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06x04 - Layover

Posted: 10/08/23 12:38
by bunniefuu
So it's my first death notification
and I'm a little nervous.

- Mm-hm.
- "Sorry about what happened...

to your grandpa, here's my
card," you know: blah blah, blah.

Anyway, I'm about halfway out the
door when my partner, Ray, says to me:

"Hey, knucklehead, before
they show up to see the body...

you maybe wanna go
inside and tell the family...

that grandpa is
missing his head."

The grandfather had no head.

That's too much.

So I'm sure you two don't date
all of your first class passengers.

Oh, no. No.

Just the cute ones.

Are you enjoying the drive?
Because if you're tired...

Oh, not at all, darling.
I could go all night.

- Ooh.
- Ha, ha.

Your destination is ahead.

The skies look very friendly.

You got everything you need?


- My friend Ryan's in the guest room.
- Oh. Shh.

- Do you know how to be quiet?
- I think so.

Well, that's too bad. Because
I only know how to be loud.

Whoa. I love the bovine motif.

- Do you?
- Yeah.

I think I may have been
a cow in another life.

Oh. Ha, ha.

Hey, how about a
little moo-sage, hmm?

There's baby oil
in the bathroom.

Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes.

Baby oil. Baby oil. Ha, ha.

Fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes. Heh.

Hey, Mr. Policeman.

What do you think about
these? Hmm? Ha, ha.

- How would you feel about a real pair?
- What?

Your friend Ryan.

Is he about 6 feet tall? Lots
of tattoos? Not so talkative?


Oh, my God. Who is that?

You really don't know him?


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

It's 93 degrees.

So, uh, there's no
sign of forced entry...

suggesting that Ryan Wade either
opened the door for the victim...

or he possibly picked
him up for a hook up.

Really? People still pick up
strangers for sex in this day and age?

All right. Ma'am...

was Ryan the sort to
bring home someone...

like the man dead
in the bathtub?

I don't know.

I mean, I can't say.

Which is it? Don't
know, or can't say?

I barely know Ryan. But if I ever
thought he'd bring a man like that home...

I never would have
given him the key.

Lieutenant, rather
than just sit here...

why don't you get up
and join the investigation?

Ahem. You know, chief, I don't think
standing up is such a good idea right now.

Chief? Victim's got no ID. Coroner's
investigator says he's almost full lividity.

Liver temperature's 93 degrees
placing time of death around 9 p.m.

- That's good news.
- Why?

The girls came back
here after our flight...

but by 8 p.m., we were all out
having dinner at Musso and Frank's.

Yes, lieutenant, it's
always good news...

when suspects in a homicide
can point to us for their alibi.

Also, chief, our k*ller left big stubby
fingerprints practically everywhere.

Ahem. Well, uh, some of
those fingerprints might be...

ahem, mine.

Two hands on the sink?

Palm on the mirror?

- Not the m*rder w*apon?
- Yes, aah! Yes.

All right? Look, at first I didn't
know I was in a crime scene...

and I didn't clean
up after myself...

because I didn't wanna run the
risk of wiping away the k*ller's prints.

My actions throughout have been
as highly professional as always.

Chief, do you want me to
book these into evidence?


I'll run everything including our
Juan Doe's prints through AFIS.

To be clear, we're calling
this a major crime because...?

Look, whenever a member of
my division stumbles on a body...

it is automatically
a major crime.

All right. Uh, Detective
Gabriel, with me to the morgue.

And Lieutenants Flynn and Provenza,
let's take our suspects downtown...

read their rights, keep
them happy and talking.

Easy. We were keeping
them happy and talking before.


Ashley believes that she might
have been a cow in a previous life.

Can you stand up yet?

Give me five minutes, would you?

Fine but according to the ad, soon
you're gonna have to call a doctor.

The second cervical vertebrae
is shattered, cause paralysis...

of the diaphragm
and instant suffocation.

Wait. Are you saying the k*ller broke
this guy's neck with a baseball bat?

Doubtful. I mean, an athlete with
your physique could have done that.

From what I can see, the
person you're looking for...

wasn't picked
first in gym class.

- I count 83 bruises...
- Hello? Gabriel here.

Suggesting the assailant
closed their eyes and swung.

Looks to me like Juan broke his
neck when he tripped in the tub.

I'm not sure I'd
call this a m*rder.

Seems to me more like, uh, accidental death
in the middle of someone else's hissy fit.

Okay. I will let her know.

Chief, AFIS
identified our victim.

Jose Coto. He's got
numerous arrests for narcotics...

and connections to a local
up and coming drug ring.

Thank you. So the
baseball bat didn't k*ll him?

No. Though it probably really annoyed
him as he was dying from a broken neck.


Anyway, name was Ray Hodge...

and he was about to drop dead
because he weighed about 900 pounds.

So how does a criminal with
a drug history end up dead...

in the bathroom of a
stewardess's condo?

Uh, I think they're called
flight attendants now, chief.


We searched Ashley's
condo. No dr*gs or cash.

But we found the missing flight
attendant, Wade's, cell phone.

And it was on,
no incoming calls.

Okay. I'd like the apartment gone over
again, please. This time by drug dogs.

- Detective Gabriel?
- Uh, yes.

Chief, Wade made
about $30,000 last year.

Most of it from Colonial Airlines.
And I see no signs of money trouble.

- And what about the women?
- Well, I, uh, haven't done their financials yet.

But, um, neither one of
them have criminal records.

Thank you so much.

I know what a casket's
supposed to weigh.

And this was really heavy.
- Ha, ha.

Oh. Huh.

Now, how we all doing?

We're tired. Y'all are treating
us like we had something to do...

with whatever happened
to that bang-ganger.

For all we know, your
acquaintance, Ryan Wade...

is out on some kind
of murderous rampage.

What if we sent you home and he k*lled
you too. How would that make us look?

- Maybe somebody kidnapped Ryan.
- Mm-hm.

Now, who would do that?

Obviously, you don't
watch the news...

because if you did you'd know
that there are all kinds of people...

doing all sorts of terrible
things for no reason whatsoever.

- That's true.
- Yeah.

You know, this is what
I get for being nice.

I know.

The only reason I even offered Ryan
my guest room was so he didn't have to...

- spend the night in that trailer.
- Oh, God.

What trailer?

Flight crews don't get layovers
at fancy hotels anymore.

Between trips, nearly
everyone has to stay here.

Hey, Don.

Remember that landing on
Puget Sound about five years back?

The hero pilot? Captain Don
Ellis. Retired Air Force lieutenant.

- He lives here now?
- Yeah. Ten days a month.

Can't beat the price and
if you need a shower...

you can always use the
24-hour fitness around the corner.

Good morning, Margie.

You on a first-name
basis with everybody here?

Yeah. Pretty much. I'm kind of
the unofficial "mayor" of Lot B.

Uh... Oh, this is the
one you're looking for.

This is where Ryan
Wade would be staying.



We've got a warrant. Go for it.


Oh. We found the
missing flight attendant.

Ginger thinks there may
have been dr*gs here.

I'm guessing whoever shot
him didn't need a sil*ncer.

To be fair, commander, your
new office isn't really a cubicle.

It's more like a...


It has no door.

Well, as you know,
many layoffs are coming...

and hopefully when
space opens up...

we can find you an
office more to your liking.

Thank you, chief.

Thirty years on the
force and I get a cubicle.

A cubicle.

More complaints
about the building?

And how can I help you?

Major Crimes has begun a m*rder
investigation that appears drug-related.

- We could use help.
- Can't.

Since we started asking
for full financial disclosure...

from Narcotics detectives,
they've transferred.

One of the many things
I'll fix when I'm chief.

What's your case about, anyway?

Ah. Well, before you get angry, last
night Lieutenants Flynn and Provenza...

Yeah. Already angry.

- Ah. What have they done?
- While escorting a fugitive...

back from Dallas, they struck up a
date with a couple of stewardesses.

- What is this? The '70s?
- Accompanying his date to her condo...

Lieutenant Provenza found the body of
a known drug trafficker in the bathroom.

Another colleague staying there
was missing, but has turned up.

Okay. Well, that's good.

Only he turned up dead.

In a trailer where dr*gs had
been present but couldn't be found.

Okay, so we have missing
dr*gs and two dead bodies.

- Any suspects?
- Only the women...

with Lieutenants Flynn and Provenza
during the time of the first death.

Ah, Flynn and Provenza.

Ah. Do you have any idea how
difficult it is to explain this behavior...

when you're applying
to be chief of police?

I might.

What does that mean?

I've been drafted to apply
for the chief's position.

Believe me, it wasn't my idea.

Drafted? Who
exactly drafted you?

L.A.P.D. women's
coordinator, Capt. Raydor.

She was concerned
that female officers...

from within the department
weren't applying.

I need a day to
think about this.


I said I need a day
to think about this.

Considering I hired
you, brought you here...

and backed you in every confrontation
you've provoked over five years...

I don't think that's too
much to ask, do you?

Fine, we'll talk
about it tomorrow.

Uh, what about my request
for Narcotics officers?


Fine. We'll do what we can.

I hope my inability to conduct
this investigation properly...

doesn't end up
reflecting poorly on you.

Chief, I need to talk to you
about this cubicle business.

I'll be happy to discuss
your workspace...

just as soon as I sort out
my double homicide. Thanks.

Buzz, have our
guests said anything?

Do you have any interest in
bronzer, lip gloss or waxing?

Uh, Detective Gabriel, anything
from the canine unit at the condo?

Uh, yes. Just like in the
trailer, the dogs went crazy.

And just like in the trailer,
no narcotics were found.

Chief, I've gone over
all the flight logs...

from all the trips that Ashley and Linda
worked on during the past two years.

It looks like they flew with
Ryan Wade over 90 times.

So much for your girlfriend barely
knowing her dead house guest.

Whoa. Chief, just because
they worked together...

doesn't mean that
they knew each other.

I mean, you think I have a clue
as to what Buzz does off the clock?

Something else. Morgue went through
our dead flight attendant's pockets...

and found his key. Given
that the k*ller locked the door...

They must have had
their own key. Thank you.

Hey, chief? Jose Coto,
the dead guy at the condo?

Turns out the feds had a flag on
him. We traded calls with the bureau...

and there's an agent who
would like a word with you.

Oh, just one second.

Look, no matter what, Ryan
Wade didn't sh**t himself.

So there's still at least
one k*ller outstanding.

I wanna know everything
the women know.

But, chief, look. I'm as
anxious to close this as you are.

But Ashley and Linda, these
are very respectable ladies.

- Flynn, back me up here.
- Sure thing. Chief...

did we meet these girls yesterday?
Absolutely. Do we know them? Hardly.

Would I stake my reputation on
their being on the up and up? No.

- Is it possible that...?
- Way to back me up, Flynn.

And this dead Ryan guy, I mean,
he could be mixed up with anybody.

Lieutenant, has it
even occurred to you...

that these women asked you
out because they were using you?

What? That's crazy.

I won't even dignify
that with a response.

I know what's what, and
these girls are crazy about us.

Is that so hard to believe?

I'm so sorry. I've been running all
over and I should have called to say...

that this m*rder, now two murders,
is taking a lot longer than I expected.

Oh, you've only just begun.

Meet Miguel Diaz from Honduras.

He owns a freight business
here, which we suspected...

was enabling a
growing drug operation.

Jose Coto, the guy you found
last night, also from Honduras...

was one of Diaz's drivers.

Now he shows up dead in
a flight attendant's condo...

- and suddenly it all makes sense.
- Diaz's freight business is a front.

Let's him launder money while
serving as a decoy for drug smuggling.

Which we now believe is
handled by airline personnel.

Today, Diaz has one less
operative working for him.

And I got two down the hall
who I think are ready to spill.

- I'll let you know what I find out.
- Actually, Brenda...


I've been sent here...

to wheedle my way
into your investigation.

This is me wheedling.

Well, we are short-handed
when it comes to Narcotics.

Would you be helping solve my
case or I be helping solve yours?

Is it impossible that we could
work this out happily together?


But I'm willing to try.

Oh, well, that's great news.

Now, if you think these
two women are involved...

I don't see any rush to break
them. We hold onto them for a day.

- Are you asking me to wait a day?
- Is that a problem?

Yes, it is.

I have a better idea.

We've got orange
juice, coffee, Sprite.

Uh, do you have Diet Coke?

Uh, will Diet Pepsi do?

- Gotten anything out of the girls yet?
- No, but the girls have gotten plenty.

Oh, chief, we'll clear
this stuff away for you.

Uh, actually, lieutenant, I'd
appreciate it if y'all would just get out.

Get out. Get out. Get out.

Thank you so much.

Well, let me start by saying...

that my officers have made
some surprising discoveries.

Ashley, you may be amazed to learn
that there were dr*gs in your apartment.

dr*gs? Ha!

You mean like "drug" dr*gs?

How would dr*gs get
into Ashley's condo?

You think just like a detective,
Linda. Well, I don't know.

But I suppose that Ryan could
have carried dr*gs off the plane...

and into the condo, taking them with
him after k*lling the man in the bathtub.

Does that sound even
remotely possible to you?

Can I be totally
honest with you?

I'd love for you to try.

I don't know Ryan that well.

But I have always
been suspicious...

that he might be
some kind of drug mule.

Now, why would you let a
drug mule stay in your condo?

Well, he has other
positive qualities.

He's really good
with the silverware.

And the trash.

- He keeps the galley spotless.
- Mm-hm.

And he's a very reliable
phone message taker.

You mean, he was a
reliable phone message taker.

- Just look at the damn screens, huh?
- You see, when we went to that...

awful trailer this
morning, we found Ryan.

But he was, unfortunately, dead.

Ryan's dead?

Shot four times.
Twice in the head.

Now I'm sure if y'all
had known Ryan well...

that would've made more impact.
But still, it must be a little upsetting.

I wonder who might
have k*lled Ryan?

Always thinking like a
detective, aren't you, Linda?

Who knows?

As you've seen on the news,
the world is a horrible place.

Especially for people who
are involved in "drug" dr*gs...

like Ryan seems to have been.

By the way, have either of you young
ladies ever seen this man before?

His name is Miguel Diaz.

He's involved with dr*gs,
money laundering and worse.


- No?
- No, sorry.

Well, that's wonderful.

And since y'all don't
know anything at all...

and nothing connecting you
to whoever shot Ryan Wade...

at point blank range,
y'all are free to go.


Wait, wait. I mean,
shouldn't we be protected?

- From what?
- From the unknown.

From, uh, whoever k*lled Ryan.

Oh, people tangled up in drug mule
stuff like Ryan seems to have been...

those people, they always get
what they have coming to them.

You, on the other
hand, should be just fine.

- All right.
- Well, good luck.

Oh, um, perhaps Lieutenants
Flynn and Provenza will see you out.

Ah. Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Chief. Chief, you're not gonna
make those girls walk out of here...

to face God knows what?

No, you and Flynn are gonna
invite them to your house. Buzz?

- I'll get his place wired.
- As many cameras as you can hide.

Consider this chance to prove
the women weren't using you.

And if they were?

Use them back.

Only thing I don't like about Dallas
is not enough Chinese take-out.

Well, maybe there
aren't enough Jews.

My experience has been that...

the more Jews, the
better the Chinese food.

It goes back to Moses who
said, "With ten commandments...

you get egg rolls."

- I don't get it.
- No one does.

- Okay.
- Here we go. Mm, mm, mm.

It is so wonderful of you and
Andy to let us stay here tonight.

If your boss finds out
y'all won't get into trouble?

Not a chance.

When he and I are off the
clock, nobody tells us what to do.

Would you go easy on me if you knew
I smuggled something off the plane?


Tiny wine, anybody?

None for me. But you go ahead.

Oh, you scared me
there for a second.

So, what's the
deal with your boss?

Ha. How do you mean exactly?

It's like she thinks she's too
good for the beauty pageant.

I mean, believe me, being
from the south I know her type.

Like when she says thank you...

what she's saying is "you
know where you can stick that."

You know, some
women, they just...

They hit that glass ceiling, you
know, and they just get so bitter.


Dumplings anyone?
These are delicious.

Don't pay attention to them.

Oh, please. Do you think I care what a
couple of stewardesses say about me?

I think they're called
flight attendants now, chief.

We'll get to see how good
they look in orange jumpsuits.

Excuse me.


Lieutenant, let's not forget
we're here to do something...

and that someday this
may all get played in court.

No habla espaƱol.

Oh, you speak Spanish. Wow.

Ah. Here we go,
oh, beautiful one.

- Ha, ha. PROVENZA:
The last sip for you.

Oh. Thank you.

Feels so safe being
here with you two.

Andy? After you find the
person who k*lled Ryan...

will we still have
anything to worry about?

Who's to say?

As it is, I don't have a clue...

why someone would've
k*lled Ryan in the first place.

Do you think
that it's possible...

that we could talk
to each other like...

- Like we're regular people.
- Yeah.

I mean, could we take off our
uniforms a minute and trust each other?


Listen, Flynn and
I work murders.

If this is about, I don't
know, dr*gs, maybe...

believe me, we don't
give a damn about that.

Well, that guy who you
found dead in the tub?

Maybe we did know him a little.

How little?

A few years ago our airline
added a flight from Honduras.

The coffee we brew on the
plane comes in sealed bags.

Regular has a green dot,
decaf has a yellow dot.

And the bags they stocked in
Honduras with cocaine had a white dot.

We just had to make sure we didn't
accidentally open the wrong bag.

After we'd land, we'd
take all the white dot bags...

and put them in a big black
trash bag and we were done.

Jose, the guy in my bathtub?

Later on he'd come by with cash.

How often was this?

- Once a month.
- Ah.

Then once a week.

Then every L.A. flight
connecting from Honduras.

Only over time the drug people gave
us less and less for doing the same thing.

I mean, they said it was the
recession, but, ugh, I mean, I don't know.

A girl's gotta live.

So this week we decided to do
something we'd never done before.

Since the airline stopped giving us meals
we put our food in little cooler bags.

And yesterday, Ryan took
all the white dot packets...

and carried it in his
bag off the plane for us.

Ryan was supposed
to hold onto the dr*gs...

until we could sell them
to this contact I made.

Only I guess things got complicated
for Ryan while we were at dinner.

You don't have any idea
who might've shot him?

No. We only ever
dealt with Jose.

Nobody else was
involved in this?

Besides the people in Honduras
who we didn't really know, no.

It was just us.

What we did really isn't
that bad, is it? Ha, ha.

Kelly, our friend who
washes hair in a hair salon...

- she doesn't declare any of her tips.
- Mm-mm.

That is not legal.

Chief, you get the sense
there's a hole in this story?

Big enough to fly
a plane through.

We are close to a direct
connection with Miguel Diaz, though.

And look at this.

Whenever our flight attendants were
on a plane connecting from Honduras...

it was almost always
with the same captain.

Captain Mark Wheeler.

Captain Wheeler...

I'm Brenda Leigh Johnson
from the L.A.P.D. Major Crimes...

and Agent Fritz
Howard from the FBI.

Look, am I under arrest or
am I just being questioned?

Because your officer read me my rights
then walked off with all my belongings.

I apologize. We ask people to
empty pockets before interviews...

for our own security.

And you are welcome to leave...

but we'd appreciate it if
you'd answer questions first.

- About?
- Ryan Wade.

Huh. So he did
call you guys then.

He told you he
was gonna call us?

Look, there's this, uh, trailer next
to the airport where some of us stay.

Anyway, Ryan burst in on me and
launched into this convoluted story...

about dr*gs and smuggling and
a guy who was dead, honestly.

I didn't know if he was for real or if
this was some psychotic delusion.

So, what exactly did
you say to Mr. Wade?

Well, that he should
go to the police.

Did Mr. Wade have dr*gs with
him when he arrived at the trailer?

No, no. He said that he had
sold them to somebody else.

That's pretty much all I got
from him before I took off.

And you left him in the trailer?

Ryan said he was convinced that
these drug people were after him.

So I went to a hotel because,
uh, he scared the crap out of me.

Well, I'm sorry to inform you, sir,
that we found Ryan Wade yesterday...

and he'd been shot to death.

Oh, my God.


Do you have any idea how
Mr. Wade's k*ller might have found him?


You know, uh,
Ryan came in a cab.

So perhaps they followed
the cab to the parking lot.

No break-in and the trailer door was
locked when we discovered the body.

Who else besides you
and Mr. Wade have a key?

Obviously, the owner.

And that would be?

It's one of the
women we fly with.

Ashley Rogers.

Ashley Rogers has two homes in
L.A. We found bodies in both of them.

Provenza sure can pick them.

Chief, Wheeler said
that Ryan arrived by taxi.

None of the cab companies
had a pick-up during that time...

from Ashley's
condo to the airport.

Ryan Wade didn't walk
to that trailer. He didn't fly.

He may not have had to, chief.

Ashley Rogers has a
car registered in Texas...

that's been collecting
parking tickets in L.A.

It's not in the condo's
garage. It's not on the streets.

- I'm betting Wade took it.
- Ashley didn't tell us about the car.

Captain Wheeler lied to us
about how Wade got to the trailer.

Makes you wonder what
those two aren't telling us.

I don't know. But I think starting a
family argument might help us find out.

Detective Sanchez, may I
see Captain Wheeler's effects?

Why didn't you tell
us you had a car?

You never asked, and I
didn't know it was missing.

Ryan knew I wasn't insured
for an additional driver...

so if he took it without
my permission, that's theft.

If Capt. Wheeler says
he didn't know about this...

well, then he is the
biggest lying liar ever.

He came to us with the idea.

I bet all that cocaine
Ryan had is still in my car.

And somebody's gotta get it
before the drug people come for us.

Ryan probably parked
it in the personnel lot.

Someone should check.

We will, believe me.

There's just one more
thing I wanna know.

And I want an honest answer.

Did you agree to go out with me and
Flynn because we could keep you safe...

until you got rid of the
dr*gs and left town?

Well, not only.

But maybe mainly.

Yeah, this is Flynn. Give
me the chief. Thanks.

So, what you're saying is...

you were never
really attracted to us?

Not so much.

But I'm sure other women are.

If you ever came to Dallas, my mama
would go out with you in a heartbeat.

Oh, mine too.

So they say that the captain
was behind the whole thing.

Thank you, lieutenant.
Arrest them...

refresh their memories about rights
and get them down here quickly.

You got it, chief. See
you in about 20 minutes.

All right, you two. I
want you to get your stuff.

We're going downtown
right now. Come on.


Are you upset about those two?

Forget about them.
They're criminals.

And they're not the only
two flight attendants out there.

I think we just chose
the wrong airline.

Chief, I went through all the
keys, and none are for the trailer.

Thank you so much,
Detective Sanchez.

So sorry to keep you in a
holding pattern, Captain Wheeler.

We're always behind schedule
here. You know what that's like.

So much you can tell about a person
from what they carry in their pocket.

For example, looking at this, I'd
think that you grew up on a farm.

Or maybe you just
have a thing for cheese.

Am I close?

Those aren't my car keys.

Aren't they? Oh, who
do they belong to?

- Ashley.
- Ashley? Ashley Rogers?

The woman you implied
earlier was responsible...

for the m*rder of Ryan
Wade? That Ashley?

Yes. That Ashley.

How is it that you have
Ashley Rogers' car?

- I borrowed it.
- Oh, that's easy enough to confirm.

Would you get Ashley
Rogers on the line?

Oh, no. Okay, look.

Uh, I didn't mention it before because
I didn't wanna complicate things.

I got Ashley's car from Ryan.

And that would
complicate things how?

What, if we would've known,
we'd have gone and looked for it...

and found the cooler of narcotics
with your fingerprints on it?

You are under arrest for
the m*rder of Ryan Wade.

- Let's go.
- Wait. I didn't k*ll Ryan.

That's not how it looks to me,
and not how it's gonna look to a jury.

Wait a minute. I'm
telling you when I left...

When I left that
trailer, Ryan was fine.

Where's your key to the trailer?

What? BRENDA: Your key.

You were in the trailer when Ryan got
there, so you have a key. Where is it?

- Do you have any idea what is going on?
- Mr. Wheeler...

Used to be when people saw me
coming that they would stand to attention.

I was one notch
below an astronaut.


I'm barely a bus driver.

I get it, Captain Wheeler.

Your glory days are over.

Who did you give the key to?

I'm arresting someone for
the m*rder of Ryan Wade.

Either going to be you or
whoever you gave that key to.

I did not give that
key to anyone.

I left that key
outside the door.

For Miguel Diaz.

Did you leave
the dr*gs for Diaz?

You know something?
Ryan k*lled his guy with a bat.

Think returning that cocaine
was gonna save his life?

They were gonna k*ll him so why not
take the dope, make the most of things?

Where are the dr*gs
now, Mr. Wheeler?

As far as I know,
they're in Ashley's car.

And where did you
tell Mr. Diaz they were?

I told him that I didn't know.

That I'd look for them.

Well, then.

You're gonna call Mr. Diaz.

You're gonna tell
him you found them.


Hey, let's pick it up
in there, would you?

Look, we'll go downtown
and we'll sort this out.


Yeah, and everyone will
see we're a couple of idiots.

It's hard to know how we
could look any stupider.

What the...?

Is that your car?

Yeah. Yeah, but
the joke's on them.

I'm nearly out of gas!

I bet they're going to
the airport personnel lot.

Please tell me that you
are not calling the chief.

I'm calling a cab.

Detective Sanchez?

Ready, chief. I can
see Ashley's car.

- Lieutenant Tao?
- All set, chief.

Just make the exchange. dr*gs
for the money and key, and walk.

We've got you
covered from all sides.

What in the hell?

Hey. Stop. That's not yours.

- Go. Go. Go.
- Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.

- Go. Go. Go. LINDA:
Keep going. Go. Go. Go.

- We see you. Stop that cart.
- Go. Turn around.

Back up.

- Police!
- Hands in your head.

- Hands in the air. BRENDA:
Police. Put your hands up.

- Put your hands up.
- Hey, wait a minute.

- Get back here. FRITZ:
Get them up. Get them up.

This is not good.

Right there. Turn
around. Turn around.

- Go. Go. Go.
- Get your hands up. Chief, nine mil.

You guys got all
this under control?

Yes, lieutenant.
Thank you so much.


Now where the hell is my car?

Where's my car?

Hey, you skanks.
Bring me my car!

Bye-bye. Have a nice day now.

Bye-bye. See you
again real soon.

- Thank you so much.
- No, thank you.

Ah, didn't work
out so badly, did it?

Closed two m*rder cases
and broke a narcotics ring.

And spent more time together
in two days than all of last month.

- Happy, happy.
- Don't stay too late.

And good luck with Pope, huh?

Oh, Commander Taylor, I love
what you've done with the space.

Well, chief, you know,
it may not look it...

but square foot-wise, it's
bigger than my old office.

- Do you have a minute?
- Been meaning to find you.

To offer my congratulations.

Thank you.

And to say, I thought about
what we discussed earlier...

and, uh, I think you should
submit your application...

for chief of police. I'm only sorry
I didn't recognize that yesterday.

- Are you?
- Yes. It seems obvious now.

There should be a high-ranking female
from within the department applying.

If there's gonna be a woman
in the pool, better you...

than somebody else.

And that's because?

Your presence will deter
other women from applying.

And, you know, you'll be
given "serious consideration."

But they'll never hire you as chief in
a million years, so it's perfect for me.

Is that so? What makes
you so certain I won't get it?

Brenda, please. You can't
even control your own officers.

Flynn and Provenza were
outwitted by stewardesses.

- Flight attendants. And they weren't.
- Really?

Where are they now?

You know, if you hadn't called
them a couple of skanks...

they would've told us where
they parked your car. Just saying.

Do you think it's possible
for you to shut up?

Look to the left,
I'll look to the right.

Hey, I'm not the one
who started talking...

Oh, you're the one that
picked them up in that place.

- No, I was not...
- Every woman, you gotta...

Oh, well, you're the one...