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Impuratus (2022)

Posted: 10/15/23 11:37
by bunniefuu
[brooding music playing]

[music intensifying]

[music fades]

-[dog barking]

-[wind chimes chiming]

[Clayton sighing]

[grunts softly]

[ominous music building]



[Alice] Clay.

-[music stops]

-[Alice] Clay.

Everything okay? It's early.

Everything's fine.

Um, I'm sorry. I was--

Tried to be quiet.

[sighs] I smelled coffee.

Come here. Come here.

[groaning] Oh, that light.

Yeah. Let me get that.

-[Alice groans]


Mm-hmm. Yeah. [sighs]

Oh, you working already?

Yeah. Early start today.

An early start means

an early finish, right?

-That's the idea.

-Oh, good.

You've been so busy.

You worked

right through Christmas.

I'm sorry, honey. I'm--

I know. Uh, I'm sorry, honey.

Just bear with me, okay?

Don't worry about us.


-You have something new?

-Carl took a call

from the father of a woman

that was k*lled in September.

So, I don't know.

It could be something.

Oh, could be something

is good, right? [chuckles]

-I haven't hit a home run yet.

-[scoffs] Well...

You're a swell

police detective, Clay.

You've solved everything

that is solvable.

Just have faith

in the rest, huh?

Why is Charlie's photo

like that?

Oh, I-- I-- I put him down

when I-- when I work in here.

I don't want him

to see these things.

[Clayton groans]

What is it?

Take your pick. [chuckling]

I mean, there's a lot

to choose from these days.

It's bad. Tell me.

[Clayton sniffles]

Was it Charlie's accident?

The Spinozi case...

and his birthday,

Charlie's accident all

on the same day, years apart.

I just need to get

through today, that's all.

I just, um, I don't--

I don't understand

the world anymore, Alice.

And, um, my problem is

I don't care.

I only meet these people

after they're dead.

Whatever it is

I can or can't do,

doesn't matter

to them anymore.

I just can't keep this

near me anymore.

Well, maybe you don't need

to understand it.

Maybe you just fight it.

For what's in your heart,

you fight it

and you do it

for those who can't.

In the back of my head,

I, um, I find myself

waiting for, um,

a genuine act of kindness

from anyone

to put

the same amount of effort...

into helping someone

that it takes

to slaughter someone.

Alice, I need to rediscover

my faith in people

or discover a new job.

It's-- it's just eating me up.

It's eating me alive.

Well, why don't you spend

the day with us?

[Alice chuckling]

Ana would love to have

her daddy on her birthday.

I mean,

they're calling for snow.

We'll make snow angels.

I'll make hot cocoa,

brandy for us.

Does that sound good?

Well, that sounds better

than good. It sounds amazing.

So Carl can wait

till tomorrow.

[Clayton grunts]

I can't wait for you

to see what I got her.

Well, no more bunnies, huh?

We're heartbroken

since Mr. Pete.

[laughing] No more bunnies.

But, um, I have to go

into work to pick it up.

You should stay home, Clay.

I promise I wanted

to take your advice, Alice.


[Alice chuckling]


[paper rustling]

[Clayton clears throat]

"With all I've gotten

wrong in my life,

I must've done something right

to have you in it.

You'll always be

my everything."

[paper rustling]

"Happy birthday, sweet pea.

Love, Dad."

[paper rustling]

I need to get my badge.

-It's upstairs.



-You'll always have us.

Just find your way home.

I will.

[brooding music playing]

[geese honking]

[coughs, clears throat]

Like [indistinct], mister.


Let it go.



[engine starts]

[engine stops]

[high heels clicking]

[television playing

in background]


[Clayton] Excuse me.


-Can I help you?

I'm Detective Clayton Douglas

with the Allentown

Police Department.

I was on a call

with a Doctor...

Uh, Dr. Heisi-- Heisinger.

Dr. Heysinger, right?


Heysinger, yes. Correct.

And, um, well, the--

the line went dead on the call,

so I thought I'd, um, drop by,

um, on my way home.

-Sign in, please.



Yes, a Detective Douglas

from Allentown.

Yes. Right away.

Straight down the hall,

stairs on the right,

room 215 towards the back.


-Towards the end.




Firearms are not allowed

in the building.

You're going to have

to check that in here.


-State law does not allow

armed officers

in psychiatric hospitals.

Except under extreme

circumstances, of course.


Would you care

to see our state code?


-Maybe refresh your memory.

[b*ll*ts rattling]

[keys jingling]

I'm assuming that is secure,


Oh, impervious.



[safe clattering]

[keys jingling]

-[receptionist] He is waiting.


Stairs on the right,

room 215.

Got it. Got it.

Sorry. Thanks.

Oh, what a bitch.

[record whirring]

[knocking on door]

Come in.

-Dr. Heysinger?


Come in, please.

Detective Douglas.

[clears throat]

Allentown Police Department.

We spoke--

We spoke earlier today.

Pleasure, Detective.

I was hoping you'd stop by.


-Thank you for coming.

You must be a mind reader.

I wish I was.

I thought they took

a wrecking ball to this place

a decade ago.



Almost did.

Now, neglect

is her wrecking ball.

[Clayton grunts]

This hospital has always been

plagued by looming doom,

underfunded and forgotten.

Socialites send us

their unwanted,

not their donations.


I know certain politicians.

We are able

to keep the lights on

as long as

we accept the special cases.

[Dr. Heysinger chuckles]

Too soon for an end

of day drink, Detective?


Those will be

some hot politicians

you have in your pocket.

Uh, Governor Pinchot is, uh...

biggest wet blanket

on booze.

Hmm. Special case here.

Um, to be frank, Doctor,

I stopped by...

on my way home.

Um, you sounded

somewhat distracted,

um, agitated

and, um, I don't know.

Something told me to--

Something told me

I should stop.

You're good

at following hunches?

Excellent at following hunches.

Lousy batting average

after that.


Not to, uh,

rush with the pleasantries,

but there's an ice storm

bearing down on us

and I wanna get on the road

to outrun it if you catch me.

[door buzzing]


We have a patient here

named Daniel Glassman.

Does that name

stir up anything?

-Daniel Glassman?


Um, I don't think so.

Who is he?

Where do I start?

To oversimplify it,

he's the most...

deranged and mysterious man

I've ever met.

I'll assume that's

really saying something.

[Heysinger chuckles]


Because it's really

saying something.

I'm a puzzle enthusiast.

I seek out challenges.


this man is beyond challenging.

He's beyond most things.

I'll admit pride...

keeps me

from transferring him

the hell out of here.

There are appearances

that must be kept.

[Heysinger] Oh, that too.

Well, being loyal

to the nightmare of your choices

is something I've mastered.

That too. Mm-hmm.

Thank you.


Civil w*r, huh?

Wow. Old timer.

Not many of those guys left.

You sure you're not familiar

with the name Daniel Glassman?

I don't think I am.

Um, what's his story?

It reads like a love letter

straight to the devil himself.

-[record scratching]

-Oh, this must be wrong.

"Presumed k*lled in battle

near Chambersburg

and then found in a barn

in Stroudsburg 21 years later."

21 years later.

How does this happen?

Yeah. Peculiar, isn't it?



Lemme run out this way.

[clears throat]

-Seems to me...

-[door buzzing]

...he deserted his position...

saw his buddy k*lled,

then headed for the hills.


Um, lived under a false name,

drifting from farm to farm--

it's the same work.

Not unheard of.

I read thousands on both sides

deserted the w*r.

Cunning deduction, Detective.

Uh, the punishment

for deserting is, um,

is death in most cases.

I'm sure once they located him

in Stroudsburg,

he queued up the crazies.

State hospitals are better

living than the state prisons.

I can assure you...

his condition is no act.

I'm a miner, Doctor.

I'm conditioned to drill.

And in most cases,

I have found

that people will say

the damnedest things

to avoid what they have

coming to them.

And that is

how this rings...

for me.

So, why did you

really call me?

To arrange the meeting.

He wants to confess.

Okay. To what?

Not entirely sure.

He likes to play games.


[liquid pouring]

...he prepared

a confession for you.

[Clayton clears throat]

Please inform Mr. Glassman,

out of no disrespect,

but we have to schedule

something like that.

[clears throat]

Doctor, I stopped by

because there was something

in your voice that seemed off,

and you look like

you need a sabbatical.

But outside of that,

everything seems normal.

And despite

how great your whiskey is,

I have a birthday party

to attend

and, uh, I'll ring a--

I'll ring an officer

in a-- a day or so and he'll...

mediate and, um,

transcribe the confession

and someone

will be in touch with you--

Again, again... [chuckles]

very understandable, however...

you're missing

a crucial piece of this puzzle.

[Clayton sighs]

Okay. Yeah.

Tell me. Tell me.

He specifically asked for you.

Clayton Douglas by name.

Clayton Douglas.

Clayton Douglas. Over and over.

How can that be?

I was hoping

you'd have that answer.

I never heard

of Clayton Douglas

until he mentioned you.

Past three days...

he's been scribbling

your name.

[paper rustling]


Wanted me

to contact you today.

Specifically today.

Said today was special.

Is today special to you?


Something of that nature?

[Heysinger clears throat]


you don't owe me anything...

but I sincerely believe

he's harboring a negative

force that has actually--

That has actually

destroyed him.

And somehow its power

is keeping him tied

to this decayed life

he desperately wants to leave.

I've done all I could

for the man professionally.

I have nothing more

to offer him.

This, whatever this is...

may be the key.

Or you are the key.

I don't know.

Can I express

something to you...

in complete confidence...

between two gentlemen?

Yeah, go ahead.

I would very much like

to bury this man in the morning.

If you could spare

just a few minutes...

to play this out.


Follow me.

-[siren wailing]

-[distant screaming]

[Clayton] Is Glassman

given access to newspapers,

radio, current affairs?

[Heysinger] No.

Total isolation.

Perhaps someone on your staff

is feeding him news.

I can assure you

that is not happening.

What's left of my original staff

refuses to be around him.

The newest staff

doesn't even know he's here.

My assumption is

you two crossed paths years ago.

That's not it.

I'm just not pinning his name.

[indistinct murmuring]

A former case perhaps.

I would remember that.

I'm sure you would.


[keys jingling]

-Bear with me. This way.


The main building we just left

houses our offices

and several areas

dedicated to social activities.

The rest of the complex,

the dorm rooms and such,

are kept restricted.

[distant wailing]

Sublevel passageways

allows us to move

without disrupting

the patients.

[Clayton] What causes

mental illness anyway?

Uh, that's the question

of the decade.

[Clayton chuckles]


Despite what we claim we know,

all we have are theories.

The most popular being

a type of blockage.


We regard

human psychological states

as an energy system,

in which blockages

in the flow of thoughts

such as repression

or suppression,

for example, will result

in disease or illness...

expressed as mental

or emotional loss of balance.

Can anyone lose their balance,

and how would you know

if you had?

I think everyone

runs the risk to some degree.

That's my opinion.

How out-of-bounds

is this Mr. Glassman?

Off the charts.

I should have these engraved.

[ominous music playing]

What's this?

His room. Well, part of it.

-He's in here?


-[wood creaking]

-[Heysinger chuckles] Please.

[footsteps shuffling]

[Heysinger] These sounds

can be a bit unnerving.

You can leave your coat

and file here.

[Heysinger groaning]

Go ahead, Doc. Say it.

It's easier

if you just see.

Okay, come.

[key clicking in lock]

[door rattling]

Has he said anything

to you?

He keeps a-whispering.

What's he whispering?

For a priest.

My God.

Is this a joke?

Who is this man?

Why is he down here?

I may still be

learning protocol,

but I certainly know

this isn't in your handbook.


will be explained in time.

Did he wake up?

Anything happen?

He's catatonic.

What in the world

would happen?

You'll excuse me.

Sister Rose, please wait.

[Heysinger] Sister Rose.

Sister Rose, please.

Please wait.

Sister Rose, please. Please.

I haven't finished

my daily rounds, Doctor,

and I'm completely

behind schedule.

I had Nurse Byers

finish your rounds today.


Byers seems to be

a fine nurse, however--

That she is.


However, she cannot provide

the spiritual guidance

these people need.

For most of them,

it's a vital part of their day

that should not be


I agree.

But they'll have to wait

until tomorrow for that.

Bottom line.

Who is that man?

He's someone

who desperately needs your help.

And I need

your help and advice.


[Rose sighs]

[Heysinger sighs]

I've seen a total

of 11 dead bodies in my life,

and I bet the farm right now

I'm looking at number 12.

He can hear you.



-[Daniel groans]

It's time.

[Daniel heaving]


He has difficulties.

It's easier

for him this way.


-Good evening.

-[Daniel groans softly]

-Good evening, Mr. Glassman.

-[Daniel heaving]

I'm Detective Clayton Douglas.

-Have we met?

-[whispering] No.

The reason I ask

is I understand that you wanted

to share something with me.

[Daniel heaving]

[Daniel groaning]

-[whispering] Papers.

-[Clayton] Papers?

A few months ago,

Mr. Glassman worked

with a nurse

on drafting his confession.

-[Clayton] Mm-hmm.

-This is the result.

[Clayton] Wait.

Is this the first time

you're seeing this?

That's right.

And you don't know

what's on those papers?

I do not.

The nurse didn't report to you

what's in those papers?

She fell ill the day

of its completion, so no.

She did not disclose

its contents.

Which nurse is this?

[Clayton] Hold on.

I'm sorry, but after

what you described upstairs,

you didn't have a tiny bit

of curiosity to take a peek?


[Heysinger sighs]

My heart's racing

if you wanna know the truth.

Of course, I wanted to look...

but respectfully waited

as requested.

Mr. Glassman

wishes that I read

the confessional

only at this moment

in your presence.

He requested these circumstances

down to the day.

If you'd be so kind

to indulge it...

we'll get you off

to that party in no time.

Would you like

to take a seat?

Well, this is getting better

and better every second. Yes.

So, um...

let's do it, let's--

let's get on with it.

[Heysinger] Excellent.

Page one.

"Orphaned at a young age,

I have learned to be alone

and at most times

preferred it.

A calloused wall

that wards off heartbreak.

However, when--

However, when the w*r broke,

I volunteered myself

to the Pennsylvania Infantry

under the Union Army.

More than ever in my life,

for some reason..."

[Daniel] ...I finally needed

to be around people.

"...needed to be around people."

[Daniel] Never once putting

a thought towards k*lling them.

But alas,

that's what w*r is.

Tasked with safeguarding

a stretch of railroad supplies

north of Chambersburg,

my small group of men

were ambushed and slaughtered.

Barn animals have been granted

better considerations of death.

-[g*nshots firing]

-[Daniel] Left for dead,

we were left

for the vultures.

[g*nshots firing]

[expl*si*n booming]

[horse neighing]

[g*nshots firing]

Over there on the road!



[ominous music playing]


-[man grunts]

-[man] Watch your back!

-[g*nshots firing]



[g*nsh*t firing]

[g*nsh*t, expl*si*n]

[g*nsh*t firing]

[music intensifying]

Just take it easy.

[indistinct], soldier.

[Daniel speaks indistinctly]

-[bayonet stabbing]

-[Daniel shouts]

[g*nsh*t ringing]

[Daniel gasps]

[g*nsh*t firing in distance]

[brooding music playing]


[shouting in pain]

[breathing heavily]

[shouts, groans]

[Daniel groaning]



[breathing heavily]



[breathing heavily]


[breathing heavily]





[breathing heavily]


[wood creaking]

[eerie music plays]

[Daniel] I'm not sure

he'd have me,

but I had made peace

with the Lord.

Better or worse,

I was prepared to walk with


And then someone dragged me

into that godforsaken house.

At first I remember feeling

my prayers were answered.

"...feeling that my prayer

was answered.

What a fool I was."

Can I see that, please?

Can I see that?

Oh, wow.

Pretty hard to read this, huh?

[Heysinger] Yes, it is.

You're doing a great job.

Thank you.

[Clayton] Well, I'm gonna let

everybody in a little fact here.

And that's-- and that is

there's nothing to confess.

w*r is death.

People k*ll people.

That's unfortunately the job.

There's no way to be held

accountable under the law.

That's a burden

for other souls to shoulder.

-I mean--

-[knocking on board]


Daughter in danger.

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Hey, mister.

[Daniel groaning]

She'll die.

What are you trying

to do, pal, huh?


That's it! [Clayton grunting]

[Heysinger] Detective!

Detective, please!

Detective, please.

-[Daniel maniacally laughing]

-In the hallway, Doctor.

If you please, in the hallway!

[Daniel laughing, wheezing]

[Daniel wheezing]

My God, man.

What's with your aggression?

When did Glassman arrive here?

What year?

40 some-odd years ago,


Not long after I took up

head doctor here.

Really, that long?

-That long, yes.

-All right.

Who is he?

No bullshit fairy tale.

As I mentioned, he's simply a--

No, he's not

just some wacko pluck

aimlessly roaming fields

in Pennsylvania.

This man had intent.

Malevolent intent. What is this?

I-- I don't think

you have a grasp on his mental--

On his what?

If this chump

is what you call off the charts,

you need a new g*dd*mn chart.

Look, I want a list of everyone

that has ever interacted

with Glassman.

-It's just me.

-Just you?



There you go again.

Mostly doesn't mean just you.

Mostly means other people.

Who else has had contact

with that assh*le?

A few nurses,

but just with basic needs.

Nothing significant

that supports your theory.

He briefly had

a room upstairs when he arrived,

but he was moved down here

soon after.

I'm telling you someone here

has fed him everything about me.

Please let that marinate.


Someone here

is targeting my family

and has this maniac thinking

he knows me.

I'm inches from sealing

this dump up so tight

they'll need

to mail you sunlight.

Do you understand

the implications?

This facility

will make the papers.

And the appearance

you're desperately

trying to preserve will vanish.

I'm gonna sit down

with every person in here

until I unearth this trickery.

All right. All right.

What do you need?

A list of every soul

who's worked here

living or not.

-It'll be a few minutes.

-You have ten.

All right.

[raspy breathing]

[Rose breathing heavily]

[loud raspy breathing]

-[Daniel grunts]


[Daniel laughing, wheezing]


[door slams shut]


I got it, Detective.

Everyone including the janitors.

Mm-hmm. [chuckling]

[paper rustling]

What was the name of the nurse

who typed up this confession?

Uh, Betty Ackerman.

I remembered

after seeing her name.

-Betty Ackerman.

-Nice gal.

[paper rustling]

You know who the Spinozis were?

Not at all. Who are they?

Entire family was butchered

by an axe in their home

January of 1898, this very day.


I think

I remember reading about that.

Uh, just horrible.

The husband did it,

or he was never found,

something like that.

Well, their only boy,

a man at the time,

went missing before the murders,

and his father

and grandfather went missing

30 years before that.

Oh, that's right. That's right.

That is unusual.

Um, my very first case.


-Never cracked it.

Yeah, but today was special.

Well, you're damn right it is.

But it's very strange for him

to know

or even mention the Spinozis.

How would he know them?

Well, it wasn't him, I mean,

Daniel was in here

nine years before that.

That's some very

quick head math there, Doc.

[chuckles] I should have been

an accountant.


I should have been a butcher.

-[both chuckling]

-I got questions.

Now, shall we?

[suspenseful music plays]

[Heysinger] Daniel?

[Heysinger gasps]

[Clayton laughs]


Where's Sister Rose?

Sister Rose?


You're bleeding.

-Why are you on the ground?

-Am I?

-I'm okay.

-[Heysinger grunts]

Thank you.

I've never passed out before.

You feel okay?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

-[Heysinger] You okay?

-I'm fine.

Don't get distracted

by the theatrics.

Glassman here knows

how to stage a show, okay?

[raspy, rapid breathing]

[Heysinger] Detective?

Huh? Oh, go ahead.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

"Besides losing

my only friend that day,

something worse happened.

Something similar

to the eerie stories

I heard about the Bell family

in Tennessee.

Something not from here...

rotten and evil.

If I could have just one,

one wish in my life,

I would've chosen to lay down

with my friend in the grass..."

[Daniel] ...and die.

And if that was denied,

for heaven's sakes,

I would at the very least

have chosen to walk

the other damn direction

in those woods.

[water dripping]

[Daniel] Excuse me. Excuse me.

Which hospital is this?

[groaning in pain]

Oh, God.

Oh. Oh, no. No, no.


We had a terrible time

getting the bleeding to stop.

-Please. Please remain still.


Please remain still.

How did you find this place?

Do you remember

how you got here?

I need help. Are you a nurse?

Are you a nurse?

Oh, my God.

Thank the Lord that you're here.

I don't--

What do you mean? What?

I prayed for help

and God answered.

-He said--

-[Gabe] That's enough.

Won't you put some coffee on

to cook for us,

please, my dear?

Not-- not the okra.

The good beans

to soothe our fallen soldier.

We must be careful not to become

comfortable with this man.

Do you understand?

Yes, I understand.

[Gabe] I am reminded

to repair this roof

only when it rains.

[Daniel grunting]

I've recently read

an announcement

which describes the suffering

soldiers, most malnutrition.

[Daniel grunts]

The worst of which succumb

to feeding on fallen horses.

Is that true?

The atrocities,

policies we impose

upon ourselves,

will they never end?

Is it ever enough?

It's as if

all of God's creations

are made to suffer

and that these times are...


I fear

you're in a great deal of pain.

Please. Please, do you have

anything for the pain?

[Daniel groaning]

This is not a hospital.

This is my home.


-This is my home, sir.

I need-- I need to--

I need a hospital.

-You need-- you need to move me.

-There is no hospital for miles.

-Come on.

-You need move me!

[crying] You need to move me.

[Elsie] What is happening?

He's having spasms.

Please, dear,

fetch a cold compress.

Please, please.

Go! Get them quickly.

-Relax, relax. Breathe.


The mend will burst.

You cannot move like this.

You're doing yourself no favors.

I can't stay. I can't stay.

I can't stay.

I can't stay. Stay. Stay.

[Daniel wheezing]

Please, sir, breathe.

That's it, son.


-[breathing heavily]

Breathe and breathe.

God gives you peace.

[fire crackling]

[Daniel coughing]

How long?

How long have I been asleep?

Two days.

I can't feel my feet.

What did you give me?

A home remedy therapeutic.

The last of it, I'm afraid.

I need to send word...

to my regiment.

I have details I need to relay.

The Confederates

are moving towards Chambersburg.

And-- [groans]

I beseech you, sir,

abandon such thoughts.

You should know

right off the start that...

this house does not condone

the w*r efforts of either party.

While we do have

an opinion on such,


we are against v*olence.

That's good.

Me too.

We are a home of worship...

and of harmony,

or at least...

that we try.

And as with any

harmonious relationship,

it requires certain conditions

and efforts from everybody

of which I have two of you.

The first, do not spit

on the good Lord's name.

I have heard terse words

from your mouth already.

It will not be tolerated.

Please refrain.

The second...

no names.

We are not meant to be friends.

Do not mistake our hospitality

for anything more

than respect of life and of...


So you have our promise

and our fervent prayers

that we'll put forth

all efforts in your mending.

And when you are able...

you'll be able to walk

away from here.

And that is all.

That is all

that is requested of you.

Please, I need to send word

to my regiment.



You do not!

There will be

no regiment on this land.

Make no mistake.

Not one soldier will step foot

on this property,

nor know its whereabouts.

How you ended up here

still mystifies me.

But as you are here...

your back was fairly torn open

by the b*llet.

But we found nothing foreign.

You're of good fortune

that it...

seems to have just grazed you,

missed your spine entirely.

It would seem that

luck has smiled

favorably upon you.

[Daniel groaning] Yeah.

I feel very lucky.

Now, if you could send word

to Chambersburg.


Chambersburg is not near here.

At least call for a doctor.

Doctors and priests

are few and far between.

As I've said,

it is just us and us alone.

[cork squeaking]

[Daniel] What is that?

[Gabe] When the w*r broke out,

I had the foresight

to get some

general provisions of service.

Breathe easy on that

for comfort.

-[Daniel breathes deeply]

-[Gabe] Easy.

-[Daniel exhales]

-That's it.

Let us leave him.

Are you a religious man?

I have my moments.

Take comfort in knowing

that we will be your Bible.

If death is to come to you...

let her be swift.

[raspy breathing]

[wind whistling through trees]

[door creaks open]

[footsteps approaching]

[raspy breathing]

[bed squeaking]

-[bed squeaking]

-[Daniel] Leave me, witch!



-[Daniel groaning]

[Daniel panting]



[Gabe] This is madness!

Foolish thing!

You will not go in there!

I won't have it!

[Elsie] You need to believe.

Things are different now,


-[Daniel groans]

-[indistinct arguing]

-[Elsie] I can feel it.

-And what of it? Huh?

[indistinct] ...a precious



things are at peace right now,

The Union Army

may be looking for him.

Bold of you to believe

to even have one soldier,

let alone the entire army here.

I won't have it!

Is that all

you're worried about?

Keeping the army out of here,


You know the Proctor name is not

in high standard right now.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

[sobbing] We need help.

We need help.

We cannot do anything more.


[Daniel groaning]

[bell ringing]


I see you found the bell.

I, uh,

I need to use a lavatory.


And I think

you have squirrels in here.

[Daniel groaning]

[Daniel panting, groaning]


What is it?



I won't survive like this.

I just can't.

It's too much to bear.

I'm afraid

this is the best we can offer.

[Daniel] A doctor then?

Can you send for a doctor?

Animal doctor, anyone?

First light,

after the hunt,

I'll fetch one.

[Elsie] Get some sleep.

Heaven help us.

[Daniel] The old lady.

Tell the old woman...

to leave me alone.

Bury me

near the dogwood tree, please.

May God look after you.

[footsteps retreating]


I felt my body shutting down.

I knew I was dying.


"So did the Proctors.

[Heysinger and Daniel]

I was going to be buried

in that yard someplace."

[Daniel] As Jesus suffered

on the planks of the dogwood...

[Heysinger] "Hopefully,

-near the dogwood I spawn."

-...I must be buried there.

[Clayton] Boy,

that's some story.

Snake oil salesman here, folks.

I'd like to know

how you survived all these years

after you were stabbed

and shot in the back

without medical care...

urinating blood.

What are you?

A miracle or something?

Crafty storyteller

is more in line.

[Clayton chuckles]

Any thoughts out here?

Sister, is this man a miracle?

There are many forces

at work here.

Most certainly...

a divine miracle.

Well, I'm simply not qualified

to bestow

that label on anything.

[Clayton] Hmm. [laughing]

Lazy answer, Sister. Lazy.

Who is then?

Who is qualified? Who?


-A priest.

-I'm not buying it.

I'm not buying it.

I am not buying it, Glassman.

None of it.

Too fantastic.

What's the point of all this?

Surely you're not suggesting

Mr. Glassman has fabricated

all of this?

To what end?

[Clayton] Exactly

the right question, Doctor.

To what end?

He wants to clear

his conscience.

[Clayton] I don't think so. No.

Why do you have your filthy

little fingernails in me, huh?

That isn't a confession, is it?


You're a clever man, Glassman.

But guess what?

So am I.

So am I.

I wanna talk to the person

that typed that, Doctor.

I need a moment

before we continue.


[water trickling]

[suspenseful music plays]

That's not what I asked.

Are you tuned into this?

You know,

my father coined a phrase.

You seem to be leaving

the ranch...

-which means--

-I can guess what it means.

And I can be saying

the same to you.

Stupid phrase.

Like, I feel better

when I'm not around him.

As if he's toxic, contaminated,

as if that's even possible.


That's my clinically

tuned in response.

Hmm. The nurse who typed this--

-where can I find her?


I told you...

she fell ill.

[water splashing]

[demonic voice] Rose.

[loud bang]


Um, the window broke.

I-- I think some ice hit it.

[tense music plays]


Ronald, could-- could you just

maybe come down here

and-- and take a quick look?

-[raspy breathing]


[muffled banging]

[light buzzing]

Listen, I understand

what you're saying,

but, uh, I need

this Betty Ackerman's address

or the hospital she's at.

She's the keystone

in this entire mess.

Well, that won't be possible.

She passed.

Passed? What does that mean?

As in dead?

-As in dead?

-As in dead, yes.

Well, well, well,

that's a fascinating,

surprising development, doc.

-[banging on pipe]

-How exactly did she die?

A colleague found her collapsed.

She couldn't be revived.

Died of natural causes.

Advanced cancer.

It was her time.

You know, here's what's firing

off in my head right about now.

Why you didn't share this

the 3,000 times

I asked about Betty Ackerman?

I didn't want to muddy

the situation.

You're trying to dodge me.

You're trying to dodge me.

What are your true

intentions here, huh?

Is any of this real at all?


Oh, there you are.

We need to stop.

We're not up for this.

I-- I need to make

a telephone call.


Everything all right?

-You're shaking.

-Listen to me.

There is something

going on here.

I don't know for sure,

but I can feel

an entity among us.

With every word you read,

it's opening

a gateway of some sort.

I need to telephone

the archbishop right away.


-[Heysinger] Lines are down.

We're cut off.

Then we must postpone

all of this.

I urgently need to inform

my superiors

about what's going on here.

Sorry, we're not postponing

a damn thing.

I'm getting

to the bottom of this nonsense,

and I'm getting

to the bottom of it tonight.

I can feel it.

Don't you understand

what I'm saying?

We have to stop.

It's not what it says it is.

[electrical crackling]

Hey, doc, how many more pages

have we got left to go?

Ten pages at most.

What you're searching for

is not in those pages,


What I'm searching for

is in this g*dd*mn hospital!

You have a spiritual duty here.

Even the smallest effort

will carry him off.

You're the only one

who can do this.

That's not Daniel

inside that room.

You look deeper.

He's there.

Let's continue.

[Daniel grunts]

[raspy breathing]


Let's continue.

[speaking Latin]

His soul is impure.

[suspenseful music plays]

"No doctor ever came.

By this point,

things have gotten worse

at the house.

Things were starting to happen

that I could not explain.

At the very least,

I started to understand

why I never heard

the morning birds.

I've begun to think

that this house

resided at the dead center

of the worst..."


...blackness known to man,

An evil staked its claim here.

Buried real deep.

I can't shake the feeling of


Constant dread,

constant eyes, constant hate.

Something wanted me dead.

-Dead. Dead.

-[horse neighing]

[screaming in distance]

-[screaming in distance]

-[horse neighing]

For the love of God,

somebody attend

to the poor child.

[screaming continues]

[Daniel groaning]

[Daniel groans, sighs]

I'm going mad.

This is-- this is how it starts.

[eerie laugh]

[loud bang]

[Gabe] Soldier.

Are you in distress?


The door.


Is there something

blocking the door?

Can you walk?


-No, I can't--



-There's nothing blocking it.

[Gabe] I'm coming!

[eerie voice] Soldier.

-[Daniel breathing heavily]


-[loud banging]


[door rattling]

[banging on door]


What's-- what's happening?

[eerie laugh]

Hey, what are you doing?

[Daniel] Hey.

Hey, what are you doing?

g*dd*mn it! What's happening?

[bell clatters]

[thump, floorboard creaking]

-[footsteps approaching]

-[bell weakly ringing]



[footsteps continue approaching]

[running footsteps depart]

[bell ringing]

[Gabe] I'm coming.

[screaming, distant]

[footsteps approaching]


You screamed. Are you in pain?

Weren't you just up here

trying to get the door open?


I've been on the hunt.

What's happened?

I-- I-- I found this

on the stairs.

Is-- is everything all right?


Dinner will be ready soon.

We'll have a plate for you.

Let's let him be,

give him his privacy.

You people are--

you people are crazy!

You hear me?

I'm getting out, g*dd*mn it!

Jesus Christ, I'm getting out!

You tell that old hag

that I'm leaving!

[crickets chirping]

When Johnny comes marching

home again, hurrah


Nobody can believe a word

he said, hurrah


[door creaking]

Can I please

get a glass of water?

It's hard to swallow, it hurts.

[floorboard creaking]

Is anyone there?

[floorboard creaking]

For the love of God,

what are you?

[breathing raspily]

[eerie music playing]


I don't find this amusing,

you hear me, witch?

I'm a soldier.

I'm trained to react.

Where are you?

[witch laughing]

To hell with this, I'm leaving.




[groaning in pain]

Okay, okay, good.

You're not dying here.

You're not dying here.

[breathing heavily]

One more week or so and I'll go.



One more week.

[breathing heavily]


[breathing raggedly]



[bed legs scraping floor]

[Daniel grunting]

[Daniel groaning]

This got ripped open bad

last night.

What were you doing?

Just wanted to feel my feet

on the floor.

To be honest, I thought

I was gone for it then.

So it's a step forward,

wouldn't you say?


You tore open

weeks' worth of healing.

How is that a step forward?

I think so.

I'm just...


How long have you lived here?

I'm not supposed to have

personal conversations with you.


I need something

to occupy in my mind, just talk.

All right.

All my life.

I grew up here.

This is my parents' home.

That's nice.

I briefly moved away

with my husband,

but when my father died,

we moved back.

I'm-- I'm sorry.

I'm-- I'm not supposed to have

personal conversations with you.

I'm sorry.

I-- I just-- I cannot.

[groaning] It's okay, Elsie.

How do you know my name?

It's okay.

I know all your names.

I hope that doesn't bother you.

I guess not.

-Does Gabe know?


I don't want this to be trouble.

I won't-- I won't bring it out.

It's our secret.

[sighs] I hate secrets.

Nothing good comes from them.

Me too.

Sometimes they're necessary,

aren't they?

How did you find out?

I'm terribly clever.

Listen, I just-- I just

wanna mend up and be on my way.

Who's Bishop Talbot?

I don't know him. Why?

I keep hearing his name

whispered in my head.

Don't know him.

Means-- means nothing.

I keep hearing


coming somewhere from outside,

I think.

What's going on here?

Sounds like a child.

[voice breaking] It's my--

it's my daughter.

She's sick.

-Very sick.

-What ails her?

[sobbing] We're--

we're at a complete loss.

I-- a doctor...

came out here a long time ago,

and he said that...

there's something wrong

with her mind.

That there's nothing to do

but to keep her comfortable or--

or committed to a hospital.

I don't want

to place blame but...

[sobbing] hurts

to have thoughts like this.

But I can't think

of any other answer.

When we moved back home,

my-- my mother fell ill, and--

And when my daughter was born,

she got worse, and...

And one day my mother took

a walk through the woods...

to get a kindling, and I was

so busy tending to my baby,

I didn't realize just

how much time had passed.

And when she finally came home,

she was...

she wasn't herself.

Uh, from there she got worse.

She was just...

foul to all of us.

Foul words,

foul acts, even a foul smell.


And Gabe and I didn't...

we didn't know it at the time,

but she must have been too sick

to be around a young child.

On her third birthday...

my daughter started

getting sick as well.


Well, Gabe says they have--

they have good days.

Days they seem like themselves.

That should give comfort.

No, I'm sorry.

Those are--

those are the worst days.

They're the hardest because...

that's when

they become aware enough...

that they are in pain

and misery and hell.

And they never have

good days at the same time.

My-- my daughter

will be good, and then my--

my mother will be sick

and so on, back and forth.

The doctor...

that examined your daughter,

can you get him here?

He's dead.

I see it now.

I mean,

your arrival was by chance.

I have to accept that...

you're stuck here

with the rest of us.

If the crying is bothering you,

I can ask Gabe

to board up the windows


or move your bed

across the room.

That elderly woman

I keep seeing...

that's your mother?

I beg your pardon?

The elderly woman

that comes in here.

Who is she?

I don't find this funny,


There is no way you can be

talking about my mother.

There's someone

that comes into my room.

Please stop it, sir!

This is not funny.

I find it rather hurtful.

Hurtful? In what way?

My mother is a cr*pple.

She hasn't walked

since she got sick.

So you see,

there is no way in hell--

There is-- is no way

she was in this room because

she hasn't walked in 13 years.

Then it--

it must be someone else.

Is-- is there

anyone else in the house?

I shouldn't be talking to you.

Listen, Elsie, I--

Stop using my name.

For Christ--

Hold on, hold on.

Everyone's buying this?

Witches and curses? Come on now.

This is how it starts.

Look, these are

the delusional anecdotes

of a twisted

and fragmented mind.

We can't trust

anything on those...

[coughing] ...on those pages.

All right?

Let's get to the point, okay?


Just get to the point,

just cut to it.

How do you know me, huh?

[clears throat]

And what do you really want?

What do you-- [coughing]

You all right, Detective?

I-- I need some-- [coughing]

I-- I just need

some air or something.

[coughing] Time-out, excuse me.

[Heysinger] We're--

we're almost finished.


we're almost finished.

-[Clayton coughing]

-We're almost finished!

Where are you going?

[violently coughing]

[wheezing laughter]

[Heysinger] Detective,

I need to tell you something.

I need some air.

[violently coughing]

[suspenseful music playing]

[gasping, groaning]

Oh, this is--

[sighing] Son of a bitch.

[suspenseful music playing]


She took 'em.

Son of a...

g*dd*mn nonsense.

Who types like this?

There it is.

What in God's name

are you up to, Heysinger?

Oh, come on, give it up.


-Lock that door right now.


Lock this door right now.

Just lock it.

[lock clicking]

Okay, look, um, I wanna

see his old room upstairs.

All right, go.

-[keys clanking]

-[lock turning]

[Rose] Oh, Lord.

We've had this room cleaned

a dozen times, maybe more.

It kept coming back

so we've sealed it off.

[Clayton] Mm-hmm.

Now the entire hospital's

on track for ruin.

Shine it under here.

What is that?

Doctor, has anyone else

ever stayed in this room?


We don't even use it for--

for storage, obviously.

If there is anything

you are withholding from me

about this man,

now is the time to fess up.

I told you everything I know

from my professional


Okay, from your nonprofessional

perspective, how about that?

That perspective doesn't hold

under the weight

of logic or science.

Well, at this point,

if you told me this Glassman

was the g*dd*mn Easter bunny,

I'd be willing to listen.

Nothing what I'm about to say

will make much sense.

Try me.

He wasn't transferred

from Pittsburgh.

-He was banished.


It seems to anyone who spends

a significant amount of time

next to him falls ill and dies.


Pittsburgh didn't want him

for fear he was contaminated.

I took him in because--

well, because.

Contaminated with what?

[Rose] The devil.

Okay, um, did he ever have

any visitors?

-You're joking.


Who was the nurse that typed up

the confession again?

Nurse Barbara Ackerman.

I thought you said,

um, Betty Ackerman.

Right. Betty.

Yes, but who is that?

I've never heard of her.

Long before you started here.

You said the confession

was just completed.

I should've

at least heard of her then.

I never said the confession

was just completed.

How long was she exposed to him?

Longer than I have?

Much longer, I'm sure of it.

I monitored your time.

You're safe.

How do you know that?

How can you measure any of this?

You asked me what I'm hiding.

The truth is,

I'm completely terrified of him.

And I want him out of my life.

I want him dead.

And I'm thoroughly

ashamed of it.

So, he is cursed.

He is the curse.

[Rose] We need a priest.

I keep hearing that. Why?

It's not from here.

And you must understand

that I'm not in a position

to directly help

Daniel in ritual.

I-- I can't even listen

to his confession.

Only a priest can do that.

I only joined the sisterhood

to become a nurse

so I understand skepticism.

But if I can make

just one point,

it's that we need

a Catholic priest.


do you actually believe...

in the devil?

You bet I do.

Well, nobody's getting in

or out

till they bring us bulldozers.

Let's finish this.

I don't feel

anything will change

when we get to the final page.

There'll be no

heavenly beam of bullshit,

no miraculous miracle.

I'm framing this whole deal...

in two different ways.

First, Betty Ackerman

was delusional in her own way

and gave the trickster

my name, my daughter's name...

and my history.

Then carved my name

into his torso.

That's right, Doctor.

I saw the photographs.

What's the other way?

The other way?

Is that our good doctor here...

is part of the whole party

since the beginning.

[Daniel guttural screaming]

Oh, good God, what was that?

Let's go, come on, let's go.

[ominous music playing]

[Daniel roaring, shrieking]

[Daniel roaring]

Here we go.

"I was trying to believe

this was a family of witches,

devil worshipers,"

blah, blah, blah, blah.

"...mental condition"--

no kidding,

"deteriorated faster

than my physical condition.

Distrust is all I felt

for these people."

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, brother.

Oh, there's more of these

strange capitalized letters.

D-E, D-E-N-D

on these first few pages.

Can you keep track of these

for me, sister?

There's some more.

I'm expecting more.



Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

[Gabe] I don't know!

What you want me to do?

I'm doing everything I can.

Leave my daughter alone.

Who are you to do this to us?

What have we done to you?

-[Elsie sobbing]

-Elsie, I'm sorry.

I don't know what to do.

She's cutting herself.

Looking at me in the eye

and cutting herself blatantly.

I can't stop her.

[Elsie] No, let me go see her.

[Gabe] No, you can't see

her like this, you can't, Elsie.

It's not even her.

It's not Gail anymore.

I don't know what's happening,

and I don't know what to do!

[Elsie sobbing]

I don't-- I don't-- No!

-What's happening?

-[strange creaking]

What's happening, is she hurt?

-[Gabe] Yes, she is.

-[Daniel gasps]

[Danial screaming]

[witch, indistinct]

You're from nowhere, boy.

You'll see

when you're [indistinct].


We're not finished.

[laughs, speaking indistinctly]


[Daniel groaning]

[distant screaming]

-Stand back, what are you doing?

-No, no, no, no!

[Elsie sobbing] Let me see her,

let me see her!

You can't, you can't,

listen to me!

There's nothing to help her.

There's nothing I can do.

-[Elsie] Let me go see her.

Please, let me see her.

[Gabe] I'm so sorry. I don't

know what happened to her.

Let me go see her.

Go get the sheets.

I need the sheets.

[Elsie sobbing] Gail,

Gail, I'm here, Gail!

-I want the sheets!


[Gabe] Get my Bible, quickly!

Get my Bible.

No, you can't.

You can't, she-- she's done.

That's not your little girl.

Go, go quickly.

[Elsie] Okay.

[Gabe] Elsie, quickly!

[Elsie] I got the sheet.

How is she doing?

-[strange creaking]

-How's my baby?




[Elsie sobbing in distance]

[Gabe] Listen to me!

[house rattling]

[objects clattering]

[glass breaking]

[male voice shouting]

[Daniel] What in God's name

is happening here?

You should be sleeping, soldier.

I should say the same to you.

Fair enough.

I can't imagine how anyone

gets sleep in this...

dreadful place.

There's something

terribly perverse here.

Your daughter.

What ungodly sickness

has she contracted?

My heart...

breaks for her.

She seems...


We're all lost here.

I can't imagine how you keep

your own daughter...

locked in that place.

Not by my hand.

I don't understand.

She's a prisoner

of an evil entity.

What do you mean?

First I thought

it was atonement.

God has the most excellent

sleight of hand.

At least,

that's what we're taught.

And now?

And now there is no God

anywhere near this house.

You see,

this is our punishment...

of the rawest form.

What on earth for?

I suppose

we won't know that until the end

when we make confession.

And as confessions go,

I must confess

the truth to you, soldier.

You'll never leave this place.

You are never

going to leave this place.

To hell with this place.


Your name is Gabe Proctor.

Your wife's name is Elsie.


-Your daughter's name is Gail.


-My name--

-Silence! Daniel Glassman!


-Yes sir.

-Daniel Glassman.

-See, you know me.

You know me now.

I'm not just some burden.

You know who I am.

Please don't give up on me.


Just put me on your carriage

and get me the hell outta here.

I'll take my chances on the side

of the road if I must.

Our daughter m*rder*d

our priest in this very room.



At last, now I have

your attention, don't I?

I vowed never

to speak this story, but--

but I see it fit now.

I had invited

Father Spinozi over

to do a simple blessing

of our home.

No mention was

given of the oddities

and the infirmities

of my precious daughter, Gail.

But upon meeting her

just once...

14 other visits were spawned.

Finally, Father Spinozi...

allows to my wife and I that...

our daughter, Gail,

is possessed...

by an evil entity.

And she must...

be exposed

to an exorcism to remove it.

An exorcism, can you imagine?

Catholic ritual

that squeezes and wrings out...

every essence of your soul

except for that...

which is the very purest.

He said that...

if it didn't k*ll her,

that it would cure her,

and that she'd be under

God's love and protection

for the rest of her life,

forever and ever.

Of course, we'd have done

anything for our daughter

at that point,

and we-- we agreed.

Father Spinozi...

learned that this evil...

preys on weakness of the parents

to get to the child.

That's how it overtakes

a family.

Through the parents.

You can imagine our shame.

My shame.

He also...

allowed to me the name...

of this evil, of which...

I will never allow

to cross my lips

as long as

I'm on this earth.

So he performed the exorcism,

he and his nephew.

And while

this madness took place,

the shouting, the banging,

the profanity,

and then silent, nothing.

And I came

through that door...

hoping to see my little girl

leap into my arms.

And I saw...

Father Spinozi

laid out on the floor

with a gaping hole in his neck,

his throat torn out,

strewn across

next to the body.

23-year-old man,

strong, married...

father to be.

I took their bodies,

drug them out

to the deepest parts

of the forest

where there's a stone well,

and I...

buried those bodies

deep in that well...

so that their secrets

of the horrors

that they had been exposed to

here would never be known,

not even to their families

who know not

what had happened to them,

what became of them at all.

And that...

whatever that was...

was not my daughter.

That could not be

my little girl.

So I keep her

confined in a shed,

so that she will not break

her mother's heart.

Why are you telling me

these lies?

Because it is the truth.

I cannot believe this truth.

You're a devout man.

Why has God forsaken you?

He can mend all of this.

I don't know.

I only know you showed up.

Perhaps this is not about us

but about you.

And so I must ask you

a very important question,

Daniel Glassman.

Do you have a child?





My blessed wife was right.

He sent you.


you're our savior.

You are here...

to cure us.

You and you alone,

a warrior,

has been sent from above.

You are here to do

what I neither have the courage

nor the strength to do.

-And you must.

-No, I can't.

-I can't.

-You must do it.

That is why you've been sent,

Daniel Glassman.

Gather yourself, man.

-Please don't ask me.

-Gather yourself.


must listen to me.

You must be ready to do this.

Do you understand?

You need to do this for us.

You must be focused.

No missteps.

Aim straight.

sh**t to k*ll.

This is my family

we're talking about.

There can be no--

there can be no wounds.

You must do this.



I'll supply you the means.

Send us back to the good Lord

from whence we came,

Daniel Glassman.

This is your destiny.

You'll be a witness for him.

For everyone to tell

what you've seen and heard here.

Everyone who follows the truth

will hear your voice.


-[Daniel sobs]

Good faith.


[exhales shakily]



[groaning, shouts]

[groaning, gasping]

I don't wanna be here.



[loud banging]

[groans] No!


I have your breakfast.

Coming in.


-[tray clatters]

[sobbing] Oh, no. Oh, no.

Oh, Gabe! Oh, Gabe! Gabe!

[Elsie sobbing]

Do something. Oh, God.

Oh, God.


what has happened to you?

Oh, God!



[Daniel gasping]

Stay away from me!


-Stay away from me!

No! No! [sobbing]

[Gabe weakly] Please...

finish it.

Make it swift

for all of us, please.

I'm with-- I'm with child.

I'm sorry, Elsie.

This is what he wanted.


[Daniel groaning]

[grunting painfully]




[footsteps from upstairs]

[child screaming outside]

[suspenseful music playing]

[screaming outside continues]

[screaming outside continues]


[Gail sobbing] Dear Lord,

help me to remember the cross

that you carried for my sake

so I may better carry mine.

[indistinct] this evil to you.

For the forgiveness

of its sins

and-- and for the salvation

of its soul.

Lord, please--

please help me, Lord.


[screaming] Amen!

-[horse neighing]

-[Daniel grunting, panting]

[gasping and grunting



-[horse whinnies]



My name's Daniel Glassman.

I'm with the 90th

Pennsylvania Infantry.

I'm here to help you.

Can you hear me?

Where are you?

[grunting, panting]


[voice whispering indistinctly]

[Gabe] Daniel...

don't miss, Daniel.


you must [indistinct].

This is my family.

This is my family.

Don't miss, Daniel.

Send us back to God.

[voice whispering, indistinct]

Back to God!

Back to God!

Don't miss, Daniel.

This is my family.

Send us back to God.

-[Gail] Daniel Glassman.

-[Gabe's voice] Back to God!

[Gail] This is my family.

[Gabe's voice] There is no God

anywhere near you.

[Gail] Send us back to God.

God forgive me!


For the love of God...

What is this insanity?

[Heysinger] I told you.

Think, think,

think it out, Clayton.

Think it out. How does it fit?

How does it fit?

It doesn't fit.

It doesn't fit.

How can it be you?

How can it be you?

You were already here.

There's no way

you k*lled the Spinozis.

The missing kid...

-he jumps back and forth.


[Heysinger] He uses the kids,

the missing Spinozi kid.

Oh, come on. That's insane.

-[Rose] Devil.


The letters spelled

"devil in Daniel."

He said you were next.

You and your family.

He's been saying that

for years.

Tell him, Daniel.

Tell him.

[Daniel] Oh, please Lord,

help me.


There is no sun

where it's from.

Don't let

the darkness through.

Daniel, could you explain

what you meant?

Earlier you spoke about

the Spinozi boy.


You said you used

the Spinozi boy

to k*ll his family, how?


[young Daniel voice]

Oh, Thomas he was so nice.

I thought I could save him.


Christ in heaven.

He has had his hand

around her neck for years.

[eerie laugh]

It affects everything.

Your son's death,

your dark emotions.

What are you saying?

What are you saying to me?

Leave this place! Run!


I brought you the detective.

[Daniel groaning]

[young Daniel voice]

Elsie Proctor and her mother...

Gabe Proctor and Gail...

Emily Spinozi...

Gretchen Spinozi,

Meredith Spinozi...

Alice Douglas,

Clayton Douglas and Anna.



Saints of God,

come to Daniel.

Come to meet Daniel,

angels of the Lord.

Receive his soul and present him

to God the most high.

May Christ--

may Christ take hold of you,

take you to himself.

May angels take you

to Abraham--

[Daniel roars]

[high-pitched ringing]




[Daniel roaring]


[tense music playing]

[Clayton] Glassman!





You were lying, Glassman.

If that's who you really are.

[evil Daniel] Clayton Douglas.

Clayton Douglas.

God only knows, or cares.

No. Stay where you are

or I'll drop you.

Clayton Douglas,

son of Kevin...

[demonic whispering] Kevin.

...the one who quits.

[chuckling] Oh, I can taste you.

Stay back.

I know you, son.

-I know your soul.

-[demonic voices echoing]

-Blackness. Rot.

-[demonic voices echoing]

-Just like mine.

-[demonic voices echoing]

You know your wife knows

what you did.

-[demonic voice] She knows.

-She knows what you did.

[demonic voices echoing]

k*lled your boy, crippled

your daughter with your rage.

She doesn't love you.

[demonic voices echoing]

What you did to your boy.


-[demonic voice] Sin.

Jesus doesn't love you.

Only I love you.

I know you.

It was an accident.

Head caved, disemboweled,

neck snapped...

crushed red ball.

Your rage k*lled your son.

You k*lled your son!

Jesus doesn't love you.

[demonic voices echoing]

Only I love you.

I'm-- I'm not it, Glassman.

Yes, you are, my son.

Jesus doesn't love you,

she doesn't love you.

God loves me, you fucker.

[young Daniel] Don't k*ll it.

That's what it wants.

Go. Go home, please.

Just run. Just go home.

It'll take your family

if you k*ll it.

Please, please.

You have to run.

You have to run.


[disembodied screaming]


-[Daniel growling]


[indistinct demonic whispers]


No! [groans] Oh, my heart.

Don't let this happen.

Don't let this happen.

[sobbing] Help me.

Help me.


[female voice] [indistinct]

I love you.

[Clayton groaning]

[shout turns to scream

turns to roar]

[wind chime jingling]

[Alice] No.

I've been trying all night.

[sighs] Can-- can you just--

can you just have someone go out

and look for him?

No, you don't understand.

I think he's stranded out there.


Yes, yes.

He went to work yesterday.

He was there all day.

No, he never made it home.

[exhales sharply] No.

He's still not home.

Why aren't you

understanding me?

Can you please just send

someone out to look for him?

No. I know

how bad the roads are.

Don't you have any trucks?

Just get out there, please.


What do you mean he quit?




Hi, daddy.

[Clayton] No!

Anna, I love you.

-[Anna] Daddy! Daddy! No!


[Anna] Mommy.

[sobbing] Oh! Oh, my God!

What happened?

[Anna] He just came in

and he just shot himself.


[Anna mumbling]

[both sobbing]

[wind whooshing]

[eerie laugh]

Back so soon.

The detective beat you.

He won.

I told you.

I told you.

And I'll win the next one

and the next one and the next.

You're staying with me.

-[eerie breathing]



But I sincerely believe

he's harboring

a negative force.


That actually empowered me.

A life without purpose

is a waste of it.

It took the devil

to lay its hands on my


to awaken mine.

I would allow it

to swallow the flies

until this spider

is too large to ignore.

No longer can it stay cloaked

within the faithless.

This is God's work.

[Rose whimpering]

It's okay, Daniel.

[sobs] Let it go.