better be
you have some hard proof.

So far, all I got is a dead girl
and a question that your star

refuses to answer.

look, sergeant, Dion
is guilty of a bad attitude

maybe even a mean streak

but definitely
not m*rder.

I'm trying
to help him out, coach.

Well, you got a dark way
of showing that.

All right.

the coroner's report
puts the time of death

between midnight and : a.m.,
night before last.

I just need an alibi

from Dion to cover
that time frame.

young man:
You got it.

He was with me at home.

Who are you?

I'm Lenny Ericson,
Dion's roommate.

You're gonna have to swear
that you were with him, son.

Coach, I'll do my job.

Then let me do mine

and get Dion's head
back on his game.

You got what you need

so leave him the hell alone.

( Sighing )

All right, kid.

Ball's in your court.

sh**t straight.

There's not much to tell.

Dion was home all night.

How do you know that,
were you up on watch?

Look, Dion went to bed
after we got home, all right?

I stayed up late
to watch a video.

My room is right next to his.

I'd know
if he went out.

What I'm wondering why Dion
didn't tell me that himself.

Maybe you made him nervous.

What's he nervous about

if he was home all night?

He's a star, man.

He's going to go
all the way.

You know
how the system works.

To be accused is to be guilty.

The last thing he needs
is some cop with a grudge

dragging his name
through the mud.

And you would do anything

to make sure that doesn't
happen, right?

All I did was tell the truth.

All right, fair enough.

But if this is a con job,
if you're lying to me

you just made yourself
an accessory to m*rder.

You have a good practice, Lenny.

( Knocking on door )

( Knocking continues )


Sergeant Lorenzo

Palm Beach Police Department.

I had the key to the front door.

Why didn't you answer?

Uh... um... look, I can't
tell you very much.

She only lived here
about a month.

Want to tell me
where you're going
in such a hurry?

it's just some old stuff.
I'm taking it to the goodwill.

That's very nice stuff.

You should get
a great tax write-off.

It's Shondra's.


I didn't want it around anymore.

After what happened and all

kind of gives me the creeps.

You were at Dion's party
the other day, right?


some of the kids said
there was a disturbance

the other night
when Shondra died.

They didn't have
the specifics

but they said
that you do.

Karen, you want to do this
downtown in jail?

of justice...

Does that mean anything to you?

Shondra and Dion
had words, okay?

They had a fight?


About what, I don't know.

They just got back
together again.


And nothing.

she took off
with Lenny and Dion.

They take off in shondra's car?

I don't remember, maybe.

I'm not sure.

So you're telling me
that when they left

everything was cool?

You take your time
with that, Karen.

I already know the answer.

Not exactly.

Not exactly.




That cop caught me.
He knows everything.

What are you saying?

Baby, please.

I had to tell him.

He was going
to arrest me!

Whoa, whoa, not out here.

Inside, inside,
come on, come on.

I made it sound okay.

But I couldn't lie.

There were kids there
that saw everything.

What did he say?

Lorenzo told me
not to go anywhere.

Damn it, I was
almost gone when...

Does he know
about the fight?



( Whispering ):
Did I mess up?

Don't worry about him.

I can snow Chris.

We have got to tell the cap.

You're crazy, you know that?

Yeah, I am crazy--
crazy about you.

And I don't want to spend
another day without you.

But, the captain said

he would split us up
as partners

and, um, I don't know
if I'm ready

to deal with that, are you?

If we go in there

and tell him straight out
what's going on...


I don't know, I don't think
he'll split us up.

I mean, if we tell him,
"look, we will quit

rather than be split up."

Mm-hmm, so who needs jobs
anyway, right?

Come on, think about it.

I mean, a threat is one thing,
but if we go in there

and we tell him
we're going to quit

I don't think he'll do it.

I think
he'll bend the rules.

It could blow up
in our faces.

Yeah, so what's the worst
thing that could happen?

I mean, we could end up


But we'd be together.

And if that's
what it comes to

that's my choice.

How about you?

Can I think about that?

Yeah, absolutely.


I've thought about it.


What did you decide?

Come here.


I love you.

I love you.

get your head
out of the dirt, Dion.

Three pointers,
let's go, move.

Concentrate, you got a month.

Elbows in, follow through.

( Blows whistle )

Man, what's going on?

I know what's going on.

Dion, get your mind
off that girl

and back on your game.

Maybe she's not
the problem.

Why'd you give it away

that I was going
to north Florida?

It was on TV.

What the hell's
wrong with you?

We talked about it
for months.

You talked
about it.

My only deal with them was
a scholarship for Shondra.

Now I got to go to
north nothing Florida

with Indiana and all kinds
of top dogs after me.

I'm not doing that, man.

I'll catch you later, Dion.

he knows about
the whole deal.

Yeah, well, you don't.

You have to go
to north Florida.

Coach, wherever I sign

I'm going to make sure
you get a better deal.

You don't have
to worry about that.

I know you done
a lot for...

Don't be talking
that trash to me, fool!

I've done everything
for you.

On the court and off.

Is there a problem?

You tell us.

I thought you got what
you needed yesterday.

No, no, I think
I got lied to.



Come here.

You told me that you were
at the house with Dion

the night Shondra got m*rder*d.

Is there anybody else
can back that up?

You don't have to say
a thing, Lenny.

Actually, he does. He does.

he can do it here,
he can do it downtown.

Your choice.

look, I swear
I told you the truth.

Shondra dropped us off
way before midnight.

How come you never told me

about your little ride
with Shondra until now?

Well, because...

well, earlier,
she and Dion sort of...


They had words?

yeah, but it was
no big deal, really.

Look, he went with her
to make up.

You know,
they made up

and then she took us
back to Dion's.

That was about : .

And then...

We never saw her again.

Most couples usually talk things
out by themselves.

Who elected you third wheel?

I asked him.

Look, I loved her, Chris.

I was mad as hell

but I didn't want
to risk hurting her.

So you better find the person
who did before I do.

Or what?

Or else you're going to be
taking me downtown.

( Groans )

Sam, you sick again?

No, I think I'm just
catching a bug or something.

You talk to those boys?

Yeah, you know what?

I want them to be innocent
but there's something

they're not telling me.

Will you get to a doctor?

I am going to be fine.

Quit worrying about me,
I'll survive, okay?

"I'll survive."

You think you'll survive
the meeting with cap?

We promised today.


Yeah, let's get it
over with.

Yeah... yeah...

Yeah, I'll take care of it.

Yeah, okay.

( Puts phone down )

I got news for you guys.

yeah, we got
some news, too, cap.

You got a minute?

Yeah, sit down.

That was the morgue.

The autopsy report on
Shondra Roberts came in.

( Groans )

She was eight weeks pregnant.

What's going on here?

I thought you
wanted to talk.

Yeah, yeah, um...

um, I'm going
to get back to you, cap.

Hey, Lorenzo!

Nice shot.

Took a chance, I thought
you might be here.

It's still the home court.

I do unreal things here.

It's freaky.

Do you want to go
a little one-on-one?

Might learn something.

You're not going to draw
nothing but air.

Check it.

Not bad
for an old guy.

No... ( Breathless )

No, experienced guy.

Oh, man.

( Breathes hard )

You know,
I read somewhere

that you were signing
with north Florida.

It's pretty small time
for you, isn't it?

I may sign.

I still could back out.

How's your coach feel
about that?

Why should he feel
anything at all?

Oh, I don't know...
( Breathes hard )

He still works out
with you.

He made the announcements
to the paper.

Just seems like he's got
a vested interest in you.

You and Lenny,
you guys are living large.

You got your own apartment.

You got jobs?

You always a cop, man?

Whatever pays the bills, man.

I was just going to north
Florida to be with Shondra.

Nothing else.

How come you never told me

you were going
to be a father?

She was seven weeks pregnant.

It wasn't mine, man.

gives you
a pretty good motive, Dion.

the start
of a nice, new career--

it's not a great time
to start a family.

we broke up
three months ago, man.

We just got back together
last week.

Give me the straight shot on the
argument with you and Shondra.

I told you the truth
about that, man.

Except the part about us
getting back together again.

She wanted
to break up again

but I was bent over it.

But I didn't k*ll her, man.

I swear to you
on a stack of bibles.

That wasn't my baby, man.

Not yours,
then whose?

I don't know, man!

But I'm going to find out
and when I do

there's going to be some
full-court hell to pay.

( Sighs )

( Cries with fear )

( Screaming ):
No, let me go!

Okay, okay, okay,
I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm sorry.

My bad.

This thing just got me all
twisted up is all, okay?

So just tell me
who she was seeing...

you don't want to hold out
on me now, girl, you hear me?

Let go, Dion.

What is with you?

You think you can
just push me around

like you did Shondra?

I'm not going to take that.

You threatening me, girl?

Maybe the cops were right.

You were ready to take her head
off the other night.

Maybe you did
k*ll her.

You know that's not true.

Tell me how I know that?

Because you know me!

I know you all right.

I know you got

a bad temper... ( Sniffling )

And a chip on your shoulder

the size of a manhole cover.

Just give me his name.

You want it?

Well, here, let me take
the wrapper off for you.

It was your main Tonto, big man.


Ain't that a bitch?



I'm glad
you're here.

I missed you.


So, you feel better?

Yeah, yeah, I do,

I talked to cap.

I said that
we would tell him

tomorrow morning,
first thing.

There's something else
we should tell the captain.


Well, uh...

I'm pregnant.

( Whispering ):

( Whispering ):



You sure?

Yeah, yeah.

I did a test.

Did you do it
at a doctor's office?

No, I did it here myself.

Uh, a home test.

But, those, those...

Those aren't all
that accurate.

They're % accurate.

Wo... wow.


It's unbelievable.

It's, uh, it's pretty scary.

But can you see it, Sam?

I mean, you, me-- parents?

Don't you see how much

this is going to change
our relationship?

I mean,
being partners, everything.

Yeah, but it's a baby, Rita.

could you be a little more
worried, unsure about this?

Well, I am.

I'm... look, I'm terrified.

I'm also excited.

I'm sorry.

You know, I...

Whatever you want to do.

I want, um, us to talk
about this and decide together.

Okay, good.

I mean, you know,
I'm a little new at this.

Yeah, yeah, me, too.

I mean, that's, you know,
kind of the problem.

Neither one of us know anything
about being parents.


So what's the answer?

I don't know.

( Grunting )

( Gasping )

So you was with my woman, man?

Maybe you even
k*lled her

'cause she came back to me, huh?

What the hell is wrong
with you, Dion, huh?

I ought to take you in.

I'll charge you
with as*ault.

Come on, man.
He's the father, man.

He was putting it
to Shondra behind my back.

( Coughs )

And you couldn't take it
when she dumped your ass.




( Lenny coughing )

Do you want to press charges?


I know how
he feels.

But he knows I was here
that night.

Man, you could have left
after I went to bed, man.

What are you talking about?

what about
that, Lenny?

You and Shondra have
something going on?

Maybe it was a whole
other kind of thing

that got her m*rder*d.

Money, maybe?

Like Shondra
was rich, man.

She could have messed up

somebody else's
big payday easy enough.

Screwed up
the whole deal.

What are you saying?

What are you saying, huh?

You want to spend
your college years

rolling asphalt?

I'm telling you

you are this close
to getting a full

to work camp.

Spill it, Lenny.

Talk about
this deal.

Yeah, talk
about it.

I think I need a doctor.

( Door closes )

What's up, cap?

I want to talk to the both
of you about something.


Frannie cooked it up special
for you last night.

she knows you never
have any food around.

Well, good, I'll call
Frannie later and...


She ran it by your place
this morning

on her way
to one of those

charity breakfast

but she decided
to forget it

since Rita's car
was parked out in front

of your place
at : a.m.


I believe you both

needed to talk to me
about something yesterday.



We lied to you, cap.

We, we didn't know
what else to do.

( Sighs )

Our feelings for
each other are real

and we didn't want work
to split us up, so...

But we understand
that rules are rules.

Yeah, so, um...

You know, we've
decided to, to quit.


We're going to hand in
our badges, I think.


I'm sorry, too.

But, hey, I guess you're right.

I'm really going
to miss you guys.

It would
serve you right

if I took them here and now

then let you walk out
of here, wouldn't it?

I-I-Isn't that what
you're doing?

You bet the bank

that I'd make
an exception.

You're the best damn
homicide team

I ever worked with.

( Giggles )

Thanks, captain.

For what?

I may not have a choice here.

This isn't just my policy,
you know.


Does anybody else
know about this?



Just us.

okay, let me think
on this for a while, huh?

Well, I wonder
if the captain

can see what's
coming next?

Who says we have
to tell him?

If we wait much longer

we're not gonna have
to say anything.

So that's it.

We... I mean...

We're going to have a baby.

( Groans )

Well, I, am... still not
exactly sure what we're doing

but it means a lot to me
that you just said "we."

( Moaning )

Let me get this straight.

You're accusing me
of selling him?

Using my influence
with a kid

just to make
a quick buck?

Those are your words, coach,
not mine.

I didn't accuse you,
I just asked.

you better have
a damn good reason.

This is a serious charge.

Yeah, I'm sure the N.C.A.A.

Would love
to hear about it.

You talk to them about this?


So far, this is just
between you and me.

Ball's in your court.

What you going to do?


It's not like deals
are rare these days,
you know.

I get a fee for getting Dion
to sign.

more if he stays
two full seasons.

Oh, a lot more, I'm sure.

And nothing at all
if he backs out.

So what do you want from me?

You know, beyond the N.C.A.A.
this is not even illegal.

Yeah, but m*rder is.

and this deal gives you
one hell of a good motive.

especially if Dion
decides to back out

to take care of his wife...
and his baby.

You mean she was pregnant?

You didn't know that.


Of course not,
I barely knew her.

She just graduated from here.

Hundreds of kids just graduated.

I don't know, I think she was in

my health ed class
last year, but...

But you were close with Dion.

She was his girlfriend.

You knew her.

Are you really this
hard up for a suspect?

Not unless you can come up
with a solid alibi.

One that can be

verified by a witness.

So, how about it, coach?

where were you the night
that Shondra was m*rder*d?

At a movie, I think.

A movie?

After midnight?

What was the movie?

Who did you
go with?

Look, you got to keep this
as quiet as possible.

I'm a teacher, for god's sake.

Of course.

Erotic art cinema.

talk to Gary,
he's the manager.

Well, I guess he couldn't
have met Shondra

until after : then.

That's what he did.

Stuart is
definitely our guy.

His alibi was too good.

I hate being caught
at porn films, too.

That's why I always

hang out in the lobby
with the manager.

Not me, I get too involved
in the plots.


( Knocks at door )

( Clears throat )

What a surprise,
no one home.

Well, I can remedy that.

we will just
wait in here.

Uh, yeah, we will.

So, we have
the gas bill

the cable bill.

What is that,
Karen's mail?

Yeah, and one made out
to Karen and Shondra.

It's a phone bill.

You know, I...

I hate it when the post office
delivers my mail open.

Palm beach toll calls.

There are seven of them
in one week.


And it looks like
the last one

was on the night
of the m*rder.


You'll lose 'em
every time.

Wait here.

Hey, coach.
what now?

And don't tell me my
alibi didn't check out.

No, I'm sure you know
it did check out.

But the coroner says

you still have three hours
to account for.

Between : and : a.m.?

I was home, in bed.

You know...

Coach, are you certain
you never had

any private contact
with Shondra?

No, I mean, say,
as a counselor

maybe you talked to her
about her problems with Dion?

I told you this morning, no.

Then how come she called you
seven times last week?

( Grunts )

You're under arrest

for the m*rder
of Shondra Robins.

Son of a...

Hey, Lenny,
back off.

Yo, yo, chill, man

let go.

Yo, Lenny, wait up.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say
can and will...

So, it's a plan that will
keep you as partners

for the time being
at least.

Well, by "time being"
you mean what?

I mean one step
at a time, okay?

Now, we go
to the commissioner

and you
volunteer to quit.

Then I intervene
and recommend

the section five- .


dispensation rule.

so, they got a rule
that breaks the rules?

Yeah, yeah,
you could say that.

But it's used only
in extreme circumstances

which I may be able
to convince him
that this is.

I've already
got a heavy workload

I don't want to lose the best
team in the department

right, I'm short-handed

blah, blah, blah.

What do you think,
pretty good, huh?

yeah, that's...
Yeah, that's great, cap.

All right, see, then
if there's no problem

we let the whole thing ride
until everybody forgets

there ever was one.

Right, no problem.

Yeah, yeah, that's great.

Hey, hey, hey,
a little enthusiasm here.

This is what
you wanted, right?


Look, I'm sorry...

( Sighs )

There's something else
we got to tell you.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Captain Lipschitz,

Yeah, George,
what's up?

Come on, George, can we
bend a little bit here?

You know,
we're not talk...

Okay, no, I'm not yelling, okay.

Yeah, I understand, right.

( Lipschitz sighs )

We just lost coach Adams.

He's being released,
all charges dropped.


Why? We got this guy
on hard evidence.

One piece--

it's the phone bill.

It's not admissible.

You opened private mail
to get it.

it's a violation
of a federal statute.

Come on, cap.

It was addressed to the victim.

Yeah, and Karen Woodley.

pencil pushers say
you needed a warrant.

That's it, finished.

What about all the other stuff

we have on him?

He had a strong motive,
shaky alibi at best...

Hey, hey, come on.

This is the beloved, respected,
admired coach Adams.

And unless
you can give me

some hard proof

to nail him with

he still is.


Have you dropped the pass, bro?

Give me that g*n.

Man, they turned
coach lose.

If they won't
make him pay, I will.

They will arrest him again.

Yeah, what if they don't, huh?

They have to.

What if they don't?!

He k*lled Shondra, man.

You were the father, right?

Right, Lenny?

Oh, what, huh?

You want to do another
"I took your woman" number?

Is that what it is?


Maybe kick me
around the room some more?

No way, man, all right?

Man, you didn't give a damn
about her.

You dumped on her, man.

You got it on
with her slut roommate.

And she came to me

for comfort.

Me, not you.

And you're going to blame me
for giving her some?

No, it was my fault, okay?

I cared about her, man; I just
got caught up in the hype.

You mean the ass-kissing.

The ass-kissing.

From me, her

the coach, Karen, everybody.

The all-American
round ball player.

The guy who walks on water

gets away with everything.

( Grunts )

Woman ( On radio ):
domestic dispute.

Any car in the vicinity

of shore drive respond...

That's Dion's place.


( Sirens )

Oh, man, what happened?

Is he going
to be okay?

Did you call the police?

Is he going
to be okay?

What happened?

Lenny went crazy...

And then he hit him.

I would guess he's got
a concussion.

Dion, how many fingers
am I holding up?

You know where you are?

Forget that, man.

Go get Lenny.

He went after coach.

He's strapped, man,
he's got a g*n.

I want you to
call an ambulance

get some pressure on that wound.

( g*nsh*t )

Get up.

Get up, you bastard!

Lenny, help me, please.

I'm shot.

Oh, like hell.

But you will be.

She came to you for help, man.

She trusted you.

Good old coach.

The only one who, who really
understands us, huh?

She'd have messed up Dion.

that dumb-ass
would have married her.

It was my baby.

Not Dion's.

I'm getting
a quarter of a million.

We can split it, Lenny.

You k*lled her for money.

Throw the g*n down...


Let him go.



You okay?





You know, I was just
sitting here thinking about

when Lenny and Stuart
came out of that office.

All I could
think about was

what if something
happened to you?

Hmm, and all I could
think about

was the fact

that I wasn't out there
with you and you.


( Sighing )

You know,
we got to tell cap.

We already told him.

No, I mean

I mean about the bambino.

So, um...

You're okay with that?

I think that we knew
from the beginning

that the baby
was only a part of this.

It is, huh?


We have to decide
what we want to do first.


Rita, I love you....

Heart and soul, I love you.

I love you so much, Chris.

And this is more
than just about a job or...

A baby...


...or what anybody thinks.

This is about you and me
and the rest of our lives.

Where are you going
with this, partner?


Will you marry me?

Uh... you're not answering.

I haven't gotten used
to the question yet.