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05x16 - Black and Blue

Posted: 10/08/23 05:46
by bunniefuu
Would you like dessert?


Dessert-- it's the stuff
we eat after dinner?

I know what dessert is.

You know, if you like, I can ask
that gentleman to join us.

Then you two can have dessert,
and I can watch.

Dan, please,
don't start imagining things.

it only happens
when I see that tongue

hanging out of your
horny little mouth.

Okay, why don't we go home?

Why don't you go to hell?

Can I buy you guys a drink?

Waiter, more champagne,
this table.

Are you happy now?

Hey, did I interrupt

I want to ask you
a question, slick.

I want an honest,
straightforward answer.

You give me that...

And I'll
give you this.

No, please, stop.

One question.


All right, fire away.

Was my wife flirting with you?

Hey, I don't want...

Straight answer, slick.

Yeah, she was.



( Sobbing ):
stop it!

Please, don't!

( Phone ringing )

Good evening, sunrise house.

He's going to k*ll me.

all right.
All right, now, calm down.

Help me...

( Whispering ):

Okay, run to the car.

No, no!

Get out, now.



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You know, it's really great

that you volunteer
at this women's shelter.

yeah, these women
need someplace to turn.

I'm glad I can
be there for them.

I feel like one
of the joads.

The grapes of wrath can
in palm beach?

I can't see it.


( Grunting )

( Grunts )
This thing is Fuller

than a bucket
in a thunderstorm.

You know, must be nice
growing up in the south.

( Groaning ):
It is, it is.

okay, we got to get
this stuff to the shelter.

I can't believe cap had all
this great stuff lying around.

I think he just kept
giving us more

because it's
for a good cause.


Chair first?

Uh-uh, table, it's heavier.

I knew you were
gonna say that.


Because you're the man.

if I would have said,
"let's move the table first"

you would have said,
"no, no, no,

let's move the
chair first."

It's the second law of moving:

The man has to have
control of it.

It's a good thing you know that.

What's the first law?

Never, ever volunteer to help.

broke that one.

( Laughing ):
That's why
I love you so much.


Hi, can I help you?

I don't know,
I think I better go.

Wait, wait, don't go.

Are... are you
all right?

Look, um... I'm here for you
if you need to talk.

You came to the right place.

Want to sit down?

Is someone abusing you?

( Weeping ):
I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to get so upset.

No, don't apologize.

It's okay.

I'm Holly.


God, sorry
about that.

This whole place is
overflowing with this stuff.

We could have
a tissue concession.

( Both chuckle )

Is it your husband?

How did you know?

Well, it's always the husband
or the boyfriend,

and you're wearing
a wedding ring.

He feels terrible about it.


Has he felt that way before?

You know, full of, uh,
apologies and open arms,


There is room for you here
if you want it, you know that.

No, I can't.

Look, I know that it's scary,

but it might be
your only option.

No, see, you don't understand.

I can't leave my husband.

I don't have anywhere to go,
I don't have any money.

I wouldn't know what to do.

Well, you can always go back.

If he gets some help and
sees a counselor, you know.

No, no, I shouldn't
have come here.

I'd better go.

Hey, I can help you.


That's my work number.

You're a policewoman?


You can call me
anytime you want,

even if it's just
to talk, okay?


I had another argument
with Sharon.

( Golf club whisking )

What was this one about,
country music?

Stop it.

You know, I don't understand.

I get so angry
when I'm around her,

and I become this jealous fool,

like there's some sort of
a monster inside of me,

and I can't control it.

Were you drinking?

A lot.

Well, maybe
that's all it was:

You had too much alcohol.

You know, there's a lot to be
said for having a young wife.

Oh, yeah.

I bet she's great
with a crossword puzzle.


I'm sorry.

You know, she is
a lot of fun.

She makes me feel younger
just being around her.

You know, I guess
I ought to expect her

to look at younger men.

I mean, she's
half my age.

She's your wife,

She is not supposed to be
looking at younger men.

Not the way she does.

Oh, you noticed?

Dad, I would have to be blind
not to notice.

She says it's like looking
at a beautiful car.

Yeah, dad,
the first thing you do

when you see
a nice car?

You want to get in
and drive.

You just don't like
her; You never did.

It's not that.

I just want you to be happy.

And I don't think
that you've been happy

since you married Sharon.

You know, sometimes,
I get so mad

that all I see
is a white light.

I don't know--
maybe I need therapy.

Maybe I need to learn to
deal with my anger better.

Daddy, you don't
need therapy.

I think you need a divorce.

Oh, there's no way
I can afford that.

I should have my head
examined, anyway

for marrying a woman
younger than my daughter.

Here I am, thinking with
my you-know-what again.

( Both chuckle )

No matter how old you get,
it never seems to change.

( Laughing ):
Oh, daddy.

That's her.


The woman I was telling
you about-- the rich one.

She came
into the shelter,

and she left
scared, you know?

He doesn't look
like a wife-beater.

Well, they come in all
shapes and sizes, Michael.

You know, there
are rich ones,

poor ones, fat
ones, skinny ones.

They're everywhere.

Hey, hey, hey.

Isn't that Donovan
in the back of that picture?

Our esteemed
county attorney.

Yes, he gets invited to
all the right parties.

You know what?

I should find out
from him who she is

and where she
lives, you know?

Uh, I don't know, Holly.

What do you mean,
you don't know?

This guy could
hurt her.

This isn't
any ordinary Joe here.

So what?!

The more powerful
the husband,

the less likely the wife
is to get some help.

Okay, what do you
want to do?

I want to talk to him,
I want to let him know

that his dirty little
secret's out in the open.

Mm-mm. We can't just drive
over to this guy's house

without provocation
or evidence

that he's beating his wife
and start asking questions.

Someone's got to.

Holly, as much as I hate it,

sometimes, we have
to have respect

for the letter
and spirit of the law.

This woman is crying out
for help, Michael.

Sometimes, it's hard

to even get them that far.

We've got to reach out
and help her.

It just might not be
that simple.

If we turn our backs on her now,
she might be lost for good.

You're jumping to conclusions,

leaping at them
like a pole-vaulter.

She came into the shelter
where I volunteer.

It's not a leap, it's a fact.

Was she bruised?



I didn't inspect her.

Then maybe
he didn't hit her.

Come on, George.

Batterers know exactly where
to hit so nothing shows.

The guy has a very young wife.

Maybe she just overreacted
to something,

uh, got too emotional.

She is being battered.

I can see it from a mile away.

All right.

Let's assume for the moment
that something is going on.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to call him.

I want you to help me
get her into a shelter

and get this guy
some therapy.

I can't do that.
Why not?

I can't just place
a call to a man,

a respected member
of this community, who...

Who contributes heavily
to your campaigns.

You are way
out of line here, detective.

I'm sorry.

I withdraw that.

Look, this woman could
end up in a body bag.

I don't want to
see that happen.

Neither do I.

She is a classic case
of a battered woman.

I see it firsthand every day.

Please, help me save her.

I think you are
way too close on this one.

And I think you're looking
the other way

because it's part of
the old boys' network.

you are really
trying my Patience,

Detective Rawlins--
when and if

you can prove to me
that Dan Grayson beats his wife,

I will come down on him

with an iron fist.

Until then,

there is nothing I can do.

I can't believe this!

( Sighs )

Why don't you go home, Holly?

Just because this guy
doesn't have any priors,

doesn't mean
I can't question him.

Go home, you're wearing
a hole in the floor.

( Phone rings )

Detective Rawlins.

I'll k*ll you!

He's going to k*ll me.

Where are you?

I'm in the house;
he's got a g*n.

What is he doing?

He's hurting me.

Okay, okay, I'll be there.

Gi-give me the address.

Calm down
and give it to me slowly.


I'll be there.

Come on, let's go!

( Two g*nshots )

( Siren wailing )

( Tires screech lightly )

( Pounding on door ):
Police, open up!


are you okay?

I'm going to
take upstairs, okay?

Do that.


Michael, down here!

( Police radio chatter )

Two slugs
right through the chest.

It's justifiable
homicide, Michael.

Come on, we don't even know
who k*lled him... yet.

( Gasps )

Oh, god... oh, god!

( Screaming )
Wait a minute.

Okay, it's okay,
it's okay, it's okay.

Come on, let's go over here.

Let's go over here,
all right?

( Weeping )
It's okay.

Are you okay?

Do you need
some water?

Just sit down.

( Continues weeping )

I'm really sorry for your loss.

I'm Detective Holly Rawlins;
this is my partner,

detective price.

( Camera clicking nearby )

I... I'm Allie Grayson.

( Sobbing )

My father... he, he's...

I'm really sorry.

I knew this was coming.

Why would you say that?

Sharon did this.

My father's second wife.

There is not a doubt in my mind
she k*lled him.

Wait a minute.

how, how can you
be so sure about that?

I never trusted her,
not for one second.

We have reason to believe

that your father
was abusing her.


He adored her.

He gave her everything

and anything she wanted.

Do you call
that abuse?

well, she recently came into
a shelter for battered women.

Look, my, my father
had a temper.

there is no denying that,
but he did not abuse Sharon.

She was terrified of him.

Well, I can't understand why,
but I know this much:

She is a manipulative,

deceitful woman.

I even hired
a private investigator

to check her out.

What did he say?

I'm still waiting to hear.

I'd like to have
his phone number.

( Sniffles )
I have his card.

His name is Martin Greenwald.

Watch out for Sharon.

I mean, she may look
like a lamb,

but she bites like a shark.

Well, she's, uh,
not much of a fan

of her father's wife.

Young second wife
in competition

for dad's attention with
his only daughter?

It happens
all the time.


Look, we got to put out
an APB On Sharon Grayson.

Give her a chance.

Maybe she'll come in first.

I can't count
on that, Holly.

Well, let me call it in.

you know,
this domestic abuse stuff

scares the hell out of me.


Because it's
as unpredictable

as the weather
around here.

I had a buddy back in Chicago
lost his life because of it.

What, the wife
finally fought back?

No, no, no,
he was, uh, one of us.

( Sighs )
Pete Turner.

he responded
to a domestic call.

Found this guy, bloody,

beating his wife with an iron.

a hot iron,
you press your clothes with it.


she wasn't getting
the creases sharp enough.

so, this guy
k*lled your friend?

No, actually,
the wife k*lled him.

Butcher knife.

One slice. Jugular.

Well, wait a minute.

Why did she do that?

She panicked.

Pete had the husband
on the ground,

and he's cuffing him,
and she blew a fuse.

You know,
protecting her tormentor.

And that is

what scares me so much
about domestic v*olence.

you never know
what's going to happen.

Well, what usually happens is

that the wife
hangs around too long,

and the man beats her, and he
beats her, and he beats her

till he finally gets it
right, and he kills her.

That's what
usually happens.

Because women are
made powerless.

You put a knife,
a g*n in their hands,

who knows what's gonna happen?

Yeah, it really sounds like
you're on the men's side.

I'm not on anybody's side.

I'm just saying
it's unpredictable,

and that's what makes it

( Kissing, soft moaning )

I knew he was
doing his secretary.

Yeah, every day
for lunch.

That explains how he
lost all that weight.

Oh, I can't wait
until I tell him

I've slept with you.

Not when I'm
in the room, huh?

( Knock at door )

Mr. Greenwald?

( Whispering ):
Damn, who the hell is that?

Who is it?!

Palm beach police.
( Sighs )

Private eye with
venetian blinds--

very nice touch.

Yeah, he's probably got gum
on the bottom of his shoes, too.

( Knocks )

Can we come in?

I was just

with a client.

That's even better
than gum on the shoe.

Why don't you talk to me
about Sharon Grayson?

Hey, that's privileged
information between me

and my client.
( Laughs )


Come on, don't act too
smart here, all right?

We got a few questions,
we want a few answers.

Simple equation.

What do I get in return?

Oh, well, you get
to relax comfortably

knowing we won't
take your license.

No talk, no license.

New math.

What do you know
about Sharon Grayson?

she comes up clean.
Squeaky clean, all right?

no arrest record,
her credit's perfect,

Lily-white driving record.

You know, she was even
an academic all-star.

No blemishes?

Not a one, you know?

The kind mothers brag on.

Allie Grayson says
you were still checking her out.

I guess so.


Hey, look, it takes awhile,
you know?

I got a lot of places to look,

and I got
people to call.

That's right.

Guess you're working
on an hourly rate.

listen, a guy's got to make
a buck, and she can handle it.

You're dripping
with class, greenwald.

Let's get out of here
before we get a rash.

I knew she'd
come up straight.

we can't base
( Phone rings )

On some seedy
private eye.


Yeah, put her through.

Sharon, where are you?

Okay, don't move,
we're going to be right there.

She's at the shelter.

You okay?

I don't know.

I shot him, Holly.

Here's the g*n.

Is he...

Yeah, he died instantly.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to.

It's just
he was beating me

and yelling--
he was on top of me.

He was so close.

And he was screaming
and hitting.

It's going
to be all right.

I'm glad you
turned yourself in.

You did the right thing.

I was going
to come last night,

but I was so scared.

I didn't know
what to do.

I just couldn't take any more.

I know, I know.

W-What's going to happen?

Well, we need to take you
down to the precinct.

Yes, but it's just

an interview
room for now.

Do I have to wear handcuffs?

No handcuffs.

You and I will ride in the back
of the car together, okay?


Holly... mirandize her.

Y-You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up
that right,

anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed for you...

Sharon ( Over speaker ):
he's going to k*ll me.

Best I can do is manslaughter.

Not much of a case, though.


Her attorney will put her
on the stand,

and she'll say
she was in fear for her life.

the jury will be back in
with a not guilty verdict

faster than in that
celebrity circus in L.A.

It's unfortunate that it had
to end up like this, but...

Something doesn't feel right,


Well, there's no tattooing
on Grayson's body.



When a g*n is fired
at close range,

powder is left
on the victim's skin

like a tattoo.

and she claims
that he was on top of her.

So maybe she was confused.

And maybe she was three,

four feet away when
the g*n was fired.

you know,
she's fighting for her life.

Maybe she doesn't remember.

Maybe she was lying.

I'm sorry.

It's not enough.

All right, release her,

but I want you guys
to stay on it,

just to be sure, all right?

( Brakes squeaking )

I'm so glad
I'm not in your jail.

It feels a little strange
being here,

but it's better than that,
tons better.

Well, you know, if you're
uncomfortable here,

you're always welcome
at the shelter.

Or you could
come to my place.

I mean, it's
not like this,

but it's really cozy.

No, I'll be all right.
You sure?


there are a few things
I'd like to go over with you

before I leave.

Like what?

Oh, you know, questions arise.

I just want to tie
some things up.

There's nothing else that's
going to happen, is there?

I mean, I was cleared
of everything, right?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I just need a minute or two.

Okay, Holly, whatever you want.

I feel like I owe you my life.

You gave me so much
strength in a way.

Well, I didn't do anything.

No, you did.

just talking to you that day
made me feel stronger, safer.

Well, good, good.

I'm glad you came in.

Can we go inside?


My skin's crawling.

This shouldn't
take long.

So, where did
the fight begin?

The kitchen.

And what
was it about?

He went nuts over the way
I cooked his steak,

said it wasn't
done enough.

Went from there
to other men.

He always thought
I was sleeping around,

but I wasn't.

So how did it
end up out here?

I ran in
after he hit me.

He was in a rage,
an uncontrollable one.

Did he have the
g*n with him?

He got it out
of that drawer.

He liked to scare me
with it.

Then he hit me.

With his hand?


And then I called you,

and he chased me down,
started slapping me.

We were wrestling...

The g*n went off.


He was on top of you?


Kind of.

Are you sure
about that?


wow, I feel like I'm
in court or something.

no, I just want
to understand it.

That's all I'm doing.

When was the first time
he beat you?

I don't know.

He beat me all the time.

no, no, I mean when was
the very first time he hit you?

I don't remember.

He... it was a constant thing.

you don't remember
the first time he hit you?

I guess about a month or two
after we were married, roughly.


thanks, Sharon,
that's all I need.

She's lying, Michael.

How do you know that?

Every woman that comes
into the shelter

remembers her first incident

of physical abuse
like it happened yesterday.

Sharon's too vague.

She's way too vague.

What do you think happened?

I think she k*lled him in an act
of premeditated m*rder.

We did it, baby.

( Moaning )

Me and you played
that dumb-ass clown

like a bigmouth bass.

What is it, baby?

Where's your head?

I was just thinking,
that's all.

Well, that's not
part of the deal.

Your job is to look pretty
and do what I say.

I'm worried about
that cop, Farrell.

She knows something.

She played right
into our hands.

Imagine, a cop
serves up your alibi,

and the county attorney
buys it

like an
off-the-rack suit.

I hope you're not giving
yourself too much credit.

Maybe you need
a little reeducation, honey.

Please don't
hurt me, Farrell.

( Grunts )

I wouldn't have to,

if you had the proper
amount of respect.

Now, remind me...

Who takes care of you?

You do, baby.


And who do you trust
to do your thinking?

I trust you, baby.

Everything you have
is thanks to me.

Remember that.

I remember.

Oh, yeah.

♪ ♪

You wouldn't sh**t your meal
ticket, now, would you?

Just a precaution.

Nothing to worry about.

We have an understanding,
you and me.

long as you remember
I'm holding all the cards.

You're not going to let me
forget it, are you?

I guess that's my down payment
on the good life.

In a way.

Why don't you
hold that level.

I'll show you
the money.

( Chuckles )

Yes. It's been real nice

doing business
with you, Farrell.

( g*nsh*t )

( Horn honks )

My pleasure.

( Church bell tolling )

Awfully long coincidence,
don't you think?

Oh, when bodies start
dropping in clusters,

that is no coincidence.

Look, even if this guy
was k*lled

because he had
something on Sharon,

I'm telling you right now,
she didn't do this.

( Chuckles )
You're the one that
said she was lying.

Liar, maybe.

k*ller, no way.

All right, what if
she was struggling

with her husband

at the time the
sh**ting took place?

So you're saying
she had an accomplice?
Or was one.

Oh, so our friend
here had the goods

and was cashing in.

But someone cashed
him out instead.

I say we hit his office,

shake down
the current records.

Yeah, we do that,
but we assume

that the k*ller's
already been there.

Hey, Bobby, come here.

I want you to dispatch a team
down to this address, all right?

Seal the building.

I want a print search
on every door, window, elevator

handrail, every access
in the whole damn place.

You got that? Go.

I like the way you
think, partner.

Yeah, if you're going
to play a hunch,

you might as well
bet the house.

( Camera clicking )

( Police radio chatter )

( Beeping )

How's it coming with the safe?

Almost done.

Nothing, huh?

Uh, divorce, adultery,
treachery, just the basics.

No file "M" for
m*rder, though.

Anything on your end?

Well, I got enough smudges and
partials to corner the market,

not to mention a bunch
of ticked-off tenants

trying to get
into the building.

yeah, funny how homicide
will eat into your day.

oh, we got a couple
of nice, fresh latents

off the elevator panel.

I don't know,
probably a long shot.

Hey, long shot's better
than no shot at all.

it's open.



( Clears throat )

Highland single malt.

This stuff
is older than I am.

( Chuckles )

Oh, obviously
a class act.


( Chuckles )

"Grayson, Sharon."

Now we're getting somewhere.


uh, M.V.R., another report,
copy of her driver's license,

marriage certificate,
credit report,

her husband's
last tax return...

Wow, this well
runs real deep.

Birth certificate,
that's it.

Nothing remarkable,
except the cash.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Sharon Ann Calloway,
born October , .

are you saying
she's older than the scotch?

And equally well-preserved.

This guy did not die
because he found out

that Sharon was older
than she looks.

No, but it's a good place
to start.


Whoa, you startled me.

Sorry, I rang the bell.

There wasn't an answer.

Well, I'm all alone.

well, you know,
you don't have to be.

I'm always
here for you.
No, no, I want to be.

What happened
to you?

Nothing, it was a stupid thing.

I walked into a door.

Looks like you walked
into a right hook.

Well, I didn't, okay.

Besides, it's none
of your business.

Well, that's where
you're wrong.

You see, I'm investigating
the m*rder

of a private detective
named Martin greenwald.

Is that name supposed
to mean something to me?

Yours sure meant
something to him.

We found a file
with your name on it

and $ , in his safe.

Look, Holly, my husband was
an insanely jealous man.

I wouldn't be surprised if
he was having me followed.

But if you think I
had something to do
with k*lling him...

I don't.

I don't, not directly.

I think it was the same guy
that k*lled your husband,

the one you're protecting
right now,

the one that did this
to you.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I just want you
to leave me alone.

I saw that cop.

What did you tell her?


What did you tell her?!

You, um...

You k*lled that private eye,
didn't you?

He was squeezing us, baby,
so I squeezed back.

well, you know what--
now we got to get out of here,

'cause they're on to us!

Look, now, just cool out.

I'm on top of it,
all right?

We just sign these papers,

we transfer
the old man's accounts

to the Cayman Islands,
and we're gone.

No. No, this was supposed
to be a set-up, Farrell.

Nobody was supposed to die.

Let me ask you a question:
You want to make big time?

You got to play a little rough.

Ooh, yeah, you'd know
all about that

wouldn't you, Farrell?

You're taking
the fun out of this.


What are you going to
do, beat me up again?

( Chuckles )

Yeah, baby, I like
when you get rough!

Yeah, just like that.
I like that.

Now, listen to me!

Don't lose
your nerve now, honey.

We're so close
to having it all.

You're doing good,
you're doing real good.

You filthy whore.


How dare you?

This is my father's house.

Not anymore.

Who the hell are you?

name's Farrell,
pleased to meet you.

oh, you're the creep
she's been sleeping with

behind my
father's back.

Allie, don't push him!

Shut up!

Let her push all she wants.

She don't know anything.

Oh, no, I know all about you.

I know you set up my father.

See, I had you

Is that a fact?

yeah, yeah,
that's a fact, Farrell.

I've got pictures,

and I won't stop

until I see you in hell.

Well, then I'm just going
to have to book you

a first-class ticket.

Farrell, stop it, no more!

Bitch is out of line!
No more!




Baby, baby,
are you okay?

Oh, my god,
I'm so sorry.

Don't die,
don't die, baby.

Are you sure?

Yeah, unbelievable.

All right, you're going
to fax me over a copy?

Great, thanks.

What have you got?

You know the stuff we found
on Sharon Ann Calloway?

one thing missing:
Her death certificate.

She died in a car crash
four years ago.

Our Sharon
took her identity.

Why don't I look surprised?

maybe something
in that file folder?

NCIC Turned up a match
on one of those prints

we found on the elevator
at the P.I.'S office.

Meet Farrell Riggs,

Alabama con artist,
badger games specialist.

Plants a woman
with a rich mark,

rips him off when
the pants come down.

Mm, moving up
to bigger playing fields.

Meet his partner in crime,
also his wife.

Cora Jean Riggs?

Come to palm beach,
marry a fat cat,

frame him
as a wife-beater,

and set up your cop as an alibi,
almost walk away.

Nice little play.

Except for one greedy P.I.

they'd have
gotten away with it, too.

So, you want to break
the news, or should I?

Hmm, I'll flip you for it
on the way.

Yes, can I speak to detective
holly rawlins, please?

Well, can she be reached?

I mean, does she have
a cellular or something?

Yes, I'll hold.

You just made
the biggest mistake

of your life, girl.

Oh, my god.

Please, I just didn't want
anyone else to get hurt.

Oh, yeah, somebody else
is going to get hurt.

( Sharon screams,
glass breaking )

( Off-the-hook tone beeping
over phone )

( Pounding on door )

Sharon, it's Holly,
open the door!



Can you hear me?

( Moans )
Dial - - .

He hurt me.

He hurt me so bad.

I know.

We're going to get him.

and we're going
to take care of you...

Cora Jean.

You already know?

We know everything.

Where is he, where's Farrell?

You've got to stop him...
Before he kills her

like he k*lled the others.

The ambulance
is on the way.

You and I have
a little score to settle, girl.

What did that little
weasel P.I. Tell you?

Don't you make me
ask you again.


I was just...
You know, one thing

that really burns my ass
is a lying bitch.

Now, what you say
we go upstairs

and have
a little look around?

( Tires screeching,
siren wailing )

( Siren
approaching )

What the hell's that?

Going somewhere,

come on!
( Tires screeching,
siren wailing )

Out of the car!

Now! Out of the car!

Out! Out of the car!

Get in! Get in!

( Siren wailing )

Back off!

( Tires screeching )

I got him, I got him!

All units, l- , l-

in pursuit of
a black Firebird

northbound at
Dixon and Sutter.

Homicide suspect,

considered armed D at
and extremely dangerous.

( Cackling )

( Tires screeching )

Hang on.

You're gonna k*ll us both!

at least
you won't die alone, girl.

( Farrell laughing )

Oh, god, you're never
going to make it!

Yeah? You just watch me.

( Sirens wailing )

Come on, come on.

( Whimpering )

That's right.

let her go, Farrell!
Back off!

I'll k*ll her!

you don't have
to sell us that one!

Only question is
who gets out alive.

It's your choice.

( Yells )

( Sobbing )

It's okay, it's okay,
it's over, it's over.

Are you all right?

Are you all right?

It's over now, okay?

When did Farrell hit you
the first time?

On our wedding night.

We drove down to mobile.

He had a lot to drink.

I didn't want him
to drive home,

but he wouldn't take no
for an answer.

I found out real quick
what kind of man I married.

Was there a pattern to it?



With the sex.

You see, um...

Farrell liked to see me
do it with other men.

I didn't like it
at first, but...

anything was better
than with him, I guess.

And that's when it grew
into a business?

( Inhales deeply )

Yeah, um...

He picked the men,

married ones
with lots of money.

I'd set them up,
and he'd knock them down.

Why did you go along with it?

I loved him.

All right, fine.

Yeah, listen,
I'm gonna

have to call you
back, all right?

Thanks for coming by, guys.

It was on the way
to lunch.

I just wanted
to say...
No-- me first.

I'm sorry.

Actually, what I wanted to say
was "nice job."

But, since you bring it up,

I'm sorry, too.

We were both wrong.

And both right.

I admire cops
who stick to their convictions.

And we like prosecutors

who make their
convictions stick.

( Laughs )

Yeah. I think we're gonna
get along just fine.

Hey, mind if I tag along
for lunch?

I'm buying.

Oh! I never say no
to a free lunch.

Oh, don't you know
there's no such thing?

( Chuckles )