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Matthew Shepard Story, The: An American Hate Crime (2023)

Posted: 10/15/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
A University

of Wyoming student

was out riding

his mountain bike

and he falls down,

looks up,

sees what he thinks

is a scarecrow

or a prank,

just because of Halloween

just around the corner,

which, of course,

this was early October,

and goes over to investigate,

and, of course, was horrified

by what he found.

I can still

see the description of him,

the biker who found him

and thought he was

a scarecrow...

of the deer,

that was keeping him

company all night,

and when he was found,

the deer got up and ran away.

There's just a...

A feeling

of divinity around him.

There's a feeling

of an angelic presence.

This is a child

who was loved and adored,

and in every way,

kind of, the boy next door.

This is a sign of rage,

something very personal,

something very terrifying

about that.

How cold he had to have been

tied to that fence

and not found for 18 hours,

and still be alive.

They then took him

to Ivinson Memorial Hospital,

which is the local

Laramie hospital

to try and see

what they could possibly do.

It was a mystery

to the officers,

okay, "Who is this person?

Who is Matthew Shepard?"

"Hey, Mom,

I'm writing to say hello.

How is everything?

I've been okay,

kinda homesick.

Having trouble with getting

into the swing of things,

but it won't last long,

I hope.

I've been real depressed

and I think it's let-down.

I came back and the weather

was crummy,

and I miss home.

Miss you.

Love, Matt."

Matthew Wayne Shepard was

born on December 1st, 1976.

And even though

he was a little guy,

he had a huge personality.

Matthew was

a very emotional kid,

very empathetic.

My name is Jim Osborn,

and I was a friend

of Matthew Shepard.

The first thing

that I noticed about Matt

is his smile.

He just had this incredible

beaming smile.

My name is Romaine Patterson,

and I was friends

with Matthew Shepard.

Oh, I loved his laugh.

I loved his smile more.

He had a great smile.

It beamed.

He was young.

Looked like

a sweet innocent guy.

Just looked like a nice kid.

It wasn't

just his mouth.

His eyes would kinda light up

and twinkle or sparkle at you,

and it was like

his whole body smiled at you.

Wyoming is like

a sleepy little town.

The whole state

is one sleep little town.

We're the least

populated state in the union.

We're sort of our own

little galaxy here.

We are geographically


We're the 10th largest state

in the country,

but we have

the smallest population.

In 1998, even though

we're watching

Will and Grace,

we are the most conservative

state in America.

Growing up

in the '70s and '80s,

you couldn't be different.

It was a kind of place where,

if you were

a stereotypical cowboy,

working on an oil rig,

you'd fit in.

But it wasn't like growing up

in New York City

or any of the major cities

in the country.


the word "f*gg*t"

was sort of a go-to

whether or not

that had anything to do

with your sexuality or not,

that was just a word

that was used to describe

you as like a loser

or you as a different.

I am from Nebraska,

and I graduated

in high school in 1987.

Even though we were...

You know, Matthew and I lived

in very different cities

but it seemed like

he was a kid

that I very easily

would have been friends with,

could have friends with.

He seemed like somebody

a lot of us knew.

He seemed like your friend

in high school

that probably was gay.

There's no denying

that Matthew was gay

and he knew that.

Like, if you looked

at Matthew,

you saw a gay man.

There was not a...

There was not even an ounce

of straight there.

In 1993,

as Matthew was finishing

his sophomore year

of high school,

his dad got a job

with an oil company

in Saudi Arabia.

As Matthew's family began

to move to Saudi Arabia,

Matthew settled on an American

school in Switzerland.


in the second semester

of his senior year,

he went with some friends

to Morocco.

Morocco at the time,

wasn't perhaps

the tourist destination

that it is today

and it wasn't known

for being particularly safe.

My understanding

of what happened in Morocco

was that on one

particular evening,

Matthew wanted to go out

and see things.

He didn't think,

"Oh, I should go out

with a group of people

in a place that

I'm unfamiliar with."

He just decided,

"I'm gonna go out.

I'm gonna leave the hotel.

I'm gonna wander around.

I'm gonna look at the shops."

Things like that.

That's something

he totally would have done.

And while he was out,

he was snatched.

In Morocco,

a couple of men took Matthew

to a isolated place

and r*ped him.

At that time,

the idea that a young gay guy

is r*ped

by a group of adult men,

people couldn't even fathom

that kind of stuff.

And so, Matthew came back

to the hotel,

you know,

immediately told people.

His parents

were contacted,

the police were notified

but they never found

the attackers.

It was a random attack.

They had no idea who did it.

After the attack,

Matthew changed.

He wasn't himself.

I think what happened

is he lost his sense

of safety in the world.

Being assaulted

is a traumatizing experience.

Trauma has deep,

lasting impacts

on someone's development,

their social development,

their emotional development,

their spiritual development,

and people

who experienced trauma

are at risk

of feeling suicidal,

having poor mental health

like depression and anxiety.

In 1995, Matthew graduated

from high school,

returned to the US,

and he decided

to come out to his mom.

I definitely think

that Matt felt comfortable

in his skin

and was comfortable being out.

By the early '90s,

you have good things happening

in the cultural world,

with more representation

with gay people.

How many lawyers did you go

to before you called me?


You're trying

to get rid of her

because she's gay.

I hadn't really come

to terms with my sexuality

until like 1984, '95.

And then, yes,

Ellen DeGeneres is a thing.

I'm gay.

In the late '90s,

there was a great

kind of boom for gay people.

There was more representation

on television.

Ellen had come out.

People fell in love

with Jack on Will and Grace,

an overtly,

outwardly gay character.

A question

of sexual orientation?

The doctor is in.

I think middle America

was becoming more comfortable,

you know, with the thought

that there are gay people

out there and that they are

just regular people.

And I think that gave Matthew

the sense of security

that he wasn't alone

and that he was in fact safe.

Matthew later

bounced around

to a few different places.

He eventually wound up back

in Casper, Wyoming,

his hometown.

I went

to my first year of college

at Casper College

in Casper, Wyoming.

I got to know one

of the instructors on campus.

She called me one day

and she said,

"I got this weird call today

from a therapist.

And he's got a client,

and he would like

to introduce his client

to other young gay people.

Can I send him your way?"

And I said,

"Okay. Sure. Why not?"

And it's this awkward

young man named Matthew.

He's like, "I'm trying

to meet some new people

here in Casper

who are gay too,"

and he was super cute,

but we took him under our wing

and we were like, "Listen,

you're one of us now."

I think depression

was a real issue for Matthew.

I think he was

a manic depressive

so sometimes he was super,

super high

and things were awesome.

"February 23, 1998.

I put the Cherry Creek

to shame tonight.

Walked around in my humble

cute self.

It was fun.

I've really gained

a lot of comfort here."

And then,

there were times were things

were literally the opposite,

where it could not

had been lower for him.

"It's been

a long time since

I've journaled,

but I understand why now.

I'm so depressed."

I think

Matthew really did

try to address

the personal traumas

that he had endured.

He dealt with them the best

that he could,

where he didn't feel bad

about himself,

he didn't blame himself

for the things

that had happened in Morocco.

And he was always, you know,

trying to find

that happy balance.

"I'm gonna call

home tonight and say hello

to my mom and dad.

I miss my family so much.

They're so important to me.

I wish that I could see them

more often."

That spring, Matthew

announced that he was going

to move to Laramie, Wyoming,

and in May he made that move.

He enrolled

at the University of Wyoming,

which is where his parents

had gone to school.

Mathew was pretty happy

in Laramie.

Within the red state,

this college town

was sort of a liberal enclave,

so while he was there,

he met like-minded people,

he was connecting

with friends,

and that's also where he met

Jim Osborn.

I'd see him almost

every single day

in front of the Union,

and there he was,

usually people-watching,

always with his hair just so

and polished look about him,

you know,

just always making sure

that anyone he talked to,

he was very focused on them

and was very present

in that conversation.

He always seemed

to be very confident

and was definitely

outgoing and personable.

I never doubted

"This kid is gonna make

a difference."

So, Tuesday night,

Matt came

to the LGBTA Meeting.

We'd been kinda

putting the final plans

on all of the events

for Gay Awareness Week.

And then, as we did

most weeks after the meeting,

we all agreed,

let's go out for,

you know, dinner

and something to drink after.

And so we did that.

And after we'd been there

for a while at Village Inn,

he said,

"Okay. Well, I'm,

I'm not heading home yet."

And we later learned

that he ended up

at the Fireside.

I can only imagine

that Matthew felt

perfectly safe walking

into the Fireside Lounge.

It's a place

he'd been before.

He knew the bartender.

He had no reason to be

looking over his shoulder

and thinking someone

was gonna do him harm.

The Fireside

was not a gay bar,

but certainly a bar

where gay people

did go from time to time

because we didn't have

a designated gay bar

in the state.

Most of us had a bar or two

that we could go out to

and feel relatively safe.

I had been to the Fireside.

It was nothing special.

Matt says

he saw Matthew Shepard

leave the bar with two men.

Although he didn't see

their faces on the way out,

he's confident

that those two men

were the same who were paying

with coins for their pitchers,

because he didn't see

those guys around after that.


after midnight

in a neighborhood

just north of town,

a resident wakes up

and hears a hissing sound.

So he goes outside

to investigate.

What he finds is that

his tire has been slashed.

He calls the police.

That's around 12:40 a.m.,

and lets them know he thinks

someone has slashed his tire.

At that time, the officer

was about four blocks

from the house where the tires

were slashed,

he sees two guys behaving

kinda strangely

in this black Ford

pickup truck.

And they're sitting there

and they aren't moving.

It's well

past midnight,

there aren't many

people out and about.

He's out looking for people

who just slashed

somebody's tire.

And so he shines

a light on them,

announces it's police.

He thought they could have

been the suspects

in the tire slashing.

Russell Henderson

was somebody

who came from a family

that had been

in Laramie a long time.

By all accounts,

was a pretty good kid

up until late teens.

He was an Eagle Scout.

He was raised

by his grandmother.

His mother had some issues.

While he was living

with his grandmother,

he was dating a University

of Wyoming student

named Chastity Paisley.

And there's blood

on him.

So the officer

asks Henderson,

what happened to your left?

He tells the officer

a pretty confusing story.

Russell says that they got

jumped by two men

who he describes

as a White guy

and a Hispanic guy,

and that they'd been beaten

up pretty badly by them.

Russell said

that the other two guys,

the White guy

and the Hispanic guy

had run off.

So, he's asked,

"Okay, well who were you with?

Because we think

you're involved in some

of this vandalism

that we've heard about

in the area."

It seems Russell

is telling the police officer

that he was not involved

in the tire slashing.

He won't name anyone's names,

including the guy

who the officer

just saw run away.

Russell was hesitating

to tell the officer

who the truck belonged to.

And finally he says, "Well,

I was with Aaron McKinney."

Aaron McKinney

was a young man

who had grown up in Laramie.

His parents were divorced.

Anderson met Aaron McKinney

at some point

and they were roofers


Aaron McKinney

was dating someone

named Kristen Price,

and the two of them had

recently had a baby together.

Aaron's mother had died

a few years earlier,

actually from complications

from a hysterectomy.

And that actually

led to him inheriting

quite a bit of money

due to a life

insurance policy,

and unfortunately,

he used a lot of that money

on dr*gs

and poor behavior.

In the early '90s,

crystal meth

arrived in Wyoming

in a big way.

For someone like

Aaron McKinney,

who thought of himself

as a bad boy to start with

and had money in his pocket

to burn,

it's not so surprising

that he wound up

becoming one

of the army of people

who became addicted to meth.

So the officer

continues talking

to Russell Henderson

and he says,

Aaron McKinney got cracked

with a stick or something

when they got jumped.

And Russell Henderson,

he's got a gash in his lip

and there's blood on him.

So, the officer

also broadcasts out

the descriptions

of the men who Russell

told him about, this white guy

and Hispanic guy

who supposedly jumped them.

Right now everyone thinks

that those two men

could be responsible not

just for vandalizing the tire,

but also for attacking

Russell and Aaron,

both of whom

were pretty badly injured.

And so after they finished

their conversation,

Henderson goes

in an ambulance

to Ivinson Memorial Hospital.

The officer takes a look

at the truck...

and he sees a lot of things

outside of the truck

that looked odd.

There's this

really bloody g*n.

What is all this stuff?

What has happened here?

And they're just

absolutely baffled

by what took place here.

Initially, they think

it's just this one fight

in a residential area,

but there's more to this

and they know it.

So they're processing

outside of the truck,

they're swabbing blood.

And of course, this g*n

in the bed of the truck

is available to them,

so they take it,

and it's just covered

with blood.

Under federal law,

there is an exception

to the rule that you need

a search warrant,

which is called

the plain view doctrine.

If an officer sees

a potential piece of evidence

in plain sight,

they're allowed

to take that evidence,

preserve that evidence,

in the event that a crime

has been committed.

And then,

they look in the cab

and they see this really

nice pair of shoes,

which seem out of place,

because they don't seem

like the kind

that these guys would have.

So, what's interesting

is you have

some Laramie

Police Department people

listening in

to the radio call.

When Deputy Fluty,

the Albany County

Sheriff's Deputy calls

from the fence and said,

"We've got the student ID

with the name

of Matthew Shepard,"

the ears of some

police detectives perk up.

Right around this time,

police are still

looking for Aaron McKinney.

They go to his house...

He's not there.

Eventually, Kristen Price,

who was Aaron McKinney's


called police and said Aaron

was badly beaten up,

and so now

he's at the hospital.

Aaron was injured

pretty badly from the as*ault

the night before

between the White guy

and the Hispanic guy,

and he had to be transferred

from the local hospital

to Poudre Valley to have

his head injury treated.

Police were

invited by Kristen Price

to come and interview him.

They do talk to him briefly

a little bit and asked him

about the incident.

So, they started asking

McKinney about the truck

and he said, "Oh, well,

that was stolen from us

when we were out last night."

And he said he had been jumped

by a couple of folks

and he got cracked

in the head.

While officers are

interviewing Aaron McKinney

at the hospital,

they received word

that Matthew has been found

on the outskirts of town

and is being brought

into that same hospital.

When the doctors there

see him,

they are doing what they can

to try and revive him.

The hospital contacted

his parents,

who were still

in Saudi Arabia.

They started

the process of getting home

as quickly as they could.

They realized

right away,

"We can't take care

of him here."

So there's a hospital

in Fort Collins

called Poudre Valley Hospital

that handles head injuries.

So, they realized right away,

"We gotta get him

to that hospital."

The first time

I learned about

what had happened to Matt,

I got an email from

a mutual friend of ours,

the same friend

that had introduced us.

And she let me know

that Matt had been att*cked

and that he was

in the hospital.

She let me know

that his prognosis

was not good.

There was a shock,

there was a fear.

There was just this distraught

feeling you had

because you knew there

was nothing you could do.

And so I just

kind of waited it out.

The first few hours

were honestly pretty scary

for myself and most of

the members of the group,

because we didn't know

who had done this.

For me, it was unmistakable

that this had to be

about hate.

So, law enforcement

now starts to interview

people of interest

about Matthew's attack.

Police bring Russell,

Chastity Paisley,

who was Russell's girlfriend,

and Kristen into the station

and try

and do interviews with them.

Russell Henderson

isn't speaking, so he's...

"Lawyering up"

is the term they use,

he's gonna wait

for an attorney.

Chastity Paisley

explains that,

"Oh, well, I really

don't know anything."

Kristen Price

had a little one at that time

and she had no interest

in getting arrested

or having anything happen

to her.

And he told her,

"I think

I k*lled somebody tonight."

He explained

that he and Russell Henderson

were at the Fireside bar

where they saw somebody

that was gay

and he looked like

he had money.

Kristen tells him,

they came up with a plan

that they would pretend

that they're gay

and they'll try

and get him to go with them

and that they will rob him.

And eventually,

he decided to go with them

and they left

the Fireside bar.

After Aaron

tells her what happened,

he goes into the bathroom

to get cleaned up.

She looks in and sees him

washing off a bloody wallet.

Aaron then took that wallet,

put it in a dirty diaper

and threw it in the trash.

Kristen says

that Chastity and Russell

come over and they discussed

the evening's events,

realized they better get rid

of some of their evidence,

better get rid

of their clothes.

The clothing

they did not get rid of

was Russell's shoes,

which were very expensive

and he had just bought them,

and they hid those in

a shed at another location.

Law enforcement

goes to the location

and after

a little bit of a search,

they find the shoes

that were covered with blood.

They go to

the McKinney household

where they find his clothes,

they're bloody,

and then in the dirty diaper

they find the wallet

that's got

the driver's license

of Matthew Shepard in it.

By the end of the afternoon,

all three were arrested

in connection with what

happened to Matthew Shepard.

At the time,

I was the news director

at Wyoming Public Radio.

I was also teaching

that semester

at the University of Wyoming.

I had a student

that was in my class

and he called me up

that morning

and told me that he wasn't

gonna be able to come

to class that day

because something bad

had happened

to a friend of his.

And I'm like,

"Are you kidding me?"

Like what happened?

He goes, "Oh, you're gonna

hear about this.

This is a real terrible thing.

It's going to be

a news story for you."

Matthew Shepard...

Matthew Shepard...

Matthew Shepard...

Matthew Shepard...

You know,

in public radio,

we don't have the scanner

on like TV stations do

or newspapers might.

We don't do a lot of

that day-to-day crime stuff.

But I did have somebody

that morning tell me,

"Wow, the scanner

was really going last night."

There was something going on.

There's something

that happened

just outside of town.

So, I called

the sheriff's office

and they wouldn't say

anything, but they said,

"We're gonna have

a news conference at 3:00."

That afternoon,

we were there.

Of course,

there may have been

one other radio station there,

and then I remember that some

local TV stations

and some television stations

from Denver were there.


the press conference,

Sheriff Gary Puls

remarked for the first time

about Matthew's attack.

He also announced the charges

against Russell Henderson,

Kristen Price

and Chastity Paisley.

Aaron McKinney had

not been charged as of yet,

but they told us

that we know where he is

and we are going to be

charging him shortly.

The sheriff

made it very clear to us

that he thought

that this incident happened

because Matthew Shepard

was gay.

In 1998,

the Wyoming legislature

is mostly retired ranchers,

you know, old White men.

We didn't have

hate crime legislation.

Passing any hate

crimes legislation

would be like putting

a stamp of approval

and saying "This is true,

this is who we are."

And it was just an obstacle

that they couldn't overcome.

From that point on,

I never ever, ever,

ever heard a member

of law enforcement

call it a hate crime.

This was a local crime.

It didn't strike me

that this was something

the national news

would be interested in.

Aaron McKinney

also had been transferred

to Poudre Valley Hospital

in Colorado

as well as Matthew Shepard.

Police waited for him

to be released,

and as soon

as he was released,

he agreed to be extradited

back to Wyoming.


he basically said,

"Yeah, it happened and...

But here's what happened."

They're kinda driving around

and then they sort

of go to the Fireside.

And they are really

short of cash.

And they're using quarters,

nickels and dimes

to buy a pitcher of beer,

when they see this

other person approach them.

And they concoct

this plan where they're gay

and they'll try

and get him

to go with them.

They leave the bar

and get in the truck,

which is

Aaron's father's truck.

Matthew is positioned

in between them in the seat,


in between them, really,

and Russell's driving.

He was holding a g*n

at that time,

'cause they were,

you know, telling him

he was gonna be robbed,

and then Aaron

took his wallet.

Aaron has his g*n out.

It just doesn't make sense

that Matthew

would feel emboldened

to make a pass at him.

Aaron McKinney just started

hitting him with a g*n.

He hit him in the face.

He just whacked him.

He explained

that Russell drove them

to the site,

and then Russell tied him up.

And then Aaron

just started to hit him...

And hit him and hit him.

I'm sure

he was terrified.

I imagine you would be

confused also,

how could a scenario

of just leaving the bar

with someone escalate

so quickly to this.

Really went

from a situation

where it sounded like

what they were intending

to do was rob the young man,

and just like that,

it turned into something

really catastrophic.

Aaron basically

just unleashed on Matthew.

He beat him brutally

and repeatedly.

Aaron admitted he just

kinda went into a rage.

He just started

hitting him and hitting him

and hitting him.

And then Aaron took

his shoes.

Aaron tells

the police after he was done

beating Matthew,

he assumed Matthew was dead.

He and Russell jumped back

in the truck,

drove back into town,

potentially to get rid

of the g*n,

and got in a fight.

There is something

of an ironic parallel

in the fact that Aaron

had just finished brutally

beating someone

and came into town

and then got his own head

cracked open.

The thing in that interview

that comes across

is he was actually

sort of nonchalant.

And after

the interview was done,

he was charged with attempted

first degree m*rder,


and with aggravated robbery.

An openly gay

college student beaten

and left to die

clings to life in Wyoming

this morning.

I know that virtually

no one in Laramie

or in the state of Wyoming

had any idea

the media storm that was

about to descend on them,

or what a chord

Matthew's story would strike

at that particular

moment in history.

Matthew Shepard.

Matthew Shepard.

Matthew Shepard.

Matthew Shepard.

In the hours

after Matthew was found,

people learned

Matthew Shepard's name.

He became a national

news story.

It was a gruesome

discovery at this fence,

a gay man barely

alive tonight

in a coma, brain damaged.

It was everywhere.

It was in every newspaper.

It was on the news.

Everyone's kind of like

just watching and listening

and hoping that he would live.

Not in my wildest dreams

would I expect

that the New York Times

and Newsweek,

and CBS, ABC, NBC,

CNN, all those people

would be showing up

in my community

within roughly 24 hours.

I'd never seen that before.

A couple of things

were going on

in the hours

after Matthew was found.

There were many people

who wanted Matthew's

story known,

because these murders

had been going on

for a long time.

Matthew's friends

and activists

were reaching out

to an existing infrastructure

of gay rights,

national organizations

that then could amplify

what happened.

The National Gay

and Lesbian Organization

descended into Laramie,

in particular,

GLAD, the Gay and Lesbian

Alliance against Defamation.

Like, they're literally

a media watchdog group.

This is what they do.

All they do at that time

was watch the media

and contact different

members of the media

about the stories

and the reporting

that they're doing.

The only way change

was gonna happen

was to also use the media

to amplify the story

of what happened to Matthew.

People aren't stupid.

They're sophisticated

about the media.

People were calling

the Campus Activity Center

and leaving messages for me,

Good Morning America

and Dateline.

The hate and v*olence

must stop.

It was kind of a scary

and unique challenge

all of a sudden to be asked

to be the spokesperson

for all gay people in Wyoming

is the way it felt

at the time.

My name is Nate Mickelson.

I grew up

in Kemmerer, Wyoming.

It was pretty small,

maybe about 3,000 people.

You know, I thought

I was the only gay person,

but I was part

of that community

and people cared for me

no matter what was going on.

I was at college.

And when I heard about

what happened to Matt,

it really shocked me.

You know, it wasn't a kind of

Wyoming that I remembered.

You know, it let me know

that I wasn't as safe

as I thought I had been.

And I wasn't as safe

growing up as I thought

I had been.

Welcome my buddy,

Ellen DeGeneres.

I was on

my TV show.

It was an incredibly

turbulent time

in my life and world.

I remember

the James Byrd situation,

the same horror and hypocrisy

and evil and systemic racism

that allows a Black man

to be lynched

and feeling something

has to be done,

not knowing what to do.

And then right

on the heels of that,

Matthew Shepard

and feeling that same horror.

I first heard

about Matthew Shepard

in my dorm room in New York,

and there weren't

a ton of details.

Even though this happened

thousands of miles

from where we were,

I think we all recognized

pieces of ourselves

in this story.

In '98, I was

in San Diego, California.

I was in high school.

You know,

I was still in the closet.

And, you know,

hearing about this awful,

brutal crime was terrifying.

It made me fearful

to step toward coming out.

It made me more fearful

to embrace who I was

because it reminded me

how much hate

there is out there.

I spent a lot of time

trying to convince

my mother in Nebraska

that everything is still

gonna be okay

and that I could be safe

and would be safe

when in reality,

I knew...

that that might not

always be the case.

It was terrifying. It was...

It was a terrifying


While all of this

is going on,

Matthew is still

in the hospital.

His parents are there

and they're just hoping

that he's going to survive.

We all watched what

was happening with Matthew

in the hospital and those days

while he was trying to survive

and we knew

the likelihood of that.

And yet everybody

hoped, right?

You know, people were

critical of the community.

Well, you know,

the Wild West,

you're probably pulling

gay people off the street

left and right

and beating them,

or this kind of thing probably

happens in Laramie

all the time.

There was

a real generalization

about where Matthew was from

and that maybe

it wasn't surprising

that a gay kid

would have this...

horrible crime happen to him

in a rural area like that.

That everyone from Wyoming

was anti-LGBTQ,

that we were all just a bunch

of uneducated hicks who went

around engaging

in gay bashing

or words to that effect.

I think Wyoming

will always struggle

with outsiders'

perception of us,

like, it was taught

in our schools.

It was preached

from our pulpits,

but it's not unique

to Wyoming.

People love to tell you

"It would never happen

in this great blue state

that I live in."

And they're full of.

It was homecoming weekend

for the University of Wyoming.

And so normally,

that's festive, right?

And they were wearing

yellow arm bands, you know,

saying that hate

is not a Laramie value.

And it was just comforting

to see that.

And that you could see

the same message

on the marquee out in front

of the mom and pop hotels

and Arby's national

chain restaurants

were putting signs up

like that, too.

I cannot begin to describe

the difference that that made

as a q*eer person

in this town,

knowing that there really

were more people

who had our back

and had Matt's back.

People were rooting for him.

There were people who were

praying for him to live.

Like, it became this,

"Can this underdog make it?"

- Ready?

- Yup.

At 12:00 midnight

on October 12th, 1998,

Matthew Shepard's blood

pressure began to drop.

His condition continued

to deteriorate.

And at 12:53 a.m.

this morning,

Matthew Shepard died.

Matthew's mother said to me,

"Please tell everybody

who's listening to go home.

Give your kids a hug.

And don't let a day go by

without telling them

that you love them."

Even though it was something

that for me,

I had had kind of known

was coming,

it still was...

that letdown, that...

That air escaping

your lungs in a way

that you can't control.


That last vain hope

that well, gosh,

maybe he'll wake up was gone.

I broke.

I literally broke.

All of a sudden,

all of that grief

and anger and sadness

just rushed in

and completely overtook me.

I was very devastated

by Matthew's death

and didn't quite know

what to do.

My soul ate

at human's ability

to be cruel to another.

Hearing about

his death and processing it

was even scarier

because there wasn't anybody

for me to relate to about it.

I didn't have anybody

to talk to about it.

I just heard about it

and I thought...

"This is the world

that I'm about to enter

as an adult."

And that scared me.

My boyfriend has two kids

and his daughter asked me

what I was doing today.

And I explained that I was

going to do this documentary.

And she asked me what it

was about and I said,

"Well, it's about a boy named

Matthew Shepard who died."

And she said,

"Why did he die?"

And I said,

"Well, 'cause he was gay."

And that was all I could think

to say about it

to a 10-year-old.

After Matthew's death

was announced,

there was such an outpouring

across the country

with candlelight vigils

in major cities

and small towns.

I was astonished

by the outpouring of emotion.

It broke

everybody's heart.

And I think finally people

were starting to feel that,

that no matter who you are,

no matter

what you identify as,

no matter who you love,

no one deserves

to be treated that way.

Matt's death

was a rallying point.

People were angry,

viscerally angry

about what was happening.

Let us commit ourselves

to transforming the anger

of this march

into sustained action.

Let's move tonight.

Let's move

the country tonight.


I am so... pissed off.

I can't stop crying.

Here is an example.

This young kid

minding his own business

gets m*rder*d for no other

reason than he was gay.

It was so sensational.

The story was so strong.

And it was so clear

what had happened

that you couldn't deny it

any further.

The determination we have

will not diminish.

We still have a long way to go

in our nation to make sure

that hatred and intolerance

are banished

from our country.

It was astonishing.

The only time I can recall

before that

where there was that kind

of outpouring of emotion

and rage

was when Harvey Milk

was assassinated in 1978.

We must do more

to deal with violent bigotry.

Even though Matthew had died

from an anti-gay hate crime,

most of us were pretty naive

about what anti-gay hate

looked like.

- He's the one that said

he was a f*g. I didn't.

- Yeah.

When we found out

that this guy,

Fred Phelps,

from the Westboro

Baptist Church

was coming to the funeral,

it struck us as very odd.

Like, why would someone come

protest at a funeral?

I had never heard

of Fred Phelps before.

Fred Phelps

coined the catchphrase,

"God hates fags,"

and was just known

for some really vulgar

and awful anti-gay rhetoric.

It was just like

how much more horrific

could a group

of people become?

This seems like the right time

to target this family,

ruining this event

that should've been

a very somber,

very respectful day.

It's really shocking.

Have you ever been

to a f*g parade?

We didn't force

a f*g...

Him and his family

are holding up these signs

like "Matt in hell"

and "AIDS kills fags"

and just like horrible,

hateful crap, right?

You'll go to hell.

You'll go to hell

just like Matthew Shepard

for the hell he did

before he died.

Romaine and I

knew that we had to

respond to that.

We knew that it was probable

that Phelps

and his group would

come back at some point.

We felt that it was

important for us

to send a message

that we don't agree with that.

That sort of thing

is not welcome here.

We knew

we had to block them out.

We wanted to

block out Fred Phelps

and all their horrible signs

so that Judy and Dennis

would never have

to look at their ugly faces.

I had a plan.

In the

in-between period

between Matthew's

memorial service

and then what was supposed

to be a hearing,

really, for Russell Henderson,

the world was crazy.

Those of us who were actively

still doing interviews,

we talked

to Matthew's parents

and asked what

they wanted us to say

because that was important.

You know, we wanted

to make sure

we were doing right,

not only by Matthew,

but by Judy and Dennis.

We never stopped.

It never stopped.

There was definitely,

you know, significant work

happening with law enforcement

and the court case, you know,

the county attorney's office.

A lot of motions

clarified in that time

that this was going

to be a death penalty case.

They had to separate

the two cases,

so they weren't gonna be

tried together.

About a week prior

to Russell Henderson's trial,

Jim Osborn calls me

and he says,

"Fred Phelps is coming

to Laramie for the trials."

And I said, "Great."

The issue

and turn the country over

to these militant sodomites.

The whole exterior

of the courthouse

was surrounded

by media people.

There had to have been

like ten or fifteen

satellite trucks,

hundreds of reporters.

It was madness.

And they're all focused

in on Fred Phelps

and his horrible

anti-gay crap.

In any nation that agrees

that it's okay to be gay

will go the way

of ancient Sodom.

And then all of a sudden,

this band of angels

comes walking down the street

and they're like,

"What the hell is this?"

And like the parting

of the Red Sea,

they all make way.


And we

surround Fred Phelps,

we turn our backs to him,

and now we're angels.

We didn't wanna let

that kind of hatred

and bigotry come into

our community unchallenged.

And it worked very well.

Fred Phelps can no longer

talk to people.

He can no longer

yell at people.

So, they just started

singing hymnals.

And now there's angels

with floaty wings,

listening to, you know,

beautiful hymns

and it was serene

and surreal and just wild.

Russell Henderson's

public defender,

Wyatt Skaggs,

had a number

of death penalty cases

and he really didn't want

anything to go to trial.

And he saw the evidence.

He knew what they had.

Really worked tirelessly,

since this case began

with one goal in mind.

And that was

to save Russell's life.

Judge Donnell just said

this was a horrific m*rder.

When you look

at all the facts in the case,

there's just no way

he should be out in public.

And he gave him, you know,

the consecutive sentences.

And so he's in for life.

Chasity Pasley,

who was Russell's girlfriend,

got sentenced to about

a year and a half in prison.

Aaron McKinney's girlfriend,

Kristen Price,

ended up not ever

serving any time,

other than her initial

arrest time that she had

and just kind of moved on

with her life.

With those three

out of the way,

it became the trial.

Aaron McKinney, he was facing

the death penalty.

And that was the main event

that everyone

had been waiting for.

There was a couple of things

still at play

that this was just

a robbery gone bad

and this had nothing to do

with hate crimes.

But this was a hate crime,

no doubt about it.

But one of the things

that the defense did

is they used

the gay panic defense

that none of

this would've happened

if Matthew Shepard

didn't reach at his groin

and touch him there,

and that caused him to snap.

Gay panic defense

is meant to say

that someone's gay

or q*eer or trans identity

is reason enough to harm them,

that that is something violent

and threatening

and is legally permissible

to take violent action

towards them.

It wasn't

the first time.

There have been a number

of occasions in the past

and about 30% of the cases

where this defense was used,

people got a reduced sentence.

And one of the things

that the defense also did

is they used the fact

that Aaron McKinney

was a victim

of sexual abuse as a child.

They need to explain

that he's got some

very raw emotions about this,

and if somebody is making

a move on him,

that's gonna trigger

some things

and lead to this beating,

lead to this attack.

There were plenty

of people who believed

that Matthew Shepard

as a gay man

got what he deserved.

I really do think

that the McKinney crowd

thought that that would work,

and I was bracing for it.

Soon as the gay panic

defense came up,

the prosecutor objected.

Well, I think

that is a defense

that is atrocious,

that should not be used

in any situation,

in any court

in these United States.

It gives people the excuse

to hurt or to k*ll

another person.

The ruling comes as a relief

to those who support

Shepard's family

and those who support

gay issues.

Even if Matthew made a pass

at Aaron McKinney,

all he had to say was,

"No, thank you,"

which is what women have had

to say over and over again

because men make

unwanted passes.

He didn't have

to beat him to death

with the butt of a g*n.

It's a pathetic defense.

The gay panic defense

is the perfect articulation

of how profoundly

we blamed the victims

of h*m*

and transphobic crime.

Jury found

Aaron McKinney guilty

of two counts of m*rder

plus aggravated robbery

and kidnapping.

The verdicts came

after just 10 hours

of deliberation.

And then we were

all gearing up for what

we expected to be

a pretty good

death penalty discussion.

And then out of nowhere,

it was announced that

that's not

what was gonna happen.

After being approached

by defense attorneys,

the Shepards recommended

McKinney be given life

rather than death in memory

of their son.

In an emotional address

to the court,

Dennis Shepard told McKinney,

"You robbed me

of something very precious.

Mr. McKinney, I give you life

in the memory

of one who no longer lives.

May you have a long life

and may you thank Matthew

every day for it."

I was so moved by his words

and his compassion

and his ability to forgive.

And I thought, this is

the dawning of something new.

After Matthew's death,

there was so much organizing

and so much forward momentum

and so many public demands

for legislation

for hate crimes.

Very quickly, the President

took up this cause.

And I think that in part,

that's because the country

was ready to have

the conversation.

Hate crimes laws

had been proposed

in Congress multiple times

and failed multiple times.

This was not something

that had never been

discussed before.

The Hate Crimes Prevention Act

would be important

substantively and symbolically

to send a message to ourselves

and to the world

that we are going

into the 21st century

determined to preach

and to practice what is right.

It also wasn't surprising

to me that ultimately

that legislation died

in committee

because they weren't so quick

to pick up the ball

and run with it.

I think the

Matthew Shepard Foundation

is one of the really

important things

to come out

of Matthew's death.

There is no excuse

for what happened to Matthew

and something needs

to be done to curb

this hatred that seems

to be permeating society.

Which ultimately, becomes

this incredible mission

of erasing hate

through legislation.

We're gonna go ahead

and get started.

Down this dirt road,

Byrd was m*rder*d

early Sunday morning.

The K*llers left

a trail of blood

and the trail of evidence

as they drove along this road.

The combination

of the horrific racism

of James Byrd's death

and the h*m*

in Matthew's,

I think are forever linked.

They're forever linked

emotionally and morally.

They're evils of the...

Of the same pile,

you know, and that they're

linked together as we all,

you know, move forward

for equality in this country.

This is an issue

we couldn't let go by.

I have a window

of opportunity here

that I wanna

take advantage of.

All of a sudden,

this tremendous responsibility

fell upon her.

She doesn't like crowds,

she doesn't like being

in front of people,

and yet despite all of that,

she continued to do it

day after day.

When I think about

how she responded to it,

if you don't have respect

for that woman,

you don't even know

the meaning of the work.

Today's hearing

is a very important one

and focuses on the serious

problem of hate crimes.

Think of the incidence

of recent violent crimes

that are motivated

by hate and bigotry

and how they've seared

the conscience

of this country.

And so people were like,

"Let's talk about this.

Let's talk about it right now,

because if we don't,

this is gonna continue

to happen and we cannot

afford that."

It took society, I think,

a while to understand

what it is to protect

minorities in this country

who don't often have a voice

socially or politically,

and who get demonized

and treated as less than.

The fact that

this legislation exists

highlights these crimes

as something

other than just a m*rder.

These are committed


because the individual

committing the crime

hates that person

because of who they are,


We were just asking

to not be m*rder*d.

It is the most modest

of requests.

Hate crimes have no place

in America.

In 2007, a version

of the Matthew Shepard

Hate Crimes Act was

reintroduced to the Senate.

It passed the house...

On this bill,

the yays are 237.

The nays are 180.

The bill is passed.

It was attached to the Defense

Authorization Act.

President Bush

said he would veto

the Defense

Authorization Act, however,

if this Hate Crimes Act

was attached to it.

So ultimately it was removed

from the Defense

Authorization Act

and it died on the floor.

If you track

the trajectory

of the hate crimes

being introduced,

there's something

really instructive

about what

our movement, right?

Like advocating for the full

dignity and health

of LGBTQ people,

what we learned

in the process,

once we sort of coalesced

around like the love

is love message

that helped progress us.

And it haunts me to this day,

to think about how many times

she has bared her soul

and her pain

for the benefit of others.

How many hearts

she has changed.

How many minds

she has expanded.

Thank you so much and welcome

to the White House.

You know, as a nation,

we've come far

on the journey towards

a more perfect union,

and today we've taken

another step forward.

This afternoon

I signed into law

the Matthew Shepard

and James Byrd Jr.

Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

It took 11 years

from Matthew's m*rder

to get hate crimes

legislation signed,

that seemed quick to me

for legislation

covering something that's

as potentially controversial

as protecting gay people

and others

from hate crimes.

I was shocked

and, uh...

And moved to tears

then and again now.

There is something

so important about knowing

that your government,

my government cares about me.

What that started

to set up was awareness

for equal rights legislation.

And it started something.

It started the country

taking this seriously

and trying to protect us

as members of the country.

What happened

to Matthew Shepard

was a key turning point.

The legislation that was

passed ultimately

because of his m*rder

is very important

for our community.

I think a lot of us thought

that it was over,

that we didn't have

to fight anymore,

that we were accepted.

We were so wrong

on so many levels.

The years following

the signing of federal

hate crimes legislation

felt like

an almost golden age.

We were starting to feel like

we're actually gonna live

in a country that welcomes us.

We were in a great place.

There was not really

a worry or a concern

when we woke up

in the morning about,

you know,

having to put on extra armor

or the shield, right?

I mean, we felt freer.

It created

this feeling of momentum

and this feeling of like,

we finally figured out

as a country how to like,

make people feel included

and to like

celebrate difference.

This morning, I am proud

to sign a law

that will bring an end

to Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

And in 2015

when the Supreme Court

ruled on marriage equality,

and then same-sex marriage

was legal across the land.

The ban

on gay adoption was,

you know, dropped.

And so all of a sudden,

our whole family structure,

which had been illegal

in this country

and in this state,

was now a thing of the past.

So we were legally married

in the state of Florida.

We could now legally

adopt children

in the state of Florida.

This wonderful glow of being,

you know, new dads.

-I loved every minute of it.

-Yeah. It was...

It was amazing.

Um, it was amazing.

It was a step

in the right direction.

It was a step in acceptance.

And I let my guard down

thinking that

things are only

gonna get better.

And I've lived

long enough to see

multiple... waves

of progress and backlash.

Should have seen it coming,

and I didn't.

Election night,

the election night of 2016,

I am devastated

because I don't know

what this means for my family.

I remember people

that were supporting

of the then president,

"Oh, they're not...

Nothing's gonna change."


-They're not gonna...

They're not gonna touch

any LGBTQ rights.

And I'm like, "You're naive."

I, Donald John Trump,

do solemnly swear.

I knew this was a potentially

very dark time ahead.

The furies had been unleashed.

Trump! Trump! Trump!

With a backlash

that I couldn't

have imagined.

They are worthy of death.

These people should be

put to death.

2016 began with

the bathroom bill

that was North Carolina's


to prevent trans-students

from using the bathroom

that aligned

with their gender identity.

My name is Erin Reed.

I use she/her pronouns.

I'm a q*eer legislative


and activist,

and a content creator.

Those of us who are active

in the LGBTQ community

and in LGBTQ rights

had a lot of fear that

our rights would be curtailed.

And those fears

came to fruition

relatively quickly.

The purpose

of our school system

is to educate kids,

not to indoctrinate our kids.


My name is Zander Moricz.

I knew about Matthew Shepard,

but I don't know

if that narrative is as widely

acknowledged as I would

like it to be

because these stories

are essential

to share and reflect on.

I was raised

in Sarasota, Florida,

which is a pretty politically

polarized community,

and I found sanctuary

in my school community.

I came out to

a civics teacher

at Pine View,

who was then

my PE teacher actually.

It was a safe space.

It was exactly

what a school is meant to be.

It's a place to learn

and discover not only things

in subjects but yourself.

That environment

that is so accepting,

that is so affirming,

is a threat

to the politicians

and they need a solution

for that.

And the solution is,

"Okay, it's all happening

in these safe spaces.

We'll take them away."

And the Don't Say Gay law

was an example of that.

No sexual instruction

in grades pre-K through three.

And so how many parents

want their kindergartners

to have transgenderism

or something injected

into classroom instruction?

When this was first

introduced as a bill,

our boys were in first grade.

The bill is supposed

to impact kids' kindergarten

through third grade.

So, this was bringing it home

directly for us.

The Don't Say Gay bill

is now law.

Governor Ron DeSantis Monday

signed the measure

banning certain instruction

about sexual orientation

and gender identity

in the classroom.

One of the things that makes

this piece of legislation

so horrifying is the way

that it's enforced.

The enforcement mechanism

is that any parent

can sue a school district.


to the bill grew louder

in recent days.

For a public school

teacher in Florida

to get in trouble

for having maybe a photo

of their spouse on their desk.

We can't even take

a risk. Imagine what

the consequence would be.

What's going on?

We are like going

completely backwards.

Although Ron DeSantis

said that it was intended

to protect only the youngest

children from,

you know, being indoctrinated

into h*m*,

the law's been expanded

to apply to kids

in grades K through 12.

-The amount of silence...


...was deafening.

We are still seeing

hateful att*cks

like the attack on Matthew

and what that signifies to us

is not that there hasn't

been any progress,

but that that hate

still exists.

And that's like

the enemy of equality.

In Texas, the governor

had a directive

to prevent trans-youth

from accessing transgender

affirming medical care.

The governor's

directive was to investigate

some Texas parents

of transgender children

for potential child abuse,

specifically parents

who provided gender

affirming care

that stops puberty.

Those bills do harm.

They create bullying

for transgender youth.

Transgender youth deserve

to be protected and safe.

You don't hear

anything like that from

Governor Abbott, right?

Like, you hear the reverse.

You hear this dehumanization

of kids from Governor Abbott.

And somehow from 2016 to now

that has become normalized.

All this is going to do

is force a lot of us

back into hiding.

What can they do?

They can hide.

That's about

all there is left.

Or they can fight.

And neither one

of those options feels good,

but that's what's left.

I mean, hide or fight,

you know?

Matthew Shepard's death

was horrific,

but it's also this v*olence

is commonplace.

We're so grateful

that you're with us here

as we cover a mass

casualty sh**ting

in downtown Orlando.

Physical v*olence

like the m*ssacre

at Pulse nightclub

in Florida,

or the mass sh**ting at Club Q

in Colorado Springs,

that teaches our q*eer youth

and q*eer people in general

to be terrified,

that based on

their identity alone

they can be slaughtered.

The sad fact

is that people

are always going to hate.

And no matter what we do,

we keep coming back

to the same horrible places.

But we can't not fight.

We have to continue to fight.

And that means

being visible when you can

to your family,

to your friends,

to your community.

The people

who are part of that,

you know, movable middle,

who are your neighbors,

who just need to hear

a different message,

invite them in,

have that conversation.

On the other side,

like conservative folks,

you're gonna have

to find your moral courage.

Like history

is gonna look back

on what you did

and did not do

during this time.

And I think they're going

to judge you harshly

for how rapidly

you capitulated your values.

Matthew's story

is really important

because it was

one of the reasons why

we were able to move forward

in the past 25 years.

But the need

in this moment

when it's hard

to get motivated to fight

all over again,

to remember

who this young man was,

who was so brutally m*rder*d

because he was gay.

- Move!

- You're a bigot and you're a coward!

And that is

why Matthew's story

continues to be told.

And we do have to keep

sharing Matthew's story.

We have to teach gay history.

It's very important

that we continue

to focus on young people.

Young people are the future.

We have a lot of brave

teens like Zander

doing the things he does,

and it's encouraging.

What happened

to Matthew Shepard

is undeniably wicked

and disgusting

and full of hate

that's happening again

every single day.

But there's nothing

stopping us

from revolutionizing

our society

in a generation.

We absolutely could.

We just have to

start right now.
