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03x23 - Sans Voir, Part I

Posted: 05/18/12 20:51
by bunniefuu
(tires screeching)

(engine revving)

(tires screeching)

(car horns blaring)

♪ ♪

Come on, come on.

(tires screeching)

(grunting and groaning)

♪ ♪

No, no.

Please, don't.

No, no.

(shell casings clattering)


(engine starts)

♪ NCIS: LA 3x23 ♪

Sans Voir (1)

Original Air Date on May 15, 2012

(indistinct chatter)

CALLEN: That's because of what?


Big guy overdo it this weekend?


Jeet Kune Do.

Trying to learn some new moves.

Might need to take it down a notch.

I know what you're talking about.

Did a little weight training on Saturday, mountain biking, rock climbing on Sunday.

Takes a toll on the body.

I thought you did Reiki on the weekends.

Funny you should mention it.

I actually do Reiki on the weekends, but after all the extremely grueling punishment I put my body through.

Reiki-- that's New Age body massage?

If you call aura manipulation massage.

KENSI: Reiki is actually when the practitioner places his hands on the client's body, allowing his own life force energy DEEKS: I'll have you know that Reiki is an ancient art with incredible benefit for those with an open mind.

And an open wallet.

I should've expected this from people not in touch with their inner connectedness.

Oh, come on, Deeks.

I'm just giving you a hard time, all right?

I was certified in Reiki two years ago.


SAM: I'll show you.

No, we don't have to do this.

I want to.

I don't think that I want to be...

Just relax, relax.

All right.

Close your eyes.

Feel the energy.

DEEKS: This is how it starts.

SAM: You feel that?

Can't say that I do.

You sure?

Yeah, nothing.

How about now?

Ah! S... No!

(Deeks sighs)

How is that exactly supposed to be healing?

By waking up that thing between your ears that actually believes that crap.

(calling whistle)

I'm hearing whistling.

It's the wind blowing through your wallet.

ERIC: Conrad Weaver and Earl Mayfield.

Both were employees of Point Blank g*n Shop and sh**ting Range in the Valley.

Point Blank is an FFL.

CALLEN: Federal Firearms Licensed facility.

Many of which have been responsible for a large amount of illegal g*ns finding their way into the hands of criminals.

Rich Mayfield is Point Blank's proprietor.

Bet he doesn't do Reiki.

NELL: Ex-Army ranger and suspected mercenary--

Earl Mayfield was Rich's nephew.

Also employed are Rich's brother Blake, cousin Neil and stepdaughter Mara.

The family that sh**t together stays together?

NELL: LAPD determined that Weaver was shot by Mayfield, who was then shot with a high-caliber round.

Rich Mayfield was Army.

Either of these two Navy or Marines?


The Mayfields have hired another employee recently.


For whatever reason, Special Agent Renko is undercover at the Point Blank g*n Shop.

You don't know why?

In the words of Mr. Beale, that would be a negatory.

What about his case handler?

I'm trying to find out who that is.

But the Point Blank investigation is not our immediate concern.

Mr. Beale?

There was a text on Earl Mayfield's cell phone suggesting that Renko was not who he said he was.

NELL: We sent Renko a coded message on his cell, but he hasn't responded.

HETTY: He's working at Point Blank as we speak.

Before his cover's blown, we should get in there and get him out.

No smoking, no food, no drinks. (g*nf*re)

Eye and ear protection are mandatory.

Your w*apon must be pointed downrange at all times.



It's a lot heavier than I thought.

Honey, maybe you should start off with something just a little bit easier to handle.

That's probably a good idea.

Why don't you take this one.

Ooh! Much lighter.

DEEKS: Little Miss g*n-Shy freaks out every time she sh**t somebody in Call of Duty.


All right, put it up, nice and easy.

Don't anticipate, 'cause that's when you blink.

Thank you.

Just trying to make sure you had the right form there, hon bun.


Easy. Feel...


Just making sure the recoil doesn't smack the g*n back into your forehead, "hon bun."

See Renko?

No, can't say that I do.

That's it?

(laughs): That was fun.

What can I do for you?

Looking to buy a nine.

Anything in particular?

Glock, maybe.

Not a problem.

Time to break up with Martha.

That's too bad.

I was just about to make a dishonest woman out of her.

(g*nf*re continues in sh**ting range)

He's clear.

Where you going, Hal?


Got a burst pipe, Rich.

Just got a text.

My kitchen's flooding.

I should be back in an hour.

Uh-huh. Pipe can wait.

Need to have a word with you.


We may have a problem.

(over earpiece): I think Renko's been made.

RICH: Blake! Blake!

BLAKE: Rich, what's going on?

Federal agents!

RICH: Blake, help!






SAM: We're clear.

I hope this doesn't interrupt any plans you had.

It could've been tomorrow.

Watch your head.

Well, I guess I should be thankful to somebody for saving my bacon.

Oh, yeah?

Who might that be, Renko?

Hmm, let me see.

Callen, Deeks, Sam-- definitely Sam.

Think that's about it.



There's no one else you could possibly think of?

There might be somebody, but I can't seem to put my finger...


Look out!

sh*ts fired!

Get down! Take cover!

Renko? Man down!





Renko, stay with me, buddy.

Don't do this to me.

Come on.

Stay with me.

Stay with me.

WOMAN (over PA): Dr. Chan to ICU. Dr. Chan to ICU.

The b*llet entered the maxilla, passed through the sinus and severed the carotid artery.

He's critical.

He would've bled to death if your team hadn't acted fast.

How long before we know which way the scales are tipping?

We'll keep you updated as soon as we know anything more.

Thank you, Doctor.

Is he gonna be okay?

Going into surgery now.

What happened out there?

We're not sure.

What do you mean you're not sure?

You were there, weren't you, Mr. Callen?

Did you secure the facility?

We cleared the shop and the range.

SAM: Renko confirmed we had everyone covered.

But you didn't.

I mean, obviously there were areas of vulnerability other than the shop and the range.


I expect to see you all back at OPS, ASAP.

Not me.

Someone should stay with Renko.

Yes, Miss Blye of course you're right.

DEEKS: I think maybe I should stay with her.

One agent is more than sufficient, Mr. Deeks, thank you.

CALLEN: Do you have an update on Rich Mayfield's cousin?

Neil Barlow.

Still stable but unconscious in the ICU.

Hetty still hasn't been able to identify Renko's case handler.

Rich's stepdaughter is our only source of intel.

What do we have on her?

Mara White--

26 years old, no criminal record.

Rich Mayfield married her mother two years ago.

She's been working as the bookkeeper at Point Blank since last summer.


Our guest in the boat shed should be able to shed some light on Point Blank's dirty little secrets.

And if she won't, maybe her hard drive will.

Okay, Eric, bring up the footage.

Let's see if we missed anything.

Is this the only camera angle?

Yeah, only one security cam in the parking area.

(g*nsh*t over speakers)

ERIC: Zoom in a little.


Well, from the angle and the way Renko dropped, that shot had to come from the hills somewhere.

Nearest place the sh**t could have been and not been seen is at least 300, 400 yards away.

The sh**t was trained.

I was on my way to D. C. when I heard.

What happened?

Why don't you ask them.


Why the hell can't I access Agent Renko's case file?

You were his handler.

I still like to keep my hand on the tiller once in a while.


But as assistant director, the agency tends to take a dim view on that sort of thing.

So you covered your ass.


It seemed like the prudent thing to do, considering.

What was Renko working?

We got a tip that Rich Mayfield's operation was dirty.

That he might be selling as*ault r*fles to a middle man who was gonna turn them around to a homegrown t*rror1st cell.

Did the tip pan out?

Renko was only under three weeks.

He was still gaining Rich's trust.

But he did allude to a special client he was gonna be taking care of soon.

And the sale is still pending?

It was supposed to go down in the next day or two.

We don't know anything else about the buyer.

He was gonna text Rich with a time and a place.

But maybe he's still in the dark about what happened today.

We had information that made us believe that Agent Renko's cover was in jeopardy.

Would you have preferred that we let that play out for the sake of the investigation?

Of course not.

But it didn't change the outcome, did it?

You were his handler.

Why weren't you handling him?

I told you, I was on my way to D. C.

There was an urgent situation.

A little advice, Assistant Director.

The next time you feel the urge to put your hand on the tiller, it might be prudent to actually keep your hand on the tiller.

Otherwise, the ship tends to veer off course.

WOMAN: Blood pressure is 120/80.

(indistinct PA announcement)

Mr. Renko's still in surgery, but it's going better than we hoped.

He's not completely out of danger, but he should be in recovery soon.

Thank you very much.

(phone ringing nearby)

WOMAN (over PA): Dr. Kaiser to Radiology.

Dr. Kaiser to Radiology.

California EDD records indicate there are two other employees at Point Blank.

From the security cam footage, neither appeared to be at work when Renko was shot.

Paul Manning was arrested yesterday by LAPD for DUI.

He's still in holding at County downtown.

ERIC: And Walter Henderson, 32-- arrests for as*ault, robbery, grand theft and illegal firearms possession.

A real Renaissance man.

ERIC: And here's the kicker.

While in the Army, he was enrolled in the sn*per school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

NELL: But he washed out.

He received a bad conduct discharge for multiple counts of insubordination and as*ault.

A Renaissance man with anger issues.

Angry 'cause he knew Renko was a cop?


We have a bead on this guy?

ERIC: Last known address was in Burbank.

Evicted two months ago.

No forwarding.

Contact local law enforcement.

Tell them to put out an APB on Mr. Henderson.

CALLEN: Eric, run a scan for facial rec hits and credit card activity.

On it.

You got something on your mind?

Lots, Agent Callen.



(alarm beeping)

Systolic down to 78.

Get him down to 100%, non-rebreather.

Pulse 130 and thready.

Doctor, w-what's going on?

We got it handled.

BP 78/56.

Give him two liters of saline.

Set up for ultrasound.

Running a 12-lead.

Pulse ox up to 82 on 100%.

(indistinct, overlapping conversation)

Soon as he stabilizes, prep for a central line to draw 50 of tenecteplase.

SAM: Seems like some of the murders are connected and others aren't connected at all.

DEEKS: Maybe whoever was sh**ting had a plan when they started.

Then they got a taste for it and the plan didn't matter anymore.

So the killings became random.


But I don't think so.


I wish I knew.

(phone ringing)


Yeah, she's right here.


CALLEN: Something in my gut tells me there's more going on here.

Yes, Miss Blye.

CALLEN: This case is complicated-- almost too complicated.

(murmuring): There's something that we're missing.

Something simple...

Thank you.


Agent Renko...

(clears throat)

...had a cardiac arrest right after surgery.

There was nothing they could do for him.

You decorate this yourselves or did you bring in Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?

Hal's a cop, isn't he?

Hal's name was NCIS Special Agent Mike Renko.

CALLEN: And he's dead now, Mara.

Shouldn't take you long to decorate a cell at Valley State.

SAM: I'm sure you could try many different styles over the next 20 years.

Here's the deal, Mara...

They're never gonna make her talk.

Dysfunctional, militant family like that-- she'll go to jail out of spite.

Listen, I know I didn't know Renko as well as you guys, but if you want to talk about it, I can...

I think that it's best if we focus on the interrogation.

Right, of course.

I'm just saying that if it's...

Of course.

CALLEN: So what's it gonna be?

I need a smoke.

No. What you need to do is help us with this investigation.

SAM: A federal agent has been m*rder*d.

You have any idea how much trouble you could be in?

I didn't have anything to do with that.

Then help us.

Did I ever say I wouldn't?


Accounting files on my computer go back to 2003.

There are handwritten ledgers before that when Rich opened the place in '98.

On the surface, everything looks legit, but it's not.

What are we talking about?

Receipts and invoices.

I'd say at least 15% are fudged.

SAM: Will you walk us through the paperwork?

Sure, but you probably won't need much help.

Snooki could tell you something's wonky.

Rich thought he was some kind of criminal mastermind.

He was a moron.

You didn't approve when your mom married him.

She made a lot of dumb choices in her life.

Marrying Rich was top of the list.

She wasn't exactly a charter member of Mensa, but compared to those inbred idiots, she was frickin'

Stephen Hawking.

And you worked for them.

I didn't know anything was wrong until I started.

But you stayed anyway.

I've got a kid, an upside-down mortgage and health insurance bills that run a grand a month.

Rich paid more than anyone else would have.

He paid you to keep your mouth shut.

And I did.

Then I guess he wasn't as big of an idiot as you say.

Rich confided in Renko that he was worried there was a bad apple among his people.

Someone who could bring them down.

Did Renko believe he was being baited?

He didn't think so.

His family-- have they been informed?

My office is handling it.

Did you get anything off Rich Mayfield's cell?

Excuse me.

Your office is what?

I made the call myself, Hetty.

Now, if it's not too inconvenient...

ERIC: Um, well, there...

Mayfield got a text on his cell this morning from the buyer.

The deal is supposed to happen soon.

Any indication where?


And I wasn't able to trace the cell.

It seems like it's a burn phone.

(tablet beeps)

Whoever it belongs to disabled the GPS tracking.

So we're in the dark.

ERIC: Whoa.

Someone may have just turned a light on.

Walter Henderson, our missing Point Blank employee, just used his credit card to rent a motel room in Sun Valley.

SAM: I don't think so.

I'm helping you take down an illegal g*n operation and you're gonna go all Rob Reiner on me? Serious?

(cell phone ringing)

Yeah, Eric?

Henderson just used his credit card to rent a motel.

All right, send me the details on the location.

We just got a lead on Point Blank's missing employee, Walter Henderson.

What do we need to know about him?

Besides being a first-class douche, Walter is not exactly the poster boy for mental health.

Bipolar, doesn't take his meds.

Another great combination, huh?

Said he didn't like the way they "made him feel."

Never mind how it made anyone else feel when he was off them.

Like he could snap at any time.

He'd be happy and joking one minute, then fly into a rage and beat the crap out of the filing cabinet, copier.

Really made the customers feel at ease in a store full of g*ns.

He had sn*per training.

Washed out 'cause he couldn't hack the math.

He was a damned good shot.

Saw him at the range myself.

Had no problem doing anything Rich told him to.

And word was that Rich had him do some really nasty stuff.

Not that I'm sure it matters to you...

... I really liked Hal.

He was different from the rest.

(door closes)

MAN: Oh, I hear you.

But that's just politics, ain't it?

I mean, you can't trust any of them, if you ask me.

(clears throat)

Well, 65 a night.

Or 30 for an hour.

Oh. I got to go.


This man.


Room 22, second floor.

The guy's a friggin' psycho.

Case you haven't noticed, this ain't exactly the Four Seasons.

Even for this place, guy's a friggin' psycho.

You want to explain that?

Well, he-he's nervous.

He's on edge.

I-I don't know if it's drug nervous or PTSD nervous or just nervous nervous, but the guy's a...

BOTH: A friggin' psycho.


Room have a back way out?


You might want to stay inside.

No arguments here.



To the room.


Sure, sure.

DEEKS: It's gonna be hard for you to believe, Kens, but this is actually one motel that I have no prior experience with.

Yep. Never been here for an undercover op or an under-the-cover op-- which is actually much more fun for all parties involved.

But it's kind of amazing, really...



I have a tendency of using comedy to diffuse tension in situations...

Shut up, Deeks.

All right.

And thank you.

Manager says Henderson's second- floor room has a rear window.

Why don't you two cover the back in case he's crazy enough to jump.

On it.

(lock beeps)

Federal agents!



Head shot.

(sirens wailing in distance)

He's gone into rigor.

He must have been shot right after he checked in.

Which means the sh**t is long gone.

Any number of buildings that shot could've come from.

sn*per sh**t sn*per.

Let's say Henderson shot Earl Mayfield and Renko.

Everyone knows he's unstable.

So Rich has someone else make sure he doesn't go blabbing about it in his manic phase.

Except we took out Rich before this went down.

He could've ordered the hit before.

DEEKS: I'm having two random thoughts, first of which is the movie Enemy at the Gates with the two sn*pers that try to sh**t--

That's not important.

I digress.

Secondly, does anyone else smell the proverbial rat?

Mara said these guys weren't geniuses, but this doesn't make sense, even for them.

T's assume that Ballistics will show that the b*llet that k*lled Walter Henderson matches those that shot Earl Mayfield and Renko.

So Rich thought his employee, Conrad Weaver, was the bad apple, so he sends his nephew, Earl, to k*ll him.

Only, Earl had information on his cell phone that suggested that Mr. Renko was the bad apple.

Which doesn't make much sense, but it is motive for two of the sh**t.

Well, if it is the same g*n, it's most likely the same person who k*lled all of them.

So then it would make sense that someone outside of the Mayfield organization was responsible for all three sh**t.

Or maybe Renko wasn't shot because Mayfield suspected his cover was fake.

Maybe there was another reason.

HETTY: We know for a fact that Rich Mayfield was ready to sh**t Mr. Renko himself.

So who has a motive outside of Point Blank for the three sh**t?

Someone with a grudge against the Mayfields.

Well, if you're in the illegal weapons business, your list of potential enemies is bound to be a long one.

(tablet beeps)

ERIC: A text just came into Rich Mayfield's cell.

It's our buyer.

He's got a time and place for the deal: East L. A.

Four hours from now.

Well, we need to make that meet.

He's gonna want to see the weapons before he makes payment.

Only, we don't know what they are.

My guess is that he was going to sell him AR-15s.

Two dozen were sold over a three-week period to various individuals.

Individuals who probably don't even exist.

We're lucky to sell one a month.

The receipts are in Rich's handwriting.

I've seen him work the counter maybe twice.

Okay, well, if the sales were bogus and Rich didn't know when the deal was gonna go down...

He hid them.

KENSI: Yeah.

So where'd Richie boy hide them?

There's a g*n vault, but even he wouldn't be stupid enough to put them there.

CALLEN: Any unusual activity at the shop or here at the range?

Maintenance? Construction?

A few weeks ago, there was some kind of problem with the backstop on one of the firing lanes.

Rich usually has one of the guys take care of that stuff.

This time, he did it himself.

I don't know which is the greater Henrietta Lange legend, her obsession with exotic teas or her capacity for single malts.

I need to know what's going on, Owen.

You were on your way to Washington.

Must have been important for you to leave an active op.

Yeah, it was.

There's a problem with one of our agents.

Is it one of mine?

I can't tell you more than that, Hetty.

There was a time...

When you would've told me everything.

Well, that was a long time ago.

And we were different then.

I miss those times.

I don't think you miss those times, Owen.

I don't think you miss them at all.


It's loose.

Got something.


Well, in the words of Monty Hall, let's make a deal.

The buyer wants you to meet in that parking lot.

Which makes us sitting ducks if that sn*per is on that bridge or any of those buildings.

Which is why I'm sending in teams to sweep them and posting our own sn*pers.

He spots us and gets spooked, we might never find him.

HETTY: You think the alternative is worth another one of our agents being k*lled?

We don't know that the buyer is the sn*per.

CALLEN: At this point, we don't know what we don't know.

Do we?

HETTY: This is not up for debate, Owen.

Either our sn*per team goes in or no one does.

All right.

KENSI: The parking lot is wide open.

There's no way our sn*per team can cover every single angle.

Got to take our chances.

Just like Renko.

ERIC: Teams have cleared the surrounding buildings.

sn*pers are taking rooftop positions.

I see three.

Hey, you Rich?


I'm Jeff.

Brent and Ari.

Carlo told us to help you guys unload the crates.

He's gonna pull the truck up in a couple minutes-- just went to get some Starbucks.




Should've asked if you guys wanted anything.

I think we've just been had.

Look, we just haul stuff to make some extra cash.

Put an ad on Craigslist, this guy Carlo wanted us to help him with a couple crates.

Picked us up in his truck.

Then he went to Starbucks.


I mean, that's what he said.

Is it dr*gs?

It's dr*gs, isn't it?


We didn't know!

Hey, look, I'll be straight up with you.

Campus cops wrote me up for some weed, but I have a card.

That's it, I swear.


ERIC: All three are students at community college.

No criminal records.

Jeff Foster was cited by campus security for smoking marijuana on campus, though he has a medical card.

Low-level anxiety disorder, early onset arthritis and foreign accent syndrome.


They said the guy that hired them was driving a rental moving truck.

Where the hell is he?

ERIC: We're on it.

NELL: Got him.

A half hour ago, parked on Northview, two blocks from the parking lot.

Can you see the driver?

Barely. I can't really make out what he looks like.

Either this guy's really lucky or he knew exactly where the camera was.

Nell, where was Earl Mayfield shot?

Where specifically on his body?

Coroner's report states the right mandible.

The jaw.

What about Henderson?


And Renko?

Upper jaw.

All three shot in the mouth.

You the cop who shot me?

Don't sh**t at me next time.

The b*llet is still in my head.

My mouth doesn't work.

Either this guy's really lucky or he knew exactly where the camera was.

I'm just the driver.

Picked us up in his truck.

MAN: Agent G. Callen, I know where you work, I know where you live, I know who you care about.

One day, I'm going to k*ll you.


That's all I live for.

It's all I care about.

(computer beeps)

Guys, our buyer just turned the GPS on his phone back on.

Lucky break.


No, he did it on purpose.

He wants us to find him.


The Chameleon.

It's been him all along.

Where is he, Eric?

Left out of the parking lot, three blocks.

Pulling up pictometry.

All right, looks like some sort of industrial area.

First gate, turn right.

ERIC: 400 yards and closing.

DEEKS: Looks like a DOT dumping ground.

You good?


All right.

100 yards directly in front of you, you should see him any second.

Got him.

Just a cell phone.

What the hell is he doing?

(cell phone ringing)

I need to take this.

Put the phone down now!

You need me to take this, Agent Callen.

(cell phone beeps)

WOMAN (screams): Callen!

Help me!

(woman panting)

What is it?

Pulling it up.

There's someone in it.

It can't be.

Dear God.

It's Hunter.

Help me!

I guess you don't want to talk to her after all.


So be it.

(cell phone beeps)
♪ NCIS: LA 3x24 ♪

Sans Voir (2)

Original Air Date on May 15, 2012


Not angry.

Well, I have to admit, I am more than a little pissed.

This wasn't supposed to happen to me.

I never promised you that it wouldn't.

Doesn't make you guilt-free.

No, it doesn't.

Gives you something to cling onto, though.

A slippery rock in a rising tide.

If not angry, then what?

I feel like I'm drowning.

Beats being blown up.

What am I?

The fourth.

There are more on the other side, of course.

You could stack the bodies like cordwood.

Who was number three?


Number two was Dom.

Sullivan was the first.

Do you talk to them, too?

From time to time.

You think I'm going mad?

Oh, probably.

Do you remember when you picked me up from the orphanage?

I didn't let go of your hand for three days.

I was seven and I...

Stop it.

Too soon for fond memories, Henrietta?

You always were an impertinent little brat.

That's why you loved me.

Too much.

He's not talking.

The son of a bitch who did this.

There's no explanation for his behavior?

No, doesn't make any sense.

He leads us there, kills Hunter...

And gives himself up.

He hasn't uttered a single word.

I'm gonna hand him over to Callen.


You think that's a mistake?

This whole thing's a mistake, Owen.

Who were you talking to just now?

The dead.

Let's start with your full name.

Okay, how about your first name?

Let me guess, you want a lawyer?

Sounds like he doesn't want a lawyer, Sam.

That's fine by me.

What do you want?

The right to remain silent?

That's fine, we'll give you that.

It's not gonna help you.

Because we both know, sooner or later you will talk to me.

'Cause that's what this is all about, isn't it?

You and me.

(door opens)

Do you have a minute?

What time is it?

The time.

Ten after 6:00.

In exactly six hours from now, I'll be walking out of here, Agent Callen.

And you'll be holding the door for me.


GRANGER: Agent Callen, six weeks ago an NSA analyst named Kelvin Atley went missing.

After he disappeared, the NSA discovered Atley had used his clearance to access a highly classified file, code-named Cherokee.


NELL: Cherokee is the cover name of an asset with access to the highest echelons of Iran's military.

In particular, Cherokee has supplied critical intelligence on Iran's nuclear program.

Atley knows everything about Cherokee, including his real name.

Agent Hunter got an anonymous tip about Atley in Paris, tracked him to New York two days ago and disappeared.

You think the anonymous tip came from the Chameleon?

Looks that way.

Then how do we know he has Atley?

We don't, but if he does, we need to get him back before he compromises our man in Tehran.

How does Renko fit into this?

As far as we can see, he doesn't.

I don't know why he k*lled Renko.

CALLEN: Maybe he was just trying to get our attention.

Why don't you tell us about Kelvin Atley.

I'd rather tell you about the Mayfields.

A family of g*n runners?

Unfinished business from five years ago.

A mistake to ever trust them.

Thank you for taking care of that for me.

You set them up.

Just enough for Agent Renko to get interested.

I thought they would find out he was an NCIS agent, but they didn't.

So you tipped them off.

Then tipped us off that Renko's identity had been compromised.

Setting the board.

So, why'd you sh**t him?

First move.

You countered by coming after me.

Second move.

I k*lled Agent Hunter.

You countered by bringing me here.

This is a game to you?

You play chess, Agent Callen?

A little.

The term, sans voir.

Playing blindfolded.

You are in a secure facility.

Who's the blind one?

You are.


And whose move is it?


A file-sharing Web site?

The password is...

"Muley Hassan."

ERIC: All right, it's a public Web site.

You upload your file, and anyone with the password can download it.

Muley Hassan.

Mean anything to anyone?

Last emirate of Granada in the 15th century.

Didn't happen to play chess, did he?


He would use prisoners from the royal dungeons as his pieces, and if one of the pieces were captured, he'd have the prisoner beheaded on the spot.

Chess club.


All right, download's finished.

It's a video file.

Play it, Eric.

I made a mess of this one.

I'm sorry that I let you down.

CHAMELEON: Go ahead, tell them.

He-he wants me to tell you that his name is Marcel Janvier.

He is a French national, born in Lyon.

He is holding Kelvin Atley.

If you don't give him what he wants, he'll put Atley on the market, and he'll sell him to the highest bidder.

CHAMELEON: Tell them what I need.

He wants $50 million deposited in his bank account by noon today.

He'll give you the account details.

(speaking foreign language)

GRANGER: Get that tape analyzed, Eric.

Does anyone recognize the language?


It... it was a number.

Like a phone number.

KENSI: How exactly does he think that he can k*ll someone in front of us, and then expect us to let him go?

Because Janvier-- if that is his name-- thinks we'll have no other choice.

Janvier for Atley.

He wants to do a prisoner exchange.

The number is a cell phone.


Turned off.

Burn phone-- number was activated three days ago.

All right, find out where it was bought.

Maybe we'll be lucky with the store's security footage or a credit card receipt.


We are not letting this guy go.


Indeed, we're not.

That's not a decision we get to make, Agent Callen.

Sometimes I really hate that guy.

Only sometimes?

How'd you get to Atley?

Same way I got to Hunter.

Same way I got to Renko.

Same way I got to you, Agent Callen.

Everyone has a weakness.

So what was Atley's?

Right now, you've convinced yourself that you will not hand me over for him.

Predictable response based on your emotional attachment to your dead friends.

Those who will ultimately make the decision won't share that attachment.

Who do you think's gonna want Atley the most, Sam?



Chinese would pay for him.

Mid-level analyst, top security clearance.

They'd have to believe he's gonna know something they don't.

Yeah? How about the Israelis?

Now, the Israelis would definitely be interested.

Guy like Atley could spill all kinds of classified intel about Iran that we don't share.

Bet you Tel Aviv is on their way to the ATM right now.

So you like the Israelis?

They're definitely in the hunt.

But I think there's someone who wants Atley even more than the Israelis.


They got a traitor in the house.

Atley knows who it is.


That's top dollar right there.

So we don't buy him, Iran does.

You abduct him?


A woman?

A girl.


He was very willing to believe me when I said we would be partners.

That's a nice try.

But Atley's gay.

He thought he kept it a secret from the NSA, but it's noted in his personnel file.

Welcome to the game, Agent Callen.

If you'd shared operational details, this would never have happened.

Your assumption, Henrietta, that your involvement would have resulted in a different outcome is egotistical, and it exposes your greatest weakness.

I should have been informed.

You didn't need to know.

(computer beeping)

ERIC: Uh, guys?

Um, I mean...

Cell phone's been turned on.

And we have a GPS fix.

What do you got, Eric?

Cell phone's been turned on.

GPS puts it at an abandoned freight warehouse downtown.

Address is uploading now.

Why wouldn't Janvier edit out what she said?

Either he doesn't care or he wanted us to chase it down.

Like we have a choice.

Don't lose that signal, Eric.

GRANGER: Not you, Agent Callen.

Want you to keep the pressure on Janvier.

Don't test me, Agent Callen.

(monitor beeps)

DEEKS: There's no people.

This place is like a ghost town.

I don't think I like this at all.

(sighs) Me neither.

You let me go once.

I didn't know who you were.

But now you do.

And you will still have to let me go.

That's not gonna happen.

Picture's up.

I'll take the back.


How's your mouth?

Mm, I still get headaches.


I find the sea air helps.

You slipped up the day I shot you.

It won't happen again.

You sure about that?

Are you?


(cell phone ringing)

Sometimes you have to sacrifice a piece to win an adage.

You need to know your opponent's next move before he does.


Get them out of there!

It's a trap!


Guys, get out of the building now!

(cell phone continues ringing)

Go! Go!

(grunting weakly)

You okay?

Yeah. You?









(sirens approaching)

(door opens)

You want to k*ll someone, try me!

In fact, here.

Use this.

All you got to do is squeeze the trigger.

Take it.

Take it!

And give you an excuse to break my neck?

I don't need another excuse.

You value the lives of Agent Hunter and Agent Renko less than the others.

You k*ll me...

And I win.

Stand down, Mr. Callen.

I said stand down.

Was, um...

Anyone k*lled?



Put that thing away before I take it off you and sh**t the bastard myself.

He was speaking Romani, wasn't he?

Oh, he knew what Hunter said the minute she said it.

So he planted the number, made her think it was important, then he used her to set us up.


The last time I lost an agent, I handed my resignation to Director Vance.

And I lifted it out of his pocket and I gave it back to you.

It's still in my desk.

Only, now I've lost two more agents.

She was special?

You know I don't have favorites, Mr. Callen.

You telling me that after all these years...


Could you see her, her face, at the end?



Did she know?

Was she afraid?

Angry and defiant.

And yeah...

She was afraid.

How long did you know her?

Almost 30 years.

Not as long as I've known you.

But like you, I found her in an orphanage.

Any other orphanage kids out there you want to tell me about?

She said something else at the end, didn't she?

On the tape, when she gave the number.

"I'm sorry."

She said, "I'm sorry."

She was saying it to me.

We're not letting this guy out of here.

We're not letting them exchange this guy for Atley.

And if we don't and Atley shares his secrets, a very brave man in Tehran will almost certainly die.

Do you really think we have a choice, Mr. Callen?

You should have let me sh**t him.


Traffic cams.


One traffic cam. Really?

Okay, so it's a red-light camera a block from the warehouse.

Let's try pulling up the footage immediately after the b*mb was detonated.

Oh, wait.

Go back.

(horn honking)

Whoa. That guy's in a hurry.

Maybe we just got lucky.

Plug the details into Kaleidoscope.

Let's see where this guy went.


Hey, Sam?

SAM: Yeah.

Sam, I got something for you.

What is it, Eric?

Yeah, we had a car run a red light at the end of the block less than half a minute after the b*mb was detonated.

Black M-Series Mercedes.

License plate is two-Sierra-Alpha...


Uh, how did you know that?

'Cause I'm staring right at it.

Eric, you might want to run that plate.

I'm on it.


Near the kid with the skateboard.


Could be.

That's them.


(tires squealing)

(horns honking)

(tires screeching)

That's a giant train about six inches to your left.

Deeks, shut up.

SAM: Can't make it! You can't make it!

Federal agents!

Get out of the car!

Put your hands where we can see them!

DEEKS: Get against the train.

Put your hands against the train!


Okay, the car is registered to...

Not good.

(cell phone ringing)

Yeah, Eric.

KENSI: Look forward.


No mistake?

No mistake.

Car is registered to the Israeli Consulate.

Sam, you're going to have to let them go.

They were at the warehouse.

They tried to get away.

If they weren't involved, then at the very least, they may have seen something.

GRANGER: I understand, Agent Hanna, but I'm telling you, cut them loose.

State Department has confirmed their identities.

They're both employed by the Israeli Consulate.



We've got to let them go.

Let them go.

That's an order, Agent Hanna.

Yes, sir.

You're going to be charged with the attempted m*rder of a federal agent.

You need to speak to your State Department.

We did.

This is an outrage.

Two federal agents are dead, and our allies are refusing to tell us what the hell is going on.

Don't talk to me about outrage.

It will never reach court.

Probably not.

But we could drag this thing out three, maybe four months.

Find you a nice, quiet corner in hell, have you begging to be sent to Gitmo.

I assure you, we had no idea this was going to happen.

If we knew, we would have warned you.

What were you doing there?

The same thing you were doing.

Looking for someone.


(train whistle blowing)

Cuff them.


I am going to make this as uncomfortable as possible.

He's a French national.

We lost track of him yesterday morning.

The last place we saw him was the warehouse.

So you came back and staked it out.

We had no idea they'd wired the building.

We got out fast and circled back to find out what we could.

And then you saw us.


If you have more questions, please submit them in writing to our embassy.

KENSI: Have a nice day.

Tell me you got it, Deeks.

Oh, yeah, I got it.

They're going to be so pissed when they check that camera.


GRANGER: Do I want to know where you got these from?

Probably not.

I count six guys.

CALLEN: Janvier got himself a new crew.

Find them, we find Atley.

Who's our mystery man?

NELL: We don't have a clear shot.

He's either obscured or looking the wrong way at the right time.

Photos are time and date stamped, and Santa Monica Pier is a tourist hot spot.

A lot of people with a lot of cameras.

We'll trawl the social media sites, see if we can pull together a panorama.

Janvier's got good protection.

They're obviously pros.

What about their cars?

Just a few partial license plates.

I could start a Kaleidoscope search.

KENSI: Narrow down the search parameters.

Instead of looking for individual cars, look for all of them in the same place.

Say, parked outside a house or in a parking lot.

It would be best if we could narrow the search area.

Nell, start your search on the coast-- Malibu.

Work your way south.

Janvier likes the sea air.

Will do.

Agent G. Callen.

You want to know what the "G" stands for?

Of course you do-- Gary.




I've had so many names, and you just want one.

Marcel Janvier.

One of many?

Why me?

You shot me.

But you came back.


I almost caught you.

But you didn't.

And don't make the mistake of thinking that I'm caught this time.

Whose move?


Choose carefully.

You don't have many left.

Come on.


Guys, I got a hit.

All three cars, same location.

It looks like a condo in Marina Del Rey.

Okay, we're taking a tactical team.

Call Callen. Let's move.

SAM: Their cars are still here.

We know if they are?

Condo manager identified Kelvin Atley from a photo.

18th floor penthouse, short-term rental.

Atley plus seven others.

We get Atley, it's game over.

We play our game, G, not his.

Either way, he loses.



Keys to the front door.


We're clear.

No wires.

It ain't going to go bang.

(pumps shotgun)





Looks like somebody beat us to it.


KENSI: Negative.


He's not here; he's gone.


In here.

So we've got almost 100 photos from social media sites taken at Santa Monica Pier that fit our time window.

Whole range of different cameras, different qualities.

Not to mention different subjects.

That a fish-eye lens?

For his sake, I hope so.

Okay, downloading the photos into the application.

Let the magic begin.

Well, lots of tourists.

And every one of them a budding photographer.

There's Janvier.

And there is our mystery man.

Let's come in from the other side.

Love this technology.

Mystery man has a face.


Can you zoom in?

Snip him and we'll run him through photo-rec, give our mystery face a name.

If this guy's in the database, we'll find him.

Consider him snipped.

Oh, damn.


Now I feel like a chili dog.

Yes, sir, I understand.

No, I have no idea how that could happen.

I will make it a priority, sir.

The Israelis are pissed.

The undersecretary at the State Department wants a full investigation.

He also asked me about a missing SD card from a camera.

I told him we didn't know anything about that.

Have you ever come up against someone like this before?


He's evil.

He's many things.

But there's only one thing he's not and should be.


(door opens)

So, we're all out of time.

They've authorized the exchange.

We give Janvier what he wants, we let him go, we get Atley, and the identity of our asset in Iran is safe.

You're gonna let this happen?

We are all gonna let this happen, Agent Callen.

So Hunter and Renko died for nothing?

They died to protect an asset that could be the only thing standing between us and another w*r in the Middle East.

There will always be another w*r in the Middle East!

Sorry to interrupt.

What is it, Eric?

We've identified the man Janvier met at Santa Monica Pier.

His name is Naseem Vaziri.

He's Iranian.

NELL: He runs an international air freight business, and the NSA believes he has close ties to Iranian intelligence.

What if Atley already told Janvier the name of the asset in Iran?

Janvier then sells the name to this Iranian, Vaziri, before he sells Atley back to us.

Janvier gets paid from both sides, Cherokee gets compromised.

Cherokee could've already been picked up in Tehran!

They could be torturing him right now!

Eric, find out if there have been any fund transfers into Janvier's account in the past 48 hours.

It's too late; we have to proceed.

We need to get Atley back, and that's the price we pay.

The price we pay?!

You need to let this go.

He k*lled our people!

Our people!

We are out of time, Agent Callen!

And we don't have another plan!

HETTY: I'm sorry, Mr. Callen.

I'm sorry.

Copy of the transfer documents.

$50 million wired to the account number you gave us in the Cayman Islands.

And binding agreement promising you immunity from prosecution signed by the Attorney General of the United States.


And a glass of water, please.


Get some water?

(speaking French)

Very good.

Tell them to bring Atley.

My move.

JANVIER: Straight ahead until I give you further directions.

Any clue as to where they're going?

They're heading towards downtown.

Turn right.

(tires screeching)

Any further fund transfers into his account?

Still working it.

Take the next left.


This is it.

The news team is a strategic move to keep you honest, Agent Callen.

Where is he?

The SUV across the park.

You can send your people to get him.

You okay?

NELL: I'm looking for eyes.

I got a traffic cam.

This is messed up.


Nothing we can change about it now.

That's Atley.

He's drugged.

ERIC: We're in.

Janvier's bank account.

Transfer early yesterday.

$50 million channeled through a bank in Moscow.

Where did the transfer originate?



So, Mr. Callen was right.

No turning back now.

(garbled radio transmissions)


No, this is not happening.


G, no!

You're not going anywhere.

Are you gonna sh**t me for the whole world to see?

Pull up that video feed.

One can never be too careful, Agent Callen.

G, don't do this.

Let him go.

(tires screech, siren whoops)

Federal agents!

We've got this covered!

Back down!

Put the g*n down!

Lower your w*apon!

NCIS! Federal agents!

(distorted, fading): Stand down!

He's a federal agent!

(voices overlapping)

OFFICER (distorted): Put the w*apon down!

SAM: Step back!


(voices distorted, overlapping)


(echoing): Your move.

KENSI: Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

He's with us!

Drop your w*apon, G.

Drop your w*apon.



Against the van!

Back off.


Hands behind your back.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney, to have an attorney present during any questioning.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided...

♪ ♪
♪ I was hoping for the phoenix to be rising ♪
♪ Above the roof ♪
♪ You were waiting for me to make the next move ♪
♪ And I thought ♪
♪ That I knew the way ♪
♪ And I thought for a second that you were gonna stay ♪
♪ Now I found another fork in the road ♪
♪ And I'm just guessing as I go ♪
♪ What the next move ♪
♪ Was gonna be ♪
♪ Next move ♪
♪ What's it gonna be? ♪
♪ Next move ♪
♪ What's it gonna be? ♪