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05x20 - Family Values

Posted: 10/08/23 05:48
by bunniefuu
( Music playing in distance )

( People applauding,
clamoring in distance )

Jason, it's your father.

thank you all for coming
tonight. I appreciate it.

Can I meet him, please?




...and we are
going to win!

Senator Hemmings?

Forgive me.

I just had to meet you.

I've been following
your campaign from day one

and you just have to win.

The state needs you.

Thank you very much,
young lady.

Anything I can do. Just ask.


This, uh...

Lovely supporter
is a friend of yours?



And we were just leaving.

Senator, we have to hurry.

The junior league gala?

yes, of course,
thank you, Paula.

It was a pleasure,
Miss Mathews.

Thank you all again.

Jason, the gala--
can we go?


No, we're going to go
to a better party.

A very private one.

Oh, baby...


( Moaning )

Oh, yes...








( Whispering ):
Lift your head.


Oh, my god.




( Whimpering and struggling )

( Fishing reel winding )

( Police radio chatter )

Stay back, please.



She probably
hadn't been in the water

more than a few hours.

Yeah. Obviously no I.D.

No, probably wouldn't carry
a purse in outfit like this,

but cause of death

is pretty obvious.

No lacerations.

Looks like a soft fabric.

Yeah. Take your pick.

I vote for the scarf.

The fisherman found this stuff

in the bag with the body.

Looks like someone did
a pretty thorough job

trying to hide the evidence.

Oh, not thorough enough.

What is this?

A commercial laundry mark?

yeah, last number
denotes the client.

How do you know that?

that's the same system
we used back in Chicago.

I used to print
those numbers on.

You? When did you do that?

when they found out
that I couldn't iron stuff.

Burnt three towels.

I say we run a check

on all the commercial
laundries in town.

Well, you were right.

They're ours.

And, uh, housekeeping tells me

that the bedclothes
are missing from room .

Who had
room last night?


( Typing )

That'd be registered

to a Mr...

Jason Hemmings.

Would that be son

of the state senator
grant Hemmings?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Yes, but none of the family
members are here.

I'm Paula Houston

the senator's chief of staff.

Gracias, Esperanza.

Maybe I can help.

uh, thanks, but we
really need to speak to Jason.

Do you know when he'll be back?

What is it this time?

Well, we have
reason to believe

there was
a m*rder committed

at the palm castle hotel
last night

in a room registered
to Jason Hemmings.

Jason may have had a room there,
I don't know.

We haven't seen him
since last night.

Here at the house?

No, at the sand
and surf club.

the senator
had a fundraiser there.

Close friends, mainly.

The sand and--

we know what
the sand and surf club is.

Did he have a girl with him?

Yeah, but we didn't know her.

we just saw them
as they were leaving.

And you haven't seen him since?

Aren't his parents worried?

Why would they be?

Jason's a grown boy.

He can take care of himself.

What did you mean before by
"what is it this time"?

I just meant
that any problem right now

makes for a, uh,
delicate situation.

I'm sure you
know senator Hemmings

is running for governor

and whether Jason's
involved in this thing or not

any hint of a scandal

could destroy
his father's chances.

Miss Houston,
the simple fact remains

that his son
is implicated in the m*rder.

May be implicated, detective,
and if he is

you'll have our cooperation,
but please,

give us
the same courtesy?

Just keep this quiet
and away

until after the election.

We have nothing to do with that

but we do have
a homicide to investigate.

if that is a political
inconvenience, I am sorry...

but we will cooperate
in any way we can, Miss Houston.

If you could just tell us
where Jason might be.

The sand and surf club
boat Marina, I think?

He works on his boat a lot.

but please,
keep this thing quiet

and discreet.

Can you tell me
where the Marina is?

Of course,
right in back of me.

You can't miss it.

Lots of little boats?

Someone having car problems?

If you park here overnight

and you're not a member,
you get towed.

That's been here
since yesterday?

This car came in
last night

with the fundraiser.

Mind if we check it out?




Well, I got a make.

And maybe a motive.

Brenda Mathews,


No, I met her last night
at dad's rally.

Is there a problem?

You didn't know
she was a reporter?


I didn't think she had a brain.

did you leave
the club with her?


Yeah, but she was tired, so...

so you got her
a place to sleep.

Rented a room

at the palm castle.

yeah, okay, look,
I was there for about an hour.

but it was
definitely consenting sex.

she's accusing me of...

Hey, Jason, Brenda's dead.

And there's
evidence indicating

that she was m*rder*d
in your hotel room.

where'd you go
after you left the hotel?


Uh, here.

I came here. Um...

I've been here ever since.

doesn't look like the kind
of boat you just hang out on.

Yeah, well, I do.

I'm here more than I'm at home.

You can
check it out.

Yeah. We did.

can anyone verify
that you were here?

Look, I didn't advertise.

The sex got a little rough

but I didn't k*ll Brenda.

You know what, Jason?

I wouldn't say
any more if I were you.

You're under arrest
for suspicion of m*rder.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up that right,
anything you say...

I want to talk, all right?

I don't need anybody
to tell me what to say

because I got nothing to hide.

Still, we need
your acknowledgment

that you've
waived your rights.

And that includes
having a lawyer.

You didn't call dad's lawyers,
did you?

Jason, that's
your call, not ours.

So my dad
doesn't know about this?

No, but he's going to have to
know about it sooner or later.

You don't
want his help?


'Cause I don't need it--
for once.

I can handle this.

I'm telling the truth.

So, what?

you're afraid
he won't believe you?

He won't.

Because what's important

is what it'll do
to his Mr. Morals image.

The great straight
senator Hemmings' own son

in jail for m*rder?

He'd go crazy.

So, no, I don't
want his help.

I don't need it--
I don't even want him to know.

Do I have that right?

Looks like you've taken his
help in the past, Jason.

A possessions arrest

in prep school, huh?

I wasn't formally charged.

No, but you were for drunk
and disorderly, case dismissed.

Sexual battery, case dismissed.

And two DUIs, also dismissed.

Did we miss any?

Oh, gee, thanks, dad.

But this one
I can get dismissed on my own

because I'm innocent.


I want to see the both
of you in my office now.

Let's go.

You think you have
sufficient reason

to arrest him in public
like that, handcuff him?

and of all places,
the sand and surf club?

What happened to that
cooperation we agreed to?

We told you we'd cooperate
in any way we could

but we also told you
we had a job to do.

And you had enough evidence

to justify that
conspicuous arrest?

More than enough.

Jason admits going
to the hotel with Brenda

and having sex with her.

Rough sex.

Rough doesn't make it illegal.

So you're saying
it got out of hand.

It's a bit more
involved than that.

Brenda Mathews was a reporter.

And by coincidence

when we went
to check the hotel room

it had been sanitized.

Everything wiped clean.


Carpet shampooed.

Fine, so maybe the housekeeping
team had already cleaned it.

Yeah, yeah, maybe.

But by whose
housekeeping team?

I mean,
was it the hotel's

or was it yours?

Hey, hey,
take it easy.

Watch where you point
your finger, detective.

Have you considered
this may be a setup

to embarrass the senator?

The opposition's desperate.

You're saying that
they would k*ll a girl

just to make
your guy look bad?

You obviously don't know
how dirty politics can get.

Well, we do know
we have an obvious suspect:

Jason Hemmings.


County attorney
doesn't agree.

Jason's been released
for lack of evidence.

Try my theory now?

Ease up a little, huh?

maybe use
some tact, okay?

this is
not Chicago

and grant Hemmings is not just
another revered state senator.

he's one of the big
social powers in this town.

Wait, cap, look.

Michael's got this
street-tough cop rap

going on around here

and I've seen none of it.

Okay, okay,
so he speaks his mind.

But he always does
a professional job.

I agree.

but you both got a lot
to learn about palm beach.

you tread softly
on big toes here.

and what that
means, guys, is

short of a full confession...

Jason is out of here.

You got it?


Who was she working for?

Just a local paper.

Damn, if this
story breaks...

It won't, all right?

I checked Brenda out.

She's just a free-lancer looking
to make a name for herself.

Oh, yeah, yeah,
by destroying me.

With a little help
from my stupid son

that worthless--

I knew he'd bring me
down sooner or later.

Shh, grant,
will you relax?

I took care of Jason.

He's in the clear

and there's nothing else
to link him to the girl.


And if there is a story

I'll handle that, too.

Don't I always take care of you?

Lover boy?

( Chuckling )

( Moaning )

You have
a lot of talents

but I think
this is your best.


Hey, Jase.

Can I come on board?

I'm under orders not to talk
to the cops or anybody.

Now, look.

I don't want
to discuss the case, okay?

Right. Right, yeah,
yeah, right.

You want to be my pal

hang out,
have a few beers?

Hey, hey. Small-block Chevy,
CFM Double pumpers.

That is a nice setup, Jason.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I did the modification,
but, uh...

You did this?

With pro help, right?

No help.

I redesigned the hull.

did all the trick
modifications myself.

'Course, it's taken me
a few years.

it would take me a year
just to balance the carburetors.

Is that what the problem is?

( Sighing )

I think so.

I, uh...

I lose power
at high speed.

you should check
your float levels.

That's a good idea.
it's worth a sh*t.

So where'd you get
all your know-how?

Oh, books, mainly.

Think you've read
the same books.

You're pretty good.

I had some buddies
back in Chicago

they had tough street rods.

I worked on them a bit.

I have a ' dodge
that I play with

down at the speed shop.

Really? You seem kind of old
for a hot rod.

Watch it.

My dad didn't approve of kids
in fast cars

especially his kid.

It would have been
real embarrassing

if I had been caught
street racing.

What? He was a cop, too?

He wasn't just a cop.

He was, super cop, you know

top honors, he was...

Turned out
being deputy chief.

and if you don't
become a big chief

you're a loser.

no, I'm pretty happy
just being a detective.

never got the itch
to be top dog, you know?

Join the club.

you know, guy with smarts
to put this monster together

doesn't need to be
in anybody's shadow.

You going to make
a career of this?

You should.

Yeah, right.

a Hemmings... in a job
where he gets his hands dirty?

Listen, you want a beer, huh?

Since you're hanging out.


Ask me when I'm not on duty.

Which you are.

So, you still think
I did it, right?

You're our prime suspect, yeah.

But I'd like to see that change.

any way
you can make that happen?

Like I said...

I'm not supposed
to talk to anybody.

Where did you hear this,
from your father?

You seem to do a pretty nice job

when you're thinking
for yourself, when you want to.

So maybe you can think of a way

that we can take on
another direction in this case.

It's your call, Jason.

( Gulls cawing )

( Dance music blaring )

One, two, three, four

five, six, seven, eight.

And one, two, three, four...

Seven, eight.

And one, two, three, four

and five, six, seven, eight.

And one, two, three, four

five, six, seven, eight.


Good, whoo!

Good workout, guys.

Let's take two

then we'll do the cool down...


Susie Chen?


Detective Rawlins,
palm beach P.D.

I'm exhausted

just watching you.

Uh... what can I do for you?

You once filed a sexual battery
charge against a Jason Hemmings?

That all got cleared up.

well, yeah,
I know it did, Susie

because you dropped the charges.

You mind telling me why?

We just...

We talked it out, okay?

( Sighs )

You and Jason?

No... me and an army of lawyers.

by the time
they were finished with me

I felt like the criminal.

Listen, I really got
to get back to work.

wait a minute,
Hemmings' lawyers

did they make
a settlement with you?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, they settled it all right.

They told me to consider
the powerful family

that I was dealing with

and then to look at myself
in the mirror

and figure out
who'd win the case.

Okay, Susie, listen.

A woman was m*rder*d last night
and Jason's involved.

Now, if there's anything
you can tell me

it's in complete confidence,
okay, but I've got to know

everything you know about Jason.

You might stop someone else
from getting hurt.


But I can't, all right?

I just can't.

I'm sorry.

Ooh, big boy!

( Shrieks )

No! You bastard!

Give it back.

( Laughing ):
Oh, no, no, no.

Having fun, grant...

while the election
goes down the toilet?

Aw, relax, Gloria.

We told you.

Paula took care
of the problem.

she's part of the problem.

Oh, and what is
your problem, sweetie?

Your every need
isn't being met,
is that it?

You have more social prestige,
power and credit cards

than any celibate
wife deserves.

Drop it, grant.

That's enough.

You have everything
you want.

So do I.

And what about
the governorship?

You don't want that anymore?

Because Paula did not deal
with the problem.

The police were just out

to see Jason again.



Come on.

It wasn't like that.

Why did I tell you?

Jason, please, I had to,
this is too important.

Jason, I think the point is
did you tell the police

anything more
this time?

No, as you ordered.

And it wasn't the police,
it was just Michael.

Michael price?

The cop who
arrested you?

but he's okay

he's on my side,
he wants to help.

Oh god, Jason...


look, son,
we all want to help you.

It's why I wanted
to talk to you today.

Jason, I know
we're not close.

And that's my fault.

I spent too much time
trying to help this state

than I have my own family.

save your speeches
for the campaign, dad.

I do love you, son.

And I've always been
proud of you in my way.

why haven't you
ever said that before?

The political timing
wasn't right?


It's because the only

we've ever had
were about

trying to get you
out of some mess.

But this mess
is different, Jason.

This one can ruin us all.

And it's not something
I can control

like the other ones.

Now I'll do what I can

but I've got
to know the truth.

Now, what happened
at that hotel?

I just don't remember, I mean,
things got pretty wild.

How wild, Jason?

Come on,
please, concentrate

you have to
remember this!

Dad, I can't!

I can't.

Look, we partied, we got drunk

we had sex and then,
and then I passed out, I guess.

So, the truth is, Jason...

You maybe did k*ll her.

You just don't know.

It's okay, son.

It's all right.

We're all to blame.

It's time that we started
to pull together as a family.


We'll be there for you,
don't worry.

But, Jason...

You have to do
the right thing.

Susie Chen wasn't lying

when she said
she couldn't talk.

That's a gag order.

Prohibiting her
from discussing

her sexual battery case
against Jason.

Ah, thanks, Joe.

how did you manage
to get hold of this?

I just checked
the court records.

I guess no one's
expected to do that

when a case
involves a Hemmings.

This one was more work.

Susie deposited $ ,

into her account
the day of the gag order.

That's , hours
of aerobics classes.

A check from Hemmings'
attorneys, right?

That is a payoff
to stay quiet.

Damn, Holly, you are good.

good enough
to bring Jason back in?



But this is more
strong evidence.

Michael, come on, it establishes
a pattern of behavior

and I'm sure if Susie has
immunity she's going to talk.

Hey, remember what cap said?

Nothing short of a confession.

This isn't enough.

Or maybe you hope it's not.

I just can't picture this guy

as a sex m*rder*r.

But you're right.

Stick with the facts

not the feelings, huh?

Hey, Michael.


I'm sorry to bother you
so late ...

Hey, that's no problem, Jason.

Come to check out the beast,


I'm here to confess.

I did it.

I k*lled Brenda Mathews.

Uh, we left

the sand and surf club
about : .

I already had
a hotel room.

She agreed to go with you?

Sort of.

She asked me if...

If I'd get crazy with her.

What would you think
if a woman said that to you?

A girl says that to me,
I think I'm dreaming, okay?

So, uh, what happened
in the room?

You know...

We had a great party
for a while...

I just...
If I hadn't tied her up.

Hey, Jason

how rough did this get?

She didn't like being knocked
around or anything like that.

She... she just liked things
around her neck...

Real tight.

I mean, I got scared,
but she kept begging.

What did you use?

Um... a belt.

she... she was a real
leather freak, unfortunately.

You used your belt?

Are you sure about that?


and then I guess
you just sanitized the room

took care of the body,
everything, huh?

why did you dump her
in the E. Street bridge?

it's just... it's close
to the hotel, I guess, huh?

Okay, what's going on?

Who are you
covering for?

I'm not covering
for anybody.

All right, Michael,
I did it, okay?

I came to you because
I thought you'd understand.

But I don't, all right, see?

So explain.

Jason, she was strangled
with a soft fabric

and her body was found
miles from that bridge.

Now, are you going to
answer my question?

Who else

was involved in Brenda's m*rder?


It was just me.

He's set on taking
a fall for m*rder?

who's he owe
that kind of loyalty to?

The need to please a demanding
father can be even scarier.

That includes, in this case,
going down for m*rder.

To cover dad...
"The moral icon

kinky sex k*lling?"

That's a new, sick twist
on family values.

I won't go
as far as to say

he is the k*ller


But he's involved somehow.

Well, maybe he and Jason
are covering for someone else.

Okay, maybe, but who?


the stuff you found
in the bag with Brenda Mathews?


Forensics found
a lipstick trace

that had not been washed
out of one of the sheets.

Not the victim's.

there was another woman
in the hotel room that night.

Ooh... just you and me, cowboy

Oh, you feel good.

( Chuckles )

You my tiger?


Are you my tiger?

( Sighing )

You want me, senator?

Grant, get down here!

Oh, Gloria, what is it?

What's the matter?

Ask your little
fix-it slut

she blew it
this time, and big.

How the hell
did this happen?

you told me
you had a lid on it!

no story
till after the election.

I did! I had promises

from all the top
media people.

But some snotty little reporter
faked you out again?

Like the one last week
almost did.

Damn it!

Oh, my god, you did it.

Hey, just hold it
there, Gloria.

Which unsavory tidbit
did she have

on our model family

that was worth
k*lling for?

And for setting Jason up
to suffer for your dirty work?

Gloria, stop it!

You callous son of a bitch!

For once in your life

you showed him some love

and it was just to make him
think he m*rder*d that girl.

Stop it, stop it!

I meant it.

I do want to help him.

in fact, we all
have to help him.

Pull together
as a family, right?

Protect the family whore!


that is enough!

No, it's just beginning.

Jason called earlier

and thanks to
his father's advice

he decided to confess
to the m*rder.


And they didn't
arrest him?


But obviously the press
wasn't notified.

Who are you calling?

Campaign headquarters.

I need some
press help fast.

We've got to find out
who k*lled that girl.

I don't care what that takes

Keep a low profile.

Let me...

... Handle this.

I will handle
things from now on.

You've done enough.
Thank you!

No matter how
you may feel

the most important thing
for us right now

is to present
a unified front.

Come on.

We've got to pull together
as a family.

Come here, baby.

Come here, come here,
come here.

Come here.

And contrary to press accounts

my son has been fully exonerated
of this heinous crime.

His mother and I

never doubted his innocence.

And we supported him fully
throughout his ordeal.

And today, we are overjoyed

that our faith in Jason
has been vindicated.

however, to allay
any lingering doubts

about Jason's involvement
in this crime

my family is committed %

to finding the real k*ller,
no matter what it takes

and I am offering, personally,
a $ , reward.

It's the same payoff
as Susie.

But this time,
who's he paying off?

Yeah, well,
it was news to me

we exonerated Jason.

We don't know
that's what he said.

Telling him
"no thanks" to a confession

could have been
interpreted that way.

But not by him.

No, no, Jason knows
he's at least guilty

of being an accomplice.

Yeah, at least
in his mind.

The more I
think about this

the more I believe

that his confession
was an honest account

of what he thinks

Or did happen.

If he was
really that drunk...

He could've mixed up
his facts.

Yeah, I know,
like what?

Apparently not remembering
there was a girl there?

Holly, if it was
three-way sex

maybe number three k*lled Brenda
after Jason flaked.

And the nameless lipstick trace
has "Paula" written all over it.

The go-to girl
probably handled
the clean up job...

Maybe to protect herself?


Hey, do you mind
taking her on alone?

I got to go hang out.




You invited me back.

Yeah, but on your day off.

How do you know it isn't?

It isn't.

Was I right about
the carburetor?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
you were right.


I wish you weren't a cop.

Would you feel different

if it wasn't for
your current problems?

Do I still have them?

You changed your mind
about my confessions?

If I did, it'd sure
upset your dad.

Oh, and his new plan

it's a big improvement
over the first one.

You think he's ever gonna
catch the real k*ller?

Why don't you back off,

Everybody believes me
but you.

Dad knows I k*lled Brenda.

He's the one who told me...

Yeah, he told you so.

You'd rather believe him
than stand up to him.

You're way out of line,

Yeah, maybe I am.

but you're the only one
who knows for sure, Jason.

You want to talk about it?


All right

you're on your own.

There's nothing I can do
to help you.

Hey, I tricked out this boat
on my own, remember?

Yeah, I say again,
that is amazing.

but maybe it's time you dealt
with something more complicated.

It's your call,

And it's a tough one.

Trust me, I know.

( Phone rings )

Price, homicide.

Hey, Michael.

Hey, Holly.

You talk to Paula?

No, not exactly.

( Police radio chatter )

Forensics got
a manufacturer's code

on the mystery
lipstick trace.

Matches the code
on Paula's.

But whether she
did the sanitizing

was in on the fun,
or both

her involvement
doesn't include m*rder.

No, and another
soft strangulation.

Got to figure the M.O.'S
not just a coincidence.

And... it was nearly two hours
after the press conference

that Jason showed up
at his boat, right?


Michael... look, come on

I know how
you feel about this thing

but this guy, man.

Oh... yeah, maybe this kid
does have me faked out.

But I can't buy that
he and Paula took off

for an s-and-m quickie
after the press conference.

Maybe she tried blackmail
on him or... somebody.

Maybe somebody's ready to talk.

We should check it out.



Susie, you have to
talk to us now.


Not with me. I got to go.

No, wait a minute.

Is this about
the gag order?

Because we can
handle that.

Yeah, we know about that

and the hundred grand

What did you have on Jason
to get hush money?

( Sighs )

Susie, remember
when I said

that you could
stop someone else

from getting hurt?

Well, another woman
was m*rder*d today.

Senator Hemmings'

Now, come on.

You don't want that
to happen again.

The senator's assis...

That, that Paula lady?


Yeah, how do you
know about her?

What, was she helping...

Or arranging...

The, uh,
settlement, maybe?

Susie, honey...

You've got to tell us
everything that happened

with Jason that night.

How much do you need to know?

( Sighs )

Please don't make me
tell you all the...



not all
the sexual details, just...

Did it get rough?

( Sighs )


But not at first, um...

Jason was nice and...

It was good, you know.

then he wanted...
To tie me to the bed.

So I said, "okay."

And then he, he blindfolded me.

And then, they went off
somewhere, I don't know.

And, and then someone
else came in?

It was awful.

They, they, um...

They, they grabbed me

and, and they wanted to
talk dirty to me, and...


Susie, who else was there?

The great senator Hemmings.

And his sicko girlfriend.


He b*at up on me.

( Crying )

And they made me do
these sick, disgusting things.

( Tearfully ):
They made me.

The sickest thing about him

is this whole self-righteous
save-the-family image.

I mean, damn it, Michael

the son of a bitch could
have been governor next week.

Hey, he still may be.

Susie's testimony alone

isn't close enough
to nailing this guy.

We need a half-dozen
more just as strong.

Maybe just one more.

If we get Jason
to back up her story

put Paula and Hemmings at
a couple more kinky sex parties

including the one
with Brenda Mathews.

Sure, he can, but we
don't know if he will.

And his father
doesn't know, either.

Yeah, we hit him
with the Susie story

and then play it
by ear from there.

And what if he doesn't break?

Well, I got a lot of
connections in Chicago P.D.

And I'll tell them I won't
come back without my partner.

( Chuckles ) Deal.

The truth, dad.

Isn't that what you always
want, what you stand for?

The truth?

Jason, I have
an address to give

in less
than minutes.

Answer me!

Son, I haven't k*lled anyone.

You lying son of a bitch.

You k*lled Brenda.

And then...

You tried to make me
believe I did it.

And it wasn't hard,
right, dad?

Because when you say it,
it must be true.

And you should believe it,

because whatever I've done

I have done for your sake
and the family's.



Nice father-son outings.

All the pimpings for you.

Warming them up for you.

Oh, Jason, Jason.

You said you enjoyed it.

It gave us time together.

You are one sick bastard,
you know that?

Jason, I'm sorry
that you're upset

but I'm not going
to miss this rally.

yeah, well...
No more rallies.

No more campaigns.

No anything
except the cell

you planned for me to spend
the rest of my life in.

You know, dad,
you've always worried

about me destroying you

and now I'm going to
do it... totally!

Take your hands off of me!

So what about Paula, huh?

What, did she thr*aten
to spill it all

or did you just have
a spare scarf?

For all I know,
Paula's off in some...

She's dead, dad!

And you k*lled her.

And if this call to Michael
doesn't get you for that

it sure as hell will
for Brenda's.

Jason, please don't do this.


You're just creating another
embarrassment for this family.

Michael price,

Jason... I did not...
k*ll... anyone.

I'll follow your lead with him.

'Cause I might insult
such a refined guy

with my tough
street cop talk.

( Laughing ):
Yeah, that's your problem.

You have no tact when it comes
to double murderers.

But you're a pretty good
judge of character.

I'm glad you were right
about Jason.

Thanks... but how right?

He may not be the k*ller

but he can finger
his dad as one.

That takes a lot of
character for anybody.


I don't know.

I, I think they left here
minutes ago.

And you're absolutely certain

that Jason was out cold.

I told you, yes!

He was slumped in the seat.

And grant's supposed to be
at a big rally-- he isn't.

What the hell's
going on?

Have you checked
all the places

that you think
they might be?

Well, I have calls
out everywhere.

Grant was all over town today.

He had rallies
and meetings...

Trying to deal
with Paula.

But why is Jason with him?

Wait a minute, what do you mean,
"trying to deal with Paula?"

Well, he fired the bitch.

Good riddance.

I don't know
if they worked it out later

probably they did.

He met with her?
When was this?


This afternoon, why?

Paula Houston has been
m*rder*d, Mrs. Hemmings.

And we have reason
to believe

that your husband
is implicated.

Good reason.

She threatened to talk

about his sick little trysts
with his secret pickups.

Their sick little trysts,
Mrs. Hemmings.

Did they happen to talk
about Susie Chen?

Or Brenda Mathews?

I made it a point not to hear
the gory details.

I guess we can
all figure them out now.

( Phone ringing )

( Beep )


Yes, thanks. ( Beep )

That's the surf and sand club.

Jason's car just pulled
into the Marina.

Get him away
from that bastard.

( Siren wailing )

Jason must have
confronted him.

So a tragic
boating accident

takes care of his
last big problem.

Yeah, and his own kid.

And public sympathy puts him
right over the top.

What a guy.

( Siren wailing in distance )

( Starter grinding )

( Starter grinding )

( Sirens wailing )

( Tires squealing )

( Helicopter whirring )

( Engine starts )

Let's go!

Right over there!

man on loudspeaker:
throttle down! This is
the United States coast guard.

Put down your w*apon.

Repeat-- put down your w*apon.

Throttle down immediately!

Okay, now!

Let's go.

Mom's going to meet me
down at Pensacola

once she gets
her head together.

She just needs some time
alone right now.

She found a really
nice, cheap place
down in the keys.

That's great.

I guess it's been a while

since she's had
to worry about money.

She didn't get anything
from the divorce.

No. Airtight prenuptial--
a Hemmings tradition.

Dad's relatives are only big
on family valuables.

dad's relatives?
But you're a Hemmings.

your inheritance
wasn't affected, right?

No, it wouldn't have been,
but I waived it.

This Hemmings gonna make
his own fortune.

a year to start--

not too bad
in my bankbook.

hey, most factory-team
boat designers don't make that.

Only the best ones.


Hey, you know, I'm gonna
be racing for the team.

You got to come down
and see me race.

Finally have that beer.

Yeah, sure.

make sure
it's on my day off.

Thank you.


Hey, Jase.

Watch your float levels.

Float levels?

Yeah, yeah

it's, uh, part of
the carburetor.

His levels were low.

Oh, yeah, well,
I'm not surprised.

Running with C.F.M.
Double pumpers

on small-block
Chevy engines?

Works a lot better
with Hemies.

( Michael laughing )