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04x08 - Fame Patrol

Posted: 10/15/23 08:58
by bunniefuu

♪ Why does the sun go on shining? ♪

♪ Why does the sea rush to shore? ♪

♪ Don't they know it's the end of the world? ♪

♪ 'Cause you don't love me anymore ♪

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ And I wonder ♪

♪ Why everything was the same as it was ♪

♪ I can't understand ♪

♪ How life goes on the way it does ♪

♪ Why does my heart go on b*ating? ♪

♪ Why do these eyes of mine cry? ♪

♪ Don't they know it's the end of the world? ♪

♪ If only when you said ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

[RITA] Are we sure we're

sober enough to lead the way?

Oh, I don't know, I think so.

A pile of dead corpses in a

giant crater is fairly sobering.

That said

I do think there's something

very familiar about Immortus.

But I just can't place it.

Well, that's because it's not Immortus,

it's Isabel f*cking Feathers!

[CLIFF] sh*t. Is it

Immortus or isn't it?

The f*ck do you care?

[CLIFF] Immortus!


- [FAKE COUGH] Immortus!

- Will you shut up?

Nobody thinks it's funny.

It's your fault why we're

in this f*cking mess.

Come on, it's not all my fault, right?

It's a little bit Larry's fault too.


Where'd you come from?

And who's the chick in the jumpsuit?

Cliff, not now, Please.


You okay?

My father is dead.

Some part of me always knew

his story would end like this.

But that other man, Wally Sage?

He was my creator. And

the only one who could

explain why I'm here.

To lose them both

I don't know why you're here, Casey.

But I'm glad you are.

We'll figure this out

together. I promise.


Hey, should I be worried about this?

Honestly? I don't know.

Can't really say I saw this one coming.

Yeah, I gotta get the hell out of here.

Are you calling an Uber?

Bro, we just blew up a pocket

dimension in the middle of Ohio.

I gotta go check on my wife and kids.


- Come on, man.

A'ight, you go be a dad.

[LAUGHS] I'll handle this.

You really do love it, don't you?

- How's that?

- You know.


Man, you looked like

your old self back there.

Those freaky ass Scissormen

couldn't wipe the grin off your face.

Hey, by this you're talking

about me being Cyborg

No, no. Nah. You were right about that.

You can't just go back to being Cyborg.

At least

not the old Cyborg.


That's my ride.


- Get home safe.

- All right.

I'll talk to you.

Come on.


So, what's the verdict?

Should one of us go check on

her, ask if she's doing all right?

Ask if she's doing all right?

She just exploded and

k*lled half a dozen people!

She needs to be destroyed.

Wow, that is big talk

for someone who couldn't even

handle k*lling a fake Wally Sage.

Maybe there's somewhere between,

you know, hospitality and homicide?

- Homicide?

- Yeah.

I don't want to m*rder some random girl!

[CLIFF] Or get m*rder*d

by some random girl.

[LARRY] What if we're

following the wrong girl?

Are we sure that's Immortus?

[CLIFF] Immortus?

[IN HIGH PITCH] Immortus?

[IN ACCENT] Immortus?

[RITA] Oh, for f*ck's sake. Isabel?

Isabel Feathers?


Prepare yourself, Isabel Feathers.

Did ya'll just say "Isabel Feathers"?


You found Isabel Feathers! [LAUGHS]


After several months,

the body of Isabel Feathers has

been found, and that body is alive.

So, Isabel, we're dying to know.

Where have you been all this time?

Where have I been?

I guess you could say I was

lost in the fabric of reality.

Somewhere outside of space and time.

[JONATHAN] Outside of

space and time. I see.

And what was that like for you?

There are no words

[DISTORTED] to accurately

describe my experience.

I witnessed the rise and

fall of civilizations.

I stared into the heat

death of the universe

and heard the answer

to the final question.

My body was everywhere

and nowhere all at once,

and my screams echoed

back to me through the eons

like a chorus of haunted memories.

The only escape was death,

and death was revealed to

be nothing but an illusion.

[CLIFF] This is what we do now

that we're old and decrepit?

Watch supervillains on television?

This girl looks like she's

definitely about to explode again.

[RITA] We should've taken her

out when we had the chance.


I'm sorry, I don't know

why I said that. I

So, Isabel, we're dying to know,

where have you been all this time?

Okay, what the f*ck was that?

Oh my gosh, Jonathan.

I honestly can't explain the wheres

and hows of what happened to me.

It was just, like, so deep, you know?

What I can say

is I really used that

time to work on myself.

My brand. You know?

I stopped asking "Where

is Isabel Feathers?"

and started asking,

"Who is Isabel Feathers?"

[CLIFF] This is what we do now

that we're old and decrepit?

Watch supervillains on television?

[JANE] Maybe that expl*si*n

was a one-time deal. I mean,

this theater geek doesn't seem

like the vengeful time-god type.

Uh-huh, did no one else see that?

I saw enough. Isabel, Immortus, is

a thr*at that needs to be removed.

Oh please. We all know

what Immortus is capable of.

Also, she's not just Immortus.

She's my former archenemy

Thespian archenemy.

Isabel Feathers is no thespian, Jane.

She's a two-faced,

mm, dinner-theater

caliber pretty-faced witch

who might just be a world k*ller.

- We need to destroy her.

- Rita's right.

You know, I got a

strange sense of déjà vu

when I was watching that interview.

One minute, like, she was kinda

dangerous and kind of weird

and then the next minute, she was

just this normal ordinary girl.

[LARRY] Maybe she's

dangerous and normal, like us.

We should leave her alone.

[CLIFF] Please, please,

please, please

[GASPS] No, no, no, no. No,

no, no, no. No, no, no, no.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,

f*ck. f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck. f*ck!


Oh, my God. What do we do? What



Um, I was just checking to see if

anybody wanted to have ice cream.

- Why would anyone want ice cream right now?

- Nobody wants ice cream.

- I feel like a soft serve or

- Get a hold of yourself, man.

All right, f*ck off. You guys

can't keep giving me sh*t for this.

I didn't lose our longevity. We

all lost our longevity together.

- Don't even f*cking start with me.

- This is 100% your fault.

- This is not a good look.

- [MADAME ROUGE] I agree.

This is why we need to act.

We need to figure out exactly what

is going on with Isabel, Immortus.

It's our best chance at

getting out of this mess

that Cliff has gotten us into.

[CLIFF] You're kidding me?

[JONATHAN] So, Isabel, are you excited

about the big rescue celebration

going on this afternoon?

And do you expect that some

of the heroes that saved you

will make an appearance in the parade?

Uh, I'm sure they'll be there.

They're just as happy I'm back as

everyone else is, right?

[JONATHAN] Well, why in the World

of Wut would they not be, right?


That's it! Hm?

That's the cover we need to go into town

and figure out what's

really going on here.

We've practically been invited.

I'm right here! Stop shouting!

Sorry. I thought I heard something.

You okay?

I don't know, Dr. Stone. You try

aging 15 years in an afternoon.

[CLIFF] I'm with Jane. We're

literally getting too old for this.

[LARRY] Face it, Rita.

It's over. We lost.

Immortus was just a bunch

of comic book bullshit.

It doesn't really matter to me

whether Isabel is an ordinary girl

or an ordinary despotic time monster.

I have to figure out what to do

with the little time I have left.

Perhaps you're right.

We are all getting older.

Even though I am the one who

has aged more than anyone else,

and I am still ready to kick some ass.

Uh, right, let's get to work.

[DOROTHY] Okay, so this

is my father's spaceship.

Whoa, holy smokes, kid, a spaceship?

It looks, uh, super aerodynamic.


So, uh, what kind of engine

you workin' with here, huh?

Dutonium fire-water?

Combustible neutron droplets?

Purple Crystals?

It runs on apples.

You feed them to a mountain

goat over the dashboard.


How are you feeling, Casey?


I don't know-kie.

Out of all the real life

feelings I've experienced

for the first time, this is

really the worst, you know.

No one likes to feel that pain.

Sometimes it stays with you forever.

But grief is like a gift.

Just like smell and taste.

All of these things let

you know that you're alive.

That you're real.

[SNIFFLES] I just wish

I could turn the page.

But that's why I brought you here.

[SIGHS] I want you to

have my father's ship.

You can go anywhere you want to.

I don't know. I've never been driven

by goat-apple power before, so



I think I need a new mission.

A mission?

Here on Earth?

Well, I guess I have a

mission of my own right now.

These people here,

they're family to me. They're

the only family I have left,

and they're dying.

[SIGHS] I have to help them.

[CASEY] Well, it

sounds pretty important.

Maybe this time I'll be your sidekick.

That is if you'll have me aboard.


[LARRY] I'm sorry, pal.

Things didn't go the way we hoped.

I swear, I'll give you all I

can until my very last breath.

[RAMA] Quite depressing, mate.

Slightly less depressing

than the robot in your garage,

but only slightly.

Rama? Is that you?

I I thought you disappeared.

[RAMA] Not so much disappeared.

More of, uh, disassembled.

I think your little glowing

friend got a little carried away

and, well, obliterated me.

Did you? Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea.

Think nothing of it. It's

just, I need your help.

Uh, okay, all right. If I

were a defrosted Zombie Butt,

where the hell would I be?


I would be [GRUNTS] No.

What's the worst thing

that could happen?

Buttpocalypse 2?

Or maybe Immortus destroys the world

before the Zombie

Butts destroy the world

and it'll be my little secret.



- [COUGHS] Shut up!

f*cking Parkinson's!

f*cking aging! f*ck you! [GROANS]

- f*ck!

- Cliff?

- Huh? Oh! Hey, kid!


- Are you okay?

- I'm fine.

Totally not reckoning with my mortality

in multiple very-real scenarios.

- Follow me.

- I'm actually a little busy but [GROANS]

Okay, we're fine. Where are we going?

[MADAME ROUGE] Jane? Jane, where

are you? Jane, where have you gone?

Where the hell am I? Why can't

I find my way back to my station?

- Where did you go, Jane?

- I can't find you!

- [RITA] Is she coming back?

- I'm lost.

I'm lost in my own f*cking

head! Somebody help me?

Somebody help me, please!

[CASEY] I can help you.

Why the f*ck were you in my head?

- I'm not sure what you mean by that.

- Whatever.

I'm out of here.

Tell the rest of the Power

Rangers no karate in the house.

- What's the plan, Rita?

- As I've been saying all along,

find Immortus, and do

whatever needs to be done.

If Isabel puts one little

pedicured toe out of line,

she's as good as dead.

Since when did you

become dark and vengeful?

Hm, apparently it's been a

thing for quite some time now.

I'm sick of good guys and bad guys.

The Agents of Immortus were good

guys, and look where it got them.

We will never get our

longevity back if we ask nicely.

Get your longevity?

Wait, that's what this

whole thing is really about?

- [ISABEL] Oh, thanks.

- There she is.

Thank you so much for being

here, it's truly an honor.

[GASPS] You saw my show? Oh,

I would love to sign that.

Hi, there, I'm Claire. Claire

Delaire. The Cloverton Mayor.

Would you happen to be the Dune

Patrol? Did I say that right?

It's actually the Doom Patrol.

And, yes, I suppose we are.

As I live and breathe.

Everyone, gather round!

- Come, come, come.


Wait, what's wrong? I was, I was

I was halfway through the

opening of my autobiography

[DISTORTED] "Feathers in the Wind"!



Oh, of course. And who

should I make it out to?

Would you happen to be the Dune

Patrol? Did I say that right?

- Uh, it's actually

- Everyone! It's the Doom Patrol!



My heroes! I am so glad you're here!

This is the greatest Rescue

Celebration Day we've ever had.

[CROWD] Yeah.

[RAMA] Let's not despair.

There's surely some

solution. There always is.

[LARRY] I don't know

if there is a solution.

I made a mess of everything

while you were gone.

- How's that?

- It doesn't matter how it happened.

The bottom line: Immortus was a lie.

Everything you told me, everything

you believed, all of it was a lie.

Now, my longevity is gone and

I'm rapidly aging to my death.

You know as well as I do the dangers

of aging to a radioactive being.

If I destabilize as my body breaks down,

I'll become a geriatric dirty b*mb!

Keeg, what the hell are you doing?

We're not alone in here,

that radiation is deadly.

[RAMA] Wait! Keeg's onto something.

I'm in this mess because my

electrons have been dispersed.

A healthy dose of

radiation might allow me

to siphon the particles I

need to rehabilitate myself!

- Are you feeling this?

- Yes!


- Et voilà !



[STRAINING] Come on! Stay with me!

- Don't let go!


- Don't let go!

- I've got you. We've got you!






Great work. Thank you.

[LARRY] No problem.


Hey, have you see anything

weird around here lately?

Like, weirder than normal?

Like, small? And possibly dangerous?

- No.

- Cool. Cool, me neither.

So, what's the deal, kid?

So, I was thinking about

how you've been having

trouble getting around.

And now that you're

getting older, I thought

- You thought?

- Papa's old chair!

- I want you to have it.

- Why?

- Why? To use it.

- f*ck, no.

Sorry. I meant, f*ck, no!

I would literally rather die.

What do you mean? This chair will

make your life so much better.

You think that'll make my life better?

Did you get the impression that

Niles was thrilled with his life?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.

I see what you're trying to do.

Everyone hated Niles,

and now everyone hates me.

So, what, I'm supposed

to be the new Niles?

Wheel around and f*ck

up everyone's lives?

- No, f*cking thank you.

- I know you and Papa didn't get along

I hated him in life and

I still hate him in death.

Even when his ghost asked for my help,

I told him to haunt the f*ck right off.


You you spoke to Papa's ghost?

Er Uh, yeah, er

I didn't tell you because

Well, maybe you haven't

noticed, kid, but I'm an assh*le!

So, stop trying to pity me

and leave me the f*ck alone.


What the f*ck are you doing in my room?

Oh! Is this your room?

That that is so, uh, unexpected.

I was just uh I was just

I'm sorry, I was just trying to help.

And I think I got a little carried away.

- I love your paintings, by the way.

- Who are you again?

I'm Space Case.

But my secret identity is Casey Brinke.

- I guess it's not really a secret.


[GROANS] I don't give a sh*t.

You seemed like you could

use a hand earlier, so

I took the liberty of

organizing this amazing puzzle.


Who gives a sh*t about a

f*cking puzzle? [SNIFFLES]

Listen, I used to be

a fictional character

so I'm not always right

about these things.

But I got the sense

that this puzzle had some

sort of emotional significance

- So I figured

- Are you still talking?

You can't just come into my

room and expect to fix my life.

My life is f*cked up

beyond your understanding.

You're hurting.

I can tell.

But, uh

these feelings, they let you

know that you're alive.

That you're real.


I don't know where you heard

that fortune cookie garbage,

but they need to get

their facts straight.

I'm not real. I'm just a construct.

I'm not real, this puzzle

isn't real, and guess what?

You are not real either.

You said it yourself, you're fictional.

You're not real.

You're not a superhero.

You're just a nosey girl

who organizes other people's

sh*t into random piles.


- I guess I still have a lot to figure out.


I'll leave you alone.

They aren't random piles, by the way.

They're organized by color.


We're back again with the woman

of the hour, Isabel Feathers.


And joining her, is the woman

behind the woman of the hour,

Gertrude Cramp.

Girl power. Am I right, ladies?



Now, Miss Cramp, I'm told

that you were actually

the understudy of Isabel Feathers

in a critically acclaimed

production of Our Town.

Well, that's not even the juiciest

part of the story, Jonathan.

World of Wut would you say if I told you

that Isabel was playing a

role in Our Town based on me?

It truly was an incredible

performance by me. [CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY]

It takes a lot of talent to

portray such a tragic character.

I'm sure you remember

the day she blobbed out

and nearly destroyed the entire town.

I think, it's important to remember

that, at the time, I was trying

very hard not to destroy the town.

[GIGGLES] I mean sure.

That's what made playing

your character so complicated.

But easy for me. [CHUCKLING]

And I assume, you have a background

in acting as well, Miss Cramp?

I dabble. Many have said

I know it sounds crazy, but I'm

telling you, something is wrong.

[JONATHAN] Gertrude,

you are simply amazing!

[DISTORTED] Consider this a warning!

Tell your friend to back

the f*ck out of my moment,

or there will be nothing left of her

but a pile of acrylic nails

and the smell of vodka.


Well, that's not even the juiciest

part of the story, Jonathan.

Okay, tell me you felt something there.


Aside from the overwhelming boredom?

No. She does not fit

the supervillain profile.

[JONATHAN] Now, let's

meet the rest of your team.

Laura De Mille, Victor Stone.

Welcome to World of Wut.

So, Victor, you are not Cyborg anymore,

what's that like?








Just so you know, I'd be

having trouble with these steps

whether I was in a chair or not.


Cliff, I'm sorry if I've upset you.

But you're going to have

to take care of yourself

if you want to be there for your family.

Be there for my family?

How exactly is an invalid robot

supposed to be there for his family?

You have to let people take care of you.

It's not your condition that's

a burden, it's your obstinance.

Why do you have to make it so hard?

Because I can take care of myself.

If you can take care of yourself,

then walk up the damn steps.

I don't want to. Maybe I

like it here at the bottom.

Okay, then walk with me to the elevator.

- No.

- [YELLING] Why won't you let me help you?

[YELLING] Because I don't deserve it!

Trust me, kid, I don't deserve love.

I don't even deserve pity.

I've been trying so hard to leave

something behind that's worth a damn,

but I just keep f*cking things up more.

It'll be better for everyone

when I'm dead and gone.

[ANGRILY] Don't say that, Cliff.


- Don't ever say that.

Your death won't hurt you

nearly as much as it will hurt the

people who have to live with it.

Do you have any idea of all the

things I wish I could have said?

All the moments I wish

we could have shared?

And now that you're closer than

you've ever been to the end,

you just want to waste time?


People love you, Cliff.

- And people want to help you.


Don't let them down.

When the others get back from the parade

we will then talk about what's best.

The parade? That's right! The parade!

The parade for heroes. Heroes like us.

You're right! There

are people who love me.

But I need to remind them why.

Save the f*cking chair.

I've got a parade to attend.


Is this, uh, your usual thinking

spot, because I can go somewhere else.


You know, a few days

ago, I didn't exist.

Yesterday everything I

cared about ceased to exist.

I should just be grateful for the

heat of the sun and wind in my ears

and that weird smell of my

sock when I take off my boot.


But I'm not.

I just feel empty.

Empty's a good word for it.

[SIGHS] I thought I needed a mission.

Something to give me purpose.

Purpose? Purpose is overrated.

Maybe it's okay not to know

what your next mission is.

Maybe that leads to

a new kind adventure.

I heard about this dumb parade in town,

if you'd want to go check

that out with me, for a bit.

You know, I was just thinking

that this planet has the perfect

amount of gravity for a parade.





Tell me. Why did you

do it? We had a plan.

We almost escaped Orqwith

together. Why go back to Immortus?


[LARRY] You weren't there.

You can't understand.

I had to make a choice.

I did what I felt I had to do.

I don't I don't get it.

You never struck me

as the impulsive type.

I mean that sounds more like



[LARRY] What?

I think I understand now.

No, you couldn't possibly.


I don't know what part

of you needs to hear this

but you have to know, there is

no shame believing in miracles.

I spent my life believing in

them. I don't plan on stopping now.

Belief in miracles got

Wally and the others k*lled.

I can't wait around for miracles, Rama.

I have to live in the real world.

You promised we'd find another way.

Well, you might want to check

the shelf life on that promise.

I need to find a new home for Keeg.

We're dying, remember?

I can't take care of him,

you can't take care of him.



Had you already penciled me in as

a foster option for the little one?

No, I didn't I didn't

mean it like that. I just

I want him to be safe. That's all.


I'm going to hold you to your

promise a little bit longer.


[CLIFF] Larry, get your bandages on.

We're going to that

stupid f*cking parade.

And I need help walking.

Yeah. I'm a little

busy right now, Cliff.

- Sorry about that, he's a

- Well, I'm sorry.

You only have so much time on this Earth

and your friends want

you to go to a parade.

- Why wouldn't you go?

- [SPUTTERS] Yeah, I'm not really

a parade type of guy.

I'm more of a stay-at-home and

stare-out-the-window type of guy.

Keeg, would you like to go to a parade?


Well, that settles that.


I will rest on this m*llitary-grade

rectangle you call a mattress,

re-gather my strength.

And you go to a parade.




[CHUCKLES] Thank you.




- Everything all right?

- Never better.


So, uh, what do we think of Isabel?

Oh, I'll figure that out later.

For now, let's just enjoy the moment.

Wow. That's quite a U-Turn. What

happened to dark and vengeful?

You never told me being a superhero

was so much fun. [CHUCKLES]

Not just for the fame,

but for the feeling of doing

something good in the world

and being recognized for it.


But also, the fame. [LAUGHING]

It's nice to finally be

recognized and experience the fame.

[LAUGHING] You're not wrong.

[SIGHS] Man, I'd be lying if

I said I didn't miss it a bit.

Ah, come off it, Victor.

You and I both know you're destined

for something bigger than this.

You're not going to spend

the rest of your life

taking care of ageing heroes.

- You're Cyborg.

- I'm not

One day, you're going to realize

that our little Doom Patrol

just isn't enough for

you anymore. And then


Hey! Remember me?

How could I forget?


I just had a few questions, you know,

for my peace of mind

just to clear the air.

- Go on.

- Well, it was

my fault that you fell

into that time hole.

It's my fault that all of

this happened to you, but

I just wanted to check that you're okay.

You know, you were dealt a bad hand.

As was I.

That doesn't make us evil, right?

I don't know who you think you are,

but you don't know anything about me.

I have everything

[LAUGHING] I have ever wanted.

I'm not evil, I'm famous.

Unfortunately, I don't believe you


What did you just call me?

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say "Immortus"?


I meant, Isabel.

[DISTORTED] You dare utter my true name?

You dare meddle in my unending

legacy with your mortal clumsiness?


I have seen your pathetic

demise, Laura De Mille,

as I have seen all things.

But I will gladly rewrite your

history so that you die today!




- Hey, remember me?

- Sorry, I'm too busy for selfies right now.

I have to go receive the key

to the city. Wish me luck!


Do we wave?

[CLIFF] I had no idea

we had actual fans.

[LARRY] Turns out a very small,

very select group of

people care about us.

[JANE] What the f*ck

is that supposed to be?


[RITA] That's me!


Blob! Blob! Blob! Blob!

Thank you so much.

Isn't it amazing they're here?

Real superheroes, in Cloverton!

Superheroes? [CHUCKLES] You mean

the freaks out there on the donkey?

[LARRY] Hey, since

we're superheroes again,

I might need everyone's help.

I'm dying.

And Mr. 104 is destabilizing.

If we don't figure out a solution,

we're probably going to

blow up the entire planet.

Well, I'm sure that's something

the Doom Patrol can

help with, right, Jane?

I don't know. I might need help too.

I can't find my way

back into the Underground

and I need to get back there

before I forget forever.

That's complex. But

If we're all listing problems,

remember that Zombie Butt?

The one I was supposed to k*ll?

Uh, I didn't k*ll it.


But I did lose it.

[LARRY] What the hell?


- [CLIFF] Whoa, whoa.

[JANE] Idiot!

I don't understand. This

is a Rescue Celebration.

I was the one who got rescued.

This parade is supposed

to be all about me.

Of course it's about you.

You were missing and now you're found.

But the Doom Patrol

Ah, the Doom Patrol, they found you.

I mean, they're heroes.

And you are the reason

why they are heroes.

Which is why you were chosen to

present them with the key to the city.

I'm sorry, did you just


I thought you were giving

me the key to the city.

Sure. We're giving

you the key to the city

so you can give them

the key to the city.

Does that make sense?

Excuse me. Rita!

Rita! Rita! Rita!

Rouge! Hi!

We've got to get out of here!

- What?

- There's something wrong with Isabel,

we have to stop her.

After you hand them the key to the city,

I'll make the big announcement

[VOICE FADES] we're making

today into a town holiday.

From here on out, June 5th will

be known as Doom Patrol Day.


[ISABEL] Doom Patrol Day?

Doom Patrol Day?


Doom Patrol Day?

f*ck this!