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Beyond the Light Barrier (2023)

Posted: 10/15/23 11:34
by bunniefuu
[eerie music]

[heart beating]


[wind blowing]

[rain, thunder]

[wolf howling]


[dog barking]

[flying saucer whirring]

[Elizabeth] I was seven years old,

and the sun had just set beyond,

over the Drakensberg.

And this enormous craft came across...

quite horizontally, across the sky.

And it was as big as a football,

and it was quite beautiful,

and it shone with a blue-white light.

I felt that this was something...

the beginning of a tremendous destiny

that I was to go into,

and I could feel this as a child,

I sensed it.

I had this intuition.

And I felt a bond,

a communication that was so strong

that I simply followed this bond.

[little girl giggles]

There are people up here.

[radio static]

[radio announcer] We interrupt our sports

commentary. Shortly after 11 this morning,

an unidentified flying object

hovered over Johannesburg,

with many witnesses not sure

what they were looking...

[John] GB McKenzie

is from Howick in Natal.

Son of Elizabeth Klarer's sister,

Barbara Woollatt.

A shy, sweet timber farmer

and nature lover.

Salt-of-the-earth type.

[GB] Elizabeth was before her time

because her story is something we

as South Africans can really be proud of.

I always remember her as being so serene

and gracious and a real lady.

I miss Elizabeth very much.

[John] Stella cared for Elizabeth Klarer

during her final days

at the Highway Hospice.

And Stella paid close attention to every

word Elizabeth said from her deathbed.

And the alien sex part made her ears

prick up every single time.

[Stella] My remembrance of Elizabeth

was her sitting up in bed.

I think she dyed her hair,

and it was swept up at the back.

She sat in her bed

with all her papers round about her.

This big blue ring and the photo

of Akon at the back of her bed.

That's why I remember her.

"Come in, dear, and I'll talk to you."

She loved talking. She loved to talk.

She loved to talk about her journey

up into space.

She told me all about the interior

of the spaceship,

and it was red velvet

and she had sex in the spaceship.

And, oh, she told me the whole story.

I could never ever catch her out.

She always stuck to what she believed in,

and never wavered off

what she thought was the truth.

[ominous vibrations]

David, Elizabeth's son,

is my first cousin.

Um, he spent most Christmas holidays

with us on the farm.

So, he's a few years younger than myself.

As far as Elizabeth's experiences go,

I myself have never seen a UFO,

unfortunately. I've never had a sighting,

but that doesn't mean to say

that I don't believe her story

because, you know, she's attended

conferences in Germany and America.

She's addressed conferences

all over the world.

[David] Yes, she was very intelligent.

I sometimes wish I had her intelligence.

But she was widely read,

she read a lot of books.

[John] Meet Elizabeth Klarer's earth son,

David Klarer.

One of two earth children with Elizabeth's

second husband, Paul Emile Klarer.

David, now retired,

was a senior risk analyst back in the day.

He was close with his mom.

Not so much with Akon.

He's never met his space brother,

and is witness to a close encounter

of a third kind himself,

which does not include Akon or his people.

[David] My mother was an amazing woman.

She was

full of love, gentleness. Peaceful.

She was very concerned

about the environment.

She was concerned about people.

She had green fingers.

Her plants always did well. [chuckles]

[John]Marina McKenzie is married to GB McKenzie.

Such a sweetheart and a retired nurse.

[Marina] It would seem that Elizabeth,

from the time she was a small girl,

was always a little bit different

and more in touch with life out there.

And... naturally, he'd choose somebody

like that. He wouldn't have chosen me.

The first time I met her

was watching GB playing hockey.

And I'd met this aunt

who, I was told, you know,

had had this episode

in her life with Akon.

And so, there was a bit of interest anyway

because it was such an unusual

and interesting story.

She was extra special and warm,

terribly warm and affectionate,

and people just warmed towards her.

She had that power, that sort of aura,

I suppose you could call it.

And I think she attracted men

from far and wide.

[chuckles] Dare we say it?

Really far and wide.

She must've been very brave

to go off into an alien craft...

and face the unknown.

GB has a cousin, yes.

I have a cousin-in-law.

He tells... He very proudly tells people

that he has a cousin in space.

Potentially, I have a full cousin...

in outer space called Ayling.

[ominous music]

[John] This is Sue Armstrong.

Once upon a time, a farmer next

to Elizabeth's infamous Flying Saucer Hill

in the Mooi River area.

There, she was an avid horse rider,

believer, and feisty die-hard romantic.

She has since retired and moved on,

but her eyes will always twinkle

when she thinks

of what could've been made on that hill.

[Sue] I see Flying Saucer Hill

every day of my life.

Graham and I have been married for 42

years, and we've lived here all that time.

And in fact, I married the boy next door

because my father owned the farm

next door to Danesford.

And so, from the time I was a small child,

we heard about Flying Saucer Hill

and all the stories

about Akon and Elizabeth meeting.

I believe because of my association

with Elizabeth.

And she did have an incredible magnetism.

She had the most incredible eyes.

She was not totally of this earth.

[Elizabeth] This is a picture

I took of Flying Saucer Hill

with my Brownie Box camera.

It had a shaft of light coming right down

over the dip in the top,

where Akon's starship landed.

And I can actually see his face

in that shaft of light.

[John] Hayley and Greg Muirhead

actually own the farm

which hosts the Flying Saucer Hill.

But as busy farmers, they tend to focus

more on their cattle and running a farm

than the alleged lights

and hill-frolicking,

as described by Elizabeth.

Even though Hayley, like Sue,

seems to be more open

to the thought of extraterrestrial

communion as such.

[Greg] A lot of that's in the eye

of the beholder.

- I think... Yes, we'll leave it there.

- [Haley chuckles]

There are lots of holes in the story,

but just take the pearls from that

and see what you get.

And if I saw Akon today, Arkon,

I'd tell him, "Take me to your leader."

You know? "Take me out of here."

"We... Stop the world,

we want to get off!" You know?

- [chuckles]

- It all gets a bit much at times.

So, yes. And there's... there's magic

in a bit of the unknown, the cosmic.

It just brings a little bit of awe,

a little bit of interest

to an otherwise very...

Excel, email kind of life.

You know? There's nothing wrong

with that, a bit of color.

Good luck with this one, Akon, good luck.

- Only skinny women are easy to kidnap...

- [chuckles]

Not... not ones who enjoy food too much.

[Greg] I mean it is, it's a lovely site.

So when you're up there,

why wouldn't you feel something, you know?

Why wouldn't you feel the beauty

and what's around you?

But... you know, it's still...

it's still just a marvel anyway.

And we find the whole story

rather intriguing...

but to say I've seen activity,

unfortunately, that isn't the case.

[ominous vibrations]

[ominous music]

I went to the mountaintop.

And there, as I topped

the northern ridge of the dip,

I saw the starship landed in the dip,

and she was landed flat on the ground.

And standing beside her was a tall man.

I never hesitated. I ran straight to him

and I held out both my hands to him,

and he took them saying,

"You're not afraid this time."

I couldn't say anything,

I just shook my head.

I was out of breath, I was so excited.

And then everything happened at once.

He just picked me up like a feather

and stepped onto the hull of his ship...

and in through the open doors.

[Helene] We went up the mountain one day,

just for another talk,

and she explained that this

was the mountain where she met Akon.

And Elizabeth started shaking,

and she was very excited.

She said,

"This is where Akon landed the spaceship."

And then I looked down, and it was

the eeriest experience of my life

because in the hollow, it wasn't just

a hollow, it was shaped... like this.

And that area in that shape...

was covered with strange plants.

I felt totally ice cold,

because this, to me, was a strange

occurrence, and I'm sure that at her age,

she wouldn't have sat down

planting those plants.

And she looked at that,

and she said to me,

"He promised me,

that he would leave a mark for me,

and this is the mark

he left on the mountain."

[John] Helene Rabie was a sought-after

journalist during the '70s and '80s.

She often used to compare notes

about the Klarer case.

Akon, he had the most wonderful face.

He had a high forehead,

high cheekbones, aquiline features,

and these really incredible grey eyes

that were very compelling

and full of love.

And his hair... was golden,

but quite white at the temples.

And he must... He... he is...

In fact, I know, I knew afterwards...

that he was at least 6 ft 4.

She had a... I don't know whether it

was a degree, but she was a meteorologist

and she studied in Britain.

And I often saw communications from...

very high officials

in the government to her.

[ominous music]

[John] Petrovna Metelerkamp was a go-to

magazine journalist in the '80s.

She reported in depth and with delight

on Elizabeth Klarer's

extraterrestrial rendezvous.

[Petrovna] In 1983, I was a journalist,

and I was in the privileged position

that I could choose my subjects

for my articles.

It was for a family magazine,

the biggest magazine in South Africa,

called Huisgenoot.

I used to choose alternative topics.

And when I read a review

about the book that had appeared,

written by Elizabeth Klarer,

I made an appointment to see her

and spent a day with her

because I thought, "This is up my street."

This kind of


One can also wonder why would Akon choose

Elizabeth Klarer of all people on Earth.

Why would he choose her to take with him

to his planet and to give him a son?

One of the reasons

that she mentioned was...

that she was a descendant

of the Venus tribe on Earth,

the original Venus people.

And he wanted to import fresh blood

into his race

for the strengthening of their bloodline.

[Kitty] It does have a very romantic

aspect to it...

when Elizabeth told you that this man

was her soulmate.

Akon was her soulmate,

and she had dreams of him

long before she met him.

[Elizabeth] I knew his name through

telepathic communication...

and he'd watched me as a child.

"Do you know anything about aliens?

Um, have you ever read

Elizabeth Klarer's book?

Have you ever met her?

Have you done any research?"

I said, "You go out there and do 30,

40 years of research like I have done

and then come back

and tell me that they don't exist."

[ominous music]

[John] Kitty Smith,

long-standing friend of Elizabeth

and founder of South Africa's

first and longest-running UFO club.

[Credo] I looked... more and more...

at Klarer...

and I speak as a person

who is an artist of some kind.

And I speak as a person...

who's traveled and who has...

has met people of different nations.

This woman's ears...

are not right.

Elizabeth Klarer always loved to...

to dress her hair in such a way

that her ears were given as little

prominence as possible. They were hidden.

[John] UbabaVusamazulu,

"Awaken the Heavens", Credo Mutwa.

He was a Zulu sangoma,

a traditional healer,

and the last High Sanusi

from South Africa.

He also had a very special bond

with Elizabeth Klarer.

The story goes that during the height

of apartheid in South Africa,

they would get arrested by the Apartheid

Police for visiting with each other.

[Credo] I will be as brief as possible.

The common story that is being bandied

about by Elizabeth Klarer

is that she was an Earth woman

who was impregnated

by a man from the stars.

I'm sorry, that is only half the truth.

I say in Zulu, "Hayi khona, akunjalo,"

"No, it is not so."

This woman...

was a creature from the stars.

She also had proof...

according to her,

of her visit to this other galaxy.

No, it's not a different galaxy.

It's our galaxy, it's a different planet.

She showed me a thick...

almost like a book,

which was sent to her

by the American Department of Defense,

I think it was their Airforce branch,

which she had to fill in.

Every little finest detail

of her experience.

And it was 42 pages, A4.

So, it was in extreme detail,

and I wondered

why were they so interested.

Then I knew they were doing research

and they were trying to find out

about such happenings.

She must've had her first intimations

or contact with flying saucers

because she took these photographs.

Not particularly good, but I think it

was with an ordinary camera.

- [camera shutter clicks]

- And those were the first ones that I know

- that were photographed in 1956.

- [flying saucer whirring]

And I've had people say, "Well,

those look like ordinary baking pots

that were thrown up into the air,"

or some stupid remark.

[John] Astronomers have since discovered

an earth-like planet

in the Alpha Centauri constellation.

There could be as many as 40 billion

Earth-sized planets

orbiting in the habitable zones

of sun-like stars and red dwarf stars

within the Milky Way galaxy.

Ooh, we're definitely not alone.

There it is, Alpha Centauri, our nearest

neighbor, and 44-million years by taxi.

About 500 times further away

is the star Proxima Centauri.

The nearest star to us,

which hosts the planet Meton,

according to Elizabeth Klarer,

from where Akon,

the extraterrestrial visitor, is from.

[John]Dr. Enrico Olivier is an astronomer.

Research areas include

the late stages of stellar evolution,

non-linear modeling of stellar vibrations,

and brown dwarfs.

All of the things that I've seen...

that are strange to me in the night skies,

I could've always explained it

afterwards or something,

either natural or something man-made

that was happening up in the night sky.

We found that when we traveled

around the area where she lived,

that the Zulu people often see

the flying saucers.

- Mm.

- And they consider them to be gods.

And when they see them, they fall down on

their knees and close their eyes and pray.

They don't look up again

till they're sure that they're gone.

My sister phoned me one day and said,

"The Zulus are seeing

what they call in their language,

'The Wagon in the Sky.'"

And... their folklore, of course...

This also comes into their folklore,

and the correct Zulu name

for the flying saucer

is "The Lightning Bird".

[John]Beyond the Light Barrier, page 14...

"Ikhanya elikhanya emnyameni."

"A light that enlightened the darkness."

A Zulu praise.

My sister again phoned me and said,

"You'd better come down

because the Lightning Bird

again is in the sky

- and the Zulus are very excited."

- [serene music]

I don't think

there's any other case on record

of a woman giving birth

to a child from an alien.

Pure undiluted love.

I mean, there must've been a passion

that we can't even imagine.

And what she gave up,

and the way she transported herself.

I mean, that has got to be one of the

greatest love stories we'll never know.

[gentle music]

- [camera shutter clicks]

- [Paul] That's not a good love story.

That's not a good love story at all.

He comes, impregnates her,

brings her back,

takes the baby and never sees her again.

That's not a good love story.

[John]Now, Paul Brogan has been many things.

An engineer, stockbroker,

company executive, environmentalist,

community leader, skeptic, and writer.

Things he's not? A UFO-hugger.

A good love story is my wife and I.

We get married and we stay together

for the rest of our natural lives.

That's a love story.

And that happens every day.

Why are we not glorifying that?

This is not a love story to be glorified

or to be admired or to be copied.

Not at all. Not in my opinion

He said, "Now we're going

to the high plateau at Cathkin,"

because there was an air force plane,

one of these Harvard planes,

an old air force plane,

droning around the sky all the time.

And he said, "Let's get away from that."

And we went up.

And he took me up

to the high plateau at Cathkin.

We have guests who come here

to stay with us especially...

to go and visit the UFO landing site...

where Akon or Arkon, I don't even know

how to pronounce his name,

seduced his little earthling

and swept her up into his arms

or tentacles or whatever,

and took her off to Alpha Centauri.

And they've met her,

and they believe her story.

Unfortunately, I haven't met her.

And being a skeptic,

being someone who doesn't easily...

believe in the irrational...

I have to... [sighs]

I have to treat her story

with... with... with some... reserve.

[gentle music]

[John] Paul Brogan's home

is the highest inhabited property

in the Central Drakensberg,

the last friendly hearth before one

ascends into the vast mountain wilderness,

and half-a-day's hike from the fastness,

the alleged spaceship landing spot

of Cathkin Peak itself.

Behind me is Cathkin Peak.

It's roughly 3000m up.

On the top is a flat portion of land,

about the size of a soccer field...

and up there, allegedly...

a spaceman called Akon...

flew his "earthling" girlfriend,

Elizabeth Klarer...

to the top...

and they made mad, passionate love...

and she conceived a child up there,

a boy, apparently.

And where the spaceship landed...

there is a bare patch of ground,

where nothing grows.

I don't know whether the spaceship caused

that, but I suspect there are perfectly...

plausible, geological reasons

for nothing growing there.

The plausible reason would be that water

has leached through this soil,

leached out all the nutrients,

so there's just sand left,

and that... Then there's nothing left

to nourish grass and trees, and so on.

[ominous music]

[John] And yet, here we find ourselves

with a photo

taken long before spaceships allegedly

landed on Cathkin Peak plateau,

where one can clearly see lush vegetation

and plant life covering the area

before a UFO crossed their plant paths.

This is Akon... who was my mother's love.

Also ostensibly the father of Ayling,

my mother's other son, who I've never met.

It seems I have a half-brother

out there in space.

And... But I do have doubts

about this story.

I have my doubts

that my mother's story is true,

in terms of her meeting with Akon

and going up into space

and having a child, all that. Um...

I find it very frustrating

that there's no out-and-out proof for me.

I would've really liked to have known

which way this whole story goes.

Was it true? Was it not true? [chuckles]

But certain things have occurred, um...

certain writings in her book,

certain events.

And a major one for me

was one where she says that I was involved

up in the Drakensberg

and a craft landed in front of us.

We were up there on horseback

and this craft landed in front of us

and Akon got out. And I don't recall that.

[Elizabeth] So I rode off, and...

With a groom and a packhorse,

and, of course, David with me as well.

And that's when I met him again.

Now, surely, something like that at my...

even young age of, let's say,

eight or nine years old,

I'd have remembered something like that

because other parts of that trip

I do remember.

The idea of Akon having erased

the memory out of my mind in some way

has crossed my mind...

But then I ask myself, "Why would he have

done it? What was the purpose?"

Especially as she says in her book, she

needs to get this story out to the world.

Surely, I would've been a witness.

I would've supported her and...

backed her up

on that story totally, wholeheartedly,

if I'd seen that craft landing

and if I'd met Akon as well.



Now this one is of the same starship...

moving up into the higher atmosphere.

And owing to the moisture content

in the atmosphere,

there is cloud condensed around her again.

This cameraman, he was so surprised.

And I explained to him

that if he'd taken it a second later,

he would've got the whole figure

of Akon standing there beside me

in a hologram.

[John] Pity there are no photos of Akon.

All we have is a painting,

where he looks very much

like a male version of Elizabeth.

He won't be photographed.

He doesn't want to be arrested

and put into laboratories,

pins stuck in him, and needles,

to find out what makes him tick

as an alien.

He avoids that, of course.

And it also enables him to meet Elizabeth

regularly in those years.

[John] And a bust of our alien in question

made by sculpture Bob Forbes.

[Bob] I just had the feeling

that if I called on Akon himself,

that he might possibly be able to help me.

And that's exactly what I did.

I called on him, and within three hours,

I'd actually completed

this sculpture in clay,

which normally takes three weeks.

We called Elizabeth to have a look at it.

I didn't know whether it was him or not.

And when she saw the sculpture,

she was obviously very, very excited.

Very, very happy. And it was quite obvious

that it was in fact him.

Then the most amazing thing,

about a week later,

my son was sitting in the front room

of the house looking out to the horizon,

and he saw a whole series of lights

bobbing up and down

where they shouldn't have been.

And he called us all.

In fact, the whole family,

we all went rushing out.

And we saw these lights.

Thirteen of them on the horizon,

bobbing up and down and very, very bright.

And then one by one, they popped off.

And we phoned Elizabeth and she said,

in fact, that was Akon's squadron,

and that he'd come

just as a token of appreciation.

[Credo] But wait...

We're talking about the unusual.

We're talking about the strange.

And South Africa is full of these things.

I'm naturally a skeptic.

Um, I've never seen a UFO.

I know people, including my wife,

who believe they've seen lights flying

around here in the mountains at night.

Um, and it's normally at night,

and the skeptic in me says,

"And it's normally

after a glass of wine or two."

And... if the lights are red and green,

then those are the natural lights for...

for... man-made aircrafts.

But sometimes these lights

move very quickly.

I've seen lights

flying up my valley here at night,

but they were fireflies. You know?

But, you know, you can be easily deceived

when you see things you don't expect.

[John] Oh, dear.

Well, you win some, you lose some.

With Captain Chester Chandler,

we're winning again, for the UFOs.

Chester is a retired

South African Airways captain.

He flew himself for 52 years.

He was also head-hunted

for the infamous Project Blue Book.

Of the 12618 collected UFO reports,

it was concluded that most were

misidentifications of natural phenomena,

or just conventional aircraft.

But a small percentage of the UFO reports

were classified as unexplained.

Captain Chandler's report is one of them.

[Chester]This event occurred on 1 July 1972.

At that time, I was a Boeing 727

captain with South African Airways.

And I was doing the last flight that

evening into Durban from Johannesburg.

And we were in the descent,

approaching to land at Durban.

Still about 20 minutes out,

you know, from the airfield.

I could see the lights, the clear sky,

there wasn't any... any... any cloud

around or anything.

I just saw a light. And I thought,

"Well, that's strange."

I thought, "This is no optical illusion,

Chandler. Look, there's something here."

So I said, "Graham, have a look out the

right-hand side. What do you see there?"

And he said, "Hey, there's a light

here." So, I called Durban control tower.

"Look, have you got

any other aircraft around?"

They came back and said

they've got nothing.

So we observed this light,

and 10, 20 seconds later

it just accelerated with enormous speed

and disappeared towards the southwest.

After the sighting, Elizabeth Klarer

phoned me and discussed it with me.

But I've no other... I didn't have any

other correspondence with her,

or any other conversations with her.

It was just one of those things.

Most probably she heard of me

and then phoned me just to convey

her thoughts on the subject as well.

That was my only communication with her.

[John] Captain Chester Chandler is not

the only one who can vouch for the UFOs.

Surprisingly, so can David.

It's just not... Akon-specific.

I have seen UFOs.

They were round,

so they could've been flying saucers.

But they were UFOs. I couldn't identify

them properly. It was at night.

They were about the size of the...

full moon or a little bit less.

And they'd suddenly appear in the dark sky

and then stop dead and then sh**t away.

They were a luminous green.

Maybe the UFO I saw might've been

an Earth-made one. It might've not.

It might've been from outer space.

Who knows?

To me it was a UFO.

[John] Officer Piet Kitching became one

of the first-ever documented cops

to have fired sh*ts at a UFO

on a farm in Fort Beaufort in 1972.

A man of many combat talents,

which include, but were not limited to,

military, Intelligence Agency,

and police force training.

He wasn't going to miss.

Not even if it's a UFO.

[Piet] The phone rang...

and I was there, I picked it up,

and it was Bennie Smith.

And Bennie Smith told me they saw

some object moving over the sheep kraals

and it was changing different

colors all the time.

We were actually a paramilitary force,

trained and everything.

And when I saw the object,

I think my training was still in me.

Therefore, I didn't hesitate

to take a shot.

Because I know I will sh**t it down,

as I was quite a good shot in my day.

He saw this object.

It was hovering just above the ground.

And when he got closer...

But he said, as we were shouting,

it reacted to the voices.

And when he got close to it,

it turned up straight, like an egg.

It was gray. You know,

a submarine coming out of the water,

then you get that gray, it looks wet.

And by the second or third shot,

on its left-hand side,

there was a very bright light,

like flashes, that came out.

And it started making a whining sound

and then just disappeared.

He didn't see it go through the vegetation

at all, it just disappeared.

But the reason why I sh**t...

You know, I've been asked

that question many, many times.

I've been thinking of it over the days.

I can't tell you, I don't know.

I don't know.

I only know, if I'd shot it down,

and it was something from Mars, Pluto,

or Neptune, or one of those,

then... I would've been a hero. [chuckles]

[shot fires]

[John] Breyside Farm's history dates as

far back as the Frontier w*r of the 1850s.

Bennie Smith, who phoned Piet,

was the first-generation Smith

to farm these lands,

with Craig to follow,

and his brother's son, Gary, after him.

[Craig]All I know is my dad phoned the police

because that's what you did in those days,

you'd phone the police.

I think even for a divorce.

[Gary] I still believe that it was built

by the... the Russians, or...

so my grandfather suggested to me,

and I believe something along that line.

I don't believe that it was aliens

or anything from...

yes... out of this... out of this world,

or not from of this planet.

Just my opinion.

Well, I just said what I saw.

Uh, the question is that

if they were spies from Russia,

"What are they doing on Breyside?"

You don't send Sputniks and things

like that to investigate that.

This, for me,

was definitely something different.

The thing that doesn't explain

how the reservoir blew up,

- whether it be a week or two weeks later.

- Mm.

That... That doesn't explain anything to me.

I mean, that's the only part

that I don't really understand about...

how that happened.

[Piet] If you look at the reservoir,

it's not one that just broke.

- [ominous music]

- There were still...

That stones were lying 20m,

25m away from that.

It must've been something

that exploded into it.

Otherwise, it would just be a hole

and the water would leak out.

That particular night

when this reservoir exploded,

an object flying, making a whining sound,

moved slowly in the direction

of Bennie Smith's house.

From Bennie Smith, I recall that he said

that it went over his house.

His wife heard it, and himself,

and immediately thereafter,

there was an expl*si*n.

And this is the result.

[Gary] People came from all around

the world to come and try and see...

My grandfather told me that the vehicles

were lined up from the tar road,

which is about 5km from here.

[ominous whirring]

[whirring ends abruptly]

In the trees over there.

[reporter] There's been a UFO alert

across Southern Africa.

[interviewer] This is a continuation

of a possible UFO story.

[reporter]A large, brightly colored object

was seen traveling very fast above

Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa.

I thought it was an alien,

and he had big eyes.

[reporter] Several planes saw it.

The experts are baffled.

[Tim]Ruwa. Ariel School. 19 September '94.

12:12 local time.


Could you tell me what you saw on Friday?

Well, it looked like it was glinting

in the trees.

Like, it looked like round about like a...

like a disc. Like a round...

- [Tim] Sure it wasn't a Harrier Jump Jet?

- No.

[Tim] Or something

the Zimbabwe Airforce have?

It was, like, in a disc.

[Tim] What did you see?

I just... saw a glow over my chicken run.

A very orange glow.

- It was a helicopter or what?

- No, no, it was just a big, round ball.

We suddenly looked up and we saw this...

thing coming over the top of the hill.

As it sort of... came abreast of us,

it suddenly, uh,

changed from this glow to, let's say,

two big red, orange balls.

It's your door.


What equipment have you brought with you?

Well, Gunter is a highly technical chap,

and he's made his own Geiger counter,

his own metal detector.

We're going to check it out and see

if there's any radioactivity there.

[Tim] Cynthia, what are your impressions

after this morning's little expedition?

Well, I certainly believe the children.

I've come across a similar type of thing

in Broad Haven in Wales in 1979,

and the British didn't believe it,

although I went down three times.

And it was very similar

to the whole incident here.

[ominous vibrations]

[vibrations end abruptly]

Perhaps one should

take the story more seriously...

than if it had been told

by somebody less educated,

or... or less inclined to rational thought.

[John] Dr. James Hurtak,

founder and president

of The Academy for Future Science.

He holds two PhDs, and is a consultant

to the Institute of New Energy.

Credo, I'm showing you a picture...

of something that looks

like a Dayze Mvondina.

This being was taken out of a spacecraft

that crashed near White Sands, New Mexico.

I'd like your comments on the face...

what has characteristics

similar to those that you described.

With a large head, no ears...

eyes that wrap around

the sides of the face...

and a mouth cavity that goes back

only a few inches.

This face has been reconstructed by

investigators with the American Airforce,

and may well represent

one of the four bodies

that was removed by Airforce commandos.

As one of the investigators,

I've brought with me also another sample

from South America,

showing the...

computerized analysis that was made

by a jet propulsion lab in Los Angeles...

of a metallic vehicle

that landed near Lima, Peru in 1974.

If you look very carefully,

you can actually see the windows.

The vehicle was seen

to use some type of...

magnetic parallel phase activity

for its propulsion.

Again, it represents the possibility that

there are brothers and sisters in space...

who are slowly

bringing us into our senses,

that we're not alone in the universe.

I'd just visited the Atucha

nuclear facilities in Argentina,

where there are massive

extraterrestrial sightings,

suggesting a warning taking place.

Many former nuclear experts admit...

all the way back to 1952,

all the way through the '70s and '80s,

that nuclear installations from Maine

to Montana in the United States

were visited by extraterrestrial ships

that had the power to turn off

the m*ssile launching systems.

To me, this is a very significant

message because it says in effect...

with the dropping

of the first atomic b*mb,

we had lost scientific control

of our planetary future,

according to some extraterrestrials.

And that perhaps we must be aware

that we have a greater responsibility

than nurturing planetary weapons systems

that will move us into destruction.

[suspenseful music]

[Elizabeth] And there are sightings

all the time. It never stops, you know,

because Akon's civilization are now very

concerned about what's going on here,

with all the wars

and the aggression and the hate

and everlasting... overpopulation.

And something

will have to be done about that.

[distant explosions]

[b*mb exploding]

[Credo] Elizabeth Klarer

said that she had received messages...

from the star people, Akon,

that the Earth must change its ways and...

stop abusing the environment.

People must stop doing certain things...

which are destructive to the Earth

and not necessary for the well-being

of human beings.

I don't refuse the possibility

of the existence

of other civilizations

on the other planets.

But everything...

As for me, I know, I'm sure

that everything is possible in our life.

I... I just can't refuse

anything so, like...

[John] Max is a Ukrainian guide

in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone,

home to the world's

worst nuclear accident.

Chernobyl won't be safe

for human habitation

for at least another 20000 or so years.

[Geiger counter clicking]

[John] Yet, the flora and fauna

thrive, despite being radioactive.

Despite the Cesium-137

that's packed in their muscles...

and the Strontium-90

that lives in their bones.

Reminds me of how nature

always finds a way,

and it's the humans who will not.

[Max] Everything is possible,

as the existence of wildlife

inside of the exclusion zone...

Our scientists, they told that

the exclusion zone will stay dead, and...

I... I can see just opposite variant.

- [birds cawing]

- [slow rhythmic clapping]

[woman singing Ukrainian folk song]

[voices join in]

[singing continues]

- [song ends]

- [wind howling]

Nature, only nature.

Perfect example that nature

is stronger than humans. Yeah.

[John] Denis Delestrac

is a law and journalism graduate

that became an award-winning

documentary filmmaker.

He made a film, The Weaponizing of Space,

about the nuclear threat that surrounds us

in more ways than one.

[Denis] Of course we worry with our...

our closest environment,

which is what we see around us.

But... I think people should start

to integrate space

in their sphere of awareness

because we're all surrounded by space.

And outer space is not that far,

it's only 100km over our heads,

and there's a lot going on

in space as far as, you know,

satellites, technology and user space.

It's already filled with space debris.

And according to NASA, in 50 years,

if we keep on this track,

it's going to be crowded with debris.

So we really have to start integrating

space in our environmental awareness.

The ozone layer,

there in the stratosphere,

is there to protect us

from the sun's lethal rays,

and we are causing trouble up there.

Well, I think, at some point,

we're all worried about the future,

you know, because um...

as you get informed, you see that...

we are in danger when...

We have built enough, um...

resources and weapons now

to destroy ourselves, basically. That's...

You know, there are now 9000 nuclear

weapons that are on hair-trigger alert.

That means they can be launched

in a matter of minutes.

[John] Prof. Willem van Riet

used to be the chairman

of the Transboundary

Conservation Foundation,

specializing in conservation, land-use

planning, as well as GIS development.

[Willem] The world is more or less

four-and-a-half billion years old.

And our little living skin is only a few

thousand years old, maybe 50000.

What we have done in this period

that we have been on the globe

has been quite traumatic.

Because our impact is basically

on the living part of ecosystems.

And in the last 50 years,

our impact has been much more

than it's ever been in the past.

So I think it's quite traumatic.

[ominous music]

We are, on a sort of virus-like scale,

affecting the rest of life

on Earth dramatically.

[waves lapping]

[John] Retired Dr. Hennie Smith

studied in the field of Science

at the University of Pretoria.

He majored in Physics, and was involved

in ground-breaking research

which took him all over the world.

[Hennie]The fossil fuel that we are using...

Millennia of energy captured

under the ground.

But we're using it up now, and put all

this carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

It is really the horriblest thing.

All the pollution that's going up

into the stratosphere...

all the oil pollution

of burning oil wells...

is getting worse and worse.

And the west winds in the northern

hemisphere are taking it around the globe,

high up in the stratosphere.

And this will eventually block...

the light and radiation from the sun,

which will give us an ice age.

[wind whistling]

[Elizabeth] Akon's civilization,

they monitor our brains, our minds.

They know what we're thinking

and what we're doing.

And we're a very barbarous race.

And he's not only thinking of humankind...

he's thinking

of all the flora and fauna...

all the beautiful trees, the animals...


[ominous music]

[bird calling]

- [water splashing]

- [gulls calling]

They're constructive people.

They take care of things.

They don't like to see death

and destruction. They're not used to it.

It's interesting that she

also experienced the ecological...

way of going about their

more advanced society,

Akon, on his planet.

[clears throat] And that led her

to also propagate more wise ecological...

technologies here.

They have. It's a way of living

and thinking and eating.

Well, their diet consists of...

fruits and vegetables.

And this... food is grown in a liquid.

Scientifically grown. And...

as you go to pick a fruit... or a salad...

it simply regenerates itself straightaway.

So there's no loss,

there's nothing to worry about.

It's the most incredible way of... of...

getting one's entire protein and vitamins.

Instead of getting your protein

secondhand, as you do by...

destroying and consuming

a herbivorous animal,

they get it firsthand through this...

vegetation that they grow.

We are in trouble. [chuckles]

Well, I've not read much about her...

so, I think meeting other people in other

parts of the globe sounds a bit...

like hogwash to me. [chuckles]

But the message that we are

self-destructing is for sure true.

Who listens to messages? No one.

They don't listen...

in their parliaments where they tell lies.

They don't listen in their great

offices anywhere.

This is all they know.

Speeding along in cars...

while the world dies.

They've overcome,

in their advanced medical research,

they've been able to overcome

the aging process,

and they don't go through

this awful experience

that so many people

have to face in older life.

And, in fact...

there's no need for death.

They don't die, no.

Life is eternal for them.

[John] Piroska Clements

was Elizabeth Klarer's closest confidant,

travel companion, and ultimate believer.

[Piroska] Elizabeth's passing

left an unfillable void.

How many times she said,

"Good planets are hard to come by."

So obviously...

maybe Akon's not so keen

of embracing humanity,

but she wouldn't withhold

information to help them,

to make the place better, more livable,

us being more loving, forgiving,

being the spiritual what they are.

And he definitely would give this help.

And if we conform to this behavior,

he even have an open door to his place.

And he does say that in Elizabeth's book.

So, he's not loathe to help humanity,

he loathes what we're doing.

Akon gave her a ring...

as a pledge of his love. And it was his

ring, and as such, Elizabeth treasured it.

So, you can imagine how I felt when she

said that she's going to leave it to me.

It was an honor what I could not

actually fathom at the time.

And even now, when I look at it,

I can't believe that it's on my finger.

[Elizabeth] Akon gave me this ring.

The crystal in it...

helps with our communication,

even if we're light-years apart.

And the crystal is harder than a diamond.

[John] Audrey is Piroska's daughter,

who inherited the ring.

[Audrey] When my mom passed away,

I received the bust and the ring.

And somehow I always feel I have this

connection with my mother and Elizabeth.

[John] Word from many Elizabeth devotees

are that its gems and rocks were analyzed

and that its components were not

to be found to be from this planet.

Not even a little.

People have asked this question, like,

"Please, if we could offer you money

to take the ring

to have it taken to a geologist

to have it analyzed.

Would I be open to that?"

My answer to that question is, "No."

My mom asked me

to please keep this ring safe,

while... if she's no longer here.

And that is what I'm doing.

[John] David has a few more issues

around some of these matters

of a third kind, too.

[David] I've heard that some people have

made reference to my possibly

betraying my mother in...

talking about my doubts...

but for me, there's no two ways about it.

Honesty and integrity is paramount.

That's the whole reason

why I'm voicing my doubts.

It's nothing to do with betrayal, as such.

It's because I have to be true to myself.

And I have to... I have to say it.

Because that's the honest thing to do,

so that other people

can make up their own minds.

I made up my mind. I've got my doubts.

Then Akon said...

"Now we're taking you to the mothership."

And he explained

that the mothership is an enormous...

craft, like a miniature planet.

And also...

- this is a vintage ship.

- [ominous vibrations]

He said, "We don't go into the mothership,

we simply attach ourselves

through magnetism...

to a door into the mothership,

and then the door of the starship opens

and we simply walk through

into the mothership."

And, of course,

the mothership is very beautiful inside.


And, the first enormous room I saw...

there were plants and flowers and trees

actually growing in there.

And instead of having carpeting

or anything like that,

there was the most beautiful...

blue grass covering the whole floor,

about that long...

and... it had the most

beautiful fragrance.

And... there was even a stream

and there was a waterfall.

I was 50 years old when I gave birth.

It was a natural birth.

From Earth standards,

I wasn't a young woman... [chuckles]

...but I was in my prime really.

Akon attended to the birth of his son

by simply using his

wonderful healing hands,

and massaging me.

And he put me on this beautiful divan

that was covered in rose-red silks,

and the lovely coolness

and softness of that silk.

I was quite naked, naturally.

Then this beautiful boy,

he was really a golden boy, was born.

He never even cried.

He just took a deep breath... [inhales]

taking in that beautiful oxygen air

into his lungs,

and this was all he needed.

If she'd had a child in outer space...

how she would have felt about that.

I tend to think that that would've been

catastrophic for her, not to see him.

[birds chirping]

If she did have somebody,

a child on another planet,

and she only saw him for that short

period of time, as she said in her book.

She said that she had telepathic

communication with him...

um, and that would've been enough for her,

as per her book.

But I find that very difficult to believe

that. Because the way she was,

she must've struggled

with being separated from her child...

for months and years,

and never seeing him.

To me, that is a... problem.

I find that difficult to accept,

knowing her nature.

They're millions of years

ahead of us in all ways,

and this... Even to the fact

that they are a natural...

beautiful people...

who live in complete,

harmonic interaction with all nature.

So, their whole way of life,

of loving, of breeding,

is perfectly natural.

[John] Books. Interstellar travel.

Alien babies. Allegedly alleged.

A third book that Elizabeth

never got to finish.

It dealt with the actual

technology on Meton

and how that could be incorporated

here on Earth.

We have since found

the unfinished manuscript.

As these things go, aptly titled,

The Gravity File.

[Jonathan] We're very privileged

to have as our guest this evening,

the author of the book, Beyond

the Light Barrier, Elizabeth Klarer.

Mrs. Klarer,

does your present visit to Natal

mean that you're going to travel

to the Drakensberg to meet Akon again?

[Elizabeth] Yes, definitely.

[Jonathan] Is he going to take you,

perhaps, to his home,

or will this just be a visit

in the Drakensberg?

[Elizabeth] Just a visit.

Because I have another book to complete.

I have a lot of work to do. I have to

complete the new book at his direction.

[Jonathan] This new book of yours,

The Gravity File,

what's that going to be about?

We're talking of The Gravity File,

the second book of Elizabeth Klarer,

where she went further,

and tried to write down what she learned

from life in the universe,

science underlying the universe.

But she was not the best scientist,

and scientifically trained.

So she tried her best with the information

she got, to write down.

And the information she wrote

is important for us

to read behind the lines,

and not to trip

over single words or terms.

There's something bigger going on.

And she gleaned it,

and she tried to capture it

in the second book, The Gravity File.

There's no profound scientific discloser.

He took me out of the starship.

He wore a gravity belt,

buckled it around his waist,

switched it on,

and, of course, it sets up

an antigravity field around him,

so that he doesn't have to tread

on the ground.

He simply carried me,

and he just sailed over the top.

[TV interviewer]One of the most interesting outcomes

with Elizabeth's contact with Akon,

has been his explanation of the light

power system used in his spaceship.

Elizabeth revealed these details in her

book, Beyond the Light Barrier.

He could disappear instantly

by simply intensifying the field

differentials around his ship

because his ship is powered

by light in different frequencies.

Which are electromagnetism,

electricity, gravity.

We call it electrogravitics

propulsion or power system.

[TV interviewer] And this subsequently

led to her having lengthy discussions

with the Russian, German,

and US space administrations,

who were surprised at her intimate

knowledge of the starship's power system.

At the International Congress

of UFOs in Wiesbaden in 1975,

her speech on the secrets of light

was given a standing ovation

by scientists of 22 nations.

I'm convinced that her first book,

the visit with Akon, to Alpha Centauri...

I'm convinced that that is true.

And it changed her life forever.

And she tried to then study more,

tried to understand more

about what's happening in the universe.

But not being a top physicist,

she couldn't get everything right.

So, I won't hold it against her.

The second major doubt I have

occurred not so long ago,

probably about five or six years ago,

when I'd found her first manuscript.

It was written, or completed, in 1958.

And it was quite a revelation for me

to see the differences

between that first manuscript

and the second one.

The second one being on which her current

book, Beyond the Light Barrier is based.

So the first manuscript

was quite an eye-opener

because it differs in many areas.

There's a general theme of things

are still there, a sort of overall story,

but... it had a different title.

It was called

the Autobiography of a Venusian.

The setting wasn't on Meton,

it was... it was on Venus.

Each chapter was prefaced

by verses from the Bible.

Um, the... The second manuscript,

those were all taken out.

Um, there was no child involved in the

first one. The second one had the child.

[John] Ms. Jeanie Patterson

is not only a bookworm,

but a sought-after researcher

and shopkeeper of Kwagga Books,

where they sell high-quality

collectible rare books

and provide accredited

valuations of rare items

and clearly, subject matters.

[Jeanie] Elizabeth Klarer

has been accused of plagiarism

by various people in the field.

And I set out to try and find proof.

I'm not an academic, I'm not a scientist,

but I want to know how things worked.

So, 50 years ago, or longer, when she

experienced this, we laughed at it.

And now I'm going, "But, hold on."

So, I'm reading this story and finding

more and more aspects of it that...

bypassed me all those years ago.

This is the book that...

had a lot of underlining

and writing in... by Elizabeth.

To me, it was just marking areas...

that were of interest to her for her book.

I couldn't find the exact words,

or strings of words,

or paragraphs in her book,

Beyond the Light Barrier.

It's just highlighting scientific words

that is in use everywhere.

So, if people are going

to accuse her of plagiarism,

then they have to accuse everybody else

who's written books on this field.

[ominous music]

[ominous vibration]

[music continues]

[John]Paul is a prolific writer and performer.

He was a member of The Space Theater,

a non-racial theater company,

with myself in the '70s.

Many decades later,

he's busy writing yet another play,

to do with our very own Elizabeth Klarer

called Rosetta's Secret.

[Paul] I started reading...

Beyond the Light Barrier,

and also reading about her.

And I can't tell you the number of times I

shouted out loud in my quiet little study,

I went, "Wah! Wah! What?!"

A pilot, a painter,

played the piano, rode horses.

"Renaissance woman"

is too small a word. I said,

"Do people realize what this person

was way back in the '50s and stuff?"

It's almost beyond belief,

but she did those things.

I think that's what kept me going

because I had what I call

my 35-year appointment with Klarer.

So, how do you get your message across?

How do you...

Because you know,

subtle things don't get messages across.

The things that get messages across

are noise and shouting.

[shouts, rough voice] Listen to my story!

[normal voice] It's like a rat race.

It's like, everything's like, "Whaaaa!"

Not the quietness.

But the quietness is a thing that works.

If you can find a way

of living in the stillness...

you can find an answer to anything.

People say,

"Where do your stories come from?

Where do your plays come from?"

They come from the stillness.

Like the stillness,

it's like connecting with that.

And Klarer connected with the stillness.

And in the stillness came... came Akon.

People might not believe Klarer's story,

but, I think perhaps, what she did was,

she lied her truth.

She... she... wanted to get her story

to many, many people,

and the only way she could do that

was by lying...

the truth.

[ominous music]

[ominous vibration]

It is a Utopia, it really exists.

I think we can say...

that all the best storytellers are clever,

imaginative, educated, capable people.

Elizabeth Klarer included,

but also other charlatans.

I can think of a few,

in the religious sense.

In the cultist sense.

To her credit, she didn't try

to start any kind of cult.

She didn't try to convert people.

She just simply tried to make

the world a better place.

I can give her credit for that.

That's a... It's noble. Yes.

And she did it in a time

when... when females...

weren't quite as... as free to do

what they wanted to do, as they are today.

So, yeah, hats off to her for that.

But she's still a storyteller.

[ominous vibration]

[vibration ends abruptly]

- [birds chirping]

- If we look at the bottom line

that comes after all of the debate...

Those who believe, those who disbelieve,

Elizabeth still stands out

as a shining voice

of female courage and conviction,

who was able to sustain

a debate of great significance.

I say that what I've said before,

that he is...

a high guard of this part of...


and that it is his duty

to protect all of us

from the forces of destruction

and the forces of the negative.

I say that Madam Klarer

should relay this message

to her lover, Akon, with all haste.

[Elizabeth] The mission I have to do

is to write and to lecture,

and to tell people about all of this.

That we are not the only inhabited

planet in the galaxy.

That there are thousands

of other planets with human life.

We're not unique.

This is a very wonderful truth,

and I'm here to reveal the truth.

- [ominous vibration]

- [zap]

[John]The original version of the hardcover book

of Beyond the Light Barrier,first published in 1979,

includes some paragraphs

that has been conveniently removed,

unbeknownst to the new readers

of the soft-copy version out there,

published in 2008 onwards.

[music continues]

Page 105 and onwards.

The hard copy. 1979.

"Vast hordes of black people

swarming over the surface of Earth

have now reached a cycle in the evolution

where they clamor

for self-rule and domination,

where the law of might-is-right

still prevails.

These races will continue

to breed and swarm,

as is the natural way, virile and strong,

pushing back other races to the very

frontiers of their own homelands.

Such widely different ways of living,

of hygiene, and above all, of thinking,

among different civilizations on Earth,

cannot be mixed at this stage of evolution

without moral degeneration and bloodshed.

Neither the fishes of the seas,

nor the beasts of the land mix and mate

with different species,

but mankind of planet Earth mixes

and fornicates with all human species,

thereby laying the foundations

of progressive degeneration

throughout the human species on Earth,

as more and more advanced races

are absorbed into the common stream."

[inhales deeply, sighs]

I say, "Thank God that I'm

reading it while I'm 79.

I have a bit of an experience

about what life means.

I've gone round the block

a couple of times,

but it would have been, if I was younger,

the most difficult book to read.

Some of the things that are just

mentioned in the book make my blood boil

and brings back my hatred, in an intense

way, for white supremacists

and their unbelievable hatred

for other human beings.

She echoes the conversations

in the living room,

which is the most dangerous thing

when you're trying to find

to create a peaceful society.

Even us as black people,

we say things in front of our children

about white people.

We should be very careful...

because the children learn

by seeing and repeating.

When I started this journey

with this book, I thought,

"There's another loony

from Durban... [chuckles]

...telling stories about the space and

all aliens and interacting with worlds."

[dramatic music]

[John] When I knew that she

had communication with Esage,

one of the highest respected

African sangomas, an African High Priest,

who was the custodian

of our language, of our culture,

of African religion and mythology,

Credo Mutwa,

I had to take a little bit

of a pause and say,

"Why would Credo Mutwa believe her?"

So I had to give it a little bit of, well,

the benefit of the doubt.

"Let me look into this.

Let me find out what was it that brought

these two people together."

[music continues]

The things she talked about

when she was in Meton,

where she heard about what will happen

if we neglect the Earth...

if we abuse the Earth,

if we continue not understanding

climate change, global warming.

I mean, we as Africans,

we believe that we have ancestors.

We have... [speaks isiXhosa]

Which is the creator

that is responsible for all the nature,

including the dust and the ants,

and that we have the ancestors

that mediate our lives and relationships

with our God, Qamatha...

that brings us great blessings.

But, I can't see them. I can't...

I've never known where they are.

Reading this book made me think,

"Maybe they're not far

from Meton. [chuckles]

Maybe they are close there."

But the thing that really sometimes

makes me feel sad,

that I feel that what Elizabeth Klarer

represented in that paragraph...

of the hard copy published in 1979,

about what she thought

about me as a black person...

She's not alone,

and I'm afraid it still exist.

We need to find a language

that's unifying.

We need to find the language

that promotes reconciliation.

We need to find a new English

that talks about social cohesion,

that talks about forgiveness.

[projector slides clicking]

Am I offended by what she says?

Damn right, I am!

Do I hate her for it?

I don't have space in my heart to hate,

I've got so many important things to do.

[ominous vibration]

[Kurt Waldheim] As the Secretary General

of the United Nations,

an organization of 147 member-states

who represents almost all of the human

inhabitants of the planet Earth

I send greetings on behalf

of the people of our planet.

We step out of our solar system...

We know full well

that our planet and all its inhabitants

are but a small part of this immense

universe that surrounds us

and it is with humility and hope

that we take this step.

[sounds from the

Voyager Golden Records playing]