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06x09 - Last Woman Standing

Posted: 10/08/23 12:45
by bunniefuu
Hi, folks. You've reached Judy Lynn...

... the Last Woman Standing.

If you're calling for tickets
to Saturday's show, it's sold out.

For future performance dates,
plus the latest rantings on my vlog...

Or if you'd like, leave a message here.


WOMAN: Hey, Judy.
Just wanted to hear your voice.

Your father and I are dying to know
how your night went.

Call me. Love you, babe. Bye.



MAN 1:
Okay, trying you everywhere.

I've left six messages on your cell
and I'm worried. What's up?

MAN 2: Hey, Judy,
your mother's getting worried...

... because we haven't heard from you.

How's the show going?
Call when you get a second, okay?


The air conditioning was turned down
to 62.

So it's hard to say, but I'm guessing
she's been dead at least 36 hours.

Sexual as*ault?

Sex? Maybe. as*ault?

There's a bottle of lubricant
on the floor over here. Peach flavored.

Well, she's still got her wallet
with over $200 cash.

So it's not a robbery.

Man, that is a nasty head wound.

What happened to her lip?

She bit it.

The skull fracture didn't k*ll her.

She was smothered to death
with this pillow.

It left blood transfer on her face.

See the threads in her teeth?

She was chewing through this pillow,
fighting to breathe.

She knew she was dying.

She knew it up until her last breath.

TAO: Anybody back there?
BUZZ: I am.

TAO: Could you get me unplugged?
BUZZ: Sure.

Oh, I'm sorry, chief, I'm just trying to
take this stuff with us.


Hey, chief.

Sorry, it took me so long.
I'll take it...

One second, commander.
Yes, lieutenant?

So in case you haven't see her
name on every poster in the place...

...the victim's name was Judy Lynn.

She was an actress-
slash-data entry clerk.

Building manager says she lived alone,
so there was no need for a warrant.

Her nails look perfect.

So it wasn't much of a fight, was it?

Probably not.
Looks like Judy was either shoved or...

Julio. Or thrown into the wall.

Smashes her head on the corner
of this picture frame, chief.

She falls. Lies on the floor.

Then gets carried back to the bed
to have a pillow put over her face.

Which is, like, some kind of
weirdo thing to do.

She had her nails done. Had makeup on.
Maybe she'd just been on a date.

- Well, that's how you meet weirdos.
- Chief?

Oh. Buzz, if you have all this,
would you please document the body?

Especially the lips.

- Yes, chief.
- Thank you.

Where's the gentleman
who called this in?

He's in the living room.

Excuse us.

- Back here, please.
PARAMEDIC: Yes, ma'am.

Chief, you're supposed to be preparing
for your final interview with the mayor.

- Yeah, I'll need to reschedule that.
- No. You can't do that.

Look, chief,
I can handle this investigation.

You only caught this m*rder because
Hollywood's got no overtime left.

this isn't even a major crime.

Why don't you tell
the victim's parents that? Excuse me.

Stuart, this is Chief Johnson.

Chief, Stuart directed the victim
in her one-woman show.

He also discovered the body.

STUART: This is, like,
some kind of cosmic mistake.

I mean, how could this happen?

We're trying to figure that out.
I'm gonna ask you a few questions...

...and then we're gonna get you home.
- Yeah.

- Judy was your colleague?
- Colleague?

Yes, she was my colleague. But she
was... We were very, very good friends.

Oh, my God.

And you dropped by
this morning because?

Judy never misses a tech rehearsal.

So when she didn't show up,
and didn't answer her phone...

...and never called me back, I knew
something was wrong. I knew it.

So I drove over
and I made Gifford open the door for me.

Gifford is the building manager.

So was the door locked
when you got here?

- Yeah.
BRENDA: You noticed anyone visiting Judy...

...the night before last?
Or did she go out with anyone?

I don't know. The tenants mostly
buzz up their own guests.

In a refreshing change of pace, they
have working surveillance cameras... every entrance and exit.
Videos are here.

Okay, Stuart,
I just have a few more questions.

Since you were so close, can you tell me
if she was going out with anyone?

The whole world could tell you that.

That's what her last vlog posting
was about.

Her what?

Well, you're police people
so you haven't heard about her play...

...Last Woman Standing.

Not before today. No.

Okay, well, it was actually an extension
of this really popular vlog she started.

This online video diary she kept on
her struggle to get work as an actor...

...and how all the girls
that she started out with...

...have basically given up
their own aspirations for men...

...which left Judy
the "last woman standing."

The play was a big success, except,
I don't know...

...guys, they just completely
stopped asking her out.

So she joined an Internet dating site.
And l...

I sort of encouraged her to do it.

Oh, God.

Can you tell me the name
of this dating site?

L.A. GuysandDolls. Com.

And yes, I chose it
because I'm a musical theater whore.

Plus, it's free.

So I made up a user name
since guys won't ask me out anymore.

However, apparently...

... Last Woman Standing
made it seem like I hated men.

And I don't.

In fact, I already have a date with one.


But not to worry.

I still won't have to change myself
to become what others expect.

Because thanks to
L.A. GuysandDolls. Com...

...I can create a completely fake identity
while still keeping the one I have.

Hey, you guys wanna see my profile?

Okay. Judy posted this
video blog entry to her server...

...Tuesday evening, 7:05 p.m.

He's here.


And no, I am not gonna give you
his real name.

Of course not.
Why make our job any easier?

But online, he goes by Dreamweaver.

And he's cute.

Plus, he told me my picture
made me look like trouble.

- Yeah, I'll pass it along. Chief...
- One second. Yes.

Morales can't confirm r*pe
but he's got a good DNA sample... go with all the fingerprints
we got off the bottle of lubricant.

Thank you.

How do I look?
First date in over two years.

Okay. Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver.

And Dad, don't wait up.

No, we need to meet him.
Yes, lieutenant?

I have Dreamweaver's profile
from the website.

No photo and no passwords
to either his or Judy's account.

"I like dinner and a movie.
How about you?

I work with my head. Train with
my body. Live with my heart.

Looking to get my smile back.
No dr*gs, please."

She'd still want a picture
before going out with him, chief.

Yeah, Judy said he was cute,
so he must have sent her one.

There's no photo in her e-mail.
Nothing about a date.

That's not how it's done, Tao.

What? I've tried it.

The only way to exchange info
is through your account on the website.

Nothing else on her computer
about dating.

Just letters home. Letters to agents.

She communicated with her
cable provider. Lots of problems.

Trying to figure out when either she or
her building manager could let them in.

- Lots of appointments.
PROVENZA: Yeah, well...

...damn cable companies.

They say they're gonna be there
between 8 and 6, they show up at 7.

TAO: You know, she lived
in an older building.

Maybe she had a hard time
finding that sweet spot...

...where television, computers,
phone, routers...

Excuse me, lieutenant.

Judy and this Dreamweaver
may have exchanged numbers.

So, let's dump her phones
and see who she was talking to.

Okay, and let's serve this dating site
with a warrant.

I wanna meet
Mr. Dreamweaver myself.

- I want his account information.
- On hold with the judge.

Chief? We're ready.

We have footage from all the security
cameras from the victim's building.

Okay. Now, the camera over
the front door pans the whole area... about a, what, 135-degree arc,

Well, the camera goes back and forth
all the time. Yeah.

Between 6 and 7 p.m., Gifford here says
that all the people we see are tenants.

Until 7:02,
when this Camaro pulls up...

...and the guy
with the sports coat here gets out.

We never get a look at his face.

FLYNN: That's because
he's texting the whole time.

- Do you know this man, Gifford?
- I don't think so.

How do you know
he's not a tenant from the building?

That's a 1970 Z28 Camaro.

No one in our building
has a ride like that.

Judy, on the other hand,
drives a silver Nissan Altima.

Which we have on the security camera
over the exit to the garage.

Now, that's the victim behind the wheel.
Check out the passenger's coat.

- Dreamweaver.
BUZZ: They leave. Time passes.

Dinner and a movie.
Why didn't they take his car?

Well, he had a great parking spot...

...and I don't know, maybe Judy wanted
him to come to her place afterwards.

Right. Love at first sight.

Judy's car comes back at 11:03 p.m.,
too dark to see anyone.

More time passes, when, you know...

He has sex with the girl and then
kills her. At least I hope that's the order.

And then here he comes again.
At the front door.

Now, we still don't see his face.
But look here, he stops.

Because when the camera pans
back he's still there.

Why does he stand there for so long?

No idea, chief.


Hey, I've been looking for you.
Can we talk for a second?

What is the deal here?

The mayor's expecting to interview
you tomorrow to be chief.

Now you wanna cancel
that appointment?

Look, I picked up a m*rder this
morning and I just don't think that...

You've almost caught the guy. Taylor
can take it from here, no problem.

Come on.

- What is going on?
- I thought about it, Will...

...and honestly, I just...
I don't wanna be chief of police.

Thank you. Captain.

Chief. Thanks for making the time.

- Well, I hope we're not wasting it.
- It might be Captain Raydor...

...who's been wasting her time
waiting for you...

...and days figuring out
how to prepare you for what may be...

...a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to be the next chief.

So when you say you're not interested
in the job, it's very disappointing.

Didn't you tell me yourself that I had
no real chance at being chief?

That you were permitting me
to submit an appl...

- Excuse me?
- That's not what I said.

- I did not say that.
BRENDA: Yes, you did.

You permitted me to apply
as a sort of stalking horse...

- You did not.
- I did not give her permission.

Ahem. Okay. I think we can all agree
that there were some serious flaws... my approach
to campaign to be chief.

For one thing,
I'm no longer in the running.

But it is now in my best interest,
in all of our best interest...

...that the mayor appoint you
as our next boss.

And if you just quit now...

People will think
you're hiding something.

Or you'll seem like a flake.
Or like you broke under pressure.

Whatever you do, you can't just cancel
this interview. You can't reschedule.

When the mayor calls for a meeting
with his chief of police...

...he expects him or her to show up.

When people are smothered
in their homes...

...they expect me to show up too.

I don't know what it was like
in Atlanta...

...but when you apply for chief
in Los Angeles...

...and you don't get the job,
there are big consequences.

- Yeah. First, I get fired.
- You don't know that.

And then every success he's had,
like, Major Crimes for instance...

...well, that gets
completely dismantled.

Chief, if you don't at least attend
this final interview...

...the women of the L.A.P.D.
Will be completely demoralized.

And many of them
will never forgive you. Ever.

Well, can I just skip
the whole prep part?

I'll just go in there and be myself.

That is a terrible idea.


Ahem. Come in.

Excuse me. Chief, we don't have an
address, a work history or a Social yet...

...but the warrant on the dating site
got us a name and a picture.

Meet Marc Torres...

...a.k.a. Dreamweaver. Have a pretty
good idea where to find him.


He's got another date. This afternoon.

We can't arrest him unless we match his
DNA to what was found on the victim.

Let's keep him under tight surveillance
over the next two days. Try and get...

For heaven's sakes, commander, you
know how to handle this, don't you?

Yes, thank you.


TAYLOR: Let's go, detective, okay?
- Okay. Sure.

Thank you.

Hey, guys. Hey, guys, Torres is here.

[OVER RADIO] I got the plate
on his Camaro. You ready?

That's three, Henry, x-ray, Lincoln,
eight, zero, seven. Did you get that?

I lost my web connection.
I lost Sanchez.

Here. You can hook up to the Internet
with my Overdrive.

- Password's there.
TAO: Hmm.


Okay, Taylor. The dirtbag is going
into the coffee shop now.

Can we get to his vehicle?

Julio says
Torres will have his back to us.

Did you read what he wrote
to the new girl he's meeting?

"Great picture. I've read your profile.

But to be completely honest,
you look like trouble."

- That's the same thing he said to Judy.
- Well, it worked.

This guy made over 11 dates
on this site, using the same line. Taylor?

TAYLOR: We're checking on all those girls
to make sure they're okay.

Listen up. I just got Marc Torres's
address from DMV.

If we're going to get a search
warrant for his home... looks like a perfect time.

But what makes tomorrow
better than any other day?

Because the mayor's
just finished interviewing...

...the other four applicants
for chief of police.

And you're the only woman,
so you'll make for a vivid contrast.

I think that we should capitalize
on your feminine strengths.

Which are?

Don't take this the wrong way,

...because I have always admired how
little you care about current fashion.

And the purse. That purse. Come on.

That purse. Come on.

This purse helps people
underestimate you...

...which I think, you know, is a
good thing when it comes to criminals.

But the mayor, he's somebody
you really wanna impress.

- So I was wondering if we could...
- Captain, I have a lot of nice clothes.

- I just don't like to overdress at work.
- Absolutely.

And you know what? There's no one
that would ever accuse you of that.

But we want the
mayor's first impression of you... be as a woman capable
of handling a lot of power.

To look at you
and think something like...


- You look great.
- You too. You too.

It's always a relief when people
resemble their pictures a little.

Well, you look even better than yours.

I had a speech ready just in case
your first inclination was to run.

Which was?

I know that I'm maybe not
what you had in mind...

- You mean because I'm a woman?
- No, no, no.

Because most candidates for chief of
police run popularity contests...

...and you're not especially political,
well-liked or even friendly.

- I'm not interested in politics.
- I know. Exactly.

Therefore, you won't
blame the mayor...

...for the L.A.P.D.'s budgetary crisis
or publicly demand that he fix it. Chief.

Okay. There is a reason that this
is a short meeting in the afternoon...

...because all the mayor
really wants to know... how the two of you
will get along.

I hope you don't mind this little,
I don't know, speed date.

- No, no. I get it. Totally.
- Think of it as a chemistry test.

JENNY: And there was this one thing
I wanted to know about.

TORRES: What thing?
- "Honestly, you look like trouble"?

What did you mean by that?

Look, I got dumped about a year ago.

And I wasn't sure that I was, you know,
ready to put myself back out there.

But then I saw your profile.
And your picture.

I don't know.
My heart moved a little.

- No way this rap works.
PROVENZA: Yeah. Heh-heh.

If it does,
I'll be using it word for word.

JENNY: Maybe it's just me,
but that sounded a little rehearsed.

You tell him, Jenny.

Wow. You're a little cynical.

No. I'm a lot cautious.


TAO: I stuck the tracking device
underneath the front fender.

So now, let's see
what we have in the way of...

...fingerprints, Mr. Torres.

I have to get back to work.


- So movies next week? Or...
- Maybe.

- All right.
- Bye.



All right, bud. Let's go.

- A little update, chief.
BRENDA: Right.

Pardon me.

We got a DNA sample from Torres
and it's off to the lab.

We also matched fingerprints off his car
to those in the victim's apartment.

Now, Tao thinks he might have paused
outside Judy's building...

...because someone keyed
his car while he was inside.

We don't know.
Look, we have a problem.

What's that?

- Torres is on another date.
- What?

The young lady was waiting for him
on a corner in Larchmont Village.

We don't know who she is
or where she came from.

What we know is he took her
to dinner and a movie.

Just like Judy. And now?

Now he's just parked beneath
an apartment building on Melrose.

- But it's not his home address.
- Chief, you already turned...

One second.
Commander, under no circumstances... Marc Torres to be left alone with
another woman in her apartment.

- Got it.
BRENDA: Thank you.

MAN: Spot 42.
- Forty two.

- Whose spot is that?
- Apartment 207.

All right, take us there.
Come on, take us.

- Let's go.
- Okay, okay.

GABRIEL: You got the keys?
FLYNN: Come on.

Oh! Oh!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

FLYNN: Hands where I can see them.
WOMAN: What are you doing?

Hey. Ow. Ow!

L.A.P.D., Mr. Torres.
Now, you stop moving.

- What did I do? Ow. What did I do?
- What are you doing?

- We're saving your life.
- From my fianc??

- Fianc??
- Why are you treating Marc like this?

To be completely honest with you,
ma'am, he looks like trouble.

Unless you arrested this Dreamweaver
idiot for cheating on his fianc?...

...not a criminal offense, by the way,
we got nothing.

I gave the order to arrest Marc Torres,
not them.

I was with you.
You did not give that order.

You were not in charge.
It was Taylor or Provenza...

...who made the call to break in.
Why did you think it was worth it... bust in without enough evidence
to hold this guy?

You mean besides the fact that he k*lled
his date from the night before last?

Did you want us to let him m*rder
someone under L.A.P.D. Surveillance?

Because then we could have held him
without any problems.

We won't have any problems if you
let me talk to the guy for 10 minutes.

I really don't want her involved.


Excuse me. Do you really need me
to ask this guy these questions?

Yes. We can arrest Marc Torres in 10
minutes if everyone will calm down...

...and let me do my job. Okay? May I?

I thought you all wanted me
to be your boss.



Mr. Torres, I'm Deputy Chief
Brenda Leigh Johnson with the L.A.P.D.

And this is Special Agent Fritz Howard
of the FBI.

We want to thank you
for cooperating with us.

- Why the hell am I here?
- We're about to get to that.

Detective Sanchez, would you please
uncuff Marc, so that he's comfortable.

Thank you so much.

All right. First things first.
The FBI has a few questions...

...that they need you to answer
because of a computer server issue.

We've got your fianc? Debbie
waiting for you in the next room.

Agent Howard, if you'd like to start.

Mr. Torres, do you know this woman,
Judy Lynn?

- You said Debbie's here?
- She is waiting for you.

- And she's very confused.
- Chief Johnson.

- Do you mind?
- Oh, no. Not at all. So sorry. Go ahead.

- Do you know this woman, Judy Lynn?
- No.

No. Di...

Did you go on a date with her
the night before last?

- No.

- Were you ever in her apartment?
- No.

- No. Did you ever have sex with her?
- Of course not. I'm engaged. God.

That's great. Just great. Brilliant.

That's all for me.

Chief Johnson has some questions
for you now.

- Do you know this woman, Judy Lynn?
- I just told you no.

Here is all the communication,
including pictures and e-mails...

...exchanged between you
and Judy Lynn...

...used in an internet dating website
called L.A. GuysandDolls. Com.

That's Judy? Um...

Well, I might have written to her,

...but she looks different
than her other photos.

- Did you ever go to her apartment?
- No. Never.

These are pictures taken
from the security cameras...

...above the front door of
Judy Lynn's building.

You'll notice you in your sport coat
exiting your vehicle.

And then, here, entering the building.

Wow, um...

I know somebody
who lives in that same place.

- So that's a coincidence.
- Really.

Here is a fingerprint that was taken off
of your vehicle.

And this one was taken
from inside Judy's apartment... a bottle of
peach-flavored lubricant.

They match perfectly.
Is that a coincidence too, Mr. Torres?

Did you have sex with Judy Lynn?

Because Detective Sanchez here
took a straw... were using from your date,
and if the DNA we collected... that straw
matches what we found in Judy...

All right. What do you want from me?
I went on a date with her.

We had sex. And then I got out
of there as fast as I could...

...because she freaked me out.

Freaked you out how?

She practically att*cked me.

And then she got all hysterical
when I told her I had to leave.

And she keyed my car
when I was in the shower. Bitch.

Judy att*cked you?

Did y'all get into a fight?
I don't know what she looked like...

...when you left her but here's how
she looked when I met her.

The night y'all went to the movies,
Judy Lynn was brutally m*rder*d.

And now, Mr. Torres,
you lied about knowing her.

You lied about going on a date,
about being in her apartment.

And you lied
about having sex with her.

When you say it all out loud like that,
it sounds pretty bad.

Yeah, I lied.
My fianc?'s in the next room.

I didn't even know
what this was about, all right?

But I have a lot of cops in my family
and you don't have enough evidence.

And lying to the police
isn't against the law.

That's true.
But it is a crime to lie to the FBI.

That means you're under arrest,
Mr. Torres.

Yeah? You wanna play it that way?

I want a lawyer.

Let's hope his DNA matches
what we found in the victim.

Will you make sure
she gets across the street tomorrow?

I'll walk her myself.

I'll open a file on him if you want.
But when he's arraigned...'re gonna wanna swap those lying
to a federal agent charges with m*rder.

Well, that's something
to look forward to.

Don't be late.
You got a big day tomorrow.


So everyone keeps telling me.

DEBBIE: If he were a drunk, of course,
it would be more obvious...

...but addiction is addiction.

And he just fell off the wagon.

Ms. Shriner, your fianc? has had
11 dates, that we know of...

...over the past two weeks.

Look, your boyfriend didn't just
fall off the wagon.

He jumped. With both feet.

And then he pushed the wagon
over the cliff.

It's not Marc. It's the disease.

And these horribly enabling women
that advertise themselves online.

These whores. I hate them.


Sorry for interrupting. Um...

Pardon me, Ms. Shriner.

TAO: I was going through Judy's computer
and I found the last entry to her vlog.

But she died before posting it.

Thank you.

You've got the left to the right,
the right to the left.

- Oh, for heaven's sakes. Terrible.
- No. The right...

Yeah, you got it.


I can't talk long.


But this is raw, all right?

He said that I gave him
that rush you feel...

...when you meet the first person
you like who really likes you back.

And I fell for it.

And then the second, and I mean
the very second, he was through...

...he got off me and he said he had
to go and could he take a shower first.

God, I'm an idiot.

Last Woman Dating is officially over.

But not before the part
where I tell him off.

Which is coming up next.

So that's how it went
for that so-called whore...

...last time your fianc? had a relapse.
And that's how she felt.

You see Marc's jacket
there on the bed behind her?

I'm sorry for this woman.

And I know how it must seem to you.

Like Marc and she
got into some kind of fight.

But it's not how it looks.

Whoa. Slow down there, miss.
I'll walk you out.

You think she's telling the truth?

I don't know. But she's right
about one thing. Buzz?

It's not how it looks.


TAO: Anybody back there?
BUZZ: Yeah, I am.

TAO: Could you get me unplugged?
BUZZ: Sure.


Hello, Lieutenant Tao? I was...

Fine. Thank you.
I was looking at the...

Yes it is very exciting,
the interview.

But I was...

Lieutenant, I have a problem.

Marc Torres said that the victim
keyed his car. But she couldn't have.

While he was in the shower...

...Judy made a very emotional entry
to her online diary.

So my question is,
who scratched the Camaro?

Here's what I need you to do, okay?

Now, Judy's vlog again, Buzz.


Chief, you look great.

Well, thank you, captain.

I made a reservation for us...

I don't have time
for breakfast, actually.

Why? What are you doing?

Trying to find out the exact time
Marc Torres's car was keyed.

And we're going backwards,
backwards. Wait.

Hold it. There it is. See? No scratch.

And then.

Scratch. We don't see who did it.

- No, chief.
- What does that mean?

It means I've been spending a lot of the
morning looking for things I can't see.

That scratch happened at 9:45 p.m.,
when Judy was on her date.

Would you bring Marc Torres up from
holding, please? I may need him.

And your bag of tricks too.
Thank you.

- Chief, surely this can wait...
- I won't miss my appointment.

I promise. I promise. I promise.

Gifford, I wanna thank you
so much for letting us in.

- We shouldn't be but a minute.
- You're making a mistake.

You don't talk unless you're
revoking your right to an attorney.

Gifford, since you helped the cable
company... you think you could help us put it
back the way we found it?

- Sure.
GABRIEL: Thanks.

You ready to talk yet, Mr. Torres?
No? Mind the blood.

So I think the computer
was set right here.

Do you remember where the lubricant
came from, Mr. Torres.

Don't answer that, sir.
Your lawyer would be very upset.

Don't worry. I'm not talking.

You don't have to talk,
you have to watch.

Gifford, you mind pulling this through,
plugging it on the other side?

- Sure.
GABRIEL: Thanks.

What are you doing, lady?

I'm just admiring
how well you set up that closet.

She had trouble getting her modem
and her router and phone... work from the other room.
I wonder why?

Because we checked, no one else
in the building had any trouble at all.

Anyway, somehow,
you helped the cable company...

...get it all hooked up
for her in here.

Because you watched out for her,
didn't you Gifford?

And that's why you drilled
this hole in the wall.

For all the cables to go through.
That's a big hole, Gifford.

You could sit on that stool
and look into Judy's room...

...without being seen
and watch over her for hours.

- I never did that.
- Really?

I wonder if the DNA evidence
on the bottom of that closet...

...will back you up on that.

Should've cleaned up after yourself,

You know what else can't be seen
on her vlog entries?

The pillow used to smother
Judy to death.

That's because
it came from this closet.

That's why we never saw it in her
bedroom on any of her vlogs.

Just like we couldn't see
who keyed her date's car.

Because you knew how to avoid
the security camera out front.

I never scratched that car.

You wanna see the gold paint
on this key... so kindly
left in the front door for us?

Now, that we can see.
Now, listen to me, Gifford.

I have a feeling that what happened
in that hallway was just an accident.

But if I'm right about that,
I need to hear it from you.

Look, I liked her. I liked her a lot.

And I only wanted to look at...

Watch over her, like you said.

And that's what you were doing
when she came home from her date.

You were just watching over her.

- Mainly.

And normally she takes a shower
before going to bed.

And that's when I go. But she was
upset after that assh*le left.

She just laid down on the bed
for a long time.

I thought she was asleep,
but when I tried to get out...

...she heard me.

I got back in the closet,
but it was too late.

She opened the door and...

And you held up this pillow,
because she was hitting you, right?

You were trying to get out this door.

- But she wouldn't let me go.
BRENDA: Right.

I didn't even know
I could push anyone that hard.

It happened so fast.

You were just trying
to protect yourself.

And you tried to help her, didn't you?
After she fell.

Show me.

Well, she was knocked out
for a second... I put the pillow under her head
to stop the bleeding.

And then l...

I carried her to the bed.

Then she started the screaming
all over again.

You were trying to muffle the noise
so she didn't wake the whole building.

I couldn't think of anything else to do.
She was so loud.

I think...

I think you've done a very good job
explaining all this, Gifford.

So Gifford, I'll tell you what we need
to finish our report.

I'm going to tell you your rights.

And then you're going
to write down...

...exactly everything you said
about this accident.

And then we'll be done. Okay?



So, what the hell
did you bring me for?


You know, there wouldn't have been
any paint left on Gifford's keys... we had to scratch your car again.
- What?

Sorry about that.

Oh, and I needed a witness
to the confession.

I wonder if your testimony at the trial's
gonna affect your wedding plans.

I'll tell you what.

You spring for the paint job, and I'll
get the FBI to drop the charges. Okay?




I was tempted to bring a uniform
escort to take you across the street.

That's not necessary.

- May I ask you a question?
- Sure, captain. Why not?

Do you really
not wanna be chief of police?

No, I don't.

And, as a woman, don't you feel
an obligation to at least give it a try?

As a woman, I feel I've earned
the right to options.

And one of my options
should be to say no.

You don't think that I wanted to spend
my career in Internal Affairs?

Doing a job that leaves me
disliked and mistrusted... my fellow officers every day of
my life?

I chose I.A. Because I thought
it was the quickest way to achieve rank.

I also thought it'd be good
for the department... see a woman
in a captain's uniform.

And, of course, you got your job
the old-fashioned way.

- How's that?
- By sleeping with the boss.

That's not an insult. It is a
time-honored way of moving forward.

But those roads
are not open to everyone...

...and you have the chance
to maybe change that a little.

So I should take the job
whether I want it or not.


Please make the oh-so-terrible
sacrifice of accepting a promotion...

...that offers you more
money, prestige and power...

...than any other job in the city.

And if it will help you with the suffering,
you'll not only be a positive role model...

...for little girls all over this country...

...but I personally will feel very...

I will feel very proud to have a chief
that I can truly admire.

Well, thank you, captain.

It's my pleasure, chief.

See you.
