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06x14 - Living Proof: Part Two

Posted: 10/08/23 12:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Closer:

Armand, are you aware that your sister,
Anila, had a son?

- What?
- His name is Skander. He's here.

- How'd you like to go with your uncle?
- My Uncle Armand's dead.

- Recognize that man?
- It was my father. Shariq.

We found the old man's daughter.
Her throat's been cut.

Okay. Uh, Buzz,
if you're through in there?

I have pictures
of all of our victims out here.

Yeah, Buzz, get these, uh, books here.

This is Skander's grandfather, Shariq.

Run over by a police car
while he was trying to m*rder his son.

Skander's mother, Anila,
and aunt, Sara.

We found them with their throats cut.

And this is Skander.

Who we currently have
in L.A.P.D. custody.

Lieutenant, are you all right?

Yeah. Mm.

Okay. Rigor's setting in so I'd put time
of death between two to five hours ago.

So when Skander was with us.

She's got a good sized hematoma
on the back of her skull right here.

So the k*ller knocks her down. And then
he slits her throat from ear to ear.

- Just like her sister, if it's her.
- It is, chief. Sara Marku Miller.

She's a nurse
at St. Sebastian Hospital.

Someone's giving this family
their own private genocide.

And for Christmas, no less.

Yeah, well, k*ller broke in and probably
waited for her to come home.

Got a printer and a router,
but no computer in sight.

Again, just like her sister.

Lieutenant, uh, let's amend our warrant... include Sara Miller's Internet
service provider, please.

I'd like access to her e-mail.

So Shariq Marku, two days ago,
dies trying to k*ll his son, Armand.

And then Shariq's daughter, Anila,
turns up m*rder*d.

And now his other daughter, Sara,
also m*rder*d?

Skander's the one
who hasn't been touched.

He also told us
that his Uncle Armand was dead...

...and that his aunt lived in Kosovo.

If we're straight with him,
he'll be straight with us.

I think it's time to tell that boy
what's going on.

I hate to ask you, but you spent
the most time with Skander.

- Would you?
- Right.

- If you could...?
- Right. Okay.

I'II, um...

I'll talk him through it.

Detective Gabriel, would you call in
Dr. Morales to perform another autopsy?

Preferably tonight.

Chief, I'm pretty sure the doctor's gonna
have a problem with that.


Because I was supposed to be
in Palm Springs yesterday.

You keep special requesting me, now I'll
miss meeting my boyfriend's family.

I'm sure they'll all be even fonder of you
once they understand why you're late.

What's wrong?

"Miss Miller." Is she related
to the woman you brought in?

Yeah, she's her sister. Why?

Lots of the same old scars.

She was tortured.

Brutally. Burns. Looks like the same kind
of heated knife used on the other woman.

Let's concentrate on what happened.

Yeah, like this wound
going across her neck here.

- Tell us about the knife used.
- Razor sharp. It cut from left to right.

Aside from that,
there's no way to match it to a w*apon.

The m.o.'s the same,
other than that, we've got nothing.

I'll go over her sister's body,
see if there's anything else in common.

Does that mean you have
to miss dinner with your boyfriend?

Kyle and his family should spend
some time alone.

You're welcome
to have dinner with us.

Mom and Dad are in town
and the whole division is coming...

Oh, that sounds merry.

I'll think about it.

Are you okay, doctor?

You know that moment when it suddenly
begins to feel like Christmas?

- Yes?
- Not happening for me.

All right. Bye-bye.

Not to worry. The black-and-whites
are all in place at the Marku residence.

Armand, his wife, Joan, his kids...

...parents are safe and accounted for.
- Thank you, lieutenant.

But, uh, Mrs. Marku's getting bent
out of shape a little.

- Already talking harassment.
- Well, as long as they all stay alive.

Chief, so I left messages
at the Kosovar consulate and at Interpol.

See what I can find out
about blood feuds.

You got your Bosnians, your Serbs,
your Croats, and your Albanians.

They're like our gangs. Only they've
been fighting each other for 800 years.

One thing I did come across, this Albanian
code of honor known as Kanun.

You can't k*ll anyone inside
their own home.

Also, it absolutely forbids
the m*rder of women.

Yeah, but you get a free pass
for the r*pe and for the t*rture?

Lieutenant, how's it going
with the boy?

Well, for a kid who just found out...

...that his family has been annihilated,
about what you'd expect.

Well, did you ask Skander why he told us
that his uncle was dead?

That his aunt was in Kosovo?
Anything about the e-mails?

Chief, please, he's been crying
most of the night and...

Well, I'm not doing so well myself

Let's just give him a minute, huh?

Um, ahem. Who should I ask
about delivering the Christmas gifts... our kids at the shelter?

Good morning, Major Crimes,
and, uh, Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas. What a surprise
to see you here this morning.

Two of my kids woke up sick, so I
thought, "Hey, why not go to church?"

Unless you need me
to do something for you.

Chief Johnson?

Uh, yes, actually, there is something
that we could use your help with.

- Isn't that right, lieutenant?
- Great.

How are you at "ho, ho, ho"?

You can now hear the 911 calls made
during Shariq's attack on his son.

I thought you dropped those off
at the lab.

I did, since they won't get to it
till tomorrow...

...I thought maybe your team
could sort it out.

First I combined the background audio
from all the calls... our 911 operators
during the attack.

I added the sound portion of the film
our witness took with his cell phone.

After which I managed
to cobble together...

...the argument between Armand
and his father. Merry Christmas.

- Would you like to hear it?
- Yes, I would.

- A request, first.
- Certainly.

Since I worked hard
to put this tape together...

...I would like another chance
to talk to Skander.

Oh, that's still a...

Because if I could get that boy
to change his ridiculous story...

...about Chief Pope kidnapping him,
holding him at gunpoint...

...I may be able to make the last flight
to Salt Lake and get to Park City.

- Skander's in a difficult place right now.
- Five minutes.

- He just found out.
- Then get Joan to drop the lawsuit...

...then I'll be gone for weeks.
- All right. Look.

When Lieutenant Provenza
comes back in to talk to the boy... addition to our questions...

...I'll get him to drop the charges,
you're free to go. Is that right?

Fine. Thanks. Buzz, play the tape.

That you worked so hard on.

- It's still in Albanian.
- Of course it's still in Albanian.

- It's always been in Albanian.
- I assumed you had it translated.

Where am I gonna get an Albanian
translator on Christmas morning?

Excuse me, chief. I just got access
to Sara Marku Miller's e-mail account.

And I came across a batch of messages
she sent to her sister, Anila.

These are in Albanian too.

Yeah. Sorry about that. But, look.

The day before everyone in this family
started dying...

...Sara sent Anila this photograph.

Joan Marku.

That's why the computers were stolen,
so we wouldn't see these e-mails.

Would you please, um,
have Armand's wife brought back in here?

I need to talk to her.

Hello, Fritzi.

We've got a bit of a problem here.

Fritzi, let me.

Brenda Leigh,
there's been a terrible crime.

What? Mama? Where?

- Right here at your home.
- Let me have that.

We need police assistance
and we need it right now.

- Do you copy?
- Yes. Yes, Daddy. I copy.

I'm on my way.

Brenda Leigh. Brenda Leigh.

Brenda Leigh, we've been robbed.

Oh, Mama. Just calm down
and tell me what happened.

I came out here.

I came out here to collect the Christmas
presents and put them under the tree.

Well, the door
was hanging wide-open.

- And the gifts had been stolen.
- Aw.

Plus our microwave.

Isn't it lucky your father found
the crime-scene tape in the laundry room?

I have an idea.
Why don't we all go back inside?


I called 911
and told them what happened.

And the lady on the phone told me
it was not an emergency.

Out-and-out stealing Christmas?

That's not an emergency?

Mama, I'm so, so sorry about this.

Tell me what's missing and we'll see...

Will you stop trying to find out
what you're getting?

You do this every year.

Wait, wait, wait. How about this?

I will describe the wrapping paper...

...which was a beautiful combination
of flying reindeer and penguins, elves...

Willie Ray, the wrapping paper
would have all been torn off by now.


Here's the truth, okay?

It's highly doubtful we will ever be able
to get those presents back.

But you have to file a police report,
so we'll just write it all down...

...and be thankful that the holiday
isn't just about gifts.

You're right. That was...

That was very well said, son.

The tinsel, the mistletoe.

Those are not the reasons
we get together every December 25th.

No. No.

What makes this holiday special
is a poor baby...

...who was born in a stable...

...and the people who gather together
to celebrate his birth.

Which is why, as long as we're here,
the four of us, together...

...nothing else matters.


Deputy Chief Johnson.


All right.

Just tell the Markus to, uh, stay calm
and I will get there just as soon as I can.

Thank you, detective.

- Ahem. I'll try and make it home for dinner.
- Oh, ho.

Try? You have invited
the entire police department.

I know that, Mama. We're all gonna do
the very best we can to get there.

I mean, here.

Oh. Uh...

Any luck getting my present
from you?

You didn't really think I was gonna find
an Albanian translator on Christmas day?

Oh, I ask you for one thing.

Mama, I'll come back
just as soon as I can.

What are we gonna do about dinner?

I was doing some digging around.
Four days ago...

...Joan Marku had outpatient surgery
at the same hospital Sara Marku worked.

And then the next day,
Sara sent her sister, Anila, this e-mail...

...and that's when everything
went to hell.

What's it say, this e-mail?
I need a translator.

I was giving it a shot
with this Albanian translation's guide.

And I actually recognized a few words
from this e-mail.

Hospital, ghost.

I'll keep working on it.

Wait a minute, chief.
They both speak Albanian, don't they?

Yes, but which one
should I ask for help?

Chief, before you decide...

...I stopped by the lab to pick up
the DNA results we ran on the family.

It looks like we made a mistake
when we handed in our samples.

But the results are pretty interesting.

I wanna know exactly why Skander...

...thought his Uncle Armand was dead.

Tell Lieutenant Provenza he needs to
start asking Skander those questions...

...he's been putting off?
- Yes, ma'am.

Since you've dragged us here...

...the least you can do
is let us see Skander. Where is he?

We're concerned about releasing Skander
into your custody...

...until we can confirm
you're no longer in danger.

And you're concerned about our safety
based on what?

Regrettably, based on another m*rder.

Your sister, Mr. Marku. Sara.

We found her dead. In her home.

Her throat had been cut.

I believe you warned your nephew
about some sort of blood feud.

- Yes.
- What?

Why would you say that?

I was sure my father would have started
teaching Skander the Kanun.

If I told him our family was in hiding...

...a blood feud
would help him understand why.

And blood certainly
has something to do with it.

Miss Marku...

...we have something
we'd like you to hear.

We paired the audio from the attack
with a witness' phone footage.

It's only a small portion
of the exchange.

It's a bit rough in parts, but you should
make it out. And you can see everything.

You are not my son.

You're, uh...

Blood on your hands.

You are...



What does Shariq mean
by calling Armand a ghost?

I... I don't know.

All right, then. How about this?

Can you account
for your whereabouts yesterday?

My whereabouts?

Uh, I... I was with my husband.

And he'll back you up on that?

Are you suggesting
I k*lled these women?

I am a human-rights attorney.

I have visited
the remains of the village...

...where my husband's friends
and relatives were m*rder*d.

And I have spent
the last 10 years of my life...

...seeking out the persons responsible
for the...

This horrible tragedy that Armand
was lucky to survive.

Ma'am, I don't know
if I would call it "luck" exactly.

Chief, I just listened to Skander explain
to Provenza...

...why he thought his Uncle Armand
was dead.

And the story?

Well, it had a familiar ring to it.

It's why Babo hated the police.

I told him it was different here.

He said, "No.

The police are always bad."

That they k*ll people for no reason.

That's why he wasn't helping us.

His grandfather had a built-in distrust
of the authorities.

Now listen to the rest of the interview,
Mrs. Marku.

I think you'll find it very interesting.

So it was the Serbian police
your grandfather was talking about.

I guess.

Well, he called them ghosts.

My mom called them that too.

Because they came
in the middle of the night...

...out of nowhere and they just...

They k*lled people.

Like your uncle.

Just see if you can remember...

...what your grandfather told you
about the night your uncle died.

Tell me the same way
that he told you.

I asked him about it a lot.

What happened to my uncle?

Why they left Kosovo?

And he always told me
I was too little to understand.

But one night last year... was late
and it was raining outside.

And he was sad.

And I asked him why.
And he said, " It was raining...

...just like this."
- Just like this.

The night they were coming
to our village.

The ghosts.

I took Aunt Sara, Uncle Armand,
and your mother...

...and we ran to the grocery shop
owned by my nephew.

There was a basement there
where we could hide with others.

And there was baby.

She starts to cry.

We try to make her stop...

...because upstairs,
we could hear the men looking for us.

But she only cries louder.

And that is how they found us.

Three of them with flashlights
come downstairs.

They took women away...

...and start sh**ting us.

I turned to protect my son.

And they sh**t me in back.

I fall...

...and they sh**t Armand
two times in chest.

He falls on top of me.

And I am still...

...underneath my son...

...listening... all breath goes out of him.

What about the baby girl?

She no longer cries.

What happened to Mom
and Aunt Sara?

When the men took them away?

Terrible things.


...terrible things.

- "Terrible, terrible things."
- Terrible, terrible things.

That's all he would say about it.

"Terrible things."

I've heard this story before
and so have you.

Miss Marku.

There was one survivor,
but we've heard it twice.

It's a mistake.

If Shariq and your husband
were there...

...Armand was one of the men
with flashlights.

Shariq wasn't there!

Our pathologist dug this out
of the old man's back at the morgue.

It was lodged next
to his spinal column.

We've identified that b*llet as being
from a Zastava CZ-99 p*stol...

...standard issue to Serbian soldiers.

Armand is alive. He's alive.

When your husband's hand
was slashed in the attack...

...some of his blood got on Shariq's
clothing. We tested the DNA by mistake.

We compared it
to the rest of the Marku family...

We found the man you know as Armand
is not Shariq's son.

Anila and Sara are not his sisters.

But he is related
to one person here today.


How do you think little Skander
came into the world?

He's not your husband's nephew.

Skander is his son.

And he's also living proof
that you're married to a w*r criminal.

Why did all this turn up now?

Because you had a benign skin tumor
removed last week.

Sara Marku worked at the hospital
where you had your procedure.

We think that she saw your last name on
the intake log and did a little research.

She found out that someone was living
in L.A. disguised as her dead brother.


So you're suggesting
the man I married...

...r*ped all those women
and he m*rder*d those men?

- And then he took the identity...
- Of the victim he most resembled. Yes.

- Armand Marku.
- Oh, God.

Slipped out of Kosovo before anyone
could point him out as a w*r criminal.

They specialized in identity theft.

We trained them in it. The Serbs.

Back when we thought the Albanians
were the bad guys.

They practiced terrorism too, you know,
the Albanians.

Both groups behaved badly and we
changed sides several times ourselves.

Really? Whose side should we be on... that Anila and Sara Marku's
throats have been cut?

You'd investigated what happened
in Armand's village.

Were you ever able to identify
who was responsible?


No names, no descriptions. Nothing.

God, I can't see Armand that way.
I can't see it.

Three people who could see him
that way ended up dead.

You said that you'd been trying for years
to obtain justice for Armand Marku.

Here's your chance. We may not be able
to get your husband for his w*r crimes...

...but he does have blood on his hands
for the murders of Anila and Sara.

Blood on his hands.

Wait a minute.

After he came home from the fight
with his father... I mean, Shariq...

- You saw blood?
- No.

Armand walked into the kitchen
and he'd changed clothes.

I asked him why and he said
he was covered in blood...

...after the police car ran over Shariq.

But in the video,
there was no blood on him.

What happened to those clothes?

He was so upset he burned everything.
He scrubbed the car.

- The car? Was there blood in the car?
- Yes, that's what he said.

Is it the same car you drove today?
May I have the keys?

Yes, but I didn't see any...

Oh, my God.

Now, everything I've just told you
is privileged. I'm his wife.

No. If there's even a trace of blood
on that car, I can match it to Anila.

Wait, wait, wait.
Chief Johnson, I know the law.

I do too, Joan. Very well.

Then you have to understand you've just
wondered into murky territory here.

Let me be clear about this.
I never saw any blood.

Not on Armand's clothes or in the car.

Everything I know
comes from what he told me.

And marital privilege means you can't
use anything I've said against my husband.

Oh, and the car's registered
only in Armand's name.

- So you can't get a warrant.
- I won't need a warrant...

...if I can see blood
through the vehicle's window.

But there is something
I need you to do.

And it might be very difficult.

What could be more difficult
than this?



Are you okay?

I'm scared.

What did they ask you?

They wanted to know where I was
at the time of Sara's m*rder.

What did you say?

That I was with you.

Okay. Okay. I will say the same.

What if they find out
we weren't together?

What if they find out
you weren't at home...

Listen to me, Joanie.
They won't find out.

We'll be okay.

May we be lucky enough to call this
our worst Christmas ever. Yes?

Our children too.

That's his alibi broken.

No expectation of privacy
in a police station.

- Even if you're talking to your wife.
- Doesn't get you for m*rder.

It might, just one minute.

But will they let us take Skander home
with us, you think?


They wanna make sure none of us
are in any danger...

...from whoever k*lled your sisters.

Listen to me, Joanie. Listen. Listen.

There can be no "probably" in this.

- Tell me I can search that car.
- I say you can, but here's the video.

Unfortunately, though the Marku car
is in our parking structure...

We looked into it.
Couldn't see even a stain...

...that would give us probable cause
to search it.

Did you pull prints off
the driver's side door?

See that Agent Howard gets a copy
of those prints.

Let's put officers around the Markus'
car. I don't want it leaving the premises.

This guy told his wife
that there was blood in the car.

So open it up
and we find the evidence...

...that ties this scumbag
to at least one of our murders.

You cannot enter that car based on a
conversation between husband and wife.

The DNA match between Armand
and the boy gives us probable cause.

Not according to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Which regards marital privilege as,
and I quote:

"So essential to the preservation
of the marriage relationship... to outweigh the disadvantages
to the administration of justice."

Wolfle v. the United States.

We could let the car go. Pull it over
for a traffic violation and search it.

As long as you swear
you did not pull over...

...based on what Joan Marku told you.
Can you do that?

The one person in my life
I have always been able to count on.

Joan Marku said they'd never identified
the Serb attackers from Armand's village.

If that's true, I think I have some other
way to arrest her husband for m*rder.

Ah, captain, we still waiting
for the boy to recant?

Lieutenant Provenza's getting him
to withdraw his charges now.

I expect Joan Marku will drop the suit
as soon as Chief Johnson is done.

So you're off the hook.

Oh, good. So why the long face?

While I've been waiting here...

...the Salt Lake City Airport
has been closed due to snow.

No flights in or out till tomorrow,
so there goes Christmas.

Why, Sharon.
You can have dinner with all of us here.

Your friend Brenda
wouldn't have it any other way.

My friend Brenda?

My friend Brenda.

You know what? You come help me
finish with the cooking...

...and I'll tell you some fun stories
about Brenda Leigh when she was a girl.

- They'll make you laugh.
- I'm sure they will.

- Come on.
- Okay.

You make a beautiful Christmas table.

It's so festive.

You wouldn't know they call this place
"the m*rder room." Would you?

Come on.

You can look through their pictures, but
I ran the fingerprints of your Armand...

...against the database of w*r criminals
wanted by Interpol...

...the w*r crimes tribunal...

...and the police
in both Kosovo and Serbia.

And I came up with a big fat nothing.

He really is a ghost.

What happened to your head?

I was hiding something.

Ask me no questions
and I will tell you no lies.

The chances of you proving
that guy in your conference room... a Serbian w*r criminal...

...even if he tells you his real name,
are next to zero.

And he's bound to know that.

That's what I'm counting on.

Right this way, Mr. Marku.

I do not understand
why you have told me my rights.

Are you suspecting me? Does this have
anything to do with Skander?

We wanna make sure Skander's safe
to go home.

Special Agent Howard from the FBI and I
have a few questions for you.

What kind of questions?

Well, why don't we start
with your real name?

- Excuse me?
- It's not Armand Marku...

...that much we know for sure.
- We tested your DNA...

...which clearly shows
you're not the son of Shariq Marku...

...nor are you the brother of Anila...

...or Sara.

Curiously, however,
you are related to Skander Marku.

He's your son. We've heard stories
from you over the past few days...

...about why Shariq Marku
tried to k*ll you.

Because you were carrying presents.
Because you married a Christian girl.

Then it was because you escaped
a genocide.

Now, let's try the truth and see
where that leads us. Shall we?

All right.


I told you how Joan and I met.
Let me tell you another love story.

It's about a young Serbian man
who fell in love with an Albanian girl.

Her father didn't approve.

And after the w*r,
it was not just the girl's father...

...but the whole of Kosovo
that hated him.

So he fled, using the name
of his girlfriend's brother...

...who had died during the conflict.

This man, he, uh...

...he never knew what became of Anila
or her family...

...and was unaware
he even had a son.

Until a decade later
when the girl's father tried to k*ll him.

Well, that's another great lie...

...and I bet if I let you sit here,
you could come up with even more.

But I saw the bodies of Anila
and Sara Marku.

Skander's a lot of things,
but a lovechild? It's not one of them.

So let's let Agent Howard here
tell a story of his own.

I have a roster of wanted w*r criminals
from Kosovo and Serbia.

- w*r criminals?
- Yes.

Because the attack on the village
where the Markus are from... considered to be an extreme
violation of the rules of combat.

The person or persons responsible
for those murders and r*pes...

...should be tried at The Hague.

I think you might be one
of those persons, sir.

Because I did not want my wife
to know I have a child...

...with another woman...

...and I happen to have been a Serb
living in Kosovo...

...I must be a w*r criminal?

You don't know what it's like
to have your country torn apart.

What the Albanians did to us
was horrifying.

You Americans should understand.
Ours was a w*r against terror.

And the Markus? They're t*rrorists?

No matter what it looked like to the
world, it was the Albanians against us.

And when you withdraw your troops,
it will be them against us again.

To accuse me, personally,
for a conflict...

...going back hundreds of years
is ridiculous.

You're ridiculous. I'm not responsible.

Shariq Marku thought
you were responsible.

He saw your face
and he risked his life to k*ll you.

And when you found out
that his family was alive...

...and that they could identify you... went after Sara Marku and Anila,
the mother of your child.

I loved Anila and I love that boy.

Prove it. Tell us your name,
let's see if it's on the list.

- And if it's not on that list?
- Then I will be forced... let you take Skander and go.

But I need to know your real name, sir.
You are not leaving as Armand Marku.

You have one chance at this, sir.

If you give me the wrong name,
or you improperly identify yourself...

...I will have you deported
back to Kosovo.

Who are you, sir?



My name is Zoran Antonovic.



I'm gonna go check on that.

Zoran Antonovic.

So you lied on your marriage license.

I used another name, yes.

Which means you're not legally married
and you don't have privilege. Go, Buzz.

I had no choice.

Flynn, we're in business.

- But the vows were real.
- The murders of Anila and Sara...

...after you shoved Shariq
in front of a police car.

I did not shove Shariq
in front of a police car.

I kept him from stabbing me
to death...

...and he was accidentally crushed
as a result of his own barbarism.

Can you not see that, huh?
Are you blind?

- Buzz, over here.
- Julio, open the door.

All right, Buzz, this side. This side.

I don't see anything.

Well, not yet. Give me a moment.

One, two, three.

I'm seeing a wiping pattern and blood.

- Blood!
- We got him.

Agent Howard.
Yeah, we got the son of a bitch.

Thank you, lieutenant.

There is no Zoran Antonovic...

...on any list of wanted
or suspected w*r criminals.

As I said. Now, if you don't mind,
I'd like to see my wife.

Your wife? Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
You're not married.

Go. Go.

You don't have a wife.

- And you're under arrest for m*rder.
- Under arrest?

What do you mean? I'm not on the list.
You just said, I wasn't on the list.

Of w*r criminals.

We found blood in your car.
When I match that blood to Anila...'re gonna spend the rest
of your life in prison for m*rder.

Sir, put your hands behind your back.


I have an alibi for these murders.

- Christmas concert you left to attend?
- My wife will confirm...

What about after that boy told you
where his aunt lived?

Will your wife say she was with you
during that?

And do you have an alibi planned for
after you k*ll Skander?

Why don't you tell it to me now, hmm?
Let's get it over with.

Enjoy your little moment.

Let's go.

Hey. Hey.

We're going this way.

- Give me a second.
- Hey.

It's time for your little moment.

Joan, I...

I want you to know,
I have always loved you.

And regardless
of what you might hear...

...we can get through this.
I know we can.

And I want you to know...

...I'm taking Skander home with me.


Thank God.

- Thank God. Thank you, Joanie.
- And then I'm leaving with the children.

And you will never see any of them again
as long as you live.


Joanie. Joan, wait.

- Wait, please.
- Shut up, you freak.

Joan? What are you doing?


Brenda Leigh? A word, please.

It's important.

Your mother has something
she wants to say to you.

- Oh, Mama? What is it?
- Well, you know.

You live your whole life in a certain place,
it becomes a part of you.

Food's going cold.

- What I wanna say is...
- We're going back to Atlanta.

Oh, Daddy, no.

Brenda, you've made
a wonderful life here...

...with a devoted husband
and some very, very good friends.

And we're just not cut out
for the Hollywood lifestyle.

Well, we're disappointed.

But we understand.

I hate to interrupt,
but it is the holiday.

Any minute now,
we'll be bombarded with suicides.

And I don't wanna see this dinner
go to waste.

Amen. Excuse me.

- Oh, certainly.
- Excuse me.

Willie Ray, look.
Right here, sitting by me.

Oh, lieutenant.

I understand stealing the presents.
Why'd you have to take the microwave?

Had to make it look good.
L.A. is a scary place.

I will send them a brand-new microwave
to their home... Atlanta, Georgia.

Now, then who wants
to carve the turkey?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Let me do it.

- Oh, come on.
- Don't worry. I do this all day long.

Okay, everybody, just one second.

Say " Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year" into the camera.

For the sake of baby Jesus.

- Lieutenant, come on.
- Can we just eat?

All right, lieutenant. We're ready.

All right. Let's do it. Here we go.

On three. One, two, three.

Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year.

- All right, everybody. Dig in.
- All right, Willie Ray.

If anyone wants sweet potatoes,
pass your plates down.

- There you go.
- I did the marshmallows.

Oh, did you?

They're kind of burnt.