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03x06 - Primal Instinct

Posted: 10/20/23 10:30
by bunniefuu
Fontaine: so what exactly happened out there?

He was dueling.

Then he just plum collapsed!

That's impossible!

I just looked at his stats.

No one falls into a state of complete unconsciousness

Just from dueling!

Well things did get pretty intense.

Yes but still... It just doesn't add up.

He must have a preexisting condition.

Jaden: hey. What happened?

Uh...why is everyone staring at me like that?

You're awake!

So are you.

What's the big deal?

Axel: this should do the trick.

The perfect combination of protein and carbs.



If I don't get my energy back after this...

Then we've got problems.

I've never felt this run down after a duel.

[Thinking] why does everyone think out loud at this place?

Anyway, I think I know what's causing axel's sudden fatigue.

And I bet this is just the beginning.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jaden: being sick rocks!

Do ya feel better, sarge?


That was fast.

Too fast if you ask me.

Mm. Mm!

Ah, you might wanna think about coming up for air.

Never get between a man and five trays of hospital food.

So when do you think you'll be

Coming back to slifer red?

Never, sy!

Dorm food is nothing like this!

Hassleberry: can ya spare a bite?

Dream on!

According to our latest test results you seem to be fine.

That was quite a recovery.

But don't be fooled, jaden.

Your body's been under stress.

We need to be certain that this won't happen again.

Therefore it's my opinion that you refrain

From doing anything strenuous for the next two weeks.

One question: is eating considered "strenuous"?

Fontaine: hey! Wait up!

Gotta jet!

But, jaden!

So much for "r" and "r"!

Slow down!

Oh, well.

I get the feeling he's not the resting type.

But if he gets tired again

Do me a favor and bring him back.

Sure thing. We're used to babysitting

For jaden at this point.

Hey...he's gonna be ok, right?

He's fine.

But see if you can get him to nap.

And no dueling for two weeks!

Jaden: I gotta find me someone to duel!

Jesse: howdy doody, boys!


Hey, so I guess you're ok!

Totally. Never felt better.

Good, 'cause I was startin' to get worried.

There's a nasty rumor going around.

Get a load 'a this!

They say you're retiring for good!

Are ya?

[Animal growls]

Aah! I've been hit!

Requesting back-up.

Down girl! Heel!

What's gotten into you, shirley?

Hassleberry: I'll tell you what's gotten into her!

My rear end!

Sorry, mate. But I'm afraid

That shirley here is not responsible

For her behavior.

Ah, jim? Who is responsible?

Not who's responsible.

More like what's responsible.

It may sound strange...

But something in the air

Has triggered her primitive instincts.


You understood that?!

Not a word.

This might clear things up for ya.

It measures vibrations in the atmosphere.

Normally there's a balance between positive

And negative energy.

But that's not the case here.

Maybe that's why you've been so wiped out lately.

I guess anything's possible.

Now what?

How are we supposed to get things balanced again?

We start by finding the source of the problem.


Well, viper...

The jig is up.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Your donation was most generous.

Soon the rest of your classmates

Will follow your lead.

Huh? What's this!?

Looks like someone wandered too far from the outback.

Oh, well.

I guess I just found my next lucky donor.

Ha ha ha!

Wildlife conservation is a hobby of mine

So I'm always making sure the environment

Is safe for shirley.




Come on. Easy now.

Lemme guess. Bad vibes?

That's why I covered her eyes mate?

I'm trying to minimize all the external stimuli.

This is no time to start speaking australian, jim!

Ah, yeah. Let's move on then.

"No time to be speaking australian."

[Hassleberry growling]

Attack croc-man!

Easy boy!


Hassleberry, chill!

What was that all about!?

I understand the croc...

But why are you goin' nuts!?

It's 'cause hassleberry's part animal!

And I'm not talking about his baboon brain.

Yeah. You're right!

Since his accident, he's had dino dna

In his blood!


Part dinosaur, eh?

Well, I have to admit that's a new one.

But it sounds fun.

So if it's a fight you want...

Then you can count me in, mate!


I'd love a fair go!

Dinosaurs are some of my favorite creatures!

Matter of fact, dinosaurs and crocodiles

Share a common ancestor!

So when you really get down to it, gents...

Hassleberry and shirley are cousins!

Must duel!

Don't go throwin' a wobbly!

I'm just looking for a friendly game, mate.

I don't know about you fellows...

But when I see a prehistoric monster,

The last thing I wanna do is duel it!

He does look vicious.

Then let's go!

I have a long life ahead of me!

And I'd rather not be hassleberry's next meal!

He wouldn't eat ya!

The worst thing he'd do is tear you to shreds.


I'm just kiddin', little buddy.

But you might wanna stand back.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get through to him,

And I can't be responsible for your friend's actions!


Game on, mate!


Dino man make first move!

Play gila-saur!

Now dino friend go bye bye.

He sacrificed gilasaurus!

And used it to bring out dark driceratops!


Watching him duel like this is pretty rad.

Yes, sir. I reckon having dinosaur dna

Would be kinda cool.

This duel's awesome!this duel's awesome!

[Thinking] I've got it! If I want to tap

Into hassleberry's primitive energy,

I've gotta use something that's just as primitive as he is!

My go!

Just the card I need! I summon...

My flint cragger!

Next I'll send 'im off to the graveyard!

But not before he does five hundred points of damage!


What in sam hill didja do that for!?

Hassleberry's back to normal!


Depends on your definition of "normal"!

Show some respect!

Drop and give me twenty!

I don't know what's worse,

A guy who thinks he's a dinosaur...

Or a guy who thinks he's an obnoxious drill sergeant!

[Thinking] little to they know that the real reason

I sent my flint cragger to the graveyard

Was so I could unleash a devastating spell!

It's the perfect w*apon against a dino duelist!

I play fossil fusion!

Fossil what now?

And you claim to be a dinosaur expert?

You aughtta be ashamed!


Fossil fusion takes a monster from my graveyard

And fuses it with one from yours!


Ohh! Hold me!

I excavate the remains of your gilasaurus

And my flint cragger!

Then I combine them together to form a new fossil!

From the depths of the earth...

It's fossil dragon skullgar!

Well I'll be!

Who knew you could mix and match your fossils like that!?

Obviously you never took intro to archeological dueling!

Unearthing fossils is lesson one!

I liked that course so much I took it twice!

Got an "a" both times.

But you could prob'ly tell.

Err! Look, I don't need some class!

I duel using my primal instincts!



In your face!


"Instincts" you say?

If I dueled like you...

I'd hit the books!

Hey! Err!

You may know more facts than I do...

But I've got one thing you haven't got!

Dino dna! Err!

And do you know what?

That's somethin' you can't get from some text book!

But your about to see that first hand, croc-boy!

Ready, soldier?




[Thinking] this aughtta throw 'im for a loop!

I play babycerasaurus!


[Thinking] that little pup only has points.

What's he up to?

Next I activate jurassic world!

Thanks to the sudden change in our natural surroundings...

My little pal here gets a boost.

[Thinking] that wasn't too impressive.

[Thinking] I bet he was real impressed!

Now I'll activate...

Volcanic eruption!


It's the perfect card

For a dinosaur enthusiast like you, jimbo!

It gives you the full prehistoric experience!

'Course there is a drawback.

Thanks to the molten lava...

All monsters are destroyed!


He just destroyed his own cards, too!

He did what!?

I guess he's still out-of-it!

No, guys. It's part of his plan.

Hassleberry: he's right!

And as for the rest 'a you guys...

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

See with my dino in the grave...

I get to summon a brand new soldier to the field!

And it's one of the finest members of my platoon!


Sabersaurus! Front and center!


I underestimated this bloke.

He may not have the training that I do...

But his instincts are the best I've ever seen!

It's time I tamed this wild beast.

What's that!? Speak up!

Lessin' you wanna get clobbered

With two hundred twenty five million years of rage!

Excellent use of dinosaur facts!

Did you know that dinosaurs are technically not extinct?

Well that is...until now!

I play the spell card...

Dowsing burn!


Heh heh heh! You like that?

Just wait until it digs up one of your old dino pals

Right before it buries one of your new ones!



Sabersaurus, no!

There's more, mate!

I've got sample fossil!

Show 'im what you can do!

Well, whatta ya know.

It's time for another archeological dig!

So let's unearth your sabersaurus!

Let her be!

A beautiful specimen, ain't she?

And the best part is the 'ol girl belongs to me now.

Give her back!

Sorry. But then I couldn't borrow her attack points!

Alright, pal... Attack him directly!


You mean ta tell me that's the best you can do!?

Well get this!

I play... Card of variation!

Thanks to this spell, I'm allowed to draw two cards from my deck!

Then I activate my living fossil!

Guess what, jimbo!?

I can do a little digging of my own!

So I'll bring back... Babycerasaurus!

But he won't be around for long.

'Cause in order to play my big evolution spell...

I need to sacrifice the little guy.

Now that that's out of the way,

My spell card stays active for three whole turns!

And that's gonna come in real handy!

'Cause now I can summon any dino I want

Without makin' a sacrifice!

So, brachyon, report for duty!


Next I activate the spell card tail swipe,

Which lets me choose a monster and attack with it right away!

And just so you don't feel left out

I can choose one of your monsters, too!

Aw, heck...i'll choose two 'a your monsters.

But they don't get to attack, like mine does.

It's just the opposite!

They go right back to your hand!


So I choose my brachyon to attack you with...

And on your side, I send sabersaurus to my hand

And sample fossil to your hand!

[Thinking] what a beauty of a move!

Alright, brachyon! Engage the enemy!


Shirley! You alright!?

Hey, hassleberry! Sweet move, bro!

You said it! That was awesome!

Hold on, guys.

Did you forget what's going on here?

The weird energy waves?

Of course you did; you're exactly alike.

Both: we are? What makes you say that?!

Since I used my card of variation this turn...

I hafta send one card to the graveyard.

So, sabersaurus, you're dismissed.

I'm afraid you're an endangered species, jimbo!

[Thinking] he's right. If I don't get rid

Of his high level monsters, he's gonna bury me!

Wait! That's it!

Here goes.

First I'll bid sample fossil "hooroo."

This lets me play...

Specimen inspection!

So I get to pick a monster type and a level,

And if you have a card that matches...

It goes from your hand or deck to the grave!

Come again?

Basically you lose one of your best monsters!


Pick a card, mate!


Ultimate tyranno...

Guess I'll discharge you.

Hooroo to that...

And g'day ta'this!

It's my fossil fusion!

So I can exhume my sample fossil

And your tyranno from the graveyard!

Then I fuse them in order to make...

This bloke!

The one and only...

Fossil dragon skullgios!


For a bunch of old bones,

That thing looks pretty tough!

I'm with you, sy. It's over.

No way.

It's not over 'til the last card is played.

Alright, let's see what ya got.

A whole lot, son!

And I'll start... With my brachyon!

Since there's a monster on your field,

He switches to defense mode!

That was a ripper!

Good on'ya!

[Thinking] he may talk funny... But he duels like a pro.

I held him off for now...

But to win this w*r, I gotta call in my reserves!

Bog in, girl!




Now. Why'd he stop??

Sorry to interrupt but my fossil dragon

Has a special ability you might wanna know about!

Even though it's in defense mode...

Get this: your monster's attack points

Are deducted from mine

And taken out of your life points!

That's a total of fifteen hundred points...

Which is all you have left!

Don't spit the dummy...

But I win!





I'm all tuckered.

Jesse: hassleberry!

Jaden: jim!

That's weird.

Somethin' sucked the life outta me!

I think I know what.

It's this bioband.

I could swear when the duel ended

They activated and somehow left us feeling stuffed.

I don't know about you, mate.

But I'm gonna have me a snoozer.

Ahhh...a firm mattress.

Alright... Over and out, boys!


Guys? Are they alright!?

Sure sounds like it!

[Jim and hassleberry snoring]

Aw...they're purrin' like kittens.

[Thinking] these students seem to give it all they've got.

And I'm happy to take it all away!

[Alarm blaring]

Display visual surveillance!

Well, well, well. Mister gecko.

Looks like you're next.