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Ice Cold: m*rder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso (2023)

Posted: 10/15/23 11:01
by bunniefuu
You are watching a special report on

the verdict for Jessica Kumala Wongso.

It has been ten months since the death

of Wayan Mirna Salihin at Caf Olivier.

Today, the fate of Jessica Kumala Wongso,

the only suspect in Mirna's

m*rder, will finally be determined.

Jessica is like the devil.

Describing it as the trial

of the century is accurate.

This cyanide coffee case can be

compared to the OJ Simpson case.

This case had too many

sides and too many rumors.

There were rumors of a love triangle

between Jessica, Mirna, and her husband.

Rumors that it was

something to do with the mafia.

If she's not guilty, please set her free.

I would never want to commit a sin

by letting a guilty person get freedom.

I am sure she is innocent.

I have to prove that is the truth.

I'm probably a strong person.

I'm almost 70. I'm still strong.

I'm still able to do hundreds of push-ups.

Thank God, I'm still given

extraordinary strength.

I'm used to facing bad situations.

Not everyone is like that.

So when I first heard that Mirna died,

I just asked, "How did she die?"

She is a healthy child.

Why did she have to die?

It was then I decided.

I will investigate and find the m*rder*r.


her nature and character are just like me.

She can be harsh. If it's

wrong, she'll point it out.

Even I got scolded.

"Why is Papa like that or this or that?"

She's my sparring partner.

Even when playing

football, she got into fights.


Sandy was hit by a boy,

then Mirna came and punched that boy.

That's Mirna for you!

My name is Sandy

and I am Mirna's twin sister.

It's very different living

here and in Jakarta.

This is the countryside,

very far from the city.

My husband and I wanted to

start a new life here and find peace.

I miss her. I miss her a lot.

When Mirna was buried,

I had a dream about her.

She just sat, and she

looked at her wedding dress,

but her face just looked

sad, and she was silent.

Mirna had a lot of dreams.

Before this, she wanted to open a caf.

But I guess

It's not possible now.

We both really like coffee.

And I thought it's just ironic

that Mirna died because of that.




Olivier was a premium caf.

They came to hang out.

There was a bar there,

so they could hang out.

Olivier had certain rules for its customers

to enter the restaurant.

They have to be well-groomed, really neat.

Most customers at

Olivier use luxury brands,

such as Gucci, Prada, and Louis Vuitton.

I was very proud to work at Caf Olivier.

On the day of the incident,

it was just a normal day.

Some tables were already filled.

I started working at 4:00 p.m. that day.

After I entered the bar,

the print receipt came

for a Vietnamese iced coffee order.

Then I made it, the way I always do.

Then I set it on the gueridon

to be picked up by the runner.


I saw three people at table 54.

They were young.

Then I saw that they knew

each other and seemed close.

After that,

a guest started convulsing.

Mirna's condition was worrying

because she was convulsing

and having trouble breathing.

It was an emergency.

On my right, there was Jessica.

I was very suspicious of her

because she didn't

want to assist her friend

even though she was right by her side.

I thought maybe something odd was going on.

There was something wrong

with Jessica.


She asked

From there, I started to feel

there was something strange

because Jessica's gestures

were somewhat defensive.

From there, I realized that

there was something in the coffee.

Then I tasted it myself,

and it turned out that the coffee

tasted and smelled really rotten.

When I saw the color of the

coffee, it was the color of turmeric.

When I smelled the coffee up close,

the smell was piercing,

similar to Power Glue.

It hurt my nose.

I really panicked.

I checked all the ingredients,

but I didn't find anything wrong.

Only Jessica's coffee was like that.

At that time, it felt serious.

My mental state drops

when I recall those things.

I can still remember.

It was as if her face

was saying, "Help me."

I tried to wake her up.

I kept slapping her face.

I was wondering why she wasn't getting up.

In the end, the doctors and nurses told me

Mirna was no longer alive.

At that time, I was supposed to meet Mirna,

but because I was working till 6:00 p.m.,

I told Mirna, "Mir, I'm going to be late."


Then suddenly, a friend called me

and was crying,

"Ver, Mirna is gone. She's gone."

"What do you mean she's

gone? You just met her."

"I just messaged you at 5:00

p.m. You guys just arrived."

"Why is she suddenly gone?"

Up until today, since the

last time I went to her funeral,

I still felt I could not accept her loss.

It's more about that. I'm

not really thinking about

Jessica. It's not about her.

In the hospital, Jessica

and all her friends were there.

They were crying, so many of them.

I asked Jessica.

"Jess, my daughter drank coffee

and died. What did you drink?"

She said, "Mineral water."

That was her first lie to me.

That was what made me suspect it was her.

I really doubted her.

She was acting weird.

"Uncle, did Mirna die?"

"Was I the one who k*lled

Mirna?" That's what she said!

She's a liar.

We went to the funeral home

after Abdi Waluyo Hospital.

Suddenly, the police came.

They told us that there was

a possibility of poisoning.

The police demanded an autopsy.

Her mum, Santi, said,

"Don't turn Mirna's

body inside out, please."

If this is a suspicious death

and there is no autopsy,

the police won't be able to investigate.

During that time, Mr. Krishna Murti came.

He did not say much but told us,

"If you refuse an autopsy,

you will never know who the k*ller is."

In the end, we gave in.

Take Mirna away,


We had the funeral the day after.

In the morning, I received

a call from the police.

"Your child has been poisoned!"

The police already have a

suspect who poisoned Mirna

by mixing cyanide into her coffee.

The autopsy results have shown

that the contents of Mirna's

stomach tested positive for cyanide.

Wow! Cyanide poisoning.

Somebody really wanted to k*ll her.

I remember the first time

I heard about the case,

I was sitting on the floor of the General

Criminal Investigation Directorate.

That was where all the reporters

from various media stations

would wait for information.

The first information was that there

was a m*rder with the use of poison.

An invitation to catch up,

accompanied by a cup of coffee,

was never expected to be so dangerous.

But when it emerged that the victim

was someone named Mirna

Salihin, who had just gotten married,

it became clear that this

was an interesting case.



Secondly, it was conveyed

that Mirna Salihin was poisoned.

That was the start, "Wow, cyanide.

Where do you get that? How is it sold?"

There was a lot of

speculation within social media.

This cyanide case was trending.

Cyanide was the reason it went viral.


Cyanide is interesting.

For example, during a w*r,

to avoid getting caught,

they will swallow cyanide.

What is cyanide?

Cyanide is difficult to buy

precisely because it's so lethal.

Tiny amounts are present

in things like almonds,

apples, and cassava.

Cyanide is one of Earth's ten

most poisonous substances.

Cyanide is related to cytochrome oxidase,

which stops the body's cells

from getting the oxygen they need.

Unused O2 floods your bloodstream,

turning your skin turns cherry red.

Oxygen-starved organs then fail,

which will potentially lead to

convulsions, coma, and death.

The police are working hard

to find out who poisoned Mirna.

Crime scene investigations,


and questioning of

witnesses have been done.

We were shocked to find out

that the suspect was her close friend.

My daughter is dead,

and she bought the coffee.

Who are you referring to?

I'm sure you know. Everyone knows.

Who else? The devil?

Jessica Wongso is a friend of Mirna.

They went to school in Australia.

They graduated together.

Mirna came back home

while she remained there.

I hadn't been to Indonesia for four years,

so when I arrived in Indonesia,

I wanted to meet Mirna

and my other friends.

I knew Mirna

about eight years ago when we

were both studying in Australia.

When we were in college, we

would go out to eat or to drink coffee.

Every time we met, we always reconnected.

We would always be laughing

and having a good time.

Mirna might have been harsh to Jessica.

"Why are you such an idiot? Why

would you want a guy like him?"

Hearing that, Jessica was offended.

Jessica Kumala Wongso is back

for more questioning about

the death of Wayan Mirna.

Do you feel guilty or not?

I was telling my friends,

"This girl is really crazy."

In my opinion, she is a very cruel person.

If there is a perpetrator

that is still out there,

what is your message for them?

If you do something

bad, you will get caught.

So don't do evil things like that.

You will be arrested one day.

At that time, Jessica was asked

by a reporter from a TV station.

She replied to the news reporter

she did not maintain eye contact,

but instead she looked up.

I studied the paralinguistic method

in investigative techniques.

When someone looks up

when answering a question,

that is as if they were trying

to make up some stories.

From my observations,

perhaps she is the one who did it.

There are nine CCTV

cameras at Caf Olivier.

If we look, at 4:00 p.m.,

she arrived early and

surveyed the place earlier.

In criminology terms, it's

called making a portrait.

It means this was something

that was premeditated.

She was sitting on a huge sofa,

but why did she neatly put all

her shopping bags on the table?

The drinks were not visible.

Only the paper bags could be seen.

In my opinion, that is very


One by one. Your bag, please.

Put it right there.

Do you have a plastic bag?

Investigators from Polda Metro Jaya

have arrested Jessica Kumala Wongso

in connection to the death

of Wayan Mirna Salihin

at a hotel in Mangga Dua, North Jakarta.

How are you, Jessica? Let her through.

How are you, Jess? Jessica.

When she was being brought

to prison, she was still smiling.

How are you, Jess?

They found her at the hotel

with her luggage packed.

She was going to run away.

There has never been a similar case

that has attracted as

much public attention.

This cyanide coffee case can be

compared to the OJ Simpson case,

but OJ Simpson is a professional athlete.

He is also a public figure.

So the question is,

why did this case become

so interesting to the public?

The talk about her being

lesbian, that was ridiculous to me.

There was so much chatter that

was confusing and sensational.

It was very overwhelming for me.

Yes, everyone knows.

Bali, Medan

When I come, "Mr. Edi,

Mr. Darmawan," shaking hands.

"Picture, please."

"Hey, Mr. Darmawan!"

Thousands surrounded me.

The first trial of Jessica Kumala Wongso

for the m*rder of Wayan Mirna Salihin

began at the Central

Jakarta District Court.


On the first day,

I was a bit surprised.

I thought it would be a normal trial,

but in fact, wow!

People were so enthusiastic

that it became hard for us to enter.

It was an extraordinary atmosphere.

Personally, I have never seen such

a long queue to enter a courtroom.

It was like, for example, in Indonesia,

during weddings,

people will queue to greet the couple.

Instead, they were queuing

to enter the courtroom.

Like a movie sh**ting.

The cameras were all in the front,

and the audience couldn't be seen.

The trial would be on 24 hours

across 14 TV stations in Indonesia.

All of them focused on the case.

All of them were looking for me.

After finishing the trial,

I would be interviewed.

When I arrived, I was

interviewed. I was so tired.

But because I didn't want Jessica

to get away, I continued fighting.

She's a liar!

She didn't move the glass?

The bags weren't there, she can't remember?

After I spoke outside the

court and explained everything,

only then did many more people believe

that Jessica was the k*ller.

It can be said that the public opinion

was that almost 100% judged Jessica guilty.

Maybe it's because of business?


Maybe thats why it happened.

You poisoned someone.

The method of k*lling

shows you had bad intentions.

CENTRAL JAKARTA DISTRICT COURAs you can see, the public prosecutors

have arrived in the courtroom.

Jessica's case received

a lot of public attention.

Naturally, the prosecutors need

to be professional and extra careful.

When they bring this case to

trial with Jessica as the accused,

they can convince the judge that

Jessica is guilty and is the k*ller.

We may all be prosecutors,

but our taste in food is different.

But we are united by food from Padang.

Because you can only find food

from Padang and Soto Bogor there.


We are like soldiers

who are on the front line.

If the verdict is "not guilty,"

then a bad image might

stick to the prosecution team

because we are the "poster child"

for the Jessica Kumala Wongso case.








a single charge of premeditated

m*rder, Chapter 340.

So what we prove first is,

"What are the facts?"

What is the perpetrator doing?

What is the victim doing?

Those are the facts that we will reveal.

We didn't immediately accuse

Jessica of committing the crime.

We went through the sequence of events

from when the coffee was made

until it ultimately became evidence.

Who had touched the coffee?

Who was close to the coffee?

That was all recorded on the CCTV.

From that

If you look at the CCTV,

there were two strange moments.

The first was the chair shifting,

which blocked the view

of the CCTV from behind.

Also, she placed the paper

bag in front of the glass,

which then blocked the CCTV from the front.

Initially, we did not know

when the poison entered the drink.

We gave instructions to the investigators

to carry out toxicology examinations.

The toxicologist conducted an experiment

and found out a range of time

when the poison spread in the coffee.

At 16:29, there were some activities,

not just for one second but a few seconds,

until the coffee was moved

to the end of the table at 16:33.

During that period, there

was no one else in that vicinity.

That was the b*mb.







I apologize.


This has gone too deep.

The trial for the death

of Wayan Mirna Salihin

with the accused, Jessica Kumala

Wongso, has entered the courtroom.

We will go live to the

Central Jakarta District Court.

Strangely, from the trial's

start, she was really calm.

Calm and calculated.

I felt I was pressured

to give those answers.

What sort of pressure?

Pressure through words, just like

how you pressure people sometimes.

What sort of pressure?

Try to answer.

If she believes she's innocent,

she would have likely cried by now.

No such thing.

She's calm, always relaxed.


Because she has Otto Hasibuan.

She thinks she has a top lawyer.

Let's welcome Mr. Otto Hasibuan!

He seems so elegant.

He's a show-off, to get

paid handsomely perhaps?

What an amazing person he is.

In my opinion,

I really don't think

I'm a celebrity lawyer.

I gave it a unique name,

Senayan Avenue by Ottolima.

I was born on the fifth day

of the fifth month in 1955

at five in the morning.

Everything is connected

to the number of five.

So that's why it's called Ottolima.

After playing golf, I'll sit there.

I'll take a few sips of wine,

but I often think about Jessica.

Sometimes you forget, but you meet

people and they say, "Mr. Otto, Jessica."

That's what keeps me from ever

forgetting about Jessica's case.

At that time, I was planning

to go to Alaska with my family.

I had bought the tickets,

I had booked the cruise,

and everything was ready to go.

But suddenly, I was contacted by a lawyer.

He came to my office with Jessica's mother.

She just said to me,

"Mr. Otto, please help us."

She felt that she had

been treated unfairly.


I told Jessica, "I want

to work on your case,

but if along the way,

I find that you are guilty,

I have the right to resign

from handling this case."

She said, "Okay, no problem."

When I handled the case,

even my family was against me.

There was even a pastor

who called me via WhatsApp

and forbade me from handling this case.

Everyone hated me so much back then.

But I remained resolute.

I was certain this was worthy of defending.

At that time,

almost 99% of Indonesian people

believed that Jessica was guilty.

So I felt there was a

tremendous amount of pressure.

Extremely difficult.

The trial of Wayan Mirna Salihin's m*rder

with the accused, Jessica Kumala Wongso,

is set to continue.

From the start, I was

sure I was going to win.

There was no reason, however

small, for the judges to deem her guilty.

There is no proof.

Where was the cyanide taken

out from? From her pocket?

From her trousers? From her bag?

The prosecutors have not explained this.

The defense wants

there to be direct evidence

that Jessica poured the poison.

But we don't believe there

needs to be direct evidence.

We believe in circumstantial evidence.

The series of evidence

we have is enough to show

that only Jessica could

have committed the m*rder.

So when you think of courtrooms,

don't think of Hollywood movies

where the judge plays the role of referee,

and then the jury decides

whether someone is guilty or not.

No. We don't have a jury system.

The decision if someone is guilty

or not relies on the three judges.

They determine which

evidence can be used or not.

They determine the

sentence that will be imposed.

They have much power in

the Indonesian justice system.


When a case is heard,

it can be said that the position is 0-0.

On the one hand,

the public prosecutor must do

everything to convince the judges

that the person sitting

in the accused's chair

is truly the k*ller.

On the other hand, the lawyer

will do everything in his power

to state that the

accused is not the culprit.

That, in the criminal justice system,

is called the battle model.

The important key in this case

was "death due to cyanide."

But as the trial went on

and the witnesses were being examined,

we started to uncover some

untruths in the statements provided.

So after collecting samples

for toxicological examinations,

we concluded that the victim's

stomach had gastric injuries

due to the presence

of corrosive substances.

I asked the expert, Dr. Slamet.

"Did you do an autopsy?"

We didn't do an autopsy.

Then I asked, "Why

didn't you do an autopsy?"

The police only requested that.

Police's request.

In the case files, there

was a letter from the police

that requested the hospital

for an autopsy to be done.



This is so weird.

That letter is the proof.

At that time, in Indonesia,

people deeply respected

how the dead were handled.

When a full autopsy was needed,

one where the dissection

would be from the head,

then the chest cavity,

and then the stomach,

you would need firm approval

from the deceased's parents.

The parents did not give

permission for a full autopsy,

only for samples to be taken.

The sample was taken

from the stomach. Just a sample.

If the brain had been examined Yes.

could the death be attributed to a stroke?

Yes, but the symptoms don't suggest that.

For example?

But it's still possible? Yes.

Is the judge a shaman?

What ability does a judge have

to say that she died from cyanide?

If it's death due to natural causes,

it can't be considered a crime.

They started to see

something odd about this case.

In the name of God the Merciful,

to God, I hereby swear

The case was so complicated.

Because in this case,

there were so many experts

presented by the prosecutor.

All of the experts they presented,

we were able to prepare

experts who could challenge them.

The expert witness that has been

presented is Djadja Surya Atmaja.

Djadja is a forensic pathologist from RSCM

and is Indonesia's first DNA doctor.

Throughout the case, everyone was steered

to hate Jessica and that she was guilty.

My daughter told me this,

"Dad, why do you want to be

involved in a case like this?"

"Do you know you have a lot of haters?"

So I said, the netizens can

defend whoever they want.

But because I speak the

truth, I don't care about all that.

That's it.

If you do not check all the organs,

you cannot determine the cause of death.

That is dogma in forensics.

At that time, the situation was tense.

The prosecutors were all shocked.

Because I should have been

summoned as their expert in court,

but instead, I was summoned by the defense.

If you do not examine the

brain, we would not know

if she suffered a stroke, for example.

Would the lungs have

certain diseases or not?

Also, the heart.

All these are possible causes of death.

I watched, and I thought, "That's strange."

At the start, I had thought

that Jessica had really done it.

But because I had doubts, I

continued following the trials.


The second thing that is more important,

when Mirna was examined

70 minutes after she died,

her stomach tested negative for cyanide.

If, after 70 minutes, she

tested negative for cyanide,

it means there can be

no cyanide in her body.

Based on the results of this investigation,

what is your conclusion?

Cyanide isn't the cause of death.

Whoa, they were cheering.

It got loud and chaotic.

So that's why the judge knocked his gavel.

The trial was getting too heated.

There's a big probability it wasn't her.

My conviction went up to 60%.

From the toxicology reports,

the analysis of her stomach revealed

a trace amount of 0.2 mg of cyanide.

They claimed that there

was 0.2 mg of cyanide.

That was found three days after she died.

Even if this 0.2 mg was found,

it certainly didn't cause death.

The lethal dose, the

amount that causes death,

it's 176 mg.

I said the prosecutor's

indictment is irrelevant.

The existing evidence is irrelevant.


The facts that I got, it

made me doubt the data.

They also found certain

calculations in the glass,

which were quite high, 7,400 mg.

Before this trial, I

conducted some experiments.

Scientifically, I said,

experimental evidence

indicates that cyanide

can undergo a transformation

from liquid to gas.

If that were to happen in

a closed space like that,

then the gas would be everywhere.

If we put this amount in the coffee,

what would happen to

the people surrounding it?

Everyone there would faint.

Can we test it?

I suggest not. It's unsafe.

They claimed this is the

bottle that contains cyanide.

I opened it. The judges

were angry, "Don't open it!"

I smelled it. Nothing happened.

It means there's no cyanide in it.

I concluded the presence of

cyanide in the glass was suspicious.

It must have been put in by someone else.

Right? And there are clear

indications for that possibility.

As for the glass that I secured,

it was still the same glass.

Then I wrapped it with plastic wrap

so that no one would

throw it away or touch it.

I wrapped the coffee and left it there.

After the police arrived,

they took the coffee.

The glass that was examined

had been changed repeatedly.

It's no longer the original that

was taken from the crime scene.

Is there an official record of when it was

transferred from the glass to the bottle?

I don't remember.

If you don't remember, we will ask

the prosecutors through the judges.

We need to search for it, Your Honor.

It seems that it is not

there in the case files.

It's not there.

So there is none, right? Thank

you, Your Honor, that's all.

Why must the evidence be sealed?

So that it will be valid.

If they can open it themselves,

what's the point of it being sealed?

From the evidence,

we cannot conclude that she is guilty.

How does a woman who has just graduated

from school, just started working,

have the ability or

intention to k*ll someone

using cyanide?

What is the motive?

In every premeditated

m*rder, there must be a motive.

It's a common practice everywhere.

The motive was simply

because Jessica was advised by Mirna

not to date her boyfriend in Australia.

Then because of that, she became

angry and intended to k*ll Mirna.

That's impossible in my opinion.

Do we really need a motive

for a premeditated m*rder?

There are many expert opinions

who think it doesn't need a motive.

A motive is important, but it

does not need to be proven.

Why is that so? Because the construction

of the article doesn't require a motive.






Why should prosecutors

be burdened with issues

that are not required by

the article to be proven?

The motive can only be

known by the perpetrator.

And it is very difficult if the

perpetrator doesn't confess.

There is an impression of untruth here.

There may be certain parties

who want Jessica to be guilty.

Because if not, why doesn't

everyone want to be fair, right?

So we know that before the trial started,

you, Devi, and Mr. Edi had a meeting.

What was the atmosphere for the

meeting? And what was discussed?

I forgot.

That happened so long ago.

I'm afraid I might say the wrong things.

At most, we met to discuss the case,

such as being consistent in speaking,

speak the truth, and don't be afraid.

The first time I met Mr. Edi Salihin, he

He was a father whose

heart was very broken.

I could see it

He was sad and very angry.

Nobody would be able to accept

that happening to their daughter.

From Mr. Edi's perspective,

Jessica had to be caught.

I carried out my own investigation

because I was annoyed.

At that time, I knew she was the

m*rder*r. Of course, I was committed.

I was very committed.

Mir, I'm here.

I am suffering an extraordinary loss.

Do you remember the trial, Mir?

Luckily, I defended you.

Alone, without a lawyer.

But with my strength, my power,

everything I used to fight.

I had to do everything

I could to fight Otto.

They used money.

I used some as well, but not

that much. They spent more.

Please forgive me. All my wrongdoings.

I am a bad guy too.

I keep changing women. I know I'm wrong.

The trial for the death

of Wayan Mirna Salihin

resumes at the Central

Jakarta District Court

with the accused, Jessica Kumala Wongso.

It turned out that there

were a lot of strange things

that happened during this trial.

Before I testified,

there was a photo of

Mirna taken after her death,

and her face was blue.

A person who dies because of

cyanide will have high levels of HbO2.

If the HbO2 levels are high, it

means it won't be blue but red.

After I said that people with

cyanide poisoning have red faces,

the same photo circulated,

but her face was red in them.

The "cherry red" color that's

been searched for has been found.

This was at the funeral

home before she was bathed.

The cherry red color emerged.

I was the first doctor to see her

corpse two hours after she died.

I saw her eyes-- Her face was blue.

Her face is red here.

We can't rely on that picture.

It's on my desk. That's the problem.

I said a photo could be easily manipulated.

The color can be changed from red to blue.

It's funny, no?


After I testified, there was

a commotion at the back.

It was chaotic.

There were police everywhere.

I didn't know what was going on.

Later I found out there was someone

who got angry after my testimony.

Earlier this morning,

Mirna's father placed that photo

on the judges' and the prosecutors' table.

That evidence is not legitimate.

Her father brought a g*n.

After the trial,

he took out his g*n.

He wanted to scare me.

It was as if he could

k*ll me or do something bad.

I've known Jessica since she was a child.

She never got into fights,

never caused trouble in school.

She was a normal child.

The trial was morning

to night, till 2:00 a.m.


We would skip meals.

We were chased by reporters.

I did not go home for months.

I was living like a homeless person.

I suffered, and in the end, I fell sick.

Did she put poison in the

coffee? Can it be seen?

I have no regrets in

handling Jessica's case.

Anyway, I think I'm

always optimistic to win.

Still on the "Cyanide Coffee" case,

which is now on the 20th day of the trial.

Jessica Kumala Wongso's

courtroom at that time was like

a football stadium.

It's a lie! Liar!

Each of them had their own supporters.

People were divided between

supporting Mirna and Jessica.

If the prosecutor asked something

and they were happy, they applauded.

Can you make it clearer?

Just like that.

When I asked something, they applaud.

I can't see it.

Really? I can see it. Which one?

Otto Hasibuan's skill in shifting

public opinion was extraordinary.

Jessica's supporters were increasing.

They really believed, and it

was all over their social media.

They believed that Jessica was innocent.

If you ask me,

the evidence is still ambiguous.

Impossible. 1,000% impossible.

I felt I was successful

in influencing the media

and the people at that time.

Honestly, in my opinion, there can

be no excuses for us not winning.

99% we were sure we would win.

The cyanide coffee trial is heating up.

The courtroom atmosphere is quite chaotic.

The arguments between the prosecutors

and the defense can no longer be avoided.

Everyone, order.

Don't protest directly to

me. Do it through the judges.

Keep quiet, everyone.

Maybe the intensity was getting stronger.

That became a risk and a challenge for us.

We were tired and also emotional.

The trials lasted until night.

We took turns sleeping.

Some were sleeping,

some were still working.

We gathered at Shandy's

house at that time, remember?

As the trial went on day by day,

it was getting more complicated to handle.

Objection, Your Honor. Hold on first.

Objection, Your Honor.

He's drawing conclusions.

For me, a memorable day

was maybe when I had an

argument with the legal advisor.

Okay then, now answer this.

Sir, did you bring the

data that you analyzed?

No. Didn't bring the data?

Do you remember what you analyzed?

It's there.

It's all there. I didn't ask the lawyer.

Every question I asked was

interrupted by the defense.

So in the end, a shouting match ensued.

Please respect me.

Don't yell at my witness.

Respect my witness!

I will respect you if you respect me.

There must be a debate.

So it was like we were

provided a ring, like a boxing ring,

and here you fight according to the rules.

We believed the defense

wanted to discredit and attack

the integrity of our experts and evidence.

We did the same thing, and

that's allowed in a court of law.

For example, to illustrate in a joking way,

if someone wants to put a curse on

me, I already have some antidote ready.

It's kind of like that.

Your Honor, we invite Mr. Beng

Beng Ong from Australia.

He is a forensic pathologist.

One moment I could

not forget during the trials

was when Beng Beng

Ong was treated unfairly.

Professor Beng Beng Ong

testified. He said, "No case."

He said that what the experts in

Indonesia presented was wrong.

We immediately did research.

Was what the expert presented true?

Then how do we counter it?

Was the expert legally

allowed to present in the trial?

When did you come to Indonesia?

That seems irrelevant.

Did you receive a fee to come here?

Objection, Your Honor.

That is very unethical.

In the end, we caused a "plot twist."

As a professional who receives payment,

under Article 102, it is mandatory

for you to use a Limited Stay Visa.

We reported the expert

for immigration offenses.

Beng Beng Ong has to be deported

and is banned from entering Indonesia

for six months.

The prosecutors at that time

were not being professional.

From the standpoint of justice and

truth, it's inappropriate, in my opinion.

So how we trap the enemy

and make them emotional,

we will do that as well.

When someone is emotional,

they will not be able to think logically.

That is just part of the strategy.

Thank you, Your Honor.

After that, I realized that our

chances of winning had faded

because something was not right there.

And that's when I realized

it's impossible to win.

The guilty rate in

Indonesia is very high. Why?


The police have enormous power.

The prosecutors have power that is

not balanced compared to a lawyer.

The huge power of the

prosecutors and police

means the judges no longer act as referees.

They are no longer neutral.

Is there any evidence that the m*rder

was committed directly by Jessica Wongso?

The answer is no.

So where is the evidence

of Jessica's involvement?

Where's the evidence?

There are only allegations,

only perceptions.

This is strange and bizarre.

There was no direct evidence,

but how did the defense lose?

Because the defense could

not provide evidence or experts

who could convince the judge

that his client was not a m*rder*r.

That was actually the problem.

Then there was also a statement

from a psychologist and a psychiatrist

that Jessica has an expl*sive-compulsive

psychological character.

Buried inside her is an oddity,

as she is always calm.

She's what's called a narcissistic psycho.

She is a psychopath,

which means she's crazy.

She's also narcissistic.

That's according to a forensic expert.

Heartache, revenge, makes her feel empty.

We can see her narcissism

emerge, like a child.

"Please pay attention to me."

Just by looking at the

physiognomy of facial expressions,

you can tell she is a

vengeful type of person.

Well, you also said the

defendant is quick to respond

and very intense regarding her emotions.

What do you mean by that?

I know that from the shape of this part.


There were experts who tried

to label the defendant as a bad person,

that she was indeed a true criminal.

How? From judging the shape of the

nose, by looking at how her lips moved.

This is an obsolete theory.

Her eyes don't sparkle at all.

Her eyes don't sparkle like

Julia Roberts, for example.

Eyes that sparkle and don't

have meaning behind them.

The prosecutor is not proving

Jessica committed the act of m*rder,

but what the prosecutor is

trying to do is convince the judge

that Jessica may k*ll someone.

Your theory about all

these, where did it originate?

From empirical studies,

studies of film stars in America and so on.

Your thoughts and findings are fascinating!

This is the atmosphere from the

trial at Central Jakarta District Court

where the trial for the m*rder

case of Wayan Mirna Salihin

At that time, I felt the same as

everyone, afraid to be close to someone

accused of k*lling another

person using cyanide.

But then, there was a moment.

I got a small note

that was handed over

to me by Jessica's lawyer.

It turned out to be a

handwritten note from Jessica.

She just wrote, "I really

like your wardrobe."

Jessica was checking out my clothes?

Wow! I wrote back immediately,

"By the way, we are the same age."

I said we are both Libras.

We are only three days apart, we

both have the dragon as the zodiac,

and I returned the paper to Jessica.

So I had the opportunity

to talk during the trial break.

I asked, "Jessica, can I interview you?"

Finally, she wanted to open up and talk.

But then I observed

I saw a person that was very spoiled.

Sometimes her mother has to feed her food.

When a psychologist described

her as a structured person

who can organize a plan "to a tee,"

that's something very contradictory.

What's being pictured

does not resemble Jessica.

A psychologist from the University

of Indonesia, Dewi Taviana Warida,

was called to the trial for the

accused, Jessica Kumala Wongso.

When I was in court that day,

I felt like a famous actor or a star.

As soon as I arrived,

the lights started flashing.

I didn't know what was going on.

I was shocked.

The media blew this up too much.

When the cyanide coffee

trial was broadcasted,

television news ratings

were able to beat soap operas.

The dramatic element was

what attracted the public.

A black and white narrative,

as if the deceased, Mirna,

was an innocent person,

while Jessica was the most evil person.

This case exploded because

people saw that Mirna was beautiful.

"Why was she k*lled?"

People were wondering.

Jessica's face is a bit weird.

In my opinion,

if you look at Jessica's

character and face,

it seems like she is able

to keep or hide something.


From the look in her eyes,

she looks like she's mentally ill.

From a scientific point of view,

for instance, if someone

is thought to be evil,

and coincidentally the person

is not beautiful or not handsome,

once their behavior is labeled negative,

all their actions are judged as such.

Society considers the ugly one guilty,

and the beautiful one must be saved.

It then becomes

something like a soap opera.

How do you unify this country?

Such a huge country.

Made up of 17,000 islands,

700 languages, 300 ethnic groups.

The leader of our nation at that time

had lofty ambitions.

Television would be the glue for society,

and television as a

whole became widespread.

Around the 1990s,

Jakarta gave birth to a new era,

the birth of the Sinetron.

What made us addicted

was the lifestyles of the rich,


and egoistical.

I am not answering any questions.

This is probably what made this

case one of the biggest in Indonesia.

When you usually drink

red wine, where is it from?

Cockburn, Graham. Places like that.

Cockburn, okay. I got you.

I prefer it lighter.

Let me tell you.

That information from

Australia was very important.

The m*rder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin

with suspect Jessica Kumala Wongso

is presenting a witness

from the Australian Police.

It was mentioned there were 14 cases

involving Jessica Kumala

Wongso with the Australian Police.

Yes, it was Officer John Torres who

said she wanted to commit su1c1de.

Then she crashed into the

nursing home and destroyed it.

She even wanted to k*ll her boss.

During that time, the defendant said,

"If I wanted to k*ll someone,

I would know how to."

"I can get a g*n, and I

know the right dosage."

The accused, Jessica Wongso,

underwent psychiatric examinations

at the RSCM Hospital.

Amongst the evidence collected

were anti-depressant pills

usually used by patients

with mental health conditions.

The public thought

that only a person with a mental

disorder could do such an evil deed

in a public setting.

My biggest criticism is that we

too easily, and even arbitrarily,

use someone's mental state

as the grounds for judging them.

Jessica got into an accident, right?

Jessica allegedly got

into a fight with her boss.

Those are separate issues.

I'm going to be extreme.

People who said she was a psychopath,

they made it up.






A week before the final trial, she asked,

"What is my situation,

uncle? Will they let me free?"

I didn't know how to respond to her.

After four months, the trials for the

m*rder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin

are entering the final phase.

The judges will decide on the verdict

for the accused, Jessica Kumala Wongso.

Otto knew, he was shaking

his head, he was going to lose.

"One. The Defendant, Jessica Kumala,

aka Jessica Kumala Wongso, aka Jess,

has been legally and convincingly proven

guilty of committing a crime."

"Two. The Defendant will be sentenced

to imprisonment with 20

years for the crimes committed."

That is the decision of the court.

JESSICA'S TRIAL VERDICI convinced the prosecutor and the judge.

That's how it ended, a happy ending.

Thank you, Your Honor. I

do not accept the verdict.

In my opinion, it is unfair and biased.

Frankly, I was actually shaken there,

but I had to hold back my feelings.

Because the judges'

decision is unfair, biased,

and extremely not according to the law


Also, we have heard the "death

knell for justice" at this trial.

As a result, we assertively

say that we will appeal.

When the judge decided she was guilty,

she didn't cry much.

But after we brought her to the back,

that's where she burst into

tears, which people didn't know.

We must continue

to sail in the ark of life.

We'll see what's in the future.

We went to the prison.

She didn't want to meet us.

She screamed, "I don't

want to, I don't want to!"

Crazy, right?

If she was innocent, she would

yell, "Hey, Mr. Edi, I didn't k*ll Mirna."

"Mr. Edi, don't be like

that. Let's go find out."

She doesn't want to. Not that she can't.


I love to restore old cars

like this. I really love it.

I've loved it since childhood.

Now, the story behind this car.

During the course of this

trial, my friend was watching it.

He said, "I bet that

Jessica would be released."

"I'm betting on a car."

In the verdict, it turned out that

Jessica wouldn't be released.

Well, a few days later, he said,

"Here are the car keys. Take it home."

I said, "Are you crazy?

Is this really for me?"

He said, "I lost a bet!"

Now the question is, why

can't she be interviewed?

I'm also wondering why.

Jessica is not a t*rror1st. Even

t*rrorists can be interviewed.

Imam Samudra, before he was ex*cuted,

he was interviewed.

Even Mr. Otto was surprised,

"Why can't she be interviewed?"

I sympathize a lot with Jessica.

Actually, it's quite sad.

She was treated unfairly during the trials.

And now, it's the same thing.

When I got there, Jessica

handed me her diary.






Whether someone framed Jessica or not,

I'd like to say I can think so, yes.

Because of the procedure

for examining evidence

and evidence carried out in the court

In my opinion, they were very unreasonable.


And during the trial,

every time I made a breakthrough to

prove otherwise, they always cut me.

So what's really going on?

There are certain people

that want her to be punished.

I could tell you more about it,

but maybe not everything

could be told, right?

Not everything could be told.

Because I have to

prove things first, right?

Well, the evidence maybe

lacking, but I know it happened.

Up till now, this was the sole case

where a certain party called

me and asked me to stop talking.

There was a particular party

who put money in my bag.

I concluded that the money was a

way to keep me silent on the case.

If I'm an ordinary person who

has nothing to do with this case,

why would they want to give me money?

I was concerned that they'd also

bribe the law enforcement officers.

With an even bigger

amount. That is my concern.

This is going to sound controversial,

but in my opinion,

and according to research

conducted by ICJR,

there is a possibility that

Jessica was found guilty

because someone had

to be blamed for the death.

So in that context,

the police and the prosecutors

couldn't find any other suspect.

The police were embarrassed

because the case had blown up.

They are now subjected to the law of karma.

You have police careers that

have stalled and lots of other things.

It's not a matter of

being innocent or guilty,

but more importantly, it's how the

Indonesian criminal justice system

deemed someone guilty

despite the lingering doubts.

If you deem Jessica's case reasonable,

I'll let your imagination run wild

about how other cases

in Indonesia are done.

If this involved an ordinary person,

there would likely be a death penalty.

Our criminal justice

system needs to be reformed

so that our ideals of reform,

the ideals of independence

that all Indonesian people

can gain access to justice is achieved.

We need to reform the

criminal justice system.

Why? Because anyone can be next.

Anyone can be the next victim.

That's my point.