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Shaky Shivers (2022)

Posted: 10/15/23 11:41
by bunniefuu
(dramatic tone)

(dramatic music)

(mellow music)

- Okay, this looks good.

- Camp Happy Bear.

I always wanted to

be a girl scout.

- Yeah, well, I don't

think they're taking

any new members right now.

I mean, it looks

pretty abandoned.

- I heard a camp

counselor went bonkers

and chopped up a

bunch of girl scouts

like 15 years ago.

- What, you heard

that, from who?

Karen, they went bankrupt.

Some kid had a bad nut

allergy or something

and maybe died, I don't know.

Anyways, they sued them.

Can we just please cool

it on the ghost stories

and all that shit,

because I'm kind of

freaking out right now.

(Lucy exhales)

- You just wanna wait here?

- Yeah.

- For like three hours?

- Yeah.

Full moon's at 8:23.

- Lucy, you're gonna be fine.

- Really?

Does that look fine?

Does that look

fine to you, Karen?

Take a good look at it.

- I did, okay?

- No.

It's the last thing...

It's not fine.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Okay, here we are, here we go.

Where'd you get this?

- Cinco De Mayo.

- Okay.

- Oh my god, what is that?

- What do you mean what is this?

It's a f*cking g*n.

- Okay, yeah, but what am

I supposed to do with that?

- You know what to do.

Take it.

And I got b*ll*ts.

- Okay, but even if I do

this, it's not gonna work.

- [Lucy] Why?

- 'Cause you need

silver b*ll*ts.

- What?

Eric never told me that.

- You told Eric?

- Yeah, I mean, well, if

we didn't show up for work-

- So then he's

just gonna tell Bob

I shot you in the face?

(Lucy groans)

- Okay.

Great, okay.


- Okay.

- Okay, there's some

more stuff in there

that we're gonna need.

- Where did you get these?

- My parents are really gross.

- Ew.

- Unlike you, Eric took

this very seriously,

he said that's just

the thing that we need.

- His old homework?

- No, he's like really into

Dungeons and

Dragons or whatever.

What a dweeb.

- Yeah, I am gonna

go out on a limb here

and say that this is not an

officially licensed DM guide.

- What's a DM guide?

What are you talking about?

- Dungeon master.

- Oh.

- Remember my ex, Roger?

- Yes, Roger the rebel.

- He had a bunch of

Dungeon and Dragons books.

(Lucy laughs)

- Are you missing

Roger right now?

Is he still alive?

- He wasn't that old.

- I believe he was

bald with a ponytail.

That takes effort.

What do you even

call that thing?

A muskullet?

It's like a mullet

but for bald guys?

That's so weird.

(mellow music)

(Lucy sobbing)

Okay, it's done.

- Hey.

I brought you something.

- What did you bring me?

What is it?

- Look.

It's not supposed

to make you cry.

- You're so nice.

- Luc, they're just brownies.

- You made me a snack.

Did you make them yourself?

- I did.

- Oh my god, it's so late.


What is this?

Okay, I'll stop crying.

- It's gonna be fine.

It's gonna be totally fine.

- It's gonna be okay.

- Yeah.

- It's not gonna...

Well, it might happen,

but you know, we're

gonna get through it.

- No.

Well, let's eat

some damn brownies.

- Okay.

Here you go.

Thank you, Karen.

- You're welcome, Luc.

- So good.

(crickets chirping)

(leaves rustling)

- Lucy.


- What?


- Sorry.

- Sorry, it was the brownie.

- It's okay.

- What time is it?

- It's late.

- Oh my god.

Oh my god, okay, oh

my god, okay, what?

Oh, okay.

Take this.

- Yeah.

- Good, okay.

- Oh my god, don't

point it at me.

- [Lucy] I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


- What'd you do that for?

- So I don't claw your face off.

Okay, flashlight towards me.

Good, yeah.

And the g*n.

And the g*n.


Okay, hold it steady, Karen.

- Sorry.

- Okay, just breathe.

Breathe, okay?

Breathe, okay?

Do you see anything?

- No.

- Really?


What about now?

- I don't know.

- Okay, well, get closer, Karen.

Come on, get in there.

Deeper, come on.

Okay, what about my

teeth, do I have fangs?

- Jesus!

- What?

- You need to floss more.

- Are you kidding me right now?

- No, you should floss more.

You look normal.

- I do?

- [Karen] Yeah.

- Full moon.

Okay, what?

I'm not a werewolf.

- You're not a werewolf.

- I'm not a werewolf.

- [Karen] You're not a werewolf.

- I'm not a werewolf.

(Karen laughing)

I'm not a werewolf!

- You're not a werewolf.

(Karen and Lucy laughing)

You would've been like, oh!

- I'm not a werewolf!

- She's not a werewolf!

- I'm not a werewolf!

I'm not a werewolf!

- She's not a werewolf!

- Woo, I'm not a werewolf!

- You're kind of crushing me.

- Oh my god, that

was really dumb.

That was so dumb.

- So dumb.

- Yeah.

(Eric yells)

(Karen screams)

(g*n shot)

What was that?

(Karen screams)

(Lucy growling)

(garage door whirring)

(upbeat music)

Sorry, it expired.

- Excuse me?

- It expired, in the ;80s.

See, right there.

- This is bullshit.

No wonder I never came

here to the Dumpy Freeze.

I want my free ice cream.

- Okay, you're not gonna

get free ice cream.

You're gonna have to pay for it,

'cause that's how life works.

- Do you know who I am?

My cousins are

the Pinot sisters.

- Okay?

- Hello, Olympic figure

skating champions.

- So you want free ice cream

because you're related

to a couple penises?

(Lucy chuckles)

- (chuckles) Well, aren't you

a clever little smart ass?

- Hey, you're the one

trying to use a coupon

from last decade.

By the way, isn't that

when your penis cousins

won their silver medal?

- Wait a minute, I know you.

You're Lucy.

Lucy Muntzy.

Don't you remember me?

- No.

- You were senior

vice president, right?

It's Karen, we went to

leadership camp together.

- We have moved

beyond high school.

- Shh.

You were a pretty

big deal, right?

So now you're just kind

of working here now?

- Okay, Miss Penis,

the '80s are over,

and so is your coupon.

- And you, (laughs) holy

shit, I know you too.

The other Karen.

Scary Karen.

Weren't you the one

that tried out for track

and shit yourself?

- No.

- Yeah, because it was

super gnarly Mexican food.

- All right, well,

this has been fun-

- Yeah, and it

was cross country,

so get your facts

straight, dumb ass.

- Thanks, bud.

- You're welcome.

- Well, congratulations

on your new careers.

Tell me, do the chocolate shakes

remind you of your track days?

- Okay.

- [Karen Too] I'm

sorry, cross country.

- Sure, how about I

pound you in the face

with this jar of marshmallows?

Hope your bangs

save you from it.

- She's not worth

it, she's a loser.

- And speaking of winners,

is your mom still

getting puke ass drunk

out at the casino?

What a bummer she couldn't

land you a waitressing job

out there too.

- Okay, you really wanna go?

- Everything okay?

- No, sir.

These girls working here are

unprofessional and crazy.

- Okay, you're the psycho

who wants free ice cream.

- I fear for my safety.

- Please, don't insult my staff.

May I see the coupon, please?

- You got really lucky.

- Wow.

It's beautiful.

- [Karen] Why'd you have

to make it look so pretty?

- Yeah, she's just gonna

slurp it up like a pig.

Say hi to your rich

dad for me, bitch.

- Did you see how it

brightened her day?

Ice cream has that

effect on people.

It's like they regress

and become children again.

My dad always said,

"The gold is in the sweetness,

"and the sweetness

is in the soul.

"To make one sweet, you

gotta make them whole."

- Okay, Willy Wonka.

- Well, I'm outta here.

- Okay.

Have a good vacation, Bob.

- [Bob] Sure am

looking forward to it.

- [Karen] We'll hold

down the fort for ya.

- Thanks, girls.

- [Karen] Bye!

- Bye, Bob.

Bye, Bob.

Bye, Bob, see ya later, Bob.

Oh, Bob, we love Bob.

Bob is so awesome.

Thanks, girls.

'Cause the soul is

in the sweetness

and the sweetness in the

soul, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba!

- Don't be a d*ck.

- [Lucy] He's so sweet.

- Yeah.

- He has to be into

some kinky shit, right?

Like, necrobestiality

or something like that.

- What is that,

sex with animals?

- Dead animals.

- You're such a

freaky weirdo, Luc.

- Thank you.

Thank you very much, Karen.

(Eric yells)

- Oh my god, Eric!

You ass!

- Oh, you guys are so easy.

- Go get it.

- Okay.


There you go.

- Thank you.

- You okay?

- Mm-hmm.

- I didn't scare you too bad.

- Why are you touching me?

- For balance.

I'm sorry.

- Don't do that here.

- Have you guys

seen a banana split?

(blender whirring)

- I present to you my

creation, a Shaky Shiver.

- Yes, yes!

- Barf.

- Try it first.

- No, it looks like

diarrhea, Karen.

There's no way Bob's gonna

let you sale that shit.

Maybe one day when you

own your own Dumpy store

you can do whatever your

little heart desires.

- Okay, yeah, like

that's gonna happen.

- Hey, ask and

you shall receive.

- You know nothing

works out for me.

I suck at Super Mario Kart,

my mom is a raging alcoholic,

and apparently,

I'm still notorious

for crapping my pants

seven years ago.

(Eric chuckles)

- Okay, Karen, you need to

take these negative experiences

and turn them into

something positive,

please, for once.

- Can you stop with that?

- Oh, this one time

I was at this party,

and my friend's older

brother was like,

"I dare everyone to

eat a peanut butter

"and habanero sandwich!"

- Uh huh, and guess who did it.

- Me.

I did it.

Yeah, I took a bite, and

I was like, hmm, (screams)

and I started freaking out

and like chugged

a gallon of milk.

- Yeah, and then you

puked all over everybody,

it was disgusting.

- It was a gallon of milk,

and yeah, all right,

it doesn't matter,

'cause I had to

go to the hospital

because my ears were bleeding.

- Oh my god, that's gross.

- No.

- Isn't that when you lost

your one and only friend?

- Actually, it was one of

the best days of my life,

because everyone heard

about it at school,

and they were like, "Eric,

he chugged the milk,

"he ate the sandwich!"

And I was like, "Yep!"

And it was pretty awesome.

Everyone thought I

was super popular,

and yeah, I lost

a little hearing

and my penis didn't work

for a bit, but it works now.

- See, if that's

not a positive spin,

I don't know what is.

- Eric's changing lives.

- Oh, Jesus.

Oh my god.

I have to get out of

this shit hole town.

- Uh huh.

- I honestly think I'm

gonna start cutting hair.

- I thought you were gonna

start a record label.

- I am, I was...

I can do both.

- Weren't you gonna make a

blanket with sleeves type thing?

- Dude, that is

a fantastic idea.

- What about your other idea

to have people drive other

people around for money?

That's just taxis.

- No, you didn't even

read the business model.

(eerie music)

Karen, did...

Okay, I'm just...

You know what, I honestly think

I'm just gonna move to New York.

- Sweet, super original.

- It's the best city in the...


- Hello.

- Hi.

Can I help you?

Ma'am, are you deaf?

Can you hear me?

- Hungry.

- Okay, well, you came

to the right place,

but unfortunately,

we're closed, so.

- I see food.

Ice cream.

- Yeah, we have that,

but it's like all put

away, and I already...

Do you have any money?

- I have this.

- What the hell am I

supposed to do with that?

- It's beautiful.

- Yeah, and they're everywhere.

- What is it, freeloaders night?

- We haven't eaten in weeks.

- We?

Oh my god, there's more of you?

I can't, I'm so tired.

- We are so hungry.

- I know, I know.

But like, we're closed.

I already put all

the shit away, man...

Or woman.

Okay, do you want a nut?

You look like you would

want a nut. (laughs)

Will this suffice?

Open up.


(tense music)

What the hell?

(Mama Nature speaking

in foreign language)


- May your blood turn black,

into a devil wolf of the night.

- What?


(Lucy screaming)

(birds chirping)

(ominous music)


(Lucy breathing heavily)





Okay, this can't be that hard.

(steering wheel banging)


(person screaming)

Okay, you got me, get up.

Stop, get up.






Eric, I swear to God, if

you're messing with me.

Eric, please be messing with me.

Eric, oh my god.

Oh my god, no, no, no!

Oh my god.



Oh no, I'm so sorry.

(Lucy sobbing)

I'm so sorry.


Okay, okay.

Will you come haunt me, please?

Please, come haunt

me and be weird.


Oh, geez, oh, sorry.

I just stepped on your

balls, I'm so sorry.

What the hell is that?


(Lucy panting)


(creature growling)


Oh, my lucky day.

(Lucy laughs)



(mysterious music)



Karen, is that you?

- Don't come any closer.

- A dog bone, really?

- Stay away, devil wolf.

- Karen, please do not

be a d*ck right now.

Karen, what happened last night?

Did I turn into a werewolf?

- Are you messing

with me right now?

- No, I'm not.

I'm not messing with you, Karen.

Because the last

thing I remember

is that you shot Eric,

and then I just woke

up totally naked.

- Wait, did you say I shot Eric?

- Yeah.

Yeah, he was the one

wearing the rubber mask.

- Oh my god.

I k*lled Eric.

- Yeah.

Yeah, you did.

I mean, it wasn't like

totally your fault,

but I mean, kinda.

- Only kinda?

I shot him in the face.

- Yeah, well, I

mean, we told him

that we were coming

to Camp Happy Bear

and you know, we didn't know

he was gonna come and scare us.

What were you thinking, Eric?

- We?

No, you told him and

then I k*lled him.

- Yeah, you did, I know.

I know!

It's awful, Karen, isn't it?

You must feel like a

really big piece of shit.

- Oh, thank you, Lucy.

This never would've happened

if you hadn't brought

that stupid g*n.

- Well, you shot him

with the g*n, Karen.

God, can you just help me

get this stupid

thing off my arm?

- If you ask nicer.

(saw whirring)

So you don't remember

anything from last night?

Howling at the moon,

eating rabbits.

- Nothing.

- What if you crap out some

random animal bone later?

- Shut up.

- What if you had

sex with a wolf?

- Karen!

- Sorry, it's interesting.

At least you know if

you join the circus

you could make a ton of money.


- Oh my god, thank God.

- High five.

- Oh yeah, high five.

What the hell did

you do that for?

- We need to figure this out

before you maul me tonight.

- Tonight?

Are you dumb?

There's not another

full moon for a month.

- No, the moon can appear

full for several nights.

The lunar cycle is 30 days,

the moon has eight

faces, you do the math.

- How do you know this?

- Roger, he was romantic.

- Of course he is.

Okay, so what you're telling me

is that there's another

full moon tonight?

- Yes.

Well technically, I don't know.

But better to be

safe than sorry.

- What, why didn't you

say anything before?

- I didn't think it was

actually gonna happen.

- Oh, shit!

Ow, ow, ow, ow!


What's happening?

Oh my god, what's

happening to me?

- The crazy lady, she said

your blood would turn black.

- Black blood, that's black,

black blood, that's black blood.

Oh my god, what are we gonna do?

- Go to the hospital?

- What, no way!

They're gonna cut me and

do experiments and shit.

- We need to clean your blood.

- How?

- Transfusion.

- Okay.

Okay, yeah, that sounds

like the worst idea

I've ever heard of

in my life, Karen.

- Okay, do you have any

other recommendations?

(Lucy groans)

- Okay, wait, so what, you would

run your blood through mine

until it's not black?

- No, I'm not going near that.

- Well then who?

- Eric?

I mean, he's got a full

t*nk and he's not using it.

- Well, who's gonna do it?

- Hello.

- You?

- I'm basically a nurse.

- You took two classes

three years ago.

- The knowledge is still fresh.

- Didn't you get Ds?

- It was passed fail.

- I'm gonna die.

- No, you're gonna live.

I got it.

(upbeat music)

- Oh my god, oh

my god, oh my god.

(Karen groaning)

Oh my god, please be careful.

- God, he's a heavy little guy.

Sorry, Eric.

- Hey, Karen, yeah, I

don't think I can do this.

I don't feel right about this.

I just think that we need...

Yeah, I don't think

I can do this.

- We don't have

any other option.

- I think we can think of some

other options besides this.

- Listen, I don't

wanna be that girl

who's like, yeah, I

had a best friend,

but then, scientists

chopped her up

into little pieces

and used her blood

to make wolf soldiers

to defeat the Russians.

- Okay.

Well, you know what,

you're gonna be telling

that cute little story

to the cops when they

arrest you for k*lling Eric.

You shot him in the face, Karen.

- I have everything

I need right here.

- Karen, please listen to me.

I don't wanna do this.

- Which one's the knife?

Do you know which

one the knife is?

- I'm just gonna assume

that there's no getting...


Yep, do your thing.

Jesus Christ.

- Okay, got it.

- What?

(Karen groaning)


- [Karen] It's so thick.

- It's thick?

- [Karen] Yeah.

- What the?

- [Karen] Do you think I

should make a bigger hole?

- Okay.

Not too big though.

- [Karen] Oh my

god, it's so lumpy.

- Why is it lumpy?

What are you doing?

Why are you looking

at me like that?

- I'm gonna cut one

of your veins open.

- Uh uh.

- Get some of the

infected blood out.

- I don't think it's

really that infected.

- Use these straws-

- What?

What, no, why are

you all hunched over?

- And siphon some

of Eric's blood.

- Siphon?

No, I'm not a lawnmower.

- No, you're a devil

wolf of the night.

- I hate you.

- You love me.

- No.

Ow, ow, ow!

- I haven't even

done anything yet.

- Oh my god, Karen,

I told you, I can't.

I can't do this.

I can't do this.

- I'm just going to make

a tiny little hole, okay?

- A tiny one?

- [Karen] Yeah.

- Like an itsy-bitsy tiny hole?

- Mm-hmm, itsy-bitsy,



- Okay.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- On the count of three.

Three, two, one.

- No, no, no!

That doesn't feel tiny!

- Stop being such a baby!

Holy crap.

- What?


- Look at this.

(blood sizzling)

- Why is it like that?

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Oh my god!

Get it out!

- Stop moving.

- Get it out, get it out,

get it out, get it out!

Where's Eric's blood?

I need Eric's blood!

- Right here.

- We need Eric's blood.


(Lucy slurping)

- You got it?

Swallow it.

- Okay.

- You're good.

- [Lucy] I swallowed it.

- Good.

- I'm good, okay.

- Hold it in, be strong.

- That's fine, it's down.

Oh, Jesus Christ.


- Swallow it.

- Come on.

(Lucy gagging)

Nope, I don't think it's...


(Lucy coughs)

- Don't!

- Okay.

- No!

(Lucy retching)

- Okay, I feel better now.

(Karen screaming)

(Karen sobbing)

Yeah, just cry it out.

(mellow music)

- I can't believe he's dead.

- I know.

- I'm definitely

going to jail, right?

I mean, I did sh**t him.

- It was an accident.

- And I moved his body, and

attempted a blood transfusion.

- Yeah, that worked out great.

- Either way you slice

it, it doesn't look good.

I guess I can kiss my Friendly

Freeze dreams goodbye.

- What?


Karen, I love you, I really do,

but wallowing in your own

self-pity isn't gonna do shit.

And I'm honestly really scared

that you're gonna

wind up like your mom.

- What did you say to me?

Every week it is some

new stupid crap with you.

What was it, the donut

croissant hybrid?

That was a ridiculous idea.

- Karen.

- It's really easy

to judge someone

when you grow up in a nice home

and are constantly told

how amazing you are.

- Really?

- But you really

can't even wake up

before noon.

- Are you kidding me

right now?

- And you haven't

even accomplished

anything in your life.

- Are you kidding me right now?

- Your parents showered

you with opportunities.

My mother showered at a casino.

- You know what?

Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I

don't know what just happened,

I'm so sorry.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

- It's fine, it's fine.

- You know what, you're

absolutely right.

You are, I am such a loser.

- You're not a loser.

- I am.

I'm never gonna be

as good as I was.

That's right, this is it.

This is it, Karen.

- Are you talking about

when you were student

counsel vice president?

- Yeah.

Nobody even ran against

me, I won by default.

- Luc?

- [Lucy] What?

- No one cares about that,

except for stupid people

who don't understand

how expiration dates

work on coupons.

It's not a big deal.

- That's easy for you to say.

- Scary Karen, you don't

think that ever bothered me?

They used to put a brown

line in a pair of underwear

and put it above my locker.

- They did do that.

Oh, God.

Are we the biggest

lame asses in town?

- No.

Eric is.

Or was.

So yeah, I guess we are.

- That's a shitty joke.

- Yeah, I am probably

going to Hell.


- Wait, Eric.

The book of spells, right?

- The binder?

- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

- I thought you

brought that as a joke.

- Yeah, I mean, I did,

but I mean, it's worth a try.

I mean, we've come this far.

(upbeat music)

- Binder, where are you?

Oh god, I need to

get my life together.


(creature growling)

What is that?

(upbeat music)

(Karen grunting)

- God, Jesus, you

keep doing that.

What's wrong?

- Not to make any

of this weirder,

but there is some strange

stuff going on outside.

I've been hearing sounds.

- Dude, me too.

What the hell is that?

- I don't know, but I

definitely saw something

out in the woods.

- You saw something?

Well, what did you see?

What did it look like?

- It looked like

trees and bushes

that were moving, like

a forest creature.

- Forest creature?

- Forest creature.

- Okay.

Anyway, the binder.

- Right, sorry.

Where did Eric get this?

- I think he got it

from his little brother,

who got it from some weird

cult or something like that.

- I heard his brother went

missing a couple years ago.

- Karen, just can we

stay focused, please?

- All right, well, this is dumb,

because we're not gonna find...

Oh, curing the werewolf virus.

That was surprisingly easy.

- Yeah.

- Looks like you

read the incantation

to the infected person.

All right, you ready?

- Yes.

- All right.

(Karen speaking in

foreign language)

- Did it get super cold

in here all of a sudden?

- I don't think so.

- Maybe I'm horny.

- Do you feel any different?

- No, same.

- I guess we're just gonna

have to wait 'til tonight then.

- Yeah, in the meantime,

can you just undo these,

because I really have to pee.

- I don't have the keys.

- What?

- You packed the handcuffs.

I don't know where

you put the keys.

- But I don't know

where the keys are.

- I mean, I went

to get the binder,

that's all you told me to get.

- You can't just handcuff

somebody to a bedpost

when you don't have the keys.

- Okay, I'm sorry.

I was trying to protect us.

- Give me this.

Maybe there's a spell in here

that can turn you into a dildo

so I can shove more

problems up my ass.

- Oh, real mature.

- Karen, you read

the wrong spell.

- What?

- [Lucy] Yeah.

- Oh, crappers.

- Yeah, you read the spell

for turning someone

into a zombie.

- Okay, that's confusing.

Yeah, but this points, that

arrow goes there, and that-

- Oh yeah, I see, that

is kind of confusing.

- This is a formatting issue.

- This is stupid.

- All right, but

on the bright side,

in order for that spell to work

you would need a

dead person to...

(Eric growling)

Oh my god!

- Oh my god!

Oh my god!

Come on!

It's all you!

It's all you, Karen,

I believe in you!

Come on, believe in yourself.

Karen, you can do this.

(Karen exclaiming)

(upbeat music)

- You smell so bad.

- Get him, Karen!


(Lucy cheering)

(blood splashing)


(Karen groaning)

That was good.

That was really good.

You did it.

You k*lled him twice, you

k*lled him twice. (sighs)


Are you okay?

- He scratched me

up pretty good.

- He did?

(Karen groaning)



Karen, no.

No, no, no, no!

No, no, no!

Oh my god.

Come on!

(Karen groaning)

Come on!

No, Karen, no!

Come on!

(upbeat music)


God, why is she so slow?


This one.

Nope, wrong one.


Oh my god, I still have to pee.

(Karen groaning)


Ah, good job.

Let's go that way.

Yeah, that way.

Here, Karen, look.

Look, Karen, it's hairspray.

Doesn't that smell nice?

Good job.


Okay, nice job.

Right on.

Okay, it's kind of weird

that you turned into

a zombie, but...


You're not supposed to be smart.

Okay, bye!

Good job, keep it up.

Keep up the good pace.

(upbeat music)

Oh, right.



Zombie, zombie,

zombie, zombie, zombie.

Oh, revenge monster,

that's interesting.

(Karen groaning)

Now she's fast?




Oh my god, wow, that's so gross.

(Karen hissing)

This thing has everything.



Give me a sec, Karen.

(Karen exclaiming)

Yes, zombie.



No, Karen.

(Lucy speaking in

foreign language)


Karen, is that you?

- What happened?

- Oh, thank God.

Yeah, you're maybe gonna

wanna go grab a rag

and kind of dab.

- What's on my face?

- I don't think you wanna know.

(Karen screaming)

- This is a peaceful

place to leave him.

- Yeah.


(flies buzzing)

Should we say something?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Hey, Eric, I'm sorry.

This is weird, right?

- It's only weird if

you make it weird.

- I just wish I could

talk to him again.

- Yeah, me too.


Wait, wait, wait, wait.

- [Karen] What are you doing?

- Well, maybe there's

something in here

that can like bring him

back to life, I don't know.

- I think we already

did the zombie thing.

- Let me see.

Son of a bitch, this

thing has everything.

- Conjuring a soul back

into a deceased body.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- Is that a good idea?

- I mean, yeah, it says

it only lasts one minute.

So I mean, what could go wrong?

- I don't think you

should say that.

- Okay, well, let's try.


(Lucy speaking in

foreign language)

(tense music)

- Eric?

(wind howling)

- Eric, hello?


(Eric screaming)

- Oh my god!

- Oh my god!

- You d*ck!

(Eric laughing)

- You piece of shit.

- That never gets old.

Oh my gosh.

Oh, ladies.

Ladies, ladies, ladies,

why'd you do this?

- I'm sorry, it was my fault.

You came to the window and I

was scared, it was an accident.

I would never hurt you.

- Where's my brain?

- You wanna take

that one, Karen?

- You were a zombie

and I was a zombie.

- She ate them.

- You don't remember?

I thought souls were

supposed to be all-knowing.

- Yeah.

- No, we're not,

Hannibal Lector.

- Oh.

- But I can travel

through walls.

- Cool.

- So I'm gonna watch you

two go to the bathroom

'til that gets boring.

(Lucy gasps)

- Oh my god.

- No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

I must look pretty terrible.

- Yeah.

- No.

- No.

You look great.

I actually don't think I've

ever seen you look better.

- Really?

- [Lucy] Yeah, you

look like so handsome.

- Thank you.

- So do people like

bone in Heaven?

- Where is Amelia Earhart?

- [Lucy] Are aliens real?

- Is God a woman?

- What religion is correct?

- Should I invest in

more Beanie Babies?

- Can you say hi to

my Aunt Bonnie for me?

- Who k*lled JFK?

- Do people f*ck in Heaven?

(bell ringing)

- Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Yes, people do that in Heaven.

I haven't yet, but I'm gonna.

But I gotta tell you

guys something, okay,

you guys wanna hear

something crazy incredible?

- Yes!

- Yeah.

(clock ticking)

- Okay, okay.

So John Lennon-

(alarm ringing)

- [Karen And Lucy] No!

- Eric!

- Get him back!

- Wake up!

Wake up, Eric!

- Do the spell, do the spell.

- Okay.

Oh, oh, oh.

Can only use once.


- We wasted it.

- Yeah.

(creature growling)

- We gotta go.

- Okay.

Yeah, okay, you

go, I'll get this.



Make sure that you haunt me.

And the bathroom

thing is totally okay.

Bye, Eric.

(gentle music)

Wait, wait, wait, Karen,

don't go that way.

Let's go this way,

I know a shortcut.

- Oh, okay.

- So do you think your car's

like completely totaled?

- Probably.

- Really?

- It was on its last leg.

- That sucks.

There's a lot of good

memories in that car.

- [Karen] It's the only

thing my mom ever gave me.

- Well, technically it

was taken away from her

after her fifth DUI.

- That's fair.

At least we made it out alive.

- Well, wait.

Karen, I'm still a werewolf.

- Crappers.

- [Lucy] sh**t!

- The binder.

- Oh, yeah.

- Good thing it's

still daylight.

- Yeah.

(dramatic music)

- [Karen] What in the world?

- [Lucy] This can't be good.

(Karen coughing)

(creature growling)

(dramatic music)

- Where are we?

- [Lucy] What happened?

- [Bob] This is awkward.

- Oh my god, you're

hunting people, right,

that's what you're doing?

- And you take them

here, dismember them,

make lampshades

out of their skin.

Sick crap like that, right?

- What, no.

You guys are so silly.

But I do have a secret.

- I knew he was a sociopath.

- And I think it's

time to come clean.

- Oh, we're dead.

- For years and years,

I've been obsessed with-

- m*rder?

- Bigfoot.

- I'm sorry, Bigfoot?

- Yeah.

I know, girls, it all

sounds kind of silly,

but my Robin would never fib.

She only saw the

good in the world.

And I try to do the same.

When she told me

that she saw Bigfoot,

of course I believed her,

I mean, why would she make

up something like that?

No one else in the

town believed her.

They all laughed

behind her back.

They called her the town loser.

My sweet Robin died

of a broken heart.

- Oh.

- Anyway, I'm sorry

you guys stumbled in

to my Bigfoot trap.

And I'm glad you're okay.

- Yeah, it's okay.

We're okay.

- I bet you heard some

of the craziest sounds

out there tonight.

- Yeah, what was that?

- This was the first

recording in '69.

(creature howling)

And this, the infamous

attack in '74 near Spokane.

- Wow.

(person screaming)

- And more recently,

the recording

by the stranded

truck driver in '86.

Oh, but you guys knew that one.

- Sure.

- So I created a loop that

was half distress call

and half rescue call.

Covered a lot of

ground that way.

- That's pretty creative, Bob.

- That's got to be

the craziest story

you have ever heard.

- You'd be surprised.

- So what are you

guys doing out here?

- Well, that's kind

of a long story too.

- Can't be any

stranger than mine.

- Oh, God.

Yeah, it's quite a doozy.

- Well, I'm all ears.

- Okay, so a crazy lady

came to the Friendly Freeze

and wanted free ice cream.

We didn't give it to her.

- Yeah, we made

fun of her instead.

- She had this creepy

sock puppet thing

and it bit Lucy in the arm.

- Yeah, she cursed me

to become a werewolf.

- So Eric followed us up here,

and he put on this wolf mask,

and he scared us.

- Yeah, she shot

him in the face.

- I'm sorry, what?

- Yeah, so I woke up naked

in the middle of nowhere,

with bugs all over my body.

And found Karen in

this little cabin here.

- And I had a pretty solid idea

to do a blood transfusion,

so I dragged Eric's

body back here.

- Yeah, it was actually

a complete shit show.

- And Lucy got this

spell book from Eric.

- Oh, Bob, you will not believe

what this thing can do.

- So long story short,

that's how we ended up

passed out under

your Bigfoot net.

- Yeah, you know, Bigfoot

net sounds pretty normal

compared to the day that we had.

- You're telling

me Eric is dead?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

He's out by the oak tree.

Oh, one more thing,

Lucy's still a werewolf

and she might transform

again tonight,

so we need to reverse the curse.

Where is the binder?

- Wait a minute, this

is a lot to take in.

Are you guys on dr*gs?

- Not right now, no.

- I think I'm gonna

have to call the police.

- Wait, hold on, Bob.

- Bob, come on.

- Hold on, Bon.

- We have had a gnarly day.

- [Bob] One of my

employees is dead.

- Can we deal with

this tomorrow?

I just wanna go home, maybe

eat a whole box of cereal.

That sounds good, right, Luc?


(Lucy grunting)

Oh no, the binder!

I need the binder!

There's a spell in here.

There's a spell in

here to solve it.

(Lucy groaning)


(Karen speaking in

foreign language)

It didn't work!

(Karen speaking in

foreign language)

I don't know this word.

- Give me that!

(Bob speaking in

foreign language)

- Bob, you did it!

You did it!

- Ow.

- Come on, Luc, let's

get you out of here.

How great are these spells?

- Huh?

Oh yeah, they're great.

Probably make a fortune

off of them or whatever.

Sell that Bigfoot stuff too.

- We could be rich.

- Girls, we need to

go see the sheriff.

- I have a bit of history

with Sheriff Flanders.

It's not like

sexual or anything.

(lights flickering)

Bob, I think you can

just go around this.

There's no one crossing.

I actually don't think anyone's

crossed for, well, ever.

So I think you're good.

- The lady that came

into the Friendly Freeze,

tell me again what

she looked like.

- Well, she kind of

looked like a tree.

I know that sounds really weird.

- She had crazy eyes.

- Yeah, and then she had

branches or like twigs

growing out of her fingernails,

I know that sounds

completely bizarre,

but that's what she looked like.

- When she looked at you,

was it like she was

staring through the windows

of your soul?

- Yeah.

- Did you know her, Bob?

- She came into the

shop about 20 years ago.

She asked for something to eat,

but didn't have any money.

I felt bad, so I gave

her my ice cream special.

She said good fortune

was coming to me,

and I swear not

five minutes later,

a beautiful woman

walked into my life.

Maybe she was some kind of

morality test or something.

- Well, we failed that.

- Yeah, I don't think this

thing ever stops flashing,

so I really think we

can just (whistles).

- So what happened

with the girl?

(Lucy sighs)

(gentle music)

(door slams)

- Okay, we can go.

(engine rattling)

- What's wrong?

- I'm not sure, let me check.

- I guess we'll just

stay here forever,

for the rest of our lives.

I have to pee.

- You're on your own.

- Really?

- You heard what Eric said,

his ghost is watching

us go, one and two.

- Why do you care?

I'm the one peeing.

- Need help, Bob?

(foreboding music)

(leaves rustling)

Thanks for sharing

your story, Bob.

Your wife sounded like

a really lovely woman.

- Oh, she sure was.

Come on, Elkie

girl, you can do it.

(Lucy screaming)

- Guys, guys, we need to go.

We gotta go.

There's like people

coming out of the woods

in white cloaks.

I know what that sounds like,

but they're after

me, so we gotta go.

- No, these woods

can be very scary,

I think they just

got the best of you.

- No, no, no, Bob,

it's not like that.

It's not the woods, it's

people coming out of the woods

and they're gonna k*ll us,

so we gotta go, are you ready?

Let's go.

We have to go!

Look, look, there they are!

- Oh my god.

- [Lucy] Do you see them?

- Oh my god, we need to go!

We need to go!

- What do you want from us?

- That's the summon

from the book.

Lucy, do you think

they want this?

- I don't know.

- Get in the car, get in

the car, get in the car.

Okay, start the car,

Bob, start the car.

They're getting closer,

(engine rattling)

start the car, Bob.

- Bob, start the car!

- Come on, Elkie!

- Yes, yes!


(tires squealing)

- Yeah, we're gone, b*tches!

(gentle music)

- Bob.

- I know you.

Do you need help?

Are you lost?

- No.

I found exactly what

I was looking for.

- Hey!




You cursed her and

we defeated you,

fair and square, with this.

No, no!

- Karen!


- You may have broken the curse,

but you'll never escape me.

- [Bob] Go, save

yourselves, get out of here.

- [Lucy] Come on.

- No!

- Karen, what are you doing,

we have to go, come on!

- We can't leave!

- Karen, if we don't

leave, we're dead.

We lose!

- We have to do something.

- No, Karen, I'm so

sick of being a loser.

- If you're a loser

then I'm a loser.

- No, I'm sorry, I have to go.

I'm so sorry, I have to

go, you're on your own.

I'm done.

- Bob!


- I told you to go.

- I couldn't leave you,

you're like my family.

The Friendly Freeze

is all I've got.

- Oh, do you want

a Friendly Freeze?

Here, why don't

you try this one?

- No, stop!

- Scary Karen.

Let's try to keep it in

your pants this time, huh?

You're a failure, you're

doomed, just like your mother.

- Don't you dare

talk about my mother!

(dramatic music)

- Like mother, like daughter.

Why would you help

these heathens?

- They're good girls.

Sometimes bizarre and

misguided, but good.

- But I gave you the

love of your life.

This is how you repay me?

That's such a shame.

Eventually, you would've

been reunited with your wife,

but now, I gotta

take you with me,

along with this loser.

- Hey!

You creepy woodland bitch.

She may be a loser,

but she's my loser.

(Bob groaning)

(Mother Nature groaning)

- [Mother Nature] Oh, shit!

(Bigfoot snarling)

- [Lucy] Where is she?

- What happened?

- Did you see him?

- Who?

- He's real.

I always knew he was real.

- [Lucy] Bob,

there's no one here.

Who are you talking about?

(upbeat music)

Roll back the years

- [Person On Phone] Hello?


Are you there?

I want to speak to the manager.

- Hey, what's up, Bob?

- [Karen] Taking

the day off, Bob?

- More than that,

I got some news.

- Now what?

(keys jingling)

- I am giving you the

Friendly Freeze, Karen.

- Oh my god, Bob,

that's like the

nicest thing, man.

Dude, score.

- Are you serious?

- After the other

night, I don't know,

I felt released from

this place, you know?

I always believed my wife,

but now I know for sure.

Anyways, I'm heading

up to Alaska.

- You looking for a Yeti?

- Nope, singles cruise.

- Whoa, that's awesome, Bob.

- This town has a funny way

of underestimating people.

But the other night,

you proved yourselves

what you're made of,

and that's the important thing.

- Well, you'll always

have a chair here, Bob.

- [Bob] Thanks.

- When you come back into town,

you can try a Shaky Shiver.

- What's that?

- You'll see.

- All right, girls, take

good care of this place.

- We will.

(upbeat music)

(register beeping)

(tense music)

- Oh, crappers.

- Yes, ma'am.

(bell dings)

- Black raspberry sugar

cone, don't skimp, skank.

- I'll get it.

(register beeping)

- Where's Bob?

- He's gone, went up north.

- And when is he coming back?

- I don't know, maybe never.

- You two waste-oids are

now running this place?

- Yeah, I'm the new owner.

- And I'm the new

manager in training.

- Well, you guys-

- Hold that thought,

be right back.

A Shaky Shiver on the house.

- Did you shit in

this, Scary Karen?

- No.

(Karen Too slurping)

- This is amazing.

- Have a good one.

- Curing one loser

at a time. (laughs)

- I know we have to

be nice to people

if we want to make money,

but God, what I would

give to have that binder

to cast a spell

on that slut bag.

- As a matter of fact-

- What did you do?

Okay, this is cute, but

it's only like two spells,

how to turn someone into

a zombie and how to-

- Turn it over.

(upbeat music)

(bell dings)

- Hey, sorry, we're-

- Hey, you must be Lucy.

What's up, Lucy?

- Roger.

- The rebel.

- What are you doing here?

- Oh my god.

- Yeah, I'm on a quest to

reunite with my dark angel.

You know what I'm saying?

And I've heard that she's

become quite the land baron,

so it's time to reunite

and join forces,

you know what I'm saying,

because we're both


Like, we could join

like The Wonder Twins.

Like, she could be the shampoo

and I'm the conditioner.

Silk and smoothy, you

know what I'm saying?

- Roger, it's not happening.

- You know, I feel a little

discrimination in this room

'cause people are envious

of our sexual deliciousness,

so I'ma leave you be and let

you make your sweet tooth.

Let me get a hee, hee.

Hee, hee.

(Lucy sighs)

Just one hee?

- Hee, hee.

- You did it?

- [Roger] That's what

I'm talking about.

- Well, if it's

gonna make him live.

- [Roger] You got shot

by the bang, bang.

- Go home, Roger!

- I think I just...

Oh my god, I'm having

a panic attack.

All right, I'm okay.

- Say hi to your mom though.

(upbeat music)

See the sun about to set

Feel the evening,

it's just slightly wet

Another beautiful day

in the great outdoors

Head back to the

rusty campground

But wait, oh now,

what's that sound

Like a hellhound

howling at your door

Oh, it's just

bumbling bad Bigfoot

Beyond the bushes,

by the bluffs

Bumbling bad Bigfoot, he

ain't never had enough

Bumbling bad Bigfoot,

beware and be warned

He'll be howling 'til

the light of morn

The legend has it

he's 10 feet tall

With arms so long

he can tear and fall

Trample under foot

like a pumpkin squashed

He's the tall tale

of every tide in town

There ain't no way

to hunt him down

He's the one and

only Sasquatch

Well, it's just

bumbling bad Bigfoot

Beyond the bushes,

by the bluffs

Bumbling bad Bigfoot, he

ain't never had enough

Bumbling bag Bigfoot,

beware and be warned

He'll be howling 'til

the light of morn

It's just bumbling

bad Bigfoot

Beyond the bushes,

by the bluffs

Bumbling bad Bigfoot, he

ain't never had enough

Bumbling bad Bigfoot,

beware and be warned

He'll be howling 'til

the light of morn

He'll be howling 'til

the light of morn

(mellow music)