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01x05 - Do You Love Your Betrothed?

Posted: 10/08/23 16:18
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

When he learned something of his mother's past,

...the young man saw in her profile the figure of a woman.
However, he is still unaware.

Still unaware of the true identity of the man who brought this look to her face.

Act : Do You Love Your Fiancée?

I can't believe I'm seeing sights like this underneath the Champs Elysees.

It's like a dream.

Perhaps this truly is but a dream.

At times, I find myself forced to consider that possibility.

In that case, here's an eye-opening question for you. How much did you sink into this?
How much did this dream house of yours set you back?

We stopped bothering with hassles like keeping track of the money...

...halfway through construction.

Thanks for that reply. It'll make a great headline.

Where's that music coming from?

She's the girl from the opera!

She's beautiful...

You're not gonna try and tell us that she's artificial, too, are you?

Don't be rude! She's...

She is a doll named Haidee.

A poor puppet who still lives, even after her soul has been stolen away.

Haidee obeys my every whim,

...and should I wish it, would not hesitate to take her own life.

You're kidding...

Don't be so surprised. This is the Count of Monte Cristo we're talking about.
He renounced his soul ages ago.

Am I wrong?

You're going too far, Beauchamp!

How else could a man amass a fortune like this in one lifetime?

I'm afraid... I must agree.

Why are you all acting like this?

Listen, the Count isn't as cold a man as you think he is.

Isn't that right, Count?
I would not know. I cannot see myself.

Welcome to our home. I am Haidee.


Who's that?

He is Ali. Like Haidee, he is a noble doll that I own.

Haidee, the Viscount seems perplexed... to what you are to me.

I am but a humble twig that allows the Count to bloom.
A graceful girl like her is the twig, and the Count is the flower, huh?

Are you happy like this?

I know the joy of making the flowers bloom.


Does my harp's music sound gloomy?


The notes of a harp are the notes of the heart.

The strings don't respond to a hesitant, timid heart,

...and a tense heart will cause the strings to break.

Being with the Count makes me happy.

I assumed that you and the Count were in love with one another...
In love with each other, huh? Could you be any more naive?

What's that supposed to mean?

Think about it.

Marriage among aristocrats is just a strategic alliance with the goal of cementing fortunes.

In point of fact, that's why Franz and Valentine are engaged, right?

Is that true?!

Well, I won't deny it...
Right, Albert? Isn't it the same with you and Eugenie?

Well, I guess...

In other words, love is something that doesn't exist in the privileged class.

How can this be...

What's the matter, Maximilien?

Is what I said too hard to swallow?


Even so, everything I said was the truth.

The only thing that's important to them is keeping their family fortune from shrinking.

In other words, you two aren't the product of love, you're the product of financial interests.
I wouldn't be so sure.

For my parents at least, they say that their marriage was out of love.

I find that hard to believe. A notorious player like General Morcerf?

Are you trying to insult my father?!

Seeing you get so mad about it makes it seem even more dubious.

Is there something about your parents that you're feeling guilty about?

Of course not.
Why would I feel guilty about anything?

Hey, Beauchamp.

I don't care if you think you're a journalist. You should drop this subject.

Hey, what's this? You're clamping down on freedom of speech now?

"How wretched it all is..." Is that not what you are thinking, good Captain Morrel?
To think that loveless marriages are allowed to go unquestioned...

Is something wrong, Maximilien?

The people of Paris are corrupt!

Maximilien, you're going too far!! I demand that you take that back!

I can't do that.

Paris has more than its fair share of honest, upright people! Take back what you said!
I can't do that.

Take it back!

I can't.

Stop it, Albert!

Hey, now...
Stop it.

Viscount Morcerf.

Do you realize what you are pointing at me?

I must warn you, I am a soldier.

This will not do.
It is unseemly for one party to draw his sword while the other does not.


It appears to me that each of you is steadfast in your opinion.

As we are at sea, perhaps we pirates should act the part...
...and have a duel?

A duel?

On the sea, strength counts for everything.

He with the better sword arm makes the rules.

Are you serious?

What are you suggesting, Count?!
Come, now is the time to demonstrate your conviction.

Prove to them that you hold your parents' marriage to be sacred.

The blade in your hand is invincible.
And you, Monsieur?

All men have a blade in their heart.

The purer the heart, the keener the blade.

The time is high tide, the place is the ship's bow, and the weapons are bare blades!

Come on, gentlemen!

Let's see you go at it, pirate style!

It's hard to believe that there are still people in this day and age who'd fight a duel over love...
Is this any time to be joking?! Those swords are real!

And the water down there is teeming with sharks that are thirsting for human blood!

Count, what are you trying to do?!

Sea voyages are accompanied by their own entertainment.

I expect that Monsieur Albert is thirsting for stimulation of this sort.

Let's do it!
Whenever you're ready.

Take back what you said!

I can't!
Why, you...!

How about now?!

You poor, sad people...

The purer the heart, the keener the blade.
You aren't capable of defeating me.

Shut up!

Understand this.

No matter what you say, no matter how it is with other families, parents' marriage is a sacred bond!
I didn't expect you to turn towards your unarmed side.

I admire your agility.

Nevertheless, the insincere will be smitten by righteous anger!
I won't stand for it! I won't!

What in the world's gotten into Maximilien?

I guess he's the scrupulous type.
You're finished!

Why do you have such disdain for the aristocracy?!

That's none of your concern!

The hell it isn't! Tell me why!
In that case, there's something I want to ask you, too!

Is it true that you don't love your fiancée?

Well, l...

I demand an answer!
I don't know!

As I thought, I can't abide by this!

You have lost, Monsieur.

Hey, hold it!

- Albert! - Don't!

There are sharks down there!

This is a nightmare...
Indeed it is.

This is a dream.

All is but a waking dream.


I did it because you had that look on your face, Mother...

One cannot fight destiny.

I'm ashamed of myself. I can't believe how angry I got.
I can see it clearly.

Within your heart, another side of yourself lies dormant.

At the moment, you are burdened with a profound sense of apprehension.

As am I.
You are, Count?

I have need of you.

Who, me?

You and I met that day on Luna.
Perhaps you feel that our meeting was a chance encounter.

But in fate, there are no coincidences.

Just as that setting sun does so according to the laws of the universe,
...fate, too, is composed of unyielding necessity.

What are you apprehensive about, Count?

It is because a man loves that he laughs, cries, and hates.
Count, what are you saying?

My life is much like this miniature garden.

It is a hollow, fragile thing.

C'mon, Albert, cheer up already. Maximilien already apologized, didn't he?
I'm not mad.

Then why...
Don't hang around the Count anymore.

You've been acting funny lately.

You're right. I guess I have.

Something's funny. Something about all this.
Up until yesterday, life was one uneventful day after another.

It almost feels like something hidden is at work behind all this.

Destiny... Have you ever thought about fate and stuff like that?

No. I don't believe in that stuff.

How did your mother and I meet?

Why the sudden interest?

Please, I'd like to know.

As I've told you before, your mother and I were married after a storybook courtship.

Yes, it was just as your father says. We were lovers.

I've never seen that look on Mother's face before.

You look like you're delirious with a fever, young master.

Why don't you go out for some fresh air?

Make sure you clean in here!

Yes, sir!

Mother, who are you thinking about right now?

How far will the ship sail, I wonder?

There is no turning back now.

I see... You hope to expand your business ventures to include Paris, as well?

I can think of no stronger backer to have than yourself, General Morcerf.

You do me a great honor, Monte Cristo.

I take it that you already have a plan of action.

Please feel free to call on me should you have any need at all.

He seems to be quite powerful.

The crest of the Danglars family can be seen here and there around town.

He has no idea that the Count is keeping a close eye on him.

Talk about conceited.
Waving a sword around in anger like that...

You really are hopeless, you know that?

Tell me, what kind of relationship do you and I have?

What brought this on?

Something that Maximilien said.

"Is it true that you don't love your fiancée?"


Do you, Albert?

You and I... are childhood friends, right?

You and Franz have changed.

In the old days, the three of us would always have fun together.

But now, the two of you sneak off on trips by yourselves...

Everybody is changing.

Do you know why Maximilien was so angry?

You honestly don't know?

Well, if you say so.

What's that supposed to mean?!

I guess no one can do anything to stop it...

...when two people have feelings for each other.

I didn't mean to keep you waiting, Eugenie.

I'm sorry. It took a long time to get ready.

That's all right.

Oh, my. Albert, is something the matter? You look so grim.

Stay safe.

Hey! Albert!


She and her father. And her mother.

The specter of uncertainty sneaks up on them through their conflicting emotions.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo, Act :

Act : Her Melancholy, My Melancholy

..."Her Melancholy, My Melancholy."

Bide your time, and hold out hope!