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02x23 - Imposters

Posted: 05/13/11 17:19
by bunniefuu
(crowd chatter)

You okay?

You seem like something's wrong.

No, I'm okay.

It was just one of those days at work, you know?

Well, you're off now, so snap out of it.

We're supposed to be having fun.

I'm going to use the restroom.

I better see two more drinks on the table by the time I get back.

You ready?

I'm ready.

You ready?

I guess so.

Okay, then.

(camcorder chirps)

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now about to witness the end of Sean Koster's life as we know it.


(crowd chatter)

(crowd chatter)

What are you doing?

Michelle April Ardell...

...will you marry me?

(people clamoring)


Oh, my God.


(bystanders screaming)

MAN: Call 911!


(frantic yelling)

WOMAN: Oh, my God.

♪ NCIS: LA 02x23 ♪

Original air date on May 10, 2011>


Are you mad at me?

Why would I be mad?

It's your vacation.

Do whatever you want.

Ah, gee, thanks for that.

I just thought you might want to do something together, that's all.

You're upset I didn't invite you.

I'm not upset.

Disappointed, maybe.

Surprised, definitely.

(chuckling) You always say we're kind of like family.

Hell, you want to come, come.


I'll even buy you a ticket today.

I'm not taking a mercy invite.


Course I never really thought of you as a cruise ship kind of guy.

It's a sailboat.


(Nell clears her throat)

Uh, I'm sorry.

We need you guys up in Ops.


We're training.


It's self-defense.


(sighs): Eh...

Oh. How was Jazzercise?

Hey, did one of you guys leave your leg warmers in the locker room yesterday?


(Sam chuckles)

What do we got, Eric?

This footage was taken last night by a patron at Surfside Sully's in Santa Monica.

Where's Hetty?

Uh, she's on the phone with Director Vance.

They've been going at it for 20 minutes.

The victim in the video has yet to be identified.

He had no ID, and his face and fingerprints were essentially melted.

We're still waiting on dental.

Nobody saw who did it?

No. Witnesses said he came out of nowhere.

Autopsy revealed he'd been severely beaten with some sort of blunt object before being set ablaze.

He suffered multiple fractures, including the back of the skull.

Well, somebody wanted him dead.

Dead and unidentifiable.

Witnesses had a hard time putting out the flames because the fire was phosphorus-based.

The victim had an artificial knee joint, so I'm running the serial number through manufacturer and hospital records, trying to get a positive identification.

And why us?

The presence of white phosphorus isn't enough to warrant our involvement.

NELL: On its own, no, but the body had also been exposed to fluorodeoxyglucose.

The fire couldn't hide that.


The isotope matches the brachytherapy canisters that were stolen from CalWest Hospital back in January.

NELL: As you recall, Jake Varley and Wendell Hertz m*rder*d hospital employee Yusef Afzal while trying to gain access to the Nuclear Medicine department.

When we caught these guys trying to sell the canisters, they only had three left.

Looks like we found the fourth.

And it could have been opened.

Kensi and I can hit the crime scene, see what we can find.

Great. Just make sure you leave your surfboard in the lockup.


Don't look at me.

I didn't say anything.

She doesn't have to.

You left a small sand bunker under your chair after your last investigation.

Yeah, that was from my shoes.

From my shoes from walking around the crime scene.


And the sea water that was coming out of your nose all day?

It's allergies.

I've got allergies.

HETTY: No! This is not a debate!

That's no one's call but mine.

Oh, rubbish!

He's lying!

The hell I will!

Mother Hubbard.

No food in the cupboard?

Something I can do?


No, this one's stuck squarely in my lap, I'm afraid.

Oh, it-it's just all a bunch of bureaucratic nonsense, anyway.

We must take it all with a grain of salt.

I find that it helps if the salt is followed by a shot of tequila and some lime.

I like the way you think, Mr. Callen.

Hey. Eric identified the artificial knee.

It went to a recipient named Brent Dundas, former Illinois construction worker injured in an industrial accident.

We've got a Culver City address.

Looks like somebody might have been looking for something.

SAM: Either that, or Brent has a girlfriend.


You know how women never close a drawer?

Like they're coming back to get something, then they never do, and you wind up banging into it?

Mm-hmm. Trouble in paradise?


Special Warfare Insignia.

Looks like our dead guy might have been a SEAL.

Yeah, I got it.

Thanks, Eric.

And send forensics over to follow up.


So, the Navy has no record of a SEAL named Brent Dundas.

In fact, they have no record of a Brent Dundas ever being in the Navy, period.

You find anything?

Trace amounts of radiation.

Nothing to get excited about.

If that canister was here, it's gone now.

Here we go.

Scorch marks.

No, no. I'm good, thanks.

There. Dark stains.

Looks like oil, but I bet you forensics is gonna prove that it's a blood trail.

Well, good work, Lassie.

Now all you got to do is find Timmy.

Yeah, feel free to dazzle me with your detective skills at any time.

(softly chuckling): You couldn't handle my skills.

Oh, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

That's classy.

Okay, so, the address Eric gave us for Brent Dundas is in Culver City, so we know he didn't walk here.

And he didn't have any keys, he was missing a wallet.

K*llers could have taken both to conceal his identity.

Which is probably why they set him on fire with phosphorus.

They knew his body would be unidentifiable.

But he does what anybody on fire would do, which is, try to get to some water.


Check it out.

Navy SEALs bumper sticker.

SEALs don't usually advertise.



Hey, Eric.

I need you to run a plate.

It's four Papa Charlie India four eight five.

Red Camry.

Got it.

ERIC: Yeah, that vehicle is registered to Brent Dundas...


What?! When?

How you say?


Okay. Thanks for the update.

Keep us informed.

Will do.


Car is registered to Brent Dundas, but get this.

He's not really a Navy SEAL.

You sure about that?

Nice job locating Brent Dundas' car.

Thank you.

Forensics is working it over now.

So we have a Navy SEAL imposter exposed to radiation, a trunk full of scuba gear and expl*sives.

Sounds like a guy trying to make a dirty b*mb.

Only, Brent Dundas didn't know how to make a b*mb.

How do you know that?

Internet searches.

He was looking up b*mb-making instructions.

NELL: I've been trying to track purchases of white phosphorus, but I'm not having much luck.

Brent Dundas' electronic footprint, however, shows regular cash withdrawals from an ATM located in a Santa Monica bar called the Prince O' Whales, including $300 less than two hours before he was k*lled.

And the bar is within walking distance from where you guys found his car.

I think it's time we paid the Prince O' Whales bar a visit.

Now we're talking.

Oh, actually, Detective, Hetty asked if she could speak with you... alone.

Ooh. Someone's in trouble.

Yeah, right.

Just remember the distress word.

Yeah, if that doesn't work, just fake a seizure.

I'm not in trouble.

I'm not in trouble.


Am I in trouble?


DEEKS: Nell said you wanted to see me.

I'm not in some sort of trouble, am I?

Should you be?

Do you have something to confess?


Well, in that case, this is for you.

This is for me?

You want me to...

Read it?

You want me to resign?

Well, I-I thought I was doing a good job. Wait.

Is this about your Segway?

Because if I...

Read the entire page, please.



From LAPD.

Oh. You want me to resign from the police force.

Mm-hmm. The second page is an application to join NCIS on a permanent basis as an agent.



I'm, uh... I'm flattered, Hetty.

Thank you, but I just don't know if this is the right thing for me right now.

You know, because I'm a cop.

And I think it's more than what I do.

I think it's who I am.

I understand, but things do change, and, uh, when they do, it pays to be ready.

Keep it...

In case you ever change your mind.

I've signed and dated it, so it's ready whenever you are.


Thank you.

What about my Segway?

Are you on double secret probation?


Is it because of the Segway?

No. It was nothing.

Just some paperwork that has to do with LAPD and my liaison position here.

This looks like your kind of place.

Looks like a dive.

Yeah. Like I said, it's your kind of place.

So what about pirates?


They're a real problem these days.

I think we'll be okay.

They usually don't come this far inland unless they're on vacation.

I'm talking about your sailboat.

It's not my sailboat.

It's a charter.

And no, I'm not worried about pirates.

SEALs eat pirates for breakfast.


What do they taste like, chicken?

Fish sticks.

Here you go.

It's not a bad beer, is it?


Hey, what can I get you, fellas?

You know this guy?

Who are you?

Federal agents.

Don't get up.

It's all right.

Yeah, I know him.

Brian Young. He's a regular.

Guy's a retired Navy SEAL, sits right there almost every night.

You know this guy as Brian Young, not Brent Dundas?

Never heard of Brent Dundas.

You sure you boys have done this before?

When was the last time you saw him?

Yesterday. Hey, Star, when did Brian come in last night?

Uh, about 6:00, I think.

I don't remember seeing him leave.

I think it was earlier than normal for him, though.

Like 7:00, maybe. Why?

He's dead.

Someone bashed his head in, set him on fire.


That guy was Brian?

I was just talking to him last night.

Was he with anyone?

He didn't come in with anyone, no.

Um, I think he may have been sitting with someone at some point.

He was at the bar, I was waiting tables.

It was busy.

Why would someone do this?

He was such a nice guy.

Excuse me.

You should have seen her when her cat died.

Had to give her Memorial Day weekend off.

The whole weekend... for a cat.


Like to take a look at your surveillance tapes.

Sure. Yeah, just show me a warrant.

That's how it's gonna be?

Hey, I'd like to help you boys out, man.

My customers got privacy rights.

Well, we'll be back.

Well, bring some friends, man.

Two-for-one pitchers of draft between 5:00 and 6:00.

May I?


Trace amounts of radiation.

Could be from the missing canister.

Could be our guy.

Or somebody he was with.

What do you think is up with the alias-- Brian Young?

Fake SEAL, fake name.

Something tells me by the time we get a warrant, anything we could use on those surveillance tapes will be gone.

Where is he?

STAR: In the back.

Don't get up.

Mr. Fallon's busy, and you guys need a warrant, so I suggest you turn around and...


I said, "Don't get up."

Hey, I told you, you need a warrant!

We have probable cause.

And you need a lawyer.

I wasn't going to destroy any surveillance footage.

I was just curious to see for myself.

You didn't have a beef with him?

No, man. I barely knew the guy.

Brian was a customer that came in to drink, flirt with the waitresses and tell the occasional w*r story.

CALLEN: Only he wasn't in any w*r, and his name wasn't Brian Young.

It was Brent Dundas.

He wasn't a Navy SEAL that had his leg messed up in an IED.

He was some guy that was living off of worker's comp from a construction accident.

Well, he told me he was retired and working for private contractors now.

You know, Blackwater kind of stuff.

And he had some, uh...

He had some kind of a classified assignment he couldn't talk about.

But he was celebrating, you know, like he'd...

He'd come into some money or something.

You know, buying drinks for everybody and stuff.

What about his friends or people he was hanging around with?

Nah, no. If it wasn't for the Navy SEAL thing, I would have thought the guy was a loser.

Always by himself.

You know, I just thought it was a lone wolf thing.

Yeah, he had a shine on for Star.

He talked to her a lot.

But you got any more questions, talk to her, 'cause I'm done till I see a lawyer.

He's a bottom-feeder, but I believe it.

Unfortunately, it doesn't get us any closer to finding the dirty b*mb material.

How's it going?

CALLEN: It's not.

You find anything?


This is the real Brian Young.

He was a Navy SEAL who died during the invasion of Iraq.

Young was born in Wisconsin, but grew up in Illinois and attended high school with guess who?

Brent Dundas.

Oh, you've played this game before.

They were even on the same swim team.

So not only did Brent Dundas and Brian Young know each other.

It's reasonable to believe they were friends.

That's where Brent got his stories and his identity.

All right, well, our friend the bartender here said we ought to talk to one of his waitresses, Star.

Apparently, she had a lot of face time with the victim.

Why don't you guys check it out, see if she knows anything?

Sam and I are going to go through the surveillance tapes from the bar.

(videotape squealing)

What are you doing?

Um, uh, Nell's hogging the computers up in Ops, running a multivariant search, so...

What is that smell?

Oh. Sardines.

They're really high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Smells like cat food.

No wonder Nell kicked you out.

I don't know what's worse-- the smell in here, or the fact you were eating in Ops.

You know if Hetty caught you, she would sh**t you on sight?

Where is Hetty?

Oh, I haven't seen her.

No wonder you're acting so brave.

I'm gonna find her.

You want to keep going through the surveillance tapes?

Not with you.

You and your fish breath go work in the gadget room.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You threw your empty sardine can in my recycling bin?

Got to save the planet, man.

Go save it somewhere else.


And bring me a new bin.

Nell, have you seen Hetty?

No, not since this morning.


What are you doing?

Uh, I'm looking for bacon.

As in Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?

Uh, collaboration distance?

Cluster analysis?

Okay, well, basically, I'm going through the Prince Whales credit card transactions over the past couple months and data mining through their customers to find any links between Varley and Hertz-- the two men who stole the radiopharmaceuticals in the first place.

Hopefully, I'll find a common vector.

Good luck with that.



Brian was always a gentleman.

You mean Brent?

Did you see him outside of work?

No, no.

We never dated or anything, if that's what you're asking.

He seemed like a-a kind soul, but tortured, like he was always a little sad.

I figured it was from being in the w*r.

Only he wasn't.

His friend was.

He said he lost his best friend in the w*r.

Maybe he just never got over it.

Maybe it was Brian...


Brent's way of honoring his dead friend.

By becoming him?

Maybe it was his way of being someone he wasn't.

A lot of people want a better life for themselves and dream of being someone they're not.

Star sounds a lot better than Sarah Anne Shulman from Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania.

I don't know about that.

Sarah Anne sounds pretty to me.

So, are you two, like, together together?

Is it that obvious?

No! We're just partners.

With privileges.

Oh, definitely not.

Kind of.


What about you?

Are you in a relationship?

Not really.

Now that's a crime.

Um, you should take this just in case you remember anything else.

Okay. Thank you very much, Star.

Even if you just, you know, need to talk or anything.

I'm gonna take this.

It's for your own security.

And we're gonna go.

What are you doing?

I was just being a good cop.

Cop blocker!

Seriously, I'm gonna crush the life out of you.

I'm gonna gut you like a fish!

(static crackling)

Problem, Mr. Hanna?

We need a new plasma.

What's wrong with this one?

It's stupid, and it's pissing me off.

Seriously, I'm gonna sh**t it.

What's really wrong, Sam?

You mean besides a guy posing as a SEAL that may have built a dirty b*mb?

Oh, well, that is a serious situation.

All the more reason to keep one's cool.

I'm cool.

You know, it's been a very long time since I have heard you laugh, Sam.

Hell, life itself, can be absurd, but you have to embrace that.

If you can't smile now, how can you possibly laugh in the face of death?

Hetty, why are you telling me this?

As a sailor, Sam, you know the importance of a solid anchor.

You have your faith, your family, your sense of humor.

Mr. Callen doesn't think he needs anyone.

He does. He needs you.

You're his anchor, and I sense there's a storm coming.

Hetty, you're a lot of things, but a psychic isn't one of them.

You want to level with me?

I just did.
CALLEN: I give up.

Can't find her anywhere.

You're kidding, right?

She was just here.

Seriously, what kind of tracker are you?

Well, she's avoiding me.

What was she talking about?

Ships, anchors, death.

To be honest, she's kind of creeping me out.

NELL: I got bacon!


A man by the name of Ryan Long split a restaurant check with Wendell Hertz last December. In February...

What? ...he paid a bar tab at the Prince O' Whales the same night that Brent Dundas made a withdrawal from their ATM.

So, Ryan Long is the link between the stolen radiopharmaceuticals and our dead man, Brent Dundas.

And that, my friends, is bacon.

Ryan Long's been arrested on several occasions, mostly minor offenses stemming from various protests.

He's a self-proclaimed anarchist.

You got an address?

No. He only uses a P. O. box.

He does, however, own a motor home that Eric tracked down using Kaleidoscope.

And as of 11 minutes ago, it was in Playa del Rey near the airport.

SAM: Looks like it's been abandoned.

Maybe that's what I'll do.

I'm gonna rent an RV.

(laughs) I'd love to see you in a trailer park.

No, no, no. Drive across country.

Sailing the back waters of America, just me and the open road as my companion.

You're breaking my heart.


Like I said, abandoned.

(engine revving, tires squealing)

(tires squealing, horn honking)

(tires screeching)


(grunts, groaning)


Nice driving, slick.

You not only wrecked your wheels.

You totaled your house.


You know this guy?


Okay, well, this is what he looked like after he was lit on fire with white phosphorus.

I had nothing to do with that.

Then why'd you try and get away?

Because I know how this government operates.

Yeah, I know I'm on a watch list.

You know, people equate anarchy with mayhem, and that's not true.

I'm an advocate of peaceful resistance.

Well, this country has a rich history with anarchy.

Henry David Thoreau was an anarchist.

Did you know that?

I didn't know that.

Sam, did you know that?

Robert Louis Stevenson thought Thoreau was a girly man.

Called him a skulker.

A skulker.

You spy on us with your satellites.

You can turn on our cell phones without us knowing.

You take our photos, you listen in on our conversations.

Am I right?

What can I say?

You're right.

That's old school stuff.

You've heard of Bluetooth, right?

You don't think they invented that just so you could talk to your mom while you're driving, do you? No.

Every time you put that little earpiece in, we have remote access to your temporal lobe.

That's right, Ryan.

It's like hooking up a fiber optic cable into your cerebral cortex.

We know what you're saying, what you're seeing, what you're thinking.

That's just the consumer model.

CALLEN: We got a machine in the next room.

It can suck out your memories.

The only problem is, once they're gone, they're gone.

Phht. Instant amnesia.

CALLEN: Me, personally-- I think it's a bridge too far.

But we're at w*r here.

Now it is a w*r on terror, and I think the guy that did this has access to a dirty b*mb, and I think you know where he is.

Where's he going?

Oh, don't worry about it, kid.

It hurts like hell, but you won't remember any of it.

You can't do this.

CALLEN: Come on, you said yourself, you know how we operate.

Seriously, I had nothing to do with this.

The guy you're looking for is Shepherd.

Who's Shepherd?

I don't know his last name.

He used to be in our group, but he started advocating militant aggression, so we booted him out.

He formed his own group--

Propaganda of the Deed.

He ever talk about using dirty bombs?

No, but I wouldn't put it past him.

Where do we find him?

I don't know.

That guy is way off the grid.

The only way I ever contacted him was through his blog.

This is Shepherd's blog site--

Propaganda of the Deed.

Frighteningly enough, he appears to have a fair amount of followers.

He's advocating v*olence as a means for social change, spurned on in part by the revolutions going on in the Middle East.

ERIC: Web site is hosted outside the country, and he uploads his blogs via internet cafés.

He's doing a pretty good job of shielding his identity.

Well, he's advocating the use of militant action, but my guess is that he has no military experience.

He can espouse the use of dirty bombs.

Hell, he can even buy the materials on the black market, but he doesn't know how to go about it on his own.

That's where Brent Dundas comes in.

He's pretending to be a SEAL.

Shepherd's pretending to be a revolutionary.

It's a match made in heaven.

Until Brent Dundas can't deliver on that b*mb, or refuses to, when he realizes what a wing nut this Shepherd is, and then you got game over.

Okay, so how do we smoke out this psychopath before he actually succeeds?

Shepherd may still be looking for someone who can make a b*mb.

Maybe it's time we introduce him to a real Navy SEAL.

No. No way.

We're running out of time.

Our best bet is to draw Shepherd out.

And the best way to do that is to use me as bait.

Ask Ryan Long to set up a meet and help coordinate the long-awaited uprising.

With you as the newest w*apon to support the cause?

We're gonna have to be prepared to deal with a potential dirty b*mb.

Okay. I'll round up detection, protection and containment gear.

Ah. Hetty, what are you doing?

Oh, just a little...

Spring cleaning.

What's the word on Shepherd?

Well, we're setting the trap.

I just hope that he takes the bait.

Well, be careful.

There's nothing as dangerous as a trapped animal.


Here. I have something for you.

Oh. Wow.

I had it custom-made to look like the one I used on Bette Davis in Death on the Nile.

I can't take that, Hetty. I'm sorry.

Oh, I insist, but be careful.


Oh, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen.

I figured you'd like it.

Like you, it's both feminine and deadly.

Therein lies its true value.

You think I'm feminine and deadly?

Among many things.

It's what makes you so good at this job.

The true challenge is knowing when to stop.

What do you mean?

The job.

The importance of what we do, the excitement of doing it-- it makes it very difficult to give up.

When the day comes for you to hang up your g*n...


And it will...

You're going to want to come home to something more than a collection of antique weapons.

Unfortunately, most of the guys that I meet are...

Trying to sh**t me, so...

Not to worry.

Sometimes you find them, sometimes they find you.

You just have to keep your eyes open.


Enjoy that.

Thank you.



I thought you were getting the gear.

I am.

Are you?

'Cause that looks a lot like a makeup brush.

You putting on some radiation-proof foundation?

Got a little lead-lined mascara in there?

No. It's just something Hetty's getting rid of.


Yeah, but you have to be careful, be...


You two scare me.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Could you try not to act so nervous?


I am nervous.

Then think about something else.

All I can think about is that picture of that burned guy you showed me.

You know, you'd be doing me a favor if you could erase that memory.

CALLEN: Deeks, Kensi, you in position?

DEEKS: Yeah.

You guys want to bring me some chicken tenders?

Not really. You want to get Deeks some chicken tenders, Sam?

SAM: Sure, if he makes himself useful and washes my car while he's out there.

KENSI: Hold up, we got someone coming your way.

RYAN: Drew.

What are you doing here?

Shepherd sent me.

What is this, Ryan? I thought you said Shepherd was coming.

It's just for security purposes.

Shepherd just has some questions first.


(speed dialing)


SHEPHERD: I'm here. Get on with it.

Eric, Shepherd sent a proxy.

He's got him on the phone.

We're already trying to trace it.

What SEAL team were you in?

DEVGRU. Formerly SEAL Team 6 out of Dam Neck, Virginia.

What's unique about SEAL Team 2?


Arctic warfare capability.

Can I try Famous Battles for 200?

Just answer the questions.


Who is Harry Constance?

He was a Vietnam-era Navy SEAL who completed over 300 missions, all of which you could find on Wikipedia.

I thought we'd be here to blow something up, not play Trivial Pursuit.

That's enough, Drew.

Take me off speaker phone.


Take this outside.

Excuse me.

Eric, how we doing on that trace?

We're closing in. He's nearby.

The call's coming from a land line.

DEEKS: What's he doing?

Sam, Cal, he's running away.


He left without his bag.

Go! Go! Go!

CALLEN: Everybody out of the bar! Now!

SAM: Come on, get out of the bar! Go!



Stay down.


CALLEN: Oh, we're just lucky no one was injured.

ERIC: Well, I'll keep digging, see what else I can find on your b*mb delivery boy.

CALLEN: Mm-hmm.

I'll call if we catch some fish.

All right, well, make sure you let Hetty know it was not a dirty b*mb.

Will do.

The guy's name is Drew Stetson.

He's a runaway, all-around misfit.

Got a warrant for a misdemeanor in Arizona.

Well, it's gonna be the least of his worries now.

California Penal Code 12308: attempted m*rder with an expl*sive device.

It's a life sentence.

Thank you, Counselor.

According to our boy here, Shepherd wanted to blow up Ryan to set an example.

He also confirmed Shepherd has a dirty b*mb, and he's determined to use it.

Well, I don't suppose he knows where?

Shepherd's supposed to reveal when the time is right.

Well, maybe Eric will get lucky with his phone trace.

It was a pay phone, and there wasn't a surveillance, ATM or traffic cam within about a quarter mile.

Shepherd's just posted to his blog.

It's essentially a call to arms.

He's trying to incite his followers into a violent revolt against what he sees as a corrupt government.

He's delusional.

He's also armed and dangerous.

He already k*lled one person, and he tried to k*ll us.

CALLEN: Well, we know he has the radiopharmaceuticals, and we've seen that he's learned how to make a b*mb.

Got a lot of followers online.

It only takes one nut job to encourage copycat behavior.

KENSI: "The spark that will ignite the revolution will be set today."

He'll want it to be symbolic.

And for it to be effective, he'll need to get those radiopharmaceuticals in the air.

Well, keep looking for Shepherd and a list of possible targets.

You avoiding me?

If I wanted to avoid you, Mr. Callen, you wouldn't find me.

What's going on, Hetty?

Oh, many things.

Perhaps you should be more specific.

I have to flinch first, is that it?

Fine. I got a nut job running around the city with a dirty b*mb, who's already tried to k*ll us, and you haven't weighed in on this.

I have alerted the NEST teams and apprised the local authorities of the appropriate emergency protocols.

Thank you.

Is there something else you think I should be doing?

I don't know.

Well, I think you've got it covered, Mr. Callen.

If I didn't...

I'd tell you.

That's good to know.

Being in charge sucks, Mr. Callen.

Everyone looks to you for guidance and answers, even when you have none to give.

Well, I've never known you to ever be at a loss for words.

The true test of a commander is when he is as frightened and confused as those who look up to him.

In that moment, when you can't find it in yourself, you will find it in them.

That's leadership.

G, initially we thought Shepherd would go after a hard target, like a federal building or a courthouse.

There's a rally today in Pershing Square to support the troops.

Well, it's symbolic.

Easy access, lot of people.

Best chance of escape.

(crowd chanting)

DEEKS: All right, Monty.

It's go time. Come on, buddy.

Hey, Monty.

Well, well, look who's back.

What the hell is that?

For your information, he had to have knee surgery. Poor thing.

Listen, if there's a b*mb here, Monty's gonna sniff it out.

KENSI: Good boy, Monty.

You sure that's a police dog and not a lab specimen?

CALLEN: Seriously, Deeks. At least get him a pair of pants, all right?

Just ignore them, Monty.

They're jealous of me, too.

All right, find the b*mb.

(garbled radio transmission)

Come on, brother.

This side first.

No, no.

Here we go.

Want to check here? Come on.

(clicks tongue)

Let's go.

(overlapping, indistinct crowd chatter)

(march playing nearby)

Sam, check out Johnny Guitar.

Guys, I think I found something.

False alarm.

What do you got, buddy?

MAN: Well, sure.

Yeah. Why not?

Hey, fella.

How you doing?

Pretty good.

I told you, it's just a guitar.

You want to tell me what you're looking for?

Sorry, pal.




Must be something good in there.


I got him.

Public works, guys.

LAPD! Everybody out of the area!

Guys, it's a trash can!

(overlapping chatter and yelling)

Everybody down!

Out of the way!



All right, Shepherd.


You haven't stopped anything.

I'm just one of thousands.

The resistance is growing, and soon your authoritarian oppression will come crumbling down.

Yeah, you know what they call anarchists in prison, Shepherd?

Shower toys.

(laughs, spits)

(rhythmic beeping, siren blaring)



(siren blaring, beeping)

Let's let the b*mb squad do this.

I'm trained for this. I can do it.

I know you are, and you're...

And you're very good at it, but they're already here.

Well, it would be a shame to make them put those hot and heavy suits on for nothing.

Yeah. And you know what?

It probably wouldn't hurt if we picked up the pace just a little bit.

(garbled radio transmission, crowd chatter)

One day, Sam, this dog will save your life.

I think somebody owes Monty an apology.

Okay. Nice work, mutt.

KENSI: That's not very nice.

I was talking to Deeks. Thanks.

Hey, sailboat sounds pretty good about now, doesn't it?

Yo. You okay?

Yeah. I was just thinking.

About what?

Something Hetty said.

I'm worried about her.

She's worried about you.

Why would she be worried about me?

You can be a worrisome guy.


She pulled me aside, wanted to talk about it today.

KENSI: Me, too.

But not about you.

We had a real heart-to-heart today about the future.

Me, three. She was talking about things changing.

Guys, she's putting her affairs in order.


I've been calling you.

I'm sorry. I...

Why didn't you answer my calls?

Where is she?

WOMAN: Ms. Lange?

She's gone.

She tendered her resignation, effective immediately.

Who are you?

Lauren Hunter, her replacement.

Her replacement?

Is this a joke?

I'm not much of a joker...

Agent Blye.

Nell, get me Director Vance on the phone.

That won't be necessary.

Director Vance is coming online in Ops to brief you all momentarily.

Agent Callen, I'd like to have a word with you in my office when you're finished.

(siren blaring)

(thunder rumbling)

(speaking foreign language)

(man shouting in foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)

(engine humming)

(thunder rumbling)