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01x15 - The End of Happiness, The Beginning of Truth

Posted: 10/08/23 16:35
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

Anguish. Anxiety.
Because his soul is so pure and innocent, is all the more susceptible to becoming troubled and tarnished.

The tarnish becomes an indelible stain, and the stain gradually spreads.

When one is no longer able to trust others, that when one truly becomes an adult?

Act : The End of Happiness, The Beginning of Truth

It's amazing how tiny and insignificant the world we live on is.

Yes. In the vast cosmos, it is but a grain of sand.
And what's more, separated from Earth by a distance of : light years as we now are,

...the light you are now seeing is that of years ago.


Indeed. years.

I'm glad that you brought me with you.

Seen from space, all the things that I was agonizing over seem so insignificant.

Perhaps, but hatred and malice are amplified in the darkness of space.
Everyone's gone away... Franz has left, and so has Albert.

I'm sorry for asking you to meet me on such short notice, Franz.

That's all right, I'm glad I had the chance to see you.

I'm planning on setting out on a trip for a while.

Is Albert going with you?

Apparently, he went off somewhere on a trip of his own.

Even though his father's in the middle of an election campaign.

Can you believe that guy?

"Somewhere"? Where do you mean?
I'm sorry, I don't know, either.

The one thing I can say for sure... that he's gotten himself mixed up in something dangerous.

He still hasn't figured that out, though.

Franz, I...
I know. You're a victim in all this, too.

Listen, whatever happens, don't forget who you are.

Look for the truth on your own.

Before I made your acquaintance,
...I traveled to the far reaches of the universe, operating this ship by myself.

You flew a huge ship like this by yourself?!

Yes. At the time, I was quite proud of the fact that I was able to operate it single-handedly.

Come, take a look at that.
What is that?

The Milky Way. I am told that in the ancient Orient, it was called the River of Heaven.

The River of Heaven?
This is what I wished to show to you.

It's so beautiful...

According to their legends, two lovers lived on the opposite banks...
...separated from one another by the River of Heaven.
They say that once a year, they cross the river and are reunited.

That's a romantic story, don't you think?

Long ago, I once had a friend, a sailor who was born in Marseilles.

I heard that story many times from him.

I bet that your friend was in love.

This sailor of whom I speak had a beautiful fiancée and a best friend he felt at ease around.

These three were childhood friends, and were always looking out for each other.

Indeed, they were much like you, Monsieur Franz, and Mademoiselle Eugenie.
However, the best friend was secretly in love with the sailor's fiancée.

And then, the friend, who would stop at nothing to possess the fiancée,

...framed the sailor for a crime which he did not commit.

Unbeknownst to anyone, the poor sailor spent more than a dozen years...
...chained up in a prison located in the depths of space.

I can't believe it...

However, a miraculous event occurred,
...and the sailor was set free, whereupon he returned to Marseilles.

I'm relieved to hear that.

However, the beautiful fiancée, rather than waiting for the sailor's return,

...had become engaged to his friend instead.
That's terrible...

I wonder why she didn't wait for the sailor to come home?

Also, why did the sailor's friend steal away his fiancée in spite of their friendship?

The sailor, now betrayed by both his best friend and his fiancée, never returned to Earth again.
Why do you cry?

I don't know...

Until just recently, I thought that I would never believe in anyone, just as you do.
That's what I told myself...

But for some reason, when I see your face,

...that thought of living that way seems like the saddest thing in the world to me.
Count, let's have faith that our friendship will be the exception to the rule!

At the very least, you're the one person that I can trust!

Is the watch that I gave you still ticking away?

Albert, I shall be departing Paris sometime in the near future.
What do you mean, Count?

It's so sudden!

Wait, it's not because of your illness, is it?!

No. There was a certain matter that I had to see to in Paris,
...which is why I have kept my residence on the Champs Elysees.

However, the task I came to accomplish will soon be completed.

Morcerf! Morcerf!
Don't say such things! Please, stay in Paris for good!

Or if that's not possible, please take me with you when you go!

I don't want to be apart from you!
Do you think that highly of me?

I do!

The ardor of youth eventually cools.
That's not true! You... To me, you're...

One day...

One day, I will ask you the same question.
I wonder if you will still feel the same way about me then?

Excellency, there's a message from Paris.

If you will pardon me for a moment...
Monsieur Noirtier... Please, you have to tell me.

Tell me what Gankutsuou is.

What's this? Hey, wait a minute!
"In the event of an emergency, it is possible for a third party who knows the password..."

" use this pen to make contact with its owner."

Does this mean that if I can figure out the password, I can access your mind directly?

She's so beautiful!

Hey, isn't she...
Right. She's Monte Cristo's...

I realize I am late, but I have come to offer my support to you, General Morcerf.

Well, well!

By all means, please step up to the podium!
Valentine... I'm certain that your grandfather told you a very important password.

Do you know what it is?

Valentine, I am now surrounded on all sides by enemies.

If anything should happen to my body, remember this flower.
Blue rose...

My name is Haidee.
Various circumstances brought me to Paris,

...and I have eagerly awaited the day that I would be able to meet General Morcerf.

Goodness, you honor me.

This may sound rude, but have we met somewhere before, by any chance?
Yes, ten years ago. I will never forget the day.

When I was four years old, in the land of Janina.

You did us the honor of protecting us as a gallant Space Forces officer.

Oh, is that it?

You were a patriot dedicated to defending our country.

Or so I believed, until that day.

I never expected that I would be using this channel for this purpose...

Still, I have no further need for it now that I have left politics behind.

Thank you, Franz.
You and your friends have kept my granddaughter safe for me.

If there is anything in my memories that might prove useful to you, by all means, take them.

Please take good care of Valentine.

W-Who in the world are you?

I am a sad woman who had the misfortune to lose her father at Janina,
...and to be handed over to sl*ve traders along with her mother.

My father fell victim to the intrigues of a certain young officer, and lost his life as a result.

Oh, my!
What's she talking about?

I-I'm curious as to what this story has to do with these proceedings?

They have no bearing on this? Is that what you are trying to say, General Morcerf?

Or Fernand Mondego, should I say?

What does she mean?

Who IS that woman?


Gankutsuou is...
The Chateau d'lf.

Edmond Dantes.

My name is Haidee Tebelin,
...daughter of Ali Tebelin, former Pasha of Janina, and his wife, Vasiliki!

I am the daughter of a father who was brought low by your conspiracy...

...and a mother who lost her life to despair!

Surely you can offer no justification for what you did.

W-What's this nonsense?!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is THIS that is a conspiracy!
A rebellion by malcontents who are trying to disrupt my campaign!

He's right! Grab that woman and get her out of here!

It's a conspiracy!

Don't fall for her lies, everyone!

Now, I think you should leave.

Shut your mouth, Fernand Mondego!
What's this? Don't look at me like that!

Are you able to prove what you say?

Why, that's...
Proof that will never fade for as long as I live. Proof that was branded onto me...

...when I was turned over to the sl*ve traders by that man.

This brand is a record of everything that I have endured.
Haidee... This belonged to your father. Take it.

If you ever suspect that you are about to be violated, use this to take your own life.

Fernand Mondego. Change your name all you like,
...but the blood of my father that splattered onto your forehead that day...

...will never disappear as long as you shall live!

Ali... I... I know I'm right.

I did the right thing.
He is my sworn enemy, the man who stole everything from me.

So why do I feel like this?

The Count... I must warn him! I mustn't let the Count suffer as I do now!

Count... Has something happened?
Why do you seem so anxious?

I'm not sure.

I just sense the presence of a deep, terrible darkness.
Count, what should I...

Albert, you should return to Earth. Without delay.

You should be at your father's side.

My father?

It's times like these when a man makes a lot of enemies. You should watch your back, too.
Has something happened to my father?!

Return home at once. I will lend you my ship, the Spada.

The time has come at last for you to learn everything.
This may be the last time we meet.


Fare thee well, Albert my friend.


Why? I thought we were going to trust only each other...





We're going back!

Back to that city where vice flourishes!

Stand by for atmospheric reentry.

Everything was a lie.

The tiny rip becomes an enormous tear,
...and everything I had believed in falls in and is swallowed up by it.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo act :

Act : Scandal

Bide your time, and hold out hope!