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05x12 - The Last Kiss Goodnight

Posted: 10/08/23 05:43
by bunniefuu
Hey, you know, I never
thought I'd say this,

but I'm glad you
transferred out of vice.

Why, Detective Quiller,
you're such a romantic.

It seems a shame that people
who are together every day

can't be together at night.

Well, the department

doesn't want us to get
sick of each other.

That would never happen.

( Laughs )

I really had
a great time tonight.

So did I.

Who says it has to end?

Um, ray.


Flag on the play.

Penalty declined.

Ray, stop it.
What are you doing?

You know what I want.

You want the same.

So stop with
the schoolgirl act.

( Panting hard )

Get off me.

Get off me!

Get off!

( Ray groaning )

( Groaning )

( Panting )

Oh... bitch.

You want some more, tough guy?

Round one, baby.

( Door closes )

( Pounding on door )


Who is it?

It's me, Holly.


Holly, what happened?

He att*cked me.
He tried to r*pe me.



Detective ray Quiller?

That son of a bitch.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

no, no, no,
don't be sorry.

Let's go sit down.

I'm just glad
you're all right.

I'm definitely not all right!

Did, uh,
did he hurt you?

no, not physically,
but I'm not done with him.

Not by a long shot.
What do you mean?

I'm hauling him in, in
front of an I.A. Board.

I can't pretend
to know how you feel.

Are you sure you want to face
an I.A. Board?

This guy is going down.

I don't care what it takes.

Is that what you wore tonight?

Now, what kind
of question is that?

You went out on a date.

Where'd you go?

We-we went to dinner

and then we went dancing.


You dance together?


Hold on a second.
Did you kiss him?

You act like I invited this.

No, Holly, I didn't say that,
but this is nothing

compared to what an I.A. Board
is going to do to you.

so I'm just supposed
to let it slide, huh?

No, no, you shouldn't
make any decisions.

why don't you
just sleep on it tonight.

Oh, god, I can't, I can't.

I don't even think
I can go home right now.

Then you'll spend
the night with us.


No, no, I don't want to...



I'm going to
make you up a bed.

We're going to help you
get through this, okay?

( With trembling voice ):
thank you so much, Rita.


I'm sorry.

Do you know who this guy is?

Yeah, I do,
he's a date r*pist.

He's super cop.

this man has
the best arrest record

in the whole damn division.

He has got commendations
than I care to count,

including the medal for
distinguished service.

Yeah, I know about all that,

but everyone conveniently
overlooks the fact

that he's been accused twice

by defendants
for skimming evidence.

Gee, what a shock.

Some guy
facing years

claims in court
that the cash bag came up light.

Wrong, two guys having nothing
to do with each other.

he was cleared
on both counts, detective.

Totally groundless allegations.

okay, so he's a card-carrying
member of the good old boy club.

I'm sorry, captain, I really
didn't expect that from you.

Hey, you're out of line here.

Holly, what the captain
was trying to say...

It's pretty damn obvious
what he's trying to say.

"Forget it, give it up,
sit down and shut up."

Something like that.

Holly, not every man in
the world is against you.

The two men in this room
care very much for you.

I'm sorry.

I'm, I'm just twisted up.

No, we understand,
we do.

Listen, I'm going to do
everything I can

to help you-- everything.

But if you press formal action
against ray Quiller,

it's going to be
your word against his,

and I don't think
you stand a chance.

Yeah, but I have to try,

Otherwise he's just going
to hurt someone else.


Go ahead, go finish your report.

We'll take it from here.
go ahead.

Thank you, captain.

And thanks, you guys.


Hey, cap, I'll go help her
with her report.

Yeah, me, too.

Ah, wait a minute, wait,

wait, wait,
hold on.


Like they say...

there's no time
like the present.

What is it?

( Opening letter )

"Chief of detectives..."


Your promotion
came through!

"Chief of detectives."

I like the sound
of that.

Congratulations, lieutenant.

Does this mean that, uh...

That-that you're
going to be my boss?


Well, as
a matter of fact,

yes, sergeant,

actually it does
mean that,

and I have been wanting
to say this for years:

Lorenzo, get
into my office


She's good at that.

I think we created a monster.

( Door crashes )

Freeze or die, snowflakes!

Get down,
get down right now!

You have the right
to remain silent.

if you decide
to give up that right,

I'll blow your damn heads off.

Pleasure doing
business with you, boys.

You have a nice day.

( Laughing )

Oh, yeah.

A little harder, baby.

Yeah, that's it.

( Door opens )

Rough deal, Jesus.

Hey, somebody's
got to do it.

I'm available.

Hmm, funny guy.

That's all for now.

So, everything go smoothly?

Just like silk.

Your information
was right on, as usual.

that's why
I'm the big barracuda, boys.

I always know

where the little fish are.

Let's go into my office.

La Pura Madre.

Help yourself,

Sorry, we're
on duty.

But, hey, you knock
yourself out.

You know me, business first.

What's the count?

, .

You sure?

That's it, boss.

If you want me
to count it again...

No, man, it's okay.

What's the deal, ray?

I don't care
for your tone, Jesus.

You know, you and me,

and your sidekick
over here,

we've got a good thing.

I get you information

and you get my competition

out of the game.

You get to be top
cop in the pigsty.

What do I get? What do I get?

I get treachery!

All right,

let's everybody
cool out.

Wayne, put
that thing away.


Now, are you making
an accusation here?

What, now I'm stupid?

Four Ki's, ray.

( Yells ):

The money the mosquitoes
are paying,

it should be grand.

Hey, we didn't make the deal,

we just took it down
and that is all we got.

Shut up!

I'm not talking
to you.

The kid's right.

Now, if you're calling me
a thief,

we got a real problem,
you and me.

Maybe we do.

and you know
I have ways of finding out.

You only take from me once.

Why would I try to rip you off

when we got such
a sweet thing going?

without trust,
we got nothing, Jesus.

Pay him off.

( Yells ):
Pay him!

I'll do us both a favor
and forget all about this.

( Sneering )

I'm not.

These are some very serious
allegations, detective.

I don't know what
to say, captain.

Well, you better start
thinking of something.

Detective Rawlins filed a
formal complaint against you.

I want to hear your side of it
before it goes over to I.A.

I picked her up for dinner.

she was wearing
a spray-paint mini.

So we go to dinner,

then dancing.

she's rubbing up
against me on the dance floor.

She could make the lambada
look like a fox-trot.

I see exactly
where this is going.

Button it up.

Go ahead.

Well, there's not much to tell.

I took her home.

She wanted it,
I wanted it,

things got a little hot.

I went to finish it, she didn't
want me to, so I left.

I don't know
what her problem is.

you know damn well,
you miserable sack of sh...

you are out of line!

I am not just
going to sit here

while he lies
in your face.

I'm telling you, captain,

this little girl's
out of control.

hey! Hey!
Holly, chill out,
come on. Hey. Hey.

why don't you take
her out of here?
Yeah, it got her.

Can I go now?


oh, and, uh,
after I.A. Clears me,

I'll be filing
a cross complaint.

She's dangerous.

I had a great time last night.

We'll have to do it
again sometime.


Ten minutes.

Damn I.A. Pencil pushers.

It takes them ten minutes
to clear the bastard?

What, were they late for lunch,
or something like that?

Holly, you knew going in
it was a no-win situation.

It doesn't make it
right, Chris.

I didn't say
it made it right.

Holly, I heard,
I'm sorry.

Not half as
sorry as I am.

You know, they're
actually considering

a counter action
against me.

That'll blow over,
don't worry.

It'll turn out okay.

Oh, I'm not worried...

No, no,
I'm homicidal.

Well, you came
to the right place.

Ray Quiller came that close
to raping me,

and now he's just going to walk.

Look, Holly, as a friend,

I'd like to make this
as easy for you as possible,

but as a cop, and
as your supervisor,

I got to tell you,
what is done is done.

I mean, you have exhausted
your official recourse.

You got to get on
with your life.

And as a woman...

I hope you understand
that I can't.

Oh, boy.


How you doing, ray?

( Ray grunting )

Son of a bitch.

( Grunting )

Come on ray
get up, get up.

( Car alarm sounding )

There's your second date
with Holly.

( Groaning )

mm-hmm, yeah,
that'd be great, thanks.

Ah, just the person
I was looking for.

Hey, the feeling
is mutual.


I need to talk
to you for a second.

Yeah, what's up?


What's up?



Geez, what happened
to your hand?

Oh, nothing,


What? No, don't say
"Chris" like that.

My mom used to say
Chris like that.

Makes me feel
like I'm in trouble,

or something.

Well, are you?


In trouble?

I'm not in trouble.

I went a couple rounds
on the heavy bag.

You wouldn't lie to me,
would you?


'Cause if I thought
you were lying to me...

No, I wouldn't and
you can take that...

( Kisses loudly )

To the bank.

You aren't telling me...

I want to buy you
something to eat.

( Rita clears throat )

Well, you know...

What happened
to you?

well, you might say
I got a door slammed in my face.

Couldn't have happened
to a nicer guy.

Let's eat
somewhere else.

( Door slams )

Ten minutes, west.

Better behave yourself.

( Door slams )

I must be dreaming.

Tell me you're one
of these prison groupies.

Holly Rawlins,

I should have
figured that.

Let's get past the
foreplay, shall we?

Look, what if
I give you

a crack at the cop
who put you here?

Now I know
I'm dreaming.

Sit down, Mr. West.

Now, you testified
at your trial

that the arresting officer,
detective ray Quiller,

may have booked less
money into evidence

than he actually
took from you?

Yeah, so?

Do you have anything
to say about it?

Sure, it's all
in the trial transcripts.

Nobody believed me then.

Why should I think
things have changed?

Because I'm here
talking to you.

What's in it for me?

Probably not a lot.

You know, it's not
enough for an appeal.

But if you give me
something I can use,

I will definitely

report your cooperation
to the parole board.

Why? Why now? Why you?

It's personal,

but I think detective
Quiller is a rogue,

and I want to
see him go down.

I know people
who will do that

for a few packs
of smokes.

Well, if you
help me bust him,

they might just
get the chance.

In that case,

lady, I'm about to tell you
some things that'll curl

that pretty blonde hair.

Here we go.

Oh, it looks good.

Wait to have a bite

before you give me
the verdict.

I'm not talking
about the Turkey.

I'm talking about you.

I married a sex maniac.

Yes, you did.
Does that surprise you?

Um, no.

( Knock at door )

We expecting company?


Who is it?

It's me, Holly.

this is becoming
a habit, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Holly, hi.

hey. Hey,
sorry to bother you guys.

No, it's okay.

Wow, what smells so good?

Actually, um,
dinner for two.

Look, you guys are busy...

No, no, really...

Come on, come on,
come on.

Tell us what's on your mind.

I got him.


I took a trip
to the tombs today.

had a nice little chat with
a swamp jockey named Kurt west.

Kurt west. Is that name
supposed to ring a bell?

No, not to homicide,

but he was quite
the vice division poster boy

a few years back.

Yeah, he's a coke dealer
who accused ray Quiller

of shaving the evidence.

How'd you know that?

I checked it out
the other day

after you brought it up.
Very impressive.

thank you.
You're welcome.

well, you're not
going to believe this.

ray Quiller's
on Jesus Montoya's payroll.

You're right,
I don't believe it.

Quiller has made
his entire career

on taking down
Montoya's competition

and every time we get close
to Montoya, he comes up clean.

So you're saying

they're trading evidence
for fun and profit?

That is exactly what I'm saying.

Holly, I know he
roughed you up.

That doesn't mean
he's conspiring

with one of the biggest drug
suppliers in south Florida.

I think you're
drawing lines

where there are
no dots.

Okay, you want dots?

check this out,
I followed Quiller.

You know where he went?

Straight up Montoya's driveway.

Wait... you what?

Holly, sit down, will you?

Look, do you hear
what I'm saying?

yes, I do.
Please sit down.


You followed another detective
based on the word

of a convicted felon?

What if Montoya
was a suspect

in a current

he could have been
up there legitimately.

He could be setting
this bastard up.

you could have
compromised him

and put the two of you
in danger.

This isn't police work anymore.

it's becoming
a personal vendetta for you.

Look me in the eyes

and tell me you've never
gone after someone

because you knew
they deserved to go down.

I rest my case.

look, I understand
how you feel, I really do.

But it still does not justify

you going around...

you know what?
You know what? Forget it.

Forget it. I know exactly
where this is going.

I come to you guys as friends,

and you throw procedure
in my face?

Ray Quiller's a dirty cop.

I'm going to nail him
with or without your help.

( Both sighing )


Dinner, anyone?


( Grunts )

( g*nsh*t )

Got one to the heart,
one to the head,

both at point-blank range.

And we got shrapnel
exit wounds everywhere.

Cop k*ller b*ll*ts, huh?

I'm supposed to feel
pain and anger

when a fellow cop dies.

I don't.

No, me neither.

It's kind of strange,
isn't it?

He's got two rigs.

A shoulder rig,
an ankle strap.

He never had
a chance to move.

So the k*ller was waiting
for him somewhere down here.

Watch is still here,
bracelet, wallet.

This was not a hold-up.

No, it a was very cold,

professional hit.

So we get in touch
with O.C.B., I.A.,

you know,
it's like alphabet soup.



Yeah, what you got?





Definitely rule out robbery.




Check this out.



Either goes
to a mailbox,

maybe a safe.

Or... a safe deposit box.

That's a good


Now we just got
to decide where.

So we have our work
cut out for us.



Oh, wait,
are you pulling rank?

Well, yeah,
what's the point
of having it

if you can't pull
it occasionally?

That's a good point.

thank you.

Okay, thanks for everything.

I'll talk to you later.
All right.

Chris and Rita:

Hey, you guys.

I came as soon as I heard.

Yeah, this is the actually
probably the last place on earth

you should be
right now.

How could I possibly stay away?

Holly, where were you
the last few hours?

You're kidding me, right?

No, I... I don't think
she is kidding.

Okay, after I left your place,
I went home, I took a shower,

I tried to go
to sleep

but that was
a big joke

so I decided to crack open
the law school books.

And that's where I was

when I heard this
come over the scanner.

You study with
the scanner on?

Some people listen to music,

I like to listen
to radio traffic.

The guy says that you found

$ , in his car?

That information
is officially

none of your business
at this point.

But it just proves...

It proves that he
was into something.

Holly, we don't
know what.

Could be a connection
with Jesus Montoya,

but maybe it's not.

What else could it mean?

We know one thing
for sure:

That the k*ller
wasn't after money.

Which as I see it,

is two strikes
against you.



You had a clear motive

and you have no alibi
for the time of the m*rder.

Oh, come on, Rita, get real.

Holly, I don't think
you k*lled him.

But you got to be blind

not to see
how this looks.

Under the circumstances,

I have to put you
under administrative leave.

And I would recommend

that you speak
with an attorney as well.

Whatever you say, lieutenant.

Suddenly "lieutenant" has
a nasty bite to it, doesn't it?

Ah, the ordeal of power.


Wait for me upstairs, hmm?

This won't take long.


No, no, it's not
one of my vices.

you don't know
what you're missing.

Some people don't like it

because of the worm
in the bottle.

I've always
found it attractive--

to eat the worm.

As long as the worm
doesn't eat you first.





To what do I owe
this dubious honor?

To the m*rder
of one detective ray Quiller.

Is there something
I should know about this?

You denying
you know him?

I'm not denying anything.

Vice tells me
you're not a suspect

in any investigation
at the present time.

A noteworthy event.

That being said,
you want to tell me

what ray Quiller
was doing here

the afternoon
before he was m*rder*d?

Why don't you ask him?

Come here, man.

Tell your dog to sit.

Tell your dog to sit.

Guero, forgive him,

for he knows not what he does.

Take it out
with two fingers,

put it on the ground.

There you go.

Move away.

Put your hands
on the pillar

and leave
them there.

Get this thing
out of my face.

I'll tell you, I'm feeling
a little nervous right now.

A little exposed,
a little excited.

Last thing you want
in your life

is a nervous cop.

Got that?


Why would I
want to k*ll ray?

We had a nice understanding.

Sometimes I would tell him

what some of the bad boys
were doing,

and he would take them
out of circulation.

where'd you
get your information?

If you can't figure that out,
you're no kind of cop.

We found grand in cash
at the scene.

Can you explain that?

How should I know?

maybe ray was
taking a little off the top.

Or you were paying ray
to keep you informed

on what your enemies were doing.


I have no enemies.

You do now.

Wayne, I'd like to talk
to you for a second.

What's on your mind?

Wanted to tell you I'm sorry
to hear about your partner.

Yeah, thanks, but I
don't think you're here

to give me a shoulder
to cry on.

That's a fact.

See, a couple of things
don't add up.

I was hoping you could help me
with the math.

Try me.

Just got back from a meeting

with Jesus Montoya.

He told me all about
his arrangement with ray.

Yeah, what did he tell you?

I'm more interested
in what you can tell me.

Ray was setting Montoya
up for a fall.

He'd been gaining the
bastard's confidence,

building a case
against him.

But now we got you

rattling Montoya's cage,

maybe blowing everything
ray was trying to do.

Where's the documentation?

Checked with vice--

got no record
of an investigation.

I don't know.

Ray kept that a secret.

From his partner?

Yeah, well, ray
was a strange cat.

You're lying to me, Wayne,
you're lying to me.

Look, ray thought Montoya
might have ears

in the department.

He said this investigation would
go all the way to the top.

He didn't trust anybody,
not even me.

He don't trust
his partner?
No, that's a lie.

You don't trust your
partner, you don't got
a leg to stand on.

Let me tell you, Lorenzo,
ray was a good cop.

Yeah, maybe he played
both sides of the fence,

maybe got a little out of line
with your new partner,

but you are so
wrapped up in this

you completely
overlooked the obvious.

Enlighten me.

She's the one
with the motive.

She's the one
who's got no alibi.

You want ray's k*ller?

She's right under your nose.

I trust my partner.



Came by to see
how you're doing.

You're a prince.

And exactly what
are you doing?

Following up on ray Quiller.

Oh, are you crazy?

That's a line call.

You're supposed to be
on administrative leave.

Come on, Chris,

you know what that means--

lay low, stay out of trouble.

Doesn't mean
stop being a cop.

Rita will bite your head off...

I can't believe it!

A newlywed, and
you're so whipped.

Whipped? No, no,
I am not whipped.

yes, you are.
No, I am not.

yes, you are.

Don't you want to
know what I've got?

No, I don't...

Yeah, I would, I'd like
to know what you have.

Okay. I traced your
safety deposit key

to steel time manufacturing.

That narrowed the search to
banks in the palm beach area.

Then I did an asset
search on ray Quiller

and then cross-checked
the lists.


And I got him.

The businessman's bank
of palm beach,

box number .

I'll get a warrant.

I'm going with you.

No, you gotta
stay here.

Remember, "lay low,
stay out of trouble"?

Trust me.

I do.


That's amazing.

That's... that's good.

See you.

Yeah, bye.

( Phone ringing )

Thank you.

What is it?

Lorenzo's at the bank
with a warrant?

All right.
I'll take care of it.

Appreciate it.


Come on, lady.

( Rita screaming )

Let's go, let's go!

Come on, let's go!

( Phone ringing )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

I have something you want.

You have something I want.

You'll be contacted.

Go, go, go. sh**t!


Back up, back up.

( Players talking
to one another )

Here, here,
here, here.


You okay?

I've known for some time

that ray had
a little insurance policy.

I've even known
where he kept it.

But I could never
get to it

( laughing ):
With... without a warrant.

I apologize
for these tactics.

I hate using women,

especially a beautiful
and charming one as this.

touch her again,
I'll drop you where you stand.

Ah, I suppose
the message for today

is chivalry is not dead.


The bag.

My wife.


( Car starts )

( Sighs )

Sam, I'm so glad
you're all right.

I thought that
was going to be it.

I'll never
leave you again.

( Moaning )

( g*nshots )

( Groans )


You're hit.

You're hit.

( Panting )

( Gasping ):
Bulletproof vest.

Officer down on beach park
in north shoreline drive.

Officer down.

Chris, just keep
talking to me.

You're going to be okay,
you're going to be okay.

Just keep talking to me.

I love you.

Just keep talking.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

( Gasping )

Just keep talking.

( Monitor beeping )

( Rita sniffling )



I don't even know
where to start.

I know, cap.

You don't have to say anything.

How is he?

I don't know.

I mean,
they don't tell you much,

you know.

What his chances are
or anything.

It was two cop-K*llers, cap,
right through the vest.

Chris is a fighter.

If anybody can bounce back
from this, he can.

I believe that, captain.

'Cause he promised me

he would be there
for me and the baby.

Oh, cap.

Any change?


Rita, I'm ... I'm so sorry.

Not now, Holly.

We all need to send Chris

positive energy
right now.

I just can't help but think

that if it wasn't for me,

that maybe none of this
would have happened.

Chris was investigating
the m*rder of ray Quiller.

It had nothing to do
with what happened to you.

He was shot
protecting me.

he would never let you
take the blame for that.

Neither will I.

Well, I just want you to know

that if there's
anything that I can do,

anything at all...

you can find out
who shot my husband.

And you could take down Montoya.

You got it.

We've got
several units

canvassing the
area right now.

In fact, we've located a witness

who claims to have gotten
a look at the sh**t.

What are you waiting for?

Since I'm so close to this
thing, I want back-up.

I don't want there to be
any misunderstandings.

Okay, I'm your man.


Yeah, cap, you guys go.

We'll be fine.

( Knock at door )

Who is it? Who is it?

It's me, open the door.

Oh, wow, you look
like hell, man.

Oh, you should have seen
the other guy.

( Groans )

What is this,
Jesus, man?

( Strains ):
you just...
You just here to yank my chain?

No way.

I came to thank you.

You really did good.

Took out ray,
you put me onto his evidence.

You taught Lorenzo a lesson.

It's too bad
you didn't get Rita.

It means I have to leave
the country real fast.

Back home to Colombia.

But I thought I'd come by

and make things right
with you first.

Well, I need a doctor, man.

And a ride out of here.

I got your ride right here.

( g*nsh*t )

Adios, cabroncito.

( Voices echoing throughout ):



Don't move,
I'll go get the nurse.

Sam, I've got everything
I need right here.

How do you feel?

I feel good.

I knew you would
pull out of it.

I knew you would
come back to me.

I'm never going
to leave you.

We'll be together forever.

I love you so much.

I love you.

I know.

( Beeping rapidly )

( People shouting )

He's in cardiac arrest.

Come with me.

( Steady tone sounding )

( People shouting )

On three-- one, two...

Move him over.

( Steady tone continues )


( Steady tone continues )

Freeze, Montoya.

( Steady tone continues )

Give me .


( Steady tone continues )

Give me .

( Tone continues )


( Steady tone )


( Tone continues )

Drop it, Montoya.

( Steady tone )

( Sobbing )

woman ( Over P.A. ):
Dr. Santos to radiology.

Dr. Santos to radiology.

Dr. Kimbrough to x-ray.

Dr. Kimbrough to x-ray.