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01x02 - Until the Sun Rises on the Moon

Posted: 10/08/23 13:44
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

At Luna's Carnival, I encountered an immature soul.

My friend said to me, "This shall be the prelude to my vengeance."

But this soul was too young and beautiful.

It is that alone which gives me cause for fear.

Act : Until the Sun Rises Over the Moon

Are you going to come?

That's enough fun and games, boy.

I heard you met him the other day.

Are you bored?
Not at all. It's a wonderful party, don't you think?

Where is your friend?

Oh, you mean Albert?
He's probably out trying to pick up girls, and getting turned down by every one of them.

But this is terrible! This is Luna!

Strolling around alone at night is tantamount to su1c1de!

Surely you're exaggerating...

It's no laughing matter. You'll get kidnapped by Luigi Vampa!

Luigi Vampa?

He's an up-and-coming bandit!

They say that he drags his victims into the catacombs,

...tortures them, and finally kills them!

How horrible!

Surely the police won't stand by and do nothing.

You don't know?

The police on Luna arrange their patrols to avoid the bandits.

My very own cousin was robbed blind, had his arms and legs broken,
...and was left stark naked in the plaza!

All because he spoke to the bandit's mistress!

I'm sure he's fine. I bet that he's back at your hotel at this very moment.

Would you care to dance?

I simply despise when a party ends.

First one guest leaves, then two. Especially at this hour.

You won't abandon me, will you?
Take him away.

You can't! It's mean! Today is my birthday!

I'm sorry, Franz. I have to go.

No, no, no!

Your father is leaving to see to some very important business.

Fine, see if I care! I hope you never come back!


Oh, I'm sorry. Did I keep you waiting long?

I... think I should go.

Are you Baron Franz d'Epinay?

Hey, you're that...
I'm sick of your whining!

As for me, I k*lled ten people!

This is for you.

"My Lord Baron Franz d'Epinay."
"I, Luigi Vampa, have taken custody of your friend, the Viscount Albert Morcerf."

"Hand over the sum of million ducats to my messenger immediately."

"If the messenger should not return by sunrise,

"...although it pains me to do so, think of your friend's life as forfeit."

Where is Albert?!

He's a valuable hostage, so we're taking real good care of him.

If the money is handed over, he'll be sent home without so much as a scratch.

You should have died! Is this how you people do things?
Even I have a certain lifestyle to maintain.

million is absurd!

I'm sure that a Parisian aristocrat won't be hard pressed to come up with such a sum.
Dawn comes fast on Luna.

If you value your friend's life,

...I suggest that you make arrangements for the money as soon as possible.

I want to make an immediate withdrawal from the Bank of Paris!

I'm terribly sorry, sir,
...but our connection to Europe is currently offline due to solar winds.

Isn't there anything you can do?!

How much does sir require?

Albert... Damn!

Say, son, it's awfully sad to see a young fella like yourself all alone on the last night of Carnival.
If you want, I know a fine girl who...

Please, just be quiet and drive.

It was at my father's funeral that I first met Albert...
Don't cry.

I'm not crying...

I'll play with you, so cheer up.

Leave me alone! Get lost!

Ever since that day, Albert and I have been inseparable.

Damn! What am I going to do?

It's almost sunrise!
Have you raised the money yet?

Give me more time!

Once it's morning, I'll have the money transferred from Paris!
I'm sorry, Luigi is a stickler for punctuality.

If you don't have the money ready by sunrise, your friend is a goner.

Stop messing with me!

I suggest that you hurry.
I'm sure that you don't want to see your friend die a horrible death, My Lord Baron.

You bastard!

v*olence is unseemly, My Lord Baron.
Damn it!

Yeah, that's better. A gentleman has to worry about little things like discretion.

There is no more fascinating spectacle than a man's death.

Yes, it almost feels as if one has become God, does it not?
His Excellency, the Baron d'Epinay.

I'm sorry to disturb you at such an hour...

Is something the matter? You do not seem entirely well.

Count! I have a favor to ask of you!
What's the big idea?!

There is your million ducats.
Now, you will take us to the hostage.

To the Colosseum!

Have the two of you been friends for a long time?

Yes, we've been best friends since we were children.

Ah, so you are childhood friends.

Constant friendship...

It is a wonderful thing, is it not?

Who do you like? C'mon, tell me!

At least give me a hint!
You wouldn't understand.

It's almost time.

k*ll him.

So, have you made your peace?
C'mon, ma'am, let me k*ll him!

No, let me!

Oh, give it a rest, you two!

You can carve him up as much as you want after he's dead.
Now, then. You should put up a brave front while you still can.

I wonder what you'll sound like when you cry?

H-Hey, guys.

Um... Visitors to see the boss.
Who are they?

Please, Teresa, don't!

We can't k*ll him yet!

B-Because we won't get the money!
And besides... There's still a little time.

Stand aside!

If you're going to use that, use it on me!
Squabbling among yourselves is pathetic!

Thank you. Stand back.

Are you trying to disgrace the boss?
I'll be fine. Go.

So, does that mean you've fallen for that girl?

That's so sweet...

But she's too much for you to handle, little boy.
Or maybe... you'd rather become one of us?

You know, I think I'll brand you...

Why, you...

Leave her alone!

I have come to meet with Signor Luigi Vampa, whose reputation is notorious on Luna.
And who are you?

My name is... Gankutsuou.

T-The King of the Cave?!

For one such as yourself who dwells in the darkness,

...I expect that I am better known by that name.

I have your money. Now, hand over the hostage.

I'm sorry, but you missed the deadline.
"Always be punctual," that's my motto.

"Punctuality is the politeness of kings," is that it?

I'm deeply honored... by your gracious words!
I see... Your skill is impressive.

But you cannot k*ll me.
A-Are you... Are you really...

A-Are you really him?!

I do not work for the authorities.

If you would do me the honor of returning my friend,
...all will be well.

You aren't injured, I take it?

I had a feeling that you would come to rescue me.

If you wish to thank someone, thank the good Baron d'Epinay.

He was gravely concerned for your wellbeing.
Hey! Miss!

Are you okay?

Say, I never asked you what your name was...
I'm Albert. Albert de Morcerf.

I'm Peppo.

To tell you the truth, I was almost considering throwing in my lot with the bandits.

I'm glad you're all right, Albert.

What took you so long, Franz?
I came this close to being k*lled, you know!
I was seriously...

What was that for?

Please, do not concern yourselves over the matter.

It served as a pleasant diversion for me.
But I have to do something to repay you.

In that case, might I ask one favor of you?

Anything at all! Just name it!

I should like to take up residence in Paris at some point.
That's wonderful!

However, a rustic aristocrat such as myself has no connections in Paris.

As such, might I impose on you to act as my intermediary into Parisian society?
Think nothing of it!

In that case, I shall call on you on May nd, three months from this day, commemorate the events of this day.
Where in the world did you find this?

I found it. At the opera house.
Oh, so that is where it was!

It shames me to say it, but I have looked everywhere for it.

This, too, shows that there is some bond between us.

Please accept it with my gratitude.
Think of it as a small token of our friendship.


It will serve to freeze the memory of this day, this hour, in time.
A memory which belongs to us alone.

Thank you so much! I'll cherish it!

Carnival has ended, so what are your plans now?

We're going to cut our trip short and take the evening shuttle back to Paris.
Hey, wait a minute! I've already made plans of my own!

You never learn, do you? And what "plans" might these be?

What do you mean? It's none of your business.
Have you arranged a rendezvous, perhaps?

Sort of...

Love is a wonderful thing.
However, perhaps you have not noticed yet.

Or perhaps you knew, and arranged the rendezvous regardless.

I do hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but...

A boy?

She's a boy?!

Come out and say it! You think I'm an idiot, don't you?!

Not really.
You're always looking down on me, laughing at me on the inside!

I'm not laughing at you!

If I laughed at every boneheaded stunt you pulled, I'd bust a gut!

Anyway, you were...

I owe you my life.

I appreciate it.

The fruits of betrayal must be plucked from the tree...
At long last, the appointed day arrives. He comes to Paris along with a summer storm.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo, act ,

Act : / , Stormy

..." / , Stormy".
Bide your time, and hold out hope!