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06x02 - Help Wanted

Posted: 10/08/23 12:36
by bunniefuu
And you've been
with the L.A.P.D. now for?

- A little over five years.
- Really?

Hmm. It seems longer.

Before that you were with Atlanta...

...before that the D.C. police force?

- Is that right?
- Yes, it is.

You know, Captain Raydor,
I could probably be much more helpful...

...with your Internal Affairs investigation
if I knew what it was about.

You'd be surprised
how many people think that.

But the best way to help me really,
is to answer my questions... thoroughly as possible.
And now, you first met Chief Pope... Washington D.C. Is that correct?
- Yes, it is. Is he the subject of this...?

Can you tell me how and when
the two of you first met?

In March of 1997,
I became liaison officer...

...from the Department of State
to the D.C. police department...

...where Chief Pope was deputy chief.

And how was your working relationship
with Chief Pope?

Excellent. In fact, we got along so well,
that he convinced me... leave my job and join
the D.C. police department.

Gave me an excellent opportunity
to observe his leadership skills close up.

Because the two of you
were having an affair.

When you work the hours we do,
it's not unusual to find yourself...

...involved with a co-worker.
- Even a married one?

He didn't tell me he was married
when we first started seeing each other.

Of course, that does not make him
a bad candidate for chief of police.

You know how much longer
she'll be in there?

No. And don't touch the paint, please.

If it's up to the chief,
she's not gonna be in there long.

It's not a social call. Captain Raydor's
conducting some sort of investigation...

...for Internal Affairs.
- Oh, oh, oh. It's not an investigation.

It's a background check on Pope.
He wants to be the next chief of police.

IA's talking to everyone of rank
who works directly for him.


I'm sure I'll be next.


Ahem. You have your own office yet?


Captain, I'm finding these questions
extremely personal.

I assure you, if it were personal,
I would not be here. Now...

The intimate part of my relationship
with Chief Pope ended in D.C.

And is a matter of record, disclosed by
Chief Pope himself before I was hired.

But if Chief Pope created Major Crimes
specifically to bring you to Los Angeles...

Major Crimes was just another name
for a division...

...that had been in operation
for an entire year before I even arrived.

It was not created for me. It was
designed to prevent the department...

...from suffering another crisis like with
the O. J and Rampart investigations.

And to Chief Pope's credit, the division
is performing exactly as designed... you can see for yourself.
- Thank you, I'd love to see for myself.

You know, prior to this, you and I
have pursued parallel investigations.

But for me to really get a good look
at how Major Crimes operates...

...I do need to accompany you
on your next investigation. Fantastic.

- What did you say?
- What was I supposed to say, Will?

She's from Internal Affairs.
I had to say yes, didn't I?

Of course. Yeah. No, no, no. Yeah.
You did the right thing.

We have to think that Internal Affairs
interviewing my subordinates... early in the process
is good for me.

Raydor poking around my division with
her little rule book isn't good for me.

I've just been handed the perfect
opportunity for her to tag along...

...without causing too much trouble.
A special request from the mayor.

What about?

His friends, Melissa and Gregory Disken,
have reported their nanny missing.

They're hoping I'll babysit?

Did you not hear the word
"mayor" in all that?

Look, this special request gives me
an opportunity for daily updates...

...with the man who will pick the next
chief of police. So quit complaining...

...and see this as a huge opportunity.
- For you.

For us.

The city's out of money. The department
is working one week on, one week off.

They've already split up Metro Division.

Only thing stopping Major Crimes from
being chopped up and sold is me.

So find the nanny,
impress Captain Raydor...

...let's have something good
to tell the mayor.

So this nanny, this Adrianna Gomez,
how long she been missing?

Almost 36 hours.

Oh, Will. That isn't even long enough
to file a missing persons report.

Feel free to lodge a complaint with my
office after I'm sworn in for five years.

How am I supposed to explain
this investigation to Raydor?

What's she gonna ask?

Now, how exactly does tracking down
someone's nanny...

...qualify as a major crime?

- I ask as a purely neutral observer.
- Pope feels this may end up being...

...a critical missing
and I'm going to treat it that way.

What are you writing down?

Dad, it's the cops.

Please, come in.

You can have a seat in here.
You'll have to excuse the mess.

Things have sort of fallen apart
since Adrianna left.

Four kids and only one nanny.

Oh, God, I'm sorry.
That sounds horrible.

Melissa and I both work, so without
Adrianna, we're playing catch-up...

...on all the kids' activities. Especially
since they're out of school for summer.

Avery, take Violet to the media room
and put on a movie for your sisters.

- But, Dad, I wanna help find Adrianna...
- Avery, do what I tell you to do. Okay?

Please, sit down.

So, I take it y'all still haven't heard
from Adrianna?

I tried her home number and then
her cell and there was no answer.

She didn't show up for work yesterday
or today. It's really not like her at all.

Listen, Chief Johnson,
I'm sure Adrianna's fine.

I think we're just overreacting.

It's my fault. Greg didn't know
that I'd called the mayor.

I'm sorry, are you saying that you
requested L.A.P.D. help from the mayor?

Your anxiety is understandable. It's
good to use caution in these situations.

But you're right,
there probably is a logical explanation.

Oh, yes. I wouldn't worry.
When an adult hasn't been heard from...

...for a day-and-a-half,
it's usually not a critical missing.

But we're here,
so better to be safe than sorry.

Tell me, Mr. and Mrs. Disken,
does Adrianna speak English?

Excuse me, chief. You know
the L.A.P.D. is not allowed to ask...

...a person's immigration status.
- I asked if she speaks English.

She does. Perfectly. And she's
a citizen, so that's not an issue.

We pay all her social security taxes.
Mayor's a friend.

- I'm not going to embarrass him.
- All right, then, Mr. Disken.

And how long
have y'all known Adrianna?

She started working for us
right after Avery was born. He's 11.

Does Adrianna
have any family around here?

Is she married or have a boyfriend?

I think she's seeing someone.

His name is David or Diego.

It's Daniel, Mom.
And they broke up last year.

- Avery, what did I tell you?
- Adrianna's in trouble, Dad.

- We don't know her life, son.
- I do.

The last time we were with her,
everything was fine.

Adrianna wouldn't just not come back.
She wouldn't.

Excuse me. Hello?

Sweetie, do you wanna come talk
to the police?

Avery's been very upset
since Adrianna left.

And how lucky she is
that you're here to help us.

Tell me, Avery, the last time
you and your sister saw Adrianna...

...did you notice anything unusual?

No. We were together all day
and she only talked to us...

...and my friends Griffin and Ruben,
and a couple other nannies at the park.

But that was it.

Mrs. Disken,
do you know where Adrianna lives?

God, I don't. I'm sorry, I...

Wow, she's been with us almost 12 years
and I don't know where she lives, huh?

But Greg has driven her home
a few times.

Only when she stayed late
and didn't wanna take the bus.

- I suppose I can show you where it is.
- Why don't you just give us the address?


Adrianna Gomez, born in Mexico City.

Got her green card in '96. Became
a naturalized citizen three years ago.

- Gregory wasn't lying about that.
- Wouldn't wanna embarrass the mayor...

...who I imagine is the reason Chief Pope
designated this missing nanny... a major crime to begin with.
- Thank you for your neutral assessment.

- Go on, lieutenant.
- This is Adrianna's only known address.

- Though she's not answering the door.
- Landlord lives in Malibu.

He can meet us here,
but it's gonna take awhile.

No sense in loitering.

- Chief?
- Yes, captain, what is it?

You're going to enter a private residence
without a search warrant?

- No. I'm doing a public safety check.
- A public safety check?

Whether or not you agree,
this is still a critical missing.

And it is my duty
to enter the premises...

...if I suspect that a member
of the public is not safe.

Detective Sanchez?

Yoo-hoo. Adrianna?



- Oh.
- Oh.

I ran a master search
on Adrianna Gomez.

No criminal record, no warrants,
not even a ticket.

And Adrianna's landlord
faxed over her rental agreement.

She didn't list any family.

Detective Sanchez, any other
murders like this one in the area?

Hardly any crimes at all.
This isn't gangland, chief.

These are real tightknit,
hard-working people.

If it was a home invasion,
Adrianna must've let her attacker in.

There was no sign of forced entry.

Maybe not into her apartment. But
there was definitely forced entry here.

She was r*ped?

Brutally. The tearing and bruising are...

Pardon me. It's just...
Some things here you never get used to.

If you come around the table.

Look here, here and here.

These cutaneous lesions,
electrical burns.

- He used a stun g*n.
- Yeah. He did.

- She'd have been totally incapacitated.
- Oh, God.

- Cause of death?
- Extensive cranial hemorrhaging.

After he r*ped her,
he beat her to death.

Wait, wait. So this guy immobilized her,
sexually assaulted her...

...and then let her get dressed
before k*lling her?

Something must've set him off
after he r*ped her. A lot of rage here.

The only decent news? He left
a good DNA sample for the r*pe kit.

Maybe you could find a match
to other sexual assaults.

Thank you. Let's notify the family.

What family?

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

What are we gonna tell the kids?

- Do you have any idea who did this?
- The investigation is ongoing, sir.

- But we could really use your help.
- What else can we do?

Most r*pe victims know their assailants.
If there was anyone in Adrianna's life...

We're the wrong people
to be asking. I...

If we could learn more about Adrianna,
how she spent her last day...

...that might give us some clues.
- Oh, God.

I just feel like I should've known.

You know, I should've known
if she was having problems.

- I should've spoken to her more.
- Well, speak for her now.

Tuesday morning, I assume that she
took the bus, like she always did.

You know, it lets her out
at the bottom of our street.

The Diskens are friends of the mayor.

Tell me she's not treating them
like suspects.

Well, they're not in an interview room,
now are they?

Does Chief Pope know about this?

Adrianna was wonderful. She was.
I mean, she would get the kids home...

...and get them bathed
and into their jammies, usually by 6.

I mean, I'm always home
for dinner and bedtime. Always.

So I guess that she left around seven.

And what time did you get home
from work, Mr. Disken?


I don't remember exactly. I was
driving home, I got stuck in traffic... probably 8:30, 9. Give or take.

That's all for now.
Thank y'all so much for coming in.

And I'm so sorry for your loss.

Come on, Mel. I'll take you home.

Oh. Excuse me, captain.

Lieutenant Provenza,
tomorrow morning, I'd like the squad... retrace every step
of Adrianna's last day.

Confirm the facts, see if you find
someone who knew her...

...or anyone who might've seen
something that might help us.

Thank you.

Um... Chief, ahem,
correct me if I'm wrong...

...Gregory Disken clearly didn't want
his wife calling in any favors...

...his alibi is weak
and he didn't wanna be here.

So while your squad
is out looking for leads...

...your main suspect
just walked through the door.

Lieutenant Tao,
he was sitting on the left.

I'm gonna cut a hole
from the bottom of this bottle...

...drain the water
as to not contaminate the top.

Like so.

Air this out and we'll have
a perfect DNA sample of Mr. Disken.

Thank you so much, lieutenant.

- Hmm.
- Yes, captain. "Hmm."

We all know what this investigation
of yours is about.

I'd just like to know how questioning
my methods relates to Chief Pope.

You will, eventually. I'd very much like
to accompany your division...

...on their field trip tomorrow,
if you have no objections.

Hola, Adrianna.

If I remember correctly, the Diskens
live about a half-mile up that hill.

And if Adrianna was on time the way
the Diskens said she was...

...these would be her bus mates.
- That's kind of a long walk...

...for some of these women.

- Hi. Do you know her, se?ora?
- No.

- Adrianna Gomez? Do you know her?
- No.

Se?ora, do you know her?
Adrianna Gomez?

Do you know her? Adrianna Gomez.

Adrianna. I ride home with her a lot.

Was she on the bus with you
Tuesday night? Three days ago?

No. No. I have not seen her since
Monday, but sometimes she gets a ride.

Her boss is nicer than mine.

So that's what makes
Gregory Disken a suspect?

He sometimes offers his housekeeper
a ride home?

How did you even find out about this?

Commander, you need
to get your own office.

I couldn't agree more, chief.

Aside from his basic human kindness,
what connects Disken to this m*rder?

It's too early to say.
Once we establish his alibi...

...and whether he owns a stun g*n...
- Oh, God, tell me you're kidding.

What am I to say
when I update the mayor?

That we can eliminate
his friend as a suspect...

...once we get the results back
from his DNA sample.

- You took his DNA?
- Without his knowledge.

If it doesn't match,
he's in the clear and none the wiser.

Remember when this was supposed
to be an opportunity for me?

Come in.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Yes, detective. What is it?

We have two more victims.

So we now have three sexual assaults
by the same suspect?

And the DNA from Adrianna Gomez's
r*pe kit got two hits.

The first came from an emergency room
at USC Hospital about three months ago.

Report says r*pe victim, Hispanic,
early 30s, was treated and released.

She also had wounds
consistent with a stun g*n.

- Could she identify her attacker?
- No. And she refused to file a complaint.

And what about the second victim?

Second victim was a walk-in at the r*pe
treatment center about six weeks ago.

She also refused to give any info.
Still waiting for the incident report...

...from P.D. Hoping we'll
at least get the victim's name.

Lieutenant Tao,
would you please call the lab...

...find out how much longer we have to
wait for Gregory Disken's DNA results?

Tell them it's for Chief Pope.

Chief, do you often use the name of a
male supervisor to get what you need?

Of course. Don't you? Okay.

Detective Gabriel, let's do this in order.

What's the name of the first victim?
The one from the ER at USC Hospital?

Lupe Nava. No social
security number, no driver's license.

- And where does she live?
- Um...

She left that part blank,
but Lupe does give her work address.

The home of a Mr. Jeffrey Walters.

Same zip code as the Diskens.

- Another nanny?
- The suspect has a type.

Yeah, but why would Lupe give her
work address and not her own?

Maybe she's a live-in?

No, Lupe never lived here.

I haven't seen or heard from her
in over a month.

This is the only picture I could find.

- Thank you.
- Welcome.

And you have no idea
what happened to Lupe, Mr. Walters?

No. She just suddenly
stopped showing up for work.

No warning. Right before my kid starts
summer break. Thank you very much.

I called her on her phone,
out of service. Classic stuff.

I'm a single parent,
really left me hanging.

I see you've found a replacement.


I went through dozens of girls
to find one I could stand. It wasn't easy.

Excuse me, chief.

Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, what the hell was that?

Excuse me, what the hell was that?

Sir, ahem, do either of these people
look familiar to you?

Uh... No, they don't.

I don't mean to come off like a jerk,
but this is starting to feel serious.

- Maybe I should talk to my attorney.
- Do you feel you need to?

No, I don't feel I need to do that.

But if Lupe did something illegal,
I had nothing to do with it, okay?

And I don't wanna be involved.
Maybe you could talk to somebody else.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience,
Mr. Walters...

...but you're the only contact information
Lupe left behind after she was r*ped.

Uh... Sh...

Three months ago your nanny was
the victim of a brutal sexual as*ault.

I didn't... I didn't know. I...

- That's awful.
- It appears to be the work...

...of a serial r*pist whose last victim
was found dead in her home.

So it'd mean a lot to us
if you could help us find Lupe.

Hey, I understand,
but, you know, like I said...

...I have no idea
where she lives. Sorry.

Lieutenant Flynn, what can you
tell me about Jeff Walters?

He's a talent agent,
so we know he's an assh*le.

Other than that, he's clean, chief.

I took the photos of Lupe Nava
and Jeff Walters and I went over...

...Adrianna Gomez's daily route again
and nobody recognized them.

There's gotta be some connection
among these women.

We need to find out what it is.

In the mean time, I got no hits
at the morgue for Lupe Nava...

...or any Juanita Doe who matches
her description, which is good news.

She couldn't have just disappeared.

I'll call Fritz to see if he can locate her
from the federal immigration rolls.

- Something interesting, captain?
- I was just thinking how difficult... can be to get federal assistance
for an L.A.P.D. investigation.

And what an asset it is
to be married to an FBI agent.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Chief? We found the third r*pe victim.

Her name is Marisol Guittierez.

- In the morgue?
- No, actually...

...she's in the interview room
with Lieutenant Tao.

I was able to get her address
from Santa Monica P.D.

And, um, she's a nanny.

Lieutenant, since she's not a suspect,
I can move the lens.

So do you think I should grab
a few freeze frames?

She won't be staying to pose
for pictures.

Fire when ready, Buzz.

Should I ask Detective Sanchez
to come in?

No. She speaks English,
if you can get her to talk.


Hi, Marisol.

I'm Brenda.

So sorry to make you
come down here today.

No one likes to be here, I know.

Now, I want you to understand
that you're not in any trouble.

And everything you say in this room
is completely confidential.

I don't know nothing.

Please. Do not send me back.

Please. Do not send me back.

How you came into this country
is none of my business.

All I care about
is finding the man who hurt you.

So he can't ever hurt anyone else.
Because that's what he's doing, Marisol.

He's hurting people.

Now, do you recognize
either of these women?


This is Adrianna.

She's a nanny, just like you.

A few days ago,
someone entered her home...

...tortured her with a stun g*n
and then he r*ped her.

This is Lupe Nava.

She's a nanny too.

Three months ago she also was att*cked
with a stun g*n and r*ped.

Now, the man who did this
to these women... the same man who assaulted you.
We know this now.

I'm sorry.

Do any of these men
look familiar to you?

Marisol, please.

Help me stop the monster
who did this.


Marisol, who did this to you?

I don't know nothing.

I don't know nothing.

Federal immigration reports
for the past six months.

There are 243 Lupes, Guadalupes
and Lupitas with the last name Nava... in Los Angeles county.
- Oh, great.

Fortunately for you, only five of them
fit the description of your r*pe victim.

May I see your Lupe Nava?

Two suspects, one dead nanny, another
one who's vanished, possibly dead...

...and one who's too scared
to talk to me.

And all this with Captain Raydor
watching my every move. Ugh. That woman.

Hey, hey, hey.

Your lucky day.

Oh, Fritzy.

Jeff Walters' missing nanny. Thank you.
I need to talk to her in the worst way.

Oh, maybe not so lucky. According
to immigration and customs...

...Lupe Nava was deported
a month and a half ago.

- To where?
- Mexico.

Yep, that's her. Guadalupe Nava.

I handled her A file.

Fairly ordinary case,
from what I remember.

Do you recall if Miss Nava
reported being r*ped?

Uh... Yes. Actually, she did.

Excuse me, Agent Meyers,
but exactly what about sexual as*ault...

...makes this case ordinary?
- There are over a million illegal aliens... in L.A. County. When they
end up here, they will say anything...

...and I mean anything,
to avoid removal...

...including that they were victims
of some crime.

- So you assumed that Lupe was lying?
- Yes.

But that didn't stop me
from checking out her story, okay?

Now, I called the DA's office to see
if there was a criminal r*pe case file...

...with her name on it and there wasn't.
And she waived a hearing...

...opted for voluntary departure,
which was another reason...

...why I didn't buy this r*pe claim.

Don't tell me.

She was telling the truth?

She really was r*ped?

Along with two others
that we know about.

Marisol Guittierez and Adrianna Gomez,
who we found m*rder*d.

You have to understand. If she pushed
this, I would've gotten an investigator...

...down here right away.
She could've fought this.

Let me ask you. How did Lupe wind up
in front of you in the first place?

She was reported by her employer.

Jeffrey Walters.

You want his address?

I have it.

I have a warrant to search for items...

...belonging to Lupe Nava and other
evidence related to her disappearance.

Own a stun g*n?

- What?
- Why didn't you tell me... were having sex with Lupe?
- What?

I suppose r*pe doesn't have
to do with sex.

- She says I r*ped her?
- She didn't say anything...

...because you had her deported.
- All right, just hold on one second.

- I never laid a hand on Lupe, all right?
- You wouldn't mind giving us...

...a swab from your cheek then?
- Dad?

- Hey, sweetie. Everything's fine.
- Detective Sanchez...

...would you take Mr. Walters' son
outside for a moment?

I'll be right there, okay?

This is Agent Fritz Howard of the FBI.
He has a few questions for you.

- About what?
- Making false statements... a federal agency,
then we can move on to violating...

...the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Chief, your suspect went that way.

Children know more
about their nannies than anyone.

So, tell me, Leo,
the last time you saw Lupe...

...did she seem worried
or upset to you?

No. I mean, she was the same.

We just went to the park, like always.

Who'd you see at the park?

No one, really. None of my friends
really go there anymore.

- Why not?
- Well, I mean, Jeremy...

...he's with his family in England
and Ollie went to a baseball camp.

I don't know what the heck
happened to Ruben.

- Excuse me, did you say Ruben?
- Uh-huh.

Think it's the same Ruben
Avery was talking about?

His friend from the park?

You ever see this kid before?
His name is Avery.

Um... No. Uh-uh.

Detective Sanchez, would you
please call Agent Meyers at ICE...

...and see if he has a Ruben in his files?
Thank you.

Leo, can you tell us
how to find Ruben?

No, I don't have his phone number
or anything.

But we're Facebook friends.

Is Adrianna okay?

Did you guys find her?

We're trying to locate
her family in Mexico.

Avery, how old is Ruben?

My age, I guess.
Maybe a little bit younger.

Adrianna wouldn't go back to Mexico...

- What's going on?
- Mr. Disken. Hello...

- You have no right to barge in here.
- Your wife let us in. Come on.

- It's okay. Dad is just concerned, okay?
- I know, I know.

This has gone way too far.
You cannot bring the children into this.

- We haven't told them about Adrianna.
- Neither have I. I assure you...

You are not hearing me. Get your
people out of my son's room now!

I'm close to solving this. If you interfere
with me any more, I'll arrest you.

I have an FBI agent
at the home of another suspect.

- I'd be happy to do the same for you.
- What makes me a suspect?

Well, you certainly have a lot of rage.
That fits the bill.

Now, stand out here
and be very, very quiet.

It's all right, go on.

Ruben hasn't updated his status
in a long time, but here he is.

Now, the profile just says Ruben?
Do you know his last name?

Uh-uh. He never told me.
This is his photo page.

Who's that?

- Ruben's dad, I guess.
- Oh, my...

Sanchez, were you able
to contact Agent Meyers about Ruben?

Wasn't in the office.
I left a message on his cell.

Do you want me to try his house?

Agent Meyers? Deputy Chief Johnson.
Is now a good time?

Agent Meyers?

In here.

- Go away. Get out.
- It's okay.

It's okay. Don't move.
It's okay. Don't move.

Chief, darts from a stun g*n.

- You can't be here. Get out.
- Ruben, it's okay.

- We're the police. We're here to help.
- I'm already in trouble.

- Who are you in trouble with?
- My dad.

I'll call paramedics.

Ruben, can you tell me
where your dad went?

No, he took the van from work,
he's gone.

Detective Sanchez,
stay here until paramedics arrive.

- Chief, Meyers is not here.
- Of course not.

Ugh! I told him everything I know
about the case.

Slow. Easy, easy.

Think, think, think.
Where did he go? Where did he go?

- Meyers was targeting illegal aliens.
- But Adrianna was an American citizen...

That's why he k*lled her.
He couldn't silence her with deportation.

- Oh, my God. He's going after Marisol.
- Why bother? We have his DNA.

That's the one thing I didn't tell him.
And he's really angry.

No, Fritz. You're only five
or six blocks away.

- Left on Valley Ridge.
- This time of night, gonna take SWAT... hour to get in position.
Assuming he's here.

- He is. There's his van.
- All right. Tao, Flynn, box him in now.

Let's go.

Hey, chief, get back!
Get back. Get back!

Back away! Back away!

- Back away.
- Drop your w*apon and let her go now!

Okay, okay, okay.
Let's not do anything stupid.

- I am serious. Move your cars now.
- Let her go, and then we can talk, okay?

I'm not standing
around waiting for SWAT.

Move your cars
or I will put a b*llet in her head.

- Chief, back up!
- Look, look.

Let's just keep our cool. Okay?

All units. All units...

Move your cars now or I will blow
her brains all over this sidewalk.

- Shut up!
- Three officers in jeopardy.

Evac unit in need of help...

- Help me.
- Shut up.

- We need r*fles.
- Back up.

- Chief, back up.
- Agent Meyers, let's just calm down.

Let's just keep our cool.
We can walk away peacefully.

Just move your cars
and back away now. Back away now.

Back away.

- Shut up.
- There's one way...

...for us to get out of here alive.
That is for you to drop your w*apon...

...and come with me.
- Back up.

I will let her go when I am out of here.

- This is not a negotiation, Agent Meyers.
- Drop it!

If you sh**t her, we will k*ll you.
If you run, we will k*ll you.

If you do not drop your w*apon,
we will k*ll you.

Let her go and get down
on the ground. Now!

If I'm gonna die, then I am taking
this w*tback with me.

And maybe you too. Now back off!

This is your last chance.

Let her go!

Shut up. Shut up!


Brenda. Brenda!


- Brenda!
- I'm okay.

Okay? Okay? You almost got yourself
k*lled. Never, ever do that again!

- You hear me? Never.
- Chief!

You're all right.

Wheelchair request Room 3.

Wheelchair request Room 3.

How is he?


Get this, when Ruben was hanging out
with those other kids at the park...

...he thought he was doing
undercover work. Identifying illegals.

And his dad would r*pe them.

You sure that he didn't know
what was going on?

He has bruises.

They're older than the ones
he got today. Okay?


Any word about his mother?

All Ruben remembers
is about four years ago...

...took a family trip down to Tijuana
and they left without her.

All right.


Better call in Children Services.

Sir, if he goes into the system,
they're gonna put him on a list.

They're not gonna try
to find his mother for months...

Finding his mom comes later.

Now, detective, right now, this
kid needs someone to look after him.


...if you want, stay with him until the
Children's Services people show up.

Oh, Captain Raydor, come in.

I just wanted to say thank you. Since
your husband neutralized Joe Meyers...

...the FBI gets to do
all the after-action clean up.

All of Internal Affairs
owes you a huge favor.

Well, any chance I can get
to make your life a little easier.

And you showed great bravery.

Well, thank you.
But credit goes to all of Major Crimes.

And of course, Chief Pope.

By the way, I think you'll be pleased to
know I've completed my investigation.

Oh. Finished your background
on Chief Pope?

I didn't say I was doing
a background check on Chief Pope.

As the L.A.P.D.'s Women's Coordinator...

...I am on the search committee
for our new boss.

The mayor and the Police Commission
want a strong female candidate in the mix.

You are the highest ranking woman
in the department now, so...

What's this?

It's an application.
For the chief of the L.A.P.D.

All candidates need to get one
in within the next two weeks.

I see it's already been
filled out for me.

All it needs is your signature.

From our conversations, I gather
that you're still very close to Chief Pope.

I do hope
that this incredible opportunity...

...doesn't cause any friction
between the two of you.

Two weeks, Chief Johnson.

Chief of police?