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05x19 - Baby Blues

Posted: 10/19/23 06:19
by bunniefuu

♪ Here we are

Face to face ♪

♪ A couple of silver spoons ♪

♪ Hoping to find

We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Making a go

Making it grow ♪

♪ Together

We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together

Taking the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things

You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons

Together ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪

Marie, is there any more coffee?

You want fresh coffee?

Fresh would be nice.

I'd have to make it. about

some stale coffee?

I'd have to make that too.

On second thought,

I'm trying to cut down.

Good. I don't drink it myself.

Makes me irritable!

I could use a hand.

I could use a hammer here.

Oh, honey. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Got it.

Oh, thank you.

What's this stuff?

O-ho. That's for

Rick's science project.

Don't tell me he's going

to grow fungus again.

I'm a little late because I had

to pick up his dry cleaning,

and I took his books

to the library.

Couldn't he do that

for himself?

Well, of course,

but I offered to help him.

I think some things

people should do for themselves.

I picked up

your dry cleaning too.

Well, that's different.

Where was that--?

Oh! Here it is.


Dad, since when have you been

into puzzles?

Since, Dex bet me

that I didn't have the patience

to put Mona Lisa together.

Well, that's a good bet, Dad.


For Dexter.


Anyway, I just spoke

to Mom on the phone.

Oh, how nice.

And since she's in town

for the weekend,

I thought I'd surprise her

by cooking dinner for her.

You cook? That is a surprise.

An even bigger surprise

if she cooked.

Well, Dad, that's just it.

Whenever Mom

comes to town,

she takes me

to some fancy restaurant.

So for once,

I want to show her

how much I appreciate it,

and cook dinner for her on

Sunday, which happens to be...

Mother's Day!



Well, that's very thoughtful

of you, son, but, uh,

don't you think maybe

you ought to run it by Kate?

Oh, Dad, I am. You see,

I'm gonna need a lot of help.

Hey, Kate.


Kate, would it be okay

if I cooked dinner tomorrow?

Is this for another

school project?

No. You see,

tomorrow is Mother's Day,

and I thought it would be nice

if I cooked something special.

Oh, I think that would be

very nice.

Very nice, indeed.

Oh, so it's okay?

Well, of course.

But are you sure

you can handle it?

Kate, come on.

You have a million cookbooks

here and I can read.

Besides, I can always

call on you for help.


That's what I'm here for.


Hello? Oh, hi, Alfonso.

Yeah, yeah, he's right here.

Hey, Alfonso.

How was your date last night?

She was?

She did?

You dog. Way to go!


That Alfonso!

First date and-and he talked her

into doing his homework for him.



start from the beginning again.

Weren't you almost finished

with that?

I thought it would be

more challenging

to start over from scratch.

Edward. I just had

the nicest talk with Rick.

Did he tell you about tomorrow?

Yes, he sure did.

I mean,

about him cooking the dinner?

Mm-hm. Isn't it wonderful?



You know, I always thought

that Rick saw me

as just as your wife.

But now I see he thinks of me

as more than that.

I can't tell you how happy

that makes me.

Oh, I hate to hear you say that.


It's for Evelyn.

What's for Evelyn?

This dinner

that Rick is cooking--


It's for Evelyn.

Well, of course it's for Evelyn.

I mean--

She's his mother.

I mean, what's a Mother's Day

dinner, without a mother?

Even if it is Evelyn.

I'm going to have a talk

with Rick, right now.

No. You can't. I-I don't want

you to say anything.

Honey, I think

Rick needs some--


Promise me you won't

say a word to Rick.


Okay. I promise.

Thank you. I mean--

It was just a case

of not thinking.

It could happen to anyone.


Rick should know better.

I was talking about me.


Whose nose is this?


Oh, that.

I think it's Mona Lisa's.

Well, tell her to keep it

off my floor.

Oh, Marie, do you think

you could be around tomorrow?


We're expecting Rick's mother.

And you want someone to referee?

Certainly not!

The last time she was here,

you two really went at it.

Oh, Marie, you're exaggerating.

Well, maybe we had a few words.

Yeah, a couple of words

I never heard before!


she's coming for dinner

and I-I was hoping

you would help us out.

Be glad to. But I gotta

be outta here by .

I promised my mother

I'd take her to dinner.

Oh, how sweet.

Yeah. I'm taking her

to her favorite spot...


Hi, Marie.

Hi, Rick.

Kate, which jacket do you think

my mother would prefer?

Well, which one did she send you

from London?

I believe it was this one.

You're lucky she didn't send you


Thanks, Kate.

That's what I'm here for.

Honey, are you sure

you're gonna be all right?

Oh, I'll be fine.

I have no problem putting

my personal feelings aside

and dealing with your ex-wife

in a reasonable,

civilized manner.


Or maybe not.






Oh, I keep forgetting.

It's easy.

It rhymes with "mate."


Rhymes with mate...

So, what are your plans

for tonight?

Oh, I'm taking Rick

to the theater.

I think he should be exposed

to culture now and then...

just as a change of pace.

Evelyn, you know

what your problem is?

Hey, Mom!



Well, I would love to hear

about my problem, Edward,

but the limo is waiting.

Have a good time.

Yes, have fun.

We always do.

Bye, bye.



I don't blame you

for letting Evelyn upset you.


I'm not upset, Edward.

Really, I mean,

it's perfectly understandable

Rick should make a fuss

over his mother.

She takes him to wonderful,

exotic, glamorous places.

I'm just the one who tells him

to clean his room,

do his homework,

and turn his stereo...

Kate, I need to ask you

a big favor.

Rick, of course.

What can I do for you?

Okay. Would you pick up

this package up for me?

We're going to be late

and I don't want Mom to see it.

Oh, well, what is it?

Her Mother's Day present.

Thanks, Kate.


All these groceries--

For one dish?

Kate this is not a dish.

It's "Rack of Lamb Grimaldi."

Of course. Oh, by the way,

I got the gift you wanted

for your mom.

Oh, great.

And I went over to Lawsons

and picked out the, uh, peach

colored roses you wanted.

Terrific! You know,

Mom loves those.


So, what did you guys

do last night?

Kate, we had a fantastic time.

I think I've found

my favorite restaurant.

I thought the restaurant

we took you to

for your birthday

was your favorite.

But this place

didn't just have tacos.

Kate, it was really,

really fancy.

And then when we got back

to Mom's hotel, guess what?

Uh, Evelyn ordered champagne,

cherries jubilee,

crepes suzettes

from room service,

and eight waiters brought

them in on a silver trays.

No. It was only three waiters,

and it was peach melba.

Oh, which reminds me--

I got a stain on my shirt, but

I told Mom you could get it out.

I said "Mom, if anybody knows

anything about cleaning shirts,

it's got to be Kate."

Thank you, Rick.

What kind of stain? Peach melba?

No. Caviar.

Of course. Kids are

always spilling their caviar.

It'll have to be pre-soaked.

Oh, thanks, Kate.

Yeah, well,

that's what I'm here for.

Okay. Roast rack of lamb.

"First step,

tenderize the lamb."

Rick what are you

hitting that meat for?

It's already dead.

Marie, I'm tenderizing

a rack of lamb.

Back off. You want

to wreck the rack, Rick?

Marie, I can handle this myself,

thank you very much.

Sure. You can handle the making

a mess part just fine.

But guess who's gonna have to

handle the cleaning it up part?

Marie, don't worry

'cause I'll clean up...

Do you know how many times

you've said that?

Well, I assume--


I keep track

of all your promises.

Marie, I promise,

this will be different.






The last piece.

Ha, ha, ha!

It's all fin-ished...

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

There's a piece missing!

Aw, Come on. Oh, no!

Marie? Have you seen Mona's eye?

Nope. Just her nose.

I've had it!

I can't take it anymore!

I cook, I clean, I run errands,

do laundry...

Mm! Mm! Mm!

Evelyn waltzes in here

once a year,

takes him a fancy restaurant

and the theater

so she can get all the

attention on Mother's Day.

So, what else is new?

I've made up my mind.

I'm not going to be here.

Honey, you can't do that.

Rick is fixing dinner

for all of us.

Well, I'll just eat in my room.



I feel a headache coming on.

And it won't go away

until Evelyn does.



Well, that couldn't be Evelyn.

She's not due for another hour

and she's never been early

in her life.


But, again, that sound like her.



You may rise.

Har! Har!


I know I'm early,

but I was hoping to spend

a little extra time with Rick.

So where is that wonderful

son of mine?

Uh, well, he's in the kitchen.





Mom! Please,

don't come in here.

This is a surprise.

Oh, but, dear--

No, no, no. Please!

Sit down.

Dad will keep you company,

won't you?

Of course. But please hurry.

Busy in the kitchen,

covered with flour...

Is he making a Mother's Day

dinner for me?

Can't put anything

over on you, can we?

You know,

he's quite a young gentleman.

It must be those early years

he spent with me.

Evelyn, ahem, you know,

you're not the only one

who should take credit for Rick.

Oh, did someone

leave the door open?

I feel a chill in here.

Oh, Evelyn, you're here.

Oh, Katie.


I can see we're going

to have a great time tonight.

I'm gonna go upstairs

and put on a tie.

I shouldn't be more

than a couple hours.

Well, I guess Rick

is still busy in the kitchen.

Oh, do you believe that boy?

Making all this fuss over me?


It's funny, how a child

can make you feel so special.

Yes, it's funny.



Hot! Hot! Hot!


Hotter! Hotter!




Okay, next step is to...

"Add the carrots and mushrooms

into the salad,

then toss thoroughly..."


Oh, yes, European men

are so gallant.

Speaking of men, how

is your husband, the count?

He's a duke.

Well, I knew he was

a royal something or other.



Kate! Kate, come here! Quick!


Kate, I knocked over

a pot of boiling water.

It's okay, Rick.

It's not too bad.

I'll get some butter.

No cold water is the best thing.


Is there anything I can do?

No, Mom, it's okay.

Don't worry. Kate's got it.


Rick tells me

his hand feels much better.

Oh, yes,

just a little cold water.

It's the latest wonder drug.

Thank you for taking care of it.

Oh. All in a day's work.

I noticed.

When he was hurt he ran to you.

Well, I guess he's just used to

my taking care

of dumb little things.


I thought I was the one who took

care of the dumb little things.


Well, I'm the mother

who drops by occasionally

to take him off for a weekend

of fun and shopping.

Rides in the limo, movies,

the theater...

Well, there's nothing wrong

with having a little fun.

I know, but you're the one

who's raising him.


And you're doing

a wonderful job.

Thank you.

But all of the good stuff

was already there.

I'm just helping it along

a little.

He's becoming a fine young man.

Yeah, a lot like his father.

No comment.

I know you don't mean that.

Maybe not.

Was this dinner your idea?

No. No. Rick's.

And if the lamb

tastes a little burnt,

pretend not to notice.

Come and get it.

Mm. That smells good. Lamb stew?

Yeah, well, it started out

as rack of lamb,

but it got a little charred.

Charred? It was cremated.

Well, uh, this is your day,

so, if you don't mind,

I'm going to go upstairs.

Wait, it's as much your day

as it is mine.

I wish you would stay.

Do you mean that?

Well, you're catching me

on Mother's Day.

I'm feeling sentimental.


Excuse me, do one of you mothers

want to call Mr. Stratton?


Well, anybody

feel like some dessert?

Oh, no thank you.

No, no.


'Cause I forgot to make it.


You did just fine.

Well, Mom, I had some help.

We'd be sending out for pizza

if Kate hadn't rescued

the wreck of lamb.

That's rack of lamb.

Dad, you didn't see it.

Well, then, thank you, Kate.

Never knew I liked a stew

with a charcoal flavor.

Well, I think it's time

for a Mother's Day present.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Oh, a locket. Isn't it sweet?

Well, look inside.

Oh, Richard,

it's a picture of you.

I can't remember getting

a nicer gift. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Well, this has been

quite a day.

Well, it's not over yet.

I still have one more thing

to do.



This is for you.

For me?

Today's a special day

for mothers,

and I'm lucky enough

to have two of them.




This is my favorite picture

of you two!

Ah, I thought I'd lost it.

Well, it wasn't exactly lost.

You see, I stole it.

Kate, that'll look great

in your office.

No. I am going to keep it

here in the house.

I want to see the men in my life

right here on the piano.

I'd do the same thing...

if I could find

a big enough piano.


You all through with this stew?


Yes, thank you.




Something in that stew

is looking at me.

Marie, what are you

talking about?

Ha! It's Mona Lisa's eye!


It's the missing piece.


Ah, get in there. Come on, baby.

Ha-ha! It fits!



