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Insurrectionist Next Door, The (2023)

Posted: 10/18/23 05:10
by bunniefuu
AUTOMATED VOICE: (OVER PHONE) An incarcerated individual at correctional treatment facility.

This call is not private. You may start

- the conversation now.


RONNIE SANDLIN: Hi. Is this Alexandra?


- RONNIE: How are you doing?

ALEXANDRA: I'm okay. Thanks for calling.

RONNIE: Yeah, I'm interested in chatting with you and telling my side of the story.

You know, I'm still incarcerated,

so logistically, we have to work around that.

I think it's time to take the Capitol.

I don't say that lightly.

I'm willing to do it.

I'm willing to go and

fight for this country, even if that means

I have to sacrifice in some capacity.

If normal, everyday

Americans don't stand up

for justice and truth and are just willing to

listen to propaganda media,

tell them what to think...

we're gonna lose our republic.

Freedom is paid for with blood,

and tyranny always masquerades itself

as safety and security, guys.

Do we deserve a republic?

Today is gonna be the test.

Yes, please. Another

beer. (LAUGHS)


happened on January 6th?

RONNIE: Me and a

couple of friends just said,

"Hey, look, you know, let's

go see what happens that day.

Trump said it's gonna

be wild, you know?

Let's see what happens."

We're out here

protecting the country.

You know, if shit goes down,

if Pence does what

we think he's gonna do,

then we're here

to defend this city.

You know, we're not

silent anymore, so...

The whole thing's a scam,

dude. The whole election,

they can't just

steal an election

like they are trying to

do in Georgia last night.

You either have conviction,

you stand up for

what you believe in,

or you sit down,

you shut the f*ck up.


-RIOTER: Meet us there, over.

It's go time.

Time for us patriots

to do our job.

We need to occupy

the Capitol building.

We thought it was

gonna be the last hurrah,

the last Trump hurrah,

and we just wanted

to be a part of it.

- RIOTER: Let's go.



did you get into the Capitol?


just walked right in.

There was no barricade.

Yeah, I just walked right in,

I have a video of me

just walking right in.


would've happened

if you ran into Mike Pence?

I mean, you knew the

crowds were chanting,

"Hang Mike Pence."






were clearly different levels

- of crimes committed.


ALEXANDRA: So, the Left says

that you're domestic t*rrorists,

the Right says

you're all just tourists,

but the United States

government thinks

- you're all insurrectionists.



I've been on the road,

meeting the Jan Sixers

who were sent to jail

for what they did that day,

because I just wanna get to know

the insurrectionist next door.

RONNIE: Right. The

insurrectionist next door.



you, Heavenly Father,

for gracing us with

this opportunity.


the January 6th siege

on the U.S. Capitol,

federal investigators say

38-year-old Paul Allard

Hodgkins from Tampa

is standing feet away

from the man dubbed

the Q Shaman.

NEWSCASTER 2: Hodgkins

was captured on video

inside the Senate floor

waving a Trump flag,

carrying a rope with

leather armbands

and safety goggles.


federal judge allowed Hodgkins

to be released on a

25,000-dollar bond.

Tomorrow, he has a Zoom

hearing before a judge in DC.


it feel to be back in DC?





it's sentencing day.

You're the first January Sixer

to walk in and take

a felony charge.

What are you gonna say?

I do wish to express,

you know, sincere remorse

for what happened that day.

RIOTER: Thank you for

filling this chamber with patriots

that love you and

that love Christ.

ALEXANDRA: How did it

feel to be on the Senate floor?


a really overwhelming feeling.

At times, there, I felt like,

"Am I caught in a dream here?"

RIOTER: God for

surrounding and filling us with...

PAUL: It was kind

of like some type of...

I don't wanna go as far as

to say a divine intervention,

but some place that I never,

ever thought I was gonna be.

- In Christ's holy name we pray!

- RIOTERS: Amen!

ALEXANDRA: But what did

you think was gonna happen?

You thought you were

gonna walk into the Senate

- and talk to a senator?

- I had hoped so.

I knew that there might

not be a lot of likeliness,

but that's the biggest thing

that I had hoped to have done.


your dream to meet with?

Maybe Leader Chuck Schumer.

You know, again,

all these people who...

Any of them who

I did speak with,

even if I don't agree with some

of the policies they embody,

I was gonna speak with them

in a civil manner

and respectfully.


Hodgkins was sentenced today

after pleading

guilty to a felony.

He's the first insurrectionist

to be sentenced

on a felony charge.


eight months in prison.

How are you feeling?

PAUL: Well, as I

said in my statement...


could take your mask off.

As I said in my statement,

I'm grateful for any grace

that can be given to me.

And some grace was given to me.

You know, the government

had recommended and requested

that I serve 18 months.


after all is said and done,

you're going to jail

for eight months.

And Donald Trump,

what about him?

Some folks have said to me,

"What is Donald Trump

gonna do to help you now?"

I really don't see reasonably,

out of office, what he could do.


believe that you're going to jail

for eight months and

you're still defending

the president that sent

you there in the first place.

I sent myself there.

My decision making.

I take responsibility

for what I did, okay?

I'm not going to place

blame on the former president,

I'm not going to place

blame on journalism.

I made a poor decision

and I'm gonna be

held accountable

for my poor decision.


ALEXANDRA: Wait, so you're

still listening to Fox News?


- That's actually OAN.


- I don't have cable,

so I don't have Fox News.


you're still watching

- conservative television?

- Yeah. (CHUCKLES)


served eight months in jail

for everything you believe

in based on what you saw

on the shows and

you're still watching them?

I was supposed to turn

into a liberal with that

or something?

No, no. My, uh...

opinions on what's

good and what's not good

for our country

have not changed.

Hey, we got company.

Cat food.

- Hey, Charlie. That's Charlie.


PAUL: Do you want this?

Do you? (CLICKS TONGUE) Charlie?


then there's this one.

PAUL: Yep, he

heard that can open.

Okay, you can

have it. (CHUCKLES)


sentencing, you told the judge

that you couldn't go to prison

because you had to be home

to take care of your cats, but

he wasn't very sympathetic.

No, I mean, I thought I

would've lost my home

and I would have had

to put my cats elsewhere.

But people who

cared came through.

Made me kind of miserable

not having them every day

like I'm used to.

You had people, you know,

wishing death upon me,

saying, you know,

I should have been,

you know, shot

by a firing squad.

I've gotten hate

mail at my house,

leading up to when

I went to prison.

I got some hate mail in prison.

Uh, social media people said

all kinds of horrible

things about...

ALEXANDRA: No, hold on, hold on.

I do not have

sympathy for Jan Sixers

that complain about hate mail

because those are

the same people

that write hate mail to

Nancy Pelosi every single day

and say terrible things

about Nancy Pelosi online

- every single day.

- Yeah, well, I mean, I've...

I've never said anything

about Nancy Pelosi online,

much less wrote her a

letter saying anything hateful.

ALEXANDRA: So, what are those?

PAUL: Those are

pelvic bones from a steer.

The shape of

them is kind of neat.

I always thought some

time I might take them

and make like a mask

out of them. (LAUGHS)

- ALEXANDRA: How about this?

- PAUL: That is when I achieved

the rank of Eagle

Scout, back in 2000.

And, of course, my

favorite president.

I keep him right up there.


the end, you went to jail

for eight months in the

name of Donald Trump?


ALEXANDRA: Eight months in jail,

and you're still a true

believer in the cult of Trump?

It's not a cult.

(LAUGHS) It is not a cult.

Once we got

elected, it just felt like...

It felt better than sex

the night he got

elected. (LAUGHS)


funny you said "We."

"The night we got elected."

Like, we got him

elected is what I said.

When I voted for George W.,

when I voted for Barack Obama,

it really didn't feel

that way to me,

like we all were a

part of something

that we were all

pushing forwards

and working together towards.

But when it came to

Trump, it did feel like that.

ALEXANDRA: So, better than sex?

And there's not too many things

that I would give

that description to.

ALEXANDRA: Wait and you

got your Donald Trump Jr. book

next to your bed?

Yeah, it was just recently

I've been reading that.

Wanna see something

that's kind of bizarre?

- ALEXANDRA: Always. What is it?

- PAUL: I'll show you, I have a...

In a jar, I have my appendix

that was taken out and...

- ALEXANDRA: I don't wanna see your appendix in a jar.


ALEXANDRA: That's a little

too up close and personal.

It's bad enough that I'm

sitting in your bedroom

with your Donald Trump Jr. book.

PAUL: I did work security

for President Trump.

I don't print all that

many of them out.

But if you can see,

there's one of me,

doing crowd control and

had a collared shirt and tie

with the sleeves ripped

off, showing off the big g*ns.

There he is at his

podium, speaking,

just behind my

shoulder, right there.

ALEXANDRA: You light up

when you talk about Trump.


It's like you're talking

about a love affair.

Oh, let me see your wardrobe.

Let me see those shoes.

My boots? (CHUCKLES)

You like my boots?

- ALEXANDRA: Love 'em.



do you wear those?

Uh, sometimes, when

I go out to the clubs.

These are my wrestling boots

from my days as a pro wrestler.

Kicked a lot of heads in

with these. (CHUCKLES)





PAUL: I competed in that

for right about 20 years.

It was about three years

ago or so where I retired.


PAUL: Felt it was

time to walk away.

I didn't get the thrill

from it that I used to.

I never had made it to the

mainstream, WWE, uh...

which is fine.

You know, plans change.

Your passions change, your

interests change over time.

ALEXANDRA: So, your dream

was to be a professional wrestler,

- but that never worked out?

- No, didn't come to fruition.


dream never came true.

And that left a deep void

that Donald Trump filled.

And you still like to look

at him every day, huh?

Yeah. You know,

I would say, uh...

his rise to, you know,

being our leader,

you know, was a

big part of my life.

I found a lot of cause in that.

All around, I like

his character a lot.


still idolize Donald Trump?

I still, uh, feel

that Donald Trump

was the very best US

president of my lifetime, at least.



his Facebook page,

Michael Curzio

posted this morning

"On our way back home.

Plus, I got arrested yesterday."

If anything happens

and we get (CENSORED)

arrested or k*lled,

just know, man, I love y'all

and I did what I believed in.

We're here for a

f*cking revolution, man.

That's it. That's it, man.


Fight for Trump!

Fight for Trump!

Fight for Trump!

Fight for Trump!

Fight for Trump!

Fight for Trump!

"Free country," my ass.

"Free country," my ass,

that's what we're fighting for!

Not communist bullshit!

These m*therf*ckers, man.

"We the People."

They work for us, and

they're throwing tear gas

and m*therf*cking

flashbang grenades.

This is wrong!


see you storm the Capitol.


filming this video right here.


- MICHAEL: That's me right there.


MICHAEL: Mm-hmm.

- ALEXANDRA: Wait. That's you?

- MICHAEL: Mm-hmm.


you wearing a face mask?

MICHAEL: 'Cause they

were throwing tear gas.



you storm the Capitol?

MICHAEL: It's not that

I stormed the Capitol.

I was just... I

was in a big crowd

and everybody was

just going forward,

it was just like

the herd mentality.

It was like, "You know what?

We're gonna go in there

and we're gonna be heard.

They're gonna hear us."


MICHAEL: I really

like that picture.

That one right there.

ALEXANDRA: So, this is a

very proud day in your life.

MICHAEL: It was.

Believe it or not,

you know, I mean.

ALEXANDRA: So, you're

in the first group of people

- who were arrested?

- Yep.

I was actually one of the

first people to get arrested.

I planned on going there,

hooting and hollering,

and then going home. Never

once on the ride up there

or sitting in my hotel did

I think, "You know what?

It'd be a great idea

to storm the Capitol."

That's stupid.

It really is, okay?

I'm not gonna lie.

ALEXANDRA: So, it was just

a heat of the moment thing?

It... It was. And then people

started getting pissed off.

People started going and I

said, "You know what, man?

This is wrong. We have

every right to be here."

I used to be a Democrat.

I voted for Barack

O-f*cking-Bama, okay?

You can go back to 2008

when that man got into office

and my name is on a

ballot for Barack Obama.

But they want to call

me a White supremacist

and they want to call me

a r*cist and this and that.

And I voted for the

first Black president.

- How does that work?

- ALEXANDRA: How did you get labeled a White supremacist?

Because of my prison

g*ng affiliation alone.


when you were in jail,

you joined a White

supremacy g*ng?

Yeah, I joined the

Aryan Brotherhood

while I was in there. And

it was either sink or swim.

ALEXANDRA: So, January 6th

was not your first run-in with the law?

I got arrested in

2012, April 23rd, 2012,

for attempted

first-degree m*rder.

I put a loaded g*n in my mouth

and almost blew my brains

out because I got so depressed.

Right before I went

to prison in 2012,

three days before

I got in trouble

for sh**ting that man,

I put that nine-millimeter

in my mouth,

put the clip in,

racked around,

put it in my mouth,

close my eyes, and I

squeezed the trigger.

And guess what?

That b*llet didn't go off.

And do you know what

happened after that?

I dropped that g*n on the ground

and I put my hands in my face

and I cried. I cried

like a little baby.

Okay? And then I

picked up my g*n,

took the clip out,

racked the b*llet out,

looked at the primer,

and there was a dimple

on the primer in the b*llet.

So, the b*llet was a dud.

I put that b*llet in

a f*cking ashtray

and was gonna have a

necklace made out of it

with my name on it.

And three days later...

I shot somebody.



me about your childhood.


up as a little, fat kid.

Used to get picked on a lot.

And then when I

pissed my dad off,

he'd just beat

the shit out of me.

ALEXANDRA: Sounds like

you had a pretty tough childhood.

MICHAEL: I started smoking weed

when I was a teenager in school,

you know, in middle

school and shit.

And I had a real

bad cocaine addiction

from when I was

16 till I was 22.

I'd say about 80

percent of the people

that I grew up with are dead.

I only got like six

or seven friends left

- that I grew up with.

- ALEXANDRA: How'd they all die?

MICHAEL: A lot of them

drug overdoses, murders.

So, it's like a

lot of the people

that I grew up with are gone.

This is my second

home right here.






safe for me to be here,

standing here, talking

to you right now?

- Yeah.

- ALEXANDRA: You're the member of a White supremacist g*ng.

No, I'm not.

I'm a former member

of a prison g*ng,

that I did what I had to do

to come home in one piece.

Remember, I did eight

years of incarceration. Okay?

I had to wake up in the

morning in a hostile environment,

go to sleep in a

hostile environment.

I had to sleep with my

shoes on sometimes.

ALEXANDRA: I still don't

understand why you went.


because I was tired

of not having my voice be heard.

I could go to Washington DC,

and I could be heard along

with hundreds of thousands

or millions of other people.

And that's what I

did. That's why I went.

I was gonna lose

everything anyways.

I was literally, month to month,

scraping together my rent money.

I had to go to where, "Okay,

am I gonna put gas

in my truck this week

or do I got to pay my insurance?

Am I gonna pay my

electric bill or pay my rent?"

You know what I mean?

And that was the

decisions that I had to make.

And finally, I said,

"Enough is enough.

That's it. I'm... I'm gonna go."


far did you go in school?

Oh, ninth grade. I dropped out.

I was a fuckup.

But you know what?

That doesn't make

me a stupid person.

I learned trades.

Even though I don't have

a high school diploma,

I know how to run

heavy equipment,

I know how to weld, I know

how to do auto mechanics,

I know how to do carpentry,

and I don't do no office job.

Drive a frigging redneck

truck. Here, check this thing out.

This is the deplorable

patriot, man, it's a piece of shit,

but it's my piece

of shit. I built it.

- Red, white and blue, baby.

- ALEXANDRA: Show it off.



truck right here.

I bought this thing

with a blown motor in it

and built it up the way I

wanted it... because I could.

ALEXANDRA: So, you did

six months for January 6th?

'Cause I'm an extreme picketer.

ALEXANDRA: Do you still

believe the election was stolen?

Yep. (LAUGHS) Yep!

ALEXANDRA: You still love

yourself that Donald Trump?

The man... Here's what I

liked about him, though, okay?

He reminded me of how...

real people are.


not a real person.

- He's a billionaire!

- He's a billionaire.

But I'm talking about

like the way he talked,

the way he thought,

I was just like,

"Man, you know what?

This guy's got some balls."



MICHAEL: Everything, in

my eyes, had gotten to a point

where it was affordable.

Things that you wanted

to do were in your grasp

and it got taken away.

Somebody save me

Me from myself

I spent so long

Living in hell

They say my lifestyle

Is bad for my health

It's the only thing

That seems to help

All of this drinking And

smoking is hopeless

But I feel like

It's all that I need

BAR PATRONS: Something

inside of me Is broken

I hold on to anything

That sets me free

I'm a lost cause

Baby, don't waste

Your time on me

I'm so damaged beyond repair

Life has shattered my

hopes And my dreams

I'm a lost cause

Baby, don't waste

Your time on me

ALEXANDRA: Do you still

feel like what you did was right?

I feel like what I did

was 100 percent right.

- ALEXANDRA: You don't regret it?

- Nope.

Not one bit.


you do it over again?

I probably wouldn't

have went in.


NEWSCASTER 1: Jason Riddle

is a US Army and Navy veteran

and a proud supporter

of President Trump.

Riddle took these videos

outside the Capitol building.


NEWSCASTER 1: And then

he followed the mob inside.

He says amid the mayhem,

he found a liquor cabinet

inside a lawmaker's office,

poured himself a glass of

wine and watched it all unfold.

NEWSCASTER 2: He stole

this book from the same office

and also took a small

Fox News football.

NEWSCASTER 3: Now, Riddle

is scheduled to be sentenced

February 17th in federal court.




not what I expected to see

at the home of a

domestic t*rror1st.

- The Trump-themed tree.

- Trump-themed tree.

And flamingoes,

big fan of flamingoes.


that right... Sorry.

Oh, that's my husband,

Robert Schoen.

Talking about wine,

that's actually the sign-in

for the wedding, you

signed a wine cork.

This was all the people

that came to our wedding.


you really like wine?

We both do. We're

big wine people.


realize that was Donald Trump.

JASON RIDDLE: Yeah, when you're

a Trump guy, people tend to buy you

weird presents.

Like... (LAUGHS)

ALEXANDRA: Okay, so who are you?

Okay, broken childhood,

typical daddy issues being,

you know, growing up gay.

Military out of high

school, I joined the Navy.

ALEXANDRA: Wait, you

should show us your pictures.

- Like that stuff. What is that?

- That's the Navy.

Basic training for the Navy.


me, show me, show me.

- Where are you?

- In the corner.

There I am.

Looking the wrong



you were in the Navy?

Yes, I was a quartermaster.


you were in the Navy,

the Army Reserves,

and you were a

correction officer?



what's a guy like that doing

storming the Capitol?

Um, well, I just went down,

honestly, basically

out of boredom.

The storming of the Capitol

was not part of that plan.

ALEXANDRA: So, what was it

inside of you that made you think,

"I'm gonna go

inside the Capitol"?

I just wanted

to... I had to see it.

I went in through a side door

and I walked through one office.

I walked through

that main hallway,

I went into another office.

And that's when I saw a fridge

in the corner with wine on top.

Saw people throwing

things and smashing things.

I kind of sat in the corner,

over by the fridge

where the wine was.

I looked down and there

were some wine glasses

and I poured myself

a glass of wine

and I just sat

and watched it all.

ALEXANDRA: But how did a gay,

married man who voted for Obama

end up storming the

Capitol for Trump?

I've been to a lot

of Trump rallies,

and they're a lot of fun,

and I thought maybe this

was gonna be the last one.

ALEXANDRA: So, how do

you feel about Trump now?

Oh, same way. Love the guy.

- ALEXANDRA: You still love the guy.

- Yeah.

Even though you're

gonna go to jail for him?

I'm not going to jail for him.

I didn't, at any time, think,

"Oh, Trump wants me to do this."

I think that's ridiculous.


you were in the Navy,

shouldn't something

inside of you said,

"I shouldn't go

into that building"?

A lot of judges are

saying to the defendants

when they get sentenced, um,

that are ex-military,

they're saying,

"Because you were military,

you should have known better."

And I think that is

the dumbest thing

I ever heard in my life,

because, you know,

what I did on January 6th

was probably one of the

most idiotic, um, moves

I've pulled since I

was in the military.

In the military, I

was an 18-year-old

that they handed a g*n

and taught how to k*ll people.

Like... (SCOFFS) I...

You talk about immature,

the things I did when

I was in the military,

it was a joke.

Maybe with officers,

maybe with officers.

I'll give them credit. They

should have known better,

but enlisted, we just

do what we're told.

- ALEXANDRA: So, you're running for Congress?

- Running for Congress.

You can campaign

from jail, not literally,

but you can still communicate

with the outside world

and I can have supporters.

ALEXANDRA: So, why are

you running for Congress?

'Cause I wanna make New

Hampshire normal again.

ALEXANDRA: So, do you have

any regrets about January 6th?

If I could go back,

would I do it different?

I mean, who wouldn't?

But life's not a video game.

You can't hit reset.

I already did it,

so I got to keep playing.


does it feel to be back in DC?

It's nice. The weather's

a lot better, you know,

and there's not an angry mob

trashing the Capitol

building right now.

Should I have the

MAGA tattoo last time?

- The MAGA... Oh, yeah.

- ALEXANDRA: Okay, wait.

Hold on, you're wearing

your Trump socks

- to your sentencing?


No one will notice.

No one will notice.

ALEXANDRA: So, you're

rocking your MAGA tattoo

and your Trump socks.

There we go.

ALEXANDRA: I can see

you're taking the sentencing

very seriously.

Okay, best case, worst case.

What's gonna

happen in there today?

Best case, she'll

be like, "Good job.

Thank you for

trying stop the steal.

Have a nice day. Probation."

Worst case scenario, a

year and a half in prison.


you got 90 days in prison.

How are you feeling?



days in jail. Was it worth it?

I think so.

It was worth it to try

and stop the steal,

one sip of wine at a time.




VIDEO) Going over the bridge.

Oh, yeah.

(CHUCKLES) That's pretty cool.

This is pretty cool.

Just driving itself.

All the way to DC.

My Tesla says I'mma get

there by 9:00 a.m. on the dot.

Hopefully, I'll encounter

a sea of red hats.

Oh, my peoples. My

peoples, they're there.

- Climb the wall! Whoo!


FELIPE: There's goes my sign.

Trump won, baby. Trump won.

- Whoo!


Hey, hey, can I get a

fist bump on camera?


Whoo! Yeah.

RIOTER 1: No, f*ck

them Democrats!

RIOTER 2: No! No Democrats. No!



RIOTER 3: We only broke

a couple windows. Whoo!




connection with the attack

on the US Capitol,

25-year-old Felipe Marquez

is charged with

knowingly entering

restricted grounds

and violent entry

or disorderly conduct

on Capitol grounds.

NEWSCASTER 2: Screenshots

from his own Snapchat videos

show Marquez smiling

while taking selfies inside.

He even filmed the moment

he and several others

sat at a conference room table

inside Oregon Senator

Jeff Merkley's office.


Marquez has been sentenced

to three months' house arrest

and 18 months' probation.

ALEXANDRA: Wait, so, they let you

out of the house to go buy Vitaminwater?

Groceries, medicine,

doctor's appointments.

ALEXANDRA: So liberal of you.

I believe in social programs.

Like, I'm a conservative,

but that doesn't mean I

wanna see the world burn.


Your home is now disarmed.

Your home is not ready to arm.

- ALEXANDRA: Home, sweet home.

- I like my home.

ALEXANDRA: You're spending

a lot of time here now, huh?

FELIPE: Mm-hmm.

ALEXANDRA: Oh, I didn't

even see that. Hold on a second.

So, what do you do

under house arrest?

FELIPE: I got my needles.

So, I take testosterone

replacement therapy.


do you take testosterone

- replacement therapy?

- Well, because I had,

like, a low testosterone level,

and I was wondering why

I always felt so depressed

my whole life. And,

you know, I just...

I tried working out.

Couldn't really gain muscle.

I tried to diet. I tried to

do everything I could.

So, I went to the doctor

and they prescribed

me some testosterone.

These are the needles

that I use to inject myself.


were you on testosterone

when you stormed the Capitol?

Unfortunately so.

Ooh, my neck kind of cracks

sometimes when I do that.

- ALEXANDRA: How do you look?

- Uh...

I think I look better

than when I was a vegan.

I weighed 130 pounds,

and now I weigh 160.


you won money on a lawsuit,

you became a conservative?

It's really weird

how that works.

It's like, "Oh, crap,

I don't have to do

pornography anymore?

Oh, man, this is great.

Oh, I don't have to... Oh, cool."


did you do pornography?

I don't know. Because

when people are desperate,

they'll sell their soul and

they'll try to do anything

for ten bucks, you know?

ALEXANDRA: How much money

did you make doing pornography?

Nothing. Zero. Like two cents.


you were bad at it?

I didn't do enough.


me about the transition

from wannabe pornstar

to Christian rioter

that storms the Capitol.

I got heartbroken by an ex,

and I thought that the Left

was destroying the family unit,

and I felt that she was a

victim of human trafficking.

ALEXANDRA: Did you pay her?

No, I never paid her

directly. But she's like,

"Can you give me an iPhone?

Can you give me some jewelry?

Some clothes?

- How about Air Pods?"


So, a hooker broke up with you

and that turned you into

a Christian conservative?

I thought she was

just a regular woman,

that was gonna

have a family with me,

and we would watch

conservative news together.

ALEXANDRA: Thought you said

you were gonna make me a cake?

Yeah, we can make a cake.


tell me the story.

- What's up?

- ALEXANDRA: Tell me

how you ended up

storming the Capitol.

I fell in love with a

woman, she betrayed me,

and I felt that it

was the Left's fault.


You're trying to tell me

- that you're blaming the Left?

- Solely responsible.

Solely respons... (CHUCKLES)

ALEXANDRA: You're telling

me that the Left is responsible

for your prost*tute

girlfriend leaving you,

and therefore, you

took it out on the Left

- by storming the Capitol...


and participating

in an insurrection?

Men are weird.

Men are weird, uh...

ALEXANDRA: I don't know if

men are weird. I think you are weird.

I am weird. There we go.


you stormed the Capitol

to impress a prost*tute?

Nothing... Nothing was working

in my brain at that moment.

Nothing. As I'm walking

over the broken glass

to enter the building

because people

have already walked in,

I'm thinking to myself,

"Hmm. If I get in trouble,

this is gonna be like

a Martin Luther King,

Rosa Parks moment for me."

- As I'm...


walking over the broken glass.

ALEXANDRA: Do you have any idea

how offensive it

is, you saying...

I get... I get it.

You had a Rosa Parks moment

crashing into the...

Storming into the Capitol?

Okay, look, if... if, um...

You know, it is offensive,

and I f*cked up on that point

'cause I don't

wanna be offensive.

Not in that regard.

Especially not in that regard.

Because I love Black women.

I wanna have my

own interracial family.

And that was offensive.



one bad girlfriend

and you took it out on the

United States Congress?

Things got out of hand.

I made a lot of bad

decisions in my life.

ALEXANDRA: Why do you

call yourself a conservative?

'Cause I believe conservatives

believe more in

the family structure

than the liberals do.


That is such bullshit.

I hate when conservatives

belittle liberals

by saying you guys

don't have family values.

- I get it.

- ALEXANDRA: I got a house

and kids and a mortgage,

and everything else.

I have only been married

once, happily, for decades.

And your patron saint, of

your conservative movement,

how many times

has he been married?

More than once.

ALEXANDRA: And he likes

to grab women by the...?

- Thing.

- Grab... Yeah, thing.

- Thank you.

- Yeah. Yeah.

ALEXANDRA: Do you feel like you were

a little brainwashed by President Trump?

Yeah. Yeah.

That... That would

be fair to say.

Most people that

went to January 6th

were because they were stupid

and bought the lie that

Trump was pushing.

All I want is to

start my own family.

And because I don't... have

my own, like, wife and kids,

you know, that kind of hurts.

I guess I've been broken

a million times over

and I don't wanna

be broken anymore.





got your cake and I got mine.

- But we can still coexist.

- Here's some cake.

- ALEXANDRA: Thank you.

- FELIPE: You're welcome.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.




Cake is good. (CHUCKLES)

-Cake is good.



We breached the

building. God is on our side!


RIOTER: You good, pal?

ALEXANDRA: So, are you

just with the January Sixers?



what is the worst thing you did

on January 6th?

Tell me the truth.

RONNIE: The worst? Okay, so...




Grab the door! Grab the door!


Yo, grab the door!

ALEXANDRA: But, Ronnie,

if they have video of you

pulling on a Capitol

police officer's helmet,

what makes you think

you're not gonna be

called guilty in a court of law?


ALEXANDRA: Don't you

feel like Donald Trump

just left you behind?


ALEXANDRA: So, what's

gonna happen to you?

RONNIE: Uh, I'm looking

at some serious time.

I mean, I could spend

five to nine years in jail.

I shouldn't have walked

in the Capitol that day.

I don't know what

compelled me other than,

you know, the mob mentality.



First time I got locked

up, I was 12 years old

and I spent most of

my childhood locked up.

ALEXANDRA: So, how much

time have you spent in prison?

Uh... (SIGHS) I've

been in and out of prison

three different times.

The longest was probably

about three years straight.

I've been out for

like ten years now.

Over ten years. And...


were you in prison for?

Um, fighting, drinking.

Used to get into

a lot of trouble.

Just live in the streets.

Doing street stuff.


me about your tattoos.


(SCOFFS) Just a

bunch of old street stuff.

If I could get rid of all

of them and start over,

I probably would, honestly,

'cause I don't like any of them,

they all suck. (CHUCKLES)

ALEXANDRA: Okay, but how

about the one on your head?

- Show it, show it.

- That one, my third degree.

ALEXANDRA: So, why did you get

"Proud Boy" tattooed on your head?

I'm just very proud

of the organization

or the brotherhood.


you become a Proud Boy?

Um, so, it was after DC.

At the time of DC and the sixth,

I was not affiliated

with the Proud Boys

- at that time.

- ALEXANDRA: What happened?

I'd been interested,

and I've seen we shared

a lot of the same beliefs.

A lot of the guys are like me

and rough around the edges.

Not like a PG group.

It's not anything soft.

So, I was drawn to that

and just the brotherhood.


you see how that tattoo

is offensive to people?

This is a moment

in American culture...


- Where the Proud Boys

have been identified

as a hate group.

- Yes, ma'am.

- ALEXANDRA: And you are

identifying yourself

as the poster child

of the hate group.

If they knew what

Proud Boys was,

they would not be

offended whatsoever, no.

ALEXANDRA: So, you're trying to tell

me the Proud Boys is not a hate group?

- No, it's definitely not.

- ALEXANDRA: What is it, then?


a love group if anything.

You know that, like, literally

where we're at right now,

this is called the

Bro Love State.

In South Dakota,

these guys don't even

really get involved with rallies

or anything like that. It's

just about brotherly love.

All it is, it's a brotherhood,

men's drinking club.

ALEXANDRA: So, what inspired

you to crawl through the window

and go into the Capitol?

Okay, so, that's where

things get interesting, right?


Knutson, who lives in Mitchell,

is accused of

entering the Capitol

through a window and

recording video of the riot

that he later used

in music videos

on his YouTube channel.

BILLY: Reason

we supported Trump

Is because he fought for us

And those conservative values

And beliefs That we

believe in so strongly

Give me freedom

Or give me death...


me about your music.

BILLY: I used to do gangsta rap.

I used to be into more

just like, lyrical type stuff.

But after I made a song called

"Stand Back and Stand By,"

that's when pretty much

everything changed after that.

It's kind of like a classic

amongst the patriotic community.


Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.

ALEXANDRA: So, you've

had over a million downloads

of this song.

BILLY: Because there's

a lot of people that relate

to what I'm speaking on.


I'm locked and loaded

Ready for a civil w*r

Don't try to tread on me...


Hold on, hold on, hold on.

So, you said, "I'm

locked and loaded

- and ready for a civil w*r."

- Yeah, that's hypothetically.

That's speaking in metaphors,

basically, I'm not really,

you know... I can't

even have g*ns.

I'm a felon. So, yeah.

ALEXANDRA: So, do you think

we're gonna have a civil w*r?

I think we're already

in, like, a civil w*r.

But it's a culture

w*r right now.

ALEXANDRA: You still

believe the election was stolen?

BILLY: I do.


there's nothing I can do

- to convince you otherwise?

- No.

ALEXANDRA: January 6th

- really activated you.

- Yeah.


don't you play me a song

you think the kids

would really like?

All righty.


They say let's go, Brandon

I say f*ck Joe Biden

I'm a real Proud Boy,

homie I ain't never hidin'

I be ridin' with that .45

Trump and the handguns

Stand Back and Stand By

That was The

m*therf*cking anthem

When I say f*ck

Joe You say Biden

- f*ck Joe

- SINGER: Biden

- f*ck Joe

- SINGER: Biden

Cover up your

ears for this part.




ALEXANDRA: Why do you

hate Nancy Pelosi so much?

Gotta see who's knocking

on the door real quick.

ALEXANDRA: Some nice,

family friendly music there.



- Hi.

- BILLY: What's going on, guys?


guys, your dad was just

playing his music for us.

What do you guys

think of that song,

- "f*ck Joe Biden"?


It's a good song.


- BILLY: It's a good song?

Yeah, it's a good song.

ALEXANDRA: It's a good

song. You guys like that?

BILLY: What's your

favorite song by Daddy?


- BILLY: Huh?


- "f*ck Joe Biden."

- BILLY'S WIFE: Oh, Lacey!

- BILLY: Lacey, don't say that.

- BILLY'S WIFE: Don't cuss.

- Oh my gosh.



wonder where she gets it.

BILLY: That's why I'm

working on the cussing.

- What's wrong with my baby?


- BILLY'S WIFE: He's fine.



Baby boy, it's okay.

It's okay, buddy.

Okay. I don't know if...

I'm gonna take him

back downstairs.

He's so tired, I might

try to lay him down.

Did you say bye?


"f*ck Joe Biden."

What kind of message is

that sending to the kids?

Uh, hopefully,

people, you know...

I guess I don't know, I'd

have to think about the lyrics.

It's not the best

song for kids, no,

but it's not meant to

be hateful, though. No.

ALEXANDRA: Wait, "f*ck

Joe Biden" is not meant

to be hateful?

(CHUCKLES) I mean,

it's not like hate speech.

I mean, I understand,

well, that's a

disrespectful statement,

but, um, that's just what it is.

You know, it's fine.

That's how I feel.

f*ck Joe Biden.


-BILLY: Family.

(GROANS) Oh, I got a headache.



ALEXANDRA: How do you

feel about his Proud Boy tattoo?

I wish it wasn't

on his forehead,

but it's something that

he's very passionate about,

I mean, and I'm

not gonna tell him

he can't do something

that he's passionate about.


you think of Dad's tattoo?

Um, I mean...


You can be honest.

BILLY: You can say it's

stupid if you think it's stupid.


- Like, I'm fine with it.

But if he didn't...

It's like it'd be better

if he just didn't

get it on his head.

Oh, yeah. I was gonna

get it just right here.

Yes, you were gonna

get it on your arm.

And I would prefer

it on your arm,

but smack dab in the

middle of the forehead...


have to look at that every day.

I mean, he has a

bunch of tattoos.

I've gotten... I'm so used to it.

I don't judge him

for his tattoos.


have you been together?


- Twelve years?

- Yeah.

Twelve years.


why do you like him?

I don't know. Why do I like you?


- BILLY'S DAUGHTER: Oh my God. He's face.

- Interview's over.


Uh, well, I met

him when I was 17.

I was almost 18 when I met

him. We were from the same town.

I got pregnant

pretty, pretty quick.

Where I'm from,

a lot of the dads

are not in their kids' lives,

and he has made sure

that he's been there,

every step of the way.

ALEXANDRA: So, you're

trying to tell me this is the most

- stable guy you've met?


Before I met him, yes.

Before he met me, he was...

You were kind of a troublemaker.

Yeah. Oh, it's definitely

been a process,

but she's stuck with me.


don't think your dad...

Your dad looks

really scary, though.

- No, he's not scary.

- BILLY'S WIFE: No, he's not scary.

Like, if you live with him

and see him every

day, he's not scary.

He comes off that way

to you when he talks.

But he doesn't... I think

it's just from his past,

like being in and out of

prison when he was younger.

- Yeah.

- I think that's put a lot

of wear and tear on him

to where that's just

how he comes off.

And he's really not like that.

ALEXANDRA: So, are you

a Democrat or a Republican?


ALEXANDRA: You're not

gonna kick her out of the house.

What if she's a liberal? Are you

gonna kick her out of the house?

- Depends.


- Depends how liberal.

- No, no.

I mean, if she cuts her hair

and dyes it blue and comes home

and says she's a boy one day,

we might have to... (CHUCKLES)

No, we're not... See...

- (CHUCKLES) It's a joke.

- And that's the people...

Well, no, that's the

thing that people say

about conservatives,

that we, you know, we're

against other people.

I believe that everybody is

gonna be their own person.

If you're a Democrat,

that does not mean

that we don't like you.

My mom's a Democrat.

- My mom hates Trump.

- And we supported Trump.

Yeah, his mom hates Trump.

She's pro-vaccine,

all that stuff.


of these kids vaccinated?




Man will spend six months

behind bars for his role

in the January 6th attack

on the US Capitol.

Billy Knutson will

also spend 12 months

on supervised release.

Knutson initially faced four

charges, but made a deal...


There you go.


Your water bottles.

ALEXANDRA: So, how do

you feel about your dad going

to prison for six months?

I just, like, for some reason,

I don't feel like it's real.

It doesn't, like... When it

comes to mind, it doesn't feel like

it's actually happening.


happened at the sentencing?

Sentencing was complete crap.

It was 99 percent... was

talking about his lyrics.

And then they did

put a little note in there

that he was not

violent or destructive.

They made it sound

as if he enticed,

he could have been an enticer

for the whole

January 6th song thing

with his "Stand Back

and Stand By" song.


what did the judge say?

Basically, saying how my

lyrics, the rhetoric in my lyrics,

inspired people to

go do negative things,

- the insurrection and stuff like that.


Because I say that,

"I'm locked and loaded,

ready for a civil w*r."

That's not saying...

- I'm gonna go, "Yeah..."

- He's ready in case it comes at him.

"go start some shit, let's

go start some v*olence."

That's saying, "If you f*ck

with me, I'm not scared.

I'm not backing down. If

you f*ck with me, I'm ready."

ALEXANDRA: So, in the

statement of offense, it says...

You sing a song, you say,

"f*ck them all, f*ck them all.

It's a lost cause now.

Line them up like dominoes

and watch them all fall down."

"This refrain is

repeated several times."

That was pretty bad,

honestly. Like... (LAUGHS)

That was one that just...

- Hmm, it could've been worse.

- Yeah, it could have been worse.

- I made him change the lyrics.

- She actually made me change

the lyrics on that one,

because it did sound

- a little too aggressive.

- ALEXANDRA: It says,

"Knutson clearly

affiliates himself

with the Proud

Boys extremist group.

'We Proud Boys

ready for a civil w*r.

Seventy million armed civilians.

Y'all ready? Wanna brawl?'"

"f*ck around and

find out." That's it.

That's all that

means. Same shit.

He's talking about the 70 million

armed civilians. He's talking about...

- BILLY: Trump supporters.

- Trump supporters.

- Seventy million Trump supporters that...

- Because he...

ALEXANDRA: So, I get it.

It's your free speech

right to sing these things.

But it seems like the

judge didn't like this line.

You say, "Had to

storm the Capitol.

Nancy don't like

us in her office."

But, clearly, Billy did

not go in her office.

But there was

people in the office.

He was just talking

about what people did.

I thought it was hilarious. I

thought it was a genius line.

I'm artistic. I think

I'm a great lyricist.


like any of your songs.


ALEXANDRA: But I support

your right to sing them.

Yes. And so, I feel

the same way about

if somebody is completely

against what I believe in...

That sucks. I don't

agree with you,

but you should

be able to say it.

I don't believe that

just what I'm saying

should be allowed to be said.

Like, everybody should be able

to say whatever

the f*ck you want to.

That's freedom of speech.

One person doesn't get to

say, "Oh, that's hate speech.

- I don't like that, so that's hate speech."


That's not how that works.

What's hate speech to you

and what's hate speech to me

might be two complete

different things.

So, why does your opinion

matter more than my opinion?

These are yours now.


has snacks in it, okay?



You guys take care

of each other, okay?

Take care of each other,

be nice to each other,

have each other's backs, okay?

We're gonna get through this.

We're gonna get through this.

We're gonna get through this.

- I love you so much.

- I love you.





The Proud Boys

Ready for a civil w*r

Seventy million

Armed civilians

Y'all don't really

Want to brawl

United we stand

Divided we fall

But half of y'all

Gon' get f*cked up

We gon' ride to this song

Man, I'm so tired

Of the slander

The fake news and propaganda

Rollin' with some Proud Boys

Time to respect the commander

I'm not lyin' when I

say Joe Biden should be

In the slammer in a

cell Right next to Killary

Hold up, cut the cameras

Red, white and blue bandana...


OFFICER: Be advised,

there's probably about

300 Proud Boys.

They're marching towards

the United States Capitol.

Fight for America!


Tucsonans were arrested today

after an FBI criminal

complaint placed siblings

Felicia and Cory Konold

at the January 6th

riot at the Capitol.



witness provided information

for Felicia Konold's

Snapchat account,

where the report says

she talks about being recruited

into a Kansas City chapter

of the Proud Boys.

The report also says

Konold posted a video saying,

"I never could have imagined

having that much of an influence

on the events that

unfolded today.

We did it."

ALEXANDRA: So, are you

guys, like, best friends or what?

- I mean, we're pretty close.

- We're pretty... Yeah.

We're like within a

year of each other.

ALEXANDRA: So, would you

follow her to the end of the earth?

- I mean, I followed her into the Capitol.

- Feel like we just did.

I just feel like we

already did that.

CORY KONOLD: My sister

wanted to go on a road trip

and I, at first,

didn't want to go,

but then rethinking about

it, I was like, "All right,

that sounds like a good deal."

You know, I'll

keep my sister safe,

have a fun road trip.

Wasn't working anyways.


you weren't on a road trip

just to go to DC

for this protest.

You were just on a road trip.

Yeah, we were

just on a road trip,

and we ended up being

in DC on the same day,

seeing that there was a protest.

And we were like, "Well,

we've never been to a protest."


CORY: I'd heard about all

these Black Lives Matter protests

and all these other protests

that can end up getting violent.

So, you know, a little bit

of forethought on my end

was at least, like, I

wanted to be able to

be and protect her,

get her out of a situation

'cause I'm a very

strong individual myself.

So, I knew if worst

things came to worst,

I could pick her up and run.

And I've learned this

because of my parkour.

I trained throughout high

school every day, day in, day out,

doing parkour,

and it became a

part of who I am.

So, this is a court.

It's a really beautiful thing

when you watch someone do it.

It's just natural to me.

ALEXANDRA: What does that do

to your ankle bracelet? Let's see.

CORY: I mean, I'm not sure.

It has a little bit

of movability, but...


it's hard to do parkour

with your electric

monitoring bracelet.

It is because part of parkour

is landing on your

toes and being very soft.

ALEXANDRA: So, what kind of

legal troubles are you facing now?

It could be a variety of things.

I'm going through

the whole court system

and I could be facing, you know,

a sentence of up

to 36 years in jail.

ALEXANDRA: So, you had no idea

what you were doing on

January 6th was wrong?

I mean, I could presume

at some level it was wrong,

but I didn't quite

understand the extent of it.

You know, I'm not the brightest.

I was in special education

in school growing up.

I grew up on eating Bagel Bites

and pizza rolls and Hot Pockets.

ALEXANDRA: Are you saying

you come from a broken family?

I come from a

very broken family.


NEWSCASTER 1: The report

provides evidence that shows,

both Felicia and Cory Konold

participated in helping crowds

pass police barriers and

obstruct law enforcement

from securing the

Capitol from the protesters.


believes that they are linked

to the Proud Boys.

ALEXANDRA: So, how did

you end up with the Proud Boys?

On that day of the

protest, me and my sister

went to go walk around

just the Washington area.


We came across a group

of very nice, friendly people

that seemed competent

in protecting or helping

if things were to go south.

Walked up to them

and I shook their hand.

I said, "Hi, how are

you guys doing?"

And they introduce

themselves by their names.

ALEXANDRA: Were you a

member of the Proud Boys

- before January 6th?

- No.

I... I heard of them in passing,

but I didn't know

what the group was.

I didn't know what

it was made out of.

I didn't know their mission.

I just thought it

was a guy group.


how come the government

is saying you're a Proud Boy?

FELICIA: Because I

was walking with them.

And I had orange tape,

I think it was on my hat.

And they also were

wearing orange.


NEWSCASTER: Video from

inside the deadly Insurrection

in January shows a woman

preventing security barriers

from closing, in turn,

allowing a crowd of rioters

to storm inside.

RIOTER: Oh, you're

scared now, m*therf*cker!


you find out that you fell in

with some really

bad dudes that day?

I don't think they're bad dudes.

They're painted as a bad

group, but these people were nice.


you get the tactical gear?

FELICIA: I owned it.

I live on the Mexico border,

so whenever you go

out hunting or stuff,

there's cartel out there

and they don't mess around.


you bring your tactical gear

on your road trip?

'Cause we were going to DC, too.

That was part of the road trip.

ALEXANDRA: Have you had

any contact with the Proud Boys

- since January 6th?

- No.

And I never had any

contact with them prior, so...


RIOTER: This is your

chance to fight for your country.

ALEXANDRA: Your sister's

story does not add up.

She's not telling the truth.

She's lying to us.

She does have a history

of lying, but at this point,

I think she's realized

where her flaws

and lying has gotten her.

And I don't think she's

gonna be lying anymore.

What do you think the truth is?

I think the truth is that

we were in the wrong

place the wrong day.

No, she had a Proud Boy hookup.

Are you 100 percent

sure that she didn't know

any Proud Boys before

she got there that day?

I am 100 percent sure

she knew no Proud Boys.

We didn't even know the

Proud Boys group existed.

We didn't know where

they were gonna be.



her matching ankle monitors.

Love it.

Sounds like you're falling

on the sword for your sister.

CORY: I mean,

to a certain point,

I did fall on the

sword for my sister,

but at the same time,

I'm not gonna throw her

under the bus for anything.

I love my sister.

I could have kept myself

out of this position fully.

But push comes to shove,

like, I made my choices.

And those choices

led me to here.

ALEXANDRA: You might

just end up in jail for 35 years.

Yeah, exactly. You know,

and that's horrid hearing it.

That... It keeps me up at

night. I have nightmares about it.

ALEXANDRA: You don't

resent your sister at all?

I mean, she's pregnant,

and she has a

ten-year-old child,

and she went and got herself

into some real deep trouble.

Well, from what she was

hearing, the election was stolen.

And a lot of Americans believe

- that the election was stolen...


Do you believe the

election was stolen?

I don't think the

election was stolen.



you feel about Donald Trump

after all this?

CORY: He told everyone

the election was overthrown

and to come to the Capitol

to protest it.

And not only that,

but apparently,

he had said

something about 1776.

And as far as I've learned,

that's a date when...

there was a w*r that

went on for... something.

I haven't looked

into it too much.


have you ever voted?

This was actually the

first election that I voted in.

And you know who I voted for?



feel bad about the fact

that you dragged your

brother into this criminal mess?

I didn't drag him.

We wanted to go

on a road trip

together, and we did.

NEWSCASTER: Felicia and

Cory now face a slew of charges,

including conspiracy

and entering a

restricted building.

CORY: I'm a fool

at the wrong place

at the wrong time.

If I could have sat there,

knowing that that's

what the building was,

that going on was

the voting count,

and interrupting it

would cost me this,

would cost me that,

I wouldn't have let myself go in

and I wouldn't have

let my sister go in.


know you were pregnant

- when you got arrested?

- No.

ALEXANDRA: But if you have to go to

jail, what's gonna happen to your son?

That part I haven't

even thought about

because that part is

uncomprehendable to me.

Like, if I have to go to jail, what's

gonna happen to my unborn baby?

Like, those are things that I

cannot mentally comprehend.




Some guy pulled down the

Speaker of the House plaque

and Emily got part

of it. (LAUGHS)

- You bitch.


Here you go. Here

you go, brother.


Nancy, Nancy, Nancy!


Missouri woman seen carrying

House Speaker Nancy

Pelosi's nameplate

in last week's

riot at the Capitol

is facing charges tonight.

Emily Hernandez

of Sullivan, Missouri,

near St. Louis,

was identified

through tips to the FBI.


shows Hernandez holding up

a wooden plate from

Nancy Pelosi's office.

NEWSCASTER 3: A Sullivan

woman, accused of stealing

from the US Capitol

during the January 6th riots,

turned herself in to

authorities in St. Louis,

late this afternoon.

She's a 21-year-old girl,

and she's got her

whole life ahead of her.

She knows, you know,

this was obviously a mistake,

but she's ready to move past

it, ready to, um, do the things

that she needs

to do to correct it.


Franklin County woman

who pleaded guilty

to her involvement

in the January 6th

Capitol insurrection

will be sentenced today.

NEWSCASTER 5: Hernandez

is charged with entering

and remaining in

a restricted building

in the January 6th riot.








ALEXANDRA: Emily, you

were with an angry mob.

What do you think the

angry mob would have done

if they saw Nancy Pelosi?

I don't know.

They probably would

have maybe tried to hurt her.

ALEXANDRA: Emily, did you go to

the Capitol to assassinate my mother?

No. Oh my God. No. No.



did you take her sign?

EMILY: Well, it was

being smashed down.

Smashed down on the ground.


EMILY: My uncle was

like "Get a piece of that."

WILLIAM: Get a piece

of that! Get a piece of that!


And so, I just went down and

grabbed a piece and held it.

WILLIAM: Emily, show the plaque.

ALEXANDRA: Would you have

known who Nancy Pelosi was

if you saw her with your

own two eyes on January 6th?

Uh... no.

No. I actually looked

her up a lot after

and she's just

like a little old lady.

(CHUCKLES) She's just little.


study government in school?

I've taken government

classes and whatnot,

but it's not like...

I didn't really

follow along with it.

I mean, I've been

taught, but I mean,

it's not like I really

remember that much.

But no, I don't follow

any politics or anything.


why did you say yes

to going to a Trump

rally in Washington?

'Cause I was getting out.

Getting out of the house,

being able to leave Missouri.

My uncle asked

me if I wanted to go

to a Trump speech,

and I said, "Sure."

I didn't necessarily

want to watch the speech.

I just wanted to see the area,

just get out of

Missouri for a little bit.


EMILY: My uncle wanted to go.



- WILLIAM: Look at that!

I mean, I was with my uncle

and he made me feel safe.

I have never followed politics

nor cared about

them at that age.

When my uncle asked

me if I wanted to go

to Washington DC, to

watch a Trump speech.

I've always looked

up to my uncle

and I've always trusted him.

I tried calling the c**t, Nancy,

but she wouldn't answer.

- Nancy? Nancy? c**t!



you do learn something

about the company you keep.

I mean, your uncle was

saying terrible things.



you were giggling.

Yeah, but I felt like I

did that to save face.


you're from a small town,

little farm community

in Missouri?

EMILY: Yeah.


January 6th change you?

Once people started, like,

posting things about me

and saying really bad

things, it made me start feeling

like I was just a bad person.

I don't know, I got more anxiety

and never wanted to show my face

in... public anymore.

People that I thought were

my friends weren't anymore,

like so many people

were letting what I did, like,

define me as a person,

and I just felt hate

from everybody.

So, like, I deleted

all my social media

because I didn't want to see

what people were

saying about me.

And I'm glad I did

because I didn't

want that negativity.

I just went into a deep

hole of depression.

I don't know. I didn't do much.

Just, life wasn't the same, I

didn't go out or do anything.

I just stayed at home and

tried to ignore my phone.

I didn't feel welcome anywhere.

And then I thought, "Oh,

I'm just gonna start drinking.

Like, I'm just gonna take

a drink to forget about this."


NEWSCASTER 1: Truck driver,

Jeff Barlow, recorded this video

of this car going the

wrong direction on I-44

and cars swerving

to get out of the way.


flashing my headlights,

to try to warn

eastbound about the car.


said the car was going

around 60 miles an hour

and he tracked it for six miles,

trying to get the

driver to realize

they were in the wrong lane.

The collision, he says,

sounded like an expl*si*n.

JEFF: The two

cars were airborne.


Wilson of St. Clair was k*lled

and her husband,

Ryan, was seriously hurt

when their car was hit

head on in Franklin County.

NEWSCASTER 1: According

to the Highway Patrol,

22-year-old Emily

Hernandez was the driver

of the wrong-way car.

And according to

the crash report,

she was driving drunk.


her to sit in jail and suffer

for what she's put

everybody through.


are you charged with?

DWI resulting in death

and DWI resulting

in serious injury.

ALEXANDRA: All on the

anniversary of January 6th?

On, like, the eve of it.

I think they're connected

because the stress that I had

from January 6th

weighed on me for so long

and I just started

letting it destroy my life.

That turned into something else.

Something else that was

bad that destroyed my life.



Excuse me. No, no.


Donald Trump won

this election. By far.

We're not gonna let

it be stolen from us.

ALEXANDRA: We're driving

by the White House now.

Hey, Donald! (LAUGHS)


not in there. He lost.

Yeah, to some people.

- ALEXANDRA: Not to you, though.

- He's not a loser.

No, no. He got... cheated.

He got fraudulently

cheated out of the election.

It's my opinion.

ALEXANDRA: You still

believe that two years later.

You even believe it.

You know that the...

You can't rightfully

say that Joe Biden

won the election

fair and square.

It's just not possible.

I don't think they'll

let me go in, huh?

ALEXANDRA: No, because you're

a domestic t*rror1st, remember?

I'm your favorite

domestic t*rror1st.

Get it right.

- ALEXANDRA: Dude, you just ran a red light.

- I know.

I'm watching you film me here,

so I'm getting ready to

get a special invitation

to the Capitol jail,

running red lights up here.

- Straight?

- ALEXANDRA: Straight.

All right.

ALEXANDRA: So, for two years,

you've been trying to prove to me

that January 6th was staged.

January 6th was an attempt

to frame Donald Trump

for the so-called


- ALEXANDRA: Okay, prove it.

- I am.

I don't have all of

my evidence here,

but I have enough that's

gonna make you say

something strange went

on there that day. So...


starting in Nancy's office?


- ALEXANDRA: You don't think

that's gonna offend

me in the first shot?

If you can make it this far,

you can make it the

rest of the way, all right?

These two are Antifa.

And they're trying

to direct traffic.

They're trying to send

people to your mother's office.

These are definitely


Go here, go there,

directing traffic.

That's what we have here, too.

I'm sold on them being Antifa.

A lot of Antifa that day,

they had on gray toboggans,

dark glasses, hoodies, masks,

everything, no Trump

wear whatsoever.

Who dresses like that

to go to a Trump rally?

Who wears a Lexan mask?

I know I sound

a little bit crazy,

but I've evaluated everybody

in this building that day.

And let's see if we

can zoom in on this.

I mean, what is this

gray? What is this?

Who dresses like

that at a Trump rally?

We don't hide our faces.

You only hide your faces

when you're ashamed

or you're trying to...

When you're doing

something illegal.

Again. Toboggan. Hoodie.

Face diaper. I find it strange.

So many pictures of

these people doing this stuff

or this type of people,

provocateur type.

When I show you these

next couple of clips.

You're gonna be like,

"This is really suspicious."

NEWSCASTER: the armor,

and is carrying a baseball bat.

Boom! What's that?

The very first flag that

was in the Capitol that day

was a rebel flag.

Was it for the optics?

Who... I mean, who

carries a rebel flag

to a Trump protest, you know?

I mean, it was to make

us look like a bunch

of Southern rednecks

from the South

taking over the Capitol.

That's the narrative they slung

as soon as they

found a rebel flag.

ALEXANDRA: But the guy who had

the Confederate

flag in the Capitol

got prosecuted.

I believe he's a Democrat.

I can't prove it, but, uh...


think he said in court

that he was a Trump supporter.

This is what I saw at

the top of the bleachers

when I got to the

top of the bleachers,

I was really just trying

to get this shot right here.

I wanted that shot.

But this I couldn't understand.

Cops just standing there,

allowing all these people

to walk in peacefully.

They never tried

to secure the door.

They never made any effort

to stop the people

from going in.

They could have easily screamed

or just said, "Hey,

don't go in there."

But they never made any

attempt to stop anybody.

ALEXANDRA: There were

clearly bad people mixed in.

Well, this is just some of it.

It goes on and on

and on, you can't...

ALEXANDRA: Okay. I can't go

down the wormhole with you anymore.


You're taking me down

the wormhole, man.

(CHUCKLES) You like

being down the wormhole,

or you wouldn't

be here right now.

ALEXANDRA: So, you're

okay with going to jail for a year

for Donald Trump?

Donald Trump opened

my eyes to a lot of things.

I'm thankful to Donald

Trump. I love my president.

ALEXANDRA: Johnny, what if

you're wrong about everything?

I've been wrong before.

You can't be right

about everything.

But am I right about 2020?

You're damn right I am.

It was a peaceful

protest. It was h*jacked.

And to use this

against Donald Trump

to try to impeach him with.


Okay, just stop talking.

I don't want to hate you.

Every time you

start, you go too far,

- I start to hate you.

- Okay. Okay.


don't wanna hate you.

- It's just fine.

- ALEXANDRA: We have to get along.

Hey, I have to be hated.

You know, somebody's

got to hate me.

I'm loved by 80

million Americans,

but I'm gonna be hated

by 80 million more.

So, let's call it

60 million more.


there's nothing I can do

to convince you

that you're wrong.

No, no. And you're

not gonna convince me

and you're not gonna convince

the 70 or 80 million Americans

that feel like I do.


maybe not 80 million.

Eighty million or more.

ALEXANDRA: I understand

that there are questions

about January 6th,

but you can't accept the

fact that the Proud Boys

and the Oath Keepers were

planning something that day.

I mean, three or four

people can be, you know,

I would say stupid

like that, all right?

But was the overall majority

of the people there that day

there to overthrow

the government?

No, there's no

overthrowing the government

with bullhorns and flags.

Do you realize that the

militant organizations

that were there to

overthrow the government

needed a chorus

of little people,

they called them

"normies," people like you

that were just the fools.

They were using you.

Nobody used me.

I went there on

my own free will.

Nobody come up and

said, "Hey, norm, normie,

we're gonna do this today."

Nobody approached me,

trying to get me to do anything.

I did stupid shit on

my own, all right?

You better not play this shit

on TV, I swear! (LAUGHS)

If you make me look like a fool,

I'm gonna be so... pissed

off at myself. (LAUGHS)

ALEXANDRA: I'm not gonna

make you look like a fool.

- Because I don't think that...

- I make myself look like a fool.

ALEXANDRA: I don't think

that advances the conversation.


-ALEXANDRA: We have to try

- to understand each other.

- Right.


to listen to each other.

And we have to try to

understand each other.

We can't make fun of each other.

We can't, you know,

hate each other.

You called me a normie. (LAUGHS)

An insurrectionist, huh?

That's big words for

somebody with a flag.

A flag? How do I take over

a government with a flag?

How? It just don't happen.

So, this whole thing is...

is... is, uh,


insurrection, not mine.




Alexandra. How are you?

ALEXANDRA: Ronnie, how are you?

RONNIE: I'm all right.

I've been better,

but I'm all right.

ALEXANDRA: What's happening?

RONNIE: It's crazy in here.

Uh, these people are nuts.

- These people are f*cking nuts.

- ALEXANDRA: So, what changed?

It sounds like

something changed.

Thought you said

they were good people,

last time we talked.


know, a lot's changed for me.


I mean, I think the

hearings really affected me.

Seeing the first

day of the hearings

and seeing them

cheering on the v*olence

and all the terrible

things that we did.

I was so disgusted

watching them do that.

I mean, I'm the only

one here that's just, like,

actually processing

the hearings.

And any time, you know,

any of the riots come on

they're cheering like

it's the Super Bowl.

These people have no remorse.

They have no regret

for what they've done.

I'm so disgusted by them,

like, just watching them,

'cause I feel so remorseful

for what I did that day.

They don't want to

hear any of the facts.


it just bothers

me that I'm, like,

"Wow, I guess I used to be

one of these people," you know?

And it has made

me feel terrible,

just... terrible.

And I told them, I

said, "Look, you know,

aren't you guys ashamed

of what you're doing?

Aren't you ashamed of

what happened that day

and your actions and

what you did, like I am?"

And of course, they

didn't wanna hear that.

They didn't wanna

hear that from me.

And I'm like the

most hated person

in this unit now

because, you know,

I'm digesting the information

and actually taking it to heart.

And now they're

calling me Rhonda.

I mean, they're just calling

me hateful things now,

r*cist things.

You know, there's a

Black guy and a brown guy,

and we're both just

like subjected to racism

all the time now.

You know, they still believe

Trump's gonna come back

and election fraud

is gonna get proven.

All this crazy conspiracy shit.

The crazy mental acrobatics

these people do in here.


PHONE) You have one minute left.

RONNIE: I'm a category three,

which means they're

considering me

the worst of the worst.

I mean, I did what I did.

I did as*ault two

officers that day.

I mean, I made a mistake.

You know? And I'm

willing to take responsibility.

Pretty bad.

Yeah. Anyway, that's

my time, I got to run.

I'll call you some

time sooner than later.



- AUTOMATED VOICE: The caller has hung up.




Somebody save me

Me from myself

I spent so long

Living in hell

They say my lifestyle

Is bad for my health

It's the only thing

That seems to help

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh