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Bunker (2022)

Posted: 10/15/23 10:40
by bunniefuu
Who wouldn't join the army?

That's what we all inquire

Don't we pity

the poor civilian

Sitting beside the fire

Oh, oh, oh

it's a lovely w*r...

Who wouldn't be a soldier,


Oh, it's a shame

to take the pay

As soon as reveille

has gone

We feel just as heavy

as lead

But we never get up

till the sergeant

Brings our breakfast

up to bed

Oh! Oh! Oh!

It's a lovely...

it's a lovely w*r

God damned chats.

Damn it Walker,

I was enjoying the tune.

-Ah, he sings like a wee girl.


Lay off the kid.

At least he's not covered

in nits.

Tribulation is communal in w*r,


You should know that.

Ah, you bloody scobberlotcher.

Lewis, hand me your nose rag.

Gray, would you mind

taking watch tonight?

Ah sorry, chap. Terribly busy.

-Doing what?

-Not having watch.


Oh, just a little bit

will take the edge off, huh?

Just trying to help.


It gets easier.

f*ck off.


If I see

you've left your post to groom

that damn mustache again,

I'll shave it myself.

Wouldn't be the first time

my looks fetched me

a reprimand.

Isn't one of you on watch?

Just finished, sir.

Can't imagine the view

from down here

does us any good.

-Off you go.

-Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.

Lieutenant Turner.

At ease, Captain Hall.

What business do you have here?

I brought you a new medic.


of Major General Allen.

- Lieutenant.

- Welcome, Private.

Segura. sir.

Try and take care of this one,

will you?

We're running low on spare.

Well thank you, Captain.

I'll have one of my men

show you off.

Actually, the Major General

would very much appreciate

a briefing on your situation

over here.

- The Major General?

- Sir.

Of course.

If you'd follow me Captain,

I'll bring you up to speed.

Stay put.

Play nice.

Oi, boy scout. Come here.

-How old are you?


Christ, we are f*cked.

They're down

to sending us Buster Brown.

Aye, don't he look

like Buster Brown?

You want a drink?


Oh, what's the matter,

need to ask your mum?


Ah, it's all right, mate.

I've been told it gets easier.

Oye, Gloomy Gus,

you want a drink?

Oy, what's with him?

He know English?

I don't drink.

Dulls the intellect.

Eh, quite high and mighty

for a greaser.

Don't mind him,

he keeps to himself.

Don't wet yourself just yet,


Shells are more common

than rain these days.

It's nothing to fret about,

till they're...

...right above you.


But I'll tell you what ought

to give you a fright...

the ghouls of no man's land.

The what?

Countless trenches and tunnels

been abandoned around here.

Perfect homes

for gutless deserters

and poor bastards left

for dead.

Livin' in the dark,

becomin' less human by the day.

They dig deep and far

in the dirt,

like ants in the earth.

Why, they could be

under your very feet right now.

And they've lived there

for years,

only coming out on nights

like this

to scavenge among

the rotten remains

of no man's land.

If you listen close...

you can hear

their wretched cries

as they feast

on the flesh of the dead.

Tearing through

maggot-filled meat

like rabid dogs.

Bit of advice.

Sleep with one eye open.

They're not afraid

to spread into the trenches,

looking to fill their bellies

with the tastiest meat of all...

boys fresh off the boat.


Our stalemate has lasted

some time now.

Both of our numbers

and resources

are strained to say the least.

At this point,

we're just waiting

for the other to starve.

From the looks of it

that might not be that more.

I would just say

the morale vanish.

Is that your inquiry,

or of the Major General's?

Lieutenant, you have nothing

to worry about.

We just wanted

to make sure that

the lines before the fire

where they may have been weak.

Thank you for your generosity,


Give my best

to the Major General.

- Lieutenant?

- Yes?

I believe the Germans

have retreated, sir.


They've appeared

to have abandoned

their outpost, sir.

It's empty.

By what we can see from here

it appears the krauts

have fallen back.

Fortune is smiling upon us

with a bout of fog,

providing us an opportunity

to cross no man's land

under cover.

This is a window of opportunity

we must seize now.

You really think

that they haven't fallen back?

I say we hit 'em.

We hit 'em

with more a*tillery,

just to be sure.

If the outpost truly

is unoccupied

it would be in our best interest

not to blow it all to hell

before we claim it.

Imagine that,

an entire outpost

taken single-handedly

with no casualties.

I reckon we'd all be

recompensed handsomely.

Thank you for your visit,


My men will take it from here.

But you ain't shaking

this off now.

Major General would love

to hear about this.

On me.

I will lead the path across

with Private Gray.

Once we provide the signal,

Hall and Lewis will follow.

After their passage,

Baker and Segura

will guide Walker

as he lays down

the communication wire.

Are we clear?


-Yes, sir.

Saddle up.

Hold still. Hold still.

Just stay right behind me.

We'll be on the other side

in no time.

Come on!

Quiet him

or else he'll get us k*lled!

k*ll him! k*ll him!

Silence him.


What the bloody hell

was all that noise?

Were you trying

to give away our position?

No, sir.

Fortunately for you it seems

there's no one here

to have heard

all your bloody racket.

Otherwise, that'd be you

howling out there.

Men, let's go.

It's a ghost town.


-This can't be right.

Where is their damn dugout?


They sealed it up

from the outside.

Why would they do that?

Open it up.

Don't go!

My God!

What in God's...

-Get him down.


Seeing as how he's all

that's left

I'd say he's our best bet

to knowing

what in the hell happened here?

We're not gonna get anything

out of him.

Look at him.

Perhaps not.

But we very well

can't leave him like this.

Can't we?

Gonna have to agree, sir.

Something doesn't feel right.

He's dying.

Tends to his wounds

and see that he's sound enough

for questioning.

What happened down here?

That's what I intend

to find out.

We should be leaving.

How is he?

He's barely breathing, sir.

Get him topside.

Fresh air will do him

some good.

Spending another minute

in this kraut filth

won't help anyone.

Once we're above,

signal our outpost

that they're safe to move here.

I want to begin occupying

the area immediate...


Captain Hall, take...

Dig! Dig!


Gas! Get back!

Take him!

Come on!

Lewis, come on!

It's here.

- Come on!

- Lewis! We have to go!




Help me with this!

Help! Lewis!

Don't leave me!


Lewis, we've to go.

You, Baker, come with me.


Take over Walker's duties

on the radio

and contact our outpost.


-Yes, sir.

You will assist.

Once Walker is mended,

have the other yank see to it

that the chemicals are covered.

Put the Kraut

to work as well.

That ought to lift his spirits.

You are dismissed.




You alright?

Fine, I guess.

Where are you from?

America, er, New York.

Lovely. Lovely.

I'm from Newcastle, England.


Say, would you mind

if I offered a word of prayer?

I think it will help settle

our nerves.


Yeah, right. Thanks.

Dear Lord,

we thank thee for safely

guiding us from harm's way

and for Your bountiful mercy.

Please watch over Private Gray,

and our other fallen brethren,

as they find their way back

to Your loving embrace...

Walker has our frequency

in his jacket.

This is a--

this is Private Lewis

of the 11th Battalion.

Any units on this channel?

Finish up here

and begin preparations

to dig through to the trenches.

-What of our outpost, sir?

-What of it?

They can at least send us help.

I cannot call for aid

without sacrificing

our defenses.

Our only means

of escape is to dig.

You, come with me.

Let's have a gander at you.

You don't have any papers.

Do not take me for a fool.

I know you understand me.

Are you a deserter?

Is that why you were left

for the dead?

Why we found you hanging

by a wire

and a nail?

The way I see it,

you owe a great debt to us.

I would think it wise

to cooperate.

One who abandons his post

is worth no more

than the shit on my boot.

I expect more of a man,

even my enemy.

It may mean nothing to you,

but honor means a great deal

to me.

We may be down here

for some time,

maybe you'll learn something

about it.


I think you should see this.

They ordered a strike

on their own outpost...?

Surely, they couldn't have known

we'd be here,

they sealed the bloody place up!

In all my years...

this is madness.

This is Private Lewis

of the 11th Battalion. Come in.

You know the thing

about chats is...'s the eggs that do you in.

They lay their f*cking eggs

in your seams.

You think they're gone,

but then it starts

all over again.

And they spread

without any g*dd*mn remorse.


Hello? Over.

We hear you, Lewis.

Oh, thank heavens.

We've been trapped

in a German dugout.

We need immediate assistance.


What's your exact location?

Ah. Ah.

Hey. Hey!

Hey, hey, hey!


Help him!

Aid kit. Go!

- What happened to him?

- I have no idea, sir.

He just started

cutting himself.

Walker? Walker?

-He's not responsive, sir.

-I can see that.

Christ. He did this to himself?

Baker? You okay?

What is this?

It's a mass grave.

Easier to pile the dead

into one hole

than to dig

God knows how many.

It takes some getting used to.

Are you... used to it.

My job is to keep people alive.

I try to focus on that.

What's on your mind?

I was just...

thinking about earlier.

The man I k*lled.

Look kid,

I know you're right

off the boat,

but this is w*r.

You'll have time

to wax poetic about this

if you make it back home,

but compassion is lost

in a conflict.

It's you or them.

You're full of shit.

Is that right?

And what the hell

do you even know about it?

Care to enlighten me?

I just...

it just shouldn't be

so thoughtless.

What? Did you think

this was gonna be

like summer camp?

You could just whistle

your way back home

to a medal and a parade?

This is survival.

You may be able

to twiddle your thumbs

and pass as a hero,

but I'll be lucky

to get a headstone out of this.

I shouldn't be hard on you.

We've all been there.

Besides, being stuck down here

with a bunch of Tommies,

I could use a Gringo

on my side.

This is Private Lewis.

Come in.

Hello? Come in?

I spoke to someone

on this channel.

-Private Lewis.


I thought you could use

some relieving.

Thank you, sir,

but I'll manage.

I insist.

How are you faring?

Hold fast, Lewis.

I need strong

and honorable men by my side.

If it were just me

and the Yanks

I'd bloody well lose it.

Sir, I...


I'm sorry

I couldn't save Private Gray.

Surely, you'd rather have him

here in my stead.

I don't... I don't belong here.

None of us belongs here.

But we are nonetheless called

during an hour of need.

And in this hour,

I need you to see us

out of here.

Can I count on your courage?

Good man.

Take your rest.


Walker, in God's name

please stop!


What's happening?

Hey, Walker. Walker.


I'm just walking past.

Jesus Christ defend us.

What's happening?

Private Lewis, come in?

Repeat, come in Private Lewis.

This is Private Segura

of the US 90th Infantry.

Hello, Private Segura.

I trust Private Lewis

has briefed you

on our situation.

Yes, but we seemed

to have been cut short.

What are your coordinates?


Our coordinates

are 50.1972, 3.2198.

It's a German bunker,

just west of the woods

at Bourlon Ridge.

Confirming your location.

We are situated--

across the river

and... ...west.


It looks like the area

is clear.

We're safe to move.

We'll get you out of there,

just sit tight.

Okay, okay.

How long until you arrive?


How many men are trapped

with you?

Now... now,

there are four of us.

And we have a prisoner.


Yes, a German.

What's his condition?



See to it that it stays

that way.

He's a priority.

Why is that?

I would consider your rank

before questioning authority,


Roger that.

-How are you doing, sir?


I'm sorry about Walker.

He was a good man.

Shame what happened to him.

-What did happen?

-Clear enough.

Walker suffered

from severe shell shock.

Sir, that wasn't--

Do you have a better

explanation, Private?

All we can do now

is keep our wits about.

We will not succumb

to hysteria on my watch.


I spoke to a unit

on the radio.

-They're on their way to--

-I instructed Lewis

to oversee communications!

-Yes sir,

but he wasn't at his post.

-I'll not have you meddling

with our transmission.

You are not to engage

in any dealings

of communication unless

under my direct supervision.

With all due respect sir,

I think that I--

I don't give a tinker's damn

what you think.

You're not here to think.

You're here to follow my orders.

Is that understood?

-Yes, sir.



I don't feel quite myself.

Could you relieve me?

Better yet,

bring that coward Kraut here.

Have him do it.

I can trust you with him,

can I not?

Of course, sir.

I'm putting my faith in you,


Prove your mettle.

That is quite the journal.

It is important

to document our thoughts.

Our words will outlive us

by a great deal.

That's the idea.

And who is this record for?

Or is it to be found

with your corpse?

I don't intend

on dying down here.

This is for la raza.

A record of honor

and sacrifice

for our people to claim.

And what is your charge

among your people?

I taught medicine.

I would assume educators

would remain

in the homeland

instead of fighting.

I felt compelled to do my part.

For a country that would

not do the same for you?

May I?

-What is your name?


Well, Kurt,

did your spirit not burn

with patriotic passion

to enlist in the struggle?

I did not enlist,

I was drafted.

An orphanage is a rich source

for potential soldiers.

You were an orphan?

I was.

My upbringing was difficult

to say the least.

I also spent time

in an orphanage.

And were you chosen?

I stopped waiting to be chosen.

I chose to focus

on my community.


-No, sorry.

I suppose the air

is sour enough.

Kurt, you saw what came out

of Walker.

That wasn't warfare.

That wasn't human.

There is something sick

happening in here.

Something corrupt.

This happened before,

didn't it.

With the men that nailed you

to that cross.

Do you have any experience

herding sheep, Private?

Sheep have a habit of putting

themselves in harm's way.

They are unable to care

for themselves

without a shepherd.

Men are very similar.

You believe we're doing this

to ourselves?

In a way, you are.

Maybe we should keep an eye out

for the wolf in the herd.


But the wolf in sheepskin

pales before the devil

in shepherd's robe.

And what would a devil shepherd

want from the herd?



Uh, 15.

How's your leg?

It hurts. Thanks for asking.

-How's your head?

-Not bad.

All things considered...

You know, some time ago,

we were passing through

a village.

For 15 miles,

and all the way we kept passing

supply wagons.

At each one I thought,

I could throw myself

in front of it

Get out of the w*r,

but I couldn't.

Now, I might have an excuse

to go home.

God knows I'm of no help here.

Can't say I don't understand.

I keep going over it

in my head.

I'd like to think

I knew Walker rather well,

but I didn't know

he was capable of such behavior.

And that thing.

That horrible omen.


-What do you think it was?

-I don't even know what I saw.

-You mustn't deny it.

"The Spirit speaketh expressly,

that in the latter times

some shall depart

from the faith,

giving heed to seducing


and doctrines of devils.


-"Speaking lies in hypocrisy;

having their conscience seared

-with a hot iron."

-I don't want to--

You must not harden your heart,


We cannot stand

in unholy places.

Will you still deny it?

Jesus, Mary, Joseph.

-All of them?

-Sir, it is a sign.

We have trusted too long

in the flesh of man.

We must nourish ourselves

with the word of God.

Did you notice anyone else

in here

prior to finding the rations

like this?

No, sir.

Time truly is no longer

a luxury.

We must concentrate all efforts

on getting out.

And I'll have no more

of this gospel talk.

No amount of scripture

or holy rite

will have us any less f*cked.


I apologize.

I've mistaken rashness

for candor.

I mustn't galvanize you

against your will,

but I need you with me Lewis.

Quite frankly, the Yanks

and the Kraut

seem a little too chummy

for my liking.

And I do not want Segura

on the radio again.

God only knows what he's up to.

Maybe he and the Kraut

aren't too unfamiliar

with each other...

-You don't think...

-I think our trust

is best suited

to remain between us.


And the angels which kept

not their first estate,

but left their own habitation,

he hath reserved

in everlasting chains

under darkness

unto the judgement

of that great day.


You! There's no gas breach.

What is your design here?


-Bollocks with the formality!

Why are you tormenting us?

Sir, I don't know

what you're talking about.

-You and the Kraut.


You lead us down here.

You nursed him back

to health.

You're conspiring together,

and I won't have it!

Lieutenant Turner!

I apologize.

Must be the air down here.

No one relieved you

of your duty.

Take him back to work.

I gave you an order,

Private Baker.

Maybe he'd be more at ease

if you put down your knife.

Frightfully sorry?

You're not well, sir.

I have been tolerant of you

out of respect for our alliance,

but if you attempt

to undermine me

so help me god

I will bury you in this hole.

I believe you have posts

to tend to.

Yes, sir.

Stick with me.

As many as I love,

I rebuke and chasten:

be zealous therefore,

and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door,

and knock:

if any man hear my voice,

and open the door,

I will come in to him,

and will sup with him,

and he with me.

Come in, 11th Battalion?

Yes, this is Private Lewis.

- Oh good.

- We thought we'd lost you.

Our unit has been held up

in the skirmish,

but we're fighting like hell

to get you.

How are you managing

down there?

I'm afraid I don't know

how much longer we can carry on.

Stay diligent, Private.

It in times such as these

that a soldier shows

his true strength.

I'm not a soldier.

I cannot bear this any longer.

Your strength

is your conviction,

and such a strength it is.

The others are in great peril,


is unrelenting.

They're being led astray.

You must be the beacon

of light,

that guides them to salvation.

You've felt it all your life.

As if you were called

by the Lord.

Well, many are called, Lewis,

but few are chosen.


Everything all right?


Just getting a second wind.

- Lewis?

- Sir.

-How are we getting on?

-Steadfast sir.

That's my boy. That's my boy.

What are you doing, sir?

Preparing our defenses.

For what sir?


Who do you think

will be waiting for us

once we've breached

the trench wall?

We need to be prepared.

I've a task for you.

Gather all the weapons we have.

Anything that can be used

in defense.

And don't let the Yanks

catch you.

Just as a precaution.

Right away, sir.

How are you holding up?

Not sure, to be honest.


-Trying my best.


Do you think we're really

trapped down here?

What do you mean?

It doesn't feel like

we're trapped,

it feels like we're...


Lewis says it's an omen.

I'd take what he says

with a grain of salt.

So, I mean you don't...

you don't think

there's anything wrong?

You don't feel it?

I think the last thing

we need to do

is to scare ourselves.

If we stay strong

and keep our heads together,

we can get through this.

I don't know.

Lewis and the lieutenant

seem to be losing it.

Maybe we're not far behind.

We need each other.


we're as good as dead.

Lieutenant Turner would like

to see us.

I've called us all together

in the spirit of brotherhood.

May whatever tension there was

between us be left in the past.

I'll not have our alliance

cankered with bitterness.

Now, we've no food.

We've no water.

We can feel the air grow


with every breath,

and a timely rescue

is uncertain.

But if this is

to be an English position

we will maintain order

under my judgment,

lest we descend into chaos.

For the sake of the lives

of the men in this room

that is not to be tested.

First order of business,

place your weapons

in the center of the room.

You see that

I've disarmed myself.

We will not carry on

until we can trust each other.

Very good.

Now, we've made great progress

with the tunnel,

and I know we are all eager

to be free of this damn pit,

but we must be prepared

for the enemy awaiting us

outside the bunker.

Clearly, they've been one step

ahead of us,

but as fate would see it...

We have a bargaining chip.

I appreciate the two of you

keeping an eye on him,

but going forward

he will be under

my direct supervision

at all times.

Take a seat in the corner.

If you've any concerns,

rather than quibble

amongst yourselves,

I urge you to bring them

to my attention.

Being the highest ranking

official here,

any and all deviations

from what I set forth

will be regarded

as the highest form of treason.

Is that understood?

Yes, sir.


I'm glad we've laid that matter

to rest.

You may return to your tasks.

It's all a damn shame.

All of it.

What would you have me do,


I've done what I can

to be fair to them.

You're an admirable leader, sir.

Thank you, Lewis.

You're a fine man.

There's no other man

I'd rather have by my side.

Whatever path lays before us,

we shall stride it together.

-How's it going?

-Can't say for sure,

but I think we're getting close

to the trench walls.


We're not out of the woods yet,

but we're getting there.



What happened?

We're gonna die down here,

aren't we?


And then we wanna trust

one another.

The great sword was given to me.

Stand down, Lewis.

You have no authority down here.

We answer to a higher power.

Oh, Angel of Christ,

my holy Guardian

and Protector...

Release me!

Forgive me of all my sins

and deliver me from the wiles

of the enemy.

- Lewis, it's okay.

- Just calm down.

Goddammit Lewis, please!

That I may not anger my God

by any sin.

Pray for me,

sinful and unworthy servant.

Lewis, it's okay.

I'm just going to put the pin

back in.

That thou mayest present me

worthy of the kindness

and mercy

of the All-holy Trinity...


...and the Mother

of my Lord Jesus Christ,

and of all the Saints...


-It's okay, Lewis. It's okay.


Baker, get back!

Oh, oh, oh,

its a lovely w*r

Who wouldn't be a soldier,


Oh, it's a shame

to take the pay

S-sir? S-sir?

You're okay.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sir.


Please forgive me, sir.

I only wanted to make you proud.

You're alright, Lewis.

I am proud of you.

- S-sir?

- Yes?

You'll honor me, won't you?





What devilry is this?

Oh, oh, oh,

it's a lovely w*r

Who wouldn't be a soldier,


Oh, it's a shame

to take the pay

Oh, oh, oh,

it's lovely w*r

Who wouldn't be a soldier,


Oh, it's a shame

to take the pay

Come in, Lewis. Come in.

We feel just as heavy

as lead

Come in, Private Lewis.

Come in, this is Private Segura

of the US 90th infantry.

Hello, Segura.

We need help.

We have men down.

We need immediate assistance!

Come in!

I regret to inform you

that all our resources

are tied up.

We won't get to you

for some time.


That is, unless you can

guarantee the prisoner's safety

upon rescue.


What does he have to do

with this?

- That information is classified

- I'm afraid,

need I remind you

of your rank?

Who the hell is this?

There's no one coming for us,

is there?

So, who am I speaking with?

You'll know soon enough.

You son of a bitch!

We need help!

And why fend for them?

You would be the first

they throw to the fire.

They would claim

your sacrifices

and deny you your achievements.

Why stand for those

who would keep you

beneath the soles

of their boots?

I'm sure you've never felt

more alone.

But you are wanted, Segura.

You have proven your worth.

You are chosen.


Give me the g*n.

You need to talk.

What is this?

Why do you assume

I have any answers?

Let's call it a gut feeling.

What is this?

There is no time for this.

Kurt, please help us.

It is the Angel of w*r.

A dark guardian,

lifeless and deathless.

Damned and fallen.

A devil in shepherd's robe.

What does that make you?

It needs a vessel.

I am but its lamb.

Its ward and it's dependent,

cursed by its care.

What's it doing to us?

It can exist only in conflict,

and as with conflict

it exists only to consume.

How do we stop it?

It cannot be stopped.


Ever since you Yanks

entered my trench

it's all gone to hell.

All my men are dead.

My men.

Out of respect

I've been patient with you,

and look where that's gotten us.


-I've tried to reason with you,

but you've backed me

against the wall.

Look at you,

colluding with the enemy.



Lieutenant, please.

We can't turn

on each other now.

We can get out of here together.

As God is my witness,

I will honor

the lives of the men

whose blood was shed

under my care.

Know that I have not fallen mad.

I am merely bound by duty!

This is where you make

your stand?

With the enemy?

To be expected from the likes

of you.

Rot in hell.


Let it be buried with me.

Let... let this place be lost

to history.

- We're getting you out.

- No. No.

Leave me. And don't look back.


I'm coming back for you.

That would be the last thing

you do.

I k*lled the Lieutenant.

Thank you, Baker.

We're getting out of here.


We're almost there.

Keep going.

I know it's hard.

We gotta keep going.



-I shouldn't be here.

-I know, I know.


No, I lied to enlist.

I'm 16.

My mom,

she thinks I'm away working.

You have to find her.

You have to find her

and tell her I'm sorry.

Don't be, it's okay.

I'm sorry.

Baker? Baker?

Help! Help!

Help! Help! Help!

Easy now. You're alright.

Oh, don't worry, bud.

You're in good hands now.

Jesus Christ,

you two've been through it,

haven't ya?

- The stretcher.

- Get him on the stretcher.

Get him on.

Thank you.

I'll see you at home.

You coming?

No, there's one more.

Hey soldier, you just rest

easy now, you hear?

You got a warm

welcome waiting for you.